How to decorate an apartment for the new year. How to beautifully decorate a house for the new year Designer decoration of an apartment for the new year

Hello dear readers! The New Year simply cannot do without a bright palette of shades that create a special festive atmosphere, so from year to year, a beautiful Christmas tree decorated with bright toys appears in almost every home! But I propose not to stop at decorating just one Christmas tree, but to transform the whole house or apartment as a whole! Do you agree? Then let's get started!

In recent years, large supermarkets have been stocking their department shelves with Christmas items from around the beginning of November. We highly recommend visiting the shops during this period, when the best decorations are not yet sold out! Get a huge supply of inspiration to create the perfect home decor.

Christmas home decor

Let's start with the main New Year's symbol - Christmas trees or pines ... A festive tree can be decorated in five main ways:

  1. Purchased modern toys;
  2. Factory retro toys (inherited from parents, grandmothers);
  3. Handmade toys;
  4. Combine purchased jewelry with handmade ones;
  5. Decorate the Christmas tree with just one luminous garland.

It should be noted that in recent years, Christmas trees decorated with toys of the same shape and color, for example, golden balls, have been relevant. But if you want some exclusivity, then decorate your Christmas tree with handmade decorations. In this connection, we recommend that you read the article "", in it you will find a lot of interesting ideas for making magnificent Christmas tree decorations.

In addition, it is simply impossible not to note the Christmas tree, decorated with only one shimmering garland, such a tree looks most advantageous if there are several more items in the room decorated in the same style with the New Year tree, it can be a festive wreath or a spruce garland, as in the photo below.

Many ideas for creating toys for the Christmas tree (video)

How to use Christmas balls in home decor

Christmas balls will help instantly transform the interior, you just need to create interesting compositions. If you have large, transparent, glass vases at home, then you can simply place different-sized balls in them. Thin high vases filled with bright Christmas balls look especially stylish!

In addition, you can decorate windows with balls, for this you just need to pick up bright colored ribbons, on which you can fix the Christmas toys in question, after which you tie the ribbons on the cornice.

The composition created from a dry branch with shiny different-sized balls also looks great. To create a voiced product, you need to prepare: a glue gun, balls of different diameters, a dry branch, PVA glue and a gloss that matches the tone. So, with the help of a glue gun, we glue the prepared balls onto the branch, after which we generously cover some parts of the branch with a layer of PVA glue and sprinkle with the selected gloss, leave the product to dry!

Effectively decorate windows

Let's start with the windowsill. A spectacular composition created from the most ordinary thick paper, complemented by luminous garlands, looks really festive. How to create such beauty? For work you will need: thick paper, scissors, stationery knife, pencil, adhesive tape, electric garland.

We draw a template for the future decoration on paper, you can simply print the three templates below, cut out the drawing, fix the paper composition on the windowsill with adhesive tape (with the front side directed into the room), lay an electric garland behind an impromptu “city” or “spruce forest”. In the evening, just turn on the garland and admire the bright and interesting New Year's composition!

Window glass decor

Windows decorated with beautiful New Year's patterns-drawings look incredibly impressive. Draw or print ready-made drawings on the printer, cut out and attach to the glass with adhesive tape. Cartoon Christmas templates are presented below, feel free to print or redraw!

Chair back covers

Decorating an apartment for the New Year also means decorating furniture, so you can’t ignore chairs with backs, because they can be transformed with bright covers sewn in the form of snowmen, Santa Clauses or Snow Maidens! Such covers can, if desired, be sewn on your own or purchased ready-made in souvenir shops.

Socks on the fireplace

Let the tradition of hanging New Year's socks on the fireplace belong to Western countries, but we can also borrow this idea if we wish. These boots will perfectly decorate the interior, and the children will be delighted with the expectation when, finally, Santa Claus will put gifts in them.

Well, when the time comes, you can put sweets and small toys in Christmas boots.

New Year or Christmas holiday wreaths

Another Western tradition that has slowly taken root with us is holiday wreaths! Such wreaths can be hung on the front door, both outside and inside, in addition, they can decorate walls or a mantelpiece, and such wreaths will perfectly complement the festive table! Christmas wreaths do not have to be purchased, because you can easily make them yourself. Just recently, we considered the topic "", the article presents many ideas for beautiful wreaths.

New Year decorate the house photo

Table Christmas trees

Such miniature Christmas trees will perfectly complement the interior, and it’s not at all difficult to make them, take, for example, a Christmas tree from tinsel ... We make a cone from thick paper (how to make a cone, and you can also consider a lot of examples of all kinds of miniature Christmas trees), glue pieces of double-sided tape on the cone, after which we begin to wrap the cone with suitable tinsel (it is better to wrap it from top to bottom).

Dry trees decorated with Christmas decorations

We select a dry branch resembling a miniature tree, place it in a pot with stones and decorate it with Christmas decorations. For greater effect, the branch can be pre-painted in any color that suits you.

Classic balls or retro toys with intricate motifs will look great on them, you can see some striking examples below.

Christmas candles

Decorating an apartment for the New Year simply cannot do without candles ... In souvenir shops you can buy themed candles of unusual shapes, in the form of: Snowmen, Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens, Christmas trees. Or you can buy simple candles and create unusual compositions. For example, take a rectangular plate, pour walnuts and hazelnuts, and place a few candles in the center.

The composition with glasses looks even more impressive - we put an artificial flower on the table, set an inverted glass on top, on the base of which we put a candle. Simple and stylish, right?!

New Year decorate the house photo

Bright cones in vases

We paint the cones from the spray can in suitable colors, select the shine corresponding to the new shade of the cone, cover the cone with PVA glue and sprinkle generously with glitter, at the end we put bright, shiny decorations in transparent vases.

paper garlands

garland circles

With such garlands, you can safely decorate windows, decorative fireplaces, wall shelves and ceiling chandeliers. We cut out circles of the same diameter from thick colored paper, after which, using a sewing machine, we sew the circles at a distance of 5-10 mm from each other.

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Preparations for the New Year holidays do not begin on December 31, but several months in advance, but sometimes they are not enough to competently think through the entire decor. We draw ideas, inspiration and think over every element of the future decoration of the premises.

The holiday comes to us!

Colors and the most successful combinations of shades for decorating an apartment for the New Year

Choosing a color is not an easy task for everyone. Let's try to help you choose the best solution.

What colors are better to choose for the decoration of the New Year's interior

What colors are considered the most "Christmas":

  • red;
  • green;
  • white;
  • gold.

This does not mean that you can not use white and blue tones, or you need to deny yourself the pleasure of making the entire decor silver. These are traditional Christmas colors.

Consider the most successful color combinations on the example of a photo.

Suitable shades of decor that do not merge with the interior

Play on contrasts or choose the most similar shades? The answer to this question will give the interior of the room without decor. An excessive abundance of shades of the same color will not make the apartment more festive - rather, the spirit of Christmas and New Year will be lost among similar shades. In addition, not every eye is able to recognize them.

Having decided on the desired colors and shades, they focus on the selection of jewelry in the chosen color scheme.

We are planning a composition for decorating an apartment for the New Year

Composition is everything. To create it, you need to determine what will be the central decorative element, and what details will be required to create a festive themed atmosphere.

What is the key element of decor

Based on which room in the apartment is decorated, a key element is selected, around which the rest of the decor will be located. Chaotically arranging New Year's figurines and hanging garlands where necessary is not our option.

The central figure can be a fireplace, a Christmas tree, a table, a themed decorative corner. In the kitchen, this can be a small festive arrangement with candles. In the hallway - the entrance to the living room, decorated with a spruce garland.

We select accessories and textiles

What is New Year's paraphernalia? Let's go through those things that will create the necessary atmosphere for the upcoming holiday.

  • Pillows with the theme of Christmas and New Year

  • Socks-boots over the fireplace.

  • Electric and LED garlands.

  • Smells.

Cinnamon, chocolate and the smell of fresh pine needles will envelop the house with a New Year's sacrament. To achieve such soaring aromas in the apartment, they use aromatic oils and aroma lamps.

  • Wreaths.

Christmas wreaths take their rightful place on the doors, protecting the spirit of festive fun from adversity and bad mood.

  • Figurines and miscellaneous items.

Sleigh is the main thematic figure of the winter holiday. We also include sweets, a bright flower star poinsettia, figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden under the Christmas tree.

Related article:

DIY Christmas balls: corrugated paper, kusudama, origami, paper flowers; New Year's ball made of felt and fabric, decoration of a New Year's ball on the Christmas tree by various means - read in the publication.

We combine New Year's and everyday decor in the apartment

It is not always easy to take and fit all the decorations into the interior of an apartment decorated in a certain style. But you should not despair: a little diligence - and everything will be solved.

Modern styles: minimalism and New Year

It is doubtful that people who have chosen minimalism in the interior for themselves will suddenly turn their apartment into a New Year's fair of decorative ornaments. In order not to spoil, namely to decorate the rooms, one should act within reason in the design of the holiday.

Traditional interiors and New Year

It is not difficult to add holiday notes to a traditional interior. On the contrary, I really want to change something and turn the already familiar square meters into a magical winter action.

If you look at the photo, sometimes a lot of your own ideas come immediately on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year.

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: diagrams and stencils, their purpose for decoration, the theme of vytynanka, tips on choosing vytynanka for the New Year, crayons and large vytynanka, how to fix it on a window, furniture, gift - read in the publication.

Decoration of the apartment: we arrange the New Year on any square

Sometimes it seems that if the apartment is small, then you can’t really clear up with the design - we’ll put up a Christmas tree, and okay. Or vice versa, the apartment is so big that an echo is heard in it, and it seems that it is unrealistically difficult to dress it up. Each area needs its own approach.

Space and freedom of movement

The more meters, the more options for choosing a decor. Even the largest artificial fireplace will look grandiose when decorated with coniferous garlands, and you can choose a Christmas tree without looking back at what else you will need to somehow squeeze past it.

How to decorate a small apartment for the New Year

There are few principles for decorating a small living space:

  • you should not choose a large coniferous tree, thinking that once a year you can be patient. A person who constantly bumps into thorns will have the most festive mood with a minus sign;
  • spruce occupies the least usable space;
  • do not weigh down the upper part of the rooms with heavy decor, it is better to decorate the windows in an original way. You can make the main focus on the windows by installing a small Christmas tree on the windowsill and creating a special winter composition from suitable paraphernalia;
  • if you want to install an artificial fireplace, it is better to make it in the form of a small console so as not to take precious meters.

In any case, the decor should not clutter up the aisles and interfere with the normal existence in the apartment.


In December, the New Year fuss begins, associated with buying gifts, compiling a menu and decorating everything around.

There is something mysterious and fabulous in this expectation of the holiday, familiar from childhood: when you are waiting for a fluffy Christmas tree to appear at home to decorate it with balls and garlands.

To create a festive mood and keep it for the entire New Year holidays, the appropriate design of an apartment or a private house will help. Look at the decoration for the New Year as an exciting journey full of discoveries and experiments. Maybe it's time to do something new, add a modern New Year's decor to surprise guests and please loved ones?

And so we are faced with the task of decorating the apartment for the New Year's party. It would seem, what could be easier? The brighter, the merrier. However, everything is not so simple. If you decorate with everything that comes to mind without taking into account the style and color scheme of the interior, then it will turn out to be colorful and tasteless. It is important not to disturb the harmony and comfort with New Year's decorations. It is advisable to stop at one New Year's color combination (dark green with red, silver with blue, red with white, gold with red, shades of purple).

Now it is very popular to use the gifts of nature for decoration: cones, coniferous twigs, nuts, oranges and tangerines (you can even dry crusts). Such blanks bring to the interior not only a special aura of warmth, but also aroma.

In the transfer of the festive atmosphere, not only visual perception, but also the sense of smell plays an important role. New Year's smells are the aroma of needles, citrus fruits, cinnamon and chocolate. The lack of natural sources can be compensated with essential oils, and thematic aroma lamps will become an additional element of decor.

Glitter, the mirror surface of accessories and subtle patterns will add brightness to the interior. Original jewelry can be made by hand. All you need is a desire and some free time.

How to decorate a Christmas tree?

According to established traditions, spruce or pine are the main symbol of the New Year. An artificial or live Christmas tree must be in the festive interior. Depending on the chosen design style, it can be not only green, but also white. Reduced models are suitable for a small living room.

The general rule for decorating a Christmas tree: the location of larger and brighter toys at the very bottom, and small and light ones at the top. It is believed that the tree should shine and shimmer with all the bright colors, but now single-plane and plain decorations and toys have come into fashion. For example, a small Christmas tree can only be decorated with bright balls of different or the same size.

Christmas tree decoration for the New Year can be made with your own hands. So it will be easier to maintain one style when designing other zones, using similar techniques.

Christmas tree toys can be made from old light bulbs, any shape and size will do. The glass is covered with white acrylic paint, on which the author's drawing or bright sparkles are subsequently applied. A thread, ribbon or knitted cord is tied to the cartridge for hanging.

For those who know how and love to knit, a variant with miniature knitted mittens, socks and scarves is possible. A Christmas tree decorated with knitted toys is safe for small children and creates a special warmth and comfort.

Naturally and at the same time, toys made of fir cones look original. The lucky ones who managed to stock up on this material will be able to create a unique atmosphere.

There are a lot of ideas for making Christmas decorations with your own hands. Depending on the complexity of execution, you can choose the most suitable option or find a completely new solution. The outfit of the Christmas tree must be supplemented with multi-colored decorative boxes with gifts.

Share the mood - decorate the windows

Walking in the residential area on the eve of the New Year, it is pleasant to admire the windows decorated with white lacy snowflakes. Gluing paper snowflakes to glass has already become a tradition. This method of decoration is good only if the family has masters in carving fancy patterns. It is not at all necessary to look for some kind of snowflake patterns - it is more interesting to improvise. To add zest to the design of windows to snowflakes, you can add figures of snowmen, deer, Christmas trees.

Another simple way to decorate is to draw with toothpaste or stained glass paint using a stencil. To create a stencil, a thematic drawing is selected, printed, cut out along the contour and, for ease of use, transferred to thicker paper. You can beautifully write "Happy New Year!", Cut out this phrase and get a simple stencil.

Crocheted snowflakes hanging on strings inside the window opening look original and stylish. It is convenient to use this design if there is a wide window sill.

If there is no desire to be creative, then you can purchase colored volumetric stickers in the store.

Angels, bells and cones hanging in the air will look very cute. Balls hanging on ribbons look bright and solemn.

A large window can be decorated with a wreath of coniferous twigs and cones.

Any composition will be complemented by garlands, which are already a traditional companion of the New Year's carnival.

The window sill can be decorated with decorative gifts, rag dolls, coniferous twigs and cotton wool. To keep the festive mood in the evening, rain or small tinsel can be fixed on the curtains.

The feeling of a New Year's fairy tale will be enhanced by candles or lamps from wine bottles with garlands inside. Their soft light carries something mysterious.

When designing a window, it is necessary to take into account not only the future interior of the room, but also how the scenery will look from the street.

Living Room Interior Design Ideas

Especially carefully you need to think about how to decorate the house for the New Year. The main decor is usually located in the living room. There are a lot of design ideas, but there is no universal solution, just as no two interiors are the same. To create a holiday in your home, you need to use fantasy. Below we consider several examples of creating New Year's decor with our own hands for decorating various areas of the living room and hallway.

Let's start right at the front door. For its decoration in the European style, wreaths of spruce branches are used. Gold balls, red ribbons or silver cones are perfectly combined with the dark green color of the needles. In a private house, a beautifully decorated wreath can be hung from the street.

It is very convenient to use garlands to decorate walls and stairs. They can be from LED light bulbs, paper rings or snowflakes, large or small cones, miniature soft toys or knitted socks, sweets and oranges, etc.

In a festive interior, a composition of candles, fir branches and balls will look very appropriate. The color scheme of the composition should be selected taking into account the chosen general design style. Alternatively, you can use decorative candlesticks.

You can hang balls, angels, short rain, snowflakes or any other Christmas decorations from the chandelier.

If there is a fireplace or an additional decoration zone is created. The mantelpiece can be overlaid with spruce branches and a garland with flickering light bulbs. You can make it with figurines of Santa Claus and a Snowman, create a “pillow” for laying out tangerines from needles, decorate it with a composition with candles or decorative gifts.

You can put a miniature Christmas tree made of cones on a bookshelf or coffee table: simple and original.

A snow-white and soft Christmas tree can be made from cotton pads. Which are glued to a paper cone.

From felt, you can sew cute figures that are suitable for making a garland, and as independent elements.

To decorate a room in an original way for the New Year with your own hands, you do not need to spend a lot of money. You can use any materials, but it is important to observe the measure and maintain color balance.

Decor for the New Year's table

Since the dining table on New Year's Eve will turn into the central area of ​​\u200b\u200bcelebration, its design will need to be thought through as carefully as the festive menu. If the serving is planned in a bright color, then it is better to choose a light plain tablecloth. Conversely, with a discreet decor, a tablecloth with a gold pattern is suitable. It is important to maintain the style and color scheme.

On a large table, you can place a bright composition, and if there is not enough space, it is enough to confine yourself to a small decoration of candles.

Beautiful wine glasses or jars will help save space, in which you can place a spruce twig, rowan brush or bright beads. If you turn the glass over, you get a very interesting candlestick. A few of these wine glasses are sure to add a festive mood.

It is also worth considering serving accessories that are more interesting to make with your own hands. These can be cutlery bags, original napkins, napkin holders and more.

If you start preparing in advance, then there will be time for sewing original covers for high backs of chairs. As a chair decor, you can also use sewn toys suspended from the back, and large bows from a wide ribbon.

If there is a set of bright holiday dishes, then it does not need to be additionally decorated, but transparent glass goblets can be decorated with a ribbon to match the main color of the serving or do something more complicated.

Small crafts made from cones and pine twigs, or figures bought in a store will help diversify the meal. Just do not overdo it so that there is free space for a comfortable dinner.

Private house: decorate the porch, facade and courtyard

Having at your disposal a house with a garden, you can not help but take the opportunity to create a real winter fairy tale. After midnight, guests will not refuse to go out into the fresh air to launch fireworks, so it is worth taking care of street decorations so as not to disappoint them.

The facade of the house is often decorated with LED garlands. You can simply hang them up or depict any figure (Christmas tree, snowman, star). If desired, garlands can decorate trees and shrubs in front of the house.

A small live spruce in a tub will look good on the porch. Ribbons, felt toys and fruits are suitable for decorating it.

You can also put the sled and "load" them with large gift boxes. If you lay out large pine branches around the sled, you get a realistic composition.

The door can be decorated with a wreath and spruce branches. The wreath is created from any material, it all depends on the imagination.

Recently, luminous animal silhouettes have become popular, which are easy to make with your own hands. First, a frame is made of steel wire or rods, then the frame is wrapped with a garland. A small flock of deer in the garden will delight both children and adults.

For the garden, you can make a large wooden star from dry shoots of medium thickness. In addition to simple garlands, this decor will make New Year's Eve magical.

How to please the owner of 2017 - the Fire Rooster

Being engaged in the festive decoration of your home, you should not forget about the symbolism of the coming year. The Fire Rooster loves everything bright and sparkling. This year, more than ever, flickering lights and candles are relevant in the interior. Fill the room with light and sparkles. Of the colors, preference should be given to bright yellow, orange, carrot and red. The background can be green or white.

The decor should not be monotonous and overly restrained. Even in small things it is necessary to maintain diversity. For example, if you are making a composition of balloons, then use balloons of different sizes.

The rooster loves home comfort, so the use of decorative pillows, fabric napkins, chair covers, knitted ornaments is welcome.

For decoration, it is better to use natural materials. Wooden crafts, wicker baskets, a bouquet of dried flowers will be appropriate here. Homemade decor items are of particular value.

Among the decorations, the presence of the symbol of the new year is mandatory. You can sew cockerels from felt and hang them in the form of a garland, you can buy a beautiful figurine, you can embroider a colorful cockerel on a decorative pillow or create a picture in a frame.

Decorating an apartment or house for the New Year is, of course, a creative work, and any creativity brings joy not only to others, but also to the performer himself. Even if the work routine and home life do not leave strength for a flight of fancy, take care of New Year's decoration and the festive mood will disperse all negative emotions. Even better, if you can involve all family members in the process.

The golden autumn rang out, the fall of the leaves subsided, and suddenly “New Year” flashed through my head. We won't have time to look back when it's time to go to the New Year's party and corporate party, meet old friends, decorate the Christmas tree, prepare gifts and decorate the apartment for the holiday.

We suggest you not to put off all your affairs for the last few days, but to start preparing for the favorite holiday of children and adults in advance. This will allow you to create a festive atmosphere in the house long before the holiday, which will directly affect the mood of all your household members. Here are some simple tips on how to decorate a house or apartment for the New Year.

First you need to audit all the suitable materials that you already have. And, if necessary, collect natural material and buy the rest in the store. You may find it useful:

  • White, colored and corrugated paper, drawing paper, cardboard
  • Gouache, brushes, sponges
  • Branches, cones
  • PVA glue
  • Wire, strong thread
  • Scissors, paper clips, buttons
  • sequins
  • Salt, semolina

Tips "Cross" you can take it into service, but fantasize as much as possible! Turn decorating your apartment into one continuous fun game with your kids. It will be an inexhaustible source of joy and pleasure. Include all your relatives in preparing for the holiday. This will bring you very close, and you will enter the New Year with an open soul and a light heart.

So, all the materials are laid out on the table, the mood is upbeat. Where to begin? Think about how you would like to decorate the apartment for the New Year? Mentally imagine where and what to place, where to stick, hang, put. And, of course, consult with your loved ones, and the initiative can be given into the hands of children.

Here are some simple, beautiful and most popular Christmas decorations for your apartment.


Which of us has not cut out snowflakes and then glued them on the windows so that passers-by can admire the intricate patterns? And we, and our mothers, and grandmothers, and great-grandmothers. And now - our children, then grandchildren, etc., etc. This immortal creation will always decorate the windows of our houses.

The only difference is that before, when cutting out a pattern, you could only rely on your imagination, but now on the Internet you can find many diagrams and drawings, and even master classes for cutting snowflakes. All you need is white, colored or glitter paper and scissors.

To stick snowflakes on glass, you can use a soap solution or flour diluted with water.

And if you practice properly, you can create real masterpieces!

Frosty pattern

We live in times of global warming and such severe winters as we used to have not seen for a long time. And we will not remember when the last time frost painted our windows with its picturesque patterns. Therefore, we will paint our windows ourselves. To do this, take thick paper, cut out a variety of stencils, and then apply to the windows, moisten the sponge in diluted gouache and paint.

If the kid wants to do everything on his own, including stencils, help him with this! First, on thick paper or cardboard, you need to draw simple figures, for example, stars, Christmas trees, Christmas balls or bells, and then cut them out, thus making a paper stencil. Pour multi-colored gouache from standard jars into wider bowls so that it is convenient for the child to dip a sponge there.

Dress your baby in clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty and be sure to show how to apply the image using a stencil.

If the first time the young artist fails to do everything beautifully and neatly, just wash off the gouache with warm water. And let him try again! The main thing is not to give up) And to make it more interesting, invite your child to paint a mirror or a glass surface of an interior door.

"Trees in Silver"

Let's silver the trees! Take bare branches or branches with cones, grease them with PVA glue and sprinkle with grated foam or perch branches in a strong saline solution.

To prepare it, you need to pour 1 kg of salt into 1.5 liters of water and boil. Then immerse the branches for 5-6 hours, then carefully remove them and dry them.

Christmas wreath

A Christmas wreath is a wonderful attribute of the New Year and Christmas. It can be made from anything. The classic option is to twist several spruce branches in the form of a ring, secure with wire and decorate with tinsel, beads, ribbons.

More creative options for wreaths can be made from thick wire, newspapers, and fruits (both real (or dried fruits) and fakes), nuts, cookies, dried flowers, etc. can be used for decoration.

"Snow" postcards

Such postcards will surely please all your relatives and friends. For their manufacture, you can use a variety of materials. Cut out rectangles from bright cardboard or, for example, a deer figurine or a Christmas tree. Lubricate them with PVA glue and glue them on a thick cardboard base. As snow, you can use coconut flakes, rice, finely torn paper, foam or semolina.

If you want to make a soft, cozy postcard, use materials such as felt, fleece, velvet, fur. They can be used in one piece or cut out. The best imitation of snowballs is obtained, of course, from cotton wool. And to give your postcard chic and shine, add beads, beads, sequins and rhinestones to the decoration.

New Year is perhaps the most desired holiday for any age. They are preparing for it everywhere: they think over the New Year's table, are puzzled by gift ideas, compose a holiday script and, of course,.

New Year's interior is one of the most interesting tasks in preparation for the festival. At all times, they tried to give the house a special, emphatically individual atmosphere. And, of course, every nation has its own, authentic images of this holiday. Over time, these ideas began to be borrowed, mixed up, and now, the Scandinavian style, for example, can be found in distant Siberia or in sultry Egypt.

Designers picked up the thin threads of authentic trends, developed them, gave them individual features, and now, every person can decorate his house for the New Year the way he likes.

Choose interior style:

Fairy tale Scandinavian minimalism

New Year is a winter holiday. And the breath of winter must be present everywhere. Scandi style is the best way to display winter time. It implies naturalism and a certain minimalism. For lovers of creating decor with their own hands, "Scandi" gives tremendous scope for imagination. The fact is that the use of natural materials allows you to involve the whole family in the creation of decorative elements. There will be work: for fathers with sons, and for mothers with daughters. Even grandparents can get involved in the preparations by bringing in their grandchildren.

The main direction of Scandi interior is naturalism. Materials are selected with this in mind:

  • Wood;
  • White color;
  • Natural fabrics with jacquard pattern;
  • Pieces of fur;
  • Glass.

"Scandinavian style" is not suitable for people who cry over a cut down Christmas tree. He calls for real wood, fluffy, green, with drops of resin and extraordinarily fragrant. Artificial fragrances won't save the day, don't even try.

Wooden decor elements are also used: houses and lanterns as candlesticks, shelf frames, snowflakes and stars for the Christmas tree and as a garland. These cute little things can, and even need to be done by yourself.

Nordic minimalism needs white. After all, most of the time Lapland is covered with snow. Therefore, you will have to think about how to hide bright walls. Of course, you don’t need to repaint the house, but using light-colored fabrics or white-painted wood will be quite appropriate.

Fabrics with a jacquard pattern: deer and snowflakes, are most loved by the Scandinavian direction. Here they can be very bright: red, orange, blue, green. Textiles can fill most of the space if there is a problem with the main color of the room. This includes wall drapery, sofa bedspreads and pillows, flooring, tablecloths and napkins.

Fur adds coziness and warmth to the house. Here a slight indulgence is given: not everyone has the skins of a wolf or a bear. But it is quite possible to make fur balls for decorating walls or edging on sofa cushions using eco-fur, for example.

Glass will keep you cool. It plays the role of icicles, pieces of ice and ice sculptures. All kinds of flowerpots or glasses can become candlesticks. Then they will not only fill the house with light and warmth, but also with a fabulous, mysterious shimmer.

The Scandinavian-style New Year's interior immerses the house in the atmosphere of mysterious Lapland, imbues it with the spirit of ancient myths and legends, opening the door to New Year's miracles.

Boho - the spirit of freedom

Of course, young people are preparing for the New Year with the greatest enthusiasm. Especially young people are passionate about creating an image of the premises, if the holiday will be held independently of the older generation. It is for this bright age that the New Year's interior "boho" is suitable.

Initially, "boho" appeared in France. It symbolized the spirit of freedom of nomadic students. It mixed bohemian luxury and gypsy brightness. Of course, the decor is created by hand from improvised means, filled with brightness, creativity, glitter of gold and silver, but, nevertheless, every little thing has its place. And, if at first glance, boho knocks you down with its variegation, then later the strict ordering of motives is much clearer.

To create a "boho" you will need:

  • Wooden furniture, which can be found in flea markets, attics and closets;
  • A large number of textiles in natural, but bright colors. Crimson, blue, light green, marsh, orange, yellow are well suited;
  • A large number of little things that can not only have a semantic load, but also be simply sweet to the heart;
  • The combination of styles of different nationalities, the so-called eclecticism. In this case, Indian motifs with the Nanai direction can mix in the interior, for example.

"Boho" is ideal not only for youth New Year's parties. The fact is that home-made gizmos serve as decor for the holiday. And this means that the interior can be created by all family members. Catchers of dreams and the sun, garlands of pompons, all kinds of bedspreads and napkins, wooden or knitted toys for the Christmas tree. The flight of fantasy is limitless.

The tree is better to choose natural. Boho and industry are incompatible things. Therefore, plastic installations are best left for others. You can decorate the winter beauty with anything. The main condition: brightness and juiciness.

Rustic interior - peace and tranquility

Rustic style has firmly taken a place in the hearts of city dwellers. "Rustic" fills the interior with rustic peace and tranquility, which are so lacking in the inhabitants of megacities. It is somewhat similar to "country", and many even confuse them, but there are differences, and very impressive ones.

For "rustic" you need such things as:

  • Sackcloth. In large quantities for decorating walls, furniture and windows;
  • Wood. These are shelves, frames, boxes, caskets and chests, and even garlands;
  • Paper and plywood. Houses are also made from these materials.

The Christmas tree must be real. No plastic. Toys are made from cardboard or plywood. They should be large, with clear boundaries. These are mainly snowflakes, crescents, stars and animals.

Every detail is involved. Even an old tin bucket can become a flowerpot not only for the Christmas tree, but also for other fillers, such as spruce paws, vines, dry branches. The main thing is to approach the process creatively, and do not forget to give a New Year's look. Cones and tree roots are used as decor, which will definitely find their place in the interior. They can be sprinkled with gold or silver, as you like. Grandma's rugs and curtains will create a special cosiness in the house. Candles can be wrapped in tree bark, pre-treated with a special solution to prevent fire.

The main thing that should be observed in a rustic image is rural minimalism. And the difference from the carefree country lies in the calm decor and peaceful atmosphere of the interior.

Careless Country

Real village life is full of hard work, modest life and endless peace. But this life becomes festive, bright and eventful when the New Year holidays come. This is the main difference from the rustic style. Remaining very simple, country is mesmerizing. So what do you need for "country"?

  • Textile. Natural fabrics, in red and white colors, with a "cage" print;
  • Crockery and glass. The same red color prevails;
  • The abundance of knitted things and products in the technique of "patchwork";
  • Decor from natural materials: wood, clay, stone;
  • Village household items: buckets, tongs, tubs, chests and chests of drawers;
  • Spruce - natural, and no more.

The most important thing to keep in mind is the color scheme. Red and white, these are the main colors of "country". Let's say green, because the main attribute of the New Year is spruce. Pattern - jacquard or cell, that is, the most geometric. A large abundance of bows, ribbons, ropes that perform a variety of roles, but at the same time obey the general direction of style. Bows, for example, will decorate a Christmas tree, ribbons will wrap around or tie up curtains, ropes will serve as the basis for a garland. "Country" loves glitter. Therefore, gold and silver are quite appropriate. They can cover all kinds of snowflakes, stars, icicles, deer figurines.

The secret of the New Year's "loft"

At first glance, there is nothing unusual about the "loft". For the layman, it may seem simple, minimalistic and somehow unfinished. And there is an explanation for this: the main concept of the "loft" lies in the industrial direction. As if an abandoned warehouse or workshop was converted into housing. But that's the beauty of it. Maximum light, air and space. No worries about wall decoration: brick means brick, peeled plaster, beams on the ceiling and metal handrails and stairs. But how the room is transformed before the New Year!

So, lovers of the "loft" will need:

  • A large number of luminous objects: lamps, lamps, garlands;
  • Textile. The simpler the fabric, the better. It may not be at all, first of all it concerns windows: curtains are not needed;
  • Metal structures made of wire, decorations made of fishing line and other similar installations;
  • Interior items of modern trends are welcome: hi-tech;
  • Spruce. It can easily be artificial.

Who is the loft suitable for? Well, of course, for large youth companies, ideal as a New Year's interior for corporate holidays, perfect for companies driven by one idea. In general, if there is a large room and there is not enough time to create scenery, the “loft” is the most suitable option. Even families who have finally purchased their home but live in "renovation" mode can beat their home. And this will be what you need! The abundance of electric lamps - this is what the "loft" strives for, creating a New Year's mood.

Shabby chic - an old fairy tale

Beloved by many, the old, Soviet cartoon "The Nutcracker", the living embodiment of "shabby". Everything that is in the old, vintage house - everything will go into action! It is not at all necessary to turn the whole house into an antique salon, it is enough to arrange a small corner, for example, the one in which the forest guest stands.

  • Colors - pastel and silver;
  • The atmosphere is mint, vanilla and marshmallow;
  • Decor - the contents of a grandmother's box or chest.

Nothing else is needed for such a New Year's interior. It not only reflects the commitment to vintage, but also fills the house with a special glamor. It shows refined luxury, but at the same time, simplicity of design. The very air is filled with aromas of sweets, and the feeling that unicorns will come out of the fireplace becomes viscous and real. Shebbi, to a greater extent, meets the needs of people who constantly try to live in a fairy tale.

Fusion - a combination of incongruous

The fusion style in the interior appeared in the middle of the last century. These are the times of hippies, freedom of speech, new technologies. By this time, the interior consisted of classical motifs. But the advent of televisions and other devices puzzled lovers of comfort. After all, it was necessary to somehow unite everything. For example, dilute the baroque with hi-tech or the classics with ethnos. But the designers got the job done. And so the fusion style was born.

New Year's interior in this direction is perhaps the most democratic. The main thing that needs to be observed is the color palette. These are white, gray and bronze or brown. Then - everything your heart desires: an African bust in tinsel, a natural Christmas tree with artificial snow, a garland of snowflakes and dream catchers mixed, candles in half with incandescent lamps.

A little secret: many houses are decorated for the New Year holidays exactly according to this principle: a living room in a modern style, but at the same time toys from a grandmother's chest? Excellent! African motifs in the bedroom, but Indian wigwam bedspreads? Wonderful!

Fusion is a great opportunity to create an interior according to the principle “I blinded it from what was”, observing only patterns in the distribution of decor and colors.

Whatever decor you choose, the most important thing is the smiles of your loved ones who will surround you on the most magical New Year's Eve.
