Big cat in a dream why dream. Why is the big cat dreaming? Personal Account Deleted

What does it mean if you dreamed of a pet, a cat? After all, she is essentially a sweet and harmless creature, which, as a rule, is associated with patience, wisdom and independence, but seeing a cat in a dream turns out to be not good at all, since it is a symbol of a hidden enemy. So why do cats dream? Consider the interpretation of various dream books.

Cats - Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, seeing a cat in a dream is not good, especially if it is extremely irritated and aggressive, as well as preparing for an attack. A cat is an enemy that has hidden nearby and is preparing to strike a sudden blow. Also, the image of a cat in a dream can mean intrigues and hidden intentions of ill-wishers.

If a cat attacks or prepares for an attack, hisses, claws out and shows aggressive behavior, then troubles are coming soon, but if the cat was driven away, then there will be no negative consequences, but still you need to be careful.

If a cat's meow is heard, then perhaps a bad influence, gossip and slander that can be harmful.

If you dreamed of a dirty cat, then you should think about your health, as well as worry about the well-being of relatives and friends. Perhaps, in this way, consciousness warns of impending troubles.

You should also be wary if a sick cat appears or it has obvious injuries, such an image in any guise does not bring anything favorable, but warns that you should be careful and attentive to yourself.

Although the image of a healthy and beautiful cat also does not carry positive information, this means uncertainty in life and upcoming minor troubles.

Why do cats act according to Freud's dream book

A well-known psychologist believed that the image of a cat is the sexual side of human consciousness. The cat, as it were, symbolizes sensuality and desires in bodily pleasure. If a cat fawns over its legs or sits next to it purring, then an intimate evening will take place soon.

It may also mean that the desire to experience sexual pleasure has become too great and through self-awareness the body gives a signal.

If a cat is aggressive and scratches in a dream, then there is a hidden desire for a little sadomasochism, as well as a desire to cause physical pain to a partner during an intimate relationship. If a person sees himself in a dream, at the moment when he strokes a cat, this means a desire to feel the same emotions on himself.

Cats in a dream according to Vanga's dream book

The great soothsayer Vanga believed that cats in any form are not good for acting, because in her concept they symbolize trouble in any manifestation. Vanga believed that even the harmless appearance of a cat in a dream already indicates an imminent break in relations and a major quarrel, as well as upcoming troubles on a professional path.

Vanga also believed that a cat could dream of shame, with which the sleeping person would be covered not of his own free will, but as a result of the actions of his ill-wishers, it would be especially difficult if several cats appeared in a dream, and not one. If a cat scratched a sleeping person or bitten, you should expect trouble, and this also indicates groundless jealousy on the part of a loved one.

Why do cats act according to Hasse's dream book

According to the famous Russian soothsayer, cats in a dream do not come with good intentions, and, accordingly, their appearance should be considered as a warning that the enemy is close. Miss Hasse believed that stroking a cat in a dream means ingratitude and betrayal on the part of loved ones and friends, as well as resentment for rewarding another.

Seeing a cat's droppings means a betrayal of a loved one, in a sense, they will literally shit the soul of the sleeping person. The appearance of a black cat in a dream means an obstacle and trouble in the near future, especially if the animal has bitten or scratched, in which case all plans may collapse and a series of unfortunate days may come.

If you dreamed of a lot of cats that surround the sleeping person, then in real life he is surrounded by imaginary friends who will betray him at the first opportunity.

Why dream of a black, white, red cat

As can be seen from the predictions of famous seers, a cat is by no means a good dream, but if a sleeping person dreams of his own pet, then such a dream is not a warning of danger. If you dream of someone else, and even more so a cat that has not been seen before, then it is better to take such a dream seriously.

If the image of a black cat came to the sleeper, then this could mean a major quarrel or even a fight, which would later bring trouble. In the case when a cat goes to meet a sleeping person or is already nearby, it is advisable to take care, since such cases are interpreted as an upcoming illness and betrayal by people who seem friendly.

If you dreamed of a white cat, then you should not rejoice, since this cat symbolizes the hidden intentions of enemies who disguise themselves as friends and wait for the right moment to strike. Also, the appearance of a white cat may mean that the enemies have so far taken a wait-and-see position, since the sleeper has sufficient strength to resist.

In any case, the image of a white cat must be taken seriously, since its appearance only at the beginning seems to be a minor problem, which later, like someone, will develop into huge troubles.

A red cat in a dream is considered the most dangerous, since its fiery energy carries the negative in multiplied quantities. As a rule, the appearance of a red cat means unsuccessful love, a break in relationships, as well as unrequited love that will bring suffering. The image of a red cat can also symbolize the betrayal of a loved one and imminent betrayal.

Dream Interpretation - a lot of cats

Seeing one cat in a dream is already considered bad luck, but if the cat is not alone, you should think about the number of your enemies, as well as your lifestyle. Perhaps so many enemies were acquired through the fault of the sleeper, and it's time to worry about cardinal changes in life itself.

Seeing a cat fight means troubles that will have a strong impact on life, seeing cat love games means acquiring new enemies, as well as new troubles that will grow out of old unfinished business.

Dream Interpretation - biting, giving birth, pregnant cat

If in a dream the sleeping cat dreamed of a cat that was aggressive and also tried to bite or she succeeded, then we can safely say that troubles lie ahead, a serious illness, as well as the betrayal of a close friend, since often damage to the sleeping person in a dream means real physical or psychological trauma, as well as troubles, both in personal life and professional.

If you dream of a giving birth cat, then you should think about what obstacles have recently begun to suddenly appear on the way to the implementation of your plan, and also how sudden and unpredictable they turn out to be. After all, birth, as a rule, is always a sacrament that occurs suddenly, respectively, and a giving birth cat means suddenness and problems.

If a cat in a dream was able to give birth to kittens, then you should also take a closer look at the process itself, if the birth was difficult, the cat was in torment, then such a dream does not bode well and speaks of serious troubles that deeply hurt the sleeping person.

If the cat is easily relieved of the burden, then the problems will not be serious and will end quickly, especially if live and beautiful kittens appear as a result, which can bring good luck and profit, naturally with serious efforts, which is exactly symbolized by a giving birth cat.

A pregnant cat dreams of hidden intentions and troubles, possibly a disease that is dormant inside the body of a sleeping person or may affect his loved ones. In any case, the image of a pregnant cat symbolizes secrecy, which can result in serious problems over time.

Why dream of a dead, dead cat

Of course, it is unpleasant to see a dead animal in a dream, but, nevertheless, such a dream can mean the collapse of a secret enemy, as well as failed intrigues that turned against the enemy.

Also, such an image can mean the end of a certain life period in the life of a woman who, as it were, is reborn and becomes a different person. Or seeing a dead cat can mean trouble that will arise due to old errors.

If in a dream a cat is killed in front of a sleeping person, then this may mean sudden help that will come from an unknown well-wisher, and such a scene may also indicate minor troubles that may arise out of nowhere.

Seeing a cat that is dying or a desire to kill a cat can mean a personal struggle with one’s shortcomings, as well as a love triangle, where in the image of a cat there will be a woman who cannot decide, as a result of which love for her rises and threatens to destroy everyone, then dies.

If the sleeper kills the cat himself, then this symbolizes the liberation from problems that have weighed on him for a long time, or such a dream can be interpreted as a break in love relationships that have already exhausted themselves.

In any case, in whatever form the sleeping person sees the image of a cat, the main thing to pay attention to is the emotional coloring of the dream, as well as the mood after waking up. After all, there is a dream that seems to be disgusting, but liberation and lightness are felt, and vice versa, a dream seems to tell about neutral or even pleasant events, and you wake up with a heaviness in your soul.

It is from the mood and psychological comfort that the degree of troubles that may arise, or may disappear without a trace, depends.

Magical four-legged companions have long been considered animal guides to parallel mystical places, which is why they appear in dreams not just, but to significant events. What does such a vision in a dream book mean, this article will help you figure it out.

I dreamed about a cat in a dream what does it mean

Usually these animals dream of happy turns in the current situation. The main nuances from the dream book are outlined below:

  • often, depending on the relationship to small predators, cats in a dream are in a dream to mutual understanding and comfort in the house, and women in confirmation of their graceful femininity;
  • Miller's dream book sees in the animal a threat and future troubles, except in those cases where the animal is killed;
  • but Freud claims that the dreamer dreams of affectionate females and good cats as a sign of a future partner, younger in age, the female denotes a woman, the male denotes a man;
  • according to Vanga's dream book an animal that scratches and bites portends personal problems associated with jealousy; bites on the finger- a new prudent acquaintance is considering how to annoy you;
  • animal preparing to attack hints that it is worth keeping track of whether you are performing actions that will bring enemies to you;
  • aggressive animal portends an insidious evil woman surrounded.

What is the dream of a black cat

In life, the appearance of a black domestic predator on the horizon has become synonymous with trouble, but what does the dream book say?

  1. Black cat symbolizes an evil woman, the one that the cards see as the "Queen of Spades";
  2. black cats dream to stormy and long quarrels;
  3. if such a beast cross the road in a dream- to an unpleasant date;
  4. kind dreams to changes to a calm course of life;
  5. black dreams a young woman to imminent trouble;
  6. kill such a creature - to victory over enemies;
  7. generally black animal bite marks an unfavorable change in the situation.

Why do cats dream of a woman

The Slavs noticed that a pussy appears in a dream to a woman before a major deception, or as a sign of a meeting with a real witch. Other dream books interpret the vision as follows:
1. a black individual will dream of a woman for the appearance of a rival;
2. dream book of a housewife in this case promises quick care for someone;
3. a woman in her arms to hold an animal to an unpleasant difficult situation;
4. she scratches the dreamer - to loss of income;
5. skinny dirty creature to a feeling of defenselessness and female loneliness;
6. drive away the animal - take control of life.

If cats and kittens dream

Lovely creatures at night turn out to be completely opposite. Dream Interpretations are interpreted as follows:
dream of a kind cat with kittens, expect tenderness;
many animals are unfriendly - to gossip and rumors around the dreamer;
for young women who dream of a long-awaited child, a female who gave birth in a vision can promise a wish come true;
a woman dreams of a black individual with kittens - to jealousy;
redheads - good luck in your endeavors;
a female gave birth to whites - to a good gift from a loved one;
tricolor pregnant - promises a range of events, but luck and material well-being will be a priority.

If you dreamed in a dream a lot of cats

A large number of mustachioed cute domestic predators in dream books means an unfavorable sign.
1. As a harbinger of a false environment, the dreamer can see such a prophecy.
2. Many cats for a married man or woman dream of replenishing the family with a child or the announcement of an unknown relative.
3. For girls, such a dream promises betrayal or deceit from a guy.
4. Drive away their crowd - to recovery (for oneself or loved ones).
5. Meowing near the house means that someone else liked the house.
6. For men, this is like a prediction of the unspoken complaints of his companion.

Why dream dead and dead

But an inanimate animal promises positive facts.
a dead black cat symbolizes victory over the enemy, a woman sees this before defeating a rival, a man - as a sign of career victories;
Vanga's dream book, insists that a dead individual is a shame;
a dead beast with live kittens draws attention to the needs of the dreamer's children;
a decaying corpse - to the fact that old troubles will soon surface;
An unexpectedly revived animal promises to lead from afar from relatives.

If a cat dreams of fleas, what does it mean

Such a sign is sent before conflicts with friends:
saw fleas jumping - wait for intrigues;
a clean animal was with fleas - the best friend will be disappointed and betray;
tried to get pests out - you are generous and this will help in the future.

If you dreamed of a white and red cat

The color of the animal in the dream books is taken into account when interpreting:

  • if dreamed black- the dream will come true soon;
  • dreaming redhead, expect fun events, the redhead scratches - news of pregnancy for a woman;
  • dreamed pure white- to change, on a tree she - to move, a ball drives - to an increase in salary;
  • appearing gray warns of traitors.

Why does a cat dream of a man

  1. Wet dreams of a man to an influential lady.
  2. No tail- to a complete victory over long-standing competitors.
  3. Red- to unbridled love passion.
  4. Stroking the beast- to a lady of easy behavior, seeking a man.
  5. Strangle an animal- to a break with your beloved.
  6. For business men a large animal marks:
  • farmers - a huge harvest;
  • businessmen - business growth, profit.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to tears, betrayal; black - an open enemy; white - an insidious friend, petty theft; scratched - illness; stroking - a personal miscalculation; feed - betrayal.

See pets in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Dreams about pets are not uncommon: in our lives, pets are sometimes perceived as family members and sometimes we treat them with more sympathy than family members! The images of pets should be considered in parallel with other dream events, although such dreams may be particularly significant or disturbing. The acquisition of a pet that you do not have in real life may reflect your desire to have a pet, however, such a dream can be figurative if owning a pet symbolizes some kind of personal relationship that you already have in real life. The death of an animal is another type of dream of this kind. Such a dream can symbolize your anxiety if in real life your pet is still alive. However, if he died, such a dream can serve as a symbol of the transition from one stage of your life to another. As you move forward, this symbol may pop up in your memory or remind you of yourself in preparation for a new similar transition. The third type of pet dream is a dream involving animals that you never had or wanted to have in real life. For example, in a dream, your pet may be a snake, but in real life, you are terribly afraid of snakes. Such a dream can symbolize the desire to win or establish control over a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, depending on which animal you are dealing with. What role does the pet play? Was it present in the dream as a companion, was it trying to impress anyone, or was it giving an element of novelty to an established relationship?

The meaning of a dream about a cheetah

according to Freud's dream book

A dreaming cheetah personifies your sex life - active, emotional and always associated with some degree of risk. You love spontaneous sex, non-traditional sex and sex in extreme situations, on the verge of being seen. This will turn you on and give you an extra thrill when making love. There is nothing pathological in your habit, so do not think badly about yourself and do not blame yourself for various “abnormalities”.

Dream about wild animals

according to Loff's dream book

Wild animals can represent those areas of our lives that are out of control. Many animals have a meaning-symbol, which largely explains their presence in dreams. Think about what this wild animal is associated with in real life in order to understand the reason for its presence in your dream. Dreams about domesticating wild animals are most likely dreams not about animals, but about interpersonal success or self-discipline. In many cases, the fact of peaceful coexistence with animals is a sign of harmony and hope for "smooth" interpersonal relationships in our lives. Does a wild animal pose a threat to you or does it obey you?

Seeing a leopard in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Spotted animals are of interest already because they stand out for their heterogeneous color. When we dream of people with spots or people in the form of leopards, it means that we have reason to suspect them of inconstancy and insincerity. A leopard hunting for prey is the personification of a person whom you do not trust. Review your recent relationship with such a person - and continue to be careful.

Seeing a leopard in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

A symbol of cruelty, ferocity, aggressiveness, fearlessness. Because the leopard's spots resemble eyes, it is called the Vigilant Guardian. The Chinese leopard symbolizes courage, warlike cruelty. In Christianity, it is the devil, sin, the second face of Satan, the Antichrist, a symbol of lust. The Egyptians have a leopard - the emblem of Osiris. The Greeks have an attribute of Dionysus, the creator and destroyer. Jews have speed. In heraldry, the leopard personifies courage, swiftness, and activity.

Dreamed of a lynx

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are looking at a lynx is a sign that enemies are undermining your business and trying to destroy your family foundations. For a woman, this dream means that she has a rival who claims the affection of her lover. If a woman kills a lynx in a dream, she will surpass her rival or dramatically change her fate for the better.

Why do animals dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

all animals of a strange, unusual look mean anxiety, difficulty. For example, a too unusual appearance (two heads, etc.) - very unusual interference or too strong anxieties; to see in the zoo - to travel or meet a famous person; speakers - good news; feed - ingratitude or deceit.

See animals in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Animals can play any role in a dream. As history shows, it was dreams about animals that proved the true value of dreams in general. They reveal the essence of personal problems and relationships, indicate the significance of circumstances. Animals can help us, talk to us, or they can chase, even eat or just be present in a dream, causing calm or, on the contrary, anxiety. Animals often appear in dreams under the influence of individual life experiences. To interpret a dream, it is important to compare your attitude towards any animal in real life and in a dream. At the same time, pay attention to the behavior of the animal in a dream and compare it with your stereotype of the perception of the animal in reality. This is significant, since perceptions in a dream and in reality can be diametrically opposed. Take, for example, a dog. A dog is a constant symbol of a devoted friend. However, in the depths of the subconscious, many people have an overwhelming fear of dogs. Essentially opposite social stereotypes are also associated with these animals, compare: "man's best friend" and "evil like a dog." People who are very afraid of dogs may have a dream in which this fear is justified, and the next night - a dream with the opposite direction. One of the fundamental points of interpretation is the actions of the dog. Is an animal chasing you? Bites you? Or are you talking to him? Pets are frequent guests in a dream, but they are not as attached to a modern person as they were in the days of subsistence farming. Domestic animals in the pasture, as a rule, symbolize security. Previously, dreams with such animals were seen as a sign of the prosperity and well-being of the earth. Killing animals is a rare dream event. It can be caused by two reasons: necessity or ordinary desire. Killing an animal out of necessity is the breadwinner archetype or survival dream. Such dreams often convey a sense of responsibility for others or a need to assert themselves. The unmotivated killing of an animal can be a simple realization of your desire, a projection of anger or dissatisfaction with some social taboo. The realization of desire or the projection of anger is largely related to how you perceive the animal being killed. Does this animal personify any person for you, or maybe you compare a person from your environment with any particular animal? The social taboo imposed by society on the unmotivated infliction of wounds or killing of animals has become the criterion by which people's antisocial behavior is judged. Therefore, it is not surprising that in dreams it can symbolize the breaking of a taboo. But, again, it is important how you perceive this animal. The starving animal is of interest in agricultural societies, such as in American Indian communities. The appearance of such animals in a dream conveys feelings or thoughts about the inconsistency or inadequacy of the requirements of reality. In the past, starving animals were considered an omen of great famine and pestilence. Starving animals can also symbolize interpersonal relationships with others. Here is a list of some stereotypical associations that are directly related to the images of animals and their inherent metaphorical symbolism in contrasting "good - bad". This symbolism is often used as the most characteristic features of a person: Cat / cat: calm, independent - aloof, irresponsible. Cow: breadwinner, noble, soft - shy. Dog: loyal, friendly - destructive, aggressive. Horse: hardworking, helpful - stubborn, independent. Mouse: calm, tiny - indecisive. Ox: hardworking - dumb. Pig: smart - gluttonous, dirty. Rabbit: fast, kind, productive - timid.

Dreamed of a kitten

according to Miller's dream book

For a woman to see a lovely, fluffy, white kitten in a dream is an omen that she will be lured into a trap set for her by deft deceit, but her common sense and prudence will avert trouble from her and she can avoid the ruin that threatened her. If the kittens are dirty or motley and skinny, then in reality she, blinded by shiny tinsel, will become a victim of someone's unseemly act. Seeing kittens means minor troubles and annoyances that will haunt you until you kill a kitten in a dream, and only after that your misadventures will stop. Seeing snakes killing kittens in a dream is a sign that your enemies, looking for ways to harm you, will eventually harm themselves.

cat in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The cat is a symbol of evil forces, witches, home comfort, shrines, good luck. Seeing a tabby cat walking along the road to the city - this dream suggests that before the appearance of a great man who will bring wisdom from above, people will recognize a cat or other animal that will be sent as a sign. Seeing a cat the size of a lion lying on the doorstep means that well-being depends on a well-thought-out animal policy. Seeing a black cat with red eyes - this dream indicates evil intentions that can end in bloodshed, characterizing the year 2023. Seeing a cat in a mantle made of mouse skins is a symbol of the fact that the events of 2008 will entail retribution, which will take place in 2011. Accidentally killing a cat means that in 2045 a particularly dangerous international criminal will be caught in Egypt. Seeing a city filled with cats is a symbol that portends an ecological catastrophe, drought, famine. Seeing a basket with kittens, which is carried with honor to the palace, accompanied by a column of people, means that in ten years a very strong and unpredictable person in his actions will be in power, who will be revered to such an extent that it can be compared with deification . This period can be called the era of democracy and independence in everything. Seeing a gallery of stuffed cats is a harbinger of official reprisals against those who believe in higher or otherworldly powers. Seeing a pack of cats that attacked a huge dog means that in 2018 there will be a major clash between the forces of good and evil, which will primarily affect family life and housekeeping. Seeing a tabby cat that fell into a mousetrap - this dream portends death or deliberate reprisal against a person - a messenger from God who will not be recognized. Seeing a red and yellow cat with green eyes is a harbinger that an absurd event in which the traditions of Japan will be affected will lead to an aggravation of relations between this country and the states related to this event. Seeing a cat couple decorated with colored ribbons means that in 2047 an event will occur that will unite the rulers and peoples of states that have not previously cooperated. Seeing a cat pouring wine into silver bowls is a symbol of good luck and prosperity in 2011 as a result of hard work and a law-abiding lifestyle.

A night journey to the kingdom of Morpheus for many of us is accompanied by various visions.

Science claims that sleep is a quirk of our subconscious, but we stubbornly continue to believe in its prophetic power.

So, why do cats dream, what do they want to tell us or what to warn about?

Most dream books interpret the appearance of a cat in a dream as a harbinger of trouble. Whether they will be large or small depends on the behavior of the animal in your dream.

Why do cats dream. Wait for trouble or joy?

Surprisingly, most dream books interpret the appearance of a cat in a dream as a harbinger of trouble.

Whether they are large or small depends on the behavior of the cat in your dream.

And only in one case, when you dreamed that a miniature tiger cub was catching a mouse, you can relax and wait for profit.

We compared several dream books, and realized that for the most part they agree in a negative opinion about the role of an animal in a dream.

Here's what Miller's famous Dream Book, which has become a real bestseller, and other equally popular publications say about cats.

To see a cat in a dream means to attract bad luck. Well, if you manage to drive the animal away, then the troubles will pass by.

Worse, if the cat decides to rush at you and does it, then get ready for the fact that your enemies intend to take away your wealth and discredit your reputation.

And again, if you manage to cope with the angry beast and throw it away from you, you will be able to resist the machinations of ill-wishers, and the property and reputation belonging to you will not be affected.

What to expect depending on the color of the cat

The answer to the question of what a black cat is dreaming of, which has already become a bad omen in real life, is ambiguous.

However, if a black cat dreamed from Monday night to Tuesday, then this is a clear warning of danger, but from Friday to Saturday, the animal portends you to receive a large amount of money.

For a man, a black cat in a dream is a betrayal of a woman, and if you dreamed that your wife suddenly turned into a graceful animal, then expect betrayal.

It is not difficult to understand what many cats dream of if you work in a not very friendly team. Most likely, your colleagues treat you negatively.

Whether this is a consequence of your behavior or the intrigue of one person against you, it does not matter, the main thing is that you will have a difficult confrontation with the team.

The adorable ginger that walks in your dream shines with the lies and deceit of your surroundings. Try to stand out less among friends so as not to face rudeness and aggression

Even more interesting is what a woman dreams of a cat, because the mistress of sleep herself is almost a cat in essence.

And yet, if you have a white fluffy kitten in your hands, keep in mind that someone is luring you into a trap, love or property, but by stroking it, you will be able to get away from deception.

An adult cat is your rival, beware of it, but rather look in your environment and try to neutralize it.

The cat meows angrily - do not believe the words of the man who is now next to you, most likely he is cynically hypocritical.

To a girl about to get married, a dreaming cat signals the unreliability of the chosen one, and to a potential groom, on the contrary, speaks of the difficult nature of the future wife.

Interpretation of what dreams White cat, is as ambiguous as the animal itself.

The purest whiteness of the wool, like that, does not exclude the cat's involvement in mystical creatures, fanned with notoriety.

A white cat can mean confusion in business, the uncertainty of actions and events that promise loss and disappointment.

He will also tell you about a friend who is dishonest with you or spreads gossip about you.

An attack by a white cat in a dream will lead to an unintentional collision with a friend.

There is no unequivocal answer to the question "why do cats dream?". It all depends on her actions in your dream. For example, to see an animal walking towards means a meeting with an enemy.

Why do cats dream. Action and result

The actions of cats in a dream also received their meaningful definitions.

If the animal you dreamed about is not an elegant figurine, but a completely living creature, then its every movement has its own meaning.

  • A cat scratched or bit you in a dream, which means that someone harbors a grudge against you or shamelessly slanders.
  • To see an animal walking towards means a meeting with the enemy.
  • The cat of your friend or acquaintance caresses you - he is in danger or illness.
  • If you caress an animal, then doubts gnaw at you, you intuitively do not trust someone. Be discreet and restrained in frank conversations.
  • A fun game with a cat in a dream indicates the infidelity of your life partner.
  • Hear the cat meow, but do not see it, someone will deceive you.
  • You hurt a cat in a dream - check your conscience for cleanliness.
  • It's good if you catch a cat in a dream. This means that you will expose the one who gossips about you.
  • An unexpectedly attacked cat portends a misfortune for which you are not at all ready.

There is nothing good in dreams where kittens walk around.

Kittens in a dream - to minor quarrels and troubles. They will haunt you until you kill the little dirty tricks in your sleep.

It's cruel, but it's just a dream where you can handle trouble without hurting a real animal.

Thin, dirty, motley kittens are tinsel that obscures your eyes. Expect an unseemly action from your friend.

It's great if a snake appears in your dream that will kill the kittens, protecting you from enemies, directing their anger at themselves.

Thin, dirty, motley kittens are tinsel that obscures your eyes. Expect an unseemly action from your friend

Mysteries continue

How to get away from the mystical component of the feline race, even if the quatrains of the great Nostradamus speak of dreams involving cats.

According to the famous Frenchman, a striped cat walking towards the gates of the city portends the appearance of a person who will bring great wisdom to people.

The city you dreamed about, filled with cats, is waiting for drought and disaster.

In predictions of future events, Nostradamus mentioned that he dreamed of a cat and a cat decorated with colored ribbons.

Michel suggested that in 2047, countries that had previously been at war with each other would unite for the benefit of a common goal and begin mutually beneficial cooperation.

Should we believe the mysterious predictor, or listen to our own intuition, or trust the dream books?

How to decide what cats and kittens dream of when there are so many different interpretations?

You can’t get an unambiguous answer, because such is he, the foggy world of dreams, and such is she, the contradictory planet of cats.

By the way, if you dreamed about your own pet, then whatever he does in a dream, everything is fine, and this does not portend anything.

More precisely, it means only one thing, that you love him very much.

Why do cats dream: interpretation of dreams involving four-legged pussies

In various dream books, the answer to the question of what cats dream of is unambiguous - to trouble. But what a misfortune it is, it all depends on what kind of cat you saw, what she did in a dream and who dreamed about it.

5 /5 (4 )

Cats have always been considered beloved pets. At the same time, many esotericists say that the cat symbolizes the masculine principle, and the cat symbolizes the feminine. It’s not for nothing that women see cats in their dreams much more often. These creatures, which have always been disposed towards man, personify harmony and comfort. Therefore, the knowledge of why does a cat dream in a woman's dream, can help you avoid confusion and understand many of the animal's important clues.

Why does a woman dream of a cat

The appearance of a cat in a dream very often carries a negative connotation for a woman. She can warn of problems in the family or at work, health difficulties and many other troubles.

But cats also remind a person that negativity can be avoided if you draw up a competent action plan and follow it clearly, based on the prompts of the animal.


A married lady should be wary of a dream with a cat. After all, cats for family women are considered a symbol of the appearance of a rival.

After such a dream, you should not sound the alarm and go to sort things out with your husband. It is much wiser to simply observe the female environment among family friends.

The sooner you can figure out that fatal person, the better it will be for the woman. There will be more chances to save the family.


An unmarried lady should beware of deceit or betrayal by her beloved in the near future.

Unpleasant meetings with unwanted people from the past are possible, which will pretty spoil the mood.

Among friends, an enemy can lurk, ready at any moment to hit a woman in the back.

Watch the video. Why do cats dream of a woman?


Cats, peacefully sitting in a girl's arms, in reality promise minor troubles, including financial ones.


If the cat in the dream of a pregnant woman was with her offspring, then the dream is a good omen, but only if the kittens belonged to the dreamer's cat, and not someone else's.

60% of dreams promise trouble

Little multi-colored kittens, which no one pays attention to, speak of an imminent meeting with ill-wishers. Kittens can often symbolize enemies.

dream interpretation

There are different interpretations of dreams involving cats. It is desirable to consider the most common in detail.

Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book warns that a cat in a dream does not predict anything good for the dreamer.

But the meaning of sleep can change if the dreamer managed to drive the cat away.

If the animal was dirty in a dream, then someone close will bring unpleasant news. If you heard a cat meow, you too often succumb to the negative influence of others, because of this, your dreams and goals will be unrealistic for a long time if you yourself do not change the picture.

If the cat managed to scratch the dreamer, then you should take a closer look at the environment, perhaps there is a hidden hostility between friends.

A well-groomed animal means the correct direction of the dream, but the senselessness of the current actions of the sleeping one, which simply wastes its strength.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga also had a negative attitude towards the appearance of cats in a dream. She considered them to be harbingers of quarrels and family conflicts, as well as the reason for parting with a partner or a long quarrel with him.

If a woman tries to catch an animal, then a meeting with a selfishly minded person is soon expected, which can exert various pressures on the dreamer.

A bitten animal speaks of vain jealousy.

A black cat promises danger from enemies.

If you saw a lot of cats, then you should avoid ambiguous situations, otherwise shame cannot be avoided.

Freud's dream book

Freud associates cats with the intimate and personal side of the dreamer's life.

If in a dream you had to stroke an animal, calmly sitting in your arms, the woman is actively looking for a partner.

If a cat scratched a woman, she may have unconventional and unusual inclinations, which she herself does not suspect.

In order to get a clearer interpretation of the dream, it is important to compare as many dream descriptions as possible from authoritative sources. The more of them, the less details will be missed.

Interpretation by days of the week

Many interpreters of dreams are sure that the most accurate result of the interpretation of visions will give an analysis by day of the week.

For example, in the first half of the week, and up to Wednesday, light and often prophetic dreams are dreamed.

A dream on Thursday speaks of career and financial matters.

Friday is the day of love. Therefore, dreams during this period symbolize the dreamer's personal life.

Saturday is the day when a dream can warn of upcoming problems, and on Sunday a night dream can give a hint for the future.

To interpret such dreams, it is worth analyzing not only the day of the week, but also the behavior of the cat, as well as any other details of sleep. Even the mood with which the dreamer woke up may turn out to be important.

The woman dreamed of a cat

Most often, cats are associated by interpreters of dreams with the dreamer's negative character traits and events that will soon happen in life.

If you had to contact an animal in a dream, you should take a closer look at your health and, just in case, take general tests.


If you had to see a white animal, then the dream speaks of good and positive moments in life.

A snow-white cat symbolizes a new acquaintance, and if she brought a mouse in her teeth, one should expect an improvement in material well-being.

A cat trying to hide promises good luck in your endeavors.


A black cat, contrary to popular belief, speaks of a highly developed sixth sense and, possibly, the presence of paranormal abilities in a woman. It is worth thinking about developing your talent, and at the moments of making important decisions, listen to the voice of intuition more often.

But such a dream also has a negative connotation. In some cases, the cat symbolizes possible betrayal or the presence of a hidden manipulator in the environment.

If you try, the dreamer will be able to find him and improve his affairs by breaking off contact with him.


Such an animal warns of the likelihood of deception by a loved one. Don't draw too much attention to yourself.


The gray animal speaks of boredom and monotony in life.

Fate hints with such a sign that a woman needs to take a break and try to relax. It is possible that, having revised her plans, she will understand where she wasted her strength in vain.

If the dreamer works in the office, then the gray cat speaks of imminent depression. You need to pull yourself together, otherwise there is a risk of stress and burnout at work.


Such a dream may indicate the presence of a rival in the dreamer's life. The brighter the color of the fluffy, the more the rival likes the sleeping lover.

However, if a woman does not hesitate, then the situation can be corrected.


Siamese cats say that the dreamer will soon have to pay for previously committed sins. Therefore, it is desirable to remember past mistakes and try to settle karmic affairs.

If the cat in a dream was beautiful and well-groomed, you should expect competition at work. The reason for this will be the struggle for a prestigious place.

It is likely that the animal symbolizes a woman claiming a leadership position.


This sign is considered good, and promises a woman a solution to problems, as well as material success. The goals will be achieved, it is necessary to build further plans.

A meeting with a new boyfriend is possible, and it can come to a wedding.


If a homeless animal crosses the sleeping road, this symbol is considered negative.

Hopes are not destined to come true in the near future, and it is better to move all plans, because now is not the best time for their implementation.

In this case, the color of a stray cat does not matter, it speaks of failures and an unfavorable period. But it is worth remembering that cats only warn a person of trouble. Therefore, if you approach the issue wisely, you can reduce the consequences of a negative life stage.


This dream reflects the state of mind of the dreamer. He says that a favorable period is coming, everything is smooth in the woman’s soul, she is satisfied with life.

Sleeping can relax and take a break from problems. The main thing is that later it does not turn out to be the calm before the storm.


An aggressive cat warns of dangers in the financial sector.

It is possible that the enemies will try to do everything to take away her own property from the woman, and also to prevent the plans from becoming a reality.

But if you manage to drive away aggressive animals, then you can avoid many problems.


A cat in this state tells the woman that she should not lose her vigilance in the near future. You need to tune in to fight with activated enemies.


A wounded animal indicates that soon someone will need the dreamer's help. Perhaps the old enemy will decide to give up and mend the relationship.

A dead cat on the threshold warns of slander against the sleeping one from the inner circle.

Seeing a cat in a dream for a woman

If we analyze the overall picture of sleep, then in most cases cats are interpreted as negative omens. However, you should not take such a dream with hostility.

Perhaps the animal only wants to help and warn of danger. And how to act in this or that situation, the dreamer will have to decide.

The main thing is to set yourself up in a positive way, then even the worst dream will lose its strength and turn out to be nothing more than a vision.

Catching a mouse

Such a dream speaks of an imminent improvement in the financial situation of a woman, poverty will be ended thanks to the efforts of the dreamer. In this case, the intrigues of enemies lose their power, and manipulative techniques are doomed to failure.
