PPR. Automatic fire alarm installation, warning system and management of people evacuation in case of fire. Fire alarm system

  • Sound.
  • Light.
  • Combined.
  • Speech.

Types of warning systems

  1. The first and second types of alerts are light and sound alerts. That is, on a signal from the ASPS (automatic fire alarm system) or ASPT (automatic fire extinguishing system), sirens (sound alarms), strobe lights or beacons (light alarms) or combined alarms (light and sound in one body).
  2. The third, fourth and fifth types of notifications are speech of varying degrees of complexity. That is, instead of a siren, a recorded message is broadcast at the facility. The third type of notification is the simplest voice notification, and the fifth type of notification is used on objects that are exclusive in complexity.

The choice of the type of SOUE depends on the purpose of the building, the number of storeys, the number of people arriving in it or the category of explosion and fire hazard (for industrial buildings).

SOUE structure

The warning and evacuation control system in case of fire consists of central equipment to which one or more warning loops are connected. Depending on the types of notification, either light-sound or voice annunciators are used in the loops. In the event of an alarm, that is, in the event of fire or smoke, the fire alarm system or AUPT issues a control signal to the central equipment of the SOUE. The central equipment generates a signal broadcast by annunciators.

Composition of SOUE

  • Text part.
  1. General data (General part; Basic technical solutions; Installation instructions).
  2. Electroacoustic calculation.
  3. Specification.
  • The grafical part.
  1. List of drawings.
  2. Structural diagram of SOUE.
  3. Scheme of external connections.
  4. Plan for the location of equipment and laying routes.
  5. The territory of a detached building.

What objects require

Fire alarm

The automatic fire alarm system is designed to detect the place of fire or smoke and report the place of its occurrence to the control panel. In the event of a fire, fire detectors installed in the protected premises are activated and give a signal to the control panel. To ensure the protection of the premises and the possibility of generating commands to turn on the fire alarm system and control engineering equipment, fire detectors are installed in each protected premises. The choice of fire detectors was carried out in accordance with the characteristics of the protected premises, the nature of fire hazardous materials, and the technical data of the detectors.

Fire alarm systems are divided into analog and addressable according to the method of positioning the fire.

Types of fire alarm

There are three types of fire alarms:

1. threshold;

2. address-questionnaire;

3. addressable analog


The principle of the threshold fire alarm device is that each of the fire detectors (sensors) has a built-in response threshold. So, the thermal sensor will work when a certain temperature threshold is reached, set individually for it. The threshold system is designed in such a way that in the center of the so-called "star" there is a control panel with control loops (beams) extending from it, each of which has a certain number of sensors mounted (in most cases there are no more than 30 of them). If one of these sensors is triggered, the entire loop of the device will also be triggered. But it is further necessary to look for the localization of the fire with your own hands - the automation of the system is limited to this.

System Benefits A: The equipment is inexpensive.

Flaws: low information content of the system, as well as the inability to control the state of the sensor at any time.

Address polling

If the control panel in the threshold fire system monitors changes in the loop parameter, then the address-interrogation system independently generates requests about the state of the system elements that are sent to the sensors. In the address-interrogating signaling, the sensors are connected by a loop into a ring. The system can generate "Normal", "Fire" and "Fault" messages.

System Benefits: greater information content, the implementation of constant monitoring of the state of the sensors. Also, this type of alarm corresponds to the combination of "price-quality".

Flaws: the system reacts to fire or fire later than the analog addressable substation.

Addressable analog

This is the best PS so far. It has not only all the technical advantages of the previous types of PS, but also a number of its impressive advantages. The main difference in the design of the system is that the decision on the alarm signal is made not by the sensor itself, but by the control panel that received a signal that is different from the norm. There is a continuous connection between the control panel and the sensors, due to which the panel constantly receives changes in the monitored parameters and analyzes any changes.

System Benefits: early detection of fire, less material consumption during installation, less installation work, continuous monitoring of the performance of sensors.

Flaws: high price.

Warning and evacuation management system in case of fire (SOUE)

SOUE is a set of organizational measures and technical means designed to timely inform people about the occurrence of a fire, the need to evacuate, ways and sequence of evacuation. Warning system - a set of warning means that performs the function of simultaneously bringing voice messages, sound and / or light signals to a large number of consumers. Notifying people about a fire, managing the evacuation of people and ensuring their safe evacuation in case of fire in buildings and structures should be carried out by one of the following methods or a combination of the following methods:

  • supply of light, sound and (or) speech signals to all premises with permanent or temporary stay of people;
  • broadcasting specially designed texts on the need for evacuation, evacuation routes, direction of movement and other actions to ensure the safety of people and prevent panic in case of fire;
  • placement and provision of lighting of fire safety signs on evacuation routes during the standard time;
  • inclusion of evacuation (emergency) lighting;
  • remote opening of locks of doors of evacuation exits;
  • providing a fire post (control room) with fire warning zones;
  • other means of evacuation.

Depending on the method of notification, the division of the building into warning zones and other characteristics, the SOUE is divided into 5 types. The choice of the type of SOUE is carried out depending on the functional purpose of the building (structure), capacity (number of seats), number of visitors, fire compartment area, number of storeys, building category for explosion and fire hazard in accordance with Table 2 of SP 3.13130.2009.

Notification methods: sound (siren, tinted signal, etc.), light (flashing light annunciators, “Exit” light annunciators).

Notification methods: sound, light (flashing light annunciators, “Exit” light annunciators, fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement).

Notification methods: sound, speech (transmission of special texts), light (flashing light annunciators, “Exit” light annunciators, fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement);

Feedback of fire warning zones with the fire control room.

Notification methods: sound, speech, light (flashing light annunciators, "Exit" light annunciators, fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement, light annunciators indicating the direction of people's movement, with a changing semantic meaning);

Division of the building into fire warning zones;

The possibility of implementing several options for evacuation from each fire warning zone.

Notification methods: sound, speech, light (light flashing annunciators, “Exit” light annunciators, fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement, light annunciators indicating the direction of movement of people, with a changing semantic meaning;);

Division of the building into fire warning zones;

Feedback of fire warning zones with the premises of the fire post-control room;

The possibility of implementing several options for evacuation from each fire warning zone;

Coordinated management from one fire control room of all building systems related to ensuring the safety of people in case of fire.


Automatic installation of a fire alarm, warning system and management of evacuation of people in case of fire

Explanatory note. Hardware Specification. Tables. Scheme. Blueprints


OOO "___________________"

Object: "School"


Chief Project Engineer



This project is based on:

- contract N ________ dated __________, for the performance of design and survey work, concluded between _____________________________ and ____________________________________________;

- design assignments.

Customer's drawings were used as initial data for designing.

The design documentation is made in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

- GOST 12.1.004-91 Fire safety. General requirements;

- GOST 12.4.009-83 Fire equipment for the protection of facilities. Main types. Accommodation and service;

- GOST R 21.1101-2009 System of project documentation for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation;

- GOST 21.614-88 Images of conditional graphic electrical equipment and wiring on the plans;

- GOST 28130-89 Fire fighting equipment. Fire extinguishers, fire extinguishing and fire alarm installations. Conditional graphic designations;

- PPB-101-89 Fire safety rules for general education schools, vocational schools, boarding schools, orphanages, preschool, out-of-school and other educational institutions;

- NPB 58-97 Addressable fire alarm systems. General technical requirements. Test methods;

- NPB 77-98 Fire alarm and evacuation control;

- NPB 88-2001 * Fire extinguishing and alarm systems. Norms and rules of design;

- NPB 104-03 Warning and evacuation control systems in case of fires in buildings and structures;

- NPB 105-03 Definition of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations in terms of explosion and fire hazard;

- NPB 110-03 List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic extinguishing and fire detection installations;

- PUE Rules for the installation of electrical installations;

- SP 60.13330.2012 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Updated edition of SNiP 41-01-2003;

- SNiP 31-06-2009 Public buildings and structures (Updated version of SNiP 2.08.02-89 *);

- SNiP 3.05.06-85 Electrical devices;

- SNiP 21-01-97 * Fire safety of buildings and structures;

- RD 25.953-90 Automatic fire extinguishing systems, fire, security and fire alarm systems. Symbols conditional graphic elements of systems;

- STO 56947007- Fire extinguishing systems at JSC FGC UES facilities. General technical requirements;

- RD 78.145-93 Security, fire and security and fire alarm systems and complexes. Rules for the production and acceptance of work;

- Recommendations for the design of fire safety systems based on the Sagittarius fire and security radio system.

This project has been completed in accordance with the current rules and regulations, and ensures the safe operation of the protected premises, subject to the measures provided for by this project.

Chief Project Engineer: __________

List of working drawings of the main set:



Explanatory note

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Explanatory note

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Explanatory note

Explanatory note

Hardware Specification

Hardware Specification

Loop table

Loop table

Loop table

cable magazine

General electrical circuit

Structural diagram of AUPS

Structural diagram of SOUE

Placement of equipment, direction of cable routes (AUPS). 1st floor

Placement of equipment, direction of cable routes (SOUE). 1st floor

Placement of equipment, direction of cable routes (AUPS). 2nd floor

Placement of equipment, direction of cable routes (SOUE). 2nd floor

Placement of equipment, direction of cable routes (AUPS). 3rd floor

Placement of equipment, direction of cable routes (SOUE). 3rd floor

Application. Technical task


The object is a school. Located on 3 floors of a detached 3-storey brick public building. Attic space is not used. Some rooms are equipped with suspended ceilings.

There is a forced smoke removal from room No. 20 on the third floor at the facility, ventilation with natural induction.


2nd floor, N 2


2nd floor, N 24


3rd floor, N 20


3rd floor, N 23


3rd floor, N 24


3rd floor, N 36


3rd floor, N 37


NPB 110-03 and provides for the protection of the facility by automatic fire alarm installation (AUPS).

- In accordance with the requirements of NPB 104-03, this project provides for equipping the facility with a type 3 warning and evacuation control system (SOUE).

The main indicators of automatic installation of fire alarms

Name of protected premises

Protected area, m

Used detectors

receiving station

IP 21210-3 "Aurora-DR"

Fire and security control retractor PPKOP 01040510119-16/256-1 (RROP)

IPR 51310-1 "IPR-R"

Radio channel control panel PU-R

The main indicators of the installation of warning people about a fire

N warning zone

N alert loop

BRO address

Used speakers

Name of serviced premises


Qty (piece)

N 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

AM version 1

N 14, 15, 16, 21, 25, 28, 30, 34, 35, 38

AM version 1

N 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28

AM version 1

N 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12

AM version 1

N 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

AM version 1

N 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9

AM version 1

AM version 1

AM version 1


3.1.1. Organization AUPS

The automatic fire alarm installation is designed to detect fires, give an alarm, alert people about the occurrence of a fire, start the smoke exhaust system and open the valves of the fire-fighting water supply. All premises of the facility are equipped with AUPS, except for: premises with wet processes - bathrooms; premises in which there are no combustible materials - entrance vestibules, stairwells and water meter units.

As the equipment for control and reception of signals about the operation of fire detectors and control of the AUPS, the following was adopted: Reception and control expander security and fire PPKOP 01040510119-16 / 256-1 (RROP) from the Set of intra-object radio system of fire and security alarm "Sagittarius" (according to the Technical Specifications for design of fire safety systems based on the intra-object fire and addressable analog fire alarm system "STRELETS"). Reception of commands and transmission of alarm notifications is carried out by the device via a radio channel from the Control Panel of the radio channel PU-R. Signal reception equipment is installed on the 1st floor in room No. 18 (hall room) at the security post with round-the-clock duty. The security post is separated from the other premises by a fence, which excludes access of unauthorized persons to control devices.

As technical means of detecting a fire in protected premises, the following are accepted:

- for rooms in which the occurrence of a fire is accompanied by the release of aerosol products of thermal decomposition - a radio channel smoke fire detector IP 21210-3 "Aurora-DR";

- for notification of a fire in case of visual detection of fires - manual radio channel fire detector IPR 51310-1 "IPR-R".

When choosing fire detectors, environmental conditions, features of technological processes, the likelihood of a fire and the dynamics of its development are taken into account.

3.1.2. The principle of operation of AUPS:

The fire and security receiving and control expander PPKOP 01040510119-16/256-1 (RROP) ensures the transmission of alarm notifications and information about the state of the device via a radio channel to the PU-R console, as well as the execution of commands coming from the PU-R. PPKOP 01040510119-16 / 256-1 (RROP) using the information board of the control panel PU-R, sound and light indication, generates the following notices:

- "NORMA" - in the absence of operation of the PI, malfunctions and the presence of main and backup power;

- "FIRE ATTENTION" - when one smoke fire detector is triggered in the smoke exhaust zone, with the transmission of the message "Fire attention" over the radio channel indicating the address of the sensor;

- "FIRE" - when at least two smoke fire detectors are triggered in the smoke exhaust zone or one manual or smoke fire detector in other rooms, with the transmission of the message "Fire" over the radio channel indicating the address of the sensors;

- "NO COMMUNICATION WITH THE DETECTOR" - in the absence of radio communication with the fire detector, indicating the address of the detector;

- "FAULT RROP" - in case of a malfunction in the operation of the receiving-control expander;

- "BREAKING" - when opening the expander case;

- "POWER FAILURE" - when the supply voltage drops to 11±0.5 V.

The electrical part of the installation provides for:

- control of radio channel communication serviceability;

- separate indication of all notifications with the ability to determine the time of their receipt;

- buffering of events transmitted over the interface. The buffer size is 256 events.

When the device generates a notification "FIRE":

- the warning system is launched;

- launches the smoke exhaust system (only when sensors are triggered in rooms equipped with a smoke exhaust system).

The device provides execution of the following commands coming via the interface:

- "Record configuration";

The main condition for ensuring the safety of people during fires and other natural disasters is their organized and prompt evacuation to safe areas, where the impact of hazardous physical factors is excluded. The fire warning and evacuation management system, SOUE, is called upon to implement this in modern conditions.

How the SOUE works and what it consists of, what requirements are put forward for warning systems, how they are classified - is described in this article.

The fire warning system is an integral part of the fire alarm, which, according to the law, any enterprise or organization, regardless of the form of ownership, must have in its buildings and structures. It is a set of technical means and measures, the purpose of which is to timely notify people in a building or on the territory of an object about a fire and to provide them with information about the procedure and ways out.

The principle of operation and composition of fire warning and evacuation systems

Management of evacuation in the event of a fire is thought out even when planning buildings, which must have such a spatial design that will ensure a quick exit from the zones affected by fire or combustion products.

Proper functionality is ensured by:

  • By giving light, sound signals, broadcasting records of specially composed texts with appeals and instructions on actions, directions of movement;
  • Switching on emergency lighting;
  • Mandatory placement of illuminated fire safety signs on the routes of movement of people to safe areas;
  • The operation of remotely opened locking devices at the exits;
  • Establishing a connection between the dispatchers of the fire post and the warning zone;
  • Other methods.

Thus, the fire alarm and evacuation control systems include the following devices:

  • Annunciators;
  • Light boards;
  • Direction indicators, including light ones;
  • Acoustic communication systems for informing attendants and staff;
  • Access control electronics for opening locks;
  • SOUE control devices.

Our company offers to supply modern elements of fire alarm systems, develop and install and launch fire alarm systems of any complexity at various enterprises and organizations.

Classification of fire alarm systems and requirements for their work

Requirements for fire alarm systems are reflected in various regulatory documents. First of all, this is Federal Law N126 FZ, which is called "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements". In addition, the country has Fire Safety Standards (NBP), in particular NPB-104-63 and NBP 77-98, which also describe fairly strict requirements for warning systems.

To date, there is a certain classification of fire warning systems. Depending on the degree of autonomy of work, it can be autonomous or work as part of a larger system. There are also 5 types of SOUE, the choice of which is dictated by the number of floors in the building, the responsibility of the facility and other factors.

  • Type 1 is characterized by the presence of sound and light annunciators, signals, sirens, which are alarmed in all rooms where people can be. One line works, all annunciators turn on simultaneously.
  • Type 2 provides for the presence of the same technical means, as well as the installation of light indicators for the direction of movement during evacuation, light indicators "Exit".
  • Type 3 assumes the additional presence of repeaters of audio calls that will relay calls about evacuation routes and prevent panic among people at the facility. It is also assumed that warning lines will be switched on independently, two or more lines will work, warning zones will be created.
  • Type 4, in addition to all the above methods of notification and evacuation control on several independent lines, assumes the presence of a dispatcher's voice communication with warning zones. It is possible to implement various options for evacuation from building areas, manage personnel and evacuated people using feedback.
  • 5 is the most complex and modern, involves the introduction of full automation and various options for coordination and centralized management of the withdrawal of groups from a single post.

If you want to know what are the requirements of fire safety standards in this area, please contact our specialists by phone
