Love card full alignment for the period of the year. Annual schedule. Annual layout "12 months"

Online fortune telling on cards by date of birth

Online prediction of a person's fate by date of birth. Free of charge and in one click you will receive a table of fate and a complete description of the periods of life for the whole year.

Find out the forecast of your fate, get a warning about what will happen. Knowing the future, you can get rid of troubles and start a new life!

Knowing one's fate saves a person from both excessive arrogance and excessive pessimism. Knowledge of fate liberates a person and makes him a realist.

Find out your fate for a year by date of birth

In order to find out your fate by date of birth, enter your date of birth in the form.

Forecast of fate for the year and Annual alignment on the cards

In the system of Cards of Destiny and Love, the year of a person’s destiny begins not according to the calendar beginning of the year (January 1), but on the person’s birthday. A person's birthday, in the system of Destiny and Love Cards, is a record of the new year and is indicated by a birth card. Therefore, each calendar year, for each person, is divided into two periods of fate - before the birthday and after.
In the forecast of fate for a year by date of birth, two life scenarios are presented on the cards, according to the first of which, calculations are made of the forecast of fate before the birthday, and according to the second - after the birthday.

Knowing one's destiny, as long as it is present in a person's life, allows him to survive. He has something to protect by the highest score: his dream, his mission, the opportunity to live his own, and not someone else's life. This is the basis of the solidarity of those living today with their ancestors and descendants. For an individual person, the knowledge of one's destiny is the limiting volume of life in which one can think of oneself as a participant. What sets him the level of personal development: what he will take upon himself - within the framework of a given fate. Therefore, it is very important that the meaning of our destiny be revealed with the degree of clarity that is possible today.

Anyone who once experienced the magical power of the Tarot will maintain a relationship with them constantly. Anyone who needed psychological support, and received it through the alignment of mysterious images and symbols, will not need to explain the power of the cards, and their influence on the fate of a person. Usually, a person turns to cards in a moment of despair, or on the eve of an event. The desire of a person to know what will happen in the future is associated not only with curiosity, but also with the desire to be confident in the future. - the most common type of divination. Layouts can be very diverse. Starting with divination for one day, week, month and so on. By drawing one card, you can find out the general characteristics of the day. By pulling out a few, you can find out the schedule of events at different times of the day. Fortune-telling is carried out by more complex Tarot layouts, the study of which tarologists give many years of their lives.

How to do the Tarot layout "Month"?

The desire to make a tarot alignment speaks of your willingness to accept the events that are about to happen. You will have the opportunity to minimize the negative impact of the event on your life, as you will be ready for it. If the upcoming events will please you with variety and bright colors, then the Tarot cards will rejoice with you and indicate how to proceed in the future in order to preserve the favor of fortune. In general, it is advisable to produce on days that suit your biological rhythm and are favorable for them. So you can achieve a more accurate interpretation of the cards. In the layouts for the future, not only your thoughts and feelings are considered, but also your fears. What are you afraid of and what are you trying to run away from? The cards deal with our desires and dreams that have not come true. Perhaps they will show you options for the paths that you should have taken to achieve your goal, or tell you what exactly prevented you from following the beaten path. What made you turn off the specified path.

In cards, as in any responsible work, you must adhere to strict rules of conduct. Do not start fortune telling on cards until you have established contact with the deck that you have chosen for fortune telling. To do this, you can hold the deck in your hands for a while, or touch the card with your left hand, moving it from the deck. After that, it is necessary to discard all unnecessary thoughts that may interfere with divination. Only then can the alignment begin. If you are having difficulty interpreting a card, it is best to rely on your intuition and interpret the card based on nearby cards. It is not recommended to do several layouts for the same question. This is done only if you want to clarify any issue and clarify the state of affairs in a certain period of time.

Do you want to know the events of the near future? Then the Tarot layout for the month is what you need! In this article, you will learn about what can be learned from this fortune-telling, get acquainted with the main schemes of this layout, and also learn how to correctly use the knowledge gained in practice. Enjoy reading!

What can you learn from Tarot layouts for time periods?

The study of the Tarot layout for a month depends on the specific situation. Before starting fortune-telling, ask a specific question. Example - "When such and such an event occurs." Do not use ambiguous turns in a sentence - this will negatively affect the result of fortune-telling. You can use the “time planning” method by analyzing the meaning of the cards that have fallen. Some examples of the interpretation of the Major Arcana, which are responsible for time periods, are given below.

Months and Major Arcana

  • January. Mage, Death
  • February. Moderation,
  • March. Devil, Empress
  • April. Tower, Emperor
  • May. Star,
  • June. Moon, Lovers
  • July. sun, chariot
  • August. Court, Justice
  • September. Peace, Hermit
  • October. Jester, Wheel of Fortune
  • November. Strength
  • December. Hanged

Days of the Week and Major Arcana

  • Sunday. , Mage, Devil
  • Monday. , Priest
  • Tuesday. Wheel of Fortune, Empress, Star
  • Wednesday. Strength, Emperor, Moon
  • Thursday. Hanged Man, Priest, Sun
  • Friday. Death, Lovers, Judgment
  • Saturday. Temperance, Chariot, Peace

You can find out the details of the layouts for the selected time periods by visiting courses at the Russian Tarot School.

Tarot layout for a month: scheme and description

Consider the scheme of the Tarot layout for a month. Before starting fortune-telling, clearly designate the time period, concentrate on the question of interest by asking it to the cards according to the diagram below.

Interpretation of positions

  1. What awaits the fortuneteller in matters of health
  2. Financial Successes/Failures
  3. How will things be on the personal front?
  4. Career advancement, working moments
  5. What to expect from the next month

Tarot layout "12 houses" for a month

The tarot spread for the month "12 houses" is one of the most popular divination methods. Allows you to cover all spheres of life of a particular person, find out the prospects for the development of certain events, etc. It is advisable to guess for a birthday or New Year - this will help to create an objective picture of what is happening. Before the alignment, designate the time period of influence, draw up a clear wording of the question, discard extraneous thoughts. Separate the Major Arcana from the Minor Arcana, shuffle the “trumps”, laying them out according to the diagram below.

In order not to get confused, be sure to watch the video of the Tarot spread for a month.

Interpretation of the positions of the alignment

  • The essence of the personality of the questioner, his appearance, worldview, health and / or vigor
  • Prospects for material well-being, financial condition
  • Trips, everyday contacts, news
  • Relationships with loved ones with whom you are under the same roof, real estate, life
  • Sexual, romantic entertainment, leisure, relationships with children
  • Daily needs, health status
  • Relations with strangers (business, competitors, etc.)
  • Expenses / income associated with strangers, critical situations that lie in danger
  • Prospects for expanding the horizons of life activity, learning new things, including long-distance business trips, meeting foreigners, etc.
  • Promotion through the ranks, work, career
  • Hopes, relationships with friends, prospects for the fulfillment of desires
  • The internal state of the soul / body - it all depends on the temperament of the fortuneteller

A video of the Tarot layout for a week will simplify the divination process for beginner tarologists. Below is a brief description of the Seven Days layout.

Divination "Seven days"

The alignment makes it possible to lift the veil of the future in the next seven days. It is not necessary to start fortune telling on Sunday or Monday, you can choose any day of the week at your own discretion.

Note! If fortune-telling falls on Wednesday, then the predictions for the coming days (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday) will be applicable to the current week. Monday and Tuesday will refer to next week

Focus on the question of interest, pull out eight Arcana from the deck, laying them out in one row according to the diagram below.

Interpretation of positions

S - significator of the key events of the week. It is considered one of the most important cards in the layout. It will help the fortuneteller understand what should be paid close attention to, changes in which sphere of life will become the main ones for the questioner.

Numbers 1-7 are a display of significant events regarding the days of the week. Start browsing from 1 (Monday), etc.

Let this information help to correctly predict the events of the near future. Stay tuned, leave comments. All the best!

AT system of cards of fate and love in addition to the Basic layout of Life for each card, there are Annual layouts, which represent the Earth set in miniature for one individual year. The same planets are present in it as in, but the annual alignment affects a person only for one year, and the Life Alignment operates throughout life. The annual alignment shows the dynamics of a person's life in each individual area during a particular year and determines its goals and objectives. According to the annual layout, you can see the events, the path of development, the difficulties that you will have to face in any year of your life.

Schedule for the year predetermined in advance, and the set of cards included in its composition is unique for each year of your life. The annual alignment is done on your Birth Card (you can find out its meaning by, and read its detailed description on the page).

The year consists of seven planetary periods of 52 days, and each of them corresponds to certain cards. In each period of time, a person is in a certain planetary period of his year: the period of Mercury begins on the day of birth of a person, then the period of Venus begins, after it the period of Mars, etc. until the end of the year and the beginning of the next. The cards of each planetary period influence and determine the events of this time period. (Additional Information .)

In the layout for the year according to the Cards of Destiny (Love), you will see the date on which each planetary period of your year begins and the cards that influence it. Most periods correspond to two cards (the period of Neptune has one or two).

Attention! Your personal year begins not on January 1st, but on your birthday. The annual alignment is also done, starting from the day you were born, depending on the selected year for which the alignment will be done. For example: you were born on July 17, 1980 and want to know your annual alignment for 2016. Your Birth Chart is Jack of Clubs and your period is Mercury always, in any year, starts on July 17 and always ends on September 6, the day before the start of the Venus period. By choosing 2016 for the alignment, you will see that your personal year and, accordingly, the period of Mercury begins on July 17, 2015, the period of Venus - September 7, 2015, the period of Mars - October 29, 2015, the period of Jupiter - December 20, 2015, the period of Saturn is February 10, 2016, the period of Uranus is April 3, 2016, the period of Neptune is May 25, 2016. Your next personal year starts on July 17, 2016. To make an annual layout for it, you must select the year 2017 in the form.

In this version of the annual layouts, the cards are presented with their brief general meaning.

Schedule for the year
Select day, month, year of birth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 26 26 28 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August October November 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2008 2006 2006 2004 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1998 1998 1996 1996 1994 1994 1994 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1985 1985 1984 1984 1981 1981 1979 1977 1974 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1966 1965 1964 1963 1960 1960 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1949 1947 1946 1945 1944 1944 1943 1942 1940 1939 1937 1937 1935 1934 1933 1931 1929 1928 1927 1925 1922 1920 1919 1915 19114 19114 19114 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 19115 1911A 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 1899 1898 1897 1896 1894 1894 1893 1892 1891 1890 1889 1887 1886 1885 1884 1883 1882 1881 1880 1878 1877 1875 1874 1873 1872 1870 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869

Select the year you would like to schedule

2035 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Beginning of the planetary period day/month/year
Beginning of the planetary period day/month/year
Beginning of the planetary period day/month/year
Beginning of the planetary period day/month/year
Beginning of the planetary period day/month/year
Beginning of the planetary period day/month/year
Pluto (Life Challenge Chart)
Consequence Map (Pluto Result, Life Task Result)
space lesson

When will I meet my love? How does he or she feel about me? How does he or she treat me? What is the future of our relationship? Is there a reason for jealousy? Is it time for a breakup? These questions concern both men and women at any age. They can occur both at the initial stage of the relationship during the period of falling in love, and when the couple is already married.

In complex or uncertain situations, it is easier to understand what is happening and make a decision if you look at the situation from the outside. Cards provide that opportunity.

Fortune telling with the help of the Tarot for love will help you learn about the expectations of each of the partners, the feelings and attitude of a person towards you, the prospects for the development of relationships.

In love spreads, only the values ​​\u200b\u200bof Tarot cards can be used. They are more specific and easier to interpret. Or use the full deck and consider the values ​​\u200b\u200bwith them.

Tarot cards - divination on the feelings and thoughts of a partner

The layouts “Does she love me?”, “Partner’s attitude”.

These spreads will help bring clarity to understanding the feelings and thoughts of a loved one regarding you. His plans for the future in these relations will become clear. The cards will indicate the likely course of events. What to do to strengthen relationships or keep a partner.

Positions of Tarot cards in divination for love, layout scheme:

  1. What does the partner think of the questioner?
  2. What feelings does the partner have for the questioner?
  3. How does the partner behave towards the questioner?
  4. What is the meaning and interest of relations with the questioner for him? What is the purpose of the person in this relationship.
  5. What good will this relationship bring to the life of the questioner?
  6. What negative aspects can this relationship bring?
  7. The advice of the cards as a questioner is to behave in order to strengthen or maintain relationships.

The meaning of the cards in the layout for the feelings of a partner:

  1. Your partner's interest in you. The card in this position will tell you what he appreciates in you.
  2. Your partner's thoughts about you.
  3. Feelings of a partner for you now, in a given period of time (loves or not).
  4. Your partner's feelings towards you in the future (in 6-12 months). How will (and will) his feelings change if the relationship continues to develop in the same way as it is now.
  5. Outcome. How will the relationship end? The card that fell out in this position will tell you whether it is worth developing a relationship and what will come of it?

Scheme of alignment on the partner's intentions:

  1. Your partner's thoughts about you.
  2. How does your partner feel about you?
  3. Partner's intentions for you.
  4. What the partner demonstrates externally.
  5. What the partner demonstrates internally (what he has inside).
  6. Relationship forecast - what will happen next in the relationship.

The layout scheme, the positions of Tarot cards in divination for relationships:

  1. What does your partner think of you?
  2. How does your partner feel about you?
  3. What role does he play in the relationship?
  4. What are your partner's plans for you or your relationship?
  5. Why does a partner need this relationship.
  6. The result is the prospect of developing your relationship.

For divination for new, only emerging romantic relationships, you can use layout "New person in my life".

The positions of the arcana in the layout:

  1. The card in this position characterizes the personality of the partner;
  2. The first impression of a partner from you or a relationship (his conscious assessment, thoughts);
  3. Intentions and plans of the partner in relation to you;
  4. Board cards, taking into account the first three points. They will tell you how to act at this stage for the successful development of acquaintance.
  5. Arkan in this position speaks of the likely development of relations.

Tarot card layout "Oracle of Love":

  1. The current state of affairs in the relationship.
  2. What is in the heart of the questioner (what does he feel towards the partner).
  3. How does the partner relate to the questioner.
  4. Advice on what the questioner should do in this situation.

The meaning of the cards in the divination "Pyramid of Love":

  1. Characteristics of the personality of the questioner.
  2. Characteristics of the partner's personality.
  3. The state of love affairs at the moment.
  4. Prospects for the future in these relations.

If there is a period of loneliness in your life and you want to know for what reason you cannot meet your love, the layout of the Tarot cards will help you analyze the situation. They will indicate what prevents you from arranging your personal life, what should be changed to get rid of loneliness.

Positions of the cards in the analysis of loneliness:

1, 2, 3 positions - your past, which affects the present.

4,5,6 positions - describe the situation now.

  1. The card will tell you what is the main reason for the loneliness of the questioner.
  2. Advice on how to eliminate this cause.
  3. What lesson should the questioner learn from his loneliness.

10, 11, 12 positions - prospects for changes in the personal life of the questioner.
