How to insulate a frame house - creating comfort in your home. How to insulate a frame house External insulation of the walls of a frame house

They are assembled in a fairly short time, using minimal labor resources. However, with all its advantages, it still has one small drawback. If you do not make high-quality insulation of walls and roofs, it will be possible to use it only in the summer, since it will not be suitable for year-round operation in our climate.

Insulation of a frame house - types of materials

The modern market offers a huge selection of building materials for the insulation of frame houses. Based on the foregoing, it is very important that the insulation retains its functionality for more than a dozen years, for this it is necessary to use only high-quality material.

Currently, thermal insulation materials are conventionally divided into two categories - organic and synthetic.

  1. The former include natural materials of natural origin (sawdust and shavings, compressed straw, etc.).
  2. The second category includes types of insulation obtained by a high-tech production method, using various chemical components and compositions for this, namely: mineral wool, foam plastic, basaltin, and others.

The excellent thermal insulation properties of synthetic materials make them the undisputed winners in this group. They boast features such as:

  • good moisture resistance;
  • low thermal conductivity and flammability level;
  • no shrinkage and long service life;
  • ease of use;
  • safety for a person.

Home insulation is the most popular and well-established method. The material has an excellent sound absorption rate, retains heat well, and also has a high environmental friendliness class.

Wall insulation inside and out

There is no particular difference from where to start work on the insulation of a frame house, from the inside or outside. It's more convenient for someone here. For example, it is a little easier to install insulation from the street, but there is a risk that it may start to rain and then the work will have to be curtailed for a while.

Standard mineral wool insulation has a width of 600 mm. Therefore, when building a frame, this moment must be taken into account. In order for the material to fit snugly against the vertical posts, the ideal step size between them is 580-590 mm. Such a distance will not allow the insulation to slide down over time, as it will be tightly clamped.

According to the established norms, the thickness of insulation for a structure in the central region of Russia is 150 mm. Therefore, it would be advisable to use plates with a thickness of 100 and 50 mm.

Thus, instead of three plates, two will be enough in the design, thereby significantly reducing labor costs. Also material in 100 mm. less prone to deflection and therefore more securely attached to the structure.

Fastening vapor barrier and OSB boards

  • In order to prevent moisture from entering the insulation, it must be well protected from it. To do this, from the inside, the wooden walls of the frame must be covered with a vapor barrier film. Using a conventional stapler, roll out the roll in horizontal stripes and fasten it with an overlap along 5 cm. to vertical posts. Make sure that the film is firmly attached to the surface everywhere;
  • Next, we need to close the vapor barrier film with OSB boards, which will be the base for interior decoration. Using ordinary wood screws and a screwdriver, we fasten the panels one by one, if necessary, cutting them with an electric jigsaw.

Insulation installation

Consider, as an example, the insulation of the frame with slabs based on mineral (stone) wool. The material is quite elastic, therefore, for its fixation, an additional method of fastening is not required, it is enough just to insert it between the uprights. The plates must be tightly held there due to the difference in size.

Installation of insulation is carried out in two layers, using a checkerboard pattern. The second should overlap the butt joints of the first, exactly in the middle. This method avoids the appearance of so-called "cold bridges", which contribute to the appearance of condensate and dampness on the inner surface of the finish, as a result of which mold and fungus may appear.

After all the plates are installed, they will need to be protected from rain and strong winds. To do this, by analogy with the internal walls, the external ones are sheathed in the same way.

The material used is a hydro-windproof membrane, it will reliably protect the walls from drafts and raindrops getting inside. To securely connect the membrane, fix it to the posts with a counter-batten.

Wall cladding outside

Depending on the material you choose for finishing, you need to properly prepare the base for it. For ordinary siding or a block house, moisture-resistant OSB boards are attached to the counter-crate, to which guide bars are nailed.

It is very popular among the population, which accurately imitates the structure of real wood.

Sectional diagram of insulation

If the walls will be sheathed with some other finishing material (facade tiles, artificial or natural stone, etc.), it is unnecessary to nail the guide bars to the OSB boards, the walls for finishing are left in this form.

Roof insulation

  • Not many people know that roof insulation plays a very important role in creating a favorable microclimate in the house. High-quality insulation of this element reduces the heat loss of the house by 25-30 % Therefore, it is very important to approach this issue with all responsibility.

One of the most common ways to insulate the roof is to lay the insulation between, and in order for the insulation to last for a long time, the roofing pie must have a ventilation gap.

The essence of the process of a frame house with mineral wool is quite simple and is as follows:

  1. From the outside of the roof, a diffusion membrane is nailed to the upper base of the rafters, which is fixed with a counter-batten;
  2. Further from the inside in two layers (each 100 mm.), using the same checkerboard pattern, insulation boards are laid. Pay special attention to the places of gables and the ridge part of the roof;
  3. The insulation is necessarily closed with a vapor barrier film, which is fastened with horizontal stripes from the bottom up with an overlap 5 cm.;
  4. The final stage is the filing of the ceiling with a finishing finishing material (lining, plywood, block house, drywall, etc.)

Floor insulation

Another place where there is a leak 15-20% so precious in our time of warmth. Of course, you can fork out and install a system in the house, especially since in our time there is plenty for this.

However, why not try to warm it up first. After all, the floor is the place where a lot of interesting things happen.

You can’t even count how many kilometers your baby crawls along it, and then it will take its first steps in life on it. The time spent on yoga and reading interesting books, in addition to benefits, will also bring pleasure.

The sequence of floor insulation in a frame house:

  • A layer of waterproofing film is rolled onto the subfloor. All joints are glued with reinforcing tape;
  • Between the lag for the floor, a heater is laid (thickness not less than 200 mm.). To eliminate the formation of a gap, the width of the insulation must exceed the distance between the lags by 1-2 cm;

  • Overlap insulation on top 5-10 cm. covered with a vapor barrier;
  • Further, depending on the floor covering, the floor is covered with plywood sheets, or a finishing board is placed.


Today, there are many different modern materials that are suitable for insulating houses built using frame technology. However, numerous positive reviews from the owners show that there is no point in overpaying for expensive materials in this case. With the protection of the house from the cold, mineral wool, which is quite affordable, does an excellent job.

Therefore, we can safely conclude that mineral wool is a reliable, inexpensive and quite effective material for insulating a frame house. Due to its environmental friendliness and fire safety, insulation can be used both inside and outside the house, and nothing else is needed.

Frame houses are especially popular today: they are easily and quickly assembled, do not require the arrangement of a reinforced and expensive foundation, are inexpensive, and therefore accessible to all segments of the population.

Nevertheless, many do not dare to build houses using frame technology, as they consider them not warm enough, intended exclusively for summer living. However, this opinion is erroneous, because if you approach the insulation of a panel house wisely, you can feel comfortable in it at any time of the year. "But how to insulate a frame house for winter living?" - you ask. The answer to all questions related to the process of insulating such buildings will be our today's article.

Insulation options

First of all, you need to decide where you will install thermal insulation - outside the building or from the inside. To make the right decision, you should consider the features of each method of insulation.

The following facts speak in favor of the external location of thermal insulation:

In the process, the interior of the house does not suffer at all.

Wooden walls accumulate inside the heat that is in the room, and when the temperature drops, they give it back to the room, allowing you to save on heating.

It should also be noted that the insulation material installed outside the house, in addition to its main function, reliably protects the facade from the harmful effects of moisture, ultraviolet radiation and temperature fluctuations. As a result, the service life of the building is noticeably increased.

If you are thinking about how to insulate the walls in a frame house from the inside, pay attention to several disadvantages of this method:

For the interior, it will be necessary to dismantle all the decorative trim of the room, which, after the installation of thermal insulation, will have to be restored again. This leads to an increase in the timing of the work and to additional costs.

With internal insulation, flows of warm and cold air meet inside the wall, which leads to the accumulation of moisture in the room, as a result, the service life of wooden piers is significantly reduced.

The insulation layer located inside the building does not protect the facade from external factors. The wall goes through many cycles of freezing and thawing, as a result of which its structure is destroyed.

The choice of insulation material

When wondering how to insulate a frame house for winter living, it should be understood that when it comes to walls made of wood-shaving materials, the insulation must have the following qualities:

1. Environmental friendliness. The heat insulator must not release substances hazardous to humans into the air (even when heated).

2. Fire safety. Materials should be chosen that prevent the spread of fire along the walls of the building and do not emit much smoke in the event of a fire.

3. Low thermal conductivity.

4. Strength. must fit tightly between the walls and retain its original shape over time.

5. Low cost. The price of insulation should not exceed the cost of the building itself.

Expanded polystyrene and mineral wool are considered closest to the above requirements.


The main advantages of polystyrene include its low weight, which is very important when it comes to frame structures. The material perfectly tolerates sudden changes in temperature, is not afraid of moisture and does not freeze.

The durability and low cost of foam plastic attract many homeowners, however, along with the positive qualities, this insulation also has disadvantages.

These include:

Rapid flammability;

Susceptibility to mechanical and chemical damage;

Poor breathability (due to which the effect of a thermos is created in the house).

As an alternative, many use an improved type of foam plastic - foam plastic, which is resistant to various types of damage, but has a higher price tag.

Most often, this insulation is installed on the outside of the house.

Mineral wool

The most popular material used as thermal insulation in frame houses is Isover mineral wool (insulation, the price of which, in comparison with similar materials, is quite low). On sale it is found in the form of rolls, mats and durable plates.

It is characterized by environmental friendliness, light weight, excellent heat and sound insulation performance, the ability to go around any irregularities, as well as a long service life.

The fire safety of a material depends entirely on its density. Products in the form of plates do not burn at all.

When choosing this insulation for frame walls, it should be borne in mind that after a while the wool can cake and sag, which leads to a violation of the integrity of the heat-insulating layer. Also, due attention must be paid to waterproofing, because, when wet, glass wool loses its original properties and becomes a favorable environment for mold.

Facade insulation

Let's take a closer look at how to insulate a frame house for winter living from the outside.

For these purposes, you can use the technology. It involves the installation of insulation between the outer wall and decorative cladding. In this case, the thickness of the heat-insulating layer directly depends on the climatic conditions in the region of residence (20 cm or more).

This method can also be used for internal wall insulation, and lining or drywall can be used as a finish.

Styrofoam insulation technology for external walls

1. The wall is cleaned of dirt and dust, all protrusions are smoothed out. The base is completely treated with a primer, and if cracks are found, they are covered with special adhesives.

2. Next, install vertical hangers. Nylon twine with loads is placed at a distance of 0.5 m from each other in order to identify and eliminate all irregularities (if the walls of the panel house are as smooth as possible, this stage can be skipped).

3. With the help of special glue, the foam boards are fixed on the walls. It is very important that the material fits as tightly as possible to the base.

4. A finishing material is installed over the heat-insulating layer.

Insulation of internal walls

Now let's figure out how to insulate a frame house with mineral wool.

The installation of insulation should be started only after the wall has been treated with antiseptic compounds.

Installation of thermal insulation includes the following works:

1. On the walls, a vapor-permeable one is placed so that its smooth side “looks” into the room.

2. Guide rails made of wood or metal are installed on top of the membrane using self-tapping screws. The distance between the rails must correspond to the width of the insulation material.

3. Installation of mineral wool can start both from above and from below the wall. If you use a rolled "Isover" (insulation, the price of which varies between 1500-2000 rubles per pack), installation should start from the ceiling. Mineral wool in mats is mounted starting from the floor. Fastening is carried out using dowels with a wide cap.

4. On top of the insulation is located For these purposes, you should choose vapor-permeable products that will contribute to the natural ventilation of the room. The film is fixed with wooden slats so that it is not strongly stretched and does not sag. Next, the cladding is installed.


Now you know how to insulate a frame house for winter living. At the end of the topic, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that thermal insulation will not make the building suitable for living in the cold season - it is designed to keep warm air inside the room. Therefore, if you want your home to be warm and comfortable even in severe frosts, take care of its heating.

The old system of building wooden and stone houses provided for a system of insulation during the construction process. Insulation was not singled out as a separate area of ​​work, it was carried out along with the construction of walls and was a matter of course. Now, the concern about how to properly insulate a frame house is the main one for builders.

The procedure for warming work

The building materials market does not suffer from a lack of insulation for walls, floors and ceilings. Each owner wants to choose something unusual, but natural and not harmful to health, so that it is thorough, long-lasting and inexpensive. The intensity of heat transfer greatly affects not only your health, mood and warmth in the house, but also the state of your wallet, as heating services become more important. Therefore, you most often have to insulate the frame house with your own hands.

Insulation is an inevitable process of any construction, the need to insulate floors and ceilings is caused by their very design feature.

This part of the work requires as much attention as the construction of the frame itself. can be produced using various technologies:

  • along the outer wall, attic and subfloor;
  • along the inside of the walls and along the ceiling;
  • both outside and inside the house;
  • uneven insulation of different parts of the building.

At the same time, there are various methods of work, using which the walls retain maximum heat in the frame house.

If the builders did not carry out the insulation work clearly enough, they will have to roll up their sleeves and finish, redo, bring the insulation “to mind”, starting from the walls and ending with the underground, or even with their own hands again. At the same time, it is important to systematically, purposefully and carefully insulate all the areas listed above. The ceiling is subject to denser insulation, and the insulation layer should be much larger than on the walls - by 25-50%. Close attention should be paid to both external and internal wall insulation, and floor insulation should not be ignored.

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Types of insulation for a frame house

Wall insulation does not present any structural features or difficulties even for a non-professional. The only difficulty is the choice of insulation. Heaters are produced in two categories - on a synthetic basis and on the basis of natural ingredients. The most commonly used insulation materials for frame houses:

  • expanded polystyrene;
  • Styrofoam;
  • ecowool;
  • mineral wool.

which is subdivided according to the material of manufacture into:

  • glass;
  • slag;
  • stone.

Expanded polystyrene has an aluminum layer, which significantly improves its thermal insulation. The foil gives it, in addition to increased thermal insulation qualities, also moisture and steam resistance. This technology allows you to reduce the thickness of the insulation, while maintaining the same properties. Produced in sheet and roll form. For wall stickers, it can be produced with a self-adhesive surface.

The main disadvantage of polystyrene, if outside, is the negative effect of sunlight, leading to its destruction. This insulation for outdoor use needs protection. This protection can be paint or plaster. Its advantages include a wide choice of material thickness, fire resistance and environmental safety.

Mineral wool gained its popularity due to not only good thermal insulation properties, but also excellent fire resistance and excellent sound absorption. This material does not shrink over time. Available in rolls and also in sheet format.

Ecowool is made from cellulose fibers. Valuable ecological cleanliness. When dry, it is rammed into the piers, and moistened with water is applied to the interframe gaps of the walls. The possibility of glass wool is used extremely rarely due to a number of serious drawbacks. These include the fragility of the fibers, resulting in the formation of glass dust, which negatively affects health throughout the entire period of operation. This type of insulation is subject to shrinkage.

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Pitfalls in insulation

Mineral wool, made on the basis of slag, becomes aggressive towards metals when moisture enters, and it has a very low level of heat saving. Wool, which is based on basalt, stone wool is an excellent opportunity to insulate frame walls. Environmentally friendly, durable, with good insulating properties in terms of thermal conductivity and vapor permeability, as well as excellent fire-fighting properties.

However, if there are good heaters on the market, the desire still runs into problems. They consist in the difference between the vapor, moisture and heat permeability of the insulation. Styrofoam, for example, has good moisture resistance, but its heat resistance leaves much to be desired, while mineral wool, on the contrary, has problems with moisture protection. That is, it is necessary to insulate the frame walls, having previously distributed the insulation according to the degree of resistance to various environments.

The use of mineral wool should be limited when warming the house from the outside or provide protection from moisture, otherwise the heat insulator can become a heat conductor. But on the other hand, the frame house must have air exchange with the external environment. Natural heat insulators are good in this regard, such as:

  • clay;
  • tyrsa;
  • straw.

They carry out natural heat exchange, maintain the optimal mode of humidity in the room, and provide protection from noise. Being involved as a heater on, they clearly fulfill their functions, predetermined by nature itself. But working with them is a long and laborious process, unacceptable for our high-speed age.

To prevent the appearance of excess moisture and steam, as well as to effectively collect them, glassine is used. This old companion of wall insulation is attached inside the outer skin of the frame. It allows you to leave dry insulation, which performs the main function - heat retention. At the same time, a gap is necessarily left between it and the insulation to allow the glassine to dry and prevent the insulation from getting wet. The air layer, in addition, in itself will be a natural thermal protection, complementing the main insulation and creating a healthy microclimate in the house.

The technology of building a frame house, which came to us from across the ocean, is gradually replacing all other types of buildings. Many advantages and a minimum of disadvantages brought her to the peak of popularity. More and more of our compatriots, who are faced with the choice of the type of construction of their new house or cottage, give preference to her. Unfortunately, the construction of the box, covering the facade with facing materials, finishing the inside of the room does not make the new house habitable, because the climate in our country is very harsh. And in order for the dwelling to be full-fledged, and in its inhabitants there was no desire to quickly move somewhere, it must be insulated. In this regard, a logical question arises - how to insulate a frame house from the outside so that it becomes cozy and serves its owners faithfully for many years?

It is possible not to insulate the frame house, but in this case, the owner must be prepared for exorbitant amounts that will need to be paid for electricity and heating. And, of course, you should not expect that the dwelling will be quite cozy and comfortable.

External insulation of the house

There are several ways to install a heat-insulating layer during the construction of a frame building. In some cases, the gaps between the components of the frame building are filled with insulation during the construction of the walls. This method of arranging thermal insulation saves usable space both inside the building and outside. In this case, the insulation is staggered between the racks of the frame. A checkerboard pattern is needed to prevent the appearance of cold bridges in the heat-insulating layer.

In the event that it was not possible to perform insulation at the construction stage, or the issue of thermal insulation arose after the completion of construction work, then additional insulation is performed outside the newly erected building by installing the necessary materials on the surface of the facade.

It is best to choose material for insulation in plates 5 cm thick. The total thickness of the layer, depending on the climate, should be from 10 to 25 cm. To protect the room from moisture and wind, a vapor barrier film is used, to prevent the appearance of moisture in the insulation - superdiffusion membrane.
The vapor barrier film must be glued to the walls with an overlap of 15-20 cm. The seams are glued with moisture-resistant tape.

The choice of insulation

If the question of how to insulate a building had arisen in the last century, then there would have been no problems with the choice of material. At that time, everything was done very simply. For this, clay, straw or sawdust were used. Mixtures were made from them, with which the walls were treated. Now this type of insulation is not relevant and from the outside it looks, to put it mildly, comical.

Today, the market is full of various materials, and the search for a suitable insulation can be confusing for an inexperienced and ignorant person in this matter. Therefore, it is important to know the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of one or another material in order to find the most suitable one.
Such heaters are popular:

  • mineral and ecowool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyurethane foam.

Mineral wool and ecowool insulation

Mineral wool is often chosen for insulation. The material shows itself well in conditions of high temperatures and combustion, it is lightweight and vapor permeable. Installation does not require much effort and special skills.

Quite often, ecowool is used in insulation. You can buy it in briquettes. The weight of one is 15 kg. Before use, it is loosened, and then it is poured between the racks of the frame and compacted.
Over time, shrinkage of the material can occur, leading to heat loss. This is a disadvantage of ecowool.

The use of foam for insulation

The main advantage of polystyrene is its low weight, due to which it is very easy to work with it. Sheets are mounted without great difficulty, and in the future they do not affect the environment or people in any way.
A huge advantage of polystyrene is that it does not rot, rot, bacteria or fungus. After installation on the surface of the walls, there will be no need to cover it with a film.
Also among the advantages of this material is its low price, which allows you to save a lot on the insulation of a frame house.
On the other side of the scale, there is such a significant drawback as susceptibility to combustion, during which many harmful chemicals are released into the environment.

You can replace the foam with a non-combustible variety called extruded polystyrene foam.

Application of polyurethane foam

Insulation with polyurethane foam is carried out by spraying onto the surface of the walls of a frame building. This option provides the highest quality thermal insulation among all the others.
The application of a layer of this insulation is carried out using special equipment. All the necessary components are mixed inside the device, after which the mixture is applied with a jet to the surface of the walls of the house. There, the polyurethane foam foams and turns into a solid state, forming a strong crust.

useful at work

The advantage of this insulation is the ability to apply it to almost any surface.

The disadvantage is that polyurethane foam is easily exposed to ultraviolet radiation, which means that if it is exposed to direct sunlight, it will lose its performance. Therefore, so that this does not happen, and the life of the insulation does not decrease, it is not necessary to delay the coating of the facade with a facing material.

Preparing walls for insulation

Before any construction process, proper preparation must be made. The insulation of a frame house is no exception.

If the building has already been in operation, then it is necessary to check the condition of all walls from the outside. All unnecessary elements must be removed from the facade, such as nails, screws, other construction elements, damage, bulges, etc. All such defects must be removed from the facade so that it is as clean and even as possible. All cracks that are visible outside the walls must be sealed with mounting foam.

You also need to carefully inspect the surface for damp areas. If there are any, they must be dried with a building hair dryer, and measures should be taken to find and eliminate the problems that caused such consequences.

For a frame house that is under construction, preparatory work also needs to be carried out. The frame of the walls is upholstered from the inside with chipboard. Then the process of removing defects takes place, as well as sealing the cracks with mounting foam. A vapor barrier film is applied to the inner surface of the walls to protect the insulation from air vapor coming from inside the room. It is then closed during interior decoration with clapboard or drywall.

Facade insulation

Further, outside, on the surface of the walls, insulation is laid in layers. The climate of the region depends on how many layers will be installed. During the installation of the material, each subsequent layer must overlap the joints of the previous one.

After the installation is completed, the wall is covered with a windproof membrane, which is fastened with a construction stapler. Then a crate is constructed, which serves to provide a ventilation opening between the membrane and the facing material. The gap should be approximately 20-40 mm.

Chipboards are attached to the crate, after which it is possible to perform facade cladding. To do this, use siding, lining, etc.
In the event that this insulation turned out to be insufficient, then another one can be arranged outside by applying an additional layer to the surface of the facade.

Frame houses are prefabricated structures and are the main type of residential buildings in the USA, Canada, Finland, Germany and Sweden. With the advent of the new millennium, the technology of frame construction finds more and more supporters among our compatriots. However, the climate of the above countries is still milder, therefore, in most of Russia, the construction of a frame house requires the use of additional insulation. This short article will tell about some of its types.

A number of requirements are imposed on the insulation, as, indeed, on any other material that is used when. The most important among them are:

  • Lightness, since most residential frame buildings are built on light types of foundations (piled, columnar, etc.). However, if used, then this requirement can be neglected;
  • Resistance to flame and high temperatures is one of the main requirements in a wooden house;
  • Resistance to a humid environment, especially if natural "breathable" materials are used for interior decoration;
  • The ability to provide tightness, i.e. the minimum number of seams, and their complete absence is better;
  • Elasticity, since frame houses tend to “move” during the entire period of operation, this happens due to alternating drying and moisture gain by wood;
  • Long service life without loss of heat-insulating qualities. True, this requirement is not so critical, since it is quite easy to open the wall of a frame house and replace the old insulation, but it is still better to do without it;
  • Ecological harmlessness and safety for human health and pets. This requirement probably does not need additional comments.

The main types of heaters

Progress in all areas of human life does not stand still, including in the construction industry, so every year new types of insulation for walls, floors and ceilings, foundations, etc. appear on the building materials market. If only a couple of decades ago, only mineral wool, sawdust (shavings), and expanded clay with slag were available to an ordinary layman, today it is much richer. In addition to the above, these include:

  • Ecowool;
  • Sprayed polyurethane foam.

Mineral or basalt wool is one of the most popular heaters for. This material is resistant to combustion and high temperatures, environmentally friendly, has good sound insulation. The latter property is very important in frame structures. To understand what thermal insulation characteristics mineral wool has, it will be enough to say that a layer of this material 50 mm thick is equal in properties to a brickwork thickness of 580 mm.

With regards to the insulation technology itself, the construction of the frame is carried out initially with the expectation that mineral (basalt) wool slabs will be used. A distance of 60 cm is left between the posts of the wooden frame, which is equal to the standard width of the heat-insulating material.

Basalt slabs should be laid tightly so that there is not too much free space between them and the outer and inner walls, but they should not be pressed too hard, as over time this can lead to damage to the material and the formation of “cold bridges”.

Expanded polystyrene (EPS) in plates is a foamed thermoplastic, which consists of fused granules. It may seem surprising, but the insulation boards themselves are 98% air, which fills both the granules themselves and the space between them, and only 2% polystyrene. Of all types of insulation for frame structures, polystyrene foam boards are the lightest.

With prolonged exposure to expanded polystyrene, vegetable, animal and paraffin oils, fats, diesel fuel and petroleum jelly are affected. PPS is unstable to various kinds of organic solvents, but it does not dissolve and does not swell in water, practically does not pick up moisture, is durable and resistant to decay. This material is not digested by animals and microorganisms, therefore it is not used by them as feed and does not provide a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.

Ecowool, which consists of 80% cellulose and 20% of various components (binders and fire retardants), has recently been used in our country as a heater for frame houses, although, for example, in the States this material has found wide application in 70 years of the last century. For comparison, it must be said that a layer of ecowool 130 mm thick in terms of its thermal insulation characteristics is equivalent to a wall thickness of 600 mm made of aerated concrete.

In fact, ecowool is a waste of paper production, which is treated with borax or ammonium sulfate (prevent burning) and boric acid (prevents decay). It is resistant to burning, harmless to the health of people and animals, does not rot and is not very favored by rodents.

However, when choosing this material, one must take into account the following feature: ammonium sulfates and phosphates, when interacting with boric acid, lose their flame retardant properties over time. In addition, these compounds can become a source of unpleasant odor. Therefore, you should purchase ecowool, in which only borax (borax) is used as a flame retardant, which does not lose its properties and has no smell.

Another loose insulation is the waste of woodworking enterprises - sawdust. Perhaps this is the cheapest way to insulate a house. Some workshops for the production of furniture give sawdust free of charge if a person independently removes waste from the territory.

True, it should be remembered that for insulation, only sawdust of a sufficiently large fraction can be used, and those remaining after sawing the primary wood.

Thus, sawdust from chipboard, fiberboard, MDF panels and other materials, in the production of which various binders are used, will not work not only for reasons of environmental safety, but also because they are too small and are, in fact, fine dust .

Wood sawdust, in addition to being cheap, also has a number of other advantages:

  • Absolute harmlessness to others;
  • Excellent thermal insulation characteristics;
  • Excellent sound absorbing properties.

However, there are also a number of disadvantages. So, for example, cheapness can be leveled by the need to use manual labor in the formation of a heat-insulating layer. Over time, sawdust tends to caking, which after a while will force you to carry out work to open the walls and replace them.

If lime is not added during backfilling, then the sawdust will quickly begin to rot. Also, mice and rats have a rather strange love for this material, so the outer parts of the walls must be well protected from their penetration. The figure below shows a possible scheme for insulating the walls of a frame house using sawdust.

Expanded clay has been used as a heater for almost a century. A huge advantage of expanded clay is its almost one hundred percent resistance to fire, as well as environmental friendliness, because it is made from light-alloy clay or shale rock by swelling and firing. The method of production of expanded clay determines the porosity of its structure, which, in turn, makes it light and soundproof. Also expanded clay granules are not subject to rotting and small rodents do not like them very much. Over time, it does not lose its properties.

True, this material also has a full set of shortcomings.

Firstly, the relative fragility of the granules does not allow applying great efforts during tamping during backfilling into the walls, due to which significant voids and “cold bridges” can form.

Secondly, expanded clay is hygroscopic, and the absorbed moisture is not given off, but dries out gradually, that is, when used in rooms or climates with high humidity, the walls will constantly absorb water.

According to the shape and size of the fractions, expanded clay is divided into three varieties:

  1. Rubble. The granules of this fraction are large, acute-angled, the size varies from 20 to 40 mm.
  2. Gravel. Granules are oval in shape, the size is about 10–20 mm.
  3. Sand. The smallest fraction, the size of the granules does not exceed 10 mm in diameter.

To insulate frame houses, you need to use a mixture of all three fractions, where 60–70% should be gravel, 20% sand and 10% crushed stone. Instead of expanded clay, slag is sometimes used, but this material is quite unhealthy and does not provide proper thermal insulation.

By itself, polyurethane foam (PPU) is included in the group of gas-filled plastics, which are based on polyurethane. Just like expanded polystyrene, this insulation is 90% air. For insulation of frame houses, sprayed polyurethane foam is used.

The use of this material allows not only to get rid of the need to install vapor barrier and wind and moisture protection from membrane materials, but also to significantly reduce the cost and time spent on the construction of the supporting frame of the structure. But the thickness of the PPU layer in this case should be at least 120–200 mm (200–300 mm when using extruded polystyrene). Only a house with such a layer of polyurethane foam insulation can be considered truly energy efficient. A layer of polyurethane foam with a thickness of 70–80 mm corresponds to SNiP for enclosing wall structures, while a layer of 100–120 mm corresponds to SNiP for enclosing roof structures.

PPU spraying perfectly solves the problem of "cold bridges", and also simultaneously copes with the rather difficult task of fixing building structures such as doors and windows, which can only be installed using this material. Polyurethane foam eliminates possible problems with distortions and shrinkage, which is very important in a frame house. Another rather significant advantage of this type of insulation: it performs a protective function for the frame elements.

All wooden racks, beams, logs are completely protected from decay (however, they must dry completely before installation), since polyurethane foam has an extremely low vapor permeability and is practically impermeable to oxygen.

However, the last of these properties makes it necessary to equip frame houses with high-quality ventilation.

The thickness of the thermal insulation layer depends on several factors. The first and main one is the type of insulation. The second is the climate of the area where the construction of frame housing is carried out. For example, if in the Krasnodar Territory 100 mm (2 layers of standard slabs) of basalt wool will be enough, then in the Arkhangelsk region 200 mm will be needed, and 150 mm (3 layers) should be located between the frame posts, and 50 mm (1 layer) must be fixed outside to cover all frame beams and prevent the formation of "cold bridges".

Of course, when calculating the required amount of thermal insulation material, one can be guided by life observations by asking neighbors, friends and familiar self-taught builders who have already dealt with frame houses, but it is better to use a scientific approach and apply a simple formula: δut = R x λut, where λut - thermal conductivity of the insulation, and R is the thermal resistance of the walls. You can consider the application of the formula on a specific example: during the construction of a frame house, where the inner walls are made of plywood with a thickness of 6 mm, and the outer walls are made of OSB boards with a thickness of 9 mm, it is necessary to calculate the thickness of the layer of basalt wool.

The heat resistance of the walls of any residential building located in the Moscow region should, on average, be R = 3.20 m2 * 0C / W. This value varies by region. Information about the thermal conductivity of a particular material can be found in the certificate for the product, its presence in it is mandatory, but the absence of such should alert the buyer, as this may be evidence of poor-quality and even unhealthy material.

The thickness of the thermal insulation layer for the frame structure is determined by the same formula: δut = R x λut. For basalt wool, the thermal conductivity is 0.045 W / m * 0С, therefore, in this case, the thickness of the insulation layer should be δut \u003d R x λut \u003d 3.20 x 0.045 \u003d 0.14 m. That is, 2 layers of plates are needed, as already mentioned higher when comparing the construction of a frame house in the Arkhangelsk region and the Krasnodar region.


Watch a video about choosing the best insulation for a frame house.
