How to learn spoken English? How to learn spoken English: effective techniques and tips

Hello my beloved readers.

Many of you probably dream of traveling. See new countries and continents, meet new people and get acquainted with new cultures. But sometimes life confronts us with limitations. Not a lack of money or time, but a simple inability to speak English.

If you have no idea who to contact to correct this oversight, then you have come to the right place! Today I will tell you how to learn spoken English on your own, what methods I used myself and give some tips on how to do it quickly and effectively, using my blog in particular!

Before all my advice and suggested materials to study, I will immediately recommend you Development of spoken language from Lingualeo . If you are not familiar with this service, be sure to check it out! It has other courses that will help you master the language quickly, depending on your needs.

Listen and hear!

On initial stage the most important thing is to listen as much as possible. Listen, play them several times until you understand 90% of all words. For beginners learning a language, in the vast online world you will find hundreds of children's audiobooks (), where the vocabulary is very simple and understandable. You can try it - I have a selection of the best of them on my blog. Then you can move on to songs.

Moreover, now you can find a lot of audio courses online, where you can learn the basics of speaking in just a month. One of these is, which you can find on my blog. You know, my mother loves to travel and her next destination in the world is Singapore. So she gradually began to listen to Pimsleur lessons, where everything is very chewy! There is already progress)


Then you will immediately learn the correct construction of words in a sentence. The vocabulary here should also be simple, so that your self-study It didn't turn into torture.

Again, it’s better to start with children’s or very simple texts. I have something to offer you - and...

Is an old friend better than two new ones?

Make new friends! Most easy way for beginners is to find communities in your city that are just like you. They probably meet somewhere in a club or cafe to practice speaking! This will help you not only learn to listen, but also get out of your zone comfort: After all, talking to strangers is incredibly scary! But in any case, this is better than sitting at home and being afraid to say a word! Practice, practice and only practice is my advice!

Let's transfer our whole life to English!

I’ll tell you a secret, this is one of the most important points in mastering spoken English! You just have to create the conditions where you have to speak the language!

Yes, my dears, you will still have to sacrifice your comfort and the usual course of affairs. Because from this day on, I ask you to WATCH all your films, shows and series ONLY in English! Moreover, I ask you to THINK in English.

Have you ever tried it?

I also went through these torments!)) I’ll tell you a little secret: I love watching all sorts of TV series and shows.

I can tell by own experience and reviews from my friends and acquaintances: this will help you quickly get good skills English speech. And, most importantly, it's completely free!

And one more thing: think in English! Say even the simplest sentence like “I want to eat” inside yourself (or better yet out loud) in English: “I am hungry.” Yes, perhaps you don’t know the word, then look it up in the dictionary or immediately look for a ready-made expression. This will allow you to instantly move from theory to practice! And you remember how much I love practice!

What to do with small children!

If you are one of those parents who dream of their child learning from childhood English language(and I am one of those people too), then you have come to the right place. I would offer you several standard options for teaching a child at home:

  • Let one parent talk to the child English ONLY language. So, your child will initially be, as the English say, bilingual, that is, bilingual (I wrote about this phenomenon in)!
  • You can also send it to courses or directly to language learning country, but this pleasure is not cheap!
  • But I can offer you very interesting option. This view is also in English. Of course, you can force them to watch Anastasia or Cinderella, but this will not give such quick results. I suggest you pay attention to modern cartoons: “Dasha the Explorer”, “Go, Diego, Go” or “Team Umizumi”.
  • Personally, they initially seemed a bit strange when my niece made me watch them for the first time. But then I realized that this was brilliant. The essence of these videos is that the characters usually speak Russian, but from time to time they learn new words together with the children. In the form of such an interactive video, the child remembers words much better. I was surprised when my three-year-old niece began listing colors and animals to me in English, and then inviting me to tea.
  • Again, I won’t ignore Lingualeo, where your child can learn English online in a fun and unobtrusive way. Register for free and you will understand everything yourself! If your child is a schoolchild, read.

And finally...

If this is still not enough for you, then here are some more tips:

  1. Exercise every day. On the way to work or school, on the subway or bus, in the morning or evening while cooking, take 10 minutes to watch a video or listen to a book to improve your speaking.
  2. Don't be afraid of mistakes. We all once started learning English from scratch. We've all made mistakes. Don't be afraid of being corrected. It will be much worse if you are NOT corrected, and you walk through life with this mistake and think that everything is right. By the way, sometimes I do - say hello!
  3. Don't build false hopes. Well, you won’t learn a language in a month simply because you are not a computer. You can certainly give yourself an intensive course over a weekend, but what's the point? This will not remain in your memory for long! You need to put all the information in your brain on shelves, build a house brick by brick. Well, you won’t build a roof right away, and then only think about where to pour the foundation? A little patience, my dears, and you will succeed.
  4. Speak out loud. It happens that I can sit in absolute silence, and then suddenly say out loud something like “it was an absolutely flawless performance.” And all because a record in English is constantly playing in my head. How can you improve your pronunciation if you don’t repeat after native speakers?

Another recommendation of mine! Pass this is the coolest course , yes, it is not free, but you must understand that you still won’t be able to learn English without spending a penny! Either a tutor (undoubtedly online school EnglishDom !), or courses, or “all-it-yourself” with quality available materials (for example, tutorials - I talk about the best of them). A really worthwhile thing that will help you raise your language level at least twice. Buy it - you won't regret it! Or maybe even present it as a gift to one of your loved ones or friends! They will definitely thank you ;).

So, these are the basic methods that have helped many of my friends and, I hope, will help you on your path to learning spoken English.

How do you learn (or learned) to speak English? What methods do you use, and what helps (or doesn’t help) you? Share your experience in the comments!

In conclusion, I want to say one thing: I understand perfectly well that learning a language on your own is incredibly difficult. This can result in problems with pronunciation and a bunch of questions that are difficult to find answers to. That is why this blog exists, where you can get any information, advice and help. Therefore, I will be glad to see you among the blog subscribers, so that you can always get everything you need in full.

Thank you.
See you again!

No one will argue that without knowledge of the English language, few people achieve success in life. As often happens, the school curriculum is not enough to perceive English speech by ear, because there we were taught mainly grammar. Someone skipped class altogether or did not try to understand the teacher’s speech, and now regrets it.

There are many manuals and treatises on how to correct the situation and improve your language, however, not everyone is able to gain new knowledge from them. What is the secret of polyglots, and how to quickly learn spoken English from scratch, without spending days on end studying textbooks?

How to develop motivation to exercise?

There is more than enough desire to learn spoken English, but when it comes to classes, the desire immediately disappears. Why does this happen? It's all about motivation, which is not enough to master new skills. But don’t get upset and don’t give up, because the situation can be easily corrected and motivation can be artificially increased.

There are several ways to do this:

What is needed to master spoken English?

To master the language faster, get ready to make some changes in your own life:

  1. The best way to learn spoken English is to listen to audio materials. And the more time you spend on this, the more useful the experience will be. Teachers claim that more than 90% of the words that our ears pick up are remembered much faster.
  2. Books in English– one more thing useful invention which will help you master the language faster. The main requirement for the text is ease of comprehension; fairy tales are ideal for this, and over time it will be possible to move on to more complex works.
  3. People who have more or less command of spoken English can contribute vocabulary through films. At first, you can use movies with subtitles, and then abandon them.

How quickly can you learn a spoken language?

How long does it take to learn an unfamiliar language so that you can start speaking without hindrance? Many experts claim that this is impossible, since it requires practice and daily training for several months, or even years. But is it worth despairing at the beginning of the journey, and is it possible to prove the opposite?

By giving the subject due attention and diligence, even the most difficult task will be resolved as soon as possible.

It is believed that you can learn a spoken language in 2-5 years, and not feel embarrassed when communicating with foreigners.

But not everything is so bad, because you can get the necessary knowledge much faster.

True, the timing depends on several factors:

  1. Level of English language proficiency.
  2. Motivation and goal.
  3. Duration and regularity of classes.
  4. The chosen form and methodology of teaching.

These four factors directly affect the time it takes to master spoken English.

Golden rule

Do you know what the main rule is that is recommended to be followed when learning spoken English?

You need to listen to understandable material many times. In the beginning, you need to listen to English literature four times more than you read. After six months, these indicators can be equalized and spent equal time to learn using these methods. And only after a year can you devote yourself to reading books in this language, and also try to speak it with native speakers. In this case, you should think and form ready-made answers not in your native Russian, but immediately in English. Spontaneity and lightness will come on its own over time.

Effective methods on how to learn spoken English in a short time

Of course, there are a great many methods for mastering spoken English, and it is very difficult to single out one. Everything is individual for each person, and you should choose based on personal preferences. Only one thing is clear - exercise regularly and stick to one plan.

Learning the Basics

When starting to learn spoken English, you first need to become familiar with the alphabet and the rules for reading letter combinations. This will help you learn to read, and this skill is one of the main ones in learning English. In addition, it is necessary to put pronunciation. Books won’t help with this, so you’ll have to turn to audio or video courses, or even better, sign up with a tutor.

If you are tired of learning English for years?

Those who attend even 1 lesson will learn more than in several years! Surprised?

No homework. No cramming. No textbooks

From the course “ENGLISH BEFORE AUTOMATION” you:

  • Learn to write competent sentences in English without memorizing grammar
  • Learn the secret of a progressive approach, thanks to which you can reduce English learning from 3 years to 15 weeks
  • You will check your answers instantly+ get thorough analysis each task
  • Download the dictionary in PDF and MP3 formats, educational tables and audio recordings of all phrases

Set of popular vocabulary

Having studied the basics, they move on to another stage - replenishing their vocabulary. Set yourself a goal - to learn 10-20 new words and established expressions every day, and follow this plan. In this case, you need to periodically repeat the material already covered, as mentioned earlier.

You need to choose a variety of sources of new information - dictionaries, manuals for polyglots, English-language forums or tutorials. Also use special cards on which 20-30 popular and frequently used expressions are written. Carry them with you and repeat them at every opportunity. This is exactly what most polyglots do when they want to learn a new language.

Reading and translation of texts

While reading, visual memory is activated, which helps to master many more new words and expressions. Moreover, choose texts that are simple and understandable, preferably with illustrations. You can use sources from the Internet, as well as study children's books.

At the same time, it is better to read aloud so that once again Practice the rules of English grammar. Having gained the necessary experience, move on to a more complex stage and translate articles and news on the Internet, modern stories and books.

Learning poems and songs

English songs are another way to master spoken English. Having found a composition you like, listen to it several times and determine which words and phrases you managed to catch and whether the general meaning is clear.

  1. Translate the text and try to understand the grammatical structures.
  2. Start singing along to improve your pronunciation.
  3. Repeat the song several times so that the words stick in your memory.

However, when choosing this method of learning spoken English, you need to be careful. The fact is that for the sake of rhyme, some authors can greatly distort word forms and expressions, and omit words. The same goes for poetry. It is better if, before starting to memorize, an experienced teacher analyzes the song and points out incorrect sections, explaining grammatical errors.

Theory and grammar exercises online

It is not enough to simply perceive information by ear or read ready-made texts in English. You need to learn how to compose sentences on your own without breaking the structure. Online tests with grammar tasks will help you master grammar faster.

On the Internet you will find sites created specifically for these purposes. For example, and grammar-monster They offer a variety of tasks divided into several lessons.

Language exchange

Do not neglect such an important method as language exchange. Ideal option counts personal communication with a native speaker who is able to make a comment on pronunciation, or suggest a forgotten word.

Here you can’t do without a teacher who gives lessons online or records podcasts with assignments, and then checks the exercises done. Thematic recordings of radio broadcasts in English are also well understood by ear and will teach you how to speak the language while traveling.

Reading adapted books, viewing foreign language forums

The computer is the main assistant in learning spoken language. On the Internet you will find English-language forums where you can “pick up” new words and even start a conversation. Where else if not on the forum can you learn new phrases for your personal vocabulary and popular vocabulary used by native speakers.

In addition, the grammar used in everyday life during casual communication.

Adapted books are not used as often as online publications. The purpose of this learning method is to independently master English grammar using thematic exercises. But, since such manuals rarely arouse interest among beginners, they do not have an army of fans.

If you want to not only learn the basics of grammar, but also enjoy the lessons, it is better to choose fiction with a ready-made translation into Russian.

Watching movies and TV series

Another popular way to improve your spoken vocabulary is by watching American films and TV series. First, it is advised to watch with subtitles, and then, when the English language is understood, to abandon them. The main thing is to understand the main part of the spoken words, and the meaning of new ones from the context.

And here are the resources where you will find movies to your liking:

  1. TV series and films with subtitles for every taste.
  2. high-quality films and TV series, also with translation at the bottom of the screen, which can be turned off at will.
  3.— a resource with popular films with subtitles.

These are free resources that are supported by advertising that pops up at every turn. There are also paid sites that immerse you in the English environment, for example, or They also allow you to use the subtitles feature in other languages ​​and enjoy high quality images.

Communication with native speakers via audio or video communication

No one can argue with the proposition that best way learn a language - communicate with native speakers. And it doesn’t matter if you don’t have any acquaintances who speak fluent English, and you don’t have any immediate plans to visit this country. Thanks to the Internet, this can be done without leaving home.

You just need to go to sites specially created for language exchange:

  1.– a community that brings together teachers, students and people simply wanting to learn spoken English, as well as its native speakers. There you can freely communicate with other users, perform exercises and receive evaluation of your work. In addition, the site allows you to record sound file with comments from another user and correct your pronunciation.
  2. is a website created for communication between people from all over the world. There you can also find someone to talk to who will be happy to help you master spoken English in personal communication.
  3.– a resource that provides communication with native speakers using Skype. The goal of users is to learn to speak English fluently and learn to replace words with others, if necessary.

Practice speaking with a native English speaker – important stage training that will benefit both a beginner and a person who has reached a certain level.

Confirmation of knowledge level

How do you understand what level of knowledge in spoken English you have reached after so many hours of studying? Correspondence on forums or video chats with native speakers and simply polyglots will help with this. Language constructs will begin to form in your head, something will be deposited in your head, and then it will begin to emerge during a conversation.

If the brain stops thinking in Russian and switches to English, this is a direct indicator that the training was not in vain and the final goal is almost achieved.

The main thing is not to stop there and continue to improve your spoken English.

English is not one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world, although some are overwhelmed by a textbook with grammar exercises. People spend years learning English and do not reach the desired level. A few tips that will improve your language in the shortest possible time will help you speed up the process and achieve results.

The main thing is to regularly practice and immerse yourself in English-language sources, absorbing new knowledge like a sponge. Adults perceive a new language almost as easily as children. This is proven by numerous studies.

So, 30 working tips:

  1. To understand 25% of the written text, it is enough to learn the 25 most common words in the English lexicon. And to comprehend half of the text – only 100 new words. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance.
  2. When learning a language, you don’t need to sit on new phrases for days on end.. It is enough to devote half an hour a day to achieving your goal, but do it regularly.
  3. Change the interface of your computer and mobile phone/smartphone from Russian to English to practice and learn new words and expressions daily.
  4. For items home interior just paste stickers with signatures for visual memory to work. This way you can learn the names of all objects without particularly bothering.
  5. Read the words to your favorite songs and sing along It is useful for them to establish pronunciation and memorize common expressions.
  6. Every time you search for a new word in the dictionary, you can find its description in pictures in the browser. This will allow a better understanding of the meaning than a textual description.
  7. After reading a new word, you need to find out its sound. An online translator will help with this, with the ability to listen to the pronunciation of the searched word.
  8. Mobile apps can be used, which will remind you daily of the assigned tasks and teach a few words.
  9. enjoy English-English dictionary instead of Russian-English to begin to better understand the meaning of new words and build sentences.
  10. Watch short and funny English shows on YouTube that best represent spoken language.
  11. View relevant conferences on the same resource. They usually pronounce the sentence clearly, which is what is required when learning spoken English.
  12. If you use fun spoken English lessons, you can not only spend your time usefully, but also turn learning into pleasure.
  13. Watch English TV series and films with and without subtitles to gain invaluable communication experience from native speakers.
  14. Read books for young children, which presents short and simple stories and fairy tales. This advice will be useful for beginning polyglots.
  15. Reading English comics It will also help you learn a lot of new words. Especially if you choose popular stories from childhood, for example, stories about Batman or Superman. Short and illustrated stories are great for learning spoken language.
  16. Study English version Wikipedia. The articles in it are written with a simplified set of words, and if you read interesting information, you can not only replenish your vocabulary, but also learn a lot of new things.
  17. Foreign magazines and newspapers will also be an excellent source for learning spoken English. There are online publications that you don’t even have to buy - you open the website and you can start learning or download.

  18. Choose books that have already been read in Russian.
    By the way, there are English-language publications of Russian writers, which are usually written in a more understandable language.
  19. Listen to native speech, even if it's audiobooks or podcasts. This will help not only remember the pronunciation, but also get used to English speech. In addition, over time, the words will become clearer, as you begin to delve into the essence of the spoken words and sentences.
  20. Watch and listen to news in English. It is advisable that the speakers speak with a standard accent. BBC and CNN are great options.
  21. Turn on English speech in the background, to unconsciously get used to it and learn new words and phrases.
  22. Find an interlocutor who also wants to learn the language, or has already reached a certain level in this.
  23. You can learn spoken English by teaching your interlocutor your native language instead. There are even special sites on the Internet for this, such as italki.
  24. Find conversation clubs in hometown, where you can freely practice spoken English. You just need to not only listen to others, but also take the initiative in communication in order to get the maximum benefit.
  25. Use the services of a professional tutor, which will help with pronunciation. To avoid wasting time on the road, you can choose an online learning format.
  26. Just start talking. You can start a tradition and speak only English on a specific day. This is a great way to develop spoken language and practice. Let it be unclear what will happen initially, but over time everything will get better.
  27. Choose English-speaking countries for your holiday abroad– England, Canada, Australia or the USA.
  28. When going abroad, give preference for accommodation not to hotels, but to rent a room from the population. If you search on the Internet, you can find this. This will allow you to improve your spoken English and communicate with a native speaker.
  29. Take conversational English courses abroad. People are accepted there of different ages and level of language proficiency.
  30. And lastly, go live abroad for a few months. Once in an English-speaking environment, you can learn the spoken language in no time. Otherwise, how will you explain yourself to the population?! It is both effective and not as expensive as is commonly believed.

Is it difficult to learn spoken English? Everyone must answer this question for themselves, because everyone’s motivation is different, and there is no need to talk about learning methods.

But one thing is clear - the more time and effort is spent on absorbing new information, the faster English will become not only a foreign language, but a completely understandable speech.

Today we will discuss different spoken English levels, in what way study it correctly and For what, and also how much time needed to study it.

In the last century, hardly anyone thought about learning spoken English, since most of the attention was paid to the boring study of grammar and vocabulary.

But now it is more relevant than ever! The need to learn a spoken language is determined by the need to communicate with foreigners, in which, for example, most of the most important work issues are resolved. Without the opportunity to ask or answer, the chances of mutual understanding disappear, and, consequently, the situation reaches a dead end. But not with us!

Do you need spoken English

Immediately determine the purpose for which you want to learn spoken English. We hope you're already aware, of course. Indeed, depending on this goal, you will need to achieve a certain level of language proficiency.

In what direction do you want to move? Do you need to study grammar to prepare for certain tests? Or improve your spoken English for tourist trips? Depending on your goal, you have a chance to better select material for independent study.

Mostly people learn to speak English for the following purposes:

  • English for work(English for workers). This could be participation in international conferences, exhibitions, searching for new partners or suppliers, searching for a new job in an international company, etc. Many people simply need spoken English in their work, because... negotiations, business trips and international conferences require strong knowledge. Such people constantly try to improve their vocabulary, learn to pronounce words and sentences correctly, and also understand what others are saying to them.

Ways to learn spoken English online

It’s worth noting right away that this is a risk. And not just any one, but a huge one! Especially if you decide to start this dangerous business from scratch. If in doubt, take any test online - it will show how reasonable it would be to try to engage in amateur activities in your case.

By learning a language on your own, you risk your pronunciation, which no one (except you) will control. There is a high probability that the pronunciation English words will be imprinted in your memory incorrectly (or not imprinted at all), and then it will all come back to haunt you in communication. Therefore, we recommend paying attention to “ED Class” from “EnglishDom”.

With our course " Spoken English“Your doubts will be dispelled in a matter of minutes. Classes are held via Skype under the guidance of an experienced teacher who will definitely be able to monitor your progress, support you in difficult moments and help you deal with problems on the way to learning spoken English.

In these classes you can learn to speak English and practice your acquired knowledge, while improving your grammar. You will be able to communicate, hone your pronunciation and remove obstacles as they arise, and you will also understand possible moral barriers that prevent you from communicating in English.

You will feel free and confident with our teachers!

  • Self-study. Learning a language on your own is hard and long work. You will have to spend hours analyzing material that an experienced teacher can clearly explain in half an hour. You will have no one to speak the language with, and knowledge without practical application is just that... a wolf in sheep's clothing. In addition, you will make mistakes that there will be no one to correct! Remember about a mentor, a mentor, a person who will control you. You gotta have one!

In the future, you will most likely have to relearn, which will take even more time. Why do you need this? It would be wise to immediately install and sharpen correct pronunciation than to unlearn what is wrong later. Agreed?

  • Online training. This is a completely different matter! Essentially, this is training through courses or special programs (as a rule, they contain an explanation of the theory and exercises for consolidation. But what is the use without speaking practice? In many online courses, unfortunately, it is not provided for.

  • Set aside regular time to study. Probably the most difficult thing is to force yourself to exercise regularly, and not just according to your mood. But it is necessary. In order for learning English to become a quality educational process, and not random classes from time to time, it is important to allocate for classes certain days, time and duration, and adhere to them in principle.
  • Exercise while commuting(to university or school). This time is suitable for listening to audio recordings or reading books in English. Many people also find it helpful to practice together with a friend or in a conversation club. Just imagine - competitions! In addition, it’s harder to cancel a class if you simply don’t feel like doing it, because you have an agreement with another person, and you will feel responsible, and if you refuse, you will be ashamed (and maybe even have to apologize).

  • Try to speak out loud in your target language from day one. Don’t be shy and don’t be afraid of mangling words and incorrectly constructing sentences - it’s better to look awkward now than when you’re already at the “Advanced” level, and you simply won’t be able to make mistakes and ask questions. Just a joke, of course. But sooner is better than later. The most important thing for you is to get used not only to the language in general but also to communicating in it.
  • Learn phrases that are useful and interesting to you, tongue twisters, remember quotes and interesting facts in English. Keeping your goal in mind, remember what you might need in the future. For example, a phrase like: “Excuse me, sir. Is there a restroom somewhere around here?” will obviously bring you more benefit than knowing that Washington is the capital of the United States.
  • Don't be fussy about grammar. At the initial stage, your task is to fill your vocabulary, learn basic phrases and methods of constructing them. Are you sure that you have already passed the initial stage? Then carefully begin to familiarize yourself with the grammar as needed. But try not to leave anything unclear behind you.
  • Chat with people on the Internet. English speakers of course. Preferably native speakers, as there is a possibility that English learners from other countries will only hinder your progress in learning and confuse you with their clumsy pronunciation. Today, the Internet is a full-fledged tool that allows you to solve a variety of issues. One of them is the need to communicate with native speakers. The good old aforementioned Skype will help you with this, which gives you the opportunity to communicate on a variety of topics.

  • Listen to the radio. I remember we had one article. Despite the fact that this business is already considered obsolete, it is still very useful. You can immerse yourself in the language environment without searching for listening materials! Right at home or in the car, on the street or at a boring meeting. This wonderful way development and practice of spoken English.
  • Tell us about yourself. You can write a short biography about yourself in English, and as you progress in your studies, as well as changing tastes/interests, add to it and edit it. First you can write a story on native language, then translate it into English together with a native speaker, which will also allow you to learn many new English words. Try to use interesting words and build beautiful offers in Russian so that your biography looks even better in English!
  • Don't Aim for General Language Courses. At the initial stage, personal feedback from the teacher is much more important, otherwise you risk being left with mistakes on your own.

  • Practice. Just remember the rule: practice should be everywhere and always. Only she, my dear, will help you master the language. If you can spend Saturday or Sunday practicing your skills, for example, then in just a few months you will reach level B2. But since, of course, not everyone can afford such a “luxury,” you can practice a couple of hours a day, which will allow you to reach the same level... in a year.
  • Don't strive for perfection. No, strive, of course, but without fanaticism. Perceive difficulties as a temporary phenomenon, do not despair and remember that not everything comes at once, and this is absolutely normal.
  • Use “lack of time” to your advantage. You're not constantly busy with other things, are you? Watch English videos, comment on what is happening on the street while you are walking somewhere, name the objects you see around you in English, listen to the radio and songs in English. If you have difficulties with names, look at the dictionary, which you can install on your phone so that it is always at hand. The next thing you know, so many cool words in your head already! Amazing! Use them!
  • You can also keep a diary in English and write down in it all the events that happened to you during the day.

  • And of course reading of interest to you literature, watching your favorite movies without translation And listening to foreign music not only motivates to learn spoken English, but also improves it.


When we think about how to quickly learn spoken English, we are faced with several questions at once: how to choose the time and properly organize the learning process, as well as how to select materials that would correspond to our level and goals. Leave this matter to the teachers! They can help you decide. Just understand why you need spoken English and start studying with meaning. And with us! We will provide you with everything you need to confidently move towards excellence.

Speak English freely and get skilled ideally!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Good day, friends! Of course, learn to speak English by better communicating with native speakers or by taking a language course in an English-speaking country. But if you do not have such capabilities, then you can learn to communicate fluently in English using an audio course of spoken English for beginners. Today this is a fairly popular way to master a foreign language. Conversation English course for beginners As a rule, such audio lessons include an analysis of the most popular expressions and idiomatic phrases characteristic of spoken language. The conversational English course for beginners examines the most typical communication situations. Audio lectures for beginners will be a great help when you need to know what to say and how to behave in a normal conversation and more.

English lessons for beginners usually contain everyday vocabulary on a variety of communication topics: greetings, apologies, time, food, city, shopping, and so on. You can’t manage a conversation without knowing the basic numerals, days of the week, and phrases that are used in telephone conversations. It is also very important to know how to behave in an emergency situation. All these topics are covered in conversational English courses.

You can learn spoken English quickly and easily at a basic level using the audio guide “Spoken English Course for Beginners.” This mini-training consists of 18 lessons that will help you gain basic communication skills for beginners. On our website I will post all these audio lectures with brief description and text material for each lesson.
Audio English course for beginners In simple lessons for beginners it is clearly and clearly presented speech etiquette English language, including typical figures of speech and colloquial clichés, united by one theme. And the theme " Conversational English course for beginners"covers the bare minimum of vocabulary that will help you when traveling on vacation or on a business trip to an English-speaking country or any other country in the world.

If you learn a mountain of grammatical rules, memorize a ton of vocabulary, but cannot arrange lexemes correctly and do not learn to hear fluent English speech, then you will never be able to say that you know the language. Only after learning to communicate fluently in English can we talk about mastering the language at least at a basic level. Therefore, for beginners, first of all, it is necessary to hone your speaking skills and correct pronunciation.

How to work with an audio English course for beginners

To become fluent in English colloquial speech, you need to study the course in detail and master conversation through reading and listening. The course lessons are structured in such a way that you can practice and experiment in all these areas. To make the course as effective as possible, try to work with it according to the following methodology for mastering the English language:

  • Get ready for class: sit comfortably and relax
  • Read the text material from the lecture aloud several times
  • Listen carefully to the vocabulary voiced by the speaker on a specific topic
  • Turn on the audio recording again and repeat short phrases after the speaker
  • If necessary, go back to the beginning of the lesson and repeat all steps
  • After the lesson, apply all the knowledge gained in practice in real life
  • Study and pay attention to your studies every day for at least 1-2 hours
  • Consolidate no more than one lecture per day; do not get ahead of yourself and disrupt the logic of the study.
  • And most importantly, don't hesitate to apply everything you've already learned.

I wish you success in learning spoken English! Read, listen, repeat and have fun!

So, let's go!

List of audio lessons, conversational English course for beginners :

Lesson #1: Greetings and farewells in English
Lesson #2: Expressing gratitude in English
Lesson No. 3: Numerals in English
Lesson #4: Useful phrases for communicating at the airport
Lesson #5:
Lesson #6: Learn to ask for directions in English
Lesson #7:
Lesson No. 8: Learning to meet and communicate in English
Lesson #9: Learning to communicate in a restaurant
Lesson #10: What time is it in English?
Lesson No. 11: Solving financial issues
Lesson No. 12: Let's go shopping - shopping in English
Lesson No. 13: Learning to communicate by phone in English
Lesson #14: Traveling by train in an English-speaking country
Lesson #15: Overcoming English Emergencies
Lesson #16:

A burning question that worries everyone:

“How to learn spoken English for beginners from scratch?”

Hello, friends!

  • Who doesn't dream of freely traveling around the world or making foreign friends?
  • Who doesn’t want to boldly and proudly write “fluent English” in the “language knowledge” column?
  • Who doesn’t want to hide under the table when they see a foreigner approaching, but confidently and with a smile be the first to start a conversation with him?

Well, I really want to know English, don’t I?

– “But how can all this be brought into reality?“- you ask, “ what if I don’t know (don’t remember) English at all?

You can’t ask for directions, you can’t have lunch in a cafe, and you can completely forget about friendly conversations.

What to do?

Just today we are together and we will talk about how to learn English easily and without stress for beginners and beginners on their own and with the help of others!

So, are you ready? Let's go! 🙂

Don’t try to “get the stars from heaven” right away! First things first, take on “spoken English for beginners”!

Many students try to cover everything at once: start writing, reading, and sending their resume... But!

As we all have excellent understanding, knowledge of a language, first of all, is the ability to SPEAK and SPEAK it!

Therefore, do not focus too much on writing and reading at once - all this will come on its own during classes. Take your attention by the tail and turn it in side of training your speech! 🙂

I took an English course for beginners. Now I’m practicing what I learned at my new job. An important role for me was that I really needed English for my career.

— Anna, student of the “English in 4 Weeks 2in1” program

« Fine", you say, " HOW? WHERE SHOULD I START?»

– First of all, it’s not scary :)

– Secondly, this can be done both at home and in the office. And also in the car, on the plane, and while fishing.

– Thirdly, we create video lessons that amaze with their simplicity and accessibility!

Yes, yes, we understand that everyone has been intimidated by learning languages ​​for a long time :-) And we want to show you that everything is actually very simple! Simple, Easy and Interesting!

Video lessons will give you quick results precisely because they are very simple! This means that you quickly learn and remember new words, where and what and how to say!

Video classes will make you feel much more confident (and this is so important, right?)

Agree, you will be pleased if you can make a competent order yourself, and not explain to the waiter the meaning of “one coffee and that bun” :-)

IN modern world You can learn English online without attending courses or a tutor. Today, technology has taken a giant step forward and now everyone is happy to learn English online!

So, start studying English video lessons!

How to do this correctly?

1. Watch lessons regularly.

2. Be sure (!) to repeat everything out loud.

3. Study English on your own or with your family! – choose what is more effective for you.

4. Don’t rush to “jump” next classes. You will see more results if you watch the same lesson several times.

5. Be sure to write down everything you learn in the video in a special notebook. Open it periodically and repeat everything. Remember that learning words and remembering them is much easier if you write them down and repeat them regularly.

6. Connect and take English audio lessons from scratch!

Thanks a lot! Until I started taking video classes, my English was zero. And now he has finally “moved”! I watch video lessons, repeat them all the time, and say them a little bit at a time! I hope to write to you in English soon!

— Alexandra, BistroEnglish student

Video + audio = double artillery! 🙂

Agree, learning English using video lessons is very simple and fun! For both beginners and advanced students, both adults and children – it’s simple and interesting!

No need to go anywhere! Just imagine: now you are taking classes... right in your own home. And when it’s convenient for you. The main thing is to consistently complete all the proposed tasks and the result will amaze you!

Online English classes – Pros:

  • You can study using both Video Lessons and Audio Lessons;
  • You listen calmly to both native and non-native speakers and learn to understand them ALL;
  • You analyze different dialogues, learn where and how to ask what and what to answer;
  • Learn and REMEMBER a lot the right words and expressions;
  • And many other advantages! Which ones? Think for yourself! :-)

Just imagine, even if you don’t know the name of something, you can still explain to your interlocutor what you want! Cool, isn't it?

Online learning is a choice modern people striving for self-development, results and success.

This is learning English in a new way!

No need to wait for anyone! There is NO need to be shy or afraid of not keeping up with someone!

You master the program on your own and conquer personal peaks in learning foreign language. Just go to the website and your lesson has begun! How far you go in your knowledge is entirely up to you. We provide high-quality, structured materials and practical tasks compiled and presented in an accessible and visual manner.

Welcome! - Welcome!

Join online learning English for beginners Here:

