Study of the problems of socialization of children of primary school age. Psychological features of the socialization of a younger student. Factors affecting the process of socialization of the child

Influence on the socialization of junior schoolchildren of educational institutions

The socialization of children of primary school age can be considered as a socio-psychological adaptation, which manifests itself in:

  • intrapersonal, or actually psychological level: personal and emotional well-being, representing the "adaptive potential" of the individual;
  • behavioral, or social level: autonomy, the level of social activity, socialization and upbringing.

As a rule, children of primary school age demonstrate a fairly high level of development of social qualities:

  • they are purposeful and responsible;
  • for them, the assessment and praise of teachers and comrades are significant, social achievements are of great importance;
  • make friends with peers;
  • they try to help others, do good deeds, protect the weak, etc.;
  • able to empathize and forgive.

In a modern school, the issues of socialization of children of primary school age are paramount, which is associated with

  • modern education reform,
  • the changing social situation of the formation of the child,
  • the increase and intensification of the socio-pedagogical problems of children.

In accordance with new approaches in education, its goal is the development of the individual.

The school is the second most important institution of socialization (after the family) where the entire system of social requirements is transferred to the child.

The assimilation of social experience is formed by involving children in real relationships in microgroups, among themselves and with adults, with the school through the media and nature.

The main components corresponding to the main social functions are:

  • readiness for civilized human relations;
  • readiness on the meringue of universal values ​​for relations in the spiritual sphere.

The main conditions and factors of socialization of a younger student

The main conditions for effective socialization of the child include:

  • emotionally comfortable atmosphere in the classroom;
  • children's mental health;
  • favorable conditions for the socialization of the child, ensuring his psychological comfort in the team;
  • organization of psychological and pedagogical monitoring of indicators of development, health and education of children;
  • close interaction between teachers and parents;
  • formation of partnership cooperation, willingness to work in a socially-oriented direction.

The socialization of a primary school child will be more effective if:

  1. Regulate relations between adults and children on the basis of harmonization of real and universal values.
  2. Ensure the inclusion of children in socially significant relationships.
  3. Observe the rights of the child on the basis of the relationship of children's self-government and pedagogical management.

For effective socialization, it is necessary to train schoolchildren to develop readiness for certain actions in new life circumstances.

The main agent of the child's socialization in elementary school is the teacher. His culture, personal qualities, character traits, pedagogical abilities and attitude towards children can have both a positive and a negative impact on the processes of the student's socialization.

Remark 1

Social and pedagogical work is a systemic activity, the main function of which is to help the child to establish normal relations at school, in the family, in society; in organizing yourself.

The effective implementation of this activity is possible if several conditions are met:

  • study and wide involvement of the society surrounding the child;
  • pedagogical diagnostics aimed at a comprehensive study of the child's personality;
  • availability of social educators;
  • openness and humanity of the educational institution.

The influence of the family on the socialization of the younger student

One of the most effective factors of socialization, education and spiritual and moral development of younger students is the pedagogical culture of parents. Therefore, one of the most important areas of socialization of younger students is to improve the pedagogical culture of parents.

The family acts for the child at the same time as a place of life and habitat. The success of personality formation is predetermined by the family. The higher the quality of education in the family, the higher the results of the moral, physical, labor education of the individual.

Family and child are mirror images of each other. The best way to cultivate the right relationship is the personal example of parents, their care and help, mutual respect.

Remark 2

The formation of moral principles in a child occurs on the basis of his intensive mental development, which is indicated by speech and actions. The development of speech is a significant indicator of the improvement of the child's culture, a necessary condition for his mental, aesthetic and moral development.

Human development occurs in interaction with other members of society, in the course of activity, in the process of training and education.

Socialization in childhood places limits on what can be achieved through socialization in adulthood.



Hello, my name is Olga Alexandrovna. I am a teaching assistant.

Topic: "Socialization of younger students."

There are quite a few definitions of socialization at the moment. We will rely on the definition given by Tatyana Davydovna Martsinkovskaya. Let's write it down.

Socialization - the process of assimilation by an individual of patterns of behavior, psychological attitudes, social norms and values, skills, knowledge that allow him to successfully function in society. [Martsinkovskaya T. D., 2010]

The social life of children goes through a series of changes at different stages of development.

The situation of social development determines the personal development of the individual, which goes through a state of adaptation, individualization and integration as macro- and microphases. All these lines of development are interconnected and interdependent. Based on these provisions, it is clear that only with their joint implementation, it is possible to make such a progressive change that can be called the mental personal development of a person in the full sense of the word.

It should be noted that such development proceeds under the influence of the social environment, in the situation of education and training. All this correlates with the provisions that emphasize the importance of educative, developmental education with the help of all academic subjects.

Human development occurs in interaction with other members of society, in the course of activity, in the process of training and education.

Let's note, S.L. Rubinstein emphasizes that “the child develops by learning and being brought up, and not developing and being taught and brought up. This means that upbringing and education is in the very process of the development of the child, and is not built on top of it; the personal mental properties of the child, his character traits, abilities are not only manifested, but also formed in the course of the child's own activity.

After analyzing this thesis, we can talk about the need for a special organization of teaching a student as his educational activity. But it is worth noting that the school process today, as in principle the whole society as a whole, is going through a rather difficult period.

Many scientists, Ya. A. Kamensky, P. F. Kapterev, K. D. Ushinsky and others, noted that the family plays an important role in the successful socialization of younger students.

Features of the socialization of a child from an early age, depending on regional conditions, traditions and customs, have been substantiated in recent decades in the works of G.N. Volkova, N.D. Nikandrova, E.H. Shiyanova, R.M. Grankina and others. Let's note this.

In modern science, the role of the family in successful socialization is considered as a set of all social processes through which an individual assimilates and reproduces a certain system of knowledge, norms, values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society.

What qualities are necessary for successful socialization?

The indicators of successful socialization in primary school age are such qualities as diligence, independence, initiative, responsibility, which is recognized as the most important criterion for the transition of social reactivity to socially active behavior in primary school age. At this age, it becomes possible to self-regulate behavior based on acquired knowledge and rules of behavior. Younger schoolchildren try to restrain their desires, which do not coincide with the requirements of adults, subordinate their actions to established social norms of behavior (L. I. Bozhovich, A. N. Leontiev).

Socialization in the family depends on the relationships that develop within the family, on the authority and power of the parents, on the composition of the family. In the family, the child learns the norms of human relations. The family forms the child's personality through the implementation of a social function.

The result of socialization is the degree of social maturity of a growing person, that is, the accumulation of social human properties in himself.

Thus, to determine the effectiveness of the process of socialization of a younger student, it is possible to single out groups of criteria: social adaptation, social autonomization, social activity.

Let's write them down and consider what is included in which group.

1. social adaptation - active adaptation of the child to the conditions of the social environment, optimal inclusion of him in new or changing conditions, motivation to achieve success in achieving goals;

2. social autonomy - the implementation of a set of attitudes towards oneself, stability in behavior and relationships;

3. social activity - the implementation of readiness for social actions in the field of public relations, which is aimed at a socially significant transformation of the environment, independence, creativity, and the effectiveness of actions.

Socialization in childhood places limits on what can be achieved through socialization in adulthood.

When children enter primary school, they have a new status. The younger school age is characterized by a transition to a new social role.

What social role appears at this age?

(the role of the student).

The key to understanding the interaction between education and the socialization of children was the cultural and historical concept of L.S. Vygotsky and his followers.

Let's write down how socialization is presented in this concept.

In this concept, socialization is presented as a process of entry into culture that determines and fundamentally creates the subsequent development. Predominantly, the child is considered from the position of mastering the socio-cultural experience (A.A. Bodalev, M.I. Lisina, E.O. Smirnova), in the process of which there is not so much a gradual socialization that is introduced into the child from the outside, but a gradual individualization that arises on the basis of the internal sociality of the child (A.V. Brushlinsky). The formation of a child's personality is associated with the mastery of socially developed methods of analyzing the surrounding reality (L.F. Obukhova) and the development of social relations (M.I. Lisina). The cultural development of the individual is understood as the mastery of social means and, above all, language, speech, words, which is the general line of development of the child. The process of formation of the child's personality in the concept of L.S. Vygotsky is based on the consideration of the categories of "activity" and "development" - the central concepts in general psychological theory and the concept of personality. The formation and mastery of higher mental functions, their sociogenesis takes place in the process of the child's interaction with social reality in activity and communication. The socialization of an individual is considered in terms of: "social situation of development", "leading type of activity", "personal neoplasms", "crisis", and age-related neoplasms are an indicator of personal development.

Children are realized within the framework of two main areas of the social structure in which they are trained:

Formal, associated with the school system;

Informal, associated with partnerships.

Status in both of these social structures is determined primarily by the social skills and achievements of the child, and not by official status.

Learning to socially interact is the main task of the development of younger students in the initial period of education. During this period, personal growth and biological changes take place.

When younger students enter school, their relationships with others change, and quite significant ones at that. First of all, the time allotted for communication increases significantly. It is worth noting that at this age the leading activity of the child changes, which means that there are changes in the topics of communication, which now do not include topics related to the game.

At school, children will be influenced by two groups of agents of socialization: teachers and peers.

For children of primary school age, an adult isauthority, and children almost unconditionally accept his assessments. Even in the case when a child characterizes himself as a person, there is basically a repetition of what the adult says about him. Self-esteem directly depends on this. Gradually, children begin to evaluate not only the result of their actions, but also the process.

The process of socialization includes learning during which the younger student learns to interact with other people (students and teachers).

Children's social interactions with peers contribute to their cognitive development.

What is the leading activity in primary school age?

The leading activity in primary school age is educational. The attitude of children to learning is primarily characterized by the search for knowledge.

At primary school age, there is a significant expansion and deepening of knowledge, the skills and abilities of the child are improved.

The importance of the school as an institution of socialization can be broken down into three parts: the school and society, the class, and the teacher.

The school is the first institution of socialization that allows children to develop new attachments and feelings that go beyond the family and have a wider social spectrum.

One of the main functions of the school is to instill a culture of behavior, understanding, to be compassionate and sensitive in society.

Children at primary school age can control their behavior based on the intention, decision, thanks to the increased level of self-control. Having the experience gained in playing, educational and labor activities, the child has the prerequisites for motivating him to achieve success.

One of the most important new formations in primary school age is the transition from direct behavior to mediated, conscious, voluntary. The child learns to actively build his activity in accordance with the set goals, intentions, decisions, which indicates the emergence of a new level of organization of the motivational-need sphere, being an important indicator of personal development.

A younger student develops motives that stimulate the desire for self-affirmation, the emergence of self-love, a change in the ability to arbitrarily regulate behavior. Broad social motives become the most important for the child's consciousness. Such as the motives of self-improvement, self-determination, duty and responsibility. These motives are the result of social influences. Therefore, the child begins to be guided by conscious goals, social norms, rules, ways of behavior.

At primary school age, further improvement of voluntary emotional regulation of behavior takes place.

According to many scientists, the interests of younger students are dynamic: they are unstable (A.A. Lyublinskaya), situational (N.G. Morozova), short-lived (S.L. Rubinstein), superficial (V.V. Davydov). A pronounced cognitive interest at this age is based on the intuitive acceptance of the value of knowledge (V.V. Davydov).

The younger schoolchild begins to realize himself not as isolated, but as being in the system of human relations. In this way he experiences himself as a social being.

It can be concluded that the socialization of a younger student is a process of acquiring experience in social relations and mastering new social roles, which takes place in areas of activity. Communication and self-knowledge through the development, recognition, appropriation, enrichment and transfer by the child of the experience of social interaction between children and adults. At the same time, in the process of socialization, the child develops a readiness for social actions.

Socialization is a positive result of socialization, which is understood in general terms as a set of individual personality traits that provide the greatest success in activities that are significant for a given individual, positive self-perception and emotional satisfaction with life in general.

Socialization E.P. Belinskaya and T.G. Stefanenko is understood as the main criterion for the socialization of the individual, the person's compliance with the social requirements that apply to this age stage, as the presence of personal and socio-psychological prerequisites for the transition to new situations of social development to fulfill the tasks of the next stage of socialization.

Essence of socialization

Definition 1

Socialization is the process of including a person in the system of social relationships through the assimilation of social norms and values, social experience and rules of conduct, cultural values.

Socialization is a process that covers all areas of life, including:

  • The study and development of human norms of society and its values ​​throughout life;
  • Formation of the socio-cultural experience of a person;
  • Formation of personality, study of social norms and values, groups, society as a whole and their assimilation;
  • The introduction of a person into public life, his self-realization, as well as the implementation of accumulated experience.

It is customary to distinguish between primary and secondary socialization. Primary socialization occurs from birth and ends with the formation of an adult, the formation of personality. Secondary socialization falls on the adult period of personality development and consists in the self-realization of a person in the family, profession, etc., the formation of one's own system of values, the accumulation of independent experience and its transfer to the next generation.

Stages of socialization

Depending on age, it is customary to distinguish the following stages of socialization:

  • childhood;
  • youth;
  • maturity;
  • old age.

In childhood and adolescence, the foundations of social rules of behavior are laid, key social norms and rules are assimilated. Maturity and old age are characterized by the destruction of previously learned norms and the formation of new ones, as well as their transmission.

Features of the socialization of the student

Definition 2

The socialization of a schoolchild is the assimilation by a schoolchild of the norms and rules accepted in society, values ​​for successful inclusion in the system of social relations.

The socialization of a student can occur spontaneously through imitation and purposefully through training and education. Spontaneous socialization can have negative consequences, therefore the task of the school as an agent of socialization is purposeful, to reduce and neutralize the negative effects of spontaneous socialization.

The following criteria for a successfully socialized student can be distinguished:

  • the student has his own "picture of the world", as well as formed attitudes and values;
  • the student is adapted to the world around him;
  • the student realizes himself as a member of the group and a sense of his own "I" is formed;
  • the student is initiative, there are no complexes, he feels his independence.

Adolescence carries many features that give the process of socialization of the student its own specifics.

A feature of the socialization of a schoolchild, which occurs mainly in adolescence, is the presence of a large number of situations where a teenager is faced with the task of social choice. During this period, a teenager seeks psychological support in his close environment, so it is important that such agents of primary socialization as family, friends, and school have a beneficial effect.

Another feature of the student's socialization is the widespread and influence of the Internet and other information networks. The student gets the opportunity to access information, being not ready to accept it. Information networks become an instrument of influence on the student, including agents of socialization that carry negative experience.

Among the features of the socialization of the student can also be attributed to the features of modern society. Currently, there is no single system of values, norms, rules in society, in connection with which a teenager is faced with a variety of these very norms, and is forced to make a choice of those norms that he will observe.

Features of the socialization of schoolchildren are also associated with the mental characteristics of adolescence. During adolescence, there is a decrease in the severity of conflicts, schoolchildren have good physical and psychological well-being, strive to communicate, establish contacts, become less anxious, their self-esteem increases.

Remark 1

At the same time, it should be noted that during adolescence, the student's attention to his inner world increases, during this period the child is immersed in himself.

Under certain circumstances of communication, a pronounced gender-role differentiation is observed, which borders on a fairly frequent infantile-role inflexibility. Adolescence is often accompanied by a heightened sense of loneliness. In the process of socialization, the student develops a worldview, self-awareness, attitude to reality, character, personal and communicative qualities, mental processes, accumulates social and psychological experience, acquires independence, self-confidence, resistance to stress, etc.

Remark 2

Thus, summing up the above, we can say that the group has the greatest influence on the establishment of social relations between its members, creates opportunities for group members for personal development and effective joint activities, and is a means of successful social adaptation of the student.

The key means of personality formation and development at school age are interpersonal relationships, so self-knowledge by schoolchildren is carried out in the framework of communication with classmates and friends at school.

The current system of schoolchildren's socialization in our country faces a number of dangers, for example, the severity of the problem of "fathers and children", cruelty, lack of patriotism, lack of initiative, low social status of the family, the desire to benefit, the primitiveness of interests and desires. These factors are destabilizing in nature, which can be changed through the school, namely through the formation of a more voluminous system of humanitarian knowledge, the implementation of training based on the principles of cooperation, democracy, solidarity, respect.

Today, for educational institutions within the framework of the socialization of the student, the tasks of forming an independent mature personality, capable of reflecting their own abilities, with developed spiritual and moral values, psychologically ready to enter adulthood, are becoming especially relevant.

Socialization is understood as the process of assimilation by a human individual of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society. The successful course of this process depends on the active position of the individual and the degree of assimilation of social experience by the individual. The process of socialization has a stage-level character, which ultimately determines the degree of socialization of the individual.

In sociology, there are many types of socialization process, such as economic, political, legal, environmental, gender role, family, school, institutional, etc.

P. Berger and T. Lukman distinguish the following types of socialization:

- Primary socialization , which provides for the accumulation of social experience in a situation where a person's need is activated, but there is no way to satisfy it. As a rule, primary socialization takes place in a family environment.

Features of primary socialization:

  • 1) Primary socialization forms stereotypes of human behavior;
  • 2) The social experience of primary socialization is assimilated easily and is hardly destroyed;
  • 3) Social experience is formed against a positive psychological background.
  • - Secondary socialization or institutional socialization involves the accumulation of social experience in social institutions.

Features of secondary socialization:

  • 1) Social experience is acquired with difficulty and easily destroyed;
  • 2) Sanctions are the main mechanism of social experience. Under the influence of the requirements of society and the immediate environment, a person develops self-control, the basis of which is the norms and values ​​of society that he assimilates.
  • 3) It is easier to assimilate the social experience that is similar to the experience of primary socialization.

In the process of socialization of children, the following features are distinguished:

  • Unlike adults who change their behavior more often than attitudes (that is, they are capable of self-government, individually and socially significant action), children correct their basic value orientations, which are fixed at the level of emotional-value relations in the process of entering society;
  • Adults are able to evaluate social norms and treat them critically; children learn them as prescribed regulators of behavior;
  • socialization of children is based on obedience to adults, the fulfillment of certain rules and requirements (without evaluative and reflective processes);
  • socialization of adults is focused on mastering certain skills (operational-technical sphere), in children the leading role belongs to the motivation of behavior (motivational-need sphere).

This specificity of the child's socialization requires a special organization of the activities of adults - a comprehensive support of the social development of the child in the process of his upbringing, education and development.

Factors affecting the process of socialization of the child

A factor (as opposed to conditions) is an essential circumstance, a driving force, and a cause. A special place among the factors of socialization is occupied by the system of education of the younger generation. Society through institutions has a mass, collective, group and individual impact on each child.

The socialization of the child's personality occurs under the influence of various factors, which is confirmed by numerous studies in social pedagogy and sociology. Among the factors of human socialization include:

  • 1) microfactors - the immediate environment of the child's life, the immediate social environment: family, neighbors, children's community, microsociety;
  • 2) mesofactors - ethnosociocultural conditions of the region, subculture, media, type of settlement (megalopolis, medium city, small town; port, industrial, resort center, industrial-cultural; village - large, medium, small);
  • 3) macrofactors - a country, an ethnic group, a society, a state (as a certain socio-economic, socio-political system, within which the entire process of a person's life activity takes place);
  • 4) megafactors - space, planet, world, which correlate with aspects of national, regional, continental and global in human development.

Microfactors (family, peers, teachers) are the most significant in the primary socialization of the child. The immediate environment has an impact on the formation of personality in the process of everyday life. The family implements functional socialization and education, provides comfort, safety, psychotherapy and emotional protection of the child. The mechanisms of family socialization, as well as socialization in general, are natural assimilation through imitation. assimilation of norms and rules through relationships (communication and activity), gender-role identification, communication with peers.

Mesofactors (language, national character, temperament, mentality, traditions, customs, "folk education", climate, geography, type of settlement, nutrition) play an important role in the development of the social world. The implementation of socialization mechanisms through the transfer of the experience of parents and relatives allows the child to assimilate ethnic culture.

Macrofactors (demographic, economic, socio-political processes) globally determine the course and direction of socialization taking place against the backdrop of integration processes in the world community.

Megafactors (Earth, space, planet, world, Universe): the number of threats (challenges) to humanity is currently increasing. This circumstance has an indirect impact on the process of socialization of the younger generation. It defines the basic ideological attitudes and ideals of mankind at the present stage of its development.

Traditional approaches to the problem of socialization of a child today cannot satisfy the social needs of society and impede the process of socialization.

It is believed that this process is carried out throughout a person's life, but the foundations for successful socialization are laid in childhood. Early school childhood is a period of active mastery of the mechanisms of socialization, assimilation of the norms of social behavior, acquisition of social orientation, social role. Children learn to master their own emotions and acquire the experience of practical thinking in the figurative and objective terms precisely in the preschool period. Even at the age of six, preschool social cognition is firmly fixed in such a position as “I and society”.

In childhood, socialization agents, that is, persons with whom the child has direct interaction, have a huge impact on the process of socialization. They may be:

  • - family (parents or persons constantly caring for and communicating with the child, brothers or sisters);
  • - school (primarily teachers in primary school age);
  • - society (peers, friends)

The technique of communication is based on such a process as identification (identification).

It has been established that under the conditions of demonstrated identification, the mood, self-esteem and social activity of the child increase: he communicates with the class at the level of reflection and empathy. Identification as a style of communication is ensured by the formation of positive identification personal qualities. At the same time, communication with peers acts as a school of social relations - the child practices in actions assigned to them from an adult.

In relationships with adults and peers, the child not only assumes the role of another, but also identifies with him, assimilating the type of his behavior, his feelings and motives, or attributing his own motives to another.

In order for the socialization of the child to be most successful, it is necessary for him to master the socially developed methods of analyzing the surrounding reality and mastering social relations. It is at primary school age that a child develops intensively mental processes, including imagination as the basis of creativity, the creation of something new.

Imagination is directly related to the semantic sphere of the child and is characterized by three stages (simultaneously and components of this function) in development:

  • - reliance on visibility (subject environment);
  • - reliance on past experience;
  • - a special internal position of the child, which is formed by the end of preschool age and is further developed at primary school age.

Imagination serves as an instrument of cognitive activity and performs an affective, protective function: through self-affirmation of oneself in ideal situations, playing them, the child is freed from traumatic moments. Imagination is the psychological mechanism that underlies the process of becoming arbitrariness in the emotional sphere.

At primary school age (from 6-7 to 9-11 years old), the child develops the ability and need for a social function, he experiences himself as a social individual - the subject of social action. The reason for everything is a personal new formation of the crisis of this age - a special internal position: a system of needs associated with a new, socially significant activity - teaching.

Education is designed to help a person acquire scientific concepts, in contrast to worldly ones that are formed spontaneously, to promote the connection of a person’s being directly with culture.

It is important that the educational process fully embrace and use the principle of interaction between the school and the family for the full implementation of the socialization process at this and subsequent age stages. From the age of five to ten, the knowledge of the child is reduced to the observation of the phenomena of the surrounding world. As a result, clear images of the forms of life and human activity are developed, the realization that a person is responsible for his behavior can combine the performance of several social roles.

During this period, the child must learn to observe, ask questions and reason. This type of cognition is not yet systematic, but rather a heap of images that can already be classified into groups of images that differ in structure (structure) and activity (functionality).

The place and role of the formation of ideas about social reality as an indicator of the success of the child's socialization (taking into account the specifics and characteristics of this process in a younger student) in organized forms - social upbringing and education - is interesting.

So, socialization is a process that plays an important role in shaping the personality of a child. We have identified its features, types and factors. Even at the senior preschool age, when the status of a schoolchild is “at hand”, it is important that the child learns to interact with the environment, which contributes to his socialization in society.



Chapter 1. Theoretical Foundations of the Socialization of Primary School Students

1.1 Concept, structure, criteria of socialization …………………………….3

1.2. Features of socialization of primary school students ……………….7

1.3. Pedagogical potential of leisure activities in the socialization of younger schoolchildren ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21

Chapter II Experimental studies of the communicative function of socialization of younger schoolchildren by means of leisure.

2.1. Research methods and organization ……………………………………42

2.2. Analysis of the state of the communicative function of the socialization of the younger

schoolchildren ……………………………………………………………………….45


List of used literature……………………………………………52



The recent significant changes in the social situation of Russian society have become a prerequisite for reforming the education process, which is based on its humanistic orientation, including the tasks of individualization and socialization of the child's personality. Especially relevant for society is the socialization of the younger generation. It is during childhood, adolescence and youth that the basic structures of the personality are formed, the qualitative characteristics of which largely depend on the degree of pedagogization of the environment.

Today, education should be focused on achieving two interrelated goals: the successful socialization of the younger generations in modern conditions and the self-development of a person as a person and a subject of activity. In this regard, the content of education becomes the provision of the process of socialization and self-development of the individual on the basis of technologies and means of pedagogical support.

In today's ever-complicating socio-political, economic life, the problem of including a person in social integrity, in the social structure of society is actualized. The process of assimilation by an individual of a certain system of knowledge, norms, values, allowing him to function as a full-fledged member of society, has recently received the name "socialization".

Fundamental in solving this problem, in our opinion, is the process of socialization of children of primary school age, because it is during this period of childhood that the personality structure crystallizes.

The socialization of the rising generations is a complex continuous process in which, on the one hand, the needs of a single individual adapt to the needs of society, but this adaptation is not passive, leading to conformism, it is an active creative process of appropriating universal human values, when an individual shows all the power of his essential forces, voluntarily building his role in society, self-actualizing. On the other hand, society forms the norm of morality and behavior, pedagogically expedient forms of relations between people in the family, at school, in leisure institutions, in other social environments surrounding a person. In truth, a powerful stimulus for the creative development of children, the flourishing of their abilities, expanding the range of interests, humanizing thoughts, feelings and actions, creative activity is leisure and, in particular, leisure associations, which represent a phenomenal pedagogical system, where the process of formation and development of the individual is not limited to the “social order”, but is carried out on the basis of dominant needs and motives of behavior.

With all the positive aspects of leisure, it can be noted that leisure is clearly subject to the state of politics, economics, ideology, education and culture. An example is command-and-control style time. As practice shows, the leisure of the younger generation, with a relatively low culture of its use, not only does not bring the expected restoration of lost strength, the flowering of creative abilities, and the like, but, on the contrary, turns into a criminogenic factor in society.

In domestic science, little attention was paid to the issue of socialization of the younger generation under the conditions of the command-administrative system. The fragmentation of existing theoretical developments and the limited empirical material on issues related to the socializing impact of leisure and reducing it mainly to the implementation of an educational function significantly reduces the effectiveness of practical activities in the field of leisure, which also determines the need and relevance of this study.

The problems and issues of socialization were dealt with by: G. Sullivan, J. G. Mead, T. Parsons, B. Skinner, O. Brim, Shombar de Love, B. Berkson, G. Walter, R. Boris, L.S. Vygotsky, P.L. Galperin, A.P. Leontiev, J. Piaget, S.L. Rubinshtein, I.S. Cohn, B.D. Parygin, M. Kaplan, D.R. Kelly, A.S. Makarenko, A.V. Mudrik, D. Mundi, V.A. Sukhomlinsky and others.

At the same time, despite such a representative circle of scientists who have studied the problem of socialization of the younger generation, there are still little explored areas, one of these problems is the organization of leisure activities for younger students as a means of socialization.

Object of study : process of socialization.

Item: leisure activities as a means of socialization of younger students.

Target : to determine the pedagogical conditions for the socialization of junior



1. To study the psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue.

2. Consider the features of the socialization of younger students.

H. To analyze the influence of the organization of leisure activities on the communicative function of the socialization of younger schoolchildren.

4. Develop a program for organizing leisure activities as a means of socialization of younger students.

Research methods : : mathematical and statistical methods, observation, conversation , mmethod of Rene-Gile "Film - test", analysis of documents, analysis of scientific - methodological literature.

Research Base : MOU "Yashkinskaya secondary school of the Krasnogvardeisky district"

I would like to note that the relevance of this work is confirmed by the state of the family and childhood in Russia (an increase in the number of dysfunctional, single-parent families, street and neglected children), the situation of social and leisure centers (lack of material resources of qualified personnel), as well as the economy and politics of Russia at this stage of development (the presence of various conflicts, questions about the use of the budget, and the development of programs to protect children).

1 . Theoretical Foundations of the Socialization of Primary School Students

1.1. Concept, structure, criteria of socialization .

The assimilation by the child of social norms and rules accepted in society occurs through socialization.

"Socialization" is the process and result of the assimilation and active reproduction of social experience by the individual, first of all - the systems of roles are social. Personal socialization is one of the leading concepts of social pedagogy, being interdisciplinary, it reflects a rather complex social phenomenon.

In the scientific literature, you can find various definitions of this concept, such as: socialization is a complex multifaceted process by:

Assimilation by an individual during his life of social norms and cultural values ​​of the society to which he belongs;

Assimilation and further development of socio-cultural experience by the individual; - the formation of a personality, the learning and assimilation by an individual of values, norms, attitudes, patterns of behavior inherent in a given society, social community, group;

The inclusion of a person in social practice, the acquisition of social qualities by him, the assimilation of social experience and the realization of his own essence through the performance of a certain role in practical activities, etc.

Common to all approaches is the consideration of socialization as a result and mechanism for the acquisition of social experience by a person in the process of life.

The concept of "socialization" entered psychology in the middle of the twentieth century.Socialization - this is the process and result of the assimilation and active reproduction by the individual of social experience (norms, skills, stereotypes, attitudes, forms of behavior and communication accepted in society). In the process of socialization, the formation of a person's personality and self-awareness takes place.

Components of the socialization process. In general, the process of socialization can be conditionally represented as a combination of four components:

Spontaneous socialization in the process of spontaneous human interaction with

society and the spontaneous influence on it of various, usually differently directed, circumstances of life;

Concerning guided socialization in the process and as a result of the influence of the state on the circumstances of life of certain categories


Regarding socially controlled socialization in the process

systematic awareness by society and the state of the conditions for education


More or less conscious self-change of man.

Spontaneous socialization occurs throughout a person's life in the process of his spontaneous interaction with society. A particular person interacts not with society as a whole, but with its various segments. Such segments can be very different, numerous and not at all adjacent phenomena: family, relatives, neighborhood, groups of peers, settlement communities (fellow villagers, residents of one microdistrict in the city), fellow countrymen in a situation of separation from their permanent habitat (in the army, in places of deprivation of liberty, etc.), fellow students, professional groups, associations of interests and political views, groups of temporary stay, situational communities (on the train, in the theater, at the stadium etc.). But in any case, the interaction is unorganized, often spontaneous. It is governed by a set of values, norms, customs, mores, informal sanctions, and so on.

Spontaneous socialization takes place both in the selective interaction of a person with certain segments of society, and in the case of mandatory interaction of a person with certain segments (for example, at school, in a company, etc.), as well as in a situation of forced interaction with certain segments (for example, in prison).

Relatively directed socialization of a person occurs in the process and as a result of his interaction with the state and state bodies and organizations that collectively manage society. Legislative and executive authorities, within the framework of their competence, solve various kinds of tasks, which in one way or another affects or may affect the socialization of the inhabitants of the country, the region of the city.

Relatively socially controlled socialization is the purposeful creation by the state and society of special (material, legal, organizational and other conditions for human development). It is this last component of socialization that can be identified with the concept of education in the broadest sense.

Stages of socialization:

1. Bioenergetic (prenatal). From 3-5 months of embryonic development at the level of the sensory system (taste, skin sensitivity, hearing), the child “masters” the world.

2. Identification stage (up to 3 years). This period of identification with everything that surrounds the child, from furniture, toys, to mom, dad, animals, flora. This is the period of formation and functioning of the so-called "sensory-motor, pre-speech, practical intelligence" (J. Piaget). All mental activity of the child consists of perceptions of reality and motor reactions to it.

3. Correlation stage (3-5 years). This stage is characterized by pre-conceptual intuitive thinking of the child. This is the period of the birth of purposeful joint activity of children, during which the experience of leading other children is acquired, as well as the experience of subordination.

4. Expansive stage (6-10 years). It is characterized by the desire of the child to expand his social horizons, and urgently spread the recognizable in all pores of his existence. This is the period of concrete operations. The child develops self-esteem, attitude towards himself and, as a result, requirements for himself.

5. Conventional stage (11-15 years). Characterized by "explosive". A teenager is looking for a way out of constantly arising conflict situations. In search of an answer, he constantly turns to friends, parents, other adults, a system of social relationships with others is established, among which the opinion of comrades is of the greatest value. The need for self-affirmation is so strong at this age that in the name of the recognition of comrades, a teenager is ready for a lot: he can give up his views and beliefs, perform actions that are at odds with his moral principles. At the same time, his position in the family is of significant importance for adolescents, which, given a favorable moral and psychological climate, can actively influence him.

6. Conceptual stage (16-20 years). It is characterized by an exit to an independent life. Before the youth, there is a need for self-determination, the choice of a life path in a professional way.

Adolescence favorably differs from all previous ones by independence in the formation of an integral system of views, assessments, value orientations and attitudes.

At each stage, the impact on the individual is carried out in a certain way, directed or spontaneous. But most often these two forms of influence complement each other, compensating for the shortcomings of the previous one.

There are two forms of socialization of the younger generation: directed (purposeful) and non-directed (spontaneous).

A directed form of socialization is a system of means of influencing a person specially developed by a certain society in order to shape him in accordance with the goals and interests of this society.

An undirected or spontaneous form of socialization is the automatic formation of certain social skills in connection with the constant stay of the individual in the immediate social environment.

Summarizing the above, it can be noted that any social institution, be it a school, a family or an amateur association, can influence a child both purposefully and spontaneously, everything depends on the program of activity of a particular social institution.

Each stage and each stage has its own specifics and the content and course of socialization, which is determined by the characteristics of the culture of a particular society. At each stage, and sometimes at each age stage, the interaction of a person with certain factors and agents of socialization develops in different ways, the means and mechanisms of socialization differ.

The stages of socialization can be correlated with the age periodization of human life. There are various periodizations, and the one given below is not universally recognized, it is very conditional (especially after the stage of youth), but quite convenient.

In accordance with our periodization, a person goes through a number of stages of socialization, each of which includes several stages.

The childhood stage includes the following stages:

Infancy (from birth to one year), early childhood (from one to three years), preschool childhood (from 3-6 years old), primary school age from (6-10 years old).

Adolescence stage - younger adolescence (from 10-12 years old), older adolescence (12-14 years old).

The youth stage includes stages: early adolescence (15-17 years old), youthful (18-23 years old) age, youth (23-30 years old).

Socialization cannot be identified with the development of the individual, which also takes place outside of society. Socialization also cannot be reduced to education, which involves a one-sided purposeful process. Socialization is based on two-way activity.

Thus, socialization is a complex continuous process that takes place at the biological, psychological and social levels, in which, on the one hand, the needs of an individual person are adapted to the needs of the public (or rejected by it). Moreover, adaptation is not passive, leading to conformism, but active, in which the individual voluntarily and creatively builds his role in society, while developing and improving human nature at the level of genetic memory. On the other hand, society forms the norms of morality and behavior, pedagogically expedient forms of hostel life, relations between people in the family, school, leisure institutions, in a different social environment surrounding a person.

Stages of socialization.

In the course of socialization, separate stages can be distinguished. Each of them is characterized by the formation of new needs, their awareness and translation into a system of values. New needs play the leading role at their stage of development. Seven stages can be distinguished.

First stage socialization is the individual's perception of social information at the level of sensations, emotions, knowledge, skills and abilities. At the same time, the factor of timely submission of information should be taken into account.

Second stage socialization is an intuitive correlation of the information received with a genetically embedded code, one's own social experience and the formation of one's own attitude towards it on this basis. At this stage of socialization, deep feelings are of paramount importance. Every person is excited, and the child in particular, often inexplicable feelings, urges to commit this or that act, both positive and negative. It is to these feelings, to the state of the soul that a person unconsciously listens when perceiving and evaluating this or that information.

Another factor that has a strong impact at this stage of socialization is the microenvironment in which the child mainly lives. From herethird stage - development of a setting for accepting or rejecting the information received. The factors influencing at this stage are the cases in which the child is included and which, one way or another, absorb him. As a result, it is more and more difficult for each subsequent source of information to lead the child to his values.

Asfourth stage the formation of value orientations and attitude to action. The ideal is the leading factor favoring the positive outcome of this stage.

basisfifth stage serve as actions, a logically built system of behavior. At the same time, it should be noted that in some cases, actions immediately follow the receipt of information like an “explosive reaction”, only then the second and fourth stages are worked out, in others they arise only as a result of repeated repetition of certain external influences, passing through the stage of generalization and consolidation.

Onsixth stage norms and stereotypes of behavior are formed. This process occurs in all age groups with the only difference being that it has a different qualitative state. At the age of six, the norm is learned not to fight, and at sixteen - to defend one's own and others' honor and dignity.

seventh stage expressed in the understanding and evaluation of their social activities.

Thus, socialization as a step-by-step process takes place in the minds and behavior of children in many parallels regarding each social information, and, having come to its logical conclusion - self-esteem, at a certain stage of life this process is repeated again for the same reason, but at a new qualitative level.

Functions of socialization .

Socialization performs the fundamental functions of the development of the individual and society:

Normative and regulatory function that forms and regulates the life of a person in society through the impact on him of special social institutions that determine the way of life of a given society in a temporal context;

A personality-transformative function that individualizes a person through the formation of a need-motivational sphere, ideals and attitudes of a person in the system of social relations;

Value-orientation function that forms the system of values ​​that determine the way of life of a person;

Communication and information, leading a person into

relationships with other people, groups of people, a system that saturates a person with information in order to form his lifestyle;

Procreative function that generates willingness to act

in a certain way;

A creative function in the process of implementation, which gives rise to the desire to create, find a way out of non-standard situations, discover and transform the world around you;

A compensatory function that makes up for the deficiency of the necessary physical, mental and intellectual properties and qualities of a person.

The functions of socialization not only reveal, but also determine the process of development of the individual and society. Functions guide the activity of the individual, determining more or less promising ways of personality development. They, realized in a complex, enable the individual to express himself in a certain field of activity.

levels of socialization.

The process of socialization of the individual proceeds at three levels.

1. Biological level. It's a bondthe human body with its environment. Man, as well as any plant or animal, is part of the cosmos. Man is influenced by the weather, the phases of the moon and other natural phenomena.

2. Psychological level. In the process of socialization, two sides of the personality are distinguished - both the subject and the object of social relations. The subject is understood as the active principle of the individual, the process of actively influencing oneself (self-realization) and the environment (transformative activity). Thus, the process of human socialization essentially acts as a result of two processes: the first of them is determined by the activity of the person himself, and the second - by the logic of the deployment of external problem situations in relation to him.

Z. Socio-pedagogical level. This is the connection of a person with society in the face of social institutions and individual groups, when a child is looking for new social roles and chooses a style of social behavior, and society gives him its social prescriptions.

The levels of socialization demonstrate the basis of the human personality, the influence of social institutions on its formation, considering personally both the object and the subject of the influence of the individual on himself and society, as well as public institutions on the individual.

Inclusion in the above levels determines the spatial and temporal continuity of the process of socialization throughout a person's life. Since the social environment is a dynamic phenomenon, the result of socialization is more and more new qualities acquired in the process of social life, thanks to the establishment of ever new connections, relationships with other people, communities, systems.

Factors of socialization . Conditions, or factors of socialization in a generalized form can be combined into four groups.

1. Megafactors (mega-very large, universal) - space, planet, world, which to some extent directly, but mainly through other groups of factors, influence the socialization of all inhabitants of the Earth.

2. Macrofactors (macro - large) - a country, ethnic group, society, state that affect the socialization of all living in certain countries (this influence is both direct and indirect by two other groups of factors).

3. mesofactors (meso - medium, intermediate), conditions for the socialization of large groups of people, distinguished: by area and by the type of settlement in which they live (region, village, city, town); by belonging to certain subcultures.

4. Microfactors. These include factors that directly affect specific people who interact with them - family, neighborhood, peer group, educational organizations, religious organizations, various public, public private organizations, microsociety (11,43-46).

Every society, every state, every social group (large or small) develops in its history a set of positive and negative formal and informal sanctions - methods of suggestion and persuasion, prescriptions and prohibitions, measures of coercion and pressure up to the use of physical violence, a system of ways of expression and recognition, distinctions, rewards.

So formal negative sanctions are a whole arsenal of punishments provided for by the law, confiscation of property, the death penalty, excommunication, the imposition of a kind of warning, remarks, fines, arrest, imprisonment. Informal negative sanctions are expressions of surprise, ridicule, refusal to lend a hand, moral censure, refusal to maintain companionship, malevolent gossip. With the help of these methods and measures, the behavior of a person and a whole group of people is brought in accordance with the samples and norms of values ​​accepted in a given culture.

Mechanisms of socialization . Human socialization in interaction with various factors and agents occurs through a number of so-called mechanisms. There are various approaches to the consideration of the mechanism of socialization. There are several universal psychological and socio-pedagogical mechanisms of socialization.

The psychological mechanisms of socialization include the following.

Imprinting (imprinting - imprinting) - fixing by a person at the receptor and subconscious levels of the features of vital objects affecting him. Imprinting occurs predominantly during infancy.

Existential pressure is the influence of the conditions of a person’s life, which determines his mastery of his native language (in early childhood) and non-native languages ​​at other age stages (the situation of changing the language environment, as well as the unconscious assimilation of the norms of social behavior that are inapplicable in his society and necessary for survival in it.

Imitation is an arbitrary involuntary adherence to any examples and patterns of behavior that a person encounters in interaction with the people around him (primarily with significant persons), as well as the proposed means of mass communication.

Identification (identification) - the emotional-cognitive process of assimilation by a personnorms, attitudes, values, behavior patterns as their own in the interaction of significant individuals and reference groups.

Reflection is an internal dialogue in which a person considers, evaluates, accepts or rejects certain norms of value, behavioral reactions inherent in the family, significant persons, peer society, various social and professional strata, etc.

Socialization is associated with three criteria by which a person’s mental and personal health is determined:

Reaction to another as an equal to oneself;

The reaction to the fact of the existence of norms in relations between people, i.e.

highlighting these norms and striving to follow them;

The nature of experiencing one's relative dependence on other people.

In other words, the process and result of socialization are the consequences of

internal contradiction between the degree of identification of a person with society and his isolation in society, a person adapted in society and unable to resist it can be considered as a victim of socialization, not adapted by the same victim, a person with deviant behavior.

The main criterion for the socialization of a personality is not the degree of its adaptability of conformism, but the level of its independence, confidence, self-reliance, emancipation, initiative and not from complexes.

Socialization is realized in communication and activity - in the family, preschool institutions, school, labor and other groups.

One of the means of socialization, as mentioned above, is the leisure of a younger student. In our time, modern schools for the most part have acquired a coloration of a more communicative direction, where a negative idea of ​​leisure is widespread, as something “frivolous”, “secondary”, “impossible”, as opposed to teaching, social work, work. It comes rather from the inability to understand, accept and organize it, to the difficulty of creating conditions for deep communication. All this led to the emergence of the structure of institutions of additional education for children, pedagogy of additional education, where self-knowledge and personal development take place on the basis of informal communication with the help of various means based on the interests of children while maintaining a special atmosphere of childhood in leisure conditions. In order to be able to live among other people, to communicate with them in early childhood, a person must go through the same phases of his development that will make him capable of full communication with others.

1.2. Features of the socialization of younger students .

Major place in lifejunior schoolchildren belongs to learning activities. The motivation for learning changes qualitatively. At this time, the child in educational activities is largely guided by the motives of the social order: the desire to fulfill his duty as a student, to better prepare for future work, to achieve an honorable place in the team, to support his honor and dignity. A new level of social development begins, fixed in the position "I and society", when the child tries to go beyond the children's way of life, to take a socially important and socially valued place. The child feels the need to realize himself as a subject, joining the social not only at the level of understanding, but also transformation. This is the age of an inquisitive mind, a greedy desire for knowledge, vigorous activity, enthusiasm. The child strives to enter into a wide range of social relationships. The main criteria for assessing the child himself and others becomes the moral and psychological characteristics of the individual, manifested in relationships with others.

The tasks of the teacher at this stage of personality development are

a) the formation of the need for self-determination of their interests, abilities and opportunities; c) the formation of the need for creative work in commonwealth and co-creation with other people; d) organization of a special section on the interests of children.

The social development of children of this age is characterized by the emergence of a special kind of ideas, reflecting the degree of isolation and awareness of the moral norms and rules that guide people living in society. In the process of personal development, a child develops such mental neoplasms as the ability for social forms of imitation, identification, comparison, preference, etc. Children become extremely sensitive to adults' assessments. As one's own behavior is formed on the basis of interaction with peers, one's own positions, assessments and preferences in relation to members of society also develop. This gives them a certain position in the group of peers.

An indispensable condition for the socialization of a child is his communication with peers, which develops in such small groups as kindergarten groups, school classes, and various informal children's associations. Each small group has its own unique "mosaic" of interpersonal relationships. However, no matter how small groups differ from each other in interpersonal relations, they always bear the influence of stereotypes of behavior, norms, features of communication, "language" inherent in large social groups.

In children's groups, psychologists identify functional-role, emotional-evaluative and personal-semantic relationships between peers.Functional-role relations are fixed in the labor, educational spheres of children's life and unfold in the course of the child's assimilation of the norms and methods of action in a group, under the direct guidance and control of an adult. INemotional-evaluative relationships in the children's group, emotional preferences come to the fore - likes, dislikes, friendships, etc. They arise quite early in ontogeny. So, if a younger student follows these norms, then he is positively evaluated by other children, if he deviates from these norms, then “complaints” arise to an adult, dictated by the desire to confirm the norm.Personal-meaning relationships - these are relationships in a group in which the motive of one child acquires personal meaning for other peers. At the same time, others begin to experience the interests and values ​​of this child as their own motives, for which they, taking various social roles, act. Personal-meaningful relations are especially clearly manifested in cases where the child, in relations with others, takes on the role of an adult and acts in accordance with it.

A special role in the purposeful formative activity of various social institutions, focused on the formation of a correspondence between personally significant and socially significant, on the formation of universal human values ​​of the younger generation, is assigned to the family, school and leisure institutions.

As a rule, the family has the greatest influence in the early stages of the process of personality development. The behavior of parents in the family determines the attitude of the future person to the world around him. Such behavior can be described by two pairs of signs: rejection - disposition, tolerance - restraint. Parents, as a rule, serve as models and teachers for children in the field of human relationships. Children's self-awareness is formed not only through direct social learning and mechanical imitation, but also through the correlation of their experience with the way of life of their parents. At the same time, the norms and value orientations adopted by parents are assimilated. To intensify this process, parents can use a variety of incentives: social (praise, favor) or non-social (material rewards, special privileges).

For centuries, the family has made a decisive contribution to the upbringing and socialization of children, to the formation of such integral personality traits as worldview, value orientations and attitudes, as well as to the formation of the character of a growing person, to the development of the intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres of personality. Thus, the family was the main transmitter of social and moral experience from generation to generation. And at present, the importance of family education for the full and harmonious development of the individualchildobviously. It is in the family that children develop self-awareness and self-esteem, the image of “I” is formed, the first social norms and rules are assimilated. The family is the first team in which the child is from the moment of birth, the first institution of socialization. That is why it is very important what attention the family pays to the social education of the child. The situation of the present period requires preparing the child for a painless and organic inclusion in adult life, taking into account the changed social realities:

    1. The economic basis of social relations has changed;

    2. Market relations build a system of priorities in society, in which the interests of the individual, the individual are primary;

    3. Making a profit at any cost leads to the unrestrained exploitation of the country's resources and carries the threat of an ecological catastrophe;

    4. The threat of unemployment;

    5. The health of the Russian population (and especially the younger generation) is of general concern;

    6. Transparency of borders on the part of the CIS, migration flows contribute to the widespread introduction of children to narcotic and psychotropic drugs;

    7. The absence of censorship in the media as a result of the democratization of society has led to the spread of pornographic and pictorial printed materials bordering on it;

    8. In the context of falling living standards for many families, there is a real need for the employment of children;

    9. Financial problems faced by many families have changed the attitude of parents towards children. Parents are increasingly turning to their children in solving family problems. The question arises of the extent to which children participate in such cases, of the responsibility of parents for shifting the burden of adult family problems onto children;

    10. In conditions of a dysfunctional social environment, it is necessary to strengthen the measures of social control over the safety of children.

In addition, the following factors contribute to the weakening of the educational role of the family:

    a) excessive employment of parents;

    b) a rather high percentage of dysfunctional families;

    c) the national question (religion, traditions) does not allow full socialization;

    d) the level of education of parents;

    d) authoritarianism ordetocentrismparents in relation to children;

    f) family composition (single-parent families, remarriages, absence of sisters or brothers);

    g) insufficient organizationleisureactivities;

    h) computerization of childhood;

    i) insufficient criticality of parents to themselves, as to educators.

The effectiveness of socialization is assessed not by how successfully the reproduction of values ​​and skills inherited from the past is ensured, but by how successfully the child is ready for independent labor (educational) activity, for setting and solving new tasks that were not and could not be in the experience of past generations.

The child should be considered not only as an object of educational influence, but also as a full-fledged subject, endowed with rights and obligations corresponding to his age development. This principle of personality-oriented education makes it possible to form the personality of a child with social responsibility, an independent life position and high resistance to possible negative influences from an unfavorable environment.

The family forms the personality of the child as a whole, and secondary groups (school, industry, state) affect the child in certain aspectsthroughfamily. That is why it is necessary to adjust the activities of teachers in educating the younger generation. The family and school institutions are important institutions of socialization during the formation of the child's personality. They can equally affect the development of certain aspects of social health in a child, so it is important that the process of forming these aspects be joint, purposeful and give positive results.

A very significant role in the socialization of younger schoolchildren is played by the school, where at various stages the educational program includes subjects that contribute to the implementation of this process.

The intellectual aspect is formed in the classroom: children learn to work with literature, get acquainted with a huge amount of various kinds of information aimed at expanding their intellectual horizons. They take part in practical exercises that help to use the previously acquired knowledge in practice. Teachers guide the children in their intellectual search, advise them to use any sources of information that the 21st century is so full of.

The emotional aspect is formed due to the requirements for behavior in the lesson, change. These requirements teach children the correct behavior in public places, discipline, the ability to communicate, and adequately respond to environmental stimuli. Communicating with teachers and peers, the children determine the attitude towards themselves and the people around them, learn to express their feelings in a form understandable to others.

The entire system of school work should be aimed at shaping the correct, harmonious development of the personality of students.

Class hours, theme evenings, festive events, role-playing and educational games and lessons provide great opportunities for the formation of the spiritual aspect of social health in children, develop the level of culture, moral standards, values ​​that determine the integrity of the child's personality. Primary school age is a valuable period in itself, the most favorable in the moral development of a person. It is at this time that the child becomes aware of the relationship between himself and others, masters new social roles: a schoolboy, a member of the class team, a good student; begins to be interested in and understand social phenomena, motives of behavior, moral assessments. He begins to think about his "I", i.e. enters a conscious phase, when the whole structure of the child's personality changes.

The socialization of younger schoolchildren is carried out more actively through a system of extracurricular activities. So, conversations on moral, ethical, environmental, art history and other topics covered all primary school students.An important place in the volume of school work on the socialization of students is occupied by mass events. Intra-school children's book weeks, holidays, etc. contributing to the social formation and development of students.

Holiday in the system of socialization of younger students plays a huge role. Therefore, the basis of traditional school events is precisely such a form of work as a holiday. Over the course of several years of work of our team, it has become a tradition to hold such events as “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”, “Dad, Mom, I am a reading family”, the First Bell holiday, the Last Bell holiday, the Autumn holiday, Tourslet, etc.

At the psychological level, the process of socialization of a younger student is carried out through the organization of traditional events and through the formation and development of children's focus on the assimilation and observance of moral universal values, the manifestation of social initiative, the preservation of nature, the comprehension of the mysteries of the arts, teaching, focus on other people and on themselves.

Thus, holding traditional events helps to create an educational community that unites children and adults, arouses interest in each other, liberates participants, helps parents remember their childhood and better understand their child, increases the level of communicative culture of participants, promotes their spiritual unity.

One of the effective means of socialization junior schoolchildren iscomplex game which expands the cultural space for the self-realization of the child's personality, intensively and purposefully forms the humanistic value orientations of the developing personality, supports and develops children's creativity, and maintains an orientation towards creating conditions for the formation of each child's own ideas about himself and the world around him. The psychological aspects of the game have been considered most deeply so far in the works of P.P. Blonsky, D.B. Elkonin. Calling the game "the arithmetic of social relations", D.B. Elkonin interpreted it as an activity that arose at a certain stage of ontogenesis, as one of the leading forms of development of mental functions and ways for a child to know the world of adults. Domestic teacher S.A. Shmakov believes that “depriving a child of play activity is depriving him of the main source of development: impulses of creativity, spiritualization of the assimilated life experience, signs and signs of social practice, individual self-immersion, activation of the process of cognition of the world. The above, in many respects, contributes to the process of socialization of the younger generation in school conditions.

An important and effective factor in the socialization of younger schoolchildren is a leisure institution, which enables the broad masses of schoolchildren to develop their creative abilities and opens up ways for self-realization of the individual. In its highest forms, leisure activities serve the purposes of education, enlightenment and self-education of the younger generation. Moreover, these tasks are solved in a leisure institution in a peculiar way, in a limited combination with cultural recreation and reasonable entertainment. This causes a favorable psychological mood and facilitates the process of socialization of the younger generation. The child's real life does not mechanically consist of individual types of activity, but forms their systems, which are different at individual age levels. Psychologists talk about the dependence of the development of the child's psyche on the leading activity, the activity that occurs most often at this stage, the one that the child devotes the most time to. This principle is the basis for determining the content in each of the cycles of social formation of younger students.

1.3. The pedagogical potential of leisure activities in the socialization of younger students .

Leisure is a huge part of a child's life. “If you buy it at your leisure, it will come in handy in life,” as folk wisdom says. Leisure - it is most often defined as entertainment. One is attraction. The root word is attraction. Attraction is an inclination towards something. By the word leisure, we designate the space, time and content of creative activities that go beyond school activities.

Leisure is always active. Leisure activities are completely voluntary. It is impossible to force children to engage in leisure activities, it is only possible to indulge them. It relies on the principles of pleasure, on the sensual basis of pleasant sensations, experiences, thoughts. Leisure is the satisfaction of personal interests and claims of children. Each child is a subject of free time, he is “on his own”, and this should not be feared.

Leisure for children is always self-realization and self-rehabilitation. These are its very important functions. Children are able to interpret the comprehended types and forms of leisure activities. Leisure activities can be understood as any activity, and not just games, fun, fun that the child is interested in. Games and leisure activities are most often an imitation of real activities, although the feelings and states of children are true.

The concept of "leisure" includes another concept - a leisure environment. This is a place where children spend their free time. As a rule, these are spaces “lived in” by children. Children choose their own places of leisure.

The definition of leisure falls into four main groups.

Leisure as contemplation associated with a high level of culture and intelligence; it is a state of mind and soul.

Leisure as an activity is usually characterized as an activity not related to work. This definition of leisure includes the values ​​of self-realization.

Leisure, like free time, time of choice. This time can be used in a variety of ways, and it can be used for work-related or non-work related activities. Leisure is considered as the time when a person is engaged in what is not his duty.

Leisure integrates the three previous concepts, blurs the line between "work" and "not work" and evaluates leisure in terms of describing human behavior. Includes concepts of time and relation to time.

Leisure is fertile ground for children to test fundamental human needs. In the process of leisure, it is much easier for a child to form a respectful attitude towards himself, even personal shortcomings can be overcome through leisure activity. Leisure is largely responsible for the formation of a child's character, in particular such qualities as initiative, self-confidence, restraint, masculinity, endurance, perseverance, sincerity, honesty, etc.

characteristics of leisure.

The following main characteristics of children's leisure can be deduced:

It has pronounced physiological, psychological and social aspects;

Based on voluntariness in the choice of occupation and degree of activity;

Assumes not regulated, but free creative activity;

Forms and develops personality;

Promotes self-expression, self-affirmation and self-development of the individual through freely chosen actions;

Forms the need of children for freedom and independence;

Promotes the disclosure of natural talents and the acquisition of skills and abilities useful for life;

Stimulates the creative initiative of children;

There is a sphere of satisfaction of the needs of the individual;

Contributes to the formation of value orientations;

Determined internally and externally;

Acts as a kind of "zone of limited adult intervention";

Promotes objective self-assessment of children;

Forms a positive "I-concept";

Provides satisfaction, cheerful mood and personal pleasure;

Promotes self-education of the individual;

Forms socially significant needs of the individual and norms of behavior in society;

Leisure - activity, contrasting with complete rest;

The nature of children's leisure is alien to the opposition ((school time" - leisure

(as part of extracurricular time);

Children's leisure is subdivided into leisure proper and semi-leisure;

Children's leisure is broad in its understanding.

Thus, it can be stated that the essence of children's leisure

is creative behavior (interaction with the environment)

children, adolescents and youth in a free to choose occupation and

degree of activity in the spatio-temporal environment, deterministic

internally (needs, motives, attitudes, choice of forms and methods of behavior) and externally (factors that generate behavior).

Functions, tasks and features of leisure.

The characterological features of children's leisure are fundamental for determining its functions. Creative processes in all their strength are found in children's play, in recognizing the world around them, in the appropriation by children of a wide variety of social roles. Moreover, most of these processes are carried out in leisure time. Through the mechanism of emotional perception and experience, children assimilate the elements of creative activity as actively as possible, which are fixed in their minds and behavior and leave an imprint on their entire subsequent life. Therefore, children's leisure is characterized by a creative function.

Leisure is a zone of active communication that satisfies the needs of adolescents in contacts. Such forms of leisure as an amateur association of interests, mass holidays are a favorable area for realizing oneself, one's qualities, advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other people.

A distinctive feature of children's leisure is its theatricalization. Artistic images, acting through the emotional sphere, make him experience, suffer and rejoice, their impact is often much sharper than life's collisions. In other words, children's leisure is favorable for the formation of lofty ideals and the development of a system of value preferences. Leisure time of the younger generation has a huge impact on the cognitive activity of children, adolescents and youth. In leisure, there is a recognition of the new in the most diverse fields of knowledge: the artistic horizons are expanding; the process of technical creativity is comprehended; there is an acquaintance with the history of sports and so on; finally, the armament of leisure activities is carried out. This means that children's leisure has an educational function.

One of the important tasks of children's leisure is to help in choosing a profession. From the first period of childhood to adolescence, the question of choosing a profession becomes more and more urgent. From the trivial: "Who to be?" in childhood, until the painful search for one's place in life in adolescence, the issue of choosing a profession worries all age groups of the younger generation.

Most children find the answer to this important question in the field of leisure. During their leisure time, children read books, watch movies, plays and TV shows, where they discover the world of professions. And having outlined a professional path for themselves, mainly at their leisure, they acquire knowledge and develop abilities, skills specific to a particular type of activity. And, finally, leisure institutions purposefully carry out career guidance activities, that is, children's leisure involves the implementation of a career guidance function.

The life activity of modern children, adolescents and youth is extremely saturated and relatively strictly regulated, and therefore requires a lot of physical, mental and intellectual strength. Against this background, children's leisure, which is carried out mainly on the basis of play activities, helps to relieve the created tension. It is within the framework of leisure time that the restoration and reproduction of lost forces takes place, that is, the recreational function is realized.

Moreover, the inherent human desire for pleasure is also mainly realized in the sphere of leisure. Children, adolescents and young men enjoy a wide variety of leisure activities: games and victory in it; learning new things and the opportunity to create an aircraft model on this basis. In other words, children's leisure has a hedonistic function.

The leisure activities of children, adolescents and youth, diverse in form, content and emotional richness, evoke a wide resonance in their souls, in the circle of friends and acquaintances, in the class and family, thus giving rise to communication given by the leisure event on the subject of what they heard, saw, and accomplished. As a result, activities are carried out that the child himself would not have performed if he had not been prompted from outside. That is, children's leisure involves a procreative function.

It is in the conditions of leisure that communities are formed that give children the opportunity to perform in a wide variety of social roles. Thus, we can designate another function of children's leisure - the communicative function.

Leisure principles.

Any activity is based on the general laws of its development. The leisure of children, adolescents and youth develops according to its own laws, principles, theoretically substantiated and tested in practice.

These include:

1. The principle of universality and accessibility - that is, the possibility of involvement, involvement of all children, adolescents and youth without exception in the sphere of activity of leisure institutions in order to satisfy the creative potential of the younger generation, their leisure needs and interests.

2. The principle of amateur performance - is implemented at all levels of children's leisure: from an amateur association to a mass holiday.

3. The principle of an individual approach - involves taking into account individual needs, interests, inclinations, abilities, opportunities, psychophysiological characteristics and the social environment of children, adolescents and youth while ensuring their leisure. A differentiated approach ensures the comfortable state of each participant of the leisure action.

4. The principle of systematic and purposefulness - involves the implementation of this activity on the basis of a systematic and consistent combination of continuity and interdependence in the work of all social institutions designed to ensure the leisure of children, adolescents and youth. It is important to direct children, adolescents and youth to socially significant matters, since the richness of the creative forces of the individual depends on the comprehensive and complete manifestation of these forces in the life of society. This is the process of a limited transformation of a person into a social being, into an active and creative person, living a full life in harmony with himself and society.

5. The principle of continuity - primarily involves cultural interaction and mutual influence of generations. It is necessary to intensify the activity of parents, all adults to transfer social knowledge and experience to children in order to spend reasonable leisure time, its philosophy. The principle of continuity also means maintaining norms and traditions when moving children from one age community to another, from one social and educational institution to another.

6. The principle of entertainment is to create a relaxed emotional communication by building all leisure on the basis of the game and theatricalization, because dryness, fading, lack of emotional attractiveness can doom any forms and methods of work to failure. Children's leisure should be colorfully decorated and supplemented with a wide variety of paraphernalia. All this turns the leisure of children, adolescents and youth into a holiday.

The implementation of the principles of organizing children's leisure in practice, in terms of its scale of impact on a person, goes far beyond the scope of leisure pastime, this is a large-scale social action, the purpose of which is the versatile development of the personality of a child, teenager, young man (girl).

Leisure social institutions in the socialization of younger students

In order to socialize the younger generation, a special system of institutions has been created. These are, first of all, kindergartens and schools. In addition, there are naturally formed institutions and organizations, the functioning of which is aimed at the "inclusion" of individuals in society. These are cultural and leisure institutions, sports complexes, scientific and technical centers, etc., operating in the field of leisure, with the expansion of the boundaries of which the socializing impact on children, adolescents and youth increases.

Leisure can be a powerful stimulus for personal development. Therein lie its progressive possibilities. But leisure can turn into a force that cripples a person, deforms consciousness and behavior, leads to a restriction of the spiritual world and even to such manifestations of asociality as drunkenness, drug addiction, prostitution, and crime.

In this regard, the question of the relationship between the directed process of socialization and the quantitatively predominant natural impact on the individual acquires particular relevance. Unfortunately, most of all, the socializing impact on children, adolescents and youth is random, poorly organized into a coherent system in various fields of activity - in the family, at school, in leisure institutions. Random visits to the cinema, theater, exhibition, selection of literature for reading and music for listening can be. The environment and the activities carried out in this group may turn out to be random. And it's good if the random choice is successful, otherwise it entails the familiarization of children, adolescents and youth with associative phenomena.

The resolution of this contradiction lies in the purposeful formative activity of various social institutions, focused on the formation of a correspondence between personally significant and socially significant, on the formation of universal human values ​​of the younger generation. A special role in solving these problems is assigned to the family, school and leisure institutions.

The family, being the source of the initial development of the natural properties of a person, where the basis for the development of human potentials proper is formed, as well as specific roles and relationships in macro- and microgroups, could have a significant impact on the formation and development of the younger generation.

A very significant role in the socialization of children, adolescents and youth is played by the school, where at various stages the educational program includes subjects that contribute to the implementation of this process. In some schools, optional subjects are taught "human science", "fundamentals of ethics and aesthetics", "rhetoric", "ethics and psychology of family relations" and others that contribute to the formation of a person. This process is reinforced by the "introduction" of special educational television programs into the school, but all this is completely insufficient for the full socialization of students. The socialization of schoolchildren is carried out more actively through a system of extracurricular activities. Thus, lectures and discussions on moral, ethical, environmental, art history and other topics covered all secondary school students.

An important place in the volume of school work on the socialization of students is occupied by mass events. Intraschool evenings, talks, debates on various issues, weeks of music, children's books and other events contribute to the social formation and development of students.

The foregoing largely contributes to the process of socialization of the younger generation in school conditions. However, extracurricular activities are not mandatory for students and therefore do not cover all students. In addition, this activity does not use the whole variety of forms and methods of work, it is not always purposeful, episodic and does not have a mass character due to the poor equipment of the school and the lack of specialists to carry out the process of socialization of children, adolescents and youth.

An important and effective factor in the socialization of children, adolescents and youth is a leisure institution, which by its nature is a multifunctional and mobile institution, capable of uniting and actively using all social institutions that have a socializing effect on the individual. It is the application of the forces of creative unions and organizations that determines the variety of forms and means of influence of a leisure institution on children, adolescents and youth.

The ability to absorb the functions of all social institutions that contribute to the formation and development of the younger generation makes the work of leisure institutions attractive, interesting and meaningful, and this, in turn, helps to attract schoolchildren to them. a leisure institution enables the broad masses of schoolchildren to develop their creative abilities and opens the way for self-realization of the individual. In its highest forms, leisure activities serve the purposes of education, enlightenment and self-education of the younger generation. Moreover, these tasks are solved in a leisure institution in a peculiar way, in a limited combination with cultural recreation and reasonable entertainment. This causes a favorable psychological mood and facilitates the process of socialization of the younger generation.

Leisure activities are based on the principle of interest. If a visitor is not interested in a leisure institution, he will not go to it. This obliges them to take into account the specific interests and requests of their visitors, form them, direct them in the right direction and build their work taking them into account. Directed interest creates a favorable psychological attitude among visitors and makes the socialization process more effective. Leisure activities are based on this basis.

However, in modern socio-economic conditions, when children's leisure is unacceptably commercialized and involvement in the sphere of activity of leisure institutions due to the lack of material resources becomes the lot of the elite, it is not necessary to talk about the scale of their sphere of influence.

As a result, a vacuum is created in society in the field of socialization of the younger generation. But nature, as you know, does not tolerate voids, and more and more, the street turns into a source of social information, defining its own norms of behavior, forming a kind of “moral code”, dictating its own conditions for social formation and survival. Ultimately, the street is increasingly becoming one of the most effective means of socializing the younger generation. And, as a result - the unbridled growth of juvenile delinquency and the passionate desire of children to get rich, without making any physical or intellectual efforts.

In order to holistically “cultivate” the child, it is necessary to achieve an organic unity of educational and extracurricular work by providing each student in his free time with the opportunity to do useful work here within the walls of the school, taking into account his interests, inclinations and abilities, turning the school into a center of cultural and leisure activities of the family in the microdistrict. The first steps in this direction have already been taken. In secondary schools, special positions have been introduced as a teacher-organizer of out-of-class and out-of-school educational work with children. The experience of the best organizers of extra-curricular and out-of-school activities convincingly showed the timeliness and significance of this step.

At the level of the current staffing of the school, that is, without additional attraction of financial resources, leisure activities can be carried out in the following areas:

1. Organization of artistic and mass work.

2. Development of applied art, artistic and technical creativity.

Z. Development of physical culture and sports.

4. Organization of work with parents of students:

a) to promote pedagogical knowledge;

c) on the organization of family leisure.

The implementation of a special model of socialization of children, adolescents and youth in the field of leisure can be carried out by cultural and leisure centers, parks, sports complexes, music, choreographic and art schools, libraries, technical stations, summer camps, excursion and tourist, sports and recreational and sanatorium institutions with the active participation of the entire family of the child.

According to the content of children's leisure can be divided into a number of principal groups:

The first group is associated with the function of restoring the various forces of the child (walks in the air, sports, evenings of rest, games, fun, entertainment, etc.).

The second group of leisure is associated with an increase in erudition. consumption of spiritual values ​​(reading, watching movies and TV shows, visiting exhibitions, museums, traveling, trips, etc.)

The third group is associated with the development of spiritual forces and abilities, with active creative activity (labor, technical, sports and gaming, artistic and theatrical, research, applied).

The fourth group - realizes the need for communication (club work, creative associations, evening meetings, discos, holidays, debates, dances, parties, etc.).

The fifth group is associated with purposeful creative educational activities of children (field camps, reviews, competitions, vacation associations, hiking trips, active schools, etc.).

For a more complete understanding of the essence of leisure, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “free time, leisure leisure”, which are related and reflect the free development of what one likes, self-expression in conditions of relative independence and a sense of pleasure.

Free time is, first of all, the temporary space of a child’s life, that part of it that remains from studying at school, doing homework, work, everyday life (sleep, food, self-service, travel, etc.), from public household assignments and duties. Free time in all social periods was a kind of indicator of educational and developmental activities - educational, labor, leisure.

But in the development of a child's personality, free (leisure) time also has an absolutely independent pedagogical value, having a strong impact on all aspects of people's life, introducing them to the development of the riches of spiritual culture, being an area of ​​uninhibited communication and participation in all types of practical activities. Forecasters of the future are right that the main thing for a person of the future is not a civilization of work, but a civilization of free time, the ability to manage one's leisure as factors in the development and education of active individuals who harmoniously combine inspired creativity, the joy of life and the height of work. If the inner world of a child narrows down to the size of a disco or a hangout place, he becomes poorer, becomes a poor spirit. Spiritless free time destroys the most beautiful and valuable in a child. Lack of spirituality is a condition for misconduct and crime. This is the connection between free time and antisocial behavior of people.

So, leisure for children is always self-realization and self-rehabilitation. These are its very important functions. Such forms of leisure as independent interest associations, game programs, mass holidays and others are a favorable area for understanding oneself, one's qualities, advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other people. Children evaluate themselves, focusing on socially accepted criteria and standards, because self-consciousness is social in its content, in its essence, and is impossible outside the process of communication.


2.1. Methods and organization of the study.

The study was conducted on the basis of the municipal educational institution "Yashkinskaya secondary school of the Krasnogvardeisky district" For the study, a group of 3rd grade students in the amount of 16 people was selected.

To identify the problem of the relationship of the child, the well-known projective technique of Rene Gilles "Film-test" was used, which makes it possible to explore the interpersonal relationships of the child, his social adaptability. The method of R. Gilles cannot be classified as purely projective, it is a transitional form between the questionnaire and projective tests. This is her great advantage.

The methodology contains a number of pictures depicting children, children and adults, as well as test tasks aimed at identifying the characteristics of a child's behavior in various life situations. The child is shown a picture and asked to identify himself with one of the characters. In verbal descriptions of situations, children are required to choose one of the typical forms of behavior that suits them best.

The use of this technique allows obtaining information about such aspects of the child's personal development as the degree of activity, aggressiveness, the severity of the desire for contacts with other people, etc.

Purpose of the study . The study of interpersonal relations of a child of primary school age, his social fitness and relationships with others.

The technique is visual-verbal, consists of 42 pictures depicting children or children and adults, as well as text tasks. Its focus is to identify the characteristics of behavior in a variety of life situations that are important for the child and affect his relationship with other people.

Before starting work with the methodology, the child was informed that they were expected to answer questions about the pictures. The children looked at the pictures, listened or read the questions and answered. The child had to choose a place for himself among the depicted people or identify himself with a character occupying a particular place in the group. He could choose to be closer or further away from a certain person. In text tasks, the child was asked to choose a typical form of behavior, and some tasks were built according to the sociometric type.

Thus, the technique allows obtaining information about the child's attitude to various people around him (to the family environment) and phenomena. Simplicity and schematicity, which distinguish the Gilles method from other projective tests, not only make it easier for the child being tested, but also make it possible to formalize and qualify it relatively more. In addition to a qualitative assessment of the results, the children's projective method of interpersonal relations allows us to present the results of a psychological examination in terms of a number of variables and quantitatively.

The psychological material that characterizes the system of a child's personal relationships can be conditionally divided into two large groups of variables.

1. Variables characterizing concrete-personal relationships

child: to the family environment (mother, father, grandmother, sister, etc.), attitude to a friend and girlfriend, to an authoritarian adult, etc.

2. Variables that characterize the child himself and manifest themselves in various ways: sociability, caution, desire for dominance, social adequacy of behavior. In total, the authors adapting the methodology identify 12 features:

    attitude towards the mother; relation to the father;

    attitude towards mother and father as a family couple;

    attitude towards brothers and sisters;

    relation to grandparents;

    attitude towards a friend;

    attitude towards the teacher;

    curiosity, the desire for dominance;

    sociability, isolation, adequacy.

Attitude towards a certain person is expressed by the number of choices of this person, based on the maximum number of tasks aimed at identifying the corresponding attitude. It can be used as a tool for in-depth study of personality, as well as in studies requiring measurements and statistical processing (A.F. Anufriev, S.N. Kostromina p. 95-96).

Key to questions


Scale name


Total number of tasks

attitude towards mother

1-4,8-15,17-19, 27,38,40-42

relation to father


relationship with a friend









Closedness, isolation



Stimulus material for the method of Rene Gilles, see the appendix.

2.2. Analysis of the state of the communicative function of socialization of younger schoolchildren.

The study was conducted on the basis of the municipal educational institution "Yashkinskaya secondary school of the Krasnogvardeisky district". For the study, a group of 3rd grade students in the amount of 10 people was selected.

The psychological material and its results were conditionally divided into two large groups: 1) characterizing the specific personal relationships of the child - attitude to mother, father, attitude to a friend, girlfriend, to an authoritative adult. Attitudes towards grandparents, sisters and brothers were not taken into account, because not all students have these relatives in their families; 2). characterizing the child himself and his manifestations in various respects - sociability, isolation, desire for dominance, social adequacy of behavior

The results were processed as follows:

5 points - high level;

4 points - average level;

3 points - low level;

2 points - very low level.

The results of the conducted studies were presented in the form of a table.

Table No. 1

Specific personal relationships of the child


attitude towards mother

relation to father

relationship with a friend


Vakhtomin K

4 points

3 points

3 points

3 points


Kostin S

4 points

4 points

4 points

3 points


Kostin I

5 points

5 points

5 points

5 points


Mullagulov P

4 points

3 points

2 points

2 points


Raymanova D

3 points

3 points

3 points

4 points


Ryakhov A.

5 points

2 points

2 points

4 points


Maltseva A

5 points

5 points

5 points

5 points


Nachtigal M

4 points

4 points

4 points

4 points



Petrosyan A

5 points

5 points

5 points

5 points



Raskaleeva S

4 points

5 points

4 points

4 points


Analysis of the table showed that 30% of students (3 people) have a high level of concrete-personal relationships, 40% of students (4 people) have an average level, and 30% of students have a low level of concrete-personal relationships.

Children's attitudes in different situations


First Name Last Name




Social adequacy of behavior



Vakhtomin K

4 points

3 points

4 points

4 points



Kostin S

4 points

4 points

4 points

3 points



Kostin I

4 points

4 points

5 points

5 points



Mullagulov P

4 points

3 points

2 points

2 points



Raymanova D

3 points

3 points

3 points

4 points



Ryakhov A

5 points

2 points

2 points

4 points




5 points

4 points

5 points

4 points




4 points

4 points

4 points

4 points




5 points

5 points

5 points

5 points



Raskaleeva S

4 points

5 points

4 points

4 points


The analysis of this table showed that the behavior characterizing the child himself and his manifestations in various respects - sociability, isolation, striving for dominance, social adequacy of behavior are at a high level in 10% of students (1 person), at an average level - 60% of students (6 people) and 30% of students have a low level.

Children in the course of the experiment with expressed interest related to most tasks. Small incentives intensified their activity. The speech of children in most cases is free, detailed, meaningful and understandable, however, there were single, mean, unfinished statements. They assessed their achievements independently and adequately..


The core problem of social development is the harmonization of the relationship of society with each individual, that is, its socialization. Especially relevant for society is the socialization of the younger generation. Socialization cannot be identified with the development of the individual, which also takes place outside of society. Socialization also cannot be reduced to education. Undoubtedly, the essence of education is to build such relationships between children and society that ensure their socialization. In other words, the process and result of socialization are the result of an internal contradiction between the degree of identification of a person with society and his isolation in society, a person adapted in society and unable to resist it can be considered as a victim of socialization, not adapted by the same victim, a person with deviant behavior. One of the means of socialization, as mentioned above, is the leisure of a younger student.

Communicating with each other, children expand their social experience, they develop a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, goodwill. Communication is one of the steps of a child's socialization. The successful development of the communicative function of socialization of younger students is facilitated by purposeful work on training and education, but most realistically through their involvement in labor and leisure activities, while maintaining the manifestation of activity in communication.

With the help of the René Gilles technique, we studied the social adaptability of the child, as well as his relationship with others, the state of communication of students. After analyzing the results, a program of leisure activities was developed as a means of socialization of younger students.

The work carried out with the students showed that the children had significant changes. According to parents, some children after several classes became more self-confident, learned to speak out, listen to other people's opinions. According to teachers’ assessments, changes were noticed: “They understand what I’m talking about…”

Positive changes were observed in all cases when children asked for help themselves, actively sought solutions to problems.


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