Zoning 18 sq. Zoning a room into a bedroom and living room: design and functional content. Bedroom decor style

Typical apartment buildings are built according to standard designs and often do not have the best layout. This is especially evident when there is a need for zoning space. Rooms in Khrushchev rarely exceed 18 square meters. m, so the owners of such apartments face a difficult task: to combine the living room and the nursery in one room of 18 sq. m. Photos of such interiors can be seen on the Internet and try to repeat in your apartment.

Zoning options for one room

On 18 square meters, there is the possibility of creating multiple options for dividing the space into a living room and a nursery. Consider the current solutions:


The boundary between the guest room and the child's room can be created using partitions. Partitions are mobile and can be easily transferred to another place. They can be created in the form of plasterboard structures or decorative blocks. In this case, the boundary will be stationary. She will divide a large room into two full-fledged small rooms. Doors are mounted in stationary partitions.


The children's area can be separated by large pieces of furniture: sofas, shelving, chests of drawers.

High furniture will create an intimate area, and the child will feel comfortable during sleep.


In the place where the room is divided, curtain rods are fixed on the ceiling, on which curtains can be hung. Textiles and cornices are selected to the taste of homeowners. The advantage of this option is that a change of scenery due to a change in textiles will not be expensive.

Emphasis on colors

Color zoning of space consists in the selection of different finishing materials by color. In this case, the furniture decoration also has a different tone.

Dividing the room into different colors will clearly reflect the border of the zone.


The construction of the podium will visually highlight the baby's sleeping area. You need to understand that the installation of a high podium is dangerous for the health of a small family member: a wrong step will result in a fall.

Tips for decorating a joint room

The living room and the children's room in one room of 18 sq. m assumes the use of all available space: photos on the Internet show that the separated rooms become small and cramped. Your task is to expand them visually. This is achieved due to the fact that small-sized furniture is used throughout the space, most of the accessories and bad decor items are removed. For separation, you can use a plasterboard partition with niches - this will save space.

If the partition takes up half the width of the room, the rest of the room will remain light and will look more spacious.

When separating the zone, keep in mind that normal growth and development require a constant supply of sunlight.

Therefore, place the children's room near the window. The living room in this case may remain in the shady side, which will not affect the purpose of the room.

It will be possible to install mirrors in the living room and focus on them with the help of spotlights. This will expand the room, make it deep.

The downside will be the placement of a children's area near the door. If the child is small, then slamming doors or the constant passage of adult family members past the baby’s bedroom will not allow him to get enough sleep.

It is not necessary for a student to buy a separate desk. It will be enough to transform the window sill into a writing area by adding shelving to the corners of the room. They can store school supplies and other personal items.

Use roller blinds or blinds. They will create a feeling of lightness in the interior.

Color design of the children's area

If you decide to combine the living room and the nursery in one room, please note that the psychological development of the baby will be the main factor in choosing the future interior.

There are several general rules for color design, in which the living room will acquire a stylish design, and the child will not be excited by the riot of colors. Consider them:


Green color in the children's and living area contributes to the calm and relaxation of the child and adults. It has a positive effect on the heartbeat, helps to maintain pressure within the normal range.

If the child is calm, then the green color is not recommended, as it will act depressingly on the baby's psyche.


The blue color scatters attention, so if the division of space is planned for a schoolchild, this color should be excluded. For the living room, you can use it if the child's room is isolated by a stationary partition.


Blue relieves stress. A completely children's area should not be decorated in this color: it suppresses the mood and plunges into despondency. A child of any age will feel uncomfortable in a dark space.


This color is used if a girl lives in the children's area. The use of pink has a positive effect on the well-being of the child, reduces the level of anxiety, and improves mood. The use of pink in the design of all 18 square meters is not recommended. Color has a hard effect on adults in the living room.

White or beige

A universal color that does not affect the child's psyche in a positive way: it calms and improves the well-being of the child. It is better to use color with bright accents, since the white color itself is faceless, and does not bring a sense of joy to the child. Beige color has the same properties and is used in a diluted form.

When the question is about combining the living room and the nursery, the interests of the child are taken into account first of all. Whatever color you choose for decoration, remember that by diluting it with white and applying the weakest shade of a bright color, you can get the most emotions for relaxation. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to light shades.

Important! Consult with a child psychologist in order to understand in what color scheme your child will feel calm.

Furniture for the children's area

Use functional furniture throughout the combined space. If possible, it should be small in size so as not to create a feeling of clutter in the room. The design of the living room and the nursery in one room of 18 sq. m can be copied from numerous photos on the Internet.

If you use a closet to separate zones, make sure that it has two functional sides, unless otherwise provided by the design project. You can use shelving or a wardrobe.

Remove bulky items to save space. Hang a plasma TV on a wall or in a plasterboard niche of a partition.

A corner sofa will free up the central part of the living room. Free space can be used as a play area for the baby.

Try to separate the children's area so that it is square in shape: this way the space will look more organic. In the children's room, it is better to put transforming furniture, which can vary depending on the height and needs of the child.

Important! All furniture used in the child's corner should be made of environmentally friendly material. Take only high-quality interior items and check the quality certificates for products.

Materials for decorating a children's area

In the children's area you need to use environmentally friendly materials. For flooring, a laminate or parquet made of natural wood is suitable. These materials are warm, safe, easy to care for. If the child is small, then carpeting the floor will be a good solution. Do not forget to use materials for noise and sound insulation of the floor and ceiling.

For wall decoration, use laminate or wallpaper. In the second case, exclude the vinyl coating, preferring non-woven or paper wallpaper.

It is not recommended to use a stretch ceiling in the children's area. If you already have a stretch ceiling, then do not rush to remove it: despite the protest of experts, the ceiling material does not cause much harm to children.

Decor in the children's and living area

Use natural materials to decorate the children's room. Accessories must be safe, they must be free of sharp corners, breaking glass, and toxic elements. Consider the options that can be applied in the corner of the child:

  1. Select one section of the wall, and apply slate paint to it. The kid can draw both independently and using numerous stencils that can be found on sale.
  2. Be sure to make sure that the bed at night is illuminated by a nightlight. Nightlights can be of various shapes and sizes: it is better if the owner of the room chooses it himself.
  3. Use blackout roller blinds to keep the morning light from disturbing your baby's sleep. In the daytime, a light tulle curtain can decorate the window.
  4. Decorate a children's corner in a marine style. A toy chest will help save space, while white and blue tones will have a calming effect.
  5. If multi-colored curtains hang on the windows in the children's area, sew the same bedspread on the bed and decorate the pillows with this fabric. This will create a sense of unity in a small nursery.
  6. A budget decor option would be to decorate the walls with posters depicting the child's favorite characters.
  7. You can decorate the room with decorative letters made of wood. The inscriptions may be different depending on the preferences of the family. The standard letter decoration can be called the use of three-dimensional letters, from which the name of the baby is composed.

Styling for a combined living room

Try to keep the style of the living room not too different from the children's corner. In the case when the division of zones occurs with the help of low pieces of furniture, it is recommended to adhere to a single design for the entire space.

Use objects of different geometric shapes for decoration in the living room and children's room. This will help your child understand how to distinguish between shapes.

However, do not forget about the needs of adults. Place a corner sofa in the room in which you can hide ottomans. So you get more seating and can accommodate more guests.

If you like plants, then you can place them on horizontal surfaces located at a height inaccessible to the child. You can give preference to a large flower in an outdoor pot, but here you need to take care of the safety of the smallest member of the family. The flower should grow in a pot of material that, if broken, does not form sharp edges.

Since the rest of the living room will be small in size, beware of symmetry in the arrangement of furniture. It is better if the interior items in such a small living room contain a minimum of straight lines.

ATimportant! The white floor in small rooms creates the feeling of a hospital ward.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the appearance of a baby in a family does not always automatically add square meters. Most often, young couples remain to live in the same conditions and are faced with the problem of moving the baby to a separate area. Having one room, adults almost always have to neglect their desire for separate accommodation in favor of creating a children's corner. You need to connect the nursery and the living room after considering all the pros and cons of such a neighborhood. Proper placement of furniture, as well as style design, will allow adults and children to live in the same area without causing discomfort to each other.

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It is easy to carry out the layout of the room when there is enough space. There are no questions about what you can save on to make the room seem larger. But even with the available 18 square meters, you can arrange everything perfectly. The main thing is to have in stock a few developments and ideas, which will be discussed in this article.

General ideas for arrangement

The room, which has an area of ​​18 m2, can be used for various purposes. It could be a living room or a bedroom. Depending on how it is used, interior design is selected. Typically, such a room has a rectangular shape, which means the paired size of the walls. In some buildings, such a room has an elongated layout, while in others it is closer to a square. It is easier to plan the design of the second option, because it is easiest to fill the space evenly. A narrow room is easier to divide into several functional areas with their own purpose.

In this embodiment, the furniture is better to make to order. At the same time, it is necessary that its width is not too large. It is better to install it not to narrow walls, because then the space will become even smaller, but to place it along large walls. You can visually expand the space of the room, using the right way to lay the laminate. For example, it is laid across the room, which gives more perpendicular lines in the room that the eye can catch on. Another way to increase the volume of the room is to use mirrors. They can be placed on smaller walls. They can also be made contrasting by brightening against the background of other surfaces in the room.

Advice! A special role in the planning of the room is played by lighting. For narrow and long rooms, it cannot be placed around the perimeter. The result can be a greater emphasis on elongation. The best way is to install the main source in the middle of the room. Thus, the correct emphasis will be placed.

If the room has a shape that looks more like a square, then the design method needs to be changed. Furniture can act as zoning elements in the room. You can place it not only along the walls, but also in the middle, if, for example, it concerns a sofa. For such rooms, you can use elements that have a large width. The distribution of zones in a room of 18 square meters is easy to perform using a screen, cabinet or other item that can perform not only the function of a partition, but also have a practical purpose. In addition to general recommendations, there are specific ones depending on how the room is used. This is worth talking about in more detail.


A good renovation does not begin with the dismantling of old equipment or interior decoration, but with thoughtful planning. It would be nice to sketch out a rough plan of action on a piece of paper in advance and display on it all the desired changes for the room.


The bedroom is one of the main ones, because it is in it that you can recuperate and be alone with yourself. Already this should hint at the color scheme and the way the lighting in the room. It is important to understand that in a bedroom with an area of ​​​​18 square meters or with dimensions of 4 by 4, you can place many useful things besides the bed. If the bedroom space of 18 squares has an elongated shape, then one of the corners can be taken under a large closet near the wall. It will visually reduce the room by bringing the smaller walls closer together.

For example, it can be placed indoors as shown in the photo. At the same time, the usable area is practically not lost. At the same time, a desk can be placed directly under the window. An enlarged window sill, which will act as a table, will help save even more space.

The bedroom should not be cluttered, it is better to choose minimalism for this room. An important attribute of the bedroom is the bed. In the photo above, you can see that it has rather large dimensions, which partially compensates for the dimensions of the room and will allow the owner to quickly restore strength in a dream. The bed is the focal point of the entire room. An armchair, chest of drawers or nightstand next to the bed, as well as a desk, are great additions. The color scheme for the bedroom can be chosen at your own discretion, but it should not be too dark, which will create a dull mood. Do not choose bright colors. They can have an exciting effect on the body, interfering with proper rest.

It is worth thinking about the right lighting in the room. There should be several types of lamps. Two are best placed at the edges of the bed at the head of the bed. Some types are simply installed on the bedside table. Be sure to have an overhead light in the room. At the same time, it would be good to install walk-through switches that would allow you to turn off the overhead light directly from the bed. For side lights, separate switches are provided for each.

Note! If the bedroom has access to the loggia, then it can be made part of the room. This will not only expand the area, but also increase the intensity of natural light, which can be controlled using blinds or Roman blinds.

Living room

The living room, which has an area of ​​​​18 squares or a size of 3 by 4 meters, can also be decorated without much difficulty. It is important to remember about things that it is desirable not to use for such a room. These include:

  • massive carpets;
  • dark tones of finishing;
  • heavy curtains;
  • many pictures;
  • an abundance of ornaments;
  • A lot of furniture.

All these elements can not only clutter up the space, but also deprive the room of lightness. Massive carpets and curtains visually reduce the room, which can be emotionally depressing and interfere with a calm conversation. As the main colors for wall decoration, it is better to choose light colors. It is better not to place a closet in the living room, because it will take up too much space. It is better to move it to the bedroom or hallway. It is desirable that the living room should have as little furniture as possible. If possible, it is better to leave the sofa and chest of drawers. The TV can be hung on the wall.

Look good solutions for living rooms that repeat the Scandinavian or Japanese style, as well as minimalism. As finishing materials, it is better to use wood or materials that imitate it. As a floor covering, it is better to use a laminate or parquet, but not a tile. The latter is not able to create coziness where everyone would be comfortable.


The children's room, which has an area of ​​18 m2, will allow the child to feel completely free. In such a space it is easy to play outdoor games. It is important to remember that such a room must be divided into three zones:

  • for classes;
  • game;
  • sleeping.

The photo above shows that the work area is the desktop. It has additional lighting in the form of a lamp, as well as shelves where textbooks and notebooks can be folded. The table is placed as close to the window as possible so that natural light prevails. This is necessary for the prevention of vision. The rest of the space can serve as a play area, for example, this photo shows that a fluffy carpet is laid in the room, on which it is comfortable to spend time. In addition, there is an ottoman-pillow.

The photo above shows that a Swedish wall can be installed in the play area. Its location and design must be safe for the child. When planning a room, pay special attention to sharp corners. To be more precise, they should not be. Furniture and other elements are best chosen with smooth shapes. It is important that the finishing materials are environmentally friendly. The children's organism is especially susceptible to various emission influences.

Color solutions for the children's room should be moderate. The nervous system in children is more active than in adults. This is accompanied by impressionability and variability of mood. The general background should be discreet, so pastel colors will do. But some areas, for example, the play area, can be accentuated. This approach will give an additional charge for an active lifestyle.

Dorm room

In some cases, you have to do the layout of the room, which is located in the hostel. In this case, only one room should combine three rooms or zones:

  • dining room;
  • sleeping room;
  • working.

At the same time, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room must be turned into a useful one in order to rationally use every centimeter. As a basis, you can take the project of a studio room. The best option in a dorm room would be minimalism. You should not have large floor cabinets in such a room. They take up too much space. It is better to make a structure that will be mounted along the entire plane of the wall, but with a shallower depth. The working area and the kitchen can be combined. For example, the main elements are hidden in the closet, as shown in the photo below.

It is good if the bed is also folding. It can hide under a pedestal or be transferred to a vertical position. With a sufficient height of the ceilings in the room, an interesting decision can be made. It consists in the fact that the bed rises above the floor level by 1.5 meters. Below it is a work area with a desk and a computer. An example is seen in the photo below.

The photo shows another interesting solution for a room that can be applied. Steps perform a dual role. They have built-in drawers in which you can store bed linen and clothes. It is better if the colors of the finish are light. The lighting in the room should be bright enough. For greater effect, you can provide a place for a mirror, which will expand the room. For example, you can mirror one or more locker doors. Instead of a large dining table, you can use the bar. She will simultaneously divide the room into zones and will be a fairly comfortable place to eat. Some ideas for interior design solutions can be gleaned from the video.


As you can see, furnishing a room can be a very interesting activity. But it is worth approaching this task with all seriousness. The comfort of all residents will depend on this. If we are talking about a children's room, then it is important to take into account the wishes of the child, since it is he who will be there most of the time. When designing a living room, you can resolve the issue at the family council. Everyone will be able to contribute, which will add up to the puzzle of the overall picture. It is important to move away from the foundations that have been imposed historically and not be afraid to experiment.

The correct distribution of space in a small living area can be called a real art, especially if you need to combine the functionality of the rooms. Sophisticated interior design of a room of 18 sq.m. for the living room and bedroom will make the room original, comfortable and cozy. The main thing is to correctly zone the space.

This can be done in several ways:

  1. Using different materials to create an additional wall. The advantage is given to drywall. It is easy to use, it is easy to create partitions, fences from it.
  2. Wall decoration with different shades, textures. This makes it possible to visually divide the space into several zones using wallpaper, paint, plaster, and other finishing materials.
  3. Zoning a room using furniture.

In our article you will see real examples in the photo, where a room of 18 square meters is divided into 2 zones: a bedroom and a living room.


Dividing a room into several zones will allow partitions that change the perception of space.

Partitions are of 2 types:

Movable partitions are also called mobile, they are often made of bamboo panels, wooden frames, which are covered with fabric. Any pattern that fits the interior design is applied to textiles.

Static partitions are often made from materials:

  • plastic;
  • drywall;
  • wood;
  • lakomat;
  • metal;
  • frame covered with fabric;
  • decoracryl.

Partitions emphasize the elegance of the room. Models made of metal will demonstrate luxury. Plastic partitions are cheap, but they are practical, and wooden partitions will suit any style. Zoning a room using a plasterboard partition will allow you to embody various creative ideas, put any image on them or design any shape.


These are lightweight structures of a rectilinear or arcuate shape that will not occupy floor space.

Arches are popular when zoning space. Designers recommend combining arches with partitions. This method makes it possible to delimit the bedroom and living room into several functional areas. They look luxurious, give the room coziness, they are regularly given an advantage when zoning the room.


A sliding screen is a decorative design. It is installed where there is no need for a static partition. The screen can always be put up or removed at any time.

The structure is made up of several frame frames. It is made of wood, as well as other popular materials:

  • rattan;
  • bamboo;
  • rice paper;
  • cane.

Quite often, screens in the interior are used for oriental-style rooms. The design is easy to rearrange from place to place, this is a common option for zoning a room.

In order for the charm to transmit light, transparent materials, light shades are used. The disadvantage of the design is the lack of sound insulation between rooms. The screen should harmoniously fit into the interior.


A cabinet or rack that will be used as a delimiter perfectly divides the space into zones. The cabinet is recommended to choose in light shades.

Shelving, which is used to delimit space, has many advantages:

  • universality;
  • the ability to combine several materials;
  • simple installation of the structure;
  • mobility;
  • decor element.

Installing shelving for zoning the living room and bedroom makes it possible to make the room functional. Various small things can be placed on the design. Shelves can be updated regularly to change and diversify the interior.

Sliding doors

This design has an advantage over an ordinary door. The range of products allows the buyer to choose not only the material from which the sliding doors will be made, but also the design of the canvas.

Frames are mainly made of chipboard, PVC, as well as timber. Cloths are mainly plastic, glass, made of wood boards.

Also on sale there are options with different patterns and patterns, a combination of materials. The sliding structure is mainly of a standard form in a line; it is also possible to manufacture a corner or semicircular door on order.


This is the most curious method for delimiting a room. The podium in the interior will serve not only as decorations, it is a great place to store things that can be hidden behind the steps. The podium can be purchased or made independently.

For this you will need:

  1. Make a project.
  2. Pick up material.
  3. Create a frame and sheathe it.
  4. Decorative finish.

The weight load must be taken into account. The frame is recommended to be made of metal. Lamps will become an original addition to the podium.

Decorative zoning

Used to effectively divide the room into a living room and a bedroom, different finishing materials are used.

You can zone the space using:

  • decorative plaster.
  • siding panels.
  • painting.
  • combination of wallpaper by color, texture, pattern.
  • curtains, curtains

Dividing space is easy. The main thing is to use imagination and creativity.


Using wallpaper for zoning a room allows you to make it visually wider. Wallpaper makes it possible to designate the living room and bedroom.

Zoning with wallpaper will create the necessary mood in the room, a relaxed atmosphere. Wall covering should be combined with the chosen style in the interior.


This is an ideal option for a budget renovation. The cornice must be installed on one of the lines that will connect the opposite walls.

During the day, the curtains can be moved apart, and when necessary, make a partition out of them. It is advised to choose the shade of the curtain to match the walls or curtains.

glass zoning

It is a natural material, of high quality, equipped with aesthetic properties. Glass structures allow you to save usable space, make the room open and spacious. The disadvantages of the partition include the need for regular maintenance of the surface.

Glass is used for stationary partitions, used as a mobile screen. Light easily passes through such a screen. The design is resistant to temperature changes, humidity, has a long service life.

Design Ideas

Now it is popular to zone space. The bedroom and living room are separated by partitions so as not to expose a place to relax for show.

To properly zone a room, you need to consider a few rules:

  1. The contrast makes it possible to hide the bed from prying eyes.
  2. Light shades allow you to expand the room.
  3. Do not put a lot of furniture in the room, do not clutter up the space.
  4. Dark colors should be only in accessories, and light shades are used for interior items.

In order to give the room originality, they use different ideas. For registration use:

  • original texture, floor coverings;
  • stucco;
  • relief drawings on drywall or on walls;
  • combination of materials with different textures.

Furnishing features

Before starting repairs in the room, it is necessary to think through all the nuances in detail. Do not pile up the room with unnecessary furniture, which is not necessary. This includes ottomans and armchairs, chairs, dressing rooms.

A number of rules will help make the room spacious:

  1. Give preference to functional interior items.
  2. Use open shelves to store miscellaneous items along the walls.
  3. Skip the TV stand.
  4. The sofa can act as a bed.
  5. Things should not be bulky and voluminous.

Also in the room it is not advised to place interior items on the lines of motion. A great idea is to buy transformer furniture, it can be a sofa bed, folding chairs or tables. Do not litter the bedroom and living room by using niches and bay windows for storage.

Which type of partition to choose will depend on the chosen interior design, room lighting, and financial capabilities. Zoning a room is a great idea for dividing a space that designers use.

In today's article, GD-Home has prepared 14 ready-made projects, as well as some tips for decorating the design of the bedroom-living room, which will tell you what and how to decorate.

Bedroom-living room: sofa or bed

Modern apartments cannot always please their owners with a large area and freedom in making decisions during repairs. The choice of the main functions that each room will perform is determined by many factors and the number of rooms is not the last on the list. Try to combine the future design of the living room-bedroom with the features of your own lifestyle. This will allow you to get the most out of spending time in this room and help make your vacation really enjoyable.

There are two options for designing such a space. Moreover, the choice, as a rule, depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. In very small one-room apartments, you have to combine the bedroom and living room by buying a sofa bed. If necessary, it can always be folded, but few people enjoy doing it every morning. In spacious rooms, you can arrange a living room with a soft sofa, and a bedroom with a full bed.

Designed by A Studio

Design of a bedroom combined with a living room: what to give preference to

When deciding on the design and arrangement of the space in which you want to sleep and meet guests, it is imperative to remember that the main occupation in it is relaxation. Only in its different parts it will be different, and directly depends on your style and lifestyle. The future living room-bedroom should be decorated in the same style; you should not make two parts of it in stylistically different solutions. Otherwise, you will inevitably encounter disharmony in the interior.

The first and decisive is the question of the location of each of the zones. Where will the bedroom be? Where would you like to put the bed - by the window or, conversely, away from the natural light source? Will the living room be larger or smaller than the bedroom?

If you are used to waking up with the first rays of the sun and like to see after waking up not a picture on the wall, but a landscape outside the window, then the choice is obvious and the bed should be placed as close to the window as possible, arranging a full-fledged sleeping area there.

It is desirable that the sleeping area be impassable and protected from accidental ingress of strangers. The intimacy of personal space is the goal of all your efforts in this work. If the living room-bedroom is 18 sq. m, then it is necessary to foresee which of the zones will be allocated more space, and, consequently, attention when decorating the interior.

Determine if there should be a TV and related equipment - additional audio equipment, satellite equipment, an Internet router, etc. For all this, it is necessary to provide compact locations for the most convenient access and operation.

Juicy-Hall studio work

Design of a bedroom-living room in one room

The limited space is a disadvantage that can be hidden behind comfort and functionality. Once you've determined your bedroom location, you can focus on furnishing your living room with stylish and functional furniture, appliances, and accessories that can create a comfortable atmosphere.
Do not get carried away in buying furniture that you may have long dreamed of. After all, not every sofa will be appropriate in a small room. The interior of the living room-bedroom will optimally decorate and complement a pair of soft armchairs or a small sofa in combination with a coffee table. This is a necessary detail for almost any design of a recreation area. Take a closer look at a small sofa with a folding mechanism.

Project by designer Anastasia Barkhatova

Pay attention to the variety of racks and shelves that may come in handy. If you want to equip a workplace in the living room and you need a desk, then it is better to choose the option with a small number of built-in shelves.

Books, flowers, various figurines or accessories that are significant to you (awards, cups, photos, paintings, etc.) can also fit perfectly into the living room interior if you prefer a partition with niches and shelves on which all this can be placed.

Try not to use contrasting shades in the design of the walls and floor of the bedroom and living room. This will visually reduce the space, and will force your perception to concentrate on unnecessary details. The choice of close shades will advantageously smooth out all the sharp corners and possible flaws, help to perceive the space as a whole - the design of the bedroom will complement the interior of the living room and vice versa.

Lighting will always come to the aid of the color scheme - both natural and artificial in its various variations. Spotlights on the border of two zones, a floor lamp next to the sofa in the living room, a lamp on the bedside table, main lighting, separate in the living room and bedroom - and the rest will definitely become pleasant and comfortable.

The interior is the work of Marina Sargsyan

Compact bedroom-living room in a one-room apartment

We have already mentioned in passing the situation when in the bedroom, combined with the living room, you can also place a workplace in the form of a desk with drawers. In the conditions of a one-room apartment, this option becomes a forced necessity, and the optimal placement of each of the zones has to be approached with particular scrupulousness.

If your living room-bedroom is 17 sq. m, then you can combine in it everything you need that should be in a modern house for both a small family and one person.

Remember about the color combination: light colors and shades will visually enlarge the space and make it easier to perceive, while bright and dark colors, respectively, will reduce the already modest space. It is better to take calm and neutral tones as a basis, and add bright notes with the help of accessories and details.

Designer Elena Koroleva

If you really want to have an easy chair in the interior, then you will have to refuse the corner sofa, and opt for a small folding one. When creating a separate space for working at a desk, take care of additional lighting for this area. A table lamp or additional built-in lighting will not be superfluous.

If the room is deprived of sufficient natural light, then the partitions separating the bedroom from the living room can worsen the situation and only add pressure and heaviness to the image. Then it is better to choose a softer version of the functional separation in the form of a curtain. If you really want to use the partition as a design element, then pay attention to the glass version. So you will not steal such a valuable usable area and achieve the effect of delimiting zones.

The rules for choosing furniture in a one-room apartment are more strict: avoid chests of drawers and additional elements endowed with low functionality. Take a closer look at corner sofas and wardrobes. The latter combine the functionality of a chest of drawers, are much more spacious and save space due to the door mechanism.

Zoning of the bedroom-living room: two rooms in one

To achieve the functional completeness of the room in which you will relax - alone or with friends - is possible with the help of space zoning. It is most effective to divide one space into several semantic zones. This is possible if your living room-bedroom is 20 sq. m.

It is possible to emphasize the living area and separate it from the bedroom with:
- textures
- furniture used as space limiters
- partition walls
– curtains, screens and various removable partitions

The first option involves the use of different textures in the design of the walls.
in two zones of one room. You should not use different wallpapers, it will be enough, for example, a wooden panel above the sofa or textile wallpaper behind the head of the bed.

A combination of different lighting levels will help enhance the effect. For example, in the living room, you can play with brighter light, and in the sleeping area, prefer bedside lamps and subdued lights to help prepare for bed.

Design by Ekaterina Nechaeva and Irina Markman

Sliding wardrobes and shelving with shelves for a variety of little things can also serve as a partition between two zones. Using such furniture, you achieve the goal of delimiting functionally different spaces and get additional niches to accommodate all sorts of useful little things. For example, a bookcase can be placed facing the living room, and a wardrobe - the door to the sleeping area, since you are more likely to change clothes and choose an outfit in the bedroom, and it will be more pleasant to read a book on a cozy winter evening over a cup of hot cocoa in an armchair or on the sofa.

The most thorough can be the demarcation with a partition made of drywall. Leaving space for niches and using materials of various textures in the design of this design, you can achieve not only a zoning effect, but also bring additional functionality. A biofireplace or a false fireplace can become part of such a partition.

When using this technology, it is worth remembering that it cannot simply be dismantled or moved to another location. Having decided to install an additional wall, you must be sure that it is in this place that you want to see it every morning and evening, do not change your mind in a month and do not want to change the bedroom and living room.

For such cases, removable partitions or screens are ideal, a great many of which are on the market today. They can be chosen for both stylistic decisions and mood.

Moreover, such screens can be changed with the change of seasons, thereby changing the mood in the design. Light white fabrics are suitable for summer, and dense dark curtains are suitable for winter. In addition, this option is less financially expensive and, as a rule, does not require special skills in installation and operation.

Interior designed by Alena Ponkratova

Curtains fixed on the ceiling around the perimeter of the sleeping area can become both an independent solution and an attribute of other zoning options. The use of textile materials in the decoration will help bring harmony and some sophistication to the interior.

Every living room in the house, no matter how small, requires ingenuity and choosing the right furniture. So, how to arrange a living-bedroom of 18 sq.m so that it is cozy, fully functional and, above all, meets the individual needs of each family member? Here are some tips.

Bedroom-living room 18 sq. m with the correct arrangement of space

The living room is the center of every home, and when combined with the bedroom, the room becomes the most important in the apartment. It is here that you spend a lot of time relaxing, working, and if this is a bedroom, then sleep. To properly arrange a space that meets all of the above tasks, you need multifunctional furniture, zoning and a little trick.

Not all of us can boast of a large apartment, in which there is enough space to accommodate separate rooms in the form of a living room and a bedroom. Thus, it is often necessary to make compromises by combining rooms for greater comfort, for example, creating a joint bedroom-living room of 18 sq.m. Fortunately, there are many ways to combine a bedroom and a living room into one room. In addition, this model is often used not only on 18 sq.m, but also in large apartments with open space. Here are some helpful tips on how to decorate a dual purpose living space.

The design of the living room bedroom 18 sq m: a sofa or a corner with a sleeping function instead of a bed

By arranging the corner of a bedroom in a small living room, people try to eliminate the use of a traditional, large bed with a frame and a mattress. In its place, choose a sofa bed with a sleeping function. This is a good idea. During the day, you can sit on the folded furniture, and at night, after unfolding the structure, you will sleep comfortably.

Advice! What should you keep in mind when buying a sofa bed? It is best to buy a piece of furniture with a container for bedding. If you choose a model without it, you will have to look for another place to store bedding, and in a small apartment this is not so easy. Pay attention to whether the selected furniture is for everyday use or just for casual sleep.

Bed and sofa in one interior

In a room of 18 sq.m you are not doomed to sleep on the couch. Because you can also put a full double bed in the living room. Thus, two zones are created in the room during the day and at night. Remember that even if both zones are separated by a wall or a screen, they should be stylistic and complement each other. A bed with a box for bedding is a good choice for a bi-functional room. It should not be adjacent to a coffee table, which is best placed next to the sofa.

Advice! It is also a good idea to buy a small ottoman or ottoman. This furniture, in addition to its main function as a footstool, is ideal for the role of an additional place when guests visit you. Thanks to the built-in drawer, you will have a great place to store small items.

Zoning of the living room bedroom 18 sq. m: how to separate the day zone from the night zone?

If you decide to place a sofa in the corner with a sleeping function in the bedroom-living room of 18 sq.m, then there is no need for zoning. The situation is different when the room has a bed and a sofa. Both zones are best separated by a partition:

Advice! Instead, you can opt for a regular wall-mounted bookcase, shelves, and even wooden slats. Creating such a barrier will separate the sleeping and living area, giving you the privacy you need. Wood is a great choice for interiors.

Pay attention to the access of daylight to certain areas

The most recommended solution is of course to place the wall or shelves perpendicular to the window. If the size of the room does not allow this, it will be necessary to decide in which area there will be daylight, and in which one should emphasize artificial lighting. If the windows are only in one part of the room, let the active recreation area be illuminated with daylight, and it is better to shade the night part.

Advice! You do not need to build a partition up to the ceiling. Instead, you can also opt for an open or openwork milk glass wall. As a result, the rays of the sun also penetrate into the second, night zone.

Advice! In case you choose a partition, you can use its surface to hang pictures or photo frames. Another idea is to place a TV on it. Today it is easy to buy fasteners designed for this.

Furniture in the bedroom-living room 18 sq.m

In the case of a small area, it is necessary to use the available space as much as possible. Modular furniture will work best, as you can easily adapt it to your personal needs, creating a perfect whole from separate parts (modules). A good solution would also be to buy shelves that will give lightness to the bedroom-living room of 18 sq.m. Open shelves can act as a bookcase or a place to display family photos. If you want to store things on the shelves that should not be in sight, then you can safely place them in decorative boxes.

Which coffee table to choose for a dual purpose room?

Regardless of whether our room will have a bed and a sofa, or just a sofa bed, it is worth placing a coffee table next to such furniture. This item can perform several functions. If you don't want to overwhelm the interior of the room, choose a table made of clear glass or plastic. Choose a minimalist coffee table made from wood or polycarbonate. In a multifunctional room, all surfaces and cabinets that are used to store small items are very important. Therefore, we recommend buying a coffee table with a shelf, drawer or special storage space.

Ideas for a bedroom-living room 18 sq. m

For smaller rooms, opt for sofas in a neutral color, as too bright colors won't encourage restful sleep. However, in rich colors, accessories should be selected, for example, in the form of pillowcases for decorative pillows. When you get bored with one color, you can easily change it to another.

Organize the living-bedroom of 18 sq.m at your own discretion, using the design in the presented photos. So you can create the most useful and beautiful space in which it will be pleasant to relax and receive guests.
