How to sharpen skates at home. How to sharpen hockey skates - all the secrets. Preparation for self-sharpening

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Any sports equipment requires proper care and periodic updating. If your skates are dull and you no longer enjoy quality skating on the ice… it’s time to sharpen your blades. But how is skate sharpening done?

There are two ways to sharpen skates: with a groove and without a groove. The groove is also called a "groove". It is necessary for a more “correct” and comfortable skating. What is a groove? This is a method of sharpening directly on the blade of the skate. The contact area of ​​a skate blade with ice becomes smaller than that of a skate with a flat blade, so the pressure is greater, which means that with a stable volume, the temperature at the point of contact increases. As a result, a water film is formed better and faster, in which the blade of the skates slides.

A skate with a flat blade resembles ordinary skis ... If the legs are strictly vertical, the skates really stop clinging to the ice.

You have two options:

  1. give it to the master and he will do all the painstaking work for money, using a machine for sharpening skates.
  2. Try to sharpen your skates at home.

In the first case, if you decide to take your skates to a professional, you should not have any problems. But do not forget to check with a specialist - what type of sharpening he will use - with or without a “groove”.

If you do not want to spend money on the work of a professional and prefer to do everything yourself, you may experience certain difficulties. If you have never practiced sharpening skates, is there any certainty that you will not ruin the blades? Many people think that it is impossible to spoil skates, while few people even remotely understand how to sharpen skates.

At home, the most commonly used method of sharpening with a groove. This requires ordinary emery, as well as a guide plate and a grinding wheel, which is used to finish the groove on fairly dull blades. The correct shape of the groove is manually created with a round file (the depth is not more than 0.5 mm), the edges of the blade are sharpened. The main thing is to make sure that the groove is not littered on its side. Place a flat, even surface across the groove that is perpendicular to the blade. Then carefully remove the burrs with a bar. The skates are sharpened. You can ride!

The sharpening of hockey and figure skates is different. For example: the blades in figure skates are sharpened with a groove, their radius is from 10 mm to 15 mm (called a “deep groove”). And hockey skates have a so-called “shallow groove” with a maximum radius of 7 mm.

Evgeni Plushenko watches the process of sharpening skates

But you must admit that the "grandfather" methods of sharpening skates cause much more inconvenience. And there is no shortage of special machines for sharpening. If you cannot imagine your life without hockey or figure skating, it makes sense to think about purchasing such a machine for home. You will not depend on the work of a third-party master, you will be able to sharpen the blades of the skates, while maintaining the contour correctly, and also restore the groove.

For homework, small mobile machines with a stable design and manual control have been created. Due to their small size and weight, they can be used in outdoor competitions.

As a rule, a special vacuum cleaner is provided with the machine, designed to remove ceramic and metal dust. The delivery also includes a grinding disc. Prices for such units vary - it all depends on the manufacturer.

However, many skaters prefer to use universal sharpening machines for hockey and figure skates. Such devices create a flat surface, but a groove is machined along the axis of the blade.

The answer to the question "how to sharpen skates?" It will depend on what is more convenient for you personally. If you do not want to take on technical duties, it is better to give skates to professionals. However, do not rush to sharpen skates at home without experience. If you intend to achieve independence in everything, it is better to take a few lessons from the pros and only then purchase a grinder and take care of the skates yourself. Otherwise, you risk ruining the blades of at least one pair.

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3 thoughts on “Sharpening skates at home and by a professional”

Already in almost every NHL club and not only, a portable device for sharpening skates is increasingly being used, which not only sharpens and straightens skate blades, but also significantly prolongs their “life”, because. much less often, sharpening is required on a machine that removes a whole layer of the blade. Another advantage of EA is that you can sharpen your skates without removing them within a few seconds, which is very important during the match. In addition, it can be an excellent solution to the problem of not being near the skate sharpening point.

But where would other skating enthusiasts buy such machines for quick sharpening?

The author of the article messed up something with the radius of the groove. In general, the larger the groove radius, the shallower the groove. The 15mm radius gives a fairly deep groove, especially since figure skates have a thicker blade. Therefore, the same end radius of the grinding stone gives sharper edges. Don't believe? Draw on a sheet of paper on a large scale a drawing on the mating surfaces of the stone-blade and everything will become clear! And for hockey players of average weight and normal ice hardness, the optimal groove radius lies in the range from 17 to 24 mm. Here, of course, the profile of the blade is of great importance - a flatter profile requires a shallower groove and vice versa. Believe me, a person who has been sharpening skates for 5 years and is still trying to improve his knowledge, wandered into your page in search of this knowledge, but apart from general phrases, he did not find anything new for himself. Sincerely, Alexander.

How to sharpen skates at home - two simple ways

Ice skating is one of the most popular sports. However, over time, ride comfort can decrease significantly. This is due to the blade losing its original shape. The only way out is to sharpen it. If there is no desire (or opportunity) to contact a specialized service, this work can be done independently.

The main mistake of beginners is trying to make the blade as sharp as possible. This will lead to loss of stability and, as a result, possible injuries. If you look closely at the end of the blade, you can see the groove. It actually forms 2 planes of contact with the ice cover. Under the action of friction force, the ice melts, forming a water layer. It is she who contributes to a better glide.

Skate blade configuration

The basic rules for sharpening skates at home are as follows.

  1. After its implementation, the configuration of the blade should be as close as possible to the original factory.
  2. No burr or uneven thickness on each plane of the blade.
  3. Availability of appropriate tools.

For reference, the depth of the groove for figure skating is about 5-6 mm. This contributes to better maneuverability, but affects stability. The deeper the groove, the easier it is to stand on skates. For hockey models, this parameter is usually 20 mm. Skating has the deepest groove - up to 45 mm.

Sharpening the blade comes down to restoring the original dimensions of the gutter. To do this, you can use a hand or electric tool. In the case of infrequent use of skates, you can limit yourself to a simple needle file mounted on a wooden block. But if skiing happens often or there are several fans of this winter sport in the house, it is recommended to use a power tool.

As the main tools, you will need a vise, a needle file (round) of the appropriate diameter and a wooden block. The latter has a U-shape, in the groove of which a needle file is attached.

Having fixed the skate in a vise, you need to perform the following steps.

  1. A bar with a needle file is installed on the front of the blade and the contours of the groove are outlined in reverse motion. If sharpening has not been performed for a long time, then the complete absence of the gutter is possible.
  2. Having outlined the depth line, the sizes of future ribs are compared. They must be exactly the same in thickness.
  3. With great effort, the recess is deepened until the desired value is reached.

The final stage is the removal of burrs. This can be done with a fine-grained file or a flat file.

A grinding wheel is attached to a fixed "grinder" or a drill, the thickness of which should be 0.5-1 mm less than the width of the groove. The skate should be fixed with clamps on a steel corner. Attention - its height must be adjustable.

Sharpening with power tools

Then the contours of the excavation are drawn manually. Sharpening is performed from the front of the blade. Thus, even if there are unnoticed burrs, they will not greatly affect the quality of the slide.

How to sharpen skates at home

How to enjoy ice skating in winter? How to properly monitor the condition of the blades? How to sharpen skates at home? You will receive answers to these questions by studying the step-by-step instructions offered to you with a photo.

  • Content:
  • 1 Flat skate sharpening
  • 2 Sharpening grooved blades at home

A grooved skate blade allows for correct and high-quality skating due to a reduction in the area of ​​contact between the blade and ice. Flat sharpening is suitable for beginner athletes.

  • Emery (large and small)
  • File or abrasive stone
  • Building corner 90%

    Make sure the emery or file is harder than the alloy of the blade.

    Place your skates on a flat surface, and if you've sharpened them properly, they'll stand upright.

  • Round file set
  • Wooden block 100x50x50 mm

    Secure the first skate firmly in a vise. Make sure that it will not move during processing.

    Insert a round file into the groove of the prepared bar and start processing the surface with progressive movements, as shown in the photo. The depth of the groove should not exceed 0.5-0.6 mm.

    Keep sharpening the blade until you get the desired result. After you have got sharp edges, you need to remove the burrs, i.e. sand the edges. Take a file of a smaller diameter, wrap it with fine sandpaper and use a bar to process the blade.

    You can watch a video on how to sharpen blades at home here:

  • Calm and virtuoso skating you can provide yourself only with perfectly sharpened blades. After all, sharpening skates affects gliding, braking, performing figure tricks and balance on the rink. Therefore, it is so important to constantly monitor the sharpening of skates. Beginners may be wondering why sharpen skates, because the blade seems even and smooth, why sharpen here?

    Everything is simple. Consider the internal structure of the blade. It consists of two ribs and a recess between them. The notch is usually also called a groove or groove. If you look at the blade from the side of the new skates before sharpening, then it looks like this:

    And this is what the blade looks like, sharpened under the groove:

    When you are skating, only the inside or only the outside edge touches the ice, rarely both. Only correctly honed blades retain their grip on ice during turns, tilts, if the sharpening is poor, then the blades slip and move out.

    The depth of the groove also plays a role. The deeper the groove, the more maneuverability it provides, the more stable the skater is when cornering. But the shallow depth of the recess contributes to the development of high speed. Frequent skating wears down the ribs, and the groove between them becomes smaller. Uneven ice leads to the fact that burrs and roughness gradually appear on the blades. It is sharpening that eliminates these shortcomings: it smooths out irregularities and deepens the groove. It is important that both ribs along the entire line of the blade are the same, at the same level.

    When should skates be sharpened?

    You'll know right away when your skates need sharpening. If you observe such symptoms, then it's time to visit the sharpening master:

    During acceleration, the skates began to slip;

    When turning, the blades go to the side;

    If you have new skates and / or the groove is missing.

    Where can you sharpen your skates?

    As a rule, more or less large ice rinks provide such a service. Do not sharpen your own skates because it is a rather laborious process. Sharpening is carried out by special masters on special equipment. You should not sharpen the blades too often, only as needed, otherwise the blades will quickly become worthless. To prolong blade life, do not walk in them on the floor, asphalt or stairs without covers.

    A short video about sharpening skates:

    Skates are the main sports equipment of my childhood. White, with laces and with a sharp-sharpened blade - it was the dream of every child. There were three stadiums in our city, which were filled with water for the winter, put up a Christmas tree and it turned out to be an excellent festive skating rink. But in order for the skates to glide well, they had to be sharpened from time to time. I'll tell you how our dads did it.

    How to sharpen skates with your own hands

    Of course, in order not to suffer, sometimes we gave skates to shoe repair and sharpened them on a special machine. But it cost money, which was never enough anyway, so my father mastered the science himself. To do this, he took:

    • bar;
    • sandpaper;
    • file.

    I have seen the sharpening process more than once. It looked like this: between the knees, the father clamped the skates with the blade to the top and with effort began to sharpen the edges of the blade with a bar at an angle towards the inner walls. It took all of 20 minutes. Then he polished the blade with sandpaper, blew off the dust and checked the sharpness of the skates by running them over the newspaper. If the newspaper is cut evenly, the skates are sharpened correctly.

    This sharpening method is the easiest and is suitable for skates without a groove.

    How to sharpen sports skates

    But if you don’t have simple figure skating skates, but sports skates with a groove, then you need another way. He is more labor intensive. But you want to get perfectly sharpened skates and be the king of the rink? Then read carefully.

    The first thing you need to get is an electric emery with a special disk, which, when sharpened, will deepen the groove and polish the blades at the same time. Such equipment from the Soviet era can be found in hoarders (dig around in your grandfather's garage).

    So, starting to sharpen the blade, drive the emery along the groove back and forth for several minutes. As a rule, you can visually determine when it is time to stop. After that, walk along the entire length of the blade with a bar and grind the burrs with a file.

    If you couldn’t find such an electric emery, then you can buy more modern portable equipment for sharpening skates.

    Those who like to spend time on the rink, or enjoy playing hockey, or are fond of high-speed running and downhill skating, need to take care of sharpening their skates. Safety, convenience, sports performance depend on their condition, and as a result, the degree of pleasure from your favorite pastime.

    Let's find out how to sharpen skates at home to save money and not go to professional sharpeners too often.

    How to avoid mistakes

    A common misconception is that any skates can be sharpened like kitchen knives, leaving one sharp edge. This method completely deprives the athlete of stability, worsening the grip on ice, which is provided by a special groove (groove) on the blade.

    Under the influence of friction between the two planes of the blade, formed by the groove, the ice melts - and a very thin water layer is formed in the groove, which improves sliding. And thanks to the groove, friction increases.

    • A suitable groove depth for figure skating is 5-6 millimeters.
    • If skates are part of hockey equipment - 20 mm.
    • For skaters - up to 45 mm.

    Skids without grooves are suitable only for extreme sportsmen who play feints on ice, or for lovers of leisurely pleasure skating, who are very confident on skates. In other cases, turning with a groove is necessary so as not to increase the risk of injury.

    Since sharpening skates at home is a rather difficult procedure, it should not be carried out without a real need.

    Signs that turning is necessary:

    • The groove is missing, although it is needed, or it has become rusty, or its structure is broken;
    • When turning, the blades go to the side;
    • When repulsed, the runners slip.

    If, for example, burrs simply formed on the blades, it is enough to clean with emery or a fine-grained file.

    The first sharpening of new skates specifically for an amateur athlete is still recommended to be ordered by professionals. Especially hockey, because the specialist will take into account the weight of the hockey player, position (forward, defender or goalkeeper), skating style. In a city where there is an ice arena, there is also a grinder with special equipment, you can agree on a price - bargaining is appropriate here. In other cases, independence is fully justified.

    Preparation for sharpening

    When considering how to sharpen skates at home, there are five rules to remember:

    1. For turning, only the recommended tool is used, which must be harder than the steel from which the skids are made;
    2. Blade planes (ribs) after turning should be of uniform thickness;
    3. We must try to save or restore the original configuration of the blade;
    4. The sole of the blade is sharpened at right angles to the ribs.

    There is an opinion that the second and all subsequent sharpening of the skids consist precisely in restoring the original dimensions of the groove.


    At home, you can resort to one of two methods - sharpening with a needle file or a grinding wheel. The first is technically simpler, but also more laborious, requires great physical effort, and is suitable for infrequent use of skates. The second is faster, but requires more sophisticated tools, recommended for those who skate or play hockey often.

    Needle file


    1. Vise;
    2. U-shaped wooden block;
    3. Round file of suitable diameter.

    The file is inserted into the bar, the skate is clamped in a vise. The block should be installed on the front of the blade and outline the contours of the groove in a reverse motion.

    After comparing the ribs and making sure that their thickness is the same, a notch of the desired depth is made. After that, burrs are removed with a flat file or a small file.

    grinding wheel


    1. Saw "Bulgarian" or electric drill;
    2. Grinding wheel, 0.5-1 mm Narrower than the groove width;
    3. Steel angle and clamps or other height-adjustable device for attaching the skate.

    The ridge is fixed, the contours of the groove are drawn manually. Sharpening is carried out with a “grinder” or a fixed drill, starting from the front of the blade and adjusting the height.


    To verify the correctness and perfection of sharpening will allow checking in four stages:

    1. Inspect the blades - the ribs should turn out to be symmetrical, without chips and chips;
    2. Take a piece of thin plastic and run along the blade in each area with the same effort - the skate is sharpened well if scratches of the same depth have formed on the plastic;
    3. Put the skates on the ice - well-sharpened ones will stand straight, without leaning to one side;
    4. Put on your skates, get out on the ice and make sure they don't slip when you push off.

    Noticing shortcomings, you should repeat the procedure until the result is 100% satisfactory.
