What to add to wallpaper paste against bedbugs during redecoration. How to prime the walls before wallpapering. Choice. Application of acrylic penetrating primer, wallpaper glue and PVA. Technology Wallpaper glue with antiseptic

What is a wall finish? Nothing but the connection of the prepared surface with a decorative coating. And if wallpaper acts as the latter, then you will need an inconspicuous, but very important intermediary - wallpaper glue. How to choose wallpaper glue? What are its main characteristics? What to consider when choosing wallpaper paste? Now just about this.

What to expect from glue?

Good adhesiveness or adhesion, moisture resistance, frost resistance and environmental safety are usually expected. Antiseptics and fungicides are added to the glue to avoid later fungus and mold. Such glue is simply necessary for those rooms in which one or two walls are external. Such walls are usually susceptible to mold. Basically, glue is produced in the form of a dry mixture. Sometimes the glue on sale is already ready for use.

Types of wallpaper glue

There are generally two main types of wallpaper adhesives. One is known as CMC. What is this glue? O! It's a difficult word, carboxymenticellulose! Well, there are additives in it too. This glue is remarkable in that it does not form lumps and sediment during cooking. It dissolves only in hot water. Its variety is great.

One important point! Remember that such glue looks like an exceptionally white powder! If you see yellow shavings in front of you, then this is an obvious fake or just defective material!

The second type of wallpaper glue is made on the basis of natural raw materials. Usually it is starch. But this glue has two main characteristics. If the starches are unprocessed, then it requires cooking. Ready in about one hour. The second option is modified starch. This glue is ready in five minutes in cold water. A very handy item! But if you mix it wrong, it forms a whole bunch of lumps. Therefore, you should interfere not only while pouring dry glue into the water, but all five minutes after that, until it is completely dissolved and thickened. And the main requirement for glue: its density depends on the thickness of the wallpaper. That is, everything works in direct proportion. And if you did not have time to work out the diluted composition during the working day? In a closed container, it will stand for several days, up to a week.

Wallpaper glue classification

How does the classification differ from the types of glue we just discussed? Types of glue drew our attention to the composition, and the classification indicates the adhesive ability.

There are universal adhesives, and there are special ones. Universal ones are suitable for any type of wallpaper, and special ones are suitable for heavy ones. The whole secret is that any wallpaper can be glued with any glue. It's all about density! If you have universal glue, and it is mainly for paper wallpaper, then just dilute it thicker! Consumption, however, will be more, but the result is not worse. And if you suddenly bought a special glue out of a fright, and your wallpaper is quite light, what then? More water and the result will be the same. In this case, you will also receive more adhesive material than expected.

But this is in extreme, exceptional cases. In general, read the instructions on the wallpaper and on the adhesives. Everything is indicated there. On the wallpaper - the requirements for glue, on the packs of your binder - instructions for use. It is also indicated how to breed it for different types of wallpaper.

In addition, the classification can be determined by the color of the pack. Basically, universal adhesives are available in green boxes, and special ones in purple. Although now this is no longer a criterion, many manufacturers simply ignore this moment.

Also on the boxes with glue you can find the estimated number of wallpaper to be pasted when using this pack. But that's pretty relative information. Everything will depend on the quality of the surface to be pasted. If it is well prepared enough, then less glue will go. How to prepare walls for wallpapering - read with a minute of attention.

What are the other characteristics of wallpaper paste?

Glue for heavy wallpaper is divided into vinyl and dispersion. With vinyl, well, it's very easy to work with! Glides on the wall like clockwork! If the wallpaper sheet lay unevenly, then you can easily smooth out all the folds and wrinkles. And joining lanes becomes just a very pleasant experience.

But on the other hand, dispersion adhesive is distinguished by its strength. You are tormented to tear off the wallpaper pasted with it! And what is it for? For gluing rooms with high humidity. Such glue is usually produced ready for use, it is not required to dilute it.

Well, now you already know a little about wallpaper adhesives. And you can more confidently choose your link to your wonderful wall clothes.

And the last tip - do not save on glue! So that it would not be excruciatingly painful to look later on what happened to your seemingly pasted wallpaper.

Wallpapering walls is a simple matter. But for a successful result, careful preparation and strict adherence to the instructions for use are important. And the first question to be solved is which glue to choose. To answer it, you need to know the type of wallpaper.

  1. In a dry room, the walls can be pasted over with any wallpaper. If your choice fell on simple paper ones, use universal or special wallpaper glue.
  2. In rooms where the level of humidity is too high, it is advisable to glue washable vinyl wallpaper. But they are quite capricious. The main rule is to avoid drafts and do not turn on the air conditioner until the wallpaper is dry. If you are interested in the question of which adhesive for vinyl wallpaper to choose, pay attention not only to its adhesive ability. In this case, it is recommended to choose a composition that does not dry out immediately. So you have time to fit the stripes to each other and combine the pattern.
  3. Very often experts hear the question, what glue for non-woven wallpaper buy. This material requires the use of a special adhesive. It differs from all others in that it is applied only to the wall, which is very convenient. You do not have to wait until the wallpaper is saturated with the composition and get rid of the traces that the glue leaves. In addition, if you decide to re-paste the wallpaper, it will be enough to remove only the top layer, and leave the non-woven base in place. She will level the walls, and the new wallpaper will fit perfectly on them.

When buying glue, be sure to read the information on the label. From it you should find out the scope of the glue, consumption and method of preparation.

If this information is not available, it is better to refuse to purchase such glue.

The best option is to buy glue and wallpaper in the same store. In this case, the risk of making a mistake is reduced to zero.

Regardless of the type of wallpaper, it is important to buy high-quality and good glue for them. The choice must be approached with all responsibility, only in this case a successful result is guaranteed.

To understand which glue to choose for wallpaper, you need to know several factors: the material from which they are made and their weight, the condition of the walls. In addition, adhesiveness is important.

All existing adhesives are of two types: universal and special. The latter are issued for specific wallpapers, the former can be used for all types. On the packaging, as a rule, there is an inscription: for heavy or light wallpaper.

The former are used for vinyl, cork, glass, the latter for paper. It is better to choose the composition that is recommended by the manufacturer. For example, for vinyl, one that contains an antiseptic is suitable.

The concentration of the finished glue depends on the severity of the wallpaper. She also determines the time of their impregnation.

For regular wallpapers, you can use:

  • CMC,
  • axton,
  • Quelyd,
  • for washable - PVA-based products,
  • for moisture resistant - Bustilat.

On the label of expensive wallpapers, a suitable adhesive is usually indicated. There is a universal adhesive. It will help out if you use different wallpapers or you could not find a special composition. One of the essential elements of the universal mixture is additives against fungus.

Thus, a good wallpaper glue is one that is made specifically for them. And only in some cases it is possible to use a universal remedy.


Adhesive for vinyl wallpaper

One of the popular materials used for wall decoration is vinyl wallpaper. They look nice and are very easy to use. For their pasting, a special glue is used. It is represented on the market by several brands, each of which has similar characteristics.

It is considered the best Methylan adhesive for vinyl wallpaper and Cleo glue. They are more expensive than other products, but have excellent performance characteristics.

Glue designed for vinyl wallpaper has several important advantages. The main one is the protection of the surface from the fungus. In addition, he:

  • Dissolves quickly and doesn't form lumps.
  • Provides a flawless sliding layer, which makes it easy to join and align the wallpaper.
  • After drying, it forms an even transparent film that does not shine through the coating.
  • Applies to almost any surface.
  • Eco-friendly.

In order for the adhesive to fully show its characteristics, the base must be carefully prepared. It must be clean, dry and even. The old coating must be removed, the surface is leveled, treated with a primer. Using a special brush or roller, glue is applied to the wall.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to use non-woven adhesive for vinyl wallpaper . Experts do not recommend doing this, since the adhesive will have to be applied to both the wallpaper and the wall. As a result, bubbles may form, which will be problematic to remove.

For pasting walls with non-woven wallpaper, a special glue is used. It contains special additives that prevent mold and fungus from growing. This is especially true for rooms where high humidity is always noted. Any composition is easy to use and safe for health.

It is enough to dilute the powder with water and in ten minutes you will get a ready-made adhesive with excellent adhesive properties.

To prepare the adhesive, pour water into a container, while stirring constantly, pour glue into it. You should get a sticky thick mass. After ten minutes, it must be stirred again.

There are several popular brands of glue for non-woven wallpaper. Kleo, Metilan, Quelyd are recognized as the best. kleo glue for non-woven wallpaper easy to use, represented by several types, does not form lumps. It's ready in just three minutes.

Metilan glue is famous for its impeccable quality, huge assortment and special structure of the substance. Glue for non-woven wallpaper quelyd evenly distributed on all types of surfaces, does not allow the appearance of mold and other pests.

The basis of glue for paper wallpaper is starch. It is very easy to use: the contents of the package are mixed with water and stirred well, after which it is applied to the wallpaper. To make them better stick to the wall, let the composition soak into the paper.

Glue for paper wallpaper is represented by several varieties:

  • CMC - provides good adhesion of the material to the wall surface, suitable for medium-weight wallpaper, when diluted, it forms a homogeneous mass without lumps.
  • PVA - requires care when using, but strong enough.
  • Starch paste - its main advantage is an affordable price.

Glue for paper wallpaper in each case must be chosen individually, always taking into account the weight of the materials. The modern market offers a huge selection of adhesives. All products are available in the form of dry mixes or ready-made solutions.

It is no secret that any surface must be primed before wallpapering to smooth out surface irregularities and so that the wallpaper sticks to the walls better.
There are a lot of primers, of all kinds, ranging from special ones (for example, acrylic primer) to primers made from "improvised materials", these are primers made from PVA glue and wallpaper glue.

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That is why it is convenient to use wallpaper glue as a primer, it is well absorbed into the wall, binds building dust particles and significantly increases the chance of high-quality gluing (this is when the wallpaper does not fall off and does not lag behind at the edges).

In addition, the consumption of glue as a primer and its cost are much less than when using special solutions.

Attention! Not all wallpaper paste is suitable for use as a primer, look for a mention of this on the packaging (and proportion instructions).

If there is no mention on the package, then it is better not to use this version of the glue.

Do I need to wait for drying?
It all depends on the composition of the glue, if it consists of methylcellulose, then you don’t have to wait for drying, but the glue, which includes starch, should dry well.

How to primer walls with wallpaper paste

Sequence of work:
1. Buy glue (after checking that it can be used as a primer). We took the usual Metilan wallpaper glue, which will later be used for wallpapering.

2. We take a pack of dry glue (weight 250 grams) and dilute it with 5-6 liters of cold water.

3. Using a mixer, mix well for a minute.

A room of 16 m2 takes two packs of 250 g of glue (primer + gluing)

4. Leaves to feed for 5 minutes.

5. Add water (6 liters in volume) and mix until a kefir-like consistency.

6. Glue with a fur roller to apply the walls over the entire surface.

7. And leave to dry for about 4 hours.

After the primer dries, you can:

Just cover the wallpaper with glue without covering the walls;

Either cover and wallpaper and re-wall.

In such a fairly easy way, you increase the chances of successful wallpapering without falling off and without re-gluing the joints.

Video on how to properly mix wallpaper paste

Wallpapering is perhaps the most popular type of residential space decoration, which is explained by the ability to quickly update the interior without breaking the budget.

The quality of gluing a wall covering depends not only on compliance with the technology for preparing the working surface, but also on wallpaper glue.

Therefore, his choice cannot be left to chance. The purchase of the first product that comes across can lead to a loss in the quality of the repair. Let's find out the main criteria for choosing wallpaper glue and what to look for when buying it in order to avoid disappointment.


In the manufacture of adhesive mixtures, a general formula is used, consisting of:

The difference between the adhesive mixtures lies in the packaging. Dry adhesives are sold in packs, and thick concentrates are sold in buckets of various sizes.

Adhesives have different percentages of base components, which is determined by the specifics of the application:

  • In the composition of universal adhesives for all types of coatings, the amount of base from MC reaches 97%. They are available with or without antifungal additives.
  • Specialty heavy duty adhesives consist of 75% base, 25% or more PVA and contain 0-3% antiseptic additives.
  • In adhesive products for decorating with glass and textile-based fabrics, the amount of base and PVA is approximately equal, and the proportion of fungicides with a bactericide is up to 3.4%.

Types and specifications

All wallpaper adhesives differ in purpose, and therefore they can be classified into three large categories:

  • Highly specialized formulations for simplex and duplex paper coatings.
  • Fixers marked "Universal", adapted for decorating all types of wall coverings.
  • Special clamps for working with certain types of wallpaper materials: light, medium density, heavy.

Consider the different types of adhesive products:

Universal PVA

The popularity of vinyl acetate polymer emulsion is due to the versatility of its application in a variety of areas, including repair and finishing work.

Household PVA is used for gluing vinyl and paper based coatings.

The emulsion has excellent performance characteristics:

  • Excellent adhesive ability.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Fire safety.
  • High frost resistance.
  • The ability to increase adhesion when added to primers and putty mixtures.

Due to the absence of toxic compounds in the composition, this product is considered environmentally friendly and safe. The low price makes it accessible to a wide range of customers. PVA-based primers with anti-fungal properties prevent mold attacks, protecting walls from black mold damage.


Glue Bustilat and its varieties with improved properties are indispensable during repairs. The basic components of the composition are latex, chalk, KMK, water and additives to give the mixture optimal working qualities. In accordance with GOST, any brand of Bustilat does not contain harmful compounds and is environmentally friendly.

Technological properties:

  • The working solution has a grayish or white color, becomes transparent when solidified.
  • Eliminates the formation of yellowness on the canvases, regardless of their thickness.
  • Moisture resistant.
  • Differs in economical consumption - up to 200 g/m2.
  • The time of complete drying is up to one and a half days.
  • Good indicators of mobility, which is convenient when adjusting the position of the canvases.
  • Fire safety.

CMC-class drilling adhesive

Popular products for paper wallpaper decoration are CMC/CMC-N. These are powdery mixtures of a pinkish tint with carboxymethyl cellulose.


  • Eco-friendly.
  • Prevent the development and spread of fungi.
  • They don't smell.
  • Exclude yellowing of coatings of light shades.
  • They have a good yield.
  • They are cheaper than glue with MC.

Vinyl adhesive

Adhesive mixtures for working with vinyl are produced with two types of bases: expensive methylcellulose and cheaper modified CMC / GPC starches.

All the most important performance indicators of adhesive mixtures with methylcellulose deserve the highest ratings.

These compounds have:

  • Excellent adhesive properties.
  • Long term anchoring.
  • High penetrating power.
  • Excellent compatibility with cement and surfaces treated with lime.
  • Reusable recoverable hitch.
  • Perfect hygiene, which allows them to be used even in the rooms of small children.
  • Ideal frost resistance.

Non-woven adhesive

It has a powdery consistency and is packaged in small boxes. This material is recommended to perform only non-woven lining, which has a smooth substrate, and with a different decorative layer - corrugated, multi-layered, vinyl, in the form of silk-screen printing.

For fiberglass and fabric coverings

These are concentrated ready-made dispersion compositions designed for lining with the heaviest textile fabrics. They have an increased mechanical strength of the adhesive layer, the ability to withstand moisture, the rate of film formation during the day.


When working with wall coverings, it is often necessary to use:

  • Joint adhesive. The edges of the canvases are glued with this material, and the seams are restored in the areas of ruptures. This is a quick-drying composition of white color, which, when dried, becomes transparent and becomes invisible. It is designed to work with all types of coatings.
  • Acrylic curb adhesive for fixing decorative tapes to surfaces of any material. It has an increased gripping ability and ensures the perfect sliding of the decorative element when fitting. Convenient packaging makes it easy to apply.

Technological indicators

When choosing a wallpaper adhesive, an assessment of the following technological properties will be required:

  • Primary adhesion - adhesion to the base, which depends on the viscosity of the mixture.
  • The final adhesion, determined by the adhesive strength of the canvas to the base after the adhesive layer is completely dry.
  • Hydrogen indicator pH. Mixtures with acidity in the range of 6-7, which indicates a normal acid-base balance, exclude the formation of yellowness on light-colored coatings.
  • Mobility, which is important for adjusting the position of the sheets on the working surface when docking and fitting according to the pattern.
  • An indicator of hygiene, due to the volume of antifungal additives in the adhesive mass.
  • Environmental safety.

Compositions with a minimum of artificial additives and the absence of characteristic odors of synthetics are considered more harmless.

  • Moisture resistance, which is determined by the ability of the adhesive layer to maintain strength in conditions of high humidity conditions.
  • Compatibility, which is expressed in the reaction of the adhesive mixture when interacting with various materials: plaster, chipboard / fiberboard, wood, concrete and brick surfaces.
  • Recoverability of the hitch during repeated softening/drying of the adhesive layer due to contact with the liquid.
  • The long-term connection of the canvases with the base, that is, how long the glued surfaces will remain flawless.
  • Product consumption - the ratio of the dissolved adhesive mixture to the amount of a working solution with the desired viscosity when using a dry composition package.

For what wallpaper?

Wallpaper products offered by hardware stores are represented by various types of coatings that differ in the material of manufacture:

  • Paper. These are trellises of various densities with a single-layer and two-layer structure. Compared to simplex wallpaper, duplex coatings have higher light fastness and moisture resistance. Classic paper canvases have the lightest weight and small thickness, which eliminates problems with the choice of adhesive composition. You can use a paste, CMC class drilling glue, ordinary PVA.
  • From vinyl. Vinyl coatings are characterized by strength, reliability, moisture resistance. They can be plain or embossed. Hot embossing is used in the production of compact vinyl, heavy vinyl, silk-screen printing and chemically embossed inhibited wallpaper.

The technology of gluing vinyl wallpaper is no different from gluing paper coatings. The diluted mixture is applied to the canvas and used to treat the wall, the wallpaper is kept for about 20 minutes and glued. The poor air permeability of vinyl significantly reduces the drying rate of the adhesive layer. Therefore, it is unprofitable to use home-made pastes, unlike special glue, which dries much faster. As for the universal adhesive, if it is used, a working solution of maximum concentration is required.

  • Fiber based. Cellulose fiber is used for the manufacture of non-woven (non-woven) coatings. These are waterproof coatings with good breathability. Interlining is an excellent base for painting. Here you need a special glue for interlining.

It differs from other formulations in the technology of use: the finished product is applied exclusively to the work surface, and the canvases themselves do not need to be coated and kept for some time (like paper counterparts) too.

  • For textile coverings and glass wall coverings. Elite fabric coverings have a multilayer structure, where various types of fabrics are used as a decorative layer, and the backing is paper. This group of products includes fiberglass materials, in which the base is covered with a special yarn. Molten glass is used to make threads. Such tapestries are glued with high-strength dispersion adhesives in the form of a ready-made solution or dry mixes for decorating glass.

  • For ceiling murals. Non-woven fabrics, paper, fabrics, PVC act as the basis of such canvases. The glue is selected depending on the type of wallpaper: coatings with a 3D effect, washable textiles, washable paper or in the form of PVC panels. For the first three types, it is recommended to use adhesives with indicators, depending on the base material, and glue PVC sheets on liquid nails. Adhesive components have already been added to the composition of self-adhesive photo wallpapers.
  • From natural materials. Natural wallpapers are vegetable with a high content of cellulose fibers, cork with a paper base, bamboo with a fabric backing and veneer with a non-woven or paper backing. Glue for them only needs a special, high viscosity marked “for cork”, “for bamboo and cork”, and “Special Vinyl” glue is also suitable.

  • Monochrome wallpaper. Before sticking white wallpaper and black coatings, it is necessary to carefully prepare the work surface. It is equally important to choose an adhesive that does not turn yellow when dried, taking into account the material used to make the wallpaper.
  • Liquid. Wallpapers are also liquid in the form of a powder intended for dilution in water, followed by application to the surface to be decorated. This type of coating does not require the use of glue.

Where can be used?

Many wallpaper adhesives containing polyvinyl acetate are suitable for use as a primer, saving you the cost of purchasing a primer. Manufacturers write about this possibility on the pack. Adhesive mixtures for heavy and dense wallpaper are good for gluing the substrate under the finish coat.

With universal PVA, you can glue a twisted rope - a decorative cord to mask the junction of the wall with the ceiling structure, plastic corners and borders.

Bustilat is suitable for gluing joints and gluing seams, since it becomes transparent when it dries.

How to cook?

The adhesive mixture can be made by hand at home. Wheat flour or starch is used as the basis of the paste. To calculate the required amount of glue, they start from the fact that a liter of paste is enough for gluing 2-3 rolls.


  • They boil water.
  • Take a large bowl, given the required volume of the product.
  • Pour 150 g of flour into a container, add water and mix thoroughly. You need to dilute to the consistency of sour cream of medium density.
  • Slowly pour the diluted mixture into a saucepan of boiling water, stirring constantly.
  • Allow the mixture to boil, then leave to cool.

The finished paste should be without lumps and be a homogeneous mass. Proceeding in a similar way, you can apply starch paper glue with the addition of dry wood glue to improve stickiness. Diluted adhesives should not be stored for more than 24 hours. An expired product loses its adhesive ability.

You can also make PVA yourself at home from gelatin, glycerin, flour, ethyl alcohol. Gelatin (5 g) is allowed to swell in water (1 l) during the day. Then it is mixed with flour and placed in a water bath. Finally, 4 g of glycerol and 20 ml of alcohol are added.

How to make a paste with your own hands, see the next video.

How much to store?

When choosing an adhesive mixture, you need to consider how long the diluted adhesive can be stored. If these are powdered adhesives, then this indicator is affected by the raw material base - MC / CMC / CMC / GPC. Usually adhesives with such bases in liquid form can stand for a maximum of 10 days. The shelf life of any finished adhesive depends on the presence of preservatives in the composition and their quality. The more preservatives, the longer the product does not dry.


A huge selection of wallpaper adhesives of domestic and imported brands allows you to choose a mixture for sticking any type of wall covering. Let's find out which option is better to choose for canvases from different materials.

Leading positions in the market of adhesive products are occupied by:

  • french stamps: Quelyd, Semin Sem Murale, Bostik, Axton by Leroy Merlin.

Each of these brands is well known to the Russian buyer for a solid range of high-quality products for gluing a wide variety of coatings.

  • Deutsche Marks: "Moment", Metylan, "Econ", representing all types of adhesives, Knauf (for interlining).

  • Russian stamps: Quality, which produces all types of adhesive mixtures from universal to special, Oscar and Decoro - professional compositions for glass and heavy coatings. "Lacra", Titan with an indicator for non-woven, vinyl and universal coatings.
  • Exclusive (England)- high-quality mixtures with increased adhesion and water resistance for decoration with vinyl, metallized, velor wallpaper.

  • "Amil" (Ukraine) for heavy coverings from interlining, vinyl, textiles.
  • ASM (Italy)- universal and specialized adhesive compositions are distinguished by a low content of volatile compounds.
  • Adhesives "CMC class shavings" from different manufacturers - the high demand for these compounds is due to low cost, cost-effectiveness and environmental safety.

Judging by the reviews, among foreign brands, Moment adhesives are especially popular among buyers. Under this brand, a huge number of high-quality types of adhesive mixtures are produced and, most importantly, affordable. Of the expensive products, Exclusive blends are popular, the cost of which is compensated by excellent working qualities.

From Russian brands, users prefer the repeatedly proven quality of Quality adhesive products and the relatively young brand Titan. According to finishers, Titan's products live up to their name and hold heavy coatings well.

The reinforced formula of the composition eliminates the peeling of the sheets even in particularly difficult areas - at the joints of the sheets, next to the radiators.

Examples of using wallpaper in the interior

Wallpaper glue plays one of the leading roles in the finishing of residential spaces. Let's see this with examples:

Decorating rooms with natural wallpaper made from cork, jute, reed, bamboo is an expensive pleasure, although the end result is worth the money spent. Creating an exclusive interior is impossible without good glue.

You can decorate walls in different ways: glue wallpaper, paint, cover with ornaments, art painting, decorative plaster.

The most common decor method and the least troublesome is wallpapering. Preparing walls for wallpapering includes several stages which should not be neglected.

What is it for?

So that the wallpaper does not peel off, does not deform during work, and fabric lay flat on the wall, before wallpapering, you need to align the walls.

Wall processing provides protection from mold, fungal spores and bed bugs.

Many walls have a finely porous structure, which allows air to accumulate in the pores, which contributes to sticking wallpaper seams. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to ensure maximum adhesion of the wallpaper and the wall.

Wallpaper pasted on unprepared walls won't last long and aesthetically unappealing.

What should be the surface?

If you correctly carry out the preparatory work before sticking the wallpaper, then you can observe necessary requirements for the wall under the wallpaper:

Features of wall processing depending on their material

Before achieving the desired wall surface for wallpapering, it is necessary to carry out a number of works that will help bring the surface to perfect condition. Features of preparing walls for wallpaper largely depend on what material the wall is made of.

Nuances when processing walls from different materials:

  1. Drywall has a smooth surface, but it is porous and not strong enough. During processing, special attention should be paid to leveling the surface, taking into account joints and self-tapping screws.
  2. concrete walls the most durable. Since their structure has minimal porosity, it is sometimes enough to apply only a primer for preparation.
  3. Brick walls not strong enough and even, so for their processing it is necessary to go through several stages (leveling, puttying, priming).
  4. Chipboard walls have screws and joints. They need to be covered with oil paint. Next, the surface is treated in the usual way.
  5. Treatment OSB walls under the wallpaper is practically no different from the preparation of brick walls. Only the first step is to seal the seams with a mixture and cover the wall with a sickle.

Almost any coating can be prepared for gluing in such a way that the material of the walls is already exactly the quality of wallpapering will not depend.

How to do everything with your own hands?

At first glance, preparing the walls for wallpapering seems to be quite a simple matter. However, there are nuances which the layman may not always be aware of.

Removing the old coating

If the walls are covered with old wallpaper or paint, then before pasting the wall, you need to remove the old decor.

Old wallpaper can be pasted in several layers, therefore, before eliminating them, you must first spray the wall with water. Then, using a spatula, remove the old layer.

Old paint is much more difficult to remove from walls. Exists three ways to remove old paint cover:

  • Mechanical. The paint is knocked off with tools (an ax, an electric drill, a grinder, a spatula, a chisel).
  • Chemical. The procedure is that you need to repeatedly apply a chemical composition to the wall and wait until the paint begins to bubble and peel off the wall.
  • Thermal. This method involves washing off the paint with a building hair dryer.


Wall plastering is carried out in order to level the surface and elimination of gross defects. Modern gypsum plaster can be applied to the wall with a layer of up to 7 mm, which is very convenient for leveling.

Prepare the mixture and spatula for work. Cracks and crevices to fill with putty, protrusions and bulges to knock down as much as possible, and smooth out the remaining unevenness with the composition.

If the wall is uneven (has a slope), then you can level it with the help of beacons, levels and rules.

After complete drying walls, you can proceed to puttying the surface.


Puttying - one of the required steps which must be done when preparing the walls for wallpapering. A putty solution is produced of such a consistency that it easily falls on the surface.

With circular movements of the spatula, the mixture is applied to the wall in several stages, while layer should not exceed 4 mm. Hard-to-reach places (radiator, pipes) must be puttied with a rubber spatula.

Finishing layer of putty applied most accurately to have as few imperfections as possible.

We get rid of mold, fungi, bedbugs

It is necessary to treat the walls from fungi, mold and bedbugs before sticking the wallpaper without fail, even if there are no such defects on the wall and never was.

There is several preventive and effective recipes for treating walls from mold and similar formations:

  • bleach - 200 g of bleach is dissolved in a liter of water and applied to the wall;
  • the fungicide, like lime, can also be diluted with water and the resulting solution used;
  • chlorine solution (whiteness) effectively fights the fungus and its spores;
  • hydrogen peroxide solution does an excellent job with mold spores and fungus;
  • a solution of copper sulphate and water (100 g per 10 liters) also effectively affects the development of mold, fungi and protects the walls from bedbugs.

If the mold has come through the plaster, then it is necessary to clean this piece of plaster down to the base. Treat the wall with any of the solutions. After surface treatment, it is recommended to apply a primer with an antiseptic.

Important! When working with solutions, it is necessary to use protective devices: gloves, respirators, goggles.


By priming the walls reduced consumption of adhesive, as well as priming has a number of properties that have a positive effect on the final stage of finishing.

Priming result:

  • improves the quality of gluing the wallpaper to the wall;
  • cracking of putty does not occur;
  • moisture impermeability to the wall is ensured;
  • the formation and development of the fungus is prevented;
  • the adhesion of the wallpaper and the wall is enhanced, thereby increasing the life of the wallpaper coating.

In order for the priming process to be carried out correctly you need to know some subtleties:

  • the primer is applied only to completely dried putty;
  • wallpaper should be glued only on a completely dried primer.

Since the porosity of the wall can be non-uniform, in this case it is necessary to apply the primer on the wall unevenly. More porous surface process with a large amount of the mixture.

When all stages of wall processing are correctly completed, then the final result of the work will meet expectations: smooth walls, perfectly laid wallpaper, no problems with mold and bugs.

In the next video, see what needs to be done before wallpapering the walls:
