Planting tomatoes on fish is good or bad. Fish feeding of tomato seedlings. What kind of fish is suitable for tomatoes

Organic fertilizers are made from substances of animal or vegetable origin. Such fertilizers contain a high content of substances necessary for proper growth and development of plants: nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

The benefits of organics include the following:

  • Their availability and low cost.
  • Environmental friendliness - their natural origin is beyond doubt.
  • Complex effect - they contain a whole set of components vital for the plant.


  • Working with funds is not very convenient and pleasant.
  • Calculating the correct dosage also has its own difficulties.

Tomatoes love natural top dressing and there are many undeniable advantages in this type of fertilizer:

But there are also disadvantages of such fertilizers:

  1. Materials of plant and animal origin often contain insect pests and various fungal infections.
  2. Also, improper dosage and overfeeding with organic matter can cause burns in the plant of its root system and ground parts.

onion peel

Tomatoes are very fond of top dressing with onion peel., which contains many useful substances that can protect this crop from such unpleasant diseases as gray and black rot. Thanks to this fertilizer, their stems are strengthened in tomatoes, their tone increases and the fragility of the bushes decreases. How to prepare the composition:

  • 2 cups of packed onion peel pour 2 liters of boiling water.
  • Insist in a dark cool place for 48 hours.
  • Then strain the solution and dilute with clean cool water in a ratio of 1:3.

How to apply:

  1. The first top dressing with onion infusion is carried out 3-4 days after planting tomato seedlings in the ground. The solution should be applied to the root hole near the stem of the plant. For 1 bush you will need half a liter of infusion.
  2. The second top dressing should be carried out during the flowering of the bushes. Watering is also basal.


Tomatoes are very fond of fish heads as they are a very effective, environmentally friendly and readily available fertilizer. Just don't throw away leftover fish after cutting it and store it in the freezer.

Important: feeding tomatoes with fish will provide them with phosphorus, potassium, iron and magnesium.

How to prepare the composition of fish heads:

How to apply:

  1. It is not necessary to water the roots of plants with this solution, but the space between them.
  2. Try not to let the fertilizer get on the leaves, it can burn them.


Summer residents have long noticed that bread solution has a very beneficial effect on tomatoes. The culture begins to develop faster, the root system is formed a few weeks earlier, and the ripened fruits have excellent taste. How to prepare the composition:

  • The remains of black or white bread are dried in advance and stored in a tightly closed container.
  • Then the resulting crackers are placed in a small bucket and filled with warm water.
  • It is necessary to insist such a composition under a tightly closed lid in the sun for about 2 weeks - during this time the yeast will begin to ferment.

How to apply:

  1. The finished solution must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1.
  2. You need to water the bushes at the very root for two weeks.

banana peel

An infusion of banana peels has long proven itself, as an effective means for feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse. But plants growing in open ground also respond gratefully to fertilizer with such a nutrient solution. Tomatoes grow faster, form well and increase leaf mass, give higher yields. How to prepare and apply the composition:

  1. From fresh peel: Place 3 banana skins in a 3 liter glass jar and fill with clean cool water. Insist 3 days. Pour the composition into a bucket and dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Water tomatoes under the root in the morning or evening for a week.
  2. From dried skins: Pour 4 dried peels with 1 liter of water and leave for 48 hours. Then dilute with water 1:1. Watering is carried out in the same way as described above.

chicken manure

Chicken manure has long been used in horticulture as a natural and very effective fertilizer for irrigating tomatoes, because in its composition it contains 3 times more chemical elements than the well-known cow dung. Bird droppings contain a large amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese, cobalt and zinc.

As a result of such top dressing, tomatoes have a rapid growth, a faster ovary of inflorescences and active flowering. In addition, it was experimentally noted that even a single treatment of bushes with such a fertilizer increases the crop yield for 2 years in advance.

Attention: can be used for the preparation of a nutrient composition, fresh, dry and even granulated bird droppings can be used.


How to prepare the composition of chicken manure:

How to apply:

  1. The solution must be applied by the root method at the rate of half a liter of fertilizer per 1 bush.
  2. It is recommended to carry out this procedure only after rain or a couple of hours after watering the crop.


How to apply:

  1. Dry chicken manure is applied when digging the soil after harvesting in the fall.
  2. Fertilizer is applied in a slightly moistened form over the entire surface of the place of future planting of tomatoes at the rate of 3-5 kg ​​of manure per 5 m².
  3. Fertilizer must be placed on the soil evenly, for this you can use a rake.
  4. It is also recommended to add wood ash, sand and compost to chicken manure and then leave the beds fertilized in this way until spring digging.


How to apply:

  1. Granular fertilizer is very convenient to apply to the soil before planting tomato seedlings.
  2. On 1 m² of land you need 150-250 grams of litter.
  3. Granules should be lightly sprinkled with earth.

Important: seedlings should not come into contact with this fertilizer, so it must be applied between future beds.

Horse dung

Horse droppings are an excellent top dressing for tomato bushes. But it is most effective to use half-rotted manure, as it contains a large amount of nitrogen, which is well absorbed by plants. How to prepare the composition:

  • Dissolve one bucket of manure in 30 liters of water.
  • Let the resulting solution brew for 2-3 days.

How to apply:

  1. The first top dressing is carried out 20-25 days after planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse.
  2. Further, the manure composition should be applied no more than 1 time in 2 weeks.

The use of rabbit

Rabbit droppings, in addition to water, are rich in nitrogen, magnesium and potassium, thanks to which the growth of plants is accelerated and they become stronger and more resilient. This fertilizer is used directly in 2 ways:

How to prepare and use liquid feed:

  1. Pour 1 kg of manure with 10 liters of water, mix thoroughly.
  2. Let the fertilizer brew for 12 to 24 hours, shaking occasionally until smooth.
  3. This fertilizer must be applied at the rate of 2 liters of composition per 1 m² of land, but not more than twice a year, otherwise the plants will burn out from an excess of nitrogen and methane in the soil.

How to prepare and apply dry litter:

  1. To make a dry powder out of rabbit manure, it is first dried in the sun, and then ground to a fine powder.
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Once in the USSR, frozen sprat cost 10 kopecks per kilogram, and there were no fertilizers available for free sale for summer residents at all. Because of the cheapness, our grandmothers used fish as a top dressing for garden plants. How to do this and does it really give any useful effect?

It turns out that those who are fond of fishing do not have to spend money on buying fertilizers for crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers or bell peppers. Fish entrails, heads and scales can be an invaluable source of phosphorus necessary for plant development. Even at the seedling stage, if you wash and clean the fish, then you need to do this not with tap water, but with specially settled water, which every gardener probably has at home for watering seedlings. Such water is very useful for seedlings. She stops reaching up. Due to the abundant nutrition of the roots with phosphorus, they are strengthened and, consequently, the growing stem is strengthened.

Try to bury one or two sprats in each hole before planting tomatoes in open ground and the result will surprise you. The plant will develop much faster, the stem will be thicker, and the side shoots will not be as brittle. And most importantly - for all nightshades, these are larger and juicier fruits. In general, the yield will be much higher due to the earlier development of the plant as a whole. For our early cold weather, this is an important advantage.

Fish fertilizer has another advantage - it not only strengthens the plant, it makes the soil more fertile. The nitrogen contained in fish waste gradually decomposes in the soil over 6-8 months, making it more loose and oily.

It is necessary to bury the fish to a depth of at least 8-10 cm. This is due to the fact that, firstly, at such a depth, nitrogen will not evaporate from the soil, and secondly, it is less likely that tailed fish lovers will sniff out a delicacy and dig your garden ( I mean cats). And it is also very important that the roots of the plant and fish fertilizer do not come into contact with each other, otherwise they may slightly “burn”. Therefore, it is necessary to make an earthen layer between them.

Fish feeding can be applied not only during planting. Fish waste infused in water is called fish emulsion. It can be watered plants until the very end of fruiting.

Fish in a garden with tomatoes is not at all an invention or a joke of gardeners. Among the many tricks taken by the owners of household plots in order to obtain a grandiose harvest, there is also one. Let's try to figure out whether it is worth stocking up on fish at the time of planting tomato seedlings in the garden and, if this is really worth doing, how to do it with the highest probability of winning. Why put fish in the hole when planting tomatoes? There is an opinion that even the American Indians planted fish under their plantings. Allegedly, this is even reflected in rock art. We do not undertake to say for sure, but we admit such an option. At present, when fish products are not cheap, this is done in our country in those places where it is available in sufficient quantities: in Primorye and the Far East, fish waste is even used to grow potatoes, in the Astrakhan region this method of growing tomatoes is also common . In this case, the cheapest types are used.

Why put fish when planting a tomato? It is clear that the fish, with its organic composition, will obviously add some useful components to the soil during its decomposition. What exactly? This is what needs to be defined in more detail. For growth and development, plants need to receive a sufficient amount of various macro and microelements. Among the macro (= many) are especially needed: Nitrogen - necessary for the process of photosynthesis. The main sources are manure, humus, urea, etc. If a plant receives it in excess, it “fattens”, i.e. the plant forms a large green mass, and the yield is minimal. Potassium - helps ripen fruits. The main source is potash fertilizers and wood ash. Phosphorus - promotes flowering and fruiting of plants. The main source is superphosphates and bone meal. It is known that it is tomatoes that are especially demanding on the content of phosphorus in the soil. At the initial stage, phosphorus stimulates the development of the root system of plants, later accelerates the formation of flower clusters, and at the stage of crop ripening improves the taste of tomatoes. Just to provide tomatoes with a sufficient amount of phosphorus in an accessible form, fish are added under the roots of seedlings. The same result can be achieved with superphosphate. But if there is such a tradition, we will decide how to do it most correctly. Feeding tomatoes with fish when planting seedlings At the time of planting tomato seedlings, small fish are often used as a fish supplement: capelin, sprat, herring. Connoisseurs of organic farming argue that it is best to use pre-harvested and frozen heads as top dressing for tomatoes. At the time of planting the seedlings, you need to prepare holes of sufficient depth (at least 60 cm deep), put them in each head, sprinkle it with soil, and then plant the seedlings. If the holes are less deep, there is a danger of an odor that may attract pets. Attracted by the fishy smell, cats and dogs are able to break plantings and damage planted plants. It is also recommended to add eggshells to the well as an additional source of calcium. By autumn, nothing will be found in place of these additives - the tomato root system will process everything into useful macronutrients. Fish top dressing of a tomato throughout the season If at the time of planting the seedlings the fish was not at hand, then this can be done later by digging it deep enough next to the bush. In addition, this method of feeding is recommended to be carried out during the entire growing season. This is especially easy to do if someone in the family likes to fish. Fish leftovers can be passed through a meat grinder, diluted with water and such liquid fertilizer, without waiting until it starts to smell unpleasant, pour the ground between tomato bushes (not under the root!) There is also an opinion that fish (even just scales can be used) are buried into the soil to scare away the bear, which destroys young plants, feeding on their roots, but does not tolerate the smell of rotten fish. The insect bypasses such places, and this helps to save the plants. Other Ways to Feed Vegetable Plants with Fish Waste-Based Fertilizer Fishmeal and other waste-based fertilizers can be used instead of fish directly. Maxim Zhmakin's book "All About Fertilizer" provides several options for top dressing for tomatoes based on fish waste: Bone meal - produced industrially. Stimulates the rapid formation of roots during transplantation. It is important to mix it well with the soil in the hole when planting seedlings, because. Phosphorus does not dissolve or move in the soil. Application rate - 1-2 tbsp. spoons (or 40 g) / bush. Fishmeal is made in the same way as fish bone meal. Additionally, soft waste is used. It contains more nitrogen (up to 10%). Phosphorus is usually 3%. It is applied immediately before planting a bush, in each hole, 1-2 tbsp. spoons (or 40 g) / bush. Fish emulsion - mainly obtained by processing fish of the herring family - menhaden, which the American Indians used as a fertilizer. This type of fish is of no value for the food industry and is used for livestock feed and for the production of fertilizers. It is recommended to apply in small doses once/month during the entire vegetative period. To do this, a small amount of the emulsion is dissolved in water and the plants are watered directly under the root. The disadvantage is the characteristic fishy smell, which can attract cats. Here is a study on the usefulness of the use of fish and derivatives in the agricultural technology of growing tomatoes. There is almost no scientific justification for its mandatory use. But in practice, this method is widely used. Amateur vegetable growers often write on the forums about the results that pleased them. Therefore, everyone here decides for himself, many questions can only be answered empirically. At least within the boundaries of his own greenhouse.

Chasing a large tomato crop, gardeners come up with unexpected top dressing options. For example, when growing and planting tomatoes, fish or fish waste is used.

Some simply bury it in the ground, others prepare liquid fertilizer. Both options are not quite common, but effective. The product is organic. It contains phosphorus, which tomatoes need at all stages of the growing season.

Why do tomatoes need fish

In the Astrakhan region, tomato lovers do not have a question why tomatoes need fish. They are well aware of its benefits. Fishing is popular there, there are always a lot of fish, they always fed tomatoes. When fish rots, substances are released into the soil that benefit plants:

  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese.

On a note!

Scientists have proven that a large concentration of hydrogen sulfide kills the plant, and small doses stimulate the growth of the vegetative mass.

It makes no sense to list all the trace elements. Meat and bones contain almost the entire periodic table. When the tissues decompose, they all pass into the soil, restore its fertility, nourish the tomatoes. Therefore, the fish is placed in. At the beginning of the growing season, it supplies tomatoes with phosphorus.

It stimulates the development

  • the root system is formed faster;
  • improved root nutrition;
  • flower clusters appear faster.

What kind of fish is suitable for tomatoes

Phosphorus is found in any fish, so any inexpensive variety can be used. To plant tomatoes, gardeners buy herring, sprat, capelin. Suitable for tomato any river fish. Fresh catch is an ideal fertilizer for tomatoes.

In order not to incur additional costs, fish waste is accumulated in winter. Freeze fish heads. They are thawed the day before planting and used in the same way as a fresh product. Small fish are used as a whole, and large fish are divided into several parts.

How to properly bury fish when landing

Seedlings are transplanted into the ground when warm weather sets in warm soil. The holes are placed according to the scheme corresponding to the variety:

  • 30 x 50 cm - superdeterminant, determinant;
  • 40 x 60 cm - medium height;
  • 45 x 60 cm - tall.

The pits are made with a margin, deeper than usual. A whole or cut into pieces fish (fish heads, waste) and egg shells are placed at the bottom. Sprinkle them with a mixture of garden soil and humus, water.

Transfer tomato seedlings into the holes. The roots are covered with earth. Watered, the hole is mulched with humus. In summer, fish fertilizer will feed the tomatoes. By autumn, it will completely rot and become part of the soil.

Fish top dressing of tomatoes

During the active growing season, tomatoes are fed with organic matter every week. To do this, insist mullein or grass in a barrel and accumulate fish waste (tails, heads, bones). Once every 3 weeks prepare a liquid top dressing:

  • fish waste is twisted in a meat grinder;
  • pour them into a bucket;
  • pour settled water, mix;
  • leave for 1 hour;
  • mix, start feeding.

For 5 liters of water add 0.5 liters of organic fertilizer, water the ground between the bushes.


The smell of rotten fish scares away the bear, so it is buried in the ridge to protect the roots of the tomato from the pest.

Other fish fertilizers

At fish enterprises, production waste is used for the preparation of organic fertilizers:

  • bone meal;
  • fishmeal;
  • fish emulsion.

Amateur gardeners use them for summer top dressing and bring in when planting.

Fertilizer Mode of application Quantity The effect of the application
Flour from the bones Apply to soil at planting 1-2 tbsp. l per well Stimulates the formation of the root system of the seedling
Fish flour Apply to soil at planting 1-2 tbsp. l per well Stimulates the growth of roots and vegetative mass
fish emulsion Root top dressing 1 time per month A small amount of liquid is added to the water for irrigation Increases drought resistance, promotes the formation of ovaries, improves fruit quality

Even skeptics can try this method. He's not complicated. It is not necessary to bury waste under each bush. To begin with, it is enough to feed 1-2 bushes and evaluate the result. The following summer, use the method again if the experimental bushes have a good harvest.

Effective top dressing for tomatoes

Om-Nom-nom! Tomatoes love fish heads. This is an environmentally friendly fertilizer that you can get absolutely free. Just when cooking, you should not throw away the fish heads, but carefully store them in the freezer. Also, if you have friends who sell fish, you can ask them for waste. Fish tails, intestines, thorns, as well as crab and lobster shells are also excellent top dressing for tomatoes.

The cycle of biological elements in nature works here. During the decomposition of biomass, substances are released that are perfectly absorbed by the root system of tomatoes. Feeding tomatoes with fish will provide plants with phosphorus in an easily accessible form. In addition, it is an additional source of potassium, iron and magnesium.

Therefore, plants fed with fish tend to look healthier and more vigorous than plants that have not received such feeding. And the harvest, respectively, give an order of magnitude more. And their fruits have a sweeter taste and dense structure.

When the greenhouse is used for business, feeding the tomato with fish also does not hurt. True, for industrial purposes, it is usually not kitchen waste that is used, but fishmeal and fish emulsion.

If you want to feed tomatoes with fish when planting seedlings, dig a hole of sufficient depth. Plan the depth so that the plant, and the fish head (or fish waste), and other fertilizers fit there. But it should be at least 60 cm. If you bury the fish at a shallower depth, and your greenhouse does not close hermetically, cats or dogs will try to dig up the fish. And, of course, the plants will be damaged. Also, if you bury the fish at a sufficient depth, an unpleasant smell will not go through the greenhouse.

Also, when planting a tomato in a greenhouse, in addition to fish heads, you can add crushed eggshells, bone meal and organic fertilizers to each hole.

As the fish decomposes, it gradually provides the tomatoes with nitrogen and calcium. By autumn, not even bones will remain from the fish. Tomatoes will eat everything.

If you are unable to get fish waste or you are afraid of impudent cats, then we recommend using fishmeal as a substitute. Two handfuls in each hole is enough. But this is not an equivalent replacement for fish heads.

Feeding a tomato with fish after disembarkation

If you missed the moment and did not bury the fish when planting seedlings, do not be discouraged. This can always be done later. Just drop fish waste next to the tomato bushes. This is especially convenient if someone in your family loves to fish. Then you will always have a free high-performance fertilizer. Just bury the fish deep enough to avoid smell.

When your greenhouse is open to cats or dogs, and you are afraid that they will dig in search of fish, use a slightly different way of feeding tomatoes.

Scroll all fish waste through a meat grinder.

Mix what happened with water. Get a kind of liquid fertilizer. It is not necessary to insist such a solution until the smell of rotten meat comes from it. Water them right away while they are fresh.

Watering with such a solution should not be under the root, but between the plants. Be careful not to get on the leaves, otherwise the leaves may burn.

This feeding of tomato fish is described in detail in the video.

Other types of feeding tomato fish

Flour from fish bones. It has the same effect as bone meal, but does not alkalize the soil as much. It is applied similarly to bone meal.

Fish flour. Unlike fish bone meal, it is made from soft waste. This fertilizer contains more nitrogen. Fishmeal decomposes in the soil within 6–8 months.

Organic fertilizers based on fish emulsion. This fertilizer was popular even among the American Indians, who fertilized crops with rotted fish waste. It is applied from spring until the end of the growing season once a month. A small amount of the emulsion is dissolved in water and watered the soil under the plants. When purchasing this fertilizer, check the sodium chloride content on the label. If this substance is present, then the fertilizer is not recommended for heavy clay soils. Its disadvantages include an unpleasant odor.

And some summer residents even made a pleasant discovery - with fish under the root, nightshade, which includes tomatoes, does not eat the Colorado potato beetle!

As with any nitrogen-containing fertilizer, be careful with fish feed. If you overdo it, the tomato greens will be thick and lush, but there will be few fruits.

Of course, fish feeding is not a panacea. Before applying any fertilizer, you need to know well the structure and chemical composition of the soil where these fertilizers will be applied. Otherwise, you can make serious mistakes, even following the most correct and proven advice.

We wish you to get as much tomato crop as possible in your greenhouse!
