Under what to choose the color of the carpet? Carpets in the interior of the apartment (50 photos): beautiful modern and classic designs Dark carpet in the interior

It is called an integral part of the interior of any room. The epicenter of warmth and comfort. Carpet is the most important element of decor, thanks to which the room takes on a finished look.

In Soviet times, the presence of a carpet was considered a symbol of prosperity. In wealthy houses, it could be seen not only on the floor, but also on the walls.

Today, the views on this piece of furniture have changed a bit. Now the carpet has become more of a sign of taste. Properly selected carpeting will create a stylish and unique interior.

This is especially important in the living room - the room where you receive guests and relax from everyday bustle. So, how to choose a carpet in the living room?

Carpet material is a sign of quality

The material from which the carpet is made is divided into 2 types: artificial and natural.

If we talk about natural materials, then more often sheep wool, animal skins and silk threads are used in the manufacture of carpets.

The main advantages of such carpets: good thermal conductivity, durability and environmental friendliness.

True, if one of the family members is allergic to animals, such a carpet is not for your interior. Such materials are not suitable for those who do not have time for constant cleaning - the material quickly becomes dirty and is difficult to clean.

Artificial materials:

  • viscose
  • acrylic fiber
  • polyester fiber
  • nylon threads

Most often, modern carpets in the living room are chosen from artificial materials, as they are considered more practical.

They do not cause allergies and are presented in a wider color palette. Also, these materials are excellent in cleaning. After applying various cleaning products, the appearance of the carpet remains unchanged.

Basic rules for choosing carpets in the living room:

  • If your room has bright furniture and accessories, the carpet on the floor in the living room should be purchased in neutral shades, without a pronounced pattern.
  • The pattern on the furniture and the print of the carpets should be different
  • If your living room has dark floors, choose a light colored carpet.
  • A winning combination: match the color and patterns of the carpet and curtains.
  • If the room is decorated in warm colors, the carpet should be of the same shades.
  • If the interior is dominated by a dark color, a bright color carpet will be a good solution.
  • With pastel shades of the interior, a chocolate-colored carpet will look advantageous in the room.
  • You can’t choose a carpet to match the tone of the walls - in general, the room will become monotonous and boring.
  • To visually expand the room, choose a carpet in the living room with geometric patterns.

Choose the right size and shape of the cover

Carpets can be divided into three categories according to their size:


The width of such carpets: a maximum of 3 square meters. They are suitable as a cover by the sofa or under the coffee table.


The size of medium carpets is up to 6 square meters. Such carpets are taken to be placed in the center of the room.


Such carpets come from 6 square meters. They cover the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, starting from the walls.

All forms of carpets that exist on the market. It is impossible to list them. Standard carpets: rectangular, square no longer surprise anyone.

On the Internet, you can find many photos of carpets in the living room with a wide variety of shapes: in the form of a heart, animals, birds, as well as triangular, polygonal, etc.

Modern designers need to approach the choice of the shape of the carpet in the living room carefully, because thanks to the coating, you can visually correct the shortcomings of the layout of the room.

If you want to stretch the room - lay a carpet. Choosing a carpet on the floor in the living room without a pattern and on the entire area of ​​​​the room - visually the space will become larger.

  • Round carpets accentuate the necessary area
  • In the world of design, it is customary to designate a relaxation zone with rectangular carpets.
  • Oval carpets in the interior of the living room visually reduce the space. However, if the tone of the carpet and the floor match, there will be no reduction in space.
  • The oval carpet in the living room looks organic if there is a round chandelier (it should hang directly above the carpet)
  • A carpet with a long pile will bring coziness and warmth to the house.

We select a carpet for the interior of the living room

If the decor of the room is made in the Art Nouveau style, it is advisable to choose a carpet on the floor in the living room in a solid color in the form of a rectangle or square. In priority: pastel colors.

In a vintage style, a light-colored carpet will look good. A small flower will be a suitable pattern for the coating.

At High-Teke, it is advised to choose carpets in cold colors
In the Country style, designers are advised to opt for a rug with a catchy pattern. There is also monotony. Main color: brown.

With a classic interior, it is worth covering the floor with a carpet of golden, amber, beige hues. Print: ornate patterns.

In the African style, carpets with animal prints will look appropriate: leopard, Dalmatian, zebra. Also, coatings with geometric patterns will look harmonious.

In Japanese interiors, any patterns on the coating are not desirable. The carpet can be plain without prints.

In a Scandinavian interior, it will be interesting to look at a solid color carpet. Preference is given to white or black colors.

Follow these tips and you will be able to choose a carpet that will not only please the eye, but also harmoniously complement the decor of your room.

Photo of carpets in the living room

A living room without a carpet on the floor does not seem as cozy and warm as with it. But how to choose it correctly for the interior of the room?

The current market is petrite and replete with carpets of different colors, shapes, pile lengths, materials, degrees of hardness.

If you can not decide on the choice of carpet for the living room, then perhaps this article will be useful to you.

How to choose a carpet in the living room

Long gone are the days when it was fashionable to hang carpets on the walls of every room. But the demand for modern carpets in the living room is still, not only alive, but also gaining momentum.

It remains only to figure out how to arrange and what form to choose a carpet in the living room. As a rule, the product is placed in the center of the living room in a single version.

But, sometimes, they allow the placement of two or even three textile parts in one large room in order to zone the area.

In this case, it is important not to overdo it, unless you are a connoisseur of the avant-garde, where everything incongruous is combined.

When dividing the room into functional areas with several carpets on the floor in the living room, you should take into account the texture, color scheme and patterns on the carpet products in order to fit into the overall interior of the room as much as possible.

With the choice of one carpet, the situation is somewhat simpler. Everyone can deal with this dilemma. You just need to follow some simple rules for selecting textiles.

Rectangular carpet on the floor in the living room

The use of rectangular or oval rugs near the sofa is the most relevant.

Note! Making a living room in a modern style - 100 photos of new designs.

The floor can be closed completely or partially. But in order for the product to look more harmonious, experts advise leaving at least 20 cm of free space to the edge of the walls.

A great option to highlight the carpet from the general view is a bright framing strip that matches the color scheme of some design elements.

Thus, the product will not merge with the floor and will perform not only a technical function, but also serve as a decor for the environment.

Round flooring

A round or oval rug in the living room will add some sophistication and taste to the room. Such products are especially suitable for a room with decorative details of rounded shapes.

It can be a round chandelier, a table, a pattern on the wallpaper, a stencil pattern on the walls.

With the help of such a textile product, you can highlight some object from the general situation, for example, a coffee table or an armchair.

But at the same time, the carpet must be of the appropriate size so as not to get lost under the highlighted part of the furniture.

Several carpets in the interior of the living room

It is not uncommon to have several carpets in the living room at once. Modern designers use small rugs in the interior of one room, which look like islands in areas where the inhabitants of the house are often found.

For example, near an armchair, a TV cabinet, a sofa or an exit to the terrace. It can be products, both oval and square.

Size Rules

There are some rules for the size of carpets, compliance with which will help textiles blend harmoniously into the interior.

For example, when the carpet is under the coffee table, it must accommodate all four legs of the piece of furniture.

In order for the carpet product to serve not only for floor insulation, but also for decorating the interior, it is necessary to leave free space up to the walls, as shown in the photo of the carpets in the living room.

Carpet - part of the interior

If you say that the carpet is the primary part of the entire interior, then it will not be true. However, it is this element of decor that makes the room cozy and gives it life.

In addition to all these advantages, the carpet should also be practical. In a walk-through or children's room, it will be difficult to care for a product with a long pile.

Fluffy rugs can be used in a lounge near a fireplace or in a home theater room.

And if you often have guests with children in your house or you are a party lover, then short pile carpets will be a great option.

And remember: the carpet is part of the interior. It should not look superfluous among the general view of the room.

Therefore, you should choose carpeting, taking into account the palette of the situation, the pattern on the walls and the shape of the rest of the elements in the living room.

Photos of new carpets for the living room

Carpet- not a relic of the Soviet past, but a useful and beautiful accessory that can be looked at in a new way. The carpet in a modern interior is designed to perform many functions from insulation and sound insulation to highlighting individual zones and linking pieces of furniture into a single group. You can talk about the huge offer of floor coverings on the market for a long time, but choosing and fitting a carpet into a new interior is not so easy.

The main criteria for choosing flooring for a modern room

A modern interior is not only fashionable high-tech or minimalism. This is a luxurious baroque, cute Provence, ethnic style, modern and even a combination of several styles in one interior. Each of them has its own special features and rules for choosing furniture and decor items. What about carpet?

Carpet in interior decor should not play a major role. This is an additional accessory that should not be conspicuous in the first place. Therefore, the color scheme of the flooring, regardless of the style of the room, should not be too bright and flashy. An exception may be a striped carpet in a narrow corridor, the main function of which is to visually expand the space.

The more bright colors in the room, the calmer the carpet should be. Carpets with a short pile of solid pastel colors or with a so-called burnt pattern are best suited for a bright interior.

If the room is narrow with poor daylight, long pile flooring in light colors or a discreet stripe will help save the situation. The strip, depending on its direction, can expand or lengthen the space.

For a small living room, you should choose a carpet in a small pattern, as bulky large details will look awkward and hide precious square centimeters.

If we are talking about a large living room, its central part can be occupied by a round carpet with a wide frame and a large medallion inside. This is a classic of Turkish carpet weaving.

The round shape of the carpet in combination with the decor elements of the living room - Photo 13

Carpet can decorate not only the floor, but also the walls. But here it is worth giving preference to exquisite silk products, thin and shiny with an expressive pattern that matches the character of the interior.

Wall carpet in the interior of the living room - Photo 16

Ornamented silk wall carpet — Photo 17

Carpet should not cover the entire perimeter of the floor. This role can only be performed by carpet in the office or children's room. The carpet should be about 50 cm away from the wall, which will help make the room look bigger.

To create a harmonious interior, you can try to repeat some details of the carpet pattern in other decor items, for example, on a decorative pillow, blanket, wallpaper.

The carpet and the interior of the room make up a single color scheme - Photo 21

The combination of a carpet with decorative elements and the general style of the interior of the room - Photo 22

Where and what kind of carpet to place

Carpet in a modern interior can be natural, synthetic, combined, made on jute, rubber and other bases. If you are not allergic to animal hair, it is best to choose a high-density natural wool carpet. This is an option for the bedroom, which especially requires heat and sound insulation. In addition, such a floor covering has a therapeutic effect when walking.

High density carpet - Photo 24

In the living room, you should choose more refined carpets of a smooth or embossed texture. For the interior in the Baroque style, floor coverings with a floral pattern are relevant, for hi-tech - with abstract patterns. If the living room is large, it can be decorated with two or more carpets that highlight separate areas: a dining area, a relaxation area, etc.

The choice of a sculptural carpet for the interior - Photo 26

For hallways and bathrooms, rubber-based synthetic mats are recommended. A carpet in interior decor is a mood and comfort, the completeness of an idea and an indicator of the taste of the owners of the house.

The carpet is introduced into the interior not only to create coziness and provide comfort for the feet. This element helps in solving other problems, including zoning the room, introducing additional color and texture nuances, diluting the faceless monotony, etc.

The most important parameter is the size of the carpet. Color is secondary. After all, in which case you can always beat him. However, this does not mean that you need to grab the first carpet of a suitable size that comes across. It is necessary in advance, even before the purchase, to select the desired color scheme and determine the list of preferred colors and shades.

What color schemes are there? Under what to choose a carpet? What does it rhyme with? Let's figure it out.

Schemes non-contrast and contrast

The carpet can practically merge with the environment and seem to dissolve in it. This effect is achieved if a carpet is used that matches the main range of the interior or repeats the color of the floor.

The reverse option is a carpet that stands out noticeably against the general background.

Both schemes are good in their own way. The first is suitable for creating a calm, serene atmosphere. If you want to visually separate the zone, it is better to choose the second scheme, that is, use a contrasting carpet.

Bundle options

What to tie the carpet to? Under what is it customary to select it? There are many ways.

1. Under the color of the furniture that will be located on it or near it. So, a gray sofa can stand on a gray carpet, and a dining table with blue chairs can stand on a blue carpet.

It is desirable, of course, that the furniture does not merge with the carpet. It should stand out at least a little - for example, in shade, texture or the presence of a pattern.

2. Under the color of the furniture, but vice versa. The whiteness of the sofa will be emphasized by a black carpet, and the warmth of the beige bed - dark brown. That is, this scheme involves the use of a carpet, the color of which is directly opposite to the color of the furniture located next to it.

3. Under the color of the floor, but vice versa. In this case, the color of other components can be ignored. The main thing is that the carpet and flooring organically complement each other. A room with black floors will suit a white carpet, with beige - brown, etc.

4. Under the color of large vertical surfaces. We are talking about walls and / or curtains. The carpet can repeat their shade exactly or approximately.

The scheme is classic, but somewhat dangerous. Wouldn't there be too much of the main color if you also put it on the floor? Caution is especially important if the color of the walls and curtains is not neutral, but "rainbow". It is necessary to abundantly dilute the base with furniture and decor of a different color.

5. Under the already existing color spots in the interior. For example, under the color of a floor lamp, paintings, panels, pouffe, etc.

It is worth noting that the accent carpet does not always need support. It is quite acceptable that it be the only color spot in the interior.

Having laid it on the floor, you need to evaluate how organically it fits into the environment. If there is an impression that the carpet is slightly knocked out of the general canvas, it can always be supported with details of the same or similar color.

Multicolor carpet

Carpets with patterns and ornaments are always more catchy and noticeable. They invariably attract attention, influencing the interior as a whole: with an active carpet, it becomes more energetic and expressive.

It is important not to overdo it here. If the interior already has a lot of different patterns and textures, you should prefer a simple plain carpet.

First of all, you need to take into account the appearance of the furniture that will be located directly on the carpet or near it. If the upholstery of the sofa is already patterned, you should think carefully before purchasing a patterned carpet.

What are these carpets for? The same schemes work here as with monophonic products. In a carpet with an ornament, it is almost always possible to distinguish the main color - this is the shade of the background or the largest element of the pattern. According to its color basis, the carpet can echo the floors, walls, curtains, sofa. Its second color can be supported by small details (for example, pillows on the sofa), the third - by a small piece of furniture.

However, it is not necessary to “pull” each of the colors present in it from the carpet. Some of them may well be left without support.

Choosing the color of the carpet ... Three axioms

1. A plain light carpet visually enlarges the area.

2. Cool color carpet creates a calm, serene atmosphere.

3. If the windows of the room face the north side, which is why the interior always looks gloomy, you should choose a carpet in a warm, cheerful shade. It will drastically change the mood of the room.

Any floor covering can change and transform the whole room beyond recognition. Even in an old apartment, just by changing the floor, you can create a cozy and modern environment. And the surest way is to change the carpet to the floor. In the living room, as in no other room, you need to carefully select not only furniture and decor items. Carpet on the floor can both decorate the interior and easily spoil it.

Choosing a floor decor item should be based on the size of the room itself. It is not worth saving on a purchase, even if small and medium rugs are much cheaper than large ones.

How to choose a carpet for the floor in the living room

The living room is a meeting place for the whole family and receiving guests. Here they relax after a hard day, discuss news and share problems. You can create a comfortable environment not only with the help of upholstered furniture, but also with various decorative techniques, for example, using suitable textiles and carpets.

Remember the time when the most beautiful and expensive carpets were hung on the walls? Not a single Soviet apartment could do without it. A large carpet on the wall was a sign of prosperity and well-being of the family. But everything flows, everything changes, and a modern carpet in the living room is not a wall accessory at all, but a full-fledged part of the room.

Even with different furniture in the hall, you can use the right carpet to combine all the seemingly superfluous elements.

Tip: take a closer look at such models of carpets and rugs, the dimensions of which allow you to place the main furniture composition on them - upholstered furniture and a coffee table. The feet of those sitting on the sofa should also be on the carpet.

Any hall or living room is one of the passage places in the apartment, which means that they must not only meet safety requirements and fit the interior, but also have a fair amount of wear resistance. And this quality depends on the material from which the object is made. But before moving on to the choice of material, let's look at the types of carpets.

Carpet, rug, rug...

To date, manufacturers produce the following varieties:

  • Palace is a carpet with a thin base and no lint.
  • Carpet is a short-pile fabric in a roll of small width.
  • Carpet - carpet with different pile lengths and widths, sold by the meter.
  • A full-fledged carpet with specific dimensions and finished patterns, from various materials.

Each of these types has its own disadvantages and advantages:

Palace in the living room hardly suitable - it is much thinner than an ordinary carpet, does not have soundproofing properties, and walking barefoot on it is not very pleasant. Such a coating will quickly wear out, acquire a damaged appearance and require replacement. But a carpet is cheaper than a carpet and easier to care for, since it does not have a pile.

Carpets for the living room also not the best choice, although they are sold by the meter, they have finished edges, but at the same time they have a small width and not too many colors.

You can, of course, opt for carpet by choosing the appropriate width and color. Most often, in retail outlets, you can process the cut edge for an additional fee. And even in terms of the thickness and height of the pile, such a coating can fit into the hall. But in most cases, manufacturers produce a plain carpet, without ornaments and patterns.

If the financial component allows, it is still better to choose a full-fledged carpet with a given size. Moreover, you can choose the pattern, dimensions, and even the shape of the carpet.

On a dark floor there should be a light carpet

Smooth, fluffy, furry…

The range of carpets is so huge that an ignorant buyer may well not only get confused, but also buy the wrong model.

Carpets also differ in pile length and structure, depending on the manufacturing method:

  • Weaving - dense fabric fabrics created using a loom;
  • Knitted - a covering created by knitting loops into the base;
  • Wicker - products made by weaving pile threads into the base;
  • Needle-punched - canvases made using the method of nailing a non-woven base;
  • Needle-stitched (tufted) - carpets formed by stitching with threads of a woven or non-woven base;
  • Flocked - coatings in which the pile is glued to the base.

Models with a solid base are considered more wear-resistant - woven, wicker, knitted. The durability of the carpet depends on the foundation.

Looking at different carpets to choose hall floor carpet, then you also need to analyze the length and structure of the pile - it is different for each species. Distinguish:
  • Velor carpets are smooth, fluffy coverings with the same pile length over the entire surface.
  • Frize - these are models made from twisted, "curly" yarn.
  • Saxony - twisted threads up to 4 cm long, resistant to wrinkling.
  • Scroll is a kind of multi-level loop coverings, in which the loops are cut and combed.
  • Berber - products in which the pile has an uneven structure and is randomly located.
  • Shaggy - models with shaggy, different in length villi from 3 to 7 cm long.
  • Boucle is a type of loop covering.

It is definitely worth mentioning that traces remain even from steps on the velor coating, it is so smooth and capricious. And the most expensive is considered "Eurosaxony" - models with a strongly twisted pile 7-8 cm long.

For living rooms, in terms of practicality, carpets are suitable, in which the pile is woven using the frieze, saxony, boucle methods.

Wool, silk, cotton, polyester...

Which carpet is suitable for the living room depends in most cases on the material of the product. Since ancient times, natural raw materials have been used for the production of carpets: silk, wool, straw. Skilled artisans could make a carpet for every taste and budget. But with the development of industry, artificial products burst into the human home, and now polyester fibers, nylon, viscose and polypropylene reign in our homes. What carpet material to choose for the hall-living room?

Wool carpets quite expensive, but at the same time they are a tribute to classic products. Traditionally, durable sheep wool is used for the production of carpets. Such models have excellent heat-saving properties, which is why it is so pleasant to walk on them barefoot. Wool carpets do not burn well, look solid and last up to 50 years! In addition, the material is difficult to color, which means that the colors of such products will be natural and calm. However, if you buy a woolen carpet from an unverified seller or “from your hands”, then there is a risk of running into a product whose raw materials are poorly treated with antifungal and anti-moth agents. And mold, dirt and moths are the worst enemies of wool.

Silk carpets even more expensive than woolen ones (it has always been so), they are created from fiber obtained from the caterpillars of the silkworm butterfly. However, the exorbitant price more than compensates for the quality of the product: a silk carpet is softer and stronger than a woolen one, and they look presentable and noble, which is noticeable in the photo of carpets for living rooms. Thanks to thin silk threads on the canvas, you can create any kind of drawings and ornaments. The only disadvantage of such carpets is that they need to be able to wash, otherwise they may shed.

Another natural material for the production of carpets is cotton- a canvas with good thermal conductivity, breathability and naturalness. Cotton coverings are not terrible for allergy sufferers, they absorb moisture well and are affordable. But, at the same time, there are a number of disadvantages: cotton does not tolerate moisture, it can shrink and deform.

Natural carpets for the floor in the hall include jute. Jute is a variety of plants of the same genus, growing in China, India, Australia and tropical countries. This eco-friendly material is classified as inexpensive and durable; it is used in the production of bags and ropes, various decor items, tow. Jute fabrics are widely used in construction as a heater. A jute carpet in the living room will have a number of advantages: inexpensive, practical, does not deform when wet, natural and can be supplemented with any other material (for example, wool or silk threads can be woven into a jute fabric).

A good substitute for natural carpets are viscose- cloths made of artificial fiber obtained from natural cellulose. The viscose thread is perfectly dyed, which allows you to create carpets with bright and unusual shades. Light sheen resembles natural silk products, and the strength and durability of the material allows it to be used in high-traffic areas. The only drawback of viscose fabric is that when wet, it can easily be deformed.

Carpets from polyester fiber(acrylic) was originally produced as a worthy replacement for natural wool. It does not cause allergies, the same durable and soft. High fire resistance and practicality in use allows the material to be used for the production of not only carpets, but also clothes, blankets, home textiles. At the same time, the products are perfectly cleaned, dry quickly and do not deform. One of the disadvantages of artificial acrylic fiber is electrification.

The next contender for the title of a good carpet for the hall is a canvas made of polyamide (nylon), practical and inexpensive material. Bright colors, strength, practicality, fire-retardant properties and elasticity are able to compete with the most exquisite natural fabrics. Nylon carpet will shine, last a long time, clean easily and dry quickly. But the low price dictates its own rules: artificial polyamide carpets are easily electrified and quickly fade in the sun.

Carpet on the floor in the living room: oval, square, large, small ...

A modern carpet on the floor can have not only a standard rectangular or square shape. There are oval, round, triangular, trapezoidal and polygonal carpet products. The original solution will be a carpet that repeats the shape of the furniture, but when the situation changes, the carpet will also have to be changed.

The shape of the carpet product will directly depend on the pieces of furniture and decor. If the interior is dominated by straight shapes, then a round carpet can be laid on the floor to smooth out the corners. At the same time, it is worth adding a couple of the same round accessories to the interior: sofa cushions, a vase or a panel on the wall. If you don’t plan to add any rounded shapes, then you should still stop at a rectangular rug. Especially when it comes to minimalism.

An oval carpet on the floor in the living room will fit perfectly into a classic interior, Art Deco or Provence.

As for other shapes, such as a polygon, you need to be very careful with them: designers recommend emphasizing them with other interior items.

Size matters when choosing any accessory for a room. An unsuitable in size or shape carpet on the floor in the hall will only spoil the whole impression of the entire interior. And even seemingly identical in color, but different in shape and size carpets can completely change the space. Common carpet sizes include:

  • Large, having an area of ​​​​6 square meters and above.
  • Medium, with dimensions from 3 to 6 square meters.
  • Small - less than 3 square meters.
A large carpet always draws attention to itself. therefore, it must be chosen with great care. If the interior contains bright or contrasting shades, then the carpet should have the most neutral color.

The medium carpet is suitable for small halls and living rooms, creating a cozy atmosphere and highlighting a comfortable seating area.

Small rugs, if there are several of them, are able to zone the space, highlighting separately the zones by the fireplace (for example), sofa, armchairs, by the window, etc.

Remember: most finished products have a maximum length of 3.6 m, but if you need a carpet with a longer length, then you should pay attention to carpet sheets, in which the maximum length can reach 5-6 m. By cutting off the required number of linear meters, you can easily get a large a beautiful carpet in the living room, and even cover the whole room.

Should I buy a large carpet on the floor?

Even with the same pattern, a small or medium rug will not look exactly the same as a large one. In any room, one basic rule regarding floor decor works: the larger the carpet, the room seems more spacious. This advice is very relevant for typical city apartments. The optimal size of the carpet should be chosen not based on the size of the furniture, but based on the dimensions of the room: the distance from the edge of the carpet to the wall should be from 30 to 60 cm.

However, if your living room or hall is too large (for example, after combining two rooms), then with the help of this floor item you can zone the space by highlighting the seating area.

Tip: you can determine how the future carpet will look in the hall using a simple method: lay out the outline of the planned coverage with colored stripes.

With special responsibility, you should choose a carpet in the living room with a corner sofa - the size is selected in such a way that the feet of those sitting are completely on the carpet.

Carpet color for living room

Of course, the shade of the carpet is of great importance for the entire interior. It is also worth considering practicality, for example, a white carpet in the living room will quickly get dirty if a lot of people visit the room.

If the main shade in the room is a neutral color, then it is allowed to dilute the atmosphere with a bright or contrasting floor accessory, but at the same time creating a “pair” for it. For example, a red carpet in a white living room is best emphasized with the same pillows or a matching pattern on the curtains. Even a red vase or a painting with similar hues will help the flooring not look lonely. When choosing a carpet for a bright living room, decide what impression the interior will create - subdued and relaxing or flashy and defiant.

For rooms whose windows face the sunny side, you can apply the reverse technique - choose a carpet of a cold shade on the floor. And vice versa: if the room is cool enough, then you can “warm up” the room with warm colors.

One of the current trends is the use of aged prints, as if burnt out in the sun. Carpets with faded colors will ideally complement such styles as shabby chic (“shabby chic”), retro, provence, country.

Tip from designers: if the floor in the room has a light floor covering (linoleum or laminate), then the carpet can be of any shade. But in the case of a dark coating, it is better to choose a light carpet so as not to create an overly gloomy atmosphere.

If the hall or living room is furnished with different furniture, then choose the carpet in a solid color or with a neutral pattern, as a contrasting print will cause ripples in the eyes of those in the room.

feng shui floor carpet

Quite a few equip their homes according to feng shui, an oriental philosophical science about creating a favorable environment. Here, all interior and decor items should occupy a strictly designated place. The same applies to carpets. How to choose and lay a carpet on the floor according to Feng Shui?

  • According to Chinese philosophy, the red and brown shades of the carpet will give the dwelling vitality and energy. In addition, these colors attract wealth to the owner's house.
  • Health, peace and happiness to the owners of the home will bring a fluffy carpet with a long pile on the floor.
  • The material, of course, is better to choose natural and natural.
  • For living rooms, round shapes are preferred, symbolizing spirituality and peace, but angular squares contribute to mental work, therefore they are ideal for offices.
  • Do not cover the floor with a large number of carpets or their large sizes absorb too much negative energy, not allowing positive energy to accumulate.
  • It is impossible to lay a carpet on a dirty or damaged floor, since the floor is the foundation of the house, its foundation.
  • To neutralize the bad energy collected by the carpet, before cleaning it needs to be slightly “salted” and sprinkled with herbs that will take away all the negativity.

Although some feng shui rules can be argued, for example, regarding the length of the pile: after all, such a carpet is rather impractical in the living room, collects a lot of dust and is more difficult to clean. Yes, and red carpets that attract well-being do not always fit the interior. Of course, those who want to follow Eastern teachings and choose a Feng Shui carpet for the floor will be able to create a cozy and harmonious interior, taking into account all the tips.

What carpets are better not to lay on the floor

Based on the practicality of use, laying a carpet with a long pile in the hall is not worth it - quite a lot of dust accumulates in it, and cleaning is difficult. In addition, there are traces of furniture on it. However, as we have already said, feng shui fans will find many reasons to get around this advice.

Traces also remain on velor carpets, and not only from furniture legs, but also from steps. Especially in walkable rooms.

It is worth thinking carefully about a light-colored carpet if the living room is a frequented room. Such a coating will quickly become dirty and lose its attractive appearance.

In general, at the disposal of the modern buyer there is a wide range of different floor coverings for the hall or living room. And choosing a carpet for the floor is often exciting and interesting, because a new accessory in a living space can always change the entire interior.

And now we offer you to look at the photo gallery of carpets in the living room, which, we hope, will help you make your choice.

Carpets with geometric patterns
