Electronic bidet covers: tips for choosing and an overview of the best manufacturers. How to install a toilet seat. Installing the bidet cover is very easy. How does a bidet cover work? How to install a bidet lid on a toilet

Electronic bidet covers for the toilet, which will be discussed, is the latest invention in the field of high technology, which has appeared on the world market quite recently. The competition between the manufacturing companies of these products is so great and serious that it forces engineers and designers to develop more and more new and modified models that have many functions and a wide range of tasks.

The principle of operation lies in the full automation and electronic structure of the device. The functions include the following items:

  1. compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  2. aqua procedures based on high-tech processes;
  3. temperature control of the device.


Unlike conventional toilets, electronic bidet lids have many advantages. First, it is convenient and easy to use. Secondly, it does not take up too much space, so we can safely say that such electronic devices for the toilet are quite compact. There are also many other positives:

  • while using the toilet, nothing prevents the implementation of hygienic processes;
  • electronic bidet cover is made of materials that do not contain harmful toxic substances;
  • allows you to maintain cleanliness in the toilet around the clock;
  • replacing the process of using toilet paper with a more hygienic process;

This technological invention does not have too serious shortcomings. Of the main disadvantages, one can single out a rather high price, which is fully justified by the functions that this device performs, and their incomplete versatility. The last problem is that some manufacturing companies produce electronic devices only for those toilets that are produced in their own factories. But we can say with confidence that soon this shortcoming or, so to speak, this feature will be eliminated, because the market for these products is developing every day.

Electronic bidet cover

Principle of operation

A person who encounters this fully automated device for the first time may think that in front of him is the most ordinary toilet lid. But everything changes, you just need to press a button on the control panel. Such a panel can be mounted on the wall or installed on the cover itself, which is more convenient. The washing process can be carried out in five different modes, in addition there is a function for supplying liquid soap. Thanks to a state-of-the-art photocell, the bidet cover only opens when the user approaches it and closes when the user leaves. All processes are fully automatic.

Medical indications for the use of equipment

Personal hygiene has always been an integral part of the life of every person. Experienced doctors and various specialists in the medical field strongly advise the use of these automated devices, giving them their preference, in contrast to the usual traditional toilet. These devices not only qualitatively monitor the personal hygiene of a person, but also significantly reduce the risk of the following diseases:

Electronic bidet cover

  • haemorrhoids;
  • genital herpes;
  • anal fissures;
  • itching of the perineum;
  • cystitis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • urethritis.

Prevention of these and many other diseases associated with intimate areas is recommended even for perfectly healthy people. It is much more convenient to do this with the help of this device. A wet toilet has a very positive effect on the skin in the perianal area. For people with the problem of excessive sweating, this device will be an excellent prevention of proctological diseases.

Leading manufacturing company

The company that first showed mankind a toilet lid combined with a bidet remains one of the most progressive and popular companies that produce these products to this day. We are talking about the Japanese company TOTO. TOTO electronic bidet covers are officially recognized as the best manufacturer of these devices, without which it is impossible to imagine a modern toilet.

Cover-bidet on the toilet

Washlet Technology

To see all the benefits, features and add-ons of this company's devices, you need to study their own technology called Washlet. The principle of this technology is the self-supply of cold or warm water from a self-retracting fitting. The thermal level and the force of water supply can be independently adjusted using the control panel. This technology has raised the manufacturing company to a new, higher level of production of goods, giving the consumer the opportunity to improve the quality of personal hygiene and comfort.

Additional function: heated seat

The functions of these electronic inventions also include automatic seat heating. The function itself turns on when using the toilet, as well as itself completes work after the end of the operation of the device. Also, a special deodorizer can be mounted in the device, which will suck unpleasant odors into the toilet bowl and purify the surrounding air with a special filter.

Sanitary characteristics

These electronic toilet accessories have a list of hygienic characteristics that once again confirm the quality of the device and the high level of hygiene that the consumer can receive. One of the many other sanitation factors is an antibacterial coated seat. Thanks to this coating, infection of intimate areas with harmful bacteria and microorganisms becomes almost impossible.

Also a great addition is the automatic cleaning of the nozzle. Thanks to automatic cleaning, you do not need to delve into this dirt yourself. If necessary, the cover and seat can be quickly replaced with new ones, as they are very easy to remove. Also, this electronic device is very economical in power consumption. Electricity can be saved by turning on automatic saving, or you can do it using a special timer.

Electronic bidet covers for the toilet: advantages and disadvantages, indications for use, instructions for choosing

Do not want to buy a separate bidet, but this type of hygiene system suits you? This article deals with electronic bidet covers for toilets.

Choosing attachments and bidet covers: description, functions, advantages

Bidet is an indispensable attribute of personal hygiene in the modern civilized world. Doctors recommend using a bidet to prevent urinary infections and proctological diseases.

What to do if the size of the bathroom or a limited budget does not allow you to install a full-fledged separate bidet? There is a way out: modern bidet attachments or bidet covers as an alternative, they will turn an ordinary toilet in a typical bathroom into a two-in-one device, combining it with a bidet, and making hygiene procedures not only useful, but also enjoyable.

After visiting the toilet, you no longer have to move somewhere to perform personal hygiene procedures! All you have to do is press a button on the remote control. Such devices will be especially useful for a person with disabilities who are physically unable to get into the bath.

Bidet covers - description and functions

The first bidet covers were sold in Russia in 2008. Now there are many types of this device. What is a toilet bidet lid?

Outwardly, it is almost no different from a conventional toilet seat, except that it is larger and equipped with special additional devices: a retractable tap that supplies water and a control panel with buttons to control the pressure and temperature of the water.

Functionality of the bidet cover

The simplest models are designed only for water supply and the tap that supplies water is fixed. This complicates the use of the toilet.

Electronic models are now more popular, in which the crane built into the lid extends at the touch of a button.

Functions of electronic models:

  • different washing modes: mono-jet, pulsating or saturated with air, enema washing
  • child mode
  • heating and temperature control of the supply water
  • drying mode (no need to buy toilet paper)
  • seat heating
  • water pressure regulation
  • hydromassage
  • some appliances are equipped with an air purification and ozonation function, as well as an anti-pop function to prevent lid shocks.

Bidet lids are available in different shapes. Most fit standard toilets. To choose a model that suits your plumbing, you need to take measurements and choose a bidet cover that is suitable in size and shape.

Installation of the bidet cover can be easily done by yourself, without resorting to the services of specialists.

  • turn off the water tap
  • disconnect the hose
  • unscrew the nuts securing the toilet seat
  • install bidet lid on toilet
  • connect one end of the reservoir hose to the T-valve and the other end to the reservoir
  • the filter is also connected to the T-valve
  • filter and bidet cover are connected by a hose with a plastic nut
  • plug the power cord into an outlet
  • open the water supply

The product is absolutely safe to use. All models have an antibacterial coating on the nozzles, seats and covers, and an auto-cleaning function for the nozzles.

Bidet attachments for toilet

The most technically simple and economical way to give the toilet the function of a bidet is to equip it with an attachment or bidet attachment to the seat. This device is a system consisting of a shower, a faucet, connecting hoses and a metal bar with holes, with which the attachment is attached to the toilet. The holes of the nozzle completely coincide with the holes for fixing the lid, which are available in each toilet bowl.

The system has a retractable nozzle that supplies water for hygiene procedures, and a control panel. Also in the design there are branch pipes and hoses for connecting hot and cold water.

The principle of operation of the structure

Water is supplied by turning the ball valve or pressing the corresponding button. The atomizer extends only under water pressure.

When the water is turned off, the nozzle hides back and remains inaccessible to contamination. Water is evenly sprayed and washes the exposed part of the body.

Important! Choose models equipped with a supply of not only cold, but also hot water. Washing with cold water provokes the development of cystitis.

Functions and properties of bidet models

  • Most bidet attachments work on the same principle and fit almost all standard toilets. Different models may differ only in functionality. Most bidet attachments provide:
  • hot water supply and temperature control
  • water pressure adjustment
  • automatic nozzle cleaning
  • function of massage of intimate places

Some types of devices are equipped with:

  • two different nozzles: for men, women or children;
  • adjustable holes in the mounting plate for easy installation on a specific toilet model.

Installing a bidet attachment

  1. Remove the existing toilet seat;
  2. According to the scheme specified in the manufacturer's instructions, install the nozzle on the rim of the toilet bowl;

  • Replace the toilet lid and tighten the bolts;
  • Connect the prefix to the water supply, for which the hoses from the prefix mixer are connected to the pipes of cold and hot water.

Cover or bidet attachment: features of choice

Both consoles and bidet covers are similar in function and purpose and have undeniable advantages:

  • facilitate the hygiene of intimate areas - you do not need to move anywhere after visiting the toilet;
  • serve to prevent urinary tract infections and inflammation of intimate areas;
  • hydromassage function is an excellent prevention of hemorrhoids and prostatitis;
  • suitable for use by men, women and children;
  • the drying function allows you not to think about purchasing toilet paper;
  • saving water: about one liter of water is spent per procedure;
  • saving bathroom space.

How to make the right choice: attachment or bidet cover? Let's compare their main characteristics:

  1. Versatility: the bidet cover must be selected depending on the size and model of the toilet. Attachments do not depend on the size of the plumbing device, therefore they are more versatile.
  2. Ease of installation: the bidet cover must be connected to the water supply and to the electrical network. Bidet attachments are not electronic and require connection only to the water supply.
  3. Service life: bidet covers are made of plastic, which is not able to withstand heavy loads for a long time, respectively, their service life is less than attachments.
  4. Bidet covers are much more expensive than bidet attachments. If the family has a child, you will need to purchase a child seat in addition to the bidet cover, which requires additional costs. The prefix is ​​suitable for use by any member of the family.

After evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of both options, you can make the right choice. Any of these simple devices will save space and make hygiene simple and enjoyable.

Toilet bidet covers and attachments: model overview

Appreciate personal hygiene, but the size of the bathroom does not allow you to install a bidet? There is a way out: a prefix or a bidet cover for the toilet.

Toilet bidet lid: varieties and installation principle

A bidet is a useful and necessary thing in every bathroom, which allows you to solve a lot of juicy tasks. The only drawback of this plumbing fixture is its gender - it is designed exclusively for women. The so-called toilet bidet cover is deprived of this drawback, which, if necessary, men can also use, unless, of course, they are free from prejudices. This plumbing fixture will be discussed in this article, in which, together with the site vannaja.net, we will study the varieties and capabilities of such devices, and also deal with the principle of installing a bidet lid on the toilet with our own hands.

Toilet lid with bidet function photo

Toilet bidet lid: varieties and functionality

A modern bidet cover is a rather functional product, which, within the framework of its purpose, is capable of performing quite a lot of operations. If we talk about the varieties of such products, then only in terms of their capabilities. Like almost all modern products, this device is made for a consumer with any wallet size - the cheapest bidet covers have only the necessary functions, and the most expensive ones are “stuffed” to the fullest.

So, let's begin. What can a modern electronic toilet bidet cover do? Or maybe she's not much.

  1. Water heating. As a rule, hot water is not supplied to the toilet, and for this simple reason, most products of this type are equipped with an electric water heater operating in a flow type. Let's just say that such a heater consumes a lot of energy. As an alternative, you can consider a bidet cover without a water heating function - in this case, it will have to be connected to the plumbing system in the apartment. If the renovation in the bathroom is already completed, then this business will result in big alterations associated with additional costs. In addition, there will be a problem with adjusting the water temperature - in this respect, the electronic bidet cover is much better. Personally, I would prefer a fully finished product with at least a basic set of functions - the bidet lid is simply obliged to heat and regulate the water temperature.
  2. Built-in hair dryer. You can, of course, use a towel, but a hair dryer is much better.

What are the functions of the toilet bidet lid

Electronic bidet toilet cover photo

And that's not all that modern bidet covers are capable of - in short, I will say that they can regulate the water pressure, ozonize the air in the room, heat the toilet seat and many other similar useful things. By the way, the functions of the bidet cover can be controlled in two ways: using the buttons built into its body on the side, or using the remote control.

Installing a bidet cover: simple and affordable for everyone

In most cases, the bidet lid can be installed on any toilet, but there are exceptions. This factor must be taken into account when choosing a device - before you go to the store, take the dimensions of the lid installed on the toilet bowl and consult the seller on compatibility. You should be prepared to not find the right electronic bidet lid seat for your toilet. The fact is that they are produced in standard sizes. If your toilet is too large or, conversely, small, you will have to be content with a hygienic shower.

But back to installing the bidet cover with your own hands. For a thorough understanding of the issue, we will break this process into stages.

  1. We unscrew the two plastic nuts in the form of a lamb from the bottom of the toilet bowl - do not confuse them with the nuts holding the toilet bowl. The ones you need are closer to the front edge of the toilet.
  2. We remove the installed cover and put in its place a seat with a bidet function. It is mounted in the reverse order of the one with which you dismantled the old seat. Tighten all nuts as tight as possible, only by hand - no need to use wrenches!

Bidet cover for toilet mechanical photo

electronic seat cover bidet photo

As you can see, the toilet bidet cover is a fairly simple device from the point of view of an ordinary user. In addition, it is still quite simple to install - anyone can connect it. But most importantly, by installing such a lid on your toilet, you will get additional convenience and savings on toilet paper.

Toilet Bidet Cover: Types and Functions, Bathroom Repair and Design

Toilet bidet lid: varieties, functionality, do-it-yourself installation and connection principle.

Toilet bidet lid: how to choose a comfortable seat

In Europe and Japan, a bidet is a mandatory attribute of personal hygiene in the bathroom. In Russia, this plumbing is more of a choice for medical institutions and connoisseurs of absolute purity. If you belong to the second category, then you cannot do without such a bath for washing. But domestic toilets do not please with large dimensions, this device is often simply nowhere to put in them.

However, there is another option - a toilet bidet cover with extended functionality. It is enough to install it instead of a conventional toilet seat and you get a convenient two-in-one system.

Description of bidet toilet seats

Initially, bidet covers were intended for seriously ill patients who were unable to take care of themselves. They appeared in European and American hospitals as early as the 50s and 60s of the last century. It was a removable toilet seat that had a nozzle to supply water from the tap. The patient got rid of the need to use toilet paper and make efforts when doing hygiene procedures.

As technology has evolved, bidet toilet lids have been improved and equipped with heating, air drying, electronic control and deodorization.

The latest models are even equipped with music players and various sensors, and also have an antibacterial coating on the nozzles and a plastic seat. Everything for hygiene, cleanliness and convenience of the consumer.

Appointment of hygienic caps-nozzles

A bidet is often referred to as a "paperless toilet". Its main purpose is hygienic washing after defecation and urination. As a result of the use of such plumbing, blood circulation in the pelvic area improves and the risk of infectious diseases there decreases.

To mount the bidet nozzle on the toilet, you only need minimal skills in plumbing work. In fact, this is an ordinary seat, which is additionally equipped with special devices. You only need to connect the water supply pipes to it, plug it into the outlet and fix it on the toilet, but nothing more.

Advantages of the bidet cover mass:

  • easy installation - just follow the instructions;
  • quick installation - you only need to connect a couple of hoses for water supply;
  • cheap solution - the lining costs two to three times less than the bidet itself;
  • ease of control - temperature and pressure are changed by pressing a button;
  • saving space in the toilet;
  • availability of additional functions.

Especially the home toilet bidet seat is convenient for people with disabilities and children. This plumbing device is absolutely safe to use and even useful. No wonder doctors recommend it for the prevention of diseases in the pelvis.

Differences between consoles and seats

Often, buyers get confused in the assortment and names of all these multifunctional nozzles, seats and toilet lids. Before going to the plumbing store, it does not hurt to understand in more detail their features and design differences.

There are three similar devices:

  1. Hygienic shower - overlay on the toilet bowl on the side in the form of a mixer with a watering can on a flexible hose.
  2. Bidet nozzle - a bar with nozzles and a faucet, fixed on the toilet bowl at the point of fixing the flush tank.
  3. The cover with built-in bidet function is a complete and multifunctional washing device.

The first plumbing device to be used must be picked up and directed to the washed area of ​​the body. And the other two devices are tightly screwed to the toilet, for work it is enough to turn them on. The nozzles in them are fixed and retractable. Models with a length-adjustable tip are more practical and convenient, but more expensive than other options.

Multifunctional bidet toilet seats in the form of removable lids can be equipped with multiple jets and a control console. In the closed state, they do not outwardly differ from their conventional counterparts, only the remote control on the side can confuse out of ignorance.

In the "OFF" mode, the nozzles are removed closer to the tank, an ordinary toilet is obtained. When switched to the "BIDE" mode, the nozzles extend to the desired distance so that water is supplied through them for rinsing.

Functionality of electronic models

The multifunctional bidet nozzle on a typical toilet turns the latter into a universal system for ablution and hygiene. It has several modes of operation that allow you to adjust the plumbing used to the individual preferences and characteristics of the person being washed.

Toilet bidet nozzles are divided into models:

  • electronic - require connection to the mains;
  • mechanical - to turn on the water and extend the nozzles, they have a manual lever.

In electronic models, everything is arranged in such a way as to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the bidet nozzles and at the same time keep the toilet and the device clean. The main thing in such plumbing is convenience. All bidets are specially designed so that the person using them would not have to make unnecessary gestures when visiting the toilet.

As additional functionality, overhead bidet models are equipped with:

  • hydromassage;
  • self-cleaning system;
  • seat heating;
  • supply of liquid soap;
  • air drying;
  • human presence sensor;
  • lid soft closing device;
  • air freshener in the bathroom.

In the latest models, plastic seats and metal nozzles have become coated with a layer of silver particles. This metal is a natural antiseptic and ensures the sterility of working water supply elements and surfaces on which the toilet visitor sits.

Water can be heated, supplied through a mixer or directly from the cold water pipe. The jet is supplied in the simple washing mode, with pulsation and saturation with air. To clean the atmosphere of the toilet, the linings are equipped with a deodorization system.

Most models have a pair of separate retractable spouts with nozzles for different rinsing areas. One is enough for men, but women need just such a duet. If there is only one nozzle, then it should have two differently directed nozzles.

Principles of operation of toilet nozzles

When you turn on the water with the lever of the mixer or the button on the remote control, the spouts under the pressure of the water flow move forward and begin to spray jets. After turning off, they hide back, which eliminates their contamination with feces and urine. However, to remove dirt from the nozzles, they are provided with automatic cleaning.

The jet is adjusted for temperature, head and direction. You need to get used to the bidet, otherwise, with ill-conceived adjustment, you can fill the entire toilet with water. The lighting and seat heating functions turn on automatically when a person sits on the toilet. How much such conveniences are frills is a moot point. For some, such accessories are considered excessive, while for others, give the built-in Internet as well. Here to each his own.

Features of choosing a convenient overhead bidet

When choosing a bidet for the toilet, it is not recommended to buy cheap models. They won't last long. But with too expensive products, you also need to be careful. Due to the large number of functions, they may have a non-standard design, which excludes their installation on most typical toilet bowls.

The sizes of the bidet lids and the toilet bowls themselves are standard. But when choosing the first one, it is necessary to first measure the dimensions of the seat of the second one, so as not to be mistaken in a few millimeters. As a rule, when purchasing a lining, the toilet is already in the toilet, which makes replacing it with a specific cover not a very reasonable exercise.

Nozzles in the form of strips are more versatile. They are mounted by means of bolts that secure the toilet bowl. There are only a few options for the distances between the holes for them - 130, 150, 200 mm. It is difficult to make a mistake here, especially since the bar has an elongated cutout for fasteners in the middle. It can be shifted left/right in a fairly large range.

Compared to a lid, the nozzle is easier to install and connect to networks. Often, such models are mechanical and it is enough for them to connect to the water supply riser. Electronic bidets also require a power supply. The nozzle is suitable for anyone, regardless of age. But the bidet seat for the child will have to be selected separately.

Optimal in terms of convenience, the overhead bidet is a model with adjustable water temperature. Here, the option is possible both with the connection of two pipelines with a mixture of hot and cold streams, and a modification with heating. For the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to wash with cool water, and cystitis - only warm.

The nuances of installing a special cover on the toilet

The overhead bidet comes with all the necessary nuts, power cords, gaskets and fittings. You don't need to invent or search for anything. It is only necessary to read the instructions beforehand and you can proceed with the installation.

First, the lid or pad of the bidet is attached to the rim of the toilet with the fasteners included in the kit. Then the water hoses or one cold water hose are connected. Here it is possible to connect directly from the riser or from the washbasin pipes nearby.

Water hoses to the bidet nozzle or cover are connected by means of a common T-shaped fitting or to separate nozzles of the device with the installation of check valves and water-purifying filters.

With electricity, it's even easier. There is a cord with a plug that you just need to plug into an outlet. Problems can arise only if the latter is not in the restroom. Then you have to lay a cable from the existing one in the bathroom. Otherwise, connecting the bidet cover is no more difficult than connecting the washing machine. The process is even simpler, there is no need to pull sewer pipes.

The bidet overlay is a trivial and easy-to-install device. Its use reduces the risk of inflammation of the intimate parts of the human body and prevents genitourinary diseases. For most Russians, such plumbing is still a curiosity. But doctors are unanimous - its installation prevents many sores and facilitates their treatment.

By means of bidet covers, a conventional toilet bowl can be quickly transformed into a modern and multifunctional sanitary ware. Even if the bathroom is tiny, it doesn't matter. The overlay cover will not take away precious space in it, and it is quite possible to cope with its installation on your own, without calling the plumbing masters.

Toilet bidet lid: how to choose a comfortable seat

Types of bidet lids for toilet bowls. The principle of operation and technology of installation of nozzles-seats. How to choose a comfortable bidet toilet seat.

Does not take up much space, choose a nozzle with a bidet function - a special cover or a prefix. They differ in connection and control method (there is a mechanical one, and there is an electronic one). Learn about their differences, installation and read reviews.

Nozzle-bidet: description, installation instructions

Maintaining personal hygiene and saving space in the toilet are the main advantages of bidets in the form of lids, attachments and nozzles. These devices are mounted on the toilet. A bidet head is a relatively inexpensive and affordable option because it does not include electronics. For control, there is a special panel with several buttons that regulate the pressure and temperature of the supplied water.

Toilet bidet

The nozzle can be used by both adults and children. In addition to the washing function, the device is capable of doing massage. Thus, blood circulation in delicate areas of the body is stimulated. This is the prevention of certain diseases.

For self-assembly of the bidet nozzle, you need:

  1. Place the nozzle on the toilet bowl, after unscrewing the seat.
  2. Fasten the seat together with the nozzle panel with screws.
  3. Turn off the water: both cold and hot.
  4. Disconnect the pipes through which it is supplied.
  5. Install tees.
  6. Reconnect pipes.
  7. Cut the pipes for the nozzle to the desired length.
  8. Attach them to the tees and nozzle panel.
  9. Resume water supply

Differences bidet prefix. How to connect it

A special prefix for the toilet bowl can be presented in two versions: as and as spray nozzles. Depending on this, in addition to the faucet, metal panel and hoses, its kit includes either a shower head or retractable nozzles. The principle of operation of both variations of the bidet attachment is also different. If you have installed a hygienic shower, then simply turn on the water so that it pours from the watering can.

Hygienic shower

If water is supplied to the nozzle, then under the action of pressure this part is advanced. After that, you can begin hygiene procedures. You do not need to control the direction of the water: it sprays itself evenly. After closing the tap, you will see how the nozzle hides back. This protects it from contamination.

Advice. Give preference to a model that is equipped with both cold and hot water supply.

Attachments allow you to adjust the temperature and pressure of water. Many of them include auto-clean nozzles and a massage option. Manufacturers have made sure that the device fits almost all standard toilet bowls. Therefore, the mounting holes of the cover and the console panel are the same. This allows you to attach the bidet tightly enough.

Attention! Some types of consoles are equipped with holes in the bar that are adjustable. This is convenient if the toilet is different from the standard.

To mount the attachment:

Details of the bidet attachment

  1. Remove the seat from the toilet.
  2. Place the device itself on its rim. This must be done in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
  3. Replace the toilet lid, screw all the bolts.
  4. Connect the connecting hoses from the mixer to the pipes through which water is supplied.

Features of the bidet cover and its step-by-step installation

With the help of a bidet cover, it is not only possible to wash delicate areas in different modes (for example, in children's or using a pulsating jet), but also a number of other functions are available:

  • hydromassage;
  • drying;
  • seat heating;
  • "anti-cotton" - for smooth closing of the lid;
  • self-cleaning;
  • the ability to install nozzles in a way that is convenient for the user, etc.

Electronic bidet SensPa

The presence / absence of certain options depends on the cover model and the control method, which can be:

  • mechanical - usually work on the principle of a mixer, require manual adjustment;
  • electronic - imply switching on and adjustment using a remote control or built-in panel.

Cover installation consists of the following steps:

  1. After shutting off the water, disconnect the hose.
  2. Install the lid on the toilet, after unscrewing the necessary nuts on the seat.
  3. Attach the inlet hose to the tank, as well as to the T-valve. Add a filter to the last one.
  4. Connect the cover and hose filter with a special plastic nut.
  5. By plugging the power cord into an outlet, turn on the water supply.

Toilet equipped with a bidet. Owner reviews


  • optimal personal hygiene;
  • simple installation;
  • ease of use, especially if washing children;
  • space saving.

Installation of accessories with a bidet function does not take much time


  • the bidet attachment in the form of a shower sprays water. You have to get used to it;
  • nozzles are not always conveniently installed;
  • plastic bidet covers do not last long;
  • such devices are not cheap.

Advice. When making a purchase, check whether the kit includes the parts necessary for installation: nuts, hoses, etc.

Nozzle-bidet on the toilet: video

Toilet bidet lid: photo

The health of a person, and especially his genitourinary system, depends on how well and regularly personal hygiene is carried out. It is not surprising that more and more people are seeking to equip bidet toilets that allow you to quickly wash yourself immediately after using the toilet.

Installing a bidet requires free space in the room. In addition, it is important to take care of the installation of the structure, to achieve its harmonious combination with the interior of the toilet and the existing toilet bowl.

To avoid these difficulties, the purchase of a bidet cover, which is installed on the toilet, allows. It allows you to carry out hygienic procedures, while being compact and convenient.


The bidet lid is a toilet seat equipped with nozzles. From the latter, water flows under pressure. In other words, this is a two-in-one device, characterized by functionality and ergonomics.

The first country where the devices appeared was Japan. Then, in European and American institutions, they began to be used to care for the disabled and seriously ill. Today, such devices can be found in most homes in Japan and Korea, as well as European countries.

A toilet equipped with a bidet lid is not much different from a regular one. Especially if retractable type nozzles are used.


Depending on the features of device management, it can be of 2 types:

  • Mechanical. To operate the lid, you must manually configure the necessary parameters. Its operation is similar to the operation of a mixer, it is equipped with a control lever.
  • Electronic. Management is carried out by means of a remote control, in a number of models - remote. Provides connection to the mains.

There are also prefixes with a bidet function. Such an attachment with a mixer has a shower head, the connection of the elements is carried out by means of flexible hoses, as well as a perforated metal strip, which is attached to the toilet bowl.

It is necessary to distinguish between the following devices that allow you to wash yourself after visiting the toilet.

  • hygienic shower - equipped with a mixer and a shower head, which is attached to the toilet or near it. In order to use the device, you must pick up the shower and turn on the water;
  • bidet overlay is a bar with nozzles and fastening at the fixation point of the drain tank;
  • lid with bidet function - a seat in which nozzles are built.

One of 2 types of washer devices can be used for caps and nozzles:

  • retractable nozzles (they extend and retract as needed, a more hygienic, but also expensive option);
  • stationary bidette (provide less comfortable use, can become contaminated even before use, which does not always guarantee the hygiene of the procedure).

Many modern models have silver-plated metal nozzles. Silver is considered a natural antiseptic, and therefore its use is justified. In addition, current models have a special anti-mud and antibacterial coating.

Depending on the type of water supply, there are devices connected directly to cold water and hot water pipes, as well as devices connected only to pipes with cold water. The built-in water heater allows you to achieve the desired temperature.

Regardless of the variety of options, the seats are versatile. They can be mounted on wall-mounted, side-mounted, floor-standing toilets, as well as their corner versions.

Most models have additional features, the most common of which are:

  • the ability to adjust the water pressure, which provides more comfortable use;
  • adjusting the pressure to the anatomical features of the user (including taking into account gender characteristics);
  • built-in thermostat, which ensures the constancy of pressure and temperature indicators;

  • hydromassage provided by several jets of water supplied under different pressure;
  • water heating: this function allows you to connect only to cold water pipes, which simplifies installation. However, even if the seat is connected to both cold and hot water supply, a heated bidet cover will save you during planned or emergency shutdowns of hot water;
  • infrared hair dryer provides drying function and also provides antiseptic treatment;
  • self-cleaning - a retractable or stationary bidet is cleaned independently before and after use, some models have the function of self-cleaning the toilet bowl;

  • heated seat;
  • cover-microlift, thanks to which its smooth automatic lowering and lifting is ensured;
  • the possibility of electronic control (special programs are set, according to which the nozzles are automatically activated, then the drying function and self-cleaning of the toilet bowl are carried out);
  • ultra-modern "smart" models, in addition to the listed functions, analyze the user's biomaterial, if necessary, report on the discrepancy between the received data and accepted standards. Thanks to this function, the user manages to monitor the state of health, if necessary, contact specialists.

Advantages and disadvantages

The bidet cover has a number of advantages that ensure its relevance:

  • ergonomic, do not require space for installation;
  • efficiency - the simplest design is cheaper than a bidet, its cost is much lower than the price of electronic toilets;
  • reduced water consumption - about a liter is spent per procedure;
  • ease of use, especially if you have a “smart” model equipped with a control panel and having many functions;

  • the ability to refuse the use of toilet paper (which is important for people with hemorrhoids, constipation);
  • the ability to personalize the operation parameters (it is enough to set the temperature and other modes once, enter them into the device’s memory. For further use on the panel or using the remote control, it is enough to select the appropriate mode);
  • a heated lid will be appreciated in unheated rooms, as well as by families with small children, people suffering from cystitis;
  • simplifies the care of the seriously ill and the elderly;

  • versatility of use (suitable not only for hygiene procedures, but also for washing the paws of a pet, cleaning the toilet bowl);
  • versatility of fastening (the lid is installed on any ceramic, steel or other toilet bowl. The type of fastening of the toilet bowl also does not matter - it can be a hanging, floor or corner version);
  • ease of use - just turn the tap and set the desired water parameters (mechanical devices) or select the appropriate work program on the control panel (electronic analogues);
  • ease of installation and maintenance.

The use of a bidet cover helps to comply with the doctor's instructions, for example, in case of hemorrhoids, diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as itching and irritation.

Doctors say that such water procedures are one of the effective methods for preventing diseases of the pelvic organs.

The disadvantage is the high cost of devices, however, it is usually explained by the comfort that the use of the unit gives. In addition, some manufacturers produce lids for certain brands and models of toilet bowls. Fortunately, this is becoming less and less common.

Popular Models

Covers from Korean manufacturers are popular. For example, Sato, in the collection of which covers both standard and shortened toilet bowls. The undeniable advantages of the design are the seamless soldering of the body (provides increased strength) and a highly efficient nozzle cleaning system. In the collection of products from this manufacturer from South Korea, covers with the possibility of connecting a storage water heater. Such a system is indispensable for homes where there are often interruptions in hot water or inconsistent water pressure.

Standard lids are also available under the brand name Panasonic. They are distinguished by an affordable price and the availability of service centers in major cities of Russia. Most models are equipped with energy and water saving systems, have seat heating, a self-cleaning system and, importantly, an instruction manual in Russian.

Using lids from a Japanese manufacturer YoYo allows you to get maximum comfort, because they have many modes of operation and take into account the anatomical features of users. Among the advantages are the presence of an aerator, an odor blocker, the presence of sachet flavors, updated and improved electronics, and lighting.

This product is not inferior to the Japanese brand Xiaomi, or rather the model Smart Toilet Cover. Among the advantages are many jet modes, the elimination of the option of false operation of nozzles due to the presence of motion sensors, 4 seat heating modes. The device is equipped with a lid with a microlift, an emergency power off button for the device, and a backlight. The "minus" can be called the signatures for the buttons on the control panel in Chinese. However, looking at the images on the buttons, it is easy to guess their purpose.

Units from Turkey received positive feedback ( Vitra Grand), as well as the result of Japanese-Korean cooperation ( Nano bidet). Several pressure modes, temperature control, water and seat heating, the option of blowing and self-cleaning nozzles have become a standard set of options for them. More "advanced" models have a backlight, a UV lamp for disinfecting the surfaces of the lid and toilet bowl, hydromassage, an enema function, and musical accompaniment.

Brand products vitra differs in functionality and lower, in comparison with Japanese and Korean analogs, the price. There are different seats depending on the size of the toilet, separate nozzles for the disabled and children.

Cover model is characterized by full compliance with the domestic water supply system iZen. This is an electronic device that has the function of fast washing (thanks to the moving tip), 2 energy saving modes, several ways of nozzle operation, high functionality of the disinfection and cleaning system.

Such a cover is put on the toilet from above, outwardly it also looks like a regular cover-seat. In that part of the bidet cover, which is closer to the tank, there are two faucets, between which there is a tube supplying water. This device is connected to the water supply system. Only the simplest models are arranged in this way, the price of which ranges from $200 to $300.

And now let's talk about a less complex device - a bidet lid. Such a cover is put on the toilet from above, outwardly it also looks like a regular cover-seat. In the part of the lid-bidet, which is closer to the toilet with a high tank, there are two faucets, between which there is a tube supplying water. This device is connected to the water supply system. Only the simplest models are arranged in this way, the price of which ranges from $200 to $300. But there are also more expensive and complex devices. For example, there is a bidet cover equipped with electronic control. A control unit containing a heating element hangs on the side of the toilet. After pressing a few buttons on this remote control, a small tube comes out from under the cover, which supplies water - the mini-bidet is ready for use. We would like to note that almost all bidet covers are suitable for any toilet bowl.

Specialists of some companies have developed a bidet cover that connects only to cold water. In this case, the heating element is located under the lid, and therefore it (the lid) is somewhat thicker than in other models. This design is in great demand in the homes of Europeans, where hot water supply is not provided.

how to install a toilet seat(bidet cover)

1. Remove the old toilet seat and turn off the water supply.
2. Place the bidet cover on the toilet.
3. Connect the cistern supply hose to the T-valve (see image above) and connect the other end of the hose to the cistern.
4. Connect to (see image above) the filter, and to the filter a hose with a plastic nut for supplying water to the bidet cover, connect the other end of the hose to the bidet cover.
5. Turn on the water supply and connect the power cord to the outlet and your bidet cover is ready to use!

In the next article, we will talk about installing a toilet cistern, talk about the features of the toilet cistern fittings and how to change the toilet cistern gasket.

bidet cover

In the mid-eighties of the twentieth century, Western developers found a simple and extremely effective solution for small bathrooms - a bidet cover that is installed on the toilet. They have become incredibly popular since their invention, a huge variety of models has appeared - from the simplest to electronic ones. Bidet covers are a modern alternative to classic models. They can be installed on any toilet and there is no need for complex installation, a separate place and a drain.

They are ideal if the area of ​​​​your bathroom is not large, but for you hygiene and ease of use are always at the first level. Here you will find bidet covers from world manufacturers, of various configurations and with a variety of sets.
functions. The simplest bidet cover configuration is the cheapest. It is a simple cover-seat, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tank, which has two mixers and a tube between them that supplies water. By connecting a similar bidet cover to the toilet, you will get all the functions of a conventional bidet - comfort, hygiene and health. We also offer electronic bidet covers, which are significantly more expensive. They are designed using modern technologies, which significantly increase the level of comfort and quality of hygiene. They are made from antiseptic materials, and some models also use nano-silver technology, which inhibits the growth of fungi and bacteria that lead to infectious diseases.

On the side of the electronic cover of the bidet there is a control panel with which you can set the water temperature and jet pressure, turn on the fan or hair dryer. The process of using the bidet cover becomes a real pleasure thanks to additional functions: seat heating, massager, air deodorization and water purification. Controlling the electronic bidet covers is very easy. They can be used both in urban apartments and private houses, and in public places: offices, business and shopping centers, restaurants, hotels, thanks to the reliable level of sanitation provided by the antiseptic coating.

How does a bidet cover work?

The basic principle of operation of electronic lids is the combination of the functions of "hygiene unisex" and "bidet", i.e. after installing the bidet cover on a standard toilet, no additional space is required to place the bidet. At the same time, the quality of hygienic care is significantly improved due to high-tech aqua procedures that are not available when installing classic bidets.

The electronic bidet cover is installed on the toilet instead of a conventional seat, mounted on the same holes, connected to cold water and an electrical outlet. With the help of retractable nozzles and a built-in hair dryer, it performs various functions.

The advantage of electronic lids is that they are made of antibacterial materials and equipped with an electronic control mode that allows you to perform a wide range of functions that meet the highest requirements for comfort and hygiene:
and seat heating.

Electronic digital control allows you to change the temperature of water, drying, seat heating and adjust the water pressure and drying mode.

Electronic bidet covers are easy to operate and are designed not only for individual use in city apartments and country houses, but also in public bathrooms (business centers, offices, hotels, restaurants, etc.), as the antiseptic coating guarantees a reliable level of sanitation .

Aqua procedures are of particular importance in various medical institutions, sanatoriums, health centers, and rest homes.

toilet bowl + with high cistern toilet cistern installation toilet cistern fittings toilet cistern gasket machined
