White Guard content by chapter. White Guard book read online. Failed attempt to save the city

Winter 1918/19 A certain City, in which Kyiv is clearly guessed. The city is occupied by the German occupation troops, the hetman of "all Ukraine" is in power. However, Petliura's army may enter the City from day to day - fighting is already going on twelve kilometers from the City. The city lives a strange, unnatural life: it is full of visitors from Moscow and St. Petersburg - bankers, businessmen, journalists, lawyers, poets - who rushed there from the moment the hetman was elected, from the spring of 1918.

In the dining room of the Turbins' house at dinner, Alexei Turbin, a doctor, his younger brother Nikolka, a non-commissioned officer, their sister Elena and family friends - lieutenant Myshlaevsky, second lieutenant Stepanov, nicknamed Karas and lieutenant Shervinsky, adjutant in the headquarters of Prince Belorukov, commander of all the military forces of Ukraine - excitedly discussing the fate of their beloved City. Senior Turbin believes that the hetman is to blame for everything with his Ukrainization: until the very last moment he did not allow the formation of the Russian army, and if this happened on time, a select army of junkers, students, high school students and officers, of which there are thousands, would be formed, and not only would they have defended the City, but Petliura would not have had a spirit in Little Russia, moreover, they would have gone to Moscow and saved Russia.

Elena's husband, Captain of the General Staff Sergei Ivanovich Talberg, announces to his wife that the Germans are leaving the City and that he, Talberg, is being taken on the staff train departing tonight. Talberg is sure that even three months will not pass before he returns to the City with Denikin's army, which is now being formed on the Don. Until then, he can't take Elena into the unknown and she'll have to stay in the City.

To protect against the advancing troops of Petlyura, the formation of Russian military formations begins in the City. Karas, Myshlaevsky and Alexei Turbin come to the commander of the emerging mortar division, Colonel Malyshev, and enter the service: Karas and Myshlaevsky - as officers, Turbin - as a divisional doctor. However, the next night - from December 13 to 14 - the hetman and General Belorukov flee from the City in a German train, and Colonel Malyshev disbands the newly formed division: he has no one to defend, there is no legal authority in the City.

Colonel Nai-Tours by December 10 completes the formation of the second department of the first squad. Considering the conduct of the war without winter equipment for soldiers impossible, Colonel Nai-Tours, threatening the head of the supply department with a colt, receives felt boots and hats for his one hundred and fifty junkers. On the morning of December 14, Petliura attacks the City; Nai-Tours receives an order to guard the Polytechnic Highway and, in the event of the appearance of the enemy, to take the fight. Nai-Turs, having entered into battle with the advanced detachments of the enemy, sends three cadets to find out where the hetman's units are. The sent ones return with a message that there are no units anywhere, machine-gun fire is in the rear, and the enemy cavalry enters the City. Nye realizes that they are trapped.

An hour earlier, Nikolai Turbin, corporal of the third division of the first infantry squad, receives an order to lead the team along the route. Arriving at the appointed place, Nikolka sees with horror the running junkers and hears the command of Colonel Nai-Tours, ordering all the junkers - both his own and from Nikolka's team - to tear off shoulder straps, cockades, throw weapons, tear documents, run and hide. The colonel himself covers the withdrawal of the junkers. In front of Nikolka's eyes, the mortally wounded colonel dies. Shocked, Nikolka, leaving Nai-Turs, makes his way to the house through courtyards and lanes.

In the meantime, Alexei, who was not informed about the dissolution of the division, having appeared, as he was ordered, at two o'clock, finds an empty building with abandoned guns. Having found Colonel Malyshev, he gets an explanation of what is happening: the city is taken by Petliura's troops. Aleksey, tearing off his shoulder straps, goes home, but runs into Petliura's soldiers, who, recognizing him as an officer (in his haste he forgot to tear off the cockade from his hat), pursue him. Wounded in the arm, Alexei is sheltered in her house by a woman unknown to him named Yulia Reise. The next day, having changed Alexei into a civilian dress, Yulia takes him home in a cab. Simultaneously with Aleksey, Larion, Talberg's cousin, comes from Zhytomyr to the Turbins, who has experienced a personal drama: his wife left him. Larion really likes being in the Turbins' house, and all the Turbins find him very nice.

Vasily Ivanovich Lisovich, nicknamed Vasilisa, the owner of the house in which the Turbins live, occupies the first floor in the same house, while the Turbins live in the second. On the eve of the day when Petlyura entered the City, Vasilisa builds a hiding place in which she hides money and jewelry. However, through a gap in a loosely curtained window, an unknown person is watching Vasilisa's actions. The next day, three armed men come to Vasilisa with a search warrant. First of all, they open the cache, and then they take Vasilisa's watch, suit and shoes. After the "guests" left, Vasilisa and his wife guess that they were bandits. Vasilisa runs to the Turbins, and Karas is sent to protect them from a possible new attack. The usually stingy Vanda Mikhailovna, Vasilisa's wife, does not skimp here: there is cognac, veal, and pickled mushrooms on the table. Happy Karas is dozing, listening to Vasilisa's plaintive speeches.

Three days later, Nikolka, having learned the address of the Nai-Tours family, goes to the colonel's relatives. He tells Nye's mother and sister the details of his death. Together with the colonel's sister, Irina, Nikolka finds the body of Nai-Turs in the morgue, and on the same night, a funeral service is held in the chapel at the anatomical theater of Nai-Turs.

A few days later, Alexei's wound becomes inflamed, and in addition, he has typhus: high fever, delirium. According to the conclusion of the consultation, the patient is hopeless; On December 22, the agony begins. Elena locks herself in the bedroom and passionately prays to the Most Holy Theotokos, begging to save her brother from death. “Let Sergei not return,” she whispers, “but don’t punish this with death.” To the amazement of the doctor on duty with him, Alexei regains consciousness - the crisis has passed.

A month and a half later, the finally recovered Alexei goes to Yulia Reisa, who saved him from death, and gives her the bracelet of his deceased mother. Alexei asks Yulia for permission to visit her. After leaving Yulia, he meets Nikolka, who is returning from Irina Nai-Tours.

Elena receives a letter from a friend from Warsaw, in which she informs her about Thalberg's upcoming marriage to their mutual friend. Elena, sobbing, remembers her prayer.

On the night of February 2-3, Petliura's troops begin to leave the City. The roar of the guns of the Bolsheviks approaching the City is heard.


The White Guard (1923-1924) is one of the most famous novels by the outstanding Russian prose writer Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov (1891-1940). The novel is a gripping narrative of the tragic events of 1918 in Ukraine, engulfed in the unrest of the Civil War. The book is intended for the most general audience.

Dedicated to Lyubov Evgenievna Belozerskaya

Light snow began to fall and suddenly fell in flakes.
The wind howled; there was a blizzard. In an instant
the dark sky mingled with the snowy sea. All
- Well, sir, - shouted the coachman, - trouble: a snowstorm!
"Captain's daughter"

And the dead were judged according to what was written in the books
according to your business...


Great was the year and terrible year after the birth of Christ 1918, from the beginning of the second revolution. It was abundant in the sun in summer and snow in winter, and two stars stood especially high in the sky: the shepherd's star - evening Venus and red, trembling Mars.
But the days, both in peaceful and bloody years, fly like an arrow, and the young Turbins did not notice how white, shaggy December came in a hard frost. Oh, our Christmas tree grandfather, sparkling with snow and happiness! Mom, bright queen, where are you?
A year after daughter Elena married captain Sergei Ivanovich Talberg, and in the week when the eldest son, Alexei Vasilyevich Turbin, after hard campaigns, service and troubles, returned to Ukraine in the City, in his native nest, a white coffin with his mother's body they took it down the steep Alekseevsky descent to Podol, to the small church of St. Nicholas the Good, on Vzvoz.
When mother was buried, it was May, cherry trees and acacias tightly covered the lancet windows. Father Alexander, stumbling with sadness and embarrassment, shone and sparkled at the golden lights, and the deacon, purple in face and neck, all forged gold to the very toes of his boots, creaking on the welt, gloomily rumbled the words of church farewell to the mother leaving her children.
Alexei, Elena, Talberg and Anyuta, who had grown up in Turbina's house, and Nikolka, stunned by death, with a whirlwind hanging over his right eyebrow, stood at the feet of the old brown Saint Nicholas. Nikolka's blue eyes, set on the sides of a long bird's nose, looked bewildered, slain. Occasionally he erected them on the iconostasis, on the vault of the altar sinking in the twilight, where the sad and mysterious old god ascended, blinking. Why such an insult? Injustice? Why was it necessary to take away the mother when everyone had gathered, when relief had come?
The god flying away into the black, cracked sky did not give an answer, and Nikolka himself did not yet know that everything that happens is always the way it should be, and only for the better.
They sang the burial service, went out to the echoing slabs of the porch and accompanied the mother through the whole huge city to the cemetery, where under the black marble cross the father had long been lying. And they buried my mother. Eh... eh...

For many years before his death, in house N_13 on Alekseevsky Spusk, a tiled stove in the dining room warmed and raised little Helenka, Alexei the elder, and the very tiny Nikolka. As often read by the burning tiled square "Saardam Carpenter", the clock played gavotte, and always at the end of December there was a smell of pine needles, and multi-colored paraffin burned on green branches. In response, with a bronze gavotte, with the gavotte that stands in the bedroom of the mother, and now Yelenka, they beat black walls in the dining room with a tower battle. Their father bought them a long time ago, when women wore funny, bubble sleeves at the shoulders.

Part two

Colonel Kozyr-Leshko woke up fifteen versts from the City. Having worked as a rural teacher for many years, in 1914 Kozyr went to war. It turned out that this was his vocation, so already in 1917 he was promoted to officer, and in 1918 he was a colonel in the Petliura army. He ordered his lads to get out of the huts. Soon the regiment was swinging in the saddles. Bely Guy passed, letting one and a half thousand infantry go ahead. Military forces were gathering at the approaches to the City. The frozen chains of junkers moved closer to the core of the City.

The train of another Petliurist commander, Toropets, stood under the City, surrounded on all sides. Toropets himself developed a plan, according to which the city army was to be drawn to the outskirts of Kurenevka. Then the commander himself could hit the City head-on. From the left flank to the right flank moved the black hat regiment of Kozyr-Leshko. On the right side of him, a fight had already begun.

Colonel Shchetkin had not been at the headquarters since morning, since the headquarters as such no longer existed. First, the colonel's two adjutants disappeared. Then Shchetkin himself came out in a civilian shaggy coat and a hat with a pie. He arrived in Lipki, in a small, well-furnished apartment, kissed a plump golden blonde and went to bed. Nobody understood anything in the City. The hetman was here at the same time (no one knew about his mysterious disappearance), and His Excellency Prince Belorukov, and General Kartuzov, who was forming squads to protect the City. People did not understand why Petliura's units approached the City in echelon after echelon. Maybe an agreement with Petliura? Then why did the white officer guns fire at those approaching the City? Complete confusion reigned in the City on the afternoon of the fourteenth of December. Less and less calls were heard at the headquarters. Finally, machine guns sounded right on the streets of the City.

Colonel Bolbotun, tired of waiting for instructions from Colonel Toropets, ordered his frozen cavalry regiment to move towards the railroad tracks encircling the city. He stopped a passenger train that brought to the City a new batch of Muscovites and Petersburgers with rich women and shaggy dogs. Bolbotun was not expected, so he freely entered the City, meeting resistance only at the columned school. The colonel stopped, thinking that he was confronted by a large force. However, the defenders turned out to be thirty junkers and four officers with one machine gun. The city center was instantly empty.

The colonel walked half a verst from Pechersk Square to Reznikova Street, until a few help arrived in time for the retreating cadets in the person of fourteen officers, three cadets, one student, one actor and one turtle. They could not resist Bolbotun. Four cars were supposed to come up, but because of Mikhail Semenovich Shpolyansky, the commander of the second car, this did not happen. Shpolyansky was an excellent orator and reader. Arguing about why they should defend the hetman, Mikhail Semyonovich gradually won the love of two drivers and mechanics. As a result, they prepared three vehicles for battle in such a way that none of them could move. In the morning, Captain Pleshko demanded a mechanic, but he disappeared. A rumor spread that he had contracted typhus. Ensign Shpolyansky, like Shchur, also disappeared without a trace. Some time later, artillerymen Duvan and Maltsev and a couple of machine gunners disappeared from the division. At noon, the battalion commander Captain Pleshko himself disappeared.

Part of Colonel Nai-Thurs wandered through the snowdrifts under the City for three days, until at last they returned to the city. The colonel took care of his subordinates, so one hundred and fifty cadets and three ensigns were dressed in felt boots and hats. On the night of the fourteenth, Nai-Tours looked at the map of the City. The headquarters did not bother, only in the afternoon a cadet arrived and brought a note in which he was ordered to guard the Polytechnic Highway. It was on the part of the colonel that Kozyr-Lyashko came out. The rumble of shutters swept through the chains of the junkers: on the orders of the commander, they accepted the battle. The forces were nervous, and Nai-Tursa began to retreat into the city. Once in Brest-Litovsky Lane, the colonel sent intelligence to find out where the locations of other units defending the City were. The junkers returned without finding any units. The commander turned to face the chains and loudly gave an unusual command.

At that time, twenty-eight cadets from the infantry squad under the command of the senior in rank, Nikolka Turbin, languished in the former barracks on Lvovskaya Street. The department commander, staff captain Bezrukov and two ensigns, having gone to headquarters in the morning, did not return. At about three o'clock a phone call rang out and ordered to withdraw the team along the route.

Alexei Turbin slept like a dead sleep until two o'clock in the afternoon. The young man paced the room. In a hurry, having forgotten his civil passport on the table and saying goodbye to Elena, he rushed out of the house. The sister remained at home with an unhappy face.

The doctor got into a cab and drove towards the museum. When he reached the place, he saw an armed crowd. Alexey was afraid that he was late. He ran to Anzhu and found Colonel Malyshev there, who for some reason shaved off his mustache. The military man was transformed and looked like a rather dense student. The colonel explained to the unsuspecting Alexei that the headquarters had betrayed them and he disbanded the division, Petlyura in the city. The military man advised him to quickly take off his shoulder straps and run through the back door. Then he turned around and fled. Turbin took off his epaulettes, put them in the oven, set them on fire, and then followed his former commander.

Nikolka led his fighters through the entire City along the route and stopped in one of the lanes. Suddenly, shots rang out, and the young man saw the same cadets in a furious run pour down the alley. Soon Nikolka ran into Nai-Turs, who tore off his shoulder straps and ordered him to drop his weapons and flee home. A few minutes later the alley was empty. Nikolka refused, intending to use the machine gun. The colonel scolded someone for almost killing the guys. He again turned to the young man, ordering him to run. Nikolka did not have time to ask the commander what all this meant, when he was killed by shrapnel. The young man felt fear, he put the Colt in his pocket and rushed down the alley. In one of the yards, a janitor seized him, shouting that the Junkers should be kept. Nikolka broke free and pulled out a Colt. The janitor fell to his knees and howled in a wild voice. The young man wanted to shoot, but the weapon was unloaded. Then he hit the screaming man with a colt. He ran into the lane from which Nikolka had run. The young man was in a trap, he knew that the janitor would call the Petliurists here at that very moment. Somehow, bloody hands, he flew over the wall, hitting the same yard.

Reaching home with difficulty, Nikolka learned from Elena that Alexei had not yet returned. The sister was very worried about her older brother and did not let her younger brother go anywhere. Finally Nikolka went out into the yard, fighting the urge to climb the snowy heights and see what was going on in the City. Returning home, the young man fell asleep like the dead. Elena waited for Alexei all night.

Nikolka woke up because some unknown person was complaining about his unfaithful mistress. He came from Zhytomyr and told the young man that his brother had come with him. Nikolka heard Elena's voice and ran to the dining room. There, on the couch under the clock, in someone else's coat and black trousers, lay Alexei Turbin, who had been brought by some lady. He was wounded. Nikolka ran for the doctor.

An hour later, red scraps of bandages lay everywhere in the room, a basin full of red water stood on the floor. Alexei had already regained consciousness and was trying to say something. The doctor assured the relatives that the bone and large blood vessels were not affected, but warned that there could be suppuration due to fragments of the overcoat that got into the wound. The turbine was stripped and carried to the bed.

The unknown did not take part in the chores, only looked first at the broken plates, then at Elena. The doctor took no money. Promising to come in the evening and keep quiet about everything that happened, the doctor left.

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Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The White Guard takes place in Ukraine at the height of the civil war. The city, according to the author's description, strongly reminiscent of Kyiv, is occupied by German troops. From day to day Petliura's troops could come here. Confusion and confusion reigns everywhere.

At dinner at the Turbins

In the big house of the Turbins, several military men are talking at dinner: military doctor Aleksey Turbin, non-commissioned officer Nikolai Turbin, lieutenant Myshlevsky, second lieutenant Stepanov, nicknamed Karas, and lieutenant Shervinsky, adjutant of the headquarters of the armed forces of Ukraine. Also at the table is the sister of the Turbins Elena.

We are talking about the terrible prospects for the arrival of Petliura's troops and the search for ways to prevent this.

Aleksey Turbin believes that if it were not for the Ukrainian hetman, in a city where many officers and cadets have accumulated, it would be possible to assemble a good army not only to repulse Petlyura, but also to save all of Russia.

The rest do not object to him, but argue that the reigning chaos and the desire to quickly escape from here will not lead to anything good.

At this time, Sergei Ivanovich Talberg, the husband of Elena Turbina, appears and, as if in confirmation of the last words, reports that tonight he must leave the city along with the German troops. Consoling his wife, he promises to return in 3 months with Denikin's army.

Failed attempt to save the city

Meanwhile, a division was formed in the city under the command of Colonel Malyshev. Karas, Myshlevsky and Alexei Turbin are happy to sign up for his service. The next day they should appear at the headquarters of the division in full military bearing. However, at night, together with the German troops, the hetman leaves the city along with all his council, and Colonel Malyshev disbands his small army. Petliura enters the city.

Knowing nothing about these events, Alexei Turbin comes to the headquarters of the already disbanded division and, having learned about what happened, with annoyance tears off his officer's badges. Walking through the city, he attracts the attention of the Petliura soldiers and realizes with horror that he forgot to take off the officer's hat from his hat. He runs under fire from the Petliurists and one of the bullets hits him in the arm. But at the most critical moment, an unfamiliar young woman saves him, hiding in her house.

Parallel to this, dramatic events take place outside the city. There, Colonel Nai-Tours gathered his combat detachment, which Nikolai Turbin also joined, and is preparing to defend the city from Petlyura. A battle ensues, during which Nai-Tours learns that Petliura's troops bypassed him with their bulk and entered the city. The courageous colonel gives the order to all his soldiers to leave, and he himself dies in front of Nikolai, covering his soldiers and officers.

Meanwhile, Alexei falls seriously ill. He has typhus and his wounded arm is inflamed. A council of doctors comes to a terrible conclusion: Turbin will not be able to survive. But despite this, Alexei miraculously manages to avoid death.

Artillery cannonade is heard outside the window. Petlyura's troops leave the city. Soon the Red Army will enter it.

On these two optimistic notes, the novel ends.

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov

"White Guard"

Winter 1918/19 A certain City, in which Kyiv is clearly guessed. The city is occupied by the German occupation troops, the hetman of "all Ukraine" is in power. However, any day now Petlyura's army may enter the City - fighting is already going on twelve kilometers from the City. The city lives a strange, unnatural life: it is full of visitors from Moscow and St. Petersburg - bankers, businessmen, journalists, lawyers, poets - who rushed there from the moment the hetman was elected, from the spring of 1918.

In the dining room of the Turbins' house at dinner, Alexei Turbin, a doctor, his younger brother Nikolka, a non-commissioned officer, their sister Elena and family friends - lieutenant Myshlaevsky, second lieutenant Stepanov, nicknamed Karas and lieutenant Shervinsky, adjutant in the headquarters of Prince Belorukov, commander of all the military forces of Ukraine , — excitedly discussing the fate of their beloved City. Senior Turbin believes that the hetman is to blame for everything with his Ukrainization: until the very last moment, he did not allow the formation of the Russian army, and if this happened on time, a select army of junkers, students, high school students and officers, of which there are thousands, would be formed, and not only would they have defended the City, but Petliura would not have had a spirit in Little Russia, moreover, they would have gone to Moscow and saved Russia.

Elena's husband, Captain of the General Staff Sergei Ivanovich Talberg, announces to his wife that the Germans are leaving the City and that he, Talberg, is being taken on the staff train departing tonight. Talberg is sure that even three months will not pass before he returns to the City with Denikin's army, which is now being formed on the Don. Until then, he can't take Elena into the unknown and she'll have to stay in the City.

To protect against the advancing troops of Petlyura, the formation of Russian military formations begins in the City. Karas, Myshlaevsky and Alexei Turbin come to the commander of the emerging mortar division, Colonel Malyshev, and enter the service: Karas and Myshlaevsky as officers, Turbin as a divisional doctor. However, the next night - from December 13 to 14 - the hetman and General Belorukov flee the City in a German train, and Colonel Malyshev disbands the newly formed division: he has no one to defend, there is no legal authority in the City.

Colonel Nai-Tours by December 10 completes the formation of the second department of the first squad. Considering the conduct of the war without winter equipment for soldiers impossible, Colonel Nai-Tours, threatening the head of the supply department with a colt, receives felt boots and hats for his one hundred and fifty junkers. On the morning of December 14, Petliura attacks the City; Nai-Tours receives an order to guard the Polytechnic Highway and, in the event of the appearance of the enemy, to take the fight. Nai-Turs, having entered into battle with the advanced detachments of the enemy, sends three cadets to find out where the hetman's units are. The sent ones return with a message that there are no units anywhere, machine-gun fire is in the rear, and the enemy cavalry is entering the City. Nye realizes that they are trapped.

An hour earlier, Nikolai Turbin, corporal of the third division of the first infantry squad, receives an order to lead the team along the route. Arriving at the appointed place, Nikolka sees with horror the running junkers and hears the command of Colonel Nai-Tours, ordering all the junkers - both his own and from Nikolka's team - to tear off shoulder straps, cockades, drop weapons, tear documents, run and hide. The colonel himself covers the withdrawal of the junkers. In front of Nikolka's eyes, the mortally wounded colonel dies. Shocked, Nikolka, leaving Nai-Turs, makes his way to the house through courtyards and lanes.

In the meantime, Alexei, who was not informed about the dissolution of the division, having appeared, as he was ordered, at two o'clock, finds an empty building with abandoned guns. Having found Colonel Malyshev, he gets an explanation of what is happening: the city is taken by Petliura's troops. Aleksey, tearing off his shoulder straps, goes home, but runs into Petliura's soldiers, who, recognizing him as an officer (in his haste he forgot to tear off the cockade from his hat), pursue him. Wounded in the hand, Alexei is sheltered in her house by a woman unknown to him named Julia Reiss. The next day, having changed Alexei into a civilian dress, Yulia takes him home in a cab. Simultaneously with Aleksey, Larion, Talberg's cousin, comes from Zhytomyr to the Turbins, who has experienced a personal drama: his wife left him. Larion really likes being in the Turbins' house, and all the Turbins find him very nice.

Vasily Ivanovich Lisovich, nicknamed Vasilisa, the owner of the house in which the Turbins live, occupies the first floor in the same house, while the Turbins live in the second. On the eve of the day when Petlyura entered the City, Vasilisa builds a hiding place in which she hides money and jewelry. However, through a gap in a loosely curtained window, an unknown person is watching Vasilisa's actions. The next day, three armed men come to Vasilisa with a search warrant. First of all, they open the cache, and then they take Vasilisa's watch, suit and shoes. After the "guests" left, Vasilisa and his wife guess that they were bandits. Vasilisa runs to the Turbins, and Karas is sent to protect them from a possible new attack. The usually stingy Vanda Mikhailovna, Vasilisa's wife, does not skimp here: there is cognac, veal, and pickled mushrooms on the table. Happy Karas is dozing, listening to Vasilisa's plaintive speeches.

Three days later, Nikolka, having learned the address of the Nai-Tours family, goes to the colonel's relatives. He tells Nye's mother and sister the details of his death. Together with the colonel's sister, Irina, Nikolka finds the body of Nai-Turs in the morgue, and on the same night, a funeral service is held in the chapel at the anatomical theater of Nai-Turs.

A few days later, Alexei's wound becomes inflamed, and in addition, he has typhus: high fever, delirium. According to the conclusion of the consultation, the patient is hopeless; On December 22, the agony begins. Elena locks herself in the bedroom and passionately prays to the Most Holy Theotokos, begging to save her brother from death. “Let Sergei not return,” she whispers, “but don’t punish this with death.” To the amazement of the doctor on duty with him, Alexey regains consciousness - the crisis has passed.

A month and a half later, the finally recovered Alexei goes to Julia Reiss, who saved him from death, and gives her the bracelet of his deceased mother. Alexei asks Yulia for permission to visit her. After leaving Yulia, he meets Nikolka, who is returning from Irina Nai-Tours.

Elena receives a letter from a friend from Warsaw, in which she informs her about Thalberg's upcoming marriage to their mutual friend. Elena, sobbing, remembers her prayer.

On the night of February 2-3, Petliura's troops begin to leave the City. The roar of the guns of the Bolsheviks approaching the City is heard.

In the winter of 1918/19, a certain City (meaning Kyiv) is occupied by German troops, power belongs to the hetman of "all Ukraine." The City is restless - an invasion of Petliura's troops is expected.

Doctor Alexei Turbin, his sister Elena, their brother, non-commissioned officer Nikolka, and friends - lieutenants Myshlaevsky and Shervinsy and second lieutenant Stepanov, nicknamed Karas, gathered in the dining room of the Turbins' house. Elena's husband, Captain of the General Staff Sergei Talberg, tells his wife that he must leave the City that night. To protect the City from Petliura's army, Russian military formations are formed.

Alexei Turbin, Karas and Myshlaevsky enter the service in the emerging mortar division: Karas and Myshlaevsky as officers, and Turbin as a doctor. However, the next night, the hetman and commander-in-chief Belorukov flee the city, and the new division has to be disbanded - since there is no power in the city, then there is no one to defend.

On the morning of December 14, Petliura's troops attack the City. Colonel Nai-Tours enters the battle with the enemy. Having learned that there are no hetman units anywhere in the city, he realizes that his detachment is trapped. He orders his junkers to tear off their shoulder straps, run and hide. Having received a mortal wound, the colonel dies. All this happens in front of Nikolka Turbin, who arrived at the battlefield with his team of cadets. Leaving Nai-Turs, Nikolka flees.

At this time, Alexei Turbin is pursued by Petliura soldiers, who recognize him as an officer. The wounded Alexei manages to escape thanks to a woman named Julia Reiss, who hides him in her house. Turbin returns home the next day; at the same time, Larion, Talberg's cousin, arrives from Zhytomyr.

The owner of the house where the Turbins live becomes the victim of a robbery. Armed people break into his house and, under the guise of a search, open the hiding place, take away money, jewelry and things. The owner turns to the Turbins for help, and Karas volunteers to guard him. Three days later, Nikolka goes to the mother and sister of the deceased Nai-Turs. He tells them the details of his death.

Alexei's wound becomes inflamed, and, in addition, he is diagnosed with typhus. Doctors say the patient is hopeless. Elena prays to the Most Holy Theotokos for his salvation. Alex is recovering. Having finally recovered, he goes to Julia Reiss to give her the bracelet of his deceased mother. On the way home, he meets Nikolka returning from Irina Nai-Tours.

Elena learns that Thalberg is going to marry her friend. On the night of February 2-3, Petliura's troops begin to leave the City.


“Every noble person is deeply aware of his blood ties with the fatherland” (V. G. Belinsky) (based on the novel by M. A. Bulgakov “The White Guard”) "Life is given for good deeds" (based on the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard") "Family Thought" in Russian literature based on the novel "White Guard" “Man is a Particle of History” (based on the novel by M. Bulgakov “The White Guard”) Analysis of the 1st chapter of the 1st part of the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" Analysis of the episode "Scene in the Alexander Gymnasium" (based on the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard") Talberg's flight (analysis of an episode from chapter 2 of part 1 of M. A. Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard"). Fight or Surrender: The Theme of Intelligentsia and Revolution in M.A. Bulgakov (the novel "The White Guard" and the plays "Days of the Turbins" and "Running") The death of Nai-Turs and the salvation of Nikolai (analysis of an episode from chapter 11 of part 2 of M. A. Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard") The Civil War in the novels by A. Fadeev "Rout" and M. Bulgakov "The White Guard" The House of the Turbins as a reflection of the Turbin family in M. A. Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard" Tasks and Dreams of M. Bulgakov in the novel "The White Guard" Ideological and artistic originality of Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard" The image of the white movement in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" The image of the civil war in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" "Imaginary" and "real" intelligentsia in M. A. Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard" The intelligentsia and the revolution in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" History in the image of M. A. Bulgakov (on the example of the novel "The White Guard"). The history of the creation of Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard" How does the white movement appear in M. A. Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard"? The beginning of the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" (analysis 1 ch. 1 hour) The beginning of the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" (analysis of chapter 1 of the first part). Image of the City in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" The image of the house in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" The image of the house and the city in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" Images of white officers in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" The main images in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" The main images of the novel "The White Guard" by M. Bulgakov Reflection of the Civil War in Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard". Why is the house of the Turbins so attractive? (Based on the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard") The problem of choice in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" The problem of humanism in war (based on the novels by M. Bulgakov "The White Guard" and M. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don") The problem of moral choice in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The White Guard". The problem of moral choice in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" The problems of the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" Reasoning about love, friendship, military duty based on the novel "The White Guard" The role of sleep by Alexei Turbin (based on the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard") The role of heroes' dreams in M. A. Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard" The Turbin family (based on the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard") The system of images in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" Dreams of heroes and their meaning in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" Dreams of heroes and their connection with the problems of M. A. Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard". Dreams of heroes and their connection with the problems of M. Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard" Dreams of the heroes of the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard". (Analysis of chapter 20 part 3) Scene in the Alexander Gymnasium (analysis of an episode from chapter 7 of M. Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard") Caches of engineer Lisovich (analysis of an episode from chapter 3 of part 1 of M. A. Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard") The theme of revolution, civil war and the fate of the Russian intelligentsia in Russian literature (Pasternak, Bulgakov) The tragedy of the intelligentsia in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" A man at the turning point of history in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" What is attractive about the house of the Turbins (based on the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard") The theme of love in Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard" Reasoning about love, friendship, the basis of the novel "The White Guard" Analysis of the novel "The White Guard" by Bulgakov M.A. I Reflection of the civil war in the novel Reasoning about love, friendship, military duty based on the novel The man at the turning point of history in the novel The house is the concentration of cultural and spiritual values ​​(Based on the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard") Symbols of Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard"