How to find out what your husband's name will be. Recognize your husband's name by the lines of his hand. How to find out the future by date of birth

Fortune telling in the name of your future wife will help you determine which girl is sent by fate, how soon you will meet her and what your future life will be like. Such simple rituals will help dispel all doubts about your future companion.

Fortune telling for the future wife

Not only girls want to know the name of their future partner, but also men want to lift the veil of secrets and determine who was sent to them by fate. Such fortune telling will give you the opportunity to find out what your soulmate’s name will be or at least what letter her name will begin with.

For example, a very simple ritual has survived from the Middle Ages to the present day. To do this, it was necessary to prepare a large vat of water. The main magical attribute could be apple peels, sticks, and spruce branches.

In the Middle Ages, apple peels were used to find out the name of a future wife.

Next, it was necessary to throw the prepared attributes into a container of water. After this, it was necessary to thoroughly mix the entire contents of the vat with a large stick. When the water calmed down, the magical attributes formed a letter of the alphabet. It was believed that she would be the first in the name of your future wife.

Like girls, guys could find out the name of their significant other using. For example, you should have gone out into the yard late at night and listened. The first name you hear will be your spouse's name. There is a slightly different version of this fortune telling. It said that you need to wait for a passerby, and then ask him any woman’s name.

Among the most simple fortune telling There is another one in the name of the wife. However, to carry it out you will need the help of your comrades. On different pieces of paper you need to write female names. Now they are mixed in a bag, hat or some kind of vessel. Next, each participant in the ceremony must take out one note while blindfolded. The name you got will be the name of your wife.

Many sorcerers are convinced that people actually know everything that awaits them in life. However, such knowledge is securely hidden in the subconscious. However, you can get them from there. The dream is used for most of the various rituals.

By using it, you can really get answers to many questions. So, to find out the name of your wife, on the full moon, at exactly 12 o’clock at night, light a candle on the window and say:

My betrothed, come to me, show yourself.

The most important condition of this fortune telling: under no circumstances should you imagine a girl who will appear to you in a dream.

In this case, it will be unreliable information, and the brain will show you the image that you have already imagined. It’s better to go to bed right away and drive away any thoughts. In your dream, you will see the image of a woman and you may ask her name.

This method was previously used only in Norway. It is believed that it makes it possible not only to determine what your future spouse will be called, but also what your future life will be like. The ceremony is performed only on Christmas Eve. It is best to carry out the ritual in the company of friends.

Norwegian method to find out your wife's name blindfolded

Place the main participant in the manipulations at the table blindfolded, and place three identical glasses in front of him. One should contain milk, the other should contain beer, and the third should contain water. The guy should say:

Betrothed, come to me.

All strangers must leave the room where the ritual is being performed. In just a few seconds you will feel how everything around you begins to shake. This suggests that the girl is going to her betrothed. As soon as everything calms down, the participant in the ritual must remove the blindfold.

  • A spirit will stand before him in the form of a girl who will become his wife. The spirit will immediately take a glass and start drinking. While he's doing this, you can ask for the first letter of your future spouse's name. The spirit will not be able to refuse you. Also look at what exactly the guest chose. If this water
  • , then you will have to live in poverty, making ends meet will be difficult. If milk
  • , then you will live an average life, your wife will be hard-working, but you will not acquire wealth. If the choice fell on beer

, then you will live in abundance, money will flow like from a cornucopia, there will always be harmony, harmony and comfort in the family. This method of divination was inherited from our distant ancestors. It is believed that it can only be held on Christmas Eve, as this is a guarantee exact result

. However, this does not prevent young people from guessing at other times of the year.

Now place all the magical attributes in cups of water. After exactly 7 days, measure the length of the seedlings. It is believed that I will “call” my wife in the same way as the onion with the longest feathers.

Such rituals will make it possible to determine what the future spouse will be called and what she will be like. But do not regard such rituals as an axiom, because you yourself are able to change your destiny and, perhaps, you will be happy with another girl.

Any girl who is in search of her other half is interested in the question of what her chosen one will be like. There are many methods to see your future. Young girls often tell fortunes on cards, on coffee grounds, on mirrors... In this article we will dwell in detail on the topic of how you can find out the name of your future beau by your date of birth. Calculations are carried out quite quickly, do not take much time, and the result is sometimes amazing in its accuracy. Carefully read the text of the article, prepare a blank piece of paper, a pen and a calculator.

Numerology will help you find out the name of your future husband based on your date of birth using simple calculations.

Numerology will tell you a name suitable for your future spouse, but you have to make the choice yourself.

Do you want to know what awaits you in the future from family life what your loved one will be like, then get ready to make some small calculations. It is done quite simply. On a piece of paper, write your date of birth, after which you need to get a prime number by adding all the numbers. It looks something like this:

3+1+0+1+2+0+0+6= 12; 12= 1+2= 3.

That's all, our calculation is ready. The number three in our case will be necessary, and it is worth focusing on it. Below you can see the presented characteristics of the numbers that appear during the calculations.

Explanation of meanings

Of course, by the number three you will not be able to find out what kind of activity a person is engaged in, what kind of character he has and what abilities he has. Science can only help you determine your husband's name by date of birth, and nothing more. But don’t get carried away only by numerology and horoscopes - that’s not the main thing in a relationship. Pay attention to how you feel around the person and how they treat you.


This number can be correlated with the vowels A, I and the consonant letter C. Therefore, your future chosen one should have a name that can begin with these letters or they will be present in it. Pay attention to the following male names: Ivan, Ilya, Alexander, Sergey, Anton, Artem.


The number two includes the letters B, Y, T. in this case The following names are suitable: Bogdan, Boris, Timur, Timofey.


The following set of letters belongs to the triple: U, K, V, therefore, they must be present in the name of your partner. Names that suit you are: Kirill, Konstantin, Vladislav, Valery, Vasily, Ulyan, Valentin.


The number four includes the following series of letters: E, G, F, K, therefore, these letters will appear in the name of the future spouse. The names that suit you are: Edward, George, Gregory, Kirill, Konstantin, Philip.


The five includes such a set as Ш, Р, И, З. Pay attention to representatives of the opposite sex whose names contain such letters. Suitable for you: Roman, Zakhar, Ilya.


The number six includes the following series: I, E, N, C. It is worth taking a closer look at the young people who have them in their names. Yaroslav, Yan, Yaropolk, Egor, Nikolay, Evgeniy are ideal for you


The unique number seven attracts the following letters: CH, O, K. Take a closer look at men with these letters in their names. Ideal for you: Kirill, Konstantin, Oleg.


The number eight attracts the following series: W, L, P, F. It is worth paying attention to these details when choosing a life partner. The names that suit you best are: Leonid, Pavel, Peter, Georges, Shamil.


This number includes the letters D, Y, M, X. If you choose a spouse with these letters in the name, then the marriage will be strong. The names that suit you are: Yuri, Matvey, Mikhail, Danil, Dmitry.

Determining the name of the future spouse on the cards

While in adolescence, many girls resort to fortune telling with cards. Sometimes they do not fully understand what this action actually is. If you guess incorrectly, then the result will be the same. For fortune telling, you need to purchase a deck of cards that no one has played before. There is a belief that you need to put it under your pillow at night and start the procedure the next day. Thanks to the card layout, you can also determine the name of your future husband by date of birth online.

We will offer you several options for fortune telling on cards that even a child can handle. They are quite interesting and unusual, and the result may quite surprise you.

Method 1 – King and Queen

Besides numerology, there are other ways to find out your future husband's name online.

You should turn to this fortune-telling when you have met a young man and he shows signs of attention to you. The relationship is just beginning, the candy-bouquet period is underway. Everything seems to be fine, but another man appears who is not averse to hitting on you. Are you at a crossroads? Exactly this method will help to do right choice in this situation, so as not to regret it in the future.

Take four kings from the deck of cards, separate them from the rest of the cards, and think of the name of a representative of the opposite sex for each of them. Take the queen of diamonds from the remaining cards, it will symbolize you. Next, return all the kings to the cards, shuffle them thoroughly.

It is better to carry out fortune telling on a clean table, since you will need a lot of space. Start the layout by placing three cards in a row until your card, the Queen of Diamonds, appears. If the deck is over, but the card does not fall on any king, then you need to repeat all the steps from the beginning. If a king of a certain suit appears next to you, he should be considered as a potential husband.

Method 2 – In the guy’s name

Also, with the help of cards, you can find out the name of your future spouse or see what letters are present in his name. This is done like this: all the cards are shuffled and laid out in rows so that each row has nine positions.

  • Six hearts, diamonds - the letter “a”, the letter “i” will be responsible;
  • Six crosses, spades - these include the letter “e”, the letter “o”;
  • Seven hearts, diamonds - these include the letter “yu”, the letter “c”;
  • Seven crosses, spades - the letter “b”, the letter “e”;
  • Eight hearts, diamonds – letter “r”, letter “w”;
  • Eight crosses, spades - the letter “v”, the letter “z”;
  • Nine diamonds, hearts – letter “k”, letter “g”;
  • Nine spades, crosses - the letter “d”, the letter “l”;
  • Ten of hearts, diamonds – letter “m”, letter “r”;
  • Jack of hearts, diamonds – letter “c”, letter “n”;
  • Jack of crosses, spades – letter “x”, letter “t”;
  • Queen of hearts, diamonds – letter “h”, letter “i”;
  • Queen of spades, cross – letter “th”, letter “p”;
  • King of hearts, diamonds – letter “u”, letter “t”;
  • King of spades, cross – letter “a”, letter “w”;
  • Ace of diamonds, hearts – letter “e”, letter “c”;
  • Ace of spades, cross – letter “o”, letter “d”.


If you look carefully first at the cards, and then at the letters with which they are associated, you can presumably find out the name of your future lover. Of course, we cannot know this with accuracy, but we can see which letters should be present in a person’s name. Some are skeptical about this. But these methods help many. Take a closer look at the person before you let him get close to you, so that you won’t regret what you did in the future.

Life becomes more interesting when some of its secrets are revealed. And one of the most intriguing secrets of fate is what the name of the future husband is: few girls will refuse to find out this information. It is quite easy to carry out fortune telling in the name of your betrothed. The only condition is that you need to believe in the power of the ritual being performed and really want to “meet” the groom in absentia.

When and how to find out the name of your future husband at home?

Rules for magical work

Fortune telling is an art that you can study throughout your life. Experienced practitioners literally know how to make a prediction on their knees, but novice witches are advised to adhere to a number of conditions that contribute to a more effective and reliable result.

There are many questions regarding the optimal time to obtain a prediction. It has been noted that some dates are better suited than others:

  • Fortune telling in the name of the betrothed at Christmas is successful for girls under the protection of the Christian egregor (who have sympathy for the forces of this religion and are ready to make deals with them);

  • the period from Christmas to Epiphany is ideal for all sorcerers, since fortune telling in the name of the betrothed at Christmas time has been performed for hundreds of years, and the rituals are well worked out from an energetic point of view. If the ritual is performed correctly, then even an absolute beginner will discover the truth;

  • on your own birthday it is easy to find out the name of your betrothed: fortune telling is successful, since on this date the gates to the subtle world open for each person. Any predictions will work, especially if there is an established connection with the ancestral egregor (this can be discussed if the family honors the memory of deceased relatives, and the dead themselves sometimes communicate with the living through signs or dreams);

  • You can find out the name of your betrothed on New or Old New Year's Eve. As in the case of Christmastide, these holidays have been developed over many generations, and therefore allow access to hidden information without much difficulty.

It is acceptable to perform the ritual on a regular day, but it is better to then confirm the results on a “special” date.

The rules of predictive rituals are standard:

  • Do not tell anyone about the planned work.

  • Fortune telling alone.

  • Be confident and not afraid. Fear burns energetic resources a person, making him magically helpless.

  • Believe in ritual. The ritual needs to be selected for yourself: if it does not cause rejection, then the chances of success increase significantly.

  • Stay calm and have some humor. A successful prediction assumes that the fortuneteller does not take the process too seriously and gives herself the right to make mistakes. In this state, all internal senses are heightened, and it is very easy to get an accurate answer.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a ring

The ring is a unique piece of jewelry. It is a closed circle, which ensures the energetic integrity of the product. This feature gives the jewelry such powerful magical and predictive potential. To find out the name of your betrothed, you need to wait until the evening: when the sun disappears behind the horizon, the world guards its secrets less carefully.

For the ritual you will need:

  • a simple ring without stone or carving (silver or copper);

  • thin wax candle;

  • strong thread;

  • a sheet of paper on which the alphabet is written.

It is necessary to light the wick: if it does not work the first time, then fortune telling should be stopped, since today the answer will not be received. You need to carefully put the ring on the candle (it will lie on the table or catch on the candlestick) and say the spell:

“My betrothed-mummer wanders around the world, looking for a ring, looking at the ground, can’t find it, remembers his name and tells me. What’s your name, mummer?”

When the candle burns out completely, hang the ring on a thread. You will get a kind of pendulum. It must be held above a sheet of paper - the ring, deviating, will point to the letters that will make up the name of the betrothed.

How to find out the name of your future husband from a book

Working with the text is very simple, since the answer will be unambiguous: the universe will not have to look for ways to give a sign to the fortuneteller - it is enough for the girl to see the printed word. For the ceremony you will only need a book (preferably fiction, but a name directory will also do). Technical literature is not relevant for obvious reasons: the likelihood of meeting a name there is low. You should place both palms on the book and, concentrating, pronounce the spell:

“Where is my betrothed in disguise, sent by fate, given by heaven, led by God, wandering along the paths, not knowing my name, waiting to meet me. Let his name be revealed to me, let it catch my eye, let it not hide from sight, let it become known to me, so that she waits for her betrothed, calls him by name.”

Fortune telling for the betrothed using pieces of paper

You just have to make a request - and fate will give an answer. As in the case of a book, it is not difficult to find out the name of your future husband on paper: in a second of insight, the girl’s hand will independently draw out the desired, truthful name.

You will need:

  • large clay pot;

  • as many chopped pieces of paper as possible;

  • pen or pencil;

  • blue or black thick fabric.

The first step is to prepare. It is recommended to write on each piece of paper male name: the more of them there are, the higher the chances that the fortuneteller will come across exactly “the one”. One piece of paper is traditionally left blank; its loss indicates that the prediction failed, because correct name did not have. All notes should be thrown into a pot, covered with a cloth and mixed. Next you need to say the text three times:

“I cook and cook, I heat the stove, I bake pancakes for my betrothed, but who should I call? How to address the groom? You, little destiny, tell me the name of a dear one, don’t hide the truth from me, so that I can invite the groom for pancakes.”

All you have to do is put your hand into the bowl and pull out the first piece of paper you come across. The name written on it belongs to the future husband of the sorceress. If you wish, after completing the fortune telling, you can bake pancakes and place them on the windowsill, expressing gratitude to higher powers.

How to find out the name of your betrothed in a dream

The spirit of a sleeping person is partially freed from the “tyranny” of the body, and many hidden things become accessible to understanding. You should definitely take advantage of this. Not many attributes are needed:

  • a glass of clean water;

  • honey;

  • twig or wooden spoon.

You need to sit up in bed, pour more honey into the water and mix it well. The resulting liquid is drunk in one gulp, after which the following spell is pronounced:

“There’s a tall house outside the city, in that house there’s an ancient old woman, she’s making a honey brew, she’s feeding me with it, she’s dooming me to torment, you, my betrothed, come to me, appear in a dream, save me from the old woman and tell me your name, I’ll thank you, my name forever.” I’ll remember yours.”

Next you need to go to bed. You should not pay attention to thirst: it will soon pass, replaced by an amazing sleep. In it, the girl will be able to recognize the name of her betrothed; it will be named by her or by the young man himself, drawn into the dream, or by some entity. The main thing is to record the information received somewhere immediately after waking up, since it very quickly disappears from memory.

The easiest way to find out the name of your betrothed

If you do not want to carry out any ritual actions, you can use the most the easy way predictions. All you need is determination and self-confidence. Focusing on the desire to find out the name of the betrothed, they say:

“I appeal to fate, I wish to know the name of my beloved, do not hide the truth from me as it is - tell me everything!”

Immediately after this, they go out into the street and ask the name of the first man they come across: the girl’s husband will wear exactly the same thing. If the stranger refuses to identify himself, it means that the fortuneteller will either never get married, or this event is still very far away.

In fact, there is nothing easier than finding out the name of your betrothed. But such predictions have one danger: in the future, the sorceress may begin to reject all the guys whose names are “wrong.” Thus, she will make an irreparable mistake, depriving herself of the necessary experience determined by her fate.

Even those who do not believe in various fortune-telling and predictions sometimes find themselves in difficult everyday situations when it is very important to make the right choice. Therefore, most of us, deep down in our souls, in such cases, think about how to find out the future and try to prevent possible problems and troubles. Also, any person, especially female representatives, no matter how emancipated they were, has always been concerned about the issue of their personal life, namely: who will become their future spouse, etc. So below we will consider the most common ways to find out the future.

How to tell the future by your hand

Even the ancient sages knew the secrets of how to recognize a predetermined future by reading one’s hand. After all, the shape of the palm and fingers, as well as the pattern on it, differ from person to person. different people. Let us reveal the main secrets of palmistry:

  • Carefully examine the skin of your hand. If it is dense and rough, this speaks of the spontaneity and directness of a person, and delicate thin skin speaks of the sophistication of nature;
  • The heart line originates under the little finger at the very edge of the palm and in the form of a concave curve stretches to the middle or index finger. If its end is between the middle index fingers, it means the person is ready to compromise, open and friendly. If the heart line is straight and short in length, its owner is closed and incapable of open expression of feelings;
  • If you have been thinking about the possibility of knowing the future in terms of how successful your career will be, you need to consider the line of mind. It testifies to a person’s intellectual abilities and how he manages them. If the line is very long and well drawn, this indicates the scrupulousness of the person and his passion for his work. If the line of the mind is short and straight, you tend to trust logic more than imagination;
  • The life line shows a person’s attitude towards himself and the world, as well as his state of health. The further it is located from the thumb, the greater the resistance a person exhibits to the blows of fate and the greater the love of life he has. Proximity to thumb may indicate nervousness or depression, that is, a lack of vital energy;
  • The line of fate reveals a person’s purpose in this life, so not everyone has it. An even and straight line indicates that you have found your calling, and its distance from the line of life indicates that you love solitude and achieve everything through your work.

Thus, if you are wondering how to know the future, all you need to do is look at your hand.

How to find out the future by date of birth

But there is an equally interesting way to find out the future - by date of birth. To do this, you should carry out the following simple calculations:

  • Write your full date of birth on paper and sequentially add up the numbers of your birthday, then the month and at the end of the year;
  • Now add up the three resulting numbers. The sum usually turns out to be two digits, so its digits also need to be added until you get a single digit number, for example, 5 or 8;
  • This number indicates the properties of your character, which determine your life path. Thus, 1 speaks of the desire to make a career, high efficiency, and a penchant for leadership; 2 speaks of sociability, a tendency to self-sacrifice, and a desire to help people. If your number is 3, you are a gifted, cheerful, sociable person, 4 - you are responsible and hardworking, 5 - you are fickle and have poor self-control. 6 indicates calmness, balance, love of learning, 7 - a desire for mysticism and secret knowledge, 8 - stinginess and love of material wealth. Well, if your number is 9, you are a little out of this world and strive for spiritual self-improvement.

Now you know how to find out the future by date of birth in the most simple method, try to put it into practice.

How to find out the name of your future husband

If you are concerned about the question of how to find out the future in that part that concerns your personal life, for example, the name of your future spouse, you can resort to the following fortune telling:

  • You will need several pieces of paper and a large bowl of water. On each leaf, write a man’s name and attach them to the inner surface of the pelvis at a distance of approximately 2-3 cm. Place a candle stub in the nut shell, light it and lower the shell into the water. Look at what name she floats to, that’s what your future husband will be called;
  • Instead of looking for ways to find out your future using cards or other even more complex fortune-telling, just New Year's Eve go out into the street and ask the first man you meet about his name, which should coincide with the name of your future spouse;
  • On Christmas night, you should comb your hair and place the comb and mirror next to your pillow. When you go to bed, say: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me, comb me and name yourself.” You will dream of a man who will tell you the name of your chosen one.

There are many other fortune telling that will help you find out the future, but these are the simplest and most reliable.

How to find out the name of your future wife

Many men are embarrassed to guess, but they are also interested in the question of how to find out the future, in particular, what the name of their future soulmate will be. To do this, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Place the frying pan on a tuft of straw and place a small pebble on the bottom. The fortuneteller needs to pull out the straws one at a time. The stone will move at this time and produce a certain sound. In it you should hear the name of your future wife;
  • Before you find out the future name of your beloved, write any women's names on pieces of paper and put it all under the pillow. When you wake up, take out a piece of paper with the first name you come across - that’s what your chosen one will be called;
  • When you go out at midnight, stop the first woman you see and ask her name. This name will be the name of your soulmate.

Thus, even if you had no idea how to find out the future, after reading this article you will be able to use any indicated method and lift the veil of secrecy over what awaits you in the near future.

Numbers play a huge role in our lives. They help predict the future and reveal the secrets of the past. Numerology is the study of numbers. It is this that gives us the opportunity to predict the future.

Calculation of the number of fate

Calculating the fate number is very simple. To do this, you will need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, you were born on December 6, 1995. In this case, 0+6+1+2+1+9+9+5=33. That's not all. You should get a number in the range from 1 to 9, because only numerology can work with them. Therefore, let’s add our numbers again: 3+3=6. For the date of birth December 6, 1995, the destiny number is 6.

Decoding your destiny number

Unit. If your number is 1, then the name of your future husband will be short and sonorous. Most likely, his name will contain the letters A, N. This could be Andrey, Anton, Nazar, Nikita.

Two. With such a destiny number, most likely your chosen one will be a man with a long name. His name will most likely contain the letters S and Z. Most possible names for you: Svyatoslav, Yaroslav, Vyacheslav.

Troika. Those with this number of fate will be lucky enough to meet a husband with quite unusual name, which will contain the letters I, Y, F. Wait for fateful meetings with Philip, Innocent, Irakli, Fedosey, Timofey, Porfiry.

Four. Number Four is a symbol of the fact that the name of your future husband is with the most ordinary name or, conversely, with a very ancient and rare one, in which there will be an abundance of letters V and M. Pay attention to names such as Vladimir, Vadim, Miroslav, Matvey, Varlam.

Five. Five corresponds to the letters P and T. Your husband may be a man whose name you may not like at all. It is possible that your future chosen one is Rostislav, Rustam, Timur, Trofim, Taras.

Six. The number 6 indicates that your future husband may have a name in which the letters E, X and M will appear. Evdokim, Emelyan, Efim, Mikhail, Khariton are the most likely options.

Seven. Number Seven is a harbinger that you will choose a man with a very strong name, which will contain the letters G, O. Here are the most likely names for your future husband: Igor, Ignatius, Hilarion, Oleg.

Eight. This number of fate is obtained for those women whose future husbands are men with names containing the letters D, S and L. Most likely, you will meet Dmitry, Denis, Leonid, Savely, Svyatoslav.

Nine. The number Nine is the number of those ladies who will meet a husband who has the letters C, E in his name. The most likely names of your future husband: Sergey, Semyon, Stepan, Evgeniy.

Among special cases, it is worth highlighting birth dates in which the day and month coincide or are mirrored. The same day and month is evidence that your future husband's name may be the same as that of your father, grandfather or brother. If you have already been married, then the name of the second husband may be the same as the name of the first. A mirror date like 01.10 or 21.12 is an indicator that you can meet a man with an unusual or non-Russian name, as well as a non-standard view of the world. The character of a man in this case may fully correspond to his name.

There is another special case - this is when the date of birth contains at least 4 same numbers. For example, 04/22/2002. Four identical numbers indicate that your future husband’s name may be paired with yours. If your name does not have a masculine pair, then such a case is not important to you.

Use spells and rituals on happy marriage, if you think you may have problems on this front. In love, it is important to always do everything possible to achieve best results. Luck will be with you if you set the right goals for yourself and stick to them. Numerology will help you choose your path.
