What is included in the esoteric. Esotericism for beginners: introduction to wisdom. Special years in a person's life and what life is for

First of all, esotericism is a multifaceted person. It includes both the occult sciences, mysticism, higher psychology, the philosophy of the soul, and various religious trends. There are no clear defined boundaries here. The free study of the mysterious worlds in all their manifestations and the development of man in them - this is how one could probably define the essence and purpose of esoteric knowledge.

The secret teaching of the initiates or a projection of reality?

If we try to answer this question in simple words, then, firstly, it should be noted what this word means in translation from the Greek concept - inland, and we owe its existence to Pythagoras. In English it sounds like esoterica(from Greek. esotericos internal), meaning a set of concepts, teachings, beliefs, the main meaning of which is hidden from ordinary people (profanes, simpletons) and is available only to initiates who have gone through certain rituals and have a certain degree of knowledge - this is how it is said, for example, about this in one of the dictionaries.

It can be said in general that esotericism is a kind of secret teaching about the material world and the spiritual development of mankind. A kind of projection of reality. This includes various spiritual practices: meditation, yoga, work with breathing, pumping energy, occultism, palmistry, the doctrine of the signs of the zodiac, various secret schools of psychics ... Knowledge of the basics of higher psychology gives a correct understanding of the basics of the human soul, so many famous esotericists believe that it is necessary to begin the study of this topic precisely with psychology, and only then proceed to the actual esoteric teachings.

What is esotericism and what does it study?

The subject and directions of esotericism are quite broad concepts, we have already touched on them a little above. This, one might say, generalized type of knowledge allows for a direct connection with the Creator on the path of knowing oneself as a particle of the Divine principle. In general, religious trends, as well as some schools related to esotericism, give initiates a deeper understanding of spiritual truths.

Each person is a unique system, which includes a variety of levels of awareness of one's "I". And, probably, many wondered how to expand their capabilities, move to the level of awareness and sensation of the subtle planes of matter...

An integral part of esotericism is also the study of human chakras: the energy spiritual centers of the human body and the peculiar internal structures of his soul. In this teaching, opportunities are constantly considered to look at the world of the soul in a new way. At the same time, the important esoteric meaning of this whole topic is, ultimately, the spiritual evolution of mankind.

Who is an esoteric?

First of all, it should be noted that an esoteric is a person who considers his life not only from the point of view and through the prism of materialistic positions. He is characterized, first of all, by close attention to his inner world and to the unknown in general. And the fact that people have not yet learned to understand even themselves, not to mention the understanding of any higher instances of the universe, is an indisputable fact. And an attempt to live consciously, gradually finding and building a relationship with higher instances of the Universe - this is, speaking in general, one of the main goals and aspirations of famous esotericists of all times and peoples.

Such, for example, as Castaneda, Blavatsky, Helena Roerich ... - the list of esotericists who have existed throughout human history, and even their representatives of the 20th century, is truly huge. The most famous of them have opened the veil of secrecy before humanity ... And this will be discussed in our section

Concepts of the main approaches to the knowledge of reality

tell us that a spiritually developing person cannot act in isolation from the general conclusions and developments of human history and civilization, starting from its ancient times. In the mysteries, horoscopes, basic knowledge about nature, religion and the Universe - knowledge, often not obvious, invisible to our fussy gaze, there are many answers to questions that concern people so far, regardless of what century they lived or live now. And even the constantly developing human civilization, despite all its numerous achievements, has not yet come much closer to answering these questions.

The three modes of human nature

So, in spiritual teachings there is, for example, the concept of the three main modes of human nature: this is the mode of goodness, the mode of passion and the mode of ignorance. From the Sanskrit word guna means quality. Each person is under the influence of all three gunas, but as a rule, one of them is fundamental in his life. It is she who controls his life.

  • The mode of goodness is the most positive mode. A person who is under its influence is virtuous, loves to do good deeds and deeds, brings joy to the world. This is a conscientious person: it is very difficult for him to harm others and it is difficult even to think negatively. Basically, people who are in the mode of goodness strive for spiritual development and knowledge of their inner world.
  • The second guna is the mode of ignorance. Unfortunately, a lot of people are affected by it. As a rule, they prefer an idle lifestyle, momentary pleasures, destroying their body and soul. Ignorant people never accept someone else's point of view and try to retrain others and adjust everything around them to their own way. This does not mean at all that only spoiled people, mired in their vices, belong to this category. Not at all. Moreover, they can even be quite wealthy and look good... But their desire to violate the law of nature, trying to change the world for themselves, is also ignorance.
  • And the third guna is the guna of passion. Those who put passion above awareness are stuck in it ... Worldly pleasures, idle life and pleasures without measure - this, perhaps, is a characteristic of people belonging to this guna.

But - just as all the colors of the rainbow reside in one color at the same time, so in the life of every person, to one degree or another, all three gunas are present. It is dangerous when he becomes a slave to one of them...

Why do we need esotericism?

Many believe that this is a teaching that negatively affects a person’s life, and also contradicts his beliefs and religion.

Moreover: others believe that this direction of the study of the world is completely illegal! .. However, this is a false idea. In esotericism, of course, there are also such directions as occultism, magic, mysticism ... But they cannot in any way negatively affect the main meaning and purpose of this teaching itself, which supports the development of a person’s capabilities and abilities, as well as his self-development.

The meaning of esotericism is in knowledge and unity. It proclaims Light, Love and Unity with God and the Universe and higher knowledge.

Recently, we hear more and more often such expressions as messengers of light, transformation… We are looking for ways to extend our earthly days in an attempt to transform our body… But we often forget that the true transformation of reality has already begun.

⚓ Psychic

⚓ Energy Medicine (Cosmoenergetics, Bioenergetics)

Description of the directions of esotericism

  • Astrology.

It is a complex science based on ancient Vedic treatises. Astrology has existed since the beginning of time and has been handed down through the chain of disciplic succession. In order to comprehend this esoteric science, one must be a brahmin and study it from an early age under the guidance of a spiritual teacher. The training of astrology lasted not one year, and not even five years, but more than ten years. Astrology is based on a complex science - mathematics (algebra, geometry).

To master this science well, it is not enough to know only one mathematics. An astrologer must know well the structure of our universe and the entire universe. The most accurate and insightful astrology is jyotish. The science of Jyotish is based on the most accurate Vedic texts, that is, backed up by Shastra.

Astrology is a science that can describe your entire life, what awaits you at any given time. With the help of astrology, a person can find out all his weaknesses and strengths, dangerous and favorable moments of life. Knowing your horoscope has the advantage that a person can properly distribute his forces and avoid serious mistakes. Also, a warned person can correct and smooth out dangerous life situations. Astrology is a science given to us by the Lord God himself for our good. Of course, not all life situations can be changed, but a person always has the freedom of choice, and he has the right to try to change his life for the better.

Previously, ordinary people did not turn to astrologers so often. They usually used the services of an astrologer in the following situations: at the birth of a child, when choosing a wife or husband (compatibility was checked), and in difficult life situations.

If you intend to go to an astrologer and draw up your own horoscope (natal chart), then you should very carefully select the right specialist, preferably a Vedic astrologer. A prerequisite for a Vedic astrologer is that he has a spiritual master and follows his instructions.

  • Ayurveda.

The ancient science of health. With its history, going back into the mists of time, it still has not lost its relevance, again proving its natural life-giving power with examples of amazing healings. The Ayur-Vedic doctor does not treat the disease, but the patient. This, perhaps, is one of its main secrets: a person is considered as an integral system, inextricably linked with the outside world and the cosmos. Her methods are aimed not at artificial suppression of pathology, but at the activation of the hidden reserves of the human body. There are no artificial and hard-to-reach drugs in the treatment system, everything is given by nature itself! In this section of esotericism, you can get acquainted with the basic concepts of Ayurveda, determine what type you are and get recommendations regarding your natural healing. Hope you get the maximum benefit. If you have interesting materials on Ayurveda, then share them with us.

The oldest science on the planet about the structure of man and his health - Ayurveda, contains thousands of medicinal formulations, which include only natural and environmentally friendly components. All components for drugs are specially grown in the most environmentally friendly areas of the planet - Nepal, Tibet, the Himalayas. These recipes are thousands of years old. Now they are available to everyone. The composition, specially adapted for the West, retains all the miraculous nature of these drugs and serves as a supporting, strengthening and often healing factor for many diseases.

  • Veda.

The Vedas are sacred scriptures given by the Lord God himself for a righteous life in the material world. Vedic knowledge in the past was transmitted orally, as people had a good memory. In our age (Kali Yuga), people began to gradually degrade (lose memory) and Vedic knowledge had to be written down on paper. Vedic knowledge covers all major sciences (upaveda shastras): artha shastra, jyotish, vastu shastra, ayurveda, gandharva veda, dhanur veda and sthapatya veda. All these scriptures were written down in verses (shastras) in the ancient language "Sanskrit". Commentaries by holy people (spiritual teachers) have been issued on many verses for better understanding of the shastras. Self-study of the Vedic scriptures will not give much result. For a deep understanding of the Vedic scriptures, a spiritual teacher is needed. In turn, the spiritual teacher also has a spiritual teacher. This is called the "chain of disciplic succession" or parampara.

Now the Vedas are publicly available for study. In the old days, "Vedic knowledge" was the priority of the higher castes: Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishas. Kshatriyas and Vaishyas could study the sacred Vedic scriptures, but they were not allowed to teach them to others. Only brahmins had the right to teach other people Vedic knowledge.

Knowing the Vedic scriptures and following them, a person could achieve any material wealth and even the spiritual world. Performing the prescribed sacrifices, worshiping certain demigods and living a righteous life, a person easily (after the death of the physical body) reached the heavenly planets and enjoyed a long and full of pleasure life on them.

The most important Vedic verses are those that give a person liberation from the bondage of the material world. Such sastras give transcendental knowledge by which one can enter the Vaikuntha (spiritual world). Vaikuntha is a place where there is no worries and anxieties, there is ever-increasing happiness.

The spiritual world is much better than the heavenly planets, since from there one does not have to return to the mortal and full of suffering material world.

In the Vedas you can find any practical knowledge. All material knowledge is based on the Vedas. You can study the Vedas throughout your life, they are very large and difficult to understand. But thanks to the commentaries of saintly persons, the study of the Vedas becomes easier.

  • Divination (Tarot, Runes and others).

Divination is a way to look into the past or the future. Man has always been interested in his future fate and events in his life. There are a large number of fortune-telling methods: on cards, on coffee grounds, on dreams, on a candle and wax, on a ring in water, and others. Some even manage to summon spirits for divination. Divination has such a feature as a large error. Esoteric divination is especially inaccurate among ordinary people who do not understand the meaning of this action. More accurate divination is carried out by people associated with spirits, mediums, as well as psychics.

Fortune-telling items (cards, coffee grounds, wax, fire, etc.) act as tools for communicating with spirits. An incorporeal spirit can see and know more than an ordinary person. This is what the "fortune tellers" of fate use. Divination is a kind of magical ritual that allows you to look into your future with the help of higher powers.

Modern fortune-telling, located on various sites in the form of programs and scripts, and allowing you to tell fortunes directly on the site - just for fun. Such fortune-telling will not give you anything other than interesting information issued by the program. So, if you have a desire to tell fortunes, then find a specialist well-recommended in fortune-telling for this purpose.

  • Yoga.

The word "yoga" comes from the root of the word "yoj" (jugit). Yoga means "connection", "connection" or "liberation". Yoga is a connection with higher powers and directly with God. A true yogi always meditates on the image of God and thus receives liberation at the end of his life. The path of yoga is very difficult. To be a Yogi means to perform difficult austerities and meditate on the Supreme Personality of Godhead. To obtain the highest fruits of yoga (liberation), a yogi had to meditate on God for many years (100 years or more). In the present age (Kali Yuga), people rarely live to be 100 years old. And therefore, classical yoga (eight-step yoga) is not suitable for this age, since a person simply does not have time to perform it properly and receive the fruits from its implementation. To strengthen and maintain health, of course, you can perform some elements of yoga (pranayama).

Modern (Western) yoga is just a set of gymnastic exercises, without much philosophy and meditation. Of course, one should not expect serious results from this type of yoga. Practicing "real" yoga is impossible in today's society. The yogi should meditate in a deserted and holy place (the Himalayas, sacred rivers and places that are hard to reach for most people). Modern cities are not suitable for the practice of classical yoga. The mind of a yogi must be in a "calm" state, otherwise meditation will not work. But in our time, a person experiences a lot of anxiety, and the mind of such a person will not allow him to properly focus on the object of meditation. And the austerities that yogis used to perform, now hardly anyone can perform.

But do not despair, many exercises taken from the classical yoga system help to keep your body in good shape and get sick less. And the right meditation and the philosophy of true yoga will help you understand the meaning of life in the human body.

  • Magic.

The section of magic includes such subsections as: witchcraft, conspiracies, curses, sorcery, divination, love spell, magic. The concept of "magic"

means that a person with certain esoteric superpowers is able to work miracles, using various conspiracies, spells and special items.

Sorcerers and magicians in their witchcraft often use the possibilities of hidden forces (mainly spirits).

The power of good and evil is present everywhere, even in magic. Sorcerers and magicians are usually divided into two types: good and evil (white and black). Good sorcerers help people, and evil ones harm. White magicians mainly treat people, perform rituals for well-being and help with good advice. Black magicians, on the contrary, perform such rituals that harm other people.

  • Mystic.

Mysticism can be called scientifically inexplicable phenomena: various miracles, superpowers, clairvoyance, prophecy, extrasensory abilities, UFO, teleportation, telekinesis, time travel, and so on. Mysticism also manifests itself in communication with ghosts and spirits, the effect of deja vu, clinical death, magic and much more.

  • Knowledge of the Great Shift.

Under the "Great transition" is considered to be the beginning of the Age of Aquarius (according to astrology). The Age of Aquarius is a time of great change. The main change in this era involves the cleansing of our planet from the forces of evil and ignorance with the help of spiritual knowledge. Also, many "Great Shift" teachings believe that many people are not able to enter this new age, so a great catastrophe will occur on earth, which will take many lives. It can be both natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, viruses...) and man-made (atomic warfare, chemical warfare, biological warfare). Only noble and holy people can survive in this "transition". They will restore an ideal and prosperous society in which God's laws will be observed. These changes will also take place in nature: there will be no extreme heat or cold, excess rain (rain will fall at night, and there will be sunshine during the day) and natural disasters. There will be a lot of harvest, there will be no weeds. You will not need to work from morning to night for your livelihood. In such a society, elders will be respected and the Lord God will be honored.

  • Netrad. medicine (Reiki, Qigong, Aromatherapy).

Reiki- This is a simple esoteric technique for healing your body with the help of energy emanating from your hands. This alternative medicine enjoys particular success in the Land of the Rising Sun (Japan). Reiki not only heals the physical body, but also helps with mental disorders. The Reiki technique also has its own philosophy, which is aimed at the harmonious existence of a person in this world.

Recently, this technique has become actively spread around the world. In my understanding, not everyone can master this technique. To do this, you must have a purity of consciousness, live in goodness and have a great desire to help people. It is also necessary to practice meditation, perform austerities and recite certain mantras to focus healing energy.

So most likely there are very few real Reiki masters and they do not pursue profit, but live on donations (who will give what).

qigong- an ancient Chinese technique for controlling the flow of energies. This technique is used to heal and maintain human health. Qigong is also used in martial arts. There are a lot of technicians and schools in this direction. Therefore, the methods of applying and working with the energy of "Qi" may differ slightly from each other.

Qigong helps to eliminate "energy clamps" in the subtle body of a person and restore the correct circulation of energy in the subtle body, which in turn helps to restore the gross physical body of a person. Qigong not only treats diseases of the physical body, but also helps with mental disorders.

Like Reiki, Qigong has its own philosophy, which has the main goal: the understanding of the subtle laws of the material world and the meaning of human life.

aromatherapy- the ancient science of maintaining and restoring health with the help of various aromas. This is a rather complicated branch of alternative medicine, since knowledge of the compatibility of various substances and their effect on the human body is necessary. The master of aromatherapy must have great knowledge in this area, because for each person you need to select an individual recipe, taking into account the characteristics of the psyche and the type of disease (ailment, disorder) of this person.

Official medicine recognizes that many diseases of the physical body come from mental disorders, depression and constant stress.

Properly selected aromatherapy substances will help relieve stress and improve a person's mood, and this is very important in our age, which is full of worries and anxieties. Treatment with natural (natural) aromas, together with favorable soothing music, helps to restore lost strength and be in good shape.

  • Numerology.

Numerology is such a science of esotericism that studies the relationship of numbers with the fate and character of a person. Numerology is an ancient and complex technique for determining the character of a person, events in his life using numbers. Each number in the subtle plane has its own vibration and certain qualities that are unique to this number.

Knowing your date of birth, the master of numerology can easily tell your future and describe your character by the characteristics of numbers.

There are two schools of numerology: Western (Pythagoras) and Eastern (Vedic).

Western numerology is based on the knowledge of the philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras.

Vedic numerology has great accuracy as it is based on the Vedic Shastras and the science of Jyotish (astrology).

  • Lucid dreams, Astral world.

The astral world is a world that is not visible to the human eye. The astral world has a more subtle nature and consists of ether. There are many living beings on the astral plane. For example, in order to get to the heavenly planets, one must have an etheric body. Many spirits and ghosts live next to us on the astral plane. Some people, through the exit from the gross body (during a lucid dream), can also observe the astral world. There are many descriptions of people who are in clinical death and see their body and what is happening around. There are also various esoteric techniques for the exit of the subtle (astral) body from the gross physical.

  • Psychology.

Science that works with the human psyche. Psychology is divided into many components: abnormal psychology (complex mental illness), clinical psychology (stress and depression), counseling psychology (children, family...) and other types of psychology. This science was created by people to provide psychological assistance to those in need. This science is very important for today's society, because in this troubled age, people develop too many mental illnesses. At this time, a psychologist (psychotherapist) is one of the highest paid and sought-after specialties in the West.

  • Rodnovers, Anastasians.

Rodnovery- these are people who adhere to the ancient Slavic tradition of Russia. Orthodox call them pagans. Adepts of this culture, after the probationary period has passed, are called Old Slavic names (Velemud, Svyatozar, Velimir and other names) and conduct an initiation ceremony. In this tradition, there is reverence and worship of the demigods (sun, water, air, fire). Rodnovers want to live in harmony with the surrounding nature, to live together as a large community in a blessed environment (in an eco-village), where there are springs, ponds, fields and forests. The teaching of the Rodnovers has a good basis in the form of Old Slavonic writings (Veles book, Yarilin book and others).

Anastasians they are similar to Rodnovers in that they also respect mother nature and revere higher powers. Adherents of the "Anastasian doctrine" also strive to live on their own land in clean natural conditions, build large estates and revive families with many children. The difference from the Rodnovers lies in the fact that the Anastasians take as their basis the philosophy of the books "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" by a certain author Vladimir Megre.

  • The power of creativity.

Every person living in this world has a certain talent or ability. God gives each person a special gift. The only question is how to discover this ability for creativity in yourself and implement it in your life.

The problem of modern society is that it seeks to drive everyone into a certain pattern of thinking. Most people were brought up the way their parents and society wanted them to. Wrong education kills the inner potential of a person and his hidden abilities. But not everything is lost yet, and a person still has a chance to show the talent inherent in himself by higher powers.

  • traditional religions of the world.

Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Judaism.

All kinds of religions have one source - the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Almost all religions are similar in the basic concepts and laws of God. Non-violence, respect for elders, appeal to higher morality are preached everywhere. In each of these religions there is a set of laws, stepping over which, a person commits a sin. These laws are known to any person living on our planet: don't kill, don't steal, don't commit adultery, don't covet someone else's wife... Treat others the way you want to be treated. All religions emphasize the worship of God and the veneration of his servants (holy men).

If a person lives righteously and does not transgress the laws of God, then in the end such a person is gradually cleansed and sent to the Kingdom of God.

  • Feng Shui.

This science tells about the correct arrangement of objects and furniture in the room, about how to build a house correctly, and how to live in harmony with the surrounding nature with little effort. Feng Shui gives the concept of the subtle esoteric nature of things and the correct circulation of energies. In the Vedic scriptures, this science is called Vastu Shastra. It is from Vastu Shastra that Feng Shui originates.

Feng Shui is a science and philosophy that helps people realize that all the objects around us have their own energy and power. For example, a person will feel good (he will be healthy both physically and mentally) if the house in which he lives is built according to the basic rules of feng shui (vastu shastra). In such a house, a person will be happy just by being in it.

  • Phytotherapy.

This is the science of herbal medicine. Herbal treatment is recognized as official medicine and all pharmacies in the world sell all kinds of herbal preparations, infusions, decoctions and herbal ointments. There are also many tea collections for sale that help with various ailments. Herbal preparations, as they were popular in the old days, remain no less common and in demand to this day. With the right selection of medicinal herbs, the disease is treated quickly and painlessly. Not only one herb is used for treatment, but also inflorescences, flowers, stems, leaves, roots, bark, pollen, juice and other components of a particular plant. Plant-based medicines are very powerful, so you need to be careful not to overdo it with the dosage.

Be healthy and don't get sick.

  • Palmistry.

Palmistry is the science of recognizing and deciphering the concepts of lines on the palms of a person. As you know, each person has his own unique set of lines on the palms of his hands. Along these very lines, the master of palmistry deciphers your future fate and important life events. This technique is quite accurate and difficult to master. It takes a lot of practice and a good teacher to learn this science of divination (perhaps it is even necessary to have some mystical abilities).

  • Extrasensory perception.

Extrasensory perception is translated as "strongly feeling", i.e. this is a person who has more developed strong sense organs, with the help of which he sees more than an ordinary person. Extrasensory perception includes the following concepts: intuition, work with subtle energy, super-abilities.

It is probably not a secret for anyone that there are people who can predict the future and the past, can see at a great distance, heal people with the help of invisible energy. Such people are called psychics, there are many rumors and legends about them. About such people they even shoot entire programs on television.

  • Energy medicine.

Energy medicine is a type of medicine in which people are treated with subtle energy invisible to the human eye. Cosmoenergetics and bioenergetics can be attributed to this section of esotericism. Cosmoenergy is the energy that comes to the aid of man from outer space, and bioenergetics is the energy generated by material nature.

If you are not only a physical body, and you are not indifferent to questions immortality, freedom if you analyze your true essence and touch spiritual world, then perhaps esotericism is for you.

Man has long thought about hidden spiritual, mystical processes, including religion, magic, yoga. There are a lot of methods of self-knowledge and self-realization, and a person is often lost in the vast world of ways to know oneself. Traps lie in wait at every step, but if you are a searching, free, living person, you will find the right Path.

Esoterics(from Greek - internal) - the area of ​​​​specific views on the deep mystical essence of human life. Esotericism includes teachings, concepts, practices of comprehending secret knowledge about the nature of the Human World. This is not a single system of views, but many separate schools, groups and movements, some of which are very different from each other. This includes the natural healing system. Reiki, bioenergy, qigong, space energy, magic, theosophy, lucid dream practices and projections into thin planes and much more. A person has incredible hidden abilities that can be developed and feel confident in any situation.

The purpose of esotericism- a conscious change in a person's personality. Esotericism offers a whole set of methods for changes that are sustainable, in contrast to the so-called "altered states of consciousness" achieved by followers of many religions or psychocults. The basis of these changes are the Heightened States of Consciousness.

Esotericism is characterized dichotomy between secret and open canonical forms, but neither external nor internal are mutually exclusive. Harmony between the inner spiritual life and the outer one is possible.

In the world of esotericism thoughts, intentions, desires, - this is what should be given considerable attention, since thoughts are manifested on the physical plane.

Now everything that has a spiritual aspect is called esoteric, and is not limited exclusively to material qualities and leads to the development of the body and spirit. Esoteric practices work not only with the physical body, but also with subtle human bodies, with soul.

When a person does not find a way out of a difficult situation, having tried many official means, he comes to esoteric teachings. And if you persevere, you will definitely get results.

Often, esoteric methods and practices defy explanation and understanding, but they work! When "treating" turn off your mental dialogue, one of the first necessary conditions. Esoteric beyond the understanding of the brain. Turn off the logic, turn off the scoring factor and just do it. Works in most cases consciousness and intention! It is consciousness that produces changes in the real world, this is the mechanism that starts the process to which it is directed. "magical"ritual. There are no limits to consciousness. According to bible Man is created in the image and likeness of God, and even the impossible is possible for God. And a person just needs to remember who he is and act in accordance with this awareness.

It becomes possible and real to change the program of reality and gain access to hidden opportunities. The more non-standard elements in the picture of the world of a person, the more options for events, the wider the permissible boundaries of what is possible in reality for a particular person.

Esoteric is new updated sensations. Esoteric practices can give a person those experiences and sensations that he cannot achieve in material life. When a person takes a step into esotericism, his worldview often changes, he sees the world in a new way, he begins to see eternal values. His life changes, becomes more conscious. Harmony comes into life, both with oneself and with the outside world.

Esoteric is Development, Harmony, Healing, Awakening.

Religion, science and esotericism - seemed to be opposite Knowledge Systems, but not quite so. These are absolutely complementary hierarchies of Knowledge, each of which solves its own problems. These knowledge systems should not deny each other, conflict with each other, but should cooperate.

Religion, science and esotericism - how many contradictions between them, just do not count. At one time, Religion categorically and godlessly did not recognize science, burning its best representatives at the stake, etc. When science ascended the pedestal in modern society, it greatly pressed and to some extent devalued religion with its materialistic worldview. Time passes, and now religion and science together do not want to recognize esotericism, the corresponding theories and practical results that people who are professionally involved in esotericism show (healers, psychics, researchers, others).

The problem of religion in that it does not give a person answers to very many spiritual and vital questions. Religion says - what to do and how to live, but it does not explain very many phenomena, the most important thing forbids, does not give answers to questions - why?, how it works?, etc. For example - how does the Soul work? Why does Evil exist? How to reveal the abilities inherent in each (psychic, etc.)? Religion is really very little for a modern person with his developed inquisitive intellect, it is not convincing on many points, on which esotericism gives very many answers very clearly.

Problems of science. As already mentioned, traditional science does not go beyond the material world, although its accepted hypothesis about the creation of the world, the scientific Paradigm does not withstand any criticism. The materialistic model of the structure of the world, man and everything else is not capable of explaining anything from the spiritual world, nor the patterns of development of man and mankind (except for the shaky theory of evolution), nor such a phenomenon as the fate of man, is not able to say anything about the spirituality of man, about his qualities and abilities, about happiness, about personal development, about success, about life in general. In general, about anything really important for every person - about the art of life, science cannot say anything intelligible and sensible. Does not recognize the soul, does not recognize God, does not recognize the Subtle World, does not recognize extrasensory abilities that work in millions of people, etc. It is necessary to make a reservation that there are, of course, progressive scientific movements, individual people who have already proved even the existence of God exclusively by scientific methods, but traditional science remains deaf and blind to everything new and progressive, calling everything new pseudoscience.

Problems of modern esotericism - not systematic, fragmented knowledge, vinaigrette (often everything is mixed together), often not logical, not distinguishing between Good and Evil, a weak evidence base, not a scientific (not professional) approach, and, of course, there is also a percentage of quackery. Esotericism - the science of God, the Soul, Spiritual Laws, the structure of Energy, Cosmos and Subtly material worlds, the Destiny and development of Man - must be no less logical than materialistic science in order to become a recognized Science, to be accepted by the best scientists and society in in general.

Precise definitions - what is Religion, Science and Esotericism, their differences, their purpose formulated by Academician, Doctor of Philosophy, Knight, Professor Mianie Mikhail Yuryevich. I offer you, dear reader, an article by Acad. Mianie M.Yu. with the title “Human Development Systems” ... I really hope that this article will open your eyes to many things, remove contradictions in your mind, and put everything in its place. I wish you success!

Religion, science, esotericism. Problems, differences and purpose or Human Development Systems

Human development systems

“O wise one, the tree of knowledge is endless, but how can I find the branch that leads to the very top?”

Question of the King to the Teacher

There are about 2,000 teachings on Earth (knowledge systems that answer all vital human questions) and 200,000 spiritual theories (answering individual questions). What is closer to the Truth?

1. Existing knowledge systems

In habitual thinking, the main systems of knowledge (religion, science, esotericism) are most often opposed to each other, while logically they are inextricably linked. To understand this relationship, let's consider the progressive development of a person's knowledge about himself and the world around him in the direction of their complication, the transition from one level to another and the role of religion, science and esotericism in this process, having previously introduced the definitions of the latter.

Religion- a system of knowledge about a person and the world around him as a whole, transmitted, as a rule, through revelations from above, and characterized by the initial techniques of spiritual development (faith, prayer, worship of authorities). It is focused mainly on people of the first level and dominated at the initial stages of the development of society, being for it, along with power, one of the main factors that unite and regulate the norms of life.

The science- a system of knowledge mainly about the manifested (material) world, based on logic, physical experiment, economic feasibility and, as a rule, on atheism. When it gains strength, it enters into a confrontation with religion (transition to democracy) and at the moment it occupies a leading position in terms of its influence on society, explaining all the processes taking place in this world through physical laws and relationships through psychology.

Esoterics- a system of knowledge about a person, methods of his development from the 3rd to 8th levels, God, the manifested and unmanifested worlds, based on informal logic, subjective experiment and knowledge of spiritual laws through direct interaction with the subtle world. It gives a person the maximum possible strength (up to the disclosure of siddhis) and when it receives a dominant influence, then conditions will be created for the transition to a new type of society (spiritual revival, aristocracy of the spirit).

Most likely, these definitions require clarification, but they are enough to come to the following conclusion - the main knowledge systems are not equivalent, but reflect different stages of human cognition, are focused on people of different levels and realize different goals (religion - stage 1, the beginning of spiritual development, science - stage 2, the material world, the development of the intellect, esotericism - stage 3, the complex development of all spiritual, energy and other human abilities).

2. Basic teachings

The ultimate goal of the article is to help a person choose his own path of development, giving the system of assessments of existing directions, schools, etc. necessary for this. We have taken the first step, established the connection of the main knowledge systems with the levels of man, now we will take the second step - we will choose from the many existing teachings only those that come closest to understanding the Truth, therefore they are able to provide a person with maximum opportunities for development.

To do this, we will use an analysis not of the number of followers (number), but of the results achieved by representatives of certain teachings (quality). In this case, we get an interesting picture, despite the huge number of teachings and spiritual theories, only a few of them have made it possible to achieve the highest development indicators, and each teaching in its own field. The main ones are philosophy of science, classical yoga and Buddhism.

Philosophy of Science- logic, methods of cognition of the material world, on the basis of which the technical progress of society is carried out. This philosophy had the greatest influence on the development of the human intellect, but did not make him happy. Esoteric teachings have not yet become publicly available due to their complexity and very high requirements for a person, but only they purposefully develop his superpowers and form the greatest possible feeling of happiness.

Classic yoga- at the moment, the only teaching that gives almost maximum results in the development of human energy abilities (body integrity, energy management, meditative techniques for communicating with the higher world, etc.). Buddhism- is an esoteric teaching for a minority of its followers (for the rest it is a religion), underlies most of the martial arts (maximum body control abilities) and reveals many other abilities.

At the same time, the world religions and many esoteric teachings are based on the same spiritual laws aimed at realizing the ideals of the Creator (love, kindness, justice, etc.). Thus, the mass directions do not give high results, while these teachings have existed for a long time and still give unsurpassed results. The teaching of the future, apparently, will be even stronger, capable of uniting all existing teachings into a single whole.

3. Analysis of development systems

However, yoga and Buddhism in their pure form are extremely rare (only about a dozen of the most powerful schools) and have many secondary branches. But for development, it is necessary to choose the direction that is available, so let's consider the classification of teachings according to their levels (determines the ceiling to which the system is potentially capable of bringing a person) and consistency (determines the reality and effectiveness of achieving the set goals - the level of human development).

Exercise levels- are determined by the goals of their existence and the development techniques used, correspond to the levels of human development. Energy Level Teachings - aimed at developing maximum energy strength, using self-hypnosis techniques, meditation and various ways of working with energy. The teachings of the mental levels are aimed at the formation of an ideal consciousness, they also use meditation techniques. The teachings of transmutation levels are aimed at creating a god-man on Earth.

These levels allow for a more detailed classification and, with a normal approach, the transition from one level of teaching to another is carried out in a natural way. Unfortunately, in many schools there are strict blocks (prohibitions) on the transition to the next levels of development. For example, in religions, meditation, astrology and many other things (energy level) are considered from the “devil”, while at the same time, in meditative schools, the development of the mind (mental level) is considered “clogging” of consciousness, etc.

Consistency- is determined by the presence of a clearly defined development program and the completeness of the techniques used. For example, in yoga, martial arts and a number of other schools, classes are carefully planned and scheduled for many years to come, which allows their followers to achieve significant results. On the other hand, there are areas where students are mostly left to themselves (the Roerich societies, the school of Sri Chinmoy), which greatly complicates their development.

Completeness implies the complex use of all existing development techniques (physical exercises, self-hypnosis, meditation, work with information) and a proportionate, gradual impact on all components of a person. For example, in integral yoga, energy development is carried out with the help of one basic technique (contemplation), acting through only one chakra (sahasrara, the downward flow of force). Similarly, in the school of Sri Chinmoy (meditation on love, turning on the atman, the path of the heart). Therefore, the more complete the technique, the more effective it is.

4. Additional criteria

Development is one of the main karmic tasks of a person in any of the lives given to him. Choosing the path of development requires responsibility and appropriate knowledge, if, of course, a person takes this seriously and does not attend various schools for fun, escape from life, etc. Therefore, we will consider a number of criteria that allow us to evaluate the possible effectiveness of development in existing esoteric schools (there are a lot of misconceptions here).

Completeness of implementation karmic tasks - the first additional characteristic of the doctrine, is determined by the correspondence of its goals to the main life goals of a person (work, personal life, environment, development, feeling of happiness), set by spiritual laws. Teachings that ignore any of these goals contradict the laws of the subtle world and even sometimes become asocial. Focusing on achieving all of these goals makes the teaching more difficult and effective.

The next indicator is exactingness or omnivorous. Demandingness is based on an understanding of the patterns of development of the inner world of a person and therefore requires that students fulfill well-defined conditions (discipline, other personal qualities) when entering an esoteric school. Omnivorousness speaks of the absence of the indicated knowledge, leads to falling into a group of persons who delay the development of other listeners.

The third additional characteristic often offends people's vanity - it is hierarchy or democratic relationships. All high-performing schools are built according to the principles of hierarchy, based on the respect of students for the teacher and older students (according to abilities, not age), learning from them. Esoteric schools with democratic relationships between leader and listeners create a pleasant, friendly atmosphere, but make learning much more difficult.

The last additional indicator is definition in regulating relationships, resolving conflicts, problems, etc. Its presence allows you to quickly and timely resolve various issues and remove the contradictions that arise in the group. Its absence generates dissatisfaction, leading to tension in the group, which, of course, does not contribute to effective learning. Clarity may not satisfy individual listeners, but it is aimed at forming the group as a whole collective. So, if you understand or feel the need for development, then the following can help you regulations.

1. Ideal esoteric schools do not exist now, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. But since development in the system is in most cases more effective than independent development, it is necessary to choose the best school available.

2. The strongest schools, which give a person the highest possible abilities, make the highest demands on him: internal discipline, getting rid of all delusions and shortcomings, compliance with all the rules of the system, etc.

3. The main criterion that determines the strength of the esoteric school is its level, which is set by the level of goals and methods used (systematic). Additional criteria are the completeness of the implementation of karmic tasks, exactingness, hierarchy and clarity.

Founder of scientific and practical
"Human Development" system

With all my heart, I thank my Teacher, mentor and supervisor for the systematic and incredibly effective esoteric knowledge!
