How to make a small cardboard fireplace. Do-it-yourself fireplace from boxes: step-by-step New Year's instructions. The fireplace is decorated with other elements

Every person wants to be warm and cozy in his house. After all, it’s not for nothing that we say “home”, but we mean “home”. We invite you to make your hearth - a fireplace out of boxes with your own hands. Most of us do not have the opportunity to make a real fireplace in the apartment. And such a cardboard fireplace can be made by everyone with their own hands. And do not listen to anyone who says that this is not a real fireplace, for you and your family it is the best! Such a fireplace can be made in one evening with your own hands, or you can involve children in the work, let them take part. Rest assured they will be delighted.

Much depends on which box or boxes you will make a false cardboard fireplace from. If you take such a box from under the TV, then you can make this option:

All the work consists in measuring the length with your own hands, drawing the necessary lines, bending the cardboard inward and gluing it. Then turn over, paint inside with dark paint, attach several glued sheets of cardboard or any other board with double tape on top, you can use the remnants of the laminate, and so on.

If you add another box, then you can use this technology for making a false fireplace:

Another option for a cardboard fireplace. The box is also from under the TV, the recess of the false fireplace is cut out differently.

We decorate with "bricks" of cardboard. Top and bottom pieces of foam. This is a very simple but fast option.

And now let's move on to a more detailed master class.

Option number 1 (master class)

Such a wonderful cozy fireplace can be made with your own hands from a simple material. Due to the light weight of cardboard, decorative functions can be performed by both male and female hands.

A properly made and well-decorated false fireplace will become a beautiful and unusual decoration for your home.

And if you still spend money on a foam plastic ceiling plinth (it costs around 50 rubles), sockets and foam plastic figures are sold in the same hardware store. All this is also very cheap. Or maybe you decided to make just a strict, classic false fireplace? It all depends on your desires and imagination. I hope our detailed master class will facilitate your work.

For work you will need:

  1. Cardboard boxes (4 pieces larger and 5-6 pieces smaller).
  2. White paper or 1 roll of any wallpaper.
  3. Stationery glue or PVA.
  4. The adhesive tape is simple and double-sided.
  5. Colored cardboard for "bricks" or a wallpaper roll with a brick pattern.

Boxes need to be chosen from thick cardboard so that they keep their shape well. To make a cardboard fireplace, first you need to figure out how we will connect the boxes to get the desired shape of the product.

Having decided on the shape, now you can fix individual boxes with tape so as to make large details of our fireplace. We fasten with a simple adhesive tape 4 pcs. large and 5 pcs. small boxes.

Then we glue all our blanks with white paper or wallpaper roll. We do all this with simple adhesive tape, cutting the paper in the corners.

That is, all blanks must be pasted over with paper.

We sculpt the upper large part on double-sided tape. We press the upper part to the lower workpiece.

In the meantime, you can have your child cut out "bricks" from colored cardboard to decorate our fireplace.

Thus, we glue the entire surface, except for the back. This is how you can easily and quickly make a false fireplace.

Option number 2

The second master class is a little more difficult, since here we will make a fireplace not just from boxes, but from a large box. We will draw and cut so that everything is symmetrical.

It will be great if you find a box from under a flat-screen TV with a large diagonal to work with. If you can’t find such a box, you can take pieces of cardboard, you just have to glue them together.

For work you will need:

  1. Box or pieces of cardboard.
  2. White paint (preferably in a spray can).
  3. Plinth and foam decoration.
  4. Stationery knife.
  5. PVA glue.
  6. Pencil.
  7. Ruler.
  8. Scotch tape.

We select a similar drawing for a false fireplace with our own hands. For example, like this:

You can make a false fireplace and higher. Everything depends on your desire. Next, we transfer the scheme to our box. We draw a ruler with a pencil and the necessary lines. With a clerical knife, cut a hole for the "firewood" in the center of the box. We bend the edges of the box inward and glue or fix with masking tape to the back wall. If we decide to make a false fireplace out of cardboard, the sheets need to be glued together. You can still go over the top with tape for reliability.

We paint our product with white spray paint. Don't forget to put newspapers down so you don't stain the floor. If there is no spray paint, you can use water-based paint.

We paint over our product with white paint. Let's dry. If gaps are visible, cover again. For the stability of our design, we advise you to strengthen the bottom - with cardboard or a metal frame.

How can we make an imitation of fire with our own hands? Of course, cardboard does not give us the opportunity to light a real fire in our flash fireplace. You can buy a lamp that looks like a flickering flame and put it in the recess of the fireplace. Someone makes firewood with their own hands from twisted cardboard, someone from twigs and twigs. If you live outside the city, firewood is not a problem for you. And city dwellers can collect branches in the park. It’s a good idea to put an electric garland or an electric candle on improvised firewood. That's all, we made a beautiful fireplace with our own hands.

On the video is a master class "How to make a fireplace out of boxes."

How much variety of decor you can do with your own hands, decorating a false fireplace. Perhaps some decor idea will come in handy in your work.

It is always possible, but for an ordinary apartment, the creation of a hearth, until recently, was a fantasy. Now everything is simple: having cardboard boxes, a little imagination and free time, you can create a stylish fake fireplace!

To do or not?

  1. Making such a fireplace is easy and cheap . Even for a short time, for example, on the eve of the holidays. Cardboard boxes are usually found in every home.
  2. No restrictions . There is no living hearth, that is, open fire, in such imitations, which means that you do not need to worry about smoke removal or damage to the interior.
  3. variability . There can be many manufacturing methods, shapes, configurations, due to which it is possible to place such a structure in any room of any size.
  4. Decor flexibility . It is easy to pick it up to an existing interior.

Materials and manufacturing options

The main material for work is thick cardboard boxes, optimally from under household appliances. In addition, depending on the shape, size and your own imagination, you will need:

  1. masking tape;
  2. plaster;
  3. dye;
  4. elements ;
  5. wooden plank;
  6. thin foam;
  7. as a decor inside the furnace - firewood, slate(you can draw a flame on it), candles, etc .;
  8. glue.

On a note! Of course, you need free time, since the work, although simple, requires concentration of attention to get an excellent result.

There are several options for location and design, as with real fireplaces.

  1. Wall mounted. It is placed against the wall, protruding beyond its plane with a facade. This option is the easiest to implement and does not require special skills.
  2. built-in. In the case of cardboard boxes, this can only be done if there is a niche of the required size in the wall.
  3. Angular. The most compact option, as it occupies an already unclaimed corner of the room.
  4. Island. Installed in the center of the room. This can be made from cardboard boxes, but it is not always possible to install it in the middle of a room.

Step by step instructions: option number 1

So easy to do. To create it, you do not need too large boxes, shoe boxes are quite suitable. The main process is preparatory. This option can be easily made by anyone.

For work you need:
  1. cardboard boxes: 4 pcs. more and 5-6 smaller;
  2. white A4 paper. A roll of wallpaper is also suitable;
  3. PVA glue;
  4. double-sided adhesive tape and simple;
  5. brick-colored cardboard. You can come up with any other decor.

Important! You should choose boxes made of thick cardboard, these will hold their shape well.

Creation algorithm:
  1. The big boxes are the pillars of our fireplace. Those that are smaller form a furnace (1 pc.) And an upper shelf (4-5 pcs.).
  2. All this must be tried on and fastened with adhesive tape.
  3. On top of the individual elements - the shelf, columns and furnace - are pasted over with white paper or. To do this, you can use double-sided tape or PVA glue.
  4. Next, you need to cut a lot of cardboard bricks. On one cardboard sheet it will be possible to place 4 bricks.
  5. Next, carry out the "laying" on the glue, while observing the checkerboard pattern.
  6. It remains to wait until the glue dries.

Advice! This simple box fireplace option can be made with the kids and they will love it. Inside the "furnace" you can put candles or draw a fire on paper and paste it inside.

If you can’t build a stone or brick fireplace, we recommend that you stop at the cardboard version of the fireplace. This fireplace is perfect for both private houses and apartments, it can be easily moved from place to place and does not require special material investments for its construction. We will learn how to make a fireplace out of cardboard boxes with our own hands further.

Do-it-yourself New Year's fireplace from cardboard boxes

With the help of a fireplace, it is possible not only to decorate the home before the holidays, but also to create a real New Year's mood. In appearance, such a fireplace is no different from the real one, its only difference is the fact that the fireplace is not able to heat the room.

Before you start making a fireplace, determine its location. If there is not much space in the room, then it is best to stop at the corner version of the fireplace. Also, decide on the size of the future design. In this option, you need to proceed from the size of the boxes from which the fireplace will be built and from the size of the room.

In the process of working on a decorative fireplace made of cardboard boxes, you will need:

  • large cardboard boxes;
  • glue, for connecting boxes together;
  • polymer-based adhesives;
  • paints for working with cardboard surfaces, most often, it has a water base;
  • colorless lacquer;
  • paints of golden color in a can;
  • molding for the ceiling;
  • brushes and sponges;
  • masking tape;
  • rulers, levels, measuring instruments.

Among the main parts of the fireplace, we highlight: the base, the portal and the top cover.

For the manufacture of the main part we use cardboard. The width of the base is about 50 mm and the length is about 120 mm. From a cardboard box, it is necessary to build the main part and glue it with adhesive tape. Thus, it is possible to obtain a blank in the form of a dollhouse.

For the manufacture of a portal under the fireplace, cardboard is also used. We recommend staying on the option that has a solid back wall. For the manufacture of the front part, a cardboard cut in the form of a strip is used. Next, you should take care of cutting out the furnace part, the size of which is smaller than the fireplace itself. To connect all the parts together, use adhesive tape.

This is followed by the process of manufacturing the top shelf, its quality determines the strength of the fireplace. Therefore, if you plan to install some heavy objects on the fireplace, then take care of the strength of this base. To do this, you need to connect several layers of cardboard together. To connect the parts, in this case, use PVA glue. After that, the product can be pressed until completely dry. Thus, it is possible to create a rigid shelf located on top. To fix the shelf on the portal, use a polymer-based adhesive. Next, using masking tape, glue all the joints between the parts on the fireplace.

The easiest and most enjoyable moment in making a fireplace from a cardboard box with your own hands is the process of decorating it. To frame the product, use moldings or baguettes made of foam. It is possible to create stucco molding. Next comes the process of painting the fireplace. Initially, the product should be given the same tone, most often, it is covered with light-colored paint. In order for the coloring composition to be evenly absorbed into the fireplace, we recommend applying it with a brush. To paint over stucco and other relief elements, use a sponge.

Further finishing of a fireplace is carried out by means of a transparent varnish. This material will allow you to securely fix the first layer of paint. In order for the fireplace to have a more realistic appearance, it is necessary to cover it with gold spray paint. For additional decoration of the fireplace, hang New Year's socks, tinsel, garland on it. In addition, wallpaper can be glued inside the firebox that imitates brickwork. Please note that the use of burning candles for decoration is unacceptable, since the fireplace is made of cardboard and will easily catch fire from minimal contact with fire.

As an additional accessory for the New Year's fireplace, we recommend using self-made firewood. For their construction, you will need:

  • corrugated cardboard;
  • polymer-based adhesives;
  • paints;
  • scissors;
  • masking tape.

Roll the cardboard into a tube, use masking tape and glue to fix it. The length and width of the logs should be different, cut a small log into pieces and connect it with a large one, making an imitation of knots. After the glue dries, paint the logs white.

DIY decorative fireplace made of cardboard boxes

Before starting work on a decorative fireplace, first of all, you need to determine the size of the fireplace. Please note that the fireplace should be located in a prominent place that will make it a central and attractive part of the interior.

In order to determine the size of the fireplace, you must use a tape measure. In relation to the place of installation of the future structure, its dimensions are determined.

Particular attention should be paid to the process of finishing a decorative fireplace. It should exactly resemble a real fireplace made of brick or stone. At the next stage of work, material for work and tools are selected. The body part of the fireplace is recommended to be made of cardboard on a corrugated basis, from under large household appliances. These boxes are highly durable and are ideal for creating a fireplace.

In addition, for work it is necessary to prepare PVA glue and a polymer-based composition. In order to paste over the corners and other elements of the fireplace, use masking tape. In order for the fireplace to acquire the same color, white paint is required. In some cases, a clear lacquer will also be required. To obtain different colors of paint, prepare colored dyes, with their help you can achieve a variety of shades when decorating a fireplace.

Additionally, you need to purchase elements in the form of moldings, corners, which will give the fireplace a complete look. In the process of finishing, you should use figured polystyrene foam and polyurethane parts.

In addition, you should prepare a tool in the form of brushes and sponges, pencils and a level. Stock up on clean rags to remove paint or glue from the surface.

We bring to your attention the two most common options for fireplaces:

  • wall-mounted;
  • fireplace located in the corner.

The fireplace, installed near the wall, is compact in size; various decorative details are installed on the mantelpiece. The wall fireplace is the central part of the room, it is always in a conspicuous place and attracts attention. In the process of making such a fireplace, you should free up space in the room to create it. Further, we recommend that you acquire sketches of this fireplace, all the details of which are placed on the floor. The main parts of such a fireplace are the base, the portal part and the top shelf.

Let's start working on the base first. It must be rigid and durable. Therefore, ordinary cardboard will not be enough, it is necessary to take care of its compaction with several layers of cardboard. We recommend fixing stiffeners inside the base. This part of the fireplace should be 80-120 mm larger on each side than the product itself. There are two ways to make a base for a false fireplace from cardboard boxes with your own hands:

  • manufacturing a box that has sides, installing additional elements on its bottom that increase rigidity;
  • the manufacture of several cardboard panels that will serve as the bottom and surface, the stiffeners in this case are fixed only at the bottom.

For the manufacture of the side parts of the base, identical strips made of cardboard are used. Thus, the base becomes more durable. Fixing the strips is carried out using masking tape.

In the process of making the stand, think about how to fix the portal to the surface. Most often, it connects to the bottom. For additional fixation of the portal, ordinary adhesive tape is used.

The next process is the construction of the portal part of the fireplace. For its manufacture, a previously prepared box of a certain size is used. We offer two options for making a portal with your own hands:

  • frame base of the portal;
  • one-piece construction.

The first option implies a more rigid structure. Since for the manufacture of frame partitions several layers of cardboard material are used at once. Initially, the front and rear parts of the portal are mounted. They increase the strength of the entire structure. On a cardboard base, make markings for the fireplace insert. Use a utility knife to cut it out. Thus, the manufacture of this part of the fireplace is carried out.

To make the ceiling part of the firebox, cut out a small piece of cardboard in relation to its size. Use adhesive tape to secure the part. For additional fixation and strengthening of the main part of the fireplace, use a frame structure in the form of stiffeners.

For the manufacture of frame panels that increase the rigidity of the base, solid cardboard rectangles are used. They are interconnected with pva glue and dried using a press. This is followed by the process of fixing these rectangles on the front portal.

There is another way to create wireframe elements. These partitions lighten the overall weight of the fireplace. They are in the form of a lattice dividing wall. On gratings with increased rigidity, another layer of cardboard material is fixed. The portal is installed on the base of the podium and fixed on it with masking tape or adhesive. After installing the frame, the process of painting and decorating it is carried out.

Fireplace from cardboard boxes photo:

Use painter's tape to hide any seams between the cardboard pieces. Various decorative elements can be installed on the frame part of the fireplace. Please note that in this case, the frame walls are additionally sealed with cardboard.

The second method of building a Christmas fireplace with your own hands from cardboard boxes is easier to perform. The back wall of such a fireplace will have a solid shape, while it is not possible to equip shelves on it.

Masking tape is also used to connect the fireplace parts. It is enough, according to the sketch, to cut out the furnace part in the box. Rectangular strips are fixed along the side parts of the body. Thus, the formation of the focal part is carried out. Next, fix the finished fireplace mold on the podium. First, the surface is covered with glue, and then additionally fixed with adhesive tape.

The upper part of such a fireplace plays the role of a shelf. Please note that the weight of this element should not exceed the weight of the fireplace, as there is a risk of its deformation. To make a shelf, use several cardboard sheets interconnected. The top layer is used from cardboard with maximum density.

To fix the shelf on the fireplace, use liquid nails. It is possible to manufacture a shelf from a plywood base. In this case, its thickness should not exceed one centimeter. Even better, use moisture resistant plywood.

Decorating a fireplace with your own hands from cardboard boxes

The next stage of work on the fireplace is its decoration. The attractiveness of the finished product directly depends on the quality of its implementation. The first method of decoration involves the use of purchased decorative elements made of polyurethane. To divide the fireplace into several zones, a small molding is used. Next, stucco is installed. It is also possible to manufacture columns.

To fix these elements, use liquid nails. This is followed by the process of painting the fireplace with all previously installed decorative elements. For these purposes, we recommend using a sponge and a brush.

What follows is a process of additional work on the selection of these elements. For example, stucco can be highlighted with a golden color. After painting is completed, the process of varnishing the fireplace follows, which will prevent damage to the paint. Possible imitation of a brick wall. For these purposes, gypsum-based putty is used.

Additionally, firewood is installed in the firebox, which makes the appearance of the fireplace more attractive and realistic. Installing a garland near firewood will help simulate a flame.

Do-it-yourself cardboard box fireplace video:

Not many people can afford to spend a cozy evening warming up by the fireplace. But it is quite possible to make a small fake fireplace with your own hands, this will make it possible to make the dream of a hearth come true. Even an ordinary person without skills can make a cardboard product on their own, you just need to take into account the recommendations for making this product.


In private households, a fireplace is often installed. Such a product is usually located in the central part of the house. Such an original model will decorate any room, its installation will help create a comfortable atmosphere. Products decorated with bright garlands, toys and candles for the New Year or Christmas holidays look especially interesting. The fireplace in the house in many countries is considered an object symbolizing happiness in the family.

In modern apartments it is difficult to install a real fireplace, therefore, to make a dream come true, you can make a cardboard product yourself, moreover, in its beauty, a false fireplace will not yield to a real object. You can build and put a cardboard product in any, even the smallest room.

A decorative fireplace will certainly attract the attention of visitors, so it should be placed in the most convenient place for this for better viewing. The product will look very organic, especially if you install it between the windows.

Often, decorative items are installed in common rooms, such as living rooms, dining rooms; no less organically they will look like fireplaces in the bedroom. When making them, it should be understood that this product must fit the general style of the room. Such designs are unlikely to be appropriate in rooms made in high-tech or modern styles.

A hand-made fireplace should complement an already created design., contribute to the improvement of the chosen style. In the process of manufacturing and decorating, you can create unique designs and come up with unusual attributes.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to make a fire in a decorative fireplace; its task is only a decorative function. To make the flame more realistic, instead of the usual fire, you can put candles deep into the fireplace or connect an electric garland. False fireplaces made of cardboard practically do not differ from real products made of bricks.

Advantages of cardboard false fireplaces:

  • products have a very original and beautiful appearance;
  • able to give the room sophistication;
  • they are placed in any place convenient for this;
  • the construction of such structures with your own hands can make it possible to feel like an experienced designer;
  • for the construction of such a fireplace does not require large material expenditures;
  • the ability to quickly disassemble such a product if necessary.

The disadvantages of these structures include:

  • Unreliability of the building. For the manufacture of products, soft materials are taken, such as cardboard, paper, so over time the product may deform.
  • It is impossible to make a real fire in fake fireplaces, so such a product will only have a decorative function and will not create heat in the room.
  • To build a structure, you should spend several days on its manufacture and decoration.

Style and design

Before starting work on the manufacture of cardboard structures, it is worth carrying out preparatory work. You should decide on the installation location of the product. For this, a wall without furniture or a corner of a room is more suitable. To determine the size of the structure, it is worth calculating it right at the installation site. A model or model for future construction will allow you to determine the size of the product and choose a decor for it.

DIY fireplace can be made in any size, choosing for this the optimal length and width, while taking into account the style of the room. Falshkamina should harmoniously fit into the interior of any room. You should not allow the product to clutter up most of the room or not be in harmony with the furniture. In addition, you should take into account the size of the product and do not make it too small if there is bulky furniture in the room. The fireplace should complement the overall picture and make the room more interesting, and not drown it out or make it dissonant.

When choosing a finish for a product, it is important to consider that it should be decorated most carefully, otherwise flaws may remain, which will reduce the effect of the work done. To end up with an interesting and original product, you can get unusual and interesting ideas from experienced designers or design a fireplace based on your preferences.

Necessary tools and accessories

When making a cardboard structure with your own hands, it is necessary to prepare working tools and materials that may be needed in the process.

It’s good if there is a large cardboard box from under office equipment or furniture at home. It will be enough to make the intended model. If there is no large box, then you can take smaller shoe boxes for work. If the houses do not store unnecessary things, then the boxes can simply be bought. An interesting model of a fireplace can be made from postal boxes for parcels.

In addition to boxes, you should prepare:

  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue and any mounting adhesive for working with decorative elements;
  • masking, double-sided and ordinary tape;
  • water-based paint.

In addition to the basic tools, you will also need additional ones that can be used both in the process of work and when decorating the product:

  • roulette;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • paper napkins;
  • foam tiles;
  • different types of paints;
  • simple or decorative wallpaper.

During operation, sponges and dry rags will be useful. For decor, you can purchase various details, such as moldings, columns, stucco products. All these materials and decorative elements can be bought at a hardware and stationery store.

To make the fireplace look like a real one, to build an imitation of fire, it is necessary to lay out the firewood by placing a device with flashing lights under them. Thanks to such a backlight, it will give the impression that a real fireplace is burning in the room.

In addition, you can embed a speaker connected to any device into a decorative design. Such a device will create sounds that imitate the crackling of burning firewood. When the lights are off with a source of sound and lighting connected to the fireplace, an unusually cozy and fabulous atmosphere will be created. The grille installed on the front of the product will look very interesting.

The purchase of parts and materials depends on which design model is conceived. Decorative elements can be purchased at the store or you can make decorative details for a fake fireplace yourself.

How to do it yourself?

After you have decided on the materials and tools, you should draw a plan with detailed measurements. Step-by-step instructions will greatly simplify the process of making a cardboard fireplace.

Making a cardboard structure is not difficult if you approach the work responsibly. Each craftsman has his own secrets for making a product, so you should familiarize yourself with the workflow by watching several options on the video or attending a master class where you can plunge into the working atmosphere in more detail.

Even the simplest option for manufacturing a structure should consist of the following steps:

  • it is necessary to choose the type of product, determine the shape and place for it;
  • choose materials for the manufacture of the frame and subsequent finishing;
  • prepare the necessary tools and materials;
  • mark the details on cardboard;
  • cut out all the details, glue them and install the structure;
  • produce an exterior finish

Consider the option where a large cardboard box is taken as the basis for manufacturing. From such a box you get a rectangular product. When choosing a size, experts recommend focusing on a product height of about 90 cm with a width of 80-90 cm. The dimensions of the fireplace can be different, it depends on the preferences of the master manufacturer. In addition, you can often see models much higher, wider and deeper than standard sizes, and some of them can be equipped with decorative chimneys and stands and shelves.

In the manufacture of the product, we first make the central part, then we begin to form the columns. The main thing is to correctly measure and bend the parts in the right places. In order for the columns to be even, you can take a ruler or other durable object, and by pressing on the cardboard, bend it. After preparing the parts, they are glued and painted. To glue the parts, use masking tape, with its help, the parts are glued on both sides. In order to make the structure more durable, it is recommended to glue an additional partition on the walls.

At this stage, the main part of the work is completed. Next, you should carry out work on painting the product and decorate the fireplace. Since adhesive tape was used to glue the cardboard, it should be hidden so that its traces are not visible. To do this, you can take a large sheet of white paper and paste over the entire surface with it or apply a primer to the model, and only after priming paint the product.

After the paint has dried, they begin to finish the fireplace. You can approach such work creatively and make details for decoration from different materials. You can simply paste over the surface with wallpaper imitating brickwork, or make bricks with your own hands from cardboard, foam or other materials.

If cardboard is chosen to simulate brick, it should be painted with white or colored water-based paint. After drying, to give texture to the brickwork, the most ordinary paper napkins are glued to the walls of the finished product, which are then smeared with PVA glue. After drying, the surface will give the impression that real bricks were used to finish the fireplace.

Suitable for product design and self-adhesive paper, from which shapes are cut out in the form of bricks and laid out on the surface according to a specific pattern.

To imitate brickwork, you can use polystyrene foam, from which parts are cut out that will serve as bricks for decorating the fireplace. Foam figures are glued with PVA glue to the surface of the fireplace, then the places where there are defects are covered up, after which water-based paint is applied. When designing a product, moldings and other decorative elements are often used, corners are glued.

Product assembly:

  • Having a drawing in hand, you can collect all the details. The design of a decorative cardboard fireplace consists of its base and a portal.
  • For the base, a rectangular shape of the product is chosen, which is glued with adhesive tape. The cardboard is compacted, for this several pieces are glued together. Now the structure will not bend.
  • The base of the structure should be 7 cm more than the thickness of the fireplace, and its length should be 10 cm longer than the width.
  • For the portal and the front, it is better to take a single sheet of cardboard. Inside the sheet, cut out the middle, which will be the firebox. With the help of adhesive tape, the side walls are attached to the back wall.
  • Parts should be connected to each other.
  • After all the details of the fireplace are glued together, it's time to decorate. The entire structure should be coated with white water-based paint. The seams and joints are carefully stained.

  • If desired, you can leave the fireplace in white or make an imitation of brickwork.
  • After drying, the entire structure is covered with a colorless varnish. Lacquered surfaces will be less dirty. Such products are easier to clean, they are not afraid of moisture, besides, they look more spectacular than without varnishing.
  • The finished product is installed in its permanent place and decorated with candles, tinsel, decorative items.

If there is no large box at home, but there are shoe boxes, you can use them. It is better to pick up several pieces with the same size. To work, tape the bottom of the box with tape and connect several identical elements together


Decorative fireplaces for rooms often have:

  • Near the wall. Wall structures are placed near the wall, while the facade of the product will protrude forward for a certain distance.
  • Corner option. Place the product in the corner of the room.
  • Built-in design. This item is built right into the wall.
  • Island. Such a false fireplace is placed in the center of the room.

Each author of his product can make it from different materials, different shapes and in any style. The main thing is that the product is combined with the decor of the room, in harmony with the chosen interior. The product will look very nice in a room decorated in a classic or English style. For rooms decorated in the art deco style, models with curls and original patterns are suitable. If the room is decorated in a rustic style, it's a good idea to make a fireplace with a rectangular or arched firebox. It is important to make a fireplace that complements the overall style of the room and fits perfectly into the design of the room.

If there are children in the house, you should take them as your helpers. Schoolchildren can be entrusted with the construction of the simplest fake fireplace model. The kids will be delighted and happy to build a toy decorative fireplace.

To make a toy fireplace, you will need the same materials and tools, but the dimensions of the product should be made small to facilitate the work process. Drawing up a plan and drawing, preparing material and cutting out details will be within the power of older students. Young children can help with decorating the model by applying glue or cutting bricks for the fireplace.

The least difficult option can be called where the fireplace is made in the form of the letter "P". This design can be gradually supplemented with various decorative elements.


When choosing a material to simulate a real fireplace, you can choose not only cardboard. You can make a product from plywood, foam tiles, drywall. But a cardboard fireplace is the easiest to make, and it looks very beautiful after decoration. The main thing in working with cardboard is to do everything correctly and scrupulously, otherwise, instead of a beautiful product, you can get a lopsided cardboard house. In order to make the material more rigid, an additional layer of cardboard is glued on the bearing sides of the product.

For gluing the surface, you should choose construction tape or paper paper for pasting windows. You can take regular tape, but it will work if you plan to wallpaper the surface. When painting a product on a regular adhesive tape, the paint may not lay down in an even layer.

During the assembly of the structure, you can use the corners - with their help you can make the corners of the product much smoother. You can not pull them out after assembly, they will not be visible, but such a product will become more durable.

Since the product is assembled from parts, the internal parts should be processed before the assembly process. To do this, they are laid out on the floor, painted or pasted over. This is especially true of the firebox, since it is much more difficult to get to it for processing when folded. If a small hole is chosen for it, then it will be much easier to finish it before assembling the product.

But the outer sides of the structure should be drawn up in a ready-made form. In addition, if you plan to paint the product, you should first prime the surface, so you can hide traces of adhesive tape.


To determine what size is needed for a fireplace, it is worth considering in advance the place where it will be located and determine how well this model will fit into the room. It is also worth looking at what materials and boxes are available. With a large box, you can build one type of structure, and with several small shoeboxes, the design can be completely different.

Drawing of a fireplace made from one large box

Many prefer corner models. Such products take up little space. Corner fireplaces are more suitable for small rooms, such a product is not bad for a bedroom or a children's room.

Drawing of a corner raised fireplace

More often, decorative items are placed in common rooms so that everyone can spend their free time around them. A fireplace decorated with New Year's attributes will immediately add a festive atmosphere to the room. If you put a Christmas tree nearby and lay out gifts, such a room with a decorative fireplace will become the most beautiful and cozy place to spend time with family, friends and relatives.

The dimensions of decorative fireplaces should correspond to the dimensions of the room. For small rooms, you can choose designs of a standard size, and for a large spacious room, it is worth building a fireplace with dimensions from 1.5 to 2 meters.

False fireplaces made of cardboard have a lot of positive qualities in comparison with the real ones. The main features are:

  • mobility - you can change the location;
  • the use of natural materials that are not harmful to health;
  • practicality - this element of the interior fits into any style;
  • availability of materials and ease of manufacture;
  • original and at the same time aesthetically correct appearance;
  • not costly production;
  • huge selection of decorations.

There are several options for making a fireplace from cardboard boxes, each of which does not differ in the complexity of the frame design method. The key to a quality result is the observance of all points of the instructions that are presented in the article.

Preparation for work

Before proceeding with the direct manufacture of the product, you need to carefully consider everything and carry out preliminary preparation:

If you prepare correctly and take into account all the nuances, then the process of forming a false fireplace will seem simpler and shorter. Even the most unprepared person will be able to do the job quickly and efficiently.

Where to install

As already specified earlier, the location of the future decorative element determines the basic design requirements, so you should approach this decision with all responsibility, think through all possible options. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of moving the structure.

There are several main types of fireplaces regarding placement:

  • closed type;
  • Corner structures;
  • Wall-mounted;
  • Island;
  • Collapsible;
  • Portable.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows, then any of the types can be used, but in case of restrictions in terms of space, it is better to stop at the wall type. The design of such an object can be varied, as well as its size. It can be supplemented with auxiliary details - shelves, niches, secondary surfaces.

An original solution in interior design will be a corner fireplace. The downside of this location is that the design has a peculiar shape, which means that if necessary, it will be possible to transfer the “firebox” only to another corner.

The installation location must meet the following requirements:

  1. The floor surface must be level.
  2. If the model is portable, then it can be installed on the carpet. Otherwise, textured flooring should be absent.
  3. The wall must be flat and without holes.
  4. It is better if the place is not littered with other pieces of furniture.
  5. The fireplace looks good in the central part of the wall, which is immediately visible when entering the room.

If the fireplace is planned to be moved during the year, then a special screen should be thought out on the wall and part of the floor, on which the base will be mounted. If an additional shelf is expected, then it is better when the wall is decorated in light pastel colors. Thus, the elements for decoration (vases, figurines) will not be lost against its background.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows, then any of the types can be used, but in case of restrictions in terms of space, it is better to stay on the wall type

Dimensions and materials

The dimensions of the decorative "firebox" directly depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the desired result. If the false oven is the central decoration, then the dimensions should be appropriate. When determining the parameters, it must be taken into account that certain parts can be cut off during the formation of the frame.

In addition to cardboard and finishing material, auxiliary materials will also be needed in the work, which are often forgotten or not taken into account.

These are:

  1. Construction tape;
  2. Glue for finishing works;
  3. Putty or putty;
  4. Water-based paint;

In addition to the standard materials necessary in any case, auxiliary materials are also needed, which are used for decorative design:

  1. Wallpaper with a certain texture and relief.
  2. Decorative rock.
  3. Styrofoam curly plinths.
  4. Sea pebble.
  5. Wooden plates.
  6. Self-adhesive or film under a tree, plastic.

Basically, all of the above can be used alone or combined together. But don't use too many different textures. This will make the thing too garish and overloaded with special effects.

When determining the parameters, it must be taken into account that certain parts can be cut off during the formation of the frame

Manufacturing instructions

Making a fireplace out of cardboard can be done in several ways that are independent of each other. At the same time, each of them is insignificantly different from the others. Consider the main options.

How to make a standard oven:

To prevent the shape of the “furnace” from deforming, it is better to attach the body of the product to the wall. This can be done in several ways. In order not to spoil the wallpaper or wall plaster, you can strengthen the box with self-tapping screws.

Such a fireplace can be mounted and dismantled without problems during the year as many times as you like. But in winter, this interior detail is almost irreplaceable.

Corner fireplace:

  1. First set the form- isosceles triangle.
  2. The place under the firebox is delimited, which will subsequently be an additional fastener of the entire structure.
  3. The cardboard in this place is cut in the shape of a triangle. so that the resulting figure tightly supports all sides of the "furnace" and the back wall.
  4. A shelf for this type of construction is usually made wood or countertop.
  5. The rest of the procedure is the same, which is necessary in the manufacture of a standard cardboard fireplace.

The advantage of this type is that it is more stable and takes up little space. It can be installed in a room of any size, and it will harmoniously fit into the interior design. The very form of the product gives it an extraordinary originality, which is quite valuable in the modern art of home decoration.

Such a fireplace can be mounted and dismantled without problems during the year as many times as you like.

Adding Effects

An integral part of the fireplace is the flame. Without this part, it is almost impossible to recreate naturalness. But it is naturally impossible to make a fire in a flammable material, so I make an imitation of a flame.

There are several such ways:

  1. Usually the fire is replaced by candles, which are previously placed in half-closed candlesticks of an interesting design. This method is the most common, and most importantly cheap.
  2. For a short-term simulation of fire, you can use dry fuel, which is set on fire in a bowl. In this case, it is worth carefully monitoring the combustion process.
  3. The cheapest way is photo wallpaper, which is glued to the back wall of the case. The main thing is to choose the most realistic picture with good print quality.
  4. There are electrical appliances that completely imitate a flame in a fireplace or smoldering. This is quite expensive, but very realistic, since the device is mounted in a fireplace, some models have sound.

To make everything look very natural, additional decorative elements should be added: firewood, for example. Logs can be purchased at any hardware store. In addition to the visual effect, there will be a subtle smell of wood, which is beneficial in the design of this element. If photo wallpapers are used, then it is not advisable to use firewood here, as they will stand out sharply against the background of the picture.

The fireplace is also decorated with other elements:

  • The firebox is limited by glass;
  • A cylinder with pokers is installed next to the product;
  • The firebox is closed with forged grates;
  • Figurines, caskets, candlesticks and other trinkets are placed on the shelf;
  • A mirror is installed on the back of the firebox, which will set off the fire of the candles installed in it.