The guy says you are my good. If the guy says good mine. Your mistakes become invisible. My little one or baby. "Where have you been? How are you?"

We can guess as much as we like about the true attitude of a man towards us. It doesn't matter how long you've been together. We girls have different situations and circumstances that make us doubt his love. These doubts corrode us from the inside, destroying ourselves and our relationships, giving rise to feelings such as jealousy, self-doubt, fear of loss.
We can ask a man the question as much as we want: “Do you love me?” — but you don't even like to ask him about it. And whatever the answer, it is not always able to dispel your doubts.
In general, asking about love when doubts live in the soul is somehow awkward, you feel like some kind of beggar. Can you imagine for a moment how the beautiful Jolie runs around the house after her husband Brad Pitt and asks: “Honey, do you love me?” Kind of stupid, right?
And if Jolie doesn't do that, then you shouldn't either. Firstly, if your man really loves you, then this does not mean at all that he should inform you about it every half hour. He will not do this, if only because his, male, love is fundamentally different from female. Women's love stands the test of time, logic and circumstances. If we have chosen our man, then we will follow him into fire and water. Even if your friends tell you that he is worthless and no matter how many times he put an end to your relationship, you will devote yourself to him. And you expect the same attitude from him. But this is unrealistic. Men love differently. And whatever it is, a man's love is also love. And if you understand exactly how a man loves, then you will know if he really gives you all of himself. Can you find out if he loves you? - Yes. Usually a loving man does three things.


Pay attention to how your loved one introduces you to other people: their friends, business partners or relatives. If he says, for example: “This is my girlfriend / baby / beloved” - in one word gives you a title that goes beyond the notorious friend zone, then he loves you. If a man calls you “his”, then he really thinks so and informs everyone about it, because his intentions are serious and pure.
If he introduces you as a girlfriend or just calls you by your first name, be sure that you are - you are just his girlfriend. Deep down in your heart, you yourself know this, right?
But as soon as he gives you any title, you immediately understand that the man is making a statement. He declares his intentions towards you.


As soon as a man claims his rights to you, he immediately begins to earn exclusively for you. After all, you are his family now. The primary purpose of a man is to be a breadwinner and earner. A man who tries to impose on you the idea of ​​equality and financial independence is just fooling your head. A man who is able to provide for his woman and children always feels more important than one who lives for himself. If you feel that he is doing less for your relationship than he could - this is not a man, or rather, this is not your man. Of course, today one often hears from some men that modern women are somehow self-serving, almost extortionists. And often we have to prove the sincerity of our feelings, not pretending to be anything. But in fact - this is such a trick created by men without serious intentions: so they can save their money and get everything they need from a woman. What if your man has no money? Still, he will do everything to meet your needs. He will help you in everything and try for you.


If a man loves you, he will crush anyone who dares to think badly of you and hurt you somehow. If you have been offended, a loving man will go and stand up for you and your honor. Any self-respecting man will protect what belongs to him. If, on a terrible story about how someone insulted you, he just shakes his head or even gets angry, but does not take any action, something is wrong. When a man loves, most likely, you don’t even want to talk about the fact that someone offended you, because he will go to sort it out, and we all understand that this can end badly.
Of course, defense is not only the use of brute physical force. A man who truly loves is protective in other ways: he may offer valuable advice or volunteer to do something that he thinks is not safe for you. He will never send you to the store late at night or walk the dog, he will do everything himself, even if he has not slept for more than two days.

Or maybe so ...))

Harpy Well, at least someone honestly says what he thinks! Let him pretend that this is kind, in fact, you can’t trust the “enemy”.

It seems that there is no need to explain anything here, your beloved has already said everything himself.
On the other hand, if a man really loves you, then all these names do not matter. He is affectionate, loving, and without any hints. Maybe…

baby or baby- for your man, in the foreground, only sex and sexual relationships. He is a restless experimenter in sex, loves fun and entertainment. Alas, it is unlikely that it will be possible to build serious ones with it.

Bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny- If a man compares you to a small rodent, then he is a born hunter, and, most likely, he has such bunnies ... Or he often changes them. To keep this free shooter, you must constantly pretend to be an uncaptured beast, ready to flee at any moment.
As a cage that can keep you, recognize only legal marriage, and do not forget to remind you that “you will chase two hares ... from both in the forehead and you will get!”

Gold, gold, gold. Are you sure he's not with you for commercial reasons? After all, your loved one is a very mercantile type, even if he tries to see some benefit in a loved one. And then, this is again a subtle allusion to your talkativeness, because "silence is golden."

As psychologists assure, calling you "Golden or Precious", a man subconsciously thinks about how you can earn or benefit from a close relationship with you.

In addition, gold is a metal, so you will have to become an "iron lady" and cope with all life and financial difficulties. The most.

Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty Lovers of "kitties" and "kittens" are usually slightly romantic, but very soft-bodied natures. Such an instance is difficult to attribute to the stronger sex, but they are easy to train. At the initial stage of dating, "cat people" can mimic quite well, hiding their spinelessness and masking it with romance.

It is best to show maternal instinct towards them, and at the same time to practice before having a baby.

honey First of all, the question arises - whose? Maybe he subtly hints that you are a "rabbit's foot" that brings happiness? Or that your hand is so heavy that it is comparable only to a bear's paw?

Here it is better to immediately find out what he means and act according to the situation: either please your loved one with a happy smile every time he touches your pen, or ... wean him to call you that once and for all!

Darling. It's just so nice to hear that.

If a man calls you Beloved, then he needs care, tenderness and affection. Perhaps he is very tired and exhausted at work, and at home he wants attention from his beloved woman. If you give such a man your warmth and care, he will be the most exemplary family man.

Sweetheart - your boyfriend does not like gossip, scandals, intrigues and quarrels. He hates to argue with you and tries to avoid such moments.

Rybka- From a fishing enthusiast, you can expect regular "casting a fishing rod" into someone else's garden. And it's also a direct allusion to "shut up, dear!"

If you are not ready to be silent all your life “like a fish on ice”, patiently enduring another “fishing trip”, then you can safely turn into a sawfish or, even better, a barracuda.

Donut (Bun) You are for him - Bun, Candy and other food. For men who call their woman these tender nicknames, the everyday aspect of the relationship is first of all important. Such men are convinced that the main thing is the thriftiness of the lady. In their opinion, you should cook well, wash, clean, and solve all household issues yourself. It is worth considering, or maybe he just needs a housekeeper and a housekeeper?

Don't forget that "the way to a man's heart is through HIS stomach" and not through yours.

Sun, sun. With such an affectionate name, you are ordered to get up early and shine longer. While your favorite egoist will chill in the shadows (quite possibly other women).

You will have to look your best, because “well, you are my Sun, everyone is looking at you”, that is, you are a calling card, the beauty of which should amuse the pride of a man.

In general, the most important thing is that you feel and know that you are loved!

What do we have, a belly and a kid who is holding on to everything and not getting out?????????????????????? I continue to lie in the hospital, they inject my nose, my legs and ass are taken away, and I also squat. today a doctor is on duty, a man who looks about 50 years old, so I’m thinking whether to call him, what.

Prologue))) or preamble (as lawyers say) A few days ago, due to the nature of the work, I had to deal with a very colorful couple. Mom is a young lady deep in her sixties and a son. A forty-two-year-old imposing man in a Swiss watch and boots.

Have you noticed that sometimes a very successful man, after changing a woman, suddenly loses everything? And vice versa? It would seem that a hopeless loser, next to a woman, suddenly takes off in social terms literally to heaven? Have you ever wondered why there are so many beautiful, smart, but lonely women around? why do men curl around some, despite their age and appearance, while others remain lonely? Why does such a smart, good, beautiful, and even a magnificent hostess suddenly start to change her man?

What do men value in women?

Secret number 0. A man and a woman develop a feeling of love for each other when their invisible ancestors bring them together to resolve their unresolved issues.

Secret number 0. A man and a woman develop a feeling of love for each other when their invisible ancestors bring them together to resolve their unresolved issues. At the very beginning of a relationship, a man and a woman are sweet and friendly with each other. Between them there is a kind of spiritual sympathy. Both want to show their best sides, as they used to say in the old days, "show the product with its face." But after a while, when the package is opened, it turns out that the product is not so good and instead of sympathy, now there is rejection ...

Differences between men and women on the energy plane What is a woman, who is a woman and how does she differ from a man? The Lord God did not just create men and women - they differ from each other. In addition to the fact that everyone has their own functions, energy moves in us in different ways. The Vedas say that each person has 7 mental energy centers, the most active, they are often called chakras. In fact, there are more of them, but the main ones are 7. We are arranged in such a way that.

Any woman has a direct channel of communication with the "divine". In our modern reality, basically, this channel is polluted by the emotional and mental developments of a person who is under the great influence of the world around him. For a rare woman, this channel is now clear. This channel is polluted due to the following wrong actions of a woman: 1. In clothes.

“To get love…fill yourself with love until you start attracting love like a magnet.” Charles Enel What do men and women not know about each other? Today I offer material that, with a deeper reading, will help the reader understand why he / she was next to a partner and what to do with those feelings that are now emanating to a beloved (or not very beloved). 0. A man and a woman have a feeling of love for each other when their invisible ancestors bring them together to solve their unresolved issues.

The rules of a real woman or "24 grandma's testaments"1. A real woman realizes how lucky she is to be born a woman.2. The myth that women age earlier than men was invented by men themselves.3. A woman should look after only sick, old or very close relatives. In all other cases, the man must take care of the woman.4. The more a woman has her favorite activities or hobbies, the less chance she has to engage in other people's business.5. A woman should not be in a hurry to be a vest for the tears and complaints of unfortunate men. Men's problems must be solved.

First of all, I would like to say that we all must understand and accept that a woman and a man are radically different creatures. Male or female body is different, different hormones, thoughts, mind, body. The feminine nature is the opposite of the masculine. If a woman wants a real and strong man, she herself must be a real woman, since strong men are drawn to such women, it is with such women that men seek to start a family. A woman should be loving.

What is this book? This is a modern homebuilder. Manual for modern Stepford wives, expanded and supplemented edition. This book was recommended to me by many different people. Talking about her, they all said about the same thing: "Everything is like in life."

Sometimes I think with horror what it's like to be a man. By and large, no one thinks about him, about a man. What is it like for him to live? More people think about seals and fur seals. Everyone (let's not point a finger) thinks only about whether he loves or dislikes. Does - does not. Will come - will not come. Change - will not change. A woman dependent on a man is like a prisoner whose arms have been twisted and tied with elbow joints to someone else. To her man. As soon as he moves, she hisses - "It hurts me!".

What does an activity in which there is enthusiasm look like? How to live with enthusiasm? Let's figure it out. Creatively, actively, with interest - any other options? There must be some inspiration, yes. Such an enthusiastic person rejoices. This is some kind of emotional state. Selflessly, perhaps, yes. So, you understand that enthusiasm is a kind of emotional state that can accompany our lives. And when it comes, this enthusiasm, what do you think? Right! When everything is good, when the goal is set.

but as a statue of a naked woman with a beautiful figure like this: "When you have children, you do not want them to see this." It makes you want to say “where the world is heading”. At all times, the beauty of the body, soul, mind was sung. And now fat aunts become models, effeminate men with chicken breasts flaunt on the banners of cities - this is how propaganda works to make people die out - eat hot dogs, french fries, drink cola, there should be a lot of a good person, and fresh juices in large quantities harmful, there is nothing useful in mushrooms, but without.

Girls who read and know my story will, of course, be able to assess the situation more objectively. Who has not read, let him orient himself according to the post below.

Have you noticed that sometimes a very successful man, after changing a woman, suddenly loses everything? And vice versa? It would seem that a hopeless loser, next to a woman, suddenly takes off in social terms literally to heaven? Have you ever wondered why there are so many beautiful, smart, but lonely women around? Why do men curl around some, despite their age and appearance, while others remain lonely? Why does such a smart, good, beautiful, and even a magnificent hostess, suddenly begin to cheat on her man? Why does someone in the family have love.

Promotion Results - Here! Hello my good ones!! There is a very good and useful energy and it is called Lunar Reiki!! Lunar Reiki energy has a wide range of healing not only for women, but also for men. With the help of energy, you can be healed of a number of gynecological diseases, increase male potency, heal prostatitis, it is excellent for healing emotional problems, healing depressive conditions, normalizes the functioning of hormonal systems in both men and women, this energy is the first assistant to heal the causes of infertility, but also suitable for work.

More and more often, women are discussing a topic that has become so popular in recent years: men "shrink", become weaker, unreliable, soft, indecisive, etc. What is it - a collective female hallucination, or is there really something wrong with the strong half of humanity? The three of us were sitting in a cafe, me and my two girlfriends - such a small bachelorette party. What do we talk about when we see each other? Of course about men. Nastya is just seething with irritation today. - Can you imagine, I thought - he is a man, but he is generally incomprehensible! Bye.

They threw off a link to cool material - like it was removed later from space after the readers began to resent.

A beam of light is better seen in the dark, and a shadow in the light. So the masculine is seen brightly against the background of the feminine. If you want to test yourself, what kind of a man you are, look at how you feel about the main phenomena of the feminine and material: nature, money, power, fame and a woman.

Let's start with understanding the causes of male infertility If doctors tell a man that his infertility is incurable, then you need to understand that this is definitely a blow to the Family! Because a man is the successor of the clan, ideally, the head of the clan, the head of the family. And infertility, in fact, deprives a man of this right, opportunity, power given to him from Above.

I recently received a compliment. And it was the best compliment in my life. One man told me: "You are special." I asked him: “Why am I so special?” - we, women, love details, because they contain all the salt, you see. He paused, and then, lowering his voice, as if entrusting me with a great secret, he said: “You understand ... You are a WOMAN.” And the word "woman" sounded so that goosebumps ran down the skin. And I didn't have any more questions. Women are different. Here.

Article patriarchal society, about the patriarchal family. And about others) And who are you, ladies, "barbarians" or "civilized people"? One big country, but the people are so different. This has always been the case in Russia. Westernizers and Slavophiles. People oriented towards the European values ​​of an enlightened society, and people clinging to the old way of life and housebuilding. In our modern world, just as in the past, there are civilized people, but there are. barbarians.

Powerful tool for strong men!

The post is old, but it seems to me that it is worth it to raise it :)))) author - Yulia Rubleva Kill the Fairy I can study as many fairies as I like, I have them. I also have a fairy. Recently, I began to suspect that our inner Fairy is a cunning, dishonest and nasty creature. Before, I suspected the Fairy of stupidity. Now I suspect her of self-interest. How to recognize a Fairy in yourself? It's very difficult. But probably.

In Rus', they called a beloved man - “The Light of my eyes”, because a man is the Way, this is an arrow indicating the ascent to the upper worlds. A loving woman admiringly looks at her beloved as a light that helps her not to forget herself. And the woman was called - "My soul." Because it reminds of that, for the sake of which it only makes sense to move on this Path. Everything is just for the soul. There is no sense in anything: neither in wars, nor in accomplishments, nor in knowledge, nor in abilities - if it is forgotten.

In Rus', they called a beloved man - “The Light of my eyes”, because a man is the Way, this is an arrow indicating the ascent to the upper worlds. A loving woman admiringly looks at her beloved as a light that helps her not to forget herself. And the woman was called - "My soul." Because it reminds of that, for the sake of which it only makes sense to move on this Path. Everything is just for the soul. There is no sense in anything: neither in wars, nor in accomplishments, nor in knowledge, nor in abilities - if it is forgotten.

An amazing article based on a book by psychologist Laura Schlesinger about the stupidest mistakes women make and ruin their lives! American psychologist Laura Schlesinger has her own radio program. They call her to ask for advice, ask a question about love, or just cry into the phone. After analyzing the complaints of these women who are forced to seek advice from the radio, Laura decided to record her impressions and thoughts in a book. This is how "Ten Stupid Mistakes Women Make to Ruin Their Lives" was born. Don't look at yourself through a lens.

Does it always happen like this in everything? Are there differences on the energy plane between Men and Women? Who is a Woman and how does she differ from a Man? You will find answers to these questions in our article. The Lord God, he did not just create men and women and they differ from each other. In addition to the fact that everyone has their own functions, energy moves in us in different ways.

1. When things are bad, don't scream. Better cry Shouting is a manifestation of aggression. This is a masculine energy, a masculine way of responding. Whereas tears are a feminine way of reacting. When a woman yells, she is unlikely to be heard. Most likely, she will awaken in a man only retaliatory aggression. And then the skirmish will continue with the transition to personalities. Tears are a woman's ability to express her feelings. This is a way to let a man feel and show masculine power. Now - surprisingly - there are so many women who are completely.

In Rus', they called a beloved man - “The Light of my eyes”, because a man is the Way, this is an arrow indicating the ascent to the upper worlds. A loving woman admiringly looks at her beloved as a light that helps her not to forget herself. And the woman was called - "My soul." Because it reminds of that, for the sake of which it only makes sense to move on this Path. Everything is just for the soul. There is no sense in anything: neither in wars, nor in accomplishments, nor in knowledge, nor in abilities - if it is forgotten.

Acceptance of a man One of the three qualities that makes a man feel loved is the acceptance of a man for who he is. The fact is that there is a whole category of marriages that are doomed to collapse from the very beginning. According to the results of John Gray's long research and therapeutic work, from 10% to 20% of marriages are doomed to complete failure on only one basis - incompatibility. Especially terrible is the incompatibility in terms of the goals that people set in life, and not some kind of astrological incompatibility. There are couples who live ten years or more.

What is a woman, who is a woman and how is she different from a man? The Lord God did not just create men and women - they differ from each other. In addition to the fact that everyone has their own functions, energy moves in us in different ways. The Vedas say that each person has 7 mental energy centers, the most active, they are often called chakras. In fact, there are more of them, but the main ones are 7. We are arranged in such a way that men and women have energy in.

I found an interesting article on the internet. Have you noticed that sometimes a very successful man, after changing a woman, suddenly loses everything? And vice versa? It would seem that a hopeless loser, next to a woman, suddenly takes off in social terms literally to heaven? Have you ever wondered why there are so many beautiful, smart, but lonely women around? Why do men curl around some, despite their age and appearance, while others remain lonely? Why is such a smart, good, beautiful, and even a magnificent hostess, suddenly a man begins to change her.

Which of the loving women has not at least once been jealous of his chosen one! Sooner or later, many women get burned on the hot coals of male infidelity ... Why are men so changeable? Why are women so insecure? Let's try to understand what infidelity is from the point of view of the wisdom of the Ancient East.

I'm used to achieving everything myself, my life is always filled with bright events, extreme sports, parties. I always chose men who were powerful, successful and choleric, like me) because I felt my carelessness with them) and when I was carried, they always knew how to say “Be quiet woman” and solved all the questions that tormented me “from a male point of view”, this also applied to financial questions, gifts, restaurants, trips to the sea - all this was brought to me easily. but as a rule, such relationships were bright, but ended hard, constantly found "Scythe on a stone." Italian passions.

If a woman "dominates the masculine" .. This is cunning. If you were dominated by the masculine, you would be born a man. But if you were born not as a man, but as a woman, then you are dominated by the feminine. You just have the wrong idea about life. And this misconception about life gives rise to an increase in the masculine principle. Let's take a girl's life from the very beginning. She starts school. She does not learn how to love everyone, but learn to read, multiply .. Not what develops her feminine qualities. WITH.

The closer I am to forty years, the more familiar peers get divorced. Some don't go to the young, but most just go. Because they can't anymore. Because life with a modern emancipated woman does not justify the psychoexpenses of an adult and no longer a hypersexual man. The rest are patient. For reasons of responsibility and greed: what will happen to the children, what will relatives say, and how will I live if I give or share an apartment, cottage, car “acquired in a joint marriage”?

Who are pro-feminist men? Pro-feminist men are men who actively support feminism and make efforts to achieve gender justice and equality. Some pro-feminist men are involved in political activism. Most often, these are issues of male violence against women, for example, they are dealt with by many male groups in Australia, the USA, Canada, Europe and other countries. Pro-feminist men are involved in violence prevention by working with boys and young men in schools, conducting workshops on sexual harassment in the workplace, organizing public education campaigns on violence.

The relationship between a man and a woman has always raised certain questions. Most often they relate to personal relationships, preferences and desires. Solving them, many seek advice, resorting to book aids or the Internet - a storehouse of information.

One of the interesting aspects of the relationship between a man and a woman is the nicknames that they give to each other. Such nicknames are needed in order to express your feelings for your soul mate. There are dozens of them and basically they all have an affectionate character. For example, some of these common nicknames are cat, bunny or sun. Each of them carries a certain meaning. By nature, it is much easier for a woman to express love and affection for a dear person than to do the same for a man. Since they like more specifics, directness and clarity. It is much easier for men to calmly work out a shift at work than to devote the whole day to their chosen one, satisfying her natural desire to be loved. By nature, a man will much faster make a woman a pleasant surprise, in the form of a gift, than openly express all his feelings for her. Therefore, if a man calls a woman not by name, but with such affectionate words as "my beloved", "my dear", this speaks of his strong feelings for her. For most men, these are not just empty and on-duty words, but what he experiences in the depths of his soul. Many women, pronouncing the phrases "my husband", "my beloved", "my dear" most often express their love, confidence and tenderness. And when a man calls a woman such titles, it can say a lot.

In most cases, when a man calls his beloved woman "his" it means that he has warm and tender feelings for her. Thus, he shows that for himself he found the only woman with whom he is ready to share everything in his life. And that it is with this woman that he is ready to continue to share all the most valuable that he has. By this is meant not only material means, first of all it is his inner world, experiences and doubts. And having shared the most valuable, he will be completely sure that "his" beloved woman is attentive to him and understands him correctly, will support him if necessary, and most importantly, he will no longer share trusted information with anyone. Also, such a man, by his attitude towards his wife, shows that he is ready for frank conversations and, if necessary, will apply the advice of "his beloved woman. In addition, if a man calls you" my woman "this means that he will restrain his emotions and feelings at the moment when your points of view on some issue diverge.But, it is also important for a woman to remember that any patience and self-control once comes to an end.

Another important facet of such treatment can be called a veiled request. In other words, if a man calls a woman "my beloved" this may mean that he wants to receive more care and tenderness from his wife, and this should not be ignored.

Simply put, happiness and mutual understanding can be achieved if both spouses strive for this in the family. Coming home after a hard day at work, any man wants to have a good rest. He expects that when he comes home, he will be able to receive care, warmth and attention from his wife. It is no secret that the way to the heart of any man passes through the stomach, that is, if the wife fully satisfies this need of the husband, it will be much easier for him to notice the good in his wife. For him, she will be the best woman in the whole world. And as a consequence of this, he will do everything in his power to be a good husband and family man.

But, sometimes when a man calls a woman "my" it also speaks of another reason. Everyone knows that any person, regardless of gender and age, has a tendency to greed, property and selfishness. For example, some mothers get jealous when their daughter calls her mother-in-law "mom", or when she expresses a point of view on a question that her mother-in-law adheres to. The same is true in the relationship between a man and a woman. Some men, having taken a woman as a wife, believe that after the wedding she becomes his property. And therefore, he does not have the right to independently decide with whom to be friends, where to go, with whom to communicate, and so on. In this case, if a man calls a woman "his" this indicates his jealousy. In such a situation, and unfortunately there are quite a few of them, a woman feels completely infringed, deprived of her freedom and the right to privacy. This behavior of a man does not necessarily mean that he does not love her. Rather, on the contrary, he loves her so much that his love transcends all boundaries. Often such a man is ready to do everything to ensure that his wife is there and does not go to some other man. Often ladies ask their girlfriends a question - what does it mean when a man called me "my woman" and what kind of relationship should be expected after that. A woman living in such a family is most often alarmed and frightened by the phrases "my dear", "my beloved woman" and others, than they are assured of love, care and safety. In such a relationship, any affectionate word of a man who is nearby evokes negative feelings.

Very often, the true meaning of words can be recognized by the facial expressions of the person who pronounces them. The same goes for kind words. You can determine what is behind such words by observing the further actions of the person who uttered them and the one to whom they were addressed.

If these words evoked only positive feelings and emotions, then behind such affectionate words there is true love, respect and trust. In this case, the woman feels truly happy. The same applies when there is no mutual feelings and love in a relationship.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in most cases, when a man calls his beloved woman "my", this speaks of his tender feelings, love and warm attitude. But, unfortunately, sometimes behind the phrase "mine" is a sense of ownership and mistrust.

One of the manifestations of love is an affectionate appeal to a loved one. And even the most restrained and serious men are able to whisper various cute nonsense in your ear, call you Bunny, Pusya or Dolly.

Each such nickname expresses a certain range of feelings and attitude towards you of your man, his aspirations, intentions and plans for you.

So, read and decipher))

My angel, angel - considers you an absolutely pure person, very afraid of losing you.

Barbie - considers you very beautiful, her ideal of beauty.

Baby - cares for you, but he is hardly interested in real feelings.

Hippo - absorbed in you, not averse to playing, but will not limit your personal freedom.

Cherry - treats you with special care, cherishes relationships.

Darling - appreciates confidence and certainty in relationships. Feelings for him fade into the background.

My life - a clear pathos shows a tendency to bust. It is necessary to find out if he has another “life” on the side.

Giraffe - he likes your high growth, treats you with special love.

Hare, bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny - has a penchant for excitement, not averse to playing with you. In the depths of his soul, he is quite jealous and is watching you closely.

Gold, gold, gold - emphasizes the special significance of your relationship, but the mind prevails over his feelings.

Kitty, kitty, kisulya, kitty, kitty - has a mindset for close contact and does not want to complicate the situation.

Queen - treats you with deep respect, ready for anything for you. But it does not have a strong character.

Tiny - he likes your miniature, appreciates you and is afraid of parting.

Baby - treats you a little down, wants to limit your freedom.

Beloved, beloved, beloved, love - is particularly sensitive, ready to act with full determination to build relationships.

Little, masik, small, masya - has deep feelings, is ready to show care and affection.

Or maybe so ...))

Harpy - Well, at least someone honestly says what he thinks! Let him pretend that this is kind, in fact, you can’t trust the “enemy”.

It seems that there is no need to explain anything here, your beloved has already said everything himself. On the other hand, if a man really loves you, then all these names do not matter. He is affectionate, loving, and without any hints. Maybe…

Baby or Baby - for your man, in the foreground, only sex and sexual relationships. He is a restless experimenter in sex, loves fun and entertainment. Alas, it is unlikely that it will be possible to build serious ones with it.

Hare, hare, hare, hare, hare, hare - If a man compares you with a small rodent, then he is a born hunter, and it is likely that he has such bunnies ... Or he often changes them. In order to keep this free shooter, you must constantly pretend to be an uncaptured beast, ready to run away at any moment. As a cage capable of keeping you, recognize only legal marriage, and do not forget to remind that “you chase two hares ... from both in the forehead and get it! »

Gold, gold, gold. Are you sure he's not with you for commercial reasons? After all, your loved one is a very mercantile type, even if he tries to see some benefit in a loved one. And then, this is again a subtle allusion to your talkativeness, because "silence is golden."

As psychologists assure, calling you "Golden or Precious", a man subconsciously thinks about how you can earn or benefit from a close relationship with you.

In addition, gold is a metal, so you will have to become an “iron lady” and cope with all life and financial difficulties. The most.

Kisa, kitty, kisulya, kisonka, kisik Lovers of "kitties" and "kittens" are usually slightly romantic, but very soft-bodied natures. Such an instance is difficult to attribute to the stronger sex, but they are easy to train. At the initial stage of dating, "cat people" can mimic quite well, hiding their spinelessness and masking it with romance.

It is best to show maternal instinct towards them, and at the same time to practice before having a baby.

Honey First of all, the question arises - whose? Maybe he subtly hints that you are a "rabbit's foot" that brings happiness? Or that your hand is so heavy that it is comparable only to a bear's paw?

Here it is better to immediately find out what he means and act according to the situation: either please your loved one with a happy smile every time he touches your pen, or ... wean him to call you that once and for all!

Darling. It's just so nice to hear that.

If a man calls you Beloved, then he needs care, tenderness and affection. Perhaps he is very tired and exhausted at work, and at home he wants attention from his beloved woman. If you give such a man your warmth and care, he will be the most exemplary family man.

Sweetheart - your boyfriend does not like gossip, scandals, intrigues and quarrels. He hates to argue with you and tries to avoid such moments.

Fish - From a fishing lover, you can expect regular "casting a fishing rod" into someone else's garden. And it's also a direct allusion to "shut up, dear!"

If you are not ready to be silent all your life “like a fish on ice”, patiently enduring another “fishing trip”, then you can safely turn into a sawfish or, even better, a barracuda.

Donut (Bun) You are for him - Bun, Candy and other food. For men who call their woman these tender nicknames, the everyday aspect of the relationship is first of all important. Such men are convinced that the main thing is the thriftiness of the lady. In their opinion, you should cook well, wash, clean, and solve all household issues yourself. It is worth considering, or maybe he just needs a housekeeper and a housekeeper?

Don't forget that "the way to a man's heart is through HIS stomach" and not through yours.

Sun, sun. With such an affectionate name, you are ordered to get up early and shine longer. While your favorite egoist will chill in the shadows (quite possibly other women).

You will have to look your best, because “well, you are my Sun, everyone is looking at you”, that is, you are a visiting card, the beauty of which should amuse a man’s pride.

In general, the most important thing is that you feel and know that you are loved!

Husband and wife are talking in bed.

- Dear, in my opinion, the hare is the most stupid animal. Is not it?

- As always, you are right, my hare.

A list of nicknames that symbolize a man's attitude towards you! At least someone explained what “You are my Behemoth!” means!

My angel, angel - he considers you an absolutely pure person, he is very afraid of losing you.

Barbie - considers you very beautiful, her ideal of beauty.

Baby - cares for you, but he is hardly interested in real feelings.

Hippo - absorbed in you, not averse to playing, but will not limit your personal freedom.

Cherry - treats you with special care, cherishes relationships.

Baby - specific in his desires and thoughts, does not intend to complicate anything.

Dear, dear - appreciates confidence and certainty in relationships. Feelings for him fade into the background.

Dragon - he likes your prickly character, he is ready to forgive a lot.

Durynda - ready to forgive you for any mistake, taking the situation under personal control.

Hedgehog, hedgehog - attaches special importance to your relationship. Sometimes he shows intemperance, because he is afraid of losing you.

Toad - playfully assertive and energetic, but greatly values ​​​​your relationship.

My life - a clear pathos shows a tendency to bust. It is necessary to find out if he has another “life” on the side.

Giraffe - he likes your high growth, treats you with special love.

Hare, bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny - has a penchant for excitement, not averse to playing with you. In the depths of his soul, he is quite jealous and is watching you closely.

Gold, gold, gold - emphasizes the special significance of your relationship, but the mind prevails over his feelings.

Kitty, kitty, kisulya, kisonka, kisik - has a mindset for close contact and does not want to complicate the situation.

Goat, goat, goat, goat - feels complete closeness with you. You are a very dear person to him, although he is able to tease you.

Sweetie - be careful: most likely, he considers you his property.

Queen - treats you with deep respect, ready for anything for you. But it does not have a strong character.

Kitten, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty - feels an inextricable connection and closeness with you, trying to convince you of absolute fidelity.

The crocodile is emphatically energetic, does not have the mood to beat around the bush and hold back emotions for too long.

Tiny - he likes your miniature, appreciates you and is afraid of parting.

Baby - treats you a little down, wants to limit your freedom.

Doll, doll - passionate about you, but does not attach too much importance to your relationship.

Paw, sweetheart, lapulya, lapusik - extremely active and ready to work and live for you.

Swallow - completely confident in you and very attentive.

Fox, fox, fox - all his attention is absorbed by you and he expects the same response from you.

Beloved, beloved, beloved, love - is particularly sensitive, ready to act with full determination to build relationships.

Lyalya, lyalechka, lyalik - differs in emotionality, cannot always control the surge of feelings - both positive and negative.

Little, masik, small, masya - has deep feelings, is ready to show care and affection.

Baby, baby - you absorb all his attention, and an adequate response is expected from you.

The bear cub is a sensual person, but does not intend to rush, is prudent and does not want to lose you.

Sweetheart, sweetheart - guarantees you a reliable relationship. His feelings are in perfect balance with the mind.

Mulya, musya, musipusechka - very strong feelings. He is prone to hobbies and sometimes does not feel the measure.

Mouse, mouse, mouse - he is very attached to you, sometimes unrestrained, but his love is deep.

Pampushka - counts on interaction and complete intimacy.

Donut - wants to attract your attention with all his might, protecting himself from all possible rivals.

Charm - experiencing quivering and tender feelings.

Princess - treats you like a child, but his love is undeniable.

Belly, tum, telepuz - is set to create and equip a family hearth.

Baby doll, baby doll, baby doll, little dog, pussy - looking for full contact with you, but behind this there can be not only feelings, but also practical interest.

Fish - apparently looks at your relationship in a businesslike way. Puts practical interest first, not romance.

Sweet, sweet - specially emphasizes one's own emotionality, but in the soul is calm and balanced.

Baby elephant, elephant - gives serious importance to your relationship and expects reciprocity.

The sun, the sun - has a keen interest in you and genuine tenderness.

Tiger, tigress, tiger cub - is not going to limit your freedom. He can play a joke on you, but in fact he offers you an equal union.

Hamster - has a tendency to impulsive actions, easily gives in to momentary impulses.

Chick, chicken - offers you active contact, but, probably, in the depths of his soul he is afraid of something.

Miracle, monster - requires your full attention, emphasizes the importance of your relationship.
