Do-it-yourself interior decoration of a closed veranda. Finishing the veranda from the inside. Proper care will extend the life of wooden elements

One of the most significant advantages of living in a private house is the opportunity to go out into the fresh air at any time of the day or night and enjoy the scent of flowers in summer or the enchanting smell of rotten leaves in late autumn. And how pleasant it is to sit with a cup of tea on the open veranda during the first May thunderstorm, when the air is filled with ozone and tender young greens rustle under elastic jets. A closed veranda in a country house can be easily turned into a dining room, where the whole family will gather for Sunday lunch: share experiences, make plans and just chat. An important role in creating the necessary mood is played not only by the view from the windows, but also by the decoration of the veranda. It is she who will help you create an atmosphere of home comfort and peace.

Material selection

The choice of materials for finishing the veranda is not only aesthetic, but also practical. As a rule, the word "veranda" means an unheated room. In some cases, the open veranda looks more like a gazebo attached to the house, so that we are not talking about heating at all.

So, the decor should be not only beautiful, but also resistant to high humidity and temperature changes.

Protection of wooden structures and thermal insulation

The most popular building material for the construction of the veranda is wood. Before proceeding with the fine finish, all wooden structures must be worked out with a special antiseptic composition.

In addition, for glazed verandas, the correct thermal insulation of the lower part of the walls (under the windows) and the ceiling is of great importance. The interior decoration of the veranda begins with it. If the insulation is done correctly, the room can be inhabited until late autumn.

You can insulate the ceiling of the veranda with almost any heat-insulating materials: mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam (EPS), polystyrene foam or liquid sprayed polyurethane foam. Having chosen foam, you must be prepared for the fact that for high-quality thermal insulation it will be necessary to lay a sufficiently thick layer of this material, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in the ceiling level by 10-15 cm. Sprayed polyurethane foam is an effective but expensive insulation. But EPPS and mineral wool at a fairly affordable price can perfectly protect your veranda from the autumn cold.

Insulation is laid on the walls and ceiling according to the same scheme. First of all, it is necessary to provide waterproofing. To do this, a waterproof film is spread along the entire wall, and the joints between its sheets are hermetically glued with metallized tape. Then we install vertical wooden blocks at an equal distance from each other, and between them we lay a heater.

Important! It should be remembered that mineral wool is very afraid of dampness. Under the influence of moisture in just a few years, such a heater turns into dust.

The last layer will be a heat reflector, which is laid with a metallized film inside the room and fastened with adhesive tape.

We insulate the ceiling in the same way.

Wall and ceiling decoration of the veranda

When all the preparatory work is completed, it's time to think about the interior of your veranda. You can entrust its development to a professional designer, or you can cope with this task yourself. There are a lot of options for finishing open and closed terraces. Consider the most popular of them.

Finishing with PVC panels

The most budget option for finishing the walls of the veranda in recent years are plastic panels. This material is resistant to high humidity and temperature changes. In addition, it is quite easy to install and clean. It will help you imagine how interesting a photo made in one of the hardware stores made of PVC can be.

The disadvantages of plastic include perhaps low environmental friendliness and fragility - it is very easy to break it by inadvertently pushing a chair or accidentally hitting the wall with your knee.

As a frame for PVC panels, wooden slats with a section of 30 * 20 or 30 * 10 mm or a metal profile for mounting drywall can be used. When using wood, it must first be treated with an antiseptic.

Useful advice! On the walls of the veranda facing the street, it is better to use wooden slats for the crate. Fasteners of metal profiles can create "cold bridges", which will significantly reduce the quality of thermal insulation. But for not too smooth interior walls, it is better to use a profile on special suspensions.

  • The slats must be fixed perpendicular to the direction of laying the panels. So, if the plastic is placed vertically on the wall, then the slats are stuffed horizontally with a step of no more than 50 cm.

Important! Decorating the walls of the veranda with panels with a pattern is carried out from left to right. You can start the installation of plain panels from either side of the wall.

  • When the crate is ready, a starting profile or mounting bracket is attached to the corner of the room with nails or self-tapping screws. The first is used if the adjacent wall is finished with a different material, and the second will allow PVC panels to be joined together.
  • Then the first panel is inserted into the guide profile so that the wide mounting flange is directed towards the installation.
  • To fix the panel to the crate, you can use metal holders, or you can simply screw it to the rail with a self-tapping screw.

Important! If you are not using holders to mount the panels, do not overtighten the self-tapping screw. Otherwise, the panel will "lead".

  • We insert the next panel so that there is no gap left, and fasten it.

Remember that PVC panels are subject to thermal expansion. To compensate for it, it is necessary to leave a gap of 2-3 cm at the top and bottom of the wall and close it with a plinth.

MDF - cheap wood imitation

Another popular finishing material is MDF panels. They are somewhat stronger than plastic, but less resistant to moisture. It is not worth using this material on open verandas, but for closed ones it is quite suitable.

MDF panels are installed in the same way as plastic ones.

Wooden lining - a classic of the genre

Listing the materials for finishing the veranda, it is impossible not to mention the most traditional of them - wood. Most often this is the so-called lining.

Lining - sheathing board, up to 22 mm thick with special grooves that facilitate installation and docking.

This material is sheathed not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling of the veranda. After treatment with antiseptics, the lining will last you up to 20 years. There is no need to talk long about the advantages of wood over artificial materials. What is worth only a delicious woody smell that will be felt on your veranda for many years.

The choice of wooden lining

First of all, it should be said that according to the method of production, the lining is divided into spliced ​​and solid. In the first case, the highest quality pieces of wood are joined in a special way. Despite the fact that such material looks excellent - it does not have knots, cracks and other puttied defects - it is not suitable for finishing an open veranda. With increased humidity, cracks may form at the splice point, which will greatly spoil the appearance of the finish.

In addition, the lining is divided into 4 classes. The most expensive and high quality - the "extra" class - is almost always spliced. But the material of class A, B or C, as a rule, is made of solid wood. On such a lining there are knots and potholes. Most often they are treated with putty during production.

Important! When purchasing material, be sure to unpack it. Very often in the middle of the pack there are defective or low-grade slats.

Preparation and installation of lining

Preparing the lining for installation comes down to treating it with an antiseptic and adapting the material. It is necessary to leave the lining in the finished room for several days, and then cover it with a protective compound.

When using lining, the veranda is finished with wood in almost the same way as with PVC or MDF panels. The crate is done according to the same scheme, but there are several ways of fastening:

  • Fixing with galvanized nails. This is the easiest way. The nail is simply driven into the center of the board, and then the hat is sunk with the help of a dominator.
  1. Self-tapping fasteners. In this case, a hole about 10 mm deep is drilled in the board from the side of the spike. The diameter of the drill should match the diameter of the screw head. Then we fasten the lining to the crate, drowning the self-tapping screw in the hole, close it with a dowel and grind it. As you can see, the method is more time-consuming, but the attachment is not visible.

Important! With the help of kleimers, only the veranda can be finished inside.

When the installation of the lining is completed, you need to close the corners and joints in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdoors and windows with a corner and proceed with the finishing. To give the wood a shade, colored varnishes or stains are used.

Important! Before starting work, coat the forcing cut with the selected varnish and let dry. Sometimes after drying, the color becomes completely different than when applied. It will be very difficult to remove the varnish that you don’t like from the walls. For the same reason, do not immediately buy a large amount of varnish: buy a little, try it, and if you like it, buy more.

You need to apply varnish from top to bottom: first we cover the ceiling, and then the walls.

Exterior finish

So, we examined the main options for finishing the veranda from the inside. How to line it on the outside? In principle, you can use lining here, but is it worth it? Despite all kinds of impregnations and antiseptics, a tree that is constantly exposed to negative environmental influences quickly loses its decorative effect. This means that you will have to re-treat annually.

If you still decide to choose wood, remember that you can only fasten the lining outside horizontally with the spike up. At the same time, it must be fixed in two rows - from the side of the spike and from the side of the groove.


In recent years, siding has gained particular popularity. Even if the house is faced with brick or covered with decorative plaster, you can easily choose a shade of siding that fits perfectly into the ensemble.

The most commonly used type of this material is vinyl siding. It owes its popularity to a fairly affordable price, good performance and ease of installation.

To finish the facades, horizontal siding with a lock connection is most often used. We will consider the technology of its installation in more detail:

Let's start cutting and installing panels. Cutting vinyl siding is fairly easy. This can be done with metal shears, a hacksaw or a jigsaw.

Important! Vinyl is highly susceptible to thermal expansion. Therefore, each panel should be 5-7mm shorter than the wall.

  • We bend the panel a little in the center and insert its edges into the grooves of the corner profiles.
  • Align the panel and bring its bottom edge into the starting bar.
  • We fix the upper edge of the panel with self-tapping screws through the prepared holes.

Important! You can not press the screw tightly to the crate. The oval fastening hole is designed to allow the material to move freely along the self-tapping screw with temperature fluctuations. The distance between the cap and the crate should be 1-1.5 mm.

  • We also insert the next bar into the corner profiles, snap it into the groove of the previous one and fasten it to the crate.
  • Before installing the last plank, we mount the finishing profile according to the level, cut off the required width of the siding strip, snap it into the previous plank, and simply insert the free edge into the finishing profile.
  • Here is a detailed video instruction for the installation of this material:

That's all. From the outside, your veranda looks perfect.

Finishing the veranda - photo selection

In order to make it easier for you to make the final choice in favor of one or another finishing material, we have prepared a small photo selection:

The terrace is part of a country house. The extension can be open and closed. The classic image of the veranda in the minds of most people is a wooden building.

Currently, the decoration of the terrace is carried out using a variety of materials: natural and synthetic. But it is the tree that gives the veranda a unique look, creates a comfortable atmosphere.

Variety of wood cladding

Modern manufacturers offer a large number of wood materials for terrace cladding. These are different types of raw materials: coniferous and hardwood.

A variety of ways of processing and decorating wood give finished products at the output: timber, deck board, lining, Block House, planken, decking (terrace board), thermopine.

Important! Each of the products is used for covering certain surfaces of the terrace. Some are suitable for walls and ceilings, some are ideal for flooring.

  1. It is more convenient to use for finishing the terrace timber imitation, since the material is made of a much smaller thickness than a beam intended for the construction of a log house or the construction of a frame. Outwardly, a complete association with a timber building is created. It is used for external and internal covering of a terrace.
  2. deck boards- the classic version of the wooden floor. They are processed in such a way as to provide the material with resistance to humidity, seasonal temperature changes. For finishing the terrace - one of the most suitable options.
  3. clapboard- one of the most accessible and well-known materials. It is made with special grooves on the side faces, which simplifies its installation and docking. The veranda is sheathed with a vgonka inside completely, excluding only the floors. It is also suitable for outdoor decoration. It must be borne in mind that the grooves allow water to linger, which leads to warping of the elements.
  4. Block house will create a complete imitation of a log building. This solution is used for facade cladding. Sometimes they use Block House in the interior decoration of the walls of the terrace.
  5. planken- an innovative material made of wood. Installation of boards is carried out with an overlap, thanks to beveled edges. This connection creates a reliable wall covering. Water simply flows down on a flat surface, not lingering in tight seams. It is advantageous to use planken in the exterior decoration of closed verandas, inside open terraces. The service life of the planken is much higher than that of the lining.
  6. Terrace board or decking produced by special technology. During heat treatment, excess moisture is removed from solid wood. The result is a board that retains its original characteristics under external influences of water, ultraviolet, low and high temperatures. The terrace board can be laid not only on the floor of the veranda, but garden paths are paved with it. During operation, you can do without additional coatings with paints and varnishes, the products will not change their characteristics.
  7. Heat treatment of pine steam, at temperatures above its combustion, rids the wood of resin. As a result, soft rock acquires unique strength and hardness. Thermopine can also be used as a floorboard, unlike products made from ordinary solid wood.

Tree species suitable for arranging verandas

Wood of any species has a number of common qualities for which natural material is valued, has not lost its popularity over the centuries:

  • environmental friendliness, surrounded by natural finishes, it is easy to breathe, it is recommended for people with breathing problems, allergies;
  • a unique pattern of wood, often they strive to preserve it by covering the surface of wooden products with transparent varnishes;
  • respond well to artificial aging techniques;
  • conifers emit phytoncides, which are known

medicinal properties.

The cost of wooden products is determined based on the quality of the source material. Products are made from processed edged boards. The following types of wood are distinguished:

  • class A - one knot is allowed within 1.5 m of length and up to 2 through cracks;
  • class B - up to 4 knots and no more than 2 through cracks are allowed per 1.5 m;
  • class C - the number of knots and through cracks is not regulated here, the maximum knot diameter is 25 mm.

Important! When choosing boards or other wood products as a terrace finish, you should be guided by the natural characteristics that this or that breed possesses.

The most common types of wood are:

  1. Pine- one of the softest and cheapest conifers. Works well, easy to glue. The main disadvantage is a short service life, about 10 years.
  2. Larch more precious than pine. Possesses high rates of hardness, moisture resistance, is practically not subject to warping. The service life of hardwood materials reaches 100 years.
  3. Cedar refers to soft conifers. It is resistant to decay and wormholes. Great for carving. Cedar will last up to 20 years. At the same time, the price is accessible to a wide range of consumers.
  4. Oak- a deciduous tree, a record holder in terms of life in nature and in products, will please more than one generation - more than 100 years. Does not rot, resists insects well, has the highest hardness.

Despite the viscosity of wood, oak is used for carving. Balusters, racks for fencing will become a real decoration of the terrace.

Special processing methods significantly improve the natural characteristics of wood, making the natural pattern more vivid. At the same time, there is an increase in the cost of finished materials. But during operation, owners can appreciate the benefits of investing in more technologically advanced products.

Proper care will extend the life of wooden elements

Wood raw materials in their original form are not used in products and as a finish. Before making materials from natural material, it is subjected to chamber drying, removing excess moisture.

Often at the production stage, products are treated with special compositions of antiseptics and flame retardants. These products give wood additional qualities or enhance existing natural characteristics:

  • decay resistance;
  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to mold and fungus;
  • resistance to insects and small rodents.

Immediately after finishing work, wooden elements are covered with protective varnishes, oils, and other compounds. During operation, it is required to regularly maintain the integrity of the outer layer of the finish. The need for constant care is due to the fact that the terrace is under the influence of weather factors all year round.

Premium class finishing compounds make it possible to carry out repairs not every year, but at the intervals proposed by the manufacturer. Protective agents not only protect wood from external factors, but also give surfaces decorative qualities. Some compounds tint the wood finish, some only slightly tint.

With the help of simple regular measures, a worthy view of the wooden finish of the terrace is ensured. You can also achieve an extension of the life of the wood.

Almost all wood products are repairable. This means that the failure of one element does not lead to the dismantling of the entire coating, it is enough to replace only the damaged product. The exception is lining.

It is worth noting that the wood finish is good in mono. But the combination of wood with other natural and artificial materials is wonderful: stone, glass, metal, plastic, ceramics.

Alternative design options

The tree is successfully used for interior design of terraces and in exterior decoration, fences and supports are made from it. In a word, with the help of wood, you can finish the entire veranda.

Among other materials, there are products for universal use, and there are products that have a clear distinction in use. Suitable for multi-purpose applications:

  1. Plastic panels, they are lined with vertical surfaces inside, the ceiling, columns can be finished. Vinyl siding is installed outside. Products have a variety of design in color, can imitate wood, other natural materials.
  2. Decorative plaster used inside and outside, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the mixture. Gypsum-based material is only suitable for enclosed spaces. Cement-based - universal products.
  3. Stone- in practice, more and more preference is given to an artificial analogue of natural raw materials. Decorative brick is also a kind of artificial stone. Outside, the lower part of the terrace wall is often laid out, inside the walls are fragmented, and the columns are lined.

For the interior design of the verandas apply:

  • drywall suitable for cladding wall and ceiling surfaces, subsequent decoration is required;
  • MDF sheets have a decorative outer layer, which is made in a wide range of colors, imitates wood, leather, stone.

In the exterior decoration of the terraces, polycarbonate is used - a multilayer transparent plastic. It can be used as a wall fence and as a roof. Polycarbonate sheets are easy to cut, freely take a curved shape.

The floor on the terrace can be decorated:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • porcelain stoneware tiles;
  • wood-plastic composite.

Work performance technology

It is important not to neglect the rules for the installation of certain materials, the sequence of work. Compliance with technology guarantees a long service life of the finish.

The first stage of arranging the veranda is flooring:

  • first, logs are laid, they rest on the walls of the foundation of the terrace and on brick or concrete columns in increments of 70 cm;
  • waterproofing is necessarily arranged under the logs to prevent rotting of the tree;
  • a floorboard is mounted on top of the log, the products are nailed or fastened with long self-tapping screws.

To finish the walls, a crate is first installed. It is usually mounted from an aluminum profile or from wooden slats. Such a frame is necessary for drywall sheets, MDF panels, vinyl siding, plastic panels, wood cladding.

The space between the crate and the wall is filled with the following layers:

  • vapor barrier film;
  • insulation;
  • windproof membrane.

The design of outdoor terraces is closely related to the exterior of the house. Often, the outer wall of the building, to which the site adjoins, is simply decorated.

The foundation protruding above the ground can be finished with the same materials as the basement of the house. Natural or artificial stone will be appropriate here.

The ceiling of the veranda can remain without additional finishing. This option is possible if the beams are made of good quality timber, the flooring under the roof is made of flat boards or chipboard boards. In this case, the ceiling is simply treated with paints and varnishes.

The second option for finishing the ceiling is to sew it up with plasterboard or clapboard. Decorate the resulting flat surface in a convenient way.

A key role in the design of the terrace belongs to the fences. Often they are made entirely of wood. The design options here are endless.

Various combinations are also possible:

  • wood and polycarbonate;
  • metal racks and wooden filling;
  • forged elements in combination with metal or wood.

At the request of the owners, a stove, barbecue or barbecue is installed on the terrace. The elevated temperature zone is finished with non-combustible materials, usually ceramic tiles. Be sure to install a chimney and pipe to the street.

Complete the design of the terrace furniture. It can be tables and benches made of wood with your own hands. In the store you can buy special wicker furniture made from solid wood or plastic.

It is necessary to approach the decoration of the terrace in a complex way. For the result to bring joy, do not neglect the little things. In the design it is better to use only high-quality materials.

The veranda is the outer extension to the house. It can be open and closed. With the help of the veranda, the house can become more attractive and spacious. The extension can be both summer, that is, open, and winter, insulated. But you need to know how to sheathe it so that you can use it even in the winter cold.

Annex rules

If the veranda was not planned initially and was completed later, you need to know the rules for its extension so that you do not get unexpected surprises in subsequent operation. The main rule is the correct choice of building materials. It could be a metal frame. It can be sheathed with durable plywood or plastic. This appearance of the veranda does not spoil the whole picture of the house and has a completely aesthetic appearance. It is also impossible not to say that the extension of the veranda needs to be legalized. To do this, there are various design bureaus, you need to create not only a project, but also obtain a building permit. All this is done so that when selling a house there are no problems.

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External decoration of the veranda

If the interior decoration of the veranda is completed, you can proceed to the exterior decoration. The simplest way will be considered lining the veranda with clapboard. The lining can be wooden. But in the presence of all kinds of impregnations and antiseptics for wood and when exposed to the environment, such sheathing very quickly loses its decorative purpose. Processing will have to be carried out every year, and this is not always suitable.

If, nevertheless, a wooden lining is chosen for lining the veranda, it should be remembered that it is attached only with a spike up. Fixation should take place in two rows: from the side of the spike and from the side of the groove itself.

Finishing with lining has a number of advantages. Durability, wear resistance, very convenient installation, good sound insulation. This is the most advantageous type of finish. And most importantly, if you need to replace several sections, this can be done without destroying the entire skin. And very well you can achieve a completely flat surface of the wall. It must be remembered that lining is used for external and internal cladding. Therefore, its release is carried out in different thicknesses. For the outer skin, a section of 18x105 is used. Such clapboard can be sheathed not only on the veranda, but also on the house itself, a bathhouse, a sauna, a gazebo. With the help of this lining, you can create an interesting coating with a relief. The lining will give the veranda a special flavor, and the smell of coniferous wood will create coziness and a pleasant atmosphere.

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siding finish

Recently, the decoration of the veranda with siding has become very popular. Even if the house is painted, it is possible to choose the right siding color so that the veranda does not differ from the main ensemble. Vinyl siding is often used. Its price is quite acceptable, it is very easy to install. For sheathing the veranda, horizontal siding with locking joints should be used. It is necessary to consider in detail the technological process of installing siding.

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The technology of the process of sheathing the veranda outside

External finishing work on the veranda sheathing from the outside begins with the installation of the crate. Here you can use an unedged board, which has a thickness of thirty millimeters. You can use a beam. A board or beam is fastened vertically over the entire surface of the wall, the distance should be forty centimeters. In addition, it is necessary to install bars around windows and doors, as well as in the corners and along the outer and inner lower edges of the finished trim.

The next step is to install the start profile. It is installed on the bottom. You need to fasten it to the crate itself with self-tapping screws. The location is strictly horizontal should be checked with a special level.

Now it is possible to mount corner profiles at external and internal corners, and then around windows and doors. The main warning: the lower edge of the corner profile should be lowered below the starting beam or board by five millimeters. Now you can start trimming and mounting the panels themselves.

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Cutting and installing siding

Cutting vinyl siding is very easy. Tools needed for this:

  1. Metal scissors.
  2. Hacksaw.
  3. Electric jigsaw.

It is very important that vinyl expands when heated, so each panel must be made five millimeters shorter than the wall. Now you need to install the siding. This must be done in stages.

  1. It is necessary to bend the panel slightly in the center and bring its edge into the groove of the corner profiles.
  2. Having aligned the panel, the lower edge must be brought into the starting bar.
  3. The edge is fixed with self-tapping screws through the already prepared holes, but the self-tapping screw should not be pressed tightly against the crate. The hole must be oval. The distance between the crate and the head of the self-tapping screw is one and a half millimeters.
  4. The action is repeated, the next siding lining is inserted into the profiles at the corners, snapped into the installed groove and fastened like the previous one.
  5. Before installing the last plank in level, you should mount the finishing profile, for this you should cut off the desired width of the siding strip, snap it into the plank, and simply insert the free lower edge into the finishing profile.

Exterior decoration is a modern form of design. Its advantage is that the entire finish consists of slats, which are made of different materials. Fixing them occurs with the help of various elements. The fastening itself occurs with the help of building material.

The exterior decoration of the veranda, as well as the decoration of the whole house, requires preparation and work experience. When installing the sheathing of the veranda, it is necessary to create ventilation systems. They are usually mounted under a rigid frame, which consists of a metal profile. This finish is called modular. The framework is easily and quickly mounted. When performing the exterior decoration of the veranda with siding or clapboard, you need to sew up the pediment of the dacha itself with the same material. Then the picture will be complete.

You should talk about what other materials you can sheathe and insulate the veranda. There is a finishing material called planken or finishing quarter. It looks like a lining, but it does not have docking grooves. You need to install the planken end-to-end, but with gaps. So the facade will be well ventilated. Planken is easy to install, economical and practical. When shrinking the veranda does not require intervention. Planken, like the finishing quarter, is designed to create a facade with ventilation.

For sheathing the veranda, you can choose a block house, this is a kind of lining. A block house is made of natural wood, it has a cylindrical shape on the front side. On the ribs there are spike-grooves, like an ordinary lining. They make a block house from conifers, larch. Thorough drying affects its wear resistance and durability. It is economical and practical. In order for it not to crack during installation, it must be treated with special compounds. For sheathing wooden verandas, you can use an imitation of timber. Unlike a real timber, its front surface is flat.

Sheathing the veranda from the outside is half the battle. In order to be comfortable in it even in the cold season, it should be insulated before sheathing. You can choose any insulation, it can be polystyrene or mineral wool. But here you have to choose based on the budget. For example, foam plastic is considered affordable, but it is not fire resistant and releases toxic gases when heated. Mineral wool is afraid of moisture, it should only be used in conjunction with a vapor barrier.

As a heater for the outer walls of the veranda, it is recommended to use penofol. This is a modern material, which consists of polyethylene foam, it is covered with aluminum foil. It can be used as a heat reflector. Can be used alone or with other types of materials.

Now you need to figure out which side is better to do the insulation. You can insulate both outside and inside the veranda. But experts recommend doing insulation from the outside, from the inside it reduces space.

It should also be said about such a finishing material as a facade brick. To sheathe the veranda with facade bricks means to build another veranda around the veranda. From such a finish, the veranda, although it will become more massive, will be much warmer. You should consult with experts whether the foundation can withstand such a load. This must be done without fail.

The veranda can also be sheathed with corrugated board, previously insulated. The professional flooring is strong and reliable material. Sheathing with such material has a number of advantages. The first advantage is low weight, which makes it possible to carry out the work on the sheathing yourself. Other advantages include: ease of installation, good thermal performance, strength, corrosion resistance, attractive appearance, a variety of colors, and most importantly, affordable cost. Such a sheathing protects against environmental influences, is very easy to maintain, and provides excellent waterproofing.

In addition, the sheathing of the veranda occurs very quickly and almost does not require large physical costs during operation. The corrugated board is durable and resistant to gusts of wind and is perfect for outdoor work. Sheathing should be done according to a pre-made frame. Decking should be applied to the insulated wall. It can also be mounted on an existing old frame. Start fixing the sheets should be from the corner, continue in one direction. Installation is carried out using special self-tapping screws, these self-tapping screws have a rubber gasket.

The heads of the fixed screws can be painted to match the profiled sheet itself. You need to screw in the screws parallel to the veranda slab. At the corners at the joints, it is necessary to strengthen special strips, and close the outer corners with special profiles, it is possible from other materials. Sheathing the veranda from the outside with a profiled sheet does not take much time, the design itself is attractive, and the service life increases.

Of course, the choice of material for sheathing the veranda outside depends on the taste of the person and his economic capabilities. The choice of materials is very diverse.

Tired of the dusty hustle and bustle of megacities, the townspeople seek to acquire suburban real estate. They build houses according to individual tastes on their own. Therefore, the relevance of the question of how to finish the veranda in the country is increasing every day. Progressive technologies and innovative materials appear that turn the process of hand-made cladding into a pleasure available to every owner of country mansions.

Purpose and types of verandas

Often the terrace is a relatively small open space adjacent to one of the walls of the backyard building. However, there are also closed versions of the verandas, which act as a warm vestibule at the entrance to the main building. In cold weather, it can be used as a changing room, leaving outerwear and outdoor shoes. Such an application will protect the rooms from the penetration of winter slush and dirt.

Most often, open verandas are used as a room for family holidays, arranging tea parties in the fresh air. Friendly gatherings bring you closer to the surrounding beauties of nature, without forcing you to move away from the familiar atmosphere of the hearth.

By location, there are two main types of combined verandas:

  1. Passage room separating the rooms from the street, anticipating the entrance to the main building. This familiar option is used in the construction of most small private houses.
  2. The second type includes verandas attached to one of the rooms and not having a separate exit to the courtyard.

Despite the simple design of such a structure, facing the terrace requires some effort. At the same time, you can completely manage on your own, creating a cozy place for a family vacation.

To understand how best to finish the veranda located in the country, you should first thoroughly study the list of materials offered by experts. Based on your own preferences, limited only by financial capabilities, you can make the right choice.

  1. Wooden lining is considered the most popular material for facing the veranda. She finishes the ceiling and walls both inside and outside the extension. After special treatment, the lining acquires resistance to negative influences, which allows it to withstand various tricks of nature.
  2. The interior decoration of the ceiling and walls can be done with sheets of moisture-resistant drywall. The ability of this material to be processed is used by designers to create original interiors.
  3. For a closed-type veranda, experts recommend interior cladding using MDF. Its advantages are a presentable appearance, reminiscent of natural wood, as well as strength and durability. However, the exposure of the material to moisture, as well as significant temperature fluctuations, does not allow the use of MDF panels outside the room.
  4. Products made of polyvinyl chloride for finishing verandas are becoming increasingly popular. Due to the variety of colors, types and textures, you can easily choose the right PVC panels. Attractive for beginners is the possibility of self-assembly. In addition, such panels are not afraid of water and other negative influences. A beautiful appearance does not require special tricks in the care. Contaminated panels are easily washed with soapy water.
  5. For exterior decoration, you can use siding. By purchasing material that imitates stone, brick, natural wood, you can greatly simplify the process of facing.

Choosing from the proposed options, be guided by your own taste. However, you should not save money by purchasing material from unverified manufacturers. Although products of famous brands will cost a little more than counterfeit products, the quality is guaranteed.

Ceiling finish

It is recommended to start with a thorough impregnation with a special antiseptic composition of all elements made of natural wood. So you can protect the structure from premature decay and protect it from the encroachment of voracious insects.

After antiseptic treatment, you can proceed to the installation of the frame base. The wooden crate is made of a bar with a section of 30x50, 50x50 mm is also suitable. The frame material also requires pre-treatment with antiseptic agents.

The bars are fixed on the roof truss system with self-tapping screws. It is allowed to fix the crate using long nails. When mounting the frame base on the rafters, it is recommended to observe a step between the bars of 30-40 cm. The use of the building level allows the horizontal orientation of the wooden elements to be maintained.

The simplest cladding option is the use of wooden lining. Fragments of the finishing material are fixed on the crate perpendicular to the bars of the frame base. Galvanized nails are used as fasteners.

It should be noted that the ceiling finished with wooden clapboard takes on a finished look after grinding and varnishing.

Independent installation of the ceiling of the veranda from PVC panels

It will require some more effort than covering with natural wooden clapboard. Diligently following the proposed recommendations, you can easily finish the ceiling of the country veranda with your own hands, saving on the expensive call of a team of professional tilers.

  1. The initial profile is securely fixed on a wooden crate. Subsequently, individual plastic fragments are connected with its help into a single-piece ceiling structure.
  2. Panel sheets are fixed in the grooves of the original profile. The stability and reliability of the system is facilitated by the use of special clamps. It is allowed to use self-tapping screws available to every home master as fasteners.
  3. The installation of the next panel is carried out by the same method of fixing in the initial profile.
  4. The further process is a periodic sequence of the manipulations described above.

When performing self-assembly, it is necessary to take into account the ability of the plastic material to expand when heated. The presence of a small gap of up to 20 mm will protect the ceiling structure from troubles caused by the negative effects of heat.

The use of other materials for finishing the ceiling

If you plan to cover the veranda with siding, such a coating is quite suitable for self-decoration of the ceiling. The installation process is similar to the installation of PVC panels. In the same way, you can finish the terrace ceiling with MDF boards. Manufacturers provide the construction market with a huge selection of different siding and MDF designs, ensuring the growing popularity of these materials.

When using plasterboard sheets as a ceiling covering, it is recommended to replace the wooden frame elements with a metal profile. Directly on it and the installation of special elements. Such details are the basis for fixing drywall sheets. Self-tapping screws are used to fasten fragments of the coating.

After fixing the drywall, the surface is recommended to be prepared for finishing. The ceiling must be puttyed and thoroughly cleaned.

Self-cladding of the walls of the veranda

It is used only for closed rooms. Open terraces do not imply the presence of walls.

Finishing should begin with the formation of a frame system of wooden bars. The accuracy of installation is controlled by the building level.

Laying a special heat-insulating layer will allow in the future to use the veranda for relaxation and in the cool period. Preliminary it is recommended to protect the room from moisture and condensate. For this, a special waterproofing film is used, which is fixed under the insulation.

A prerequisite is the initial treatment of all wooden elements with an antiseptic composition. This precaution will protect the structure from damage resulting from decay.

The simplest option for do-it-yourself interior cladding of the veranda is considered to be wall decoration with wooden clapboard. Also, MDF panels are gaining more and more popularity. PVC products are in great demand.

Floor covering for the veranda

The choice of material for the terrace floor is determined by the operating conditions of the room. Today, massive or terrace boards, ceramic tiles, laminate and other well-known finishing materials are used as the flooring of the veranda. Much depends on financial possibilities.

The best option for a summer cottage is a floor covered with a decking board or waterproof laminate. Such materials are distinguished by the availability of self-assembly, unpretentious maintenance and durability.

An alternative solution is to use modern PVC panels or traditional ceramic tiles for flooring. Inventive and creative individuals prefer tiles due to the possibility of embodying their own fantasies. By arranging the fragments of the coating in a certain order, they create unique drawings and original ornaments under their feet. Wealthy owners of country estates can afford finishing with new linoleum models with improved performance that complement a fairly respectable appearance.

External cladding

The variety of modern finishing materials does not allow to fit their detailed description in one article. Therefore, consider the most popular options.

Many summer residents tend to sheathe the outer surface of the veranda with wooden clapboard. However, even careful processing with special compounds is not able to preserve the natural beauty of natural material for a long time. Changeable weather, atmospheric precipitation leave their mark, violating the original beauty of the cladding.

Horizontal siding, which is usually used when performing facade work, is supplied by manufacturers with a special locking mechanism. Such a simple device makes it easy to connect individual fragments. This quality attracts ordinary inhabitants who want to independently carry out the outer lining of the terrace.

It should certainly be noted that the installation of siding panels is preceded by a preparatory stage. It consists in the formation of a special frame (battens), on which the plastic elements of the outer skin will be fastened.

Sheathing with siding is found today at every turn. The sheathing of the log house is done with siding, as well as any other structure. In this article, we will consider the technology of siding sheathing.

It applies to almost any building. The very principle of doing the work is important here, you just need to follow certain rules and technology. Also, the video in this article will show the entire progress of the work and you will not miss anything.

What attracts siding and vice versa

If you are interested in the budget decoration of the walls of the veranda, then in this case it is best to turn your attention to this particular type of panel, since their price will suit almost everyone.

Their main positive points are:

  • Simple enough to operate and maintain.
  • Easy to install, because everything can be done entirely by hand. And it doesn't take much skill. You just need to know the basic principles of facing and the lessons on our website will help you with this.
  • Resistant to temperature extremes, as well as to high humidity.
  • Material consumption can be minimized, because here you just need to calculate everything correctly.
  • The ability of the material to veneer different planes is also attractive. It can be made at an angle, sheathed with siding, there is also not only horizontal, but also vertical fastening.
  • Siding sheathing can be done with the simultaneous installation of insulation. The price of the structure in this option will increase purely by the cost of the insulation.

Such plastic panels, of course, have some disadvantages, which include:

  • Low environmental friendliness. Only environmentally friendly materials are used in production.
  • high brittleness.

Attention: This material should not be installed in winter. It is quite simply in this case damaged mechanically.

siding technology

Let's take a specific example, this is the sheathing of the veranda with siding. Although, in principle, you can take any other room. After all, the installation instructions will be almost the same. Let's take a closer look at the entire installation process of this material.

Lathing installation

Construction begins with installation, because then the entire preparation process, in principle, is decided by the crate. You do not particularly care about the difference in the plane of the wall. Everything is aligned, the main thing at the first stage is to make the correct and high-quality markup.


  • First of all, we need to draw the starting strip along the plane. To do this, put a mark at the desired height.
  • After that, we transfer it. For this, a water level is used. It will help him to do it quite accurately.
  • After that, we connect the marks. To do this, we use a simple nylon thread and beat off the attachment line.
  • Now, along the drawn line, we nail the starting bar. To do this, you can use a metal corner or a wooden beam. We use dowels for fastening. First, we make a hole with a puncher and then we make the connection. The fastening must be extremely rigid. After all, the weight of the structure is large.
  • If you decide to take wooden slats, then before installation you need to treat them with an antiseptic that will protect the wood from all kinds of insects and decay.

Attention: For walls facing the street, it is best to use just such rails, because the metal profile will play the role of a cold bridge, which will have a negative impact on the overall level of thermal insulation. The metal profile, in turn, is well suited for uneven walls.

  • Now we attach the cross rails. To do this, we need to determine the installation plane. We stretch the fishing line along the diagonals of the strapping and, according to the level, we fasten the slats.
  • The installation height is adjustable with shims. You can also use wood.

Rails on the wall must be mounted perpendicular to the direction of installation of the panels. The step between the slats is approximately fifty centimeters.

We carry out warming

Construction and finishing must be done with high quality. And one of the important factors is. With siding, this can be done quite simply.

Moreover, the cost of finishing with your own hands will be only the cost of the material. Especially if you have a heated veranda, then this must be done.

  • After installing the crate, it is necessary to immediately cover the plane with a waterproofing film. It is attached to the crate. For this, a construction stapler is used.
  • After that, we need to fix the mats. Their connection is done with the help of construction parachutes. They must be purchased in advance. It is necessary to make at least six attachment points per meter.

Attention: When laying it is necessary to ensure that the insulation is not deformed. Otherwise, it will lose its properties.

Panel mounting

There are several mounting methods. It will not consider everything, but we will note the most convenient and affordable - with the help of self-tapping screws. The best choice would be to use horizontal siding, which has a locking type of connection.

After fixing the crate along the perimeter, we fasten the siding panels:

  • The starting rail is installed in the lower corner.
  • For these purposes, we use self-tapping screws.
  • We lower the panel into such a rail in such a way that the mounting shelf is directed towards the installation.

PVC is fixed with screws or a special device.

Attention: If self-tapping screws are used, then in no case should they be tightened to the end, you must leave a free space of one millimeter. If this is not done, then the panels will definitely warp.

  • After that, we sequentially install the finishing panels one after another so that there are no gaps between them. But at the bottom and at the top of the wall it is best to provide a gap of three centimeters. This will protect yourself from skewed lining due to thermal expansion. The resulting space can be covered with a plinth.

Attention: It is worth taking into account that vinyl siding is subject to thermal expansion, which is why all panels that are mounted must be 5 millimeters shorter than the wall.

  • The panels must be installed sequentially, while leading the lower edge into the grooves of the starting profile or the previous plank.
  • The panels are fixed with self-tapping screws, but they should not be twisted to the end. Do not forget that the material undergoes expansion under the influence of temperature. There should be a distance of one millimeter between the coating plane and the screw head.
  • In the same way, one by one, the remaining planks are attached until you move to the top of the building. There, you first need to install the finishing bar, and only after that we mount the extreme bar.

Now you know how to sheathe a veranda with siding and you can do the job without any problems. Sheathing siding is a durable construction that will last for quite a long time.
