Where is infertility diagnosed and treated? Treatment of infertility. What examinations are needed

    After a woman goes to the clinic, a number of necessary tests are required.

    Laboratory tests

    A female infertility test is a set of laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures aimed at identifying the cause of infertility. At the first visit to the doctor, an anamnesis is collected and a thorough examination of the patient is performed. At this stage of the examination, the specialist assesses the condition of the woman's reproductive organs for erosion and inflammation. Further activities are related to instrumental and laboratory methods.

  • Blood analysis. The study of clinical and biochemical parameters of blood is necessary to determine the general state of health. In the patient's blood, the amount of total protein, bilirubin, ALT, AST, creatinine, urea and glucose is determined. Blood is also examined for infections and viruses: syphilis, hepatitis, HIV. To exclude the endocrine cause of infertility, tests are carried out for the level of hormones: prolactin, AMH, FSH, LH, progesterone, TSH, 17-OPK, testosterone and others. A study on hormones must be carried out on the 2-5th day from the onset of menstruation. Separately, blood is donated to determine the group and Rh factor.
  • Urinalysis - is prescribed to determine the functional work of the kidneys.
  • . Very often, it is not possible to get pregnant due to the presence of infections in the body of a woman. The defeat of the mucous membrane of the cervix and the uterine cavity of an infectious nature creates unfavorable conditions for the development of pregnancy. To identify them and subsequently treat or exclude this problem, several tests are prescribed. Most often, such tests reveal diseases that are initially asymptomatic: gonorrhea, herpes virus, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis. In addition to a blood test, smears are taken from the vagina and cervical canal.
  • Postcoital analysis - determination of the number of spermatozoa and their mobility in the cervical mucus of the cervix. This important study shows the ability of sperm to interact with the egg. In order for fertilization to occur, conditions are necessary for the penetration of spermatozoa through the cervical mucus. It is best to carry out the test in the periovulatory period of the cycle, before the examination, the presence of genital infections should be excluded. We recommend .

After laboratory tests, a woman is prescribed instrumental studies.

Instrumental Research

These tests are performed using specialized equipment and can confirm a suspected diagnosis.

    one. . The method allows you to visually determine the cause of infertility, which may be neoplasms of the reproductive organs. With the help of ultrasound, you can find out:
  • condition of the cervix;
  • the size and condition of the uterus;
  • condition of the ovaries;
  • structure and condition of the endometrium;
  • condition of the fallopian tubes.

The examination can reveal polyps, cysts that interfere with pregnancy. In addition to neoplasms, ultrasound helps to diagnose hydrosalpinx - the presence of fluid in the fallopian tubes. The elimination of these pathologies is a step towards the treatment of infertility. The study is best done in the first phase of the cycle.

    2. - a method of ultrasonic testing of the state of the endometrium and the patency of the fallopian tubes using saline. It is carried out on the 6th-14th days of the cycle (it can be carried out on any day, but in the second phase of the cycle, the presence of an already completed pregnancy cannot be ruled out).
    3. - a picture of the small pelvis and using contrast, displaying the uterus from the inside, as well as capturing the fallopian tubes. Gives information about the state of the endometrium, tubes and their patency. Often makes it possible to judge the presence of adhesions in the pelvis. It can be carried out on any day, except for the days of menstruation (it is better not to plan pregnancy for this cycle).
    4. is the most accurate and fastest method for studying the state of the pelvic organs and the causes of infertility. Allows you to visually inspect the pelvic organs, check the patency of the pipes, dissect adhesions. It is performed under anesthesia and does not require a long stay in the hospital. Before agreeing to the operation, we recommend that you consult a reproductologist, especially in cases where childbearing is planned in the future. It is carried out in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.
    5.: visual examination of the uterine cavity and taking a sample of the uterine mucosa (endometrium) for histological examination in order to identify pathology. Allows you to most reliably identify changes in the uterine cavity and cervical canal and conduct targeted histological diagnosis. Before the procedure, it is required to abandon sexual intercourse and vaginal preparations. It is carried out in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, after the end of menstruation and up to the 10th day.

A complete list of tests for IVF can be found.

Tests for infertility in women in our clinic are carried out as soon as possible and are accompanied by the necessary consultations of specialists. After identifying the cause, based on the results of the tests, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.

Name of service Price
Primary consultation of a gynecologist-reproductologist 3 000 rubles
Initial consultation of a gynecologist-reproductologist with ultrasound 3 900 rubles
Repeated consultation of a gynecologist-reproductologist 1 300 rubles
Repeated consultation of a gynecologist-reproductologist with ultrasound 2 200 rubles
Primary consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist 2 400 rubles
Repeated consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist 1 900 rubles
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs 1 500 rubles
abdominal ultrasound 2 100 rubles
Ultrasound of the prostate and bladder 1 600 rubles
Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder 1 800 rubles
Ultrasound of the kidneys, prostate and bladder 2 000 rubles
Thyroid ultrasound 1 600 rubles
Ultrasound of the mammary glands 1 800 rubles
Ultrasound of the lymph nodes 1 250 rubles
Colposcopy 1 400 rubles
Hysteroscopy office 17 500 rubles
Diagnostic hysteroscopy (without the cost of histological examination) 19 500 rubles
Operative hysteroscopy (without the cost of anesthesia and histological examination) 24 500 rubles

Sometimes a doctor can detect the cause of a couple's infertility almost immediately by doing only a general physical examination, but sometimes testing can take up to several months. Therefore, there are many options for diagnosing infertility in order to find the cause and cure it.

Diagnosis of infertility

First of all, when diagnosing female infertility, the doctor finds out the frequency of ovulation. A woman can do this at home, either by measuring her basal body temperature over several months, or by using an ovulation test.

But if this is difficult for you, the doctor will be able to determine the frequency of ovulation with the help of ultrasound of the ovaries and blood sampling.

Clinical and anamnestic examination

  • Complaints. These include: changes in the menstrual cycle, prolonged infertility, impotence and fatigue, a sharp jump in body weight, etc.
  • hereditary history. It turns out whether there were diseases such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, genetic problems with the reproductive organs in the family, etc.
  • Menstruation. Here the patient describes in detail the duration, frequency, nature of menstruation. If there was a lack of menstruation for a long time, report when it was and what might have caused it.
  • Transferred diseases. This includes both infectious diseases and surgical interventions, pathologies, and inflammatory processes. Indeed, in about sixty percent of women, the result of operations is the occurrence of all kinds of adhesions and obstruction in the fallopian tubes.
When describing menstruation, it is necessary to determine whether you have a regular menstrual cycle, or if you have amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, polymenorrhea or dysmenorrhea, which means an extremely painful menstruation process.
  • Sex life. The doctor should know what kind of marriage this is, when you started having sex, the frequency of sexual intercourse, their features.
  • reproductive function. They share primary infertility, when a woman has never been able to get pregnant without specially protecting herself. And secondary, when at least once, but there was a pregnancy.
  • Disease history. The doctor will find out information about when the patient first went to the gynecologist, what worried her, what methods of treatment she used, whether there were inflammations and what caused it, pain syndromes, and what medications were used.

Clinical and laboratory examination

During the first examination, a general examination of the woman is carried out, including height, weight, endocrine disorders, the amount of subcutaneous fat, problems with ovulation, the shape of the woman's mammary glands, the degree of hair growth, the thyroid gland, it turns out which day of the menstrual cycle is now observed in the patient, features structures of the genital organs, etc.
The doctor can perform microcolposcopy during the first examination, which will show whether the woman has cervical erosion, cervicitis, colpitis, endocervicitis.

A woman can also undergo functional diagnostic tests, which show the woman's basal body temperature and the level of estrogen in the body, which indicate the hormonal activity of the ovaries and the regularity of ovulation.
Also, in the context of clinical and laboratory examinations, a number of hormone tests are performed.

But sometimes it is not enough to determine the level of hormones in a woman's blood once, so a number of functional and hormonal tests are used, which, as additional tests, help to see a clearer picture of your illness.

Testing for tuberculosis is also possible, an X-ray of the Turkish saddle is made, and immunological examinations are also carried out.

Endoscopic examination methods

  • Hysteroscopy. During this procedure, X-rays are used to check the uterus and fallopian tubes.
  • Laparoscopy. In this case, a laparoscope is used to check the abdominal cavity by making an incision in the lower abdomen. With this method, scars and endometriosis can be detected.

Diagnosis of infertility is the initial and one of the most important stages of preparation for IVF. Indeed, the correctness of the chosen treatment strategy and the achievement of a positive result - the birth of a healthy child - depend on the complex of examinations and analyzes prescribed by the doctor.

The ART-ECO reproductive health clinic uses the most modern and effective methods for diagnosing infertility, which allow the patient to obtain a complete clinical picture of his reproductive health with minimal time and money.

Advantages of diagnostics in"ART-ECO":
Diagnosis of infertility in the clinic "ART-IVF" is performed using the following procedures:
  • Gynecological examination
    It involves examining a woman on a gynecological chair and taking a smear.

  • Methods of functional diagnostics
    Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the pelvic organs (dopplerography, ultrasound with a contrast agent to check the patency of the fallopian tubes);
    Ultrasound of the fetus at all stages of gestation; cardiotocography (CTG) of the fetus.
    During the entire period of infertility treatment, not to mention the subsequent onset of pregnancy, a woman may often need to undergo an ultrasound examination. This is necessary both for examining the pelvic organs for the presence of pathologies, checking the response of the reproductive system to ongoing therapy, and, for example, during follicle puncture as part of one of the stages of IVF.
    ULTRASOUND PROCEDURE: MD / doctor of the highest category
    - pelvic organs MD Stygar A.M. 4 000
    - pelvic organs doctor of the highest category 3 500
    - urinary system MD Stygar A.M. 4 000
    - urinary system 3 000
    - mammary glands MD Stygar A.M. 4 000
    - mammary glands 3 000
    - thyroid gland MD Stygar A.M. 4 000
    - thyroid gland 3 000
    - Ultrasound of the fetus up to 10 weeks of pregnancy MD Stygar A.M. 4 000
    - Ultrasound of the fetus up to 10 weeks of pregnancy 3 000
    - Ultrasound of the fetus at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy MD Stygar A.M. 5 000
    - Ultrasound of the fetus at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy 4 000
    - Ultrasound of the fetus in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy MD Stygar A.M. 5 500
    - Ultrasound of the fetus in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy 4 500
    - Ultrasound for 2-fetal pregnancy at 11-13 weeks MD Stygar A.M. 6 000
    - Ultrasound for 2-fetal pregnancy at 11-13 weeks 5 000
    - Ultrasound for 2-fetal pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters MD Stygar A.M. 7 000
    - Ultrasound for 2-fetal pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters 6 000
    - Doppler in gynecology MD Stygar A.M. 2 500
    - Doppler in gynecology 2 000
    - Doppler in obstetrics MD Stygar A.M. 2 000
    - Doppler in obstetrics 1 500
    - Write to disk 500
    ECG 700
    Our doctors will help you:
  • Hormonal examination
    A wide range of peripheral blood tests for hormones is performed, including the express method.
    Diagnosis of infertility is not the only reason why it is necessary to conduct a hormonal examination.
    The hormonal profile is a reflection of the function of the endocrine glands, the most important system of internal regulation in the body. In case of detection of deviations in the level of hormones, we recommend consulting an endocrinologist.
  • Infectious examination
    Tests for sexually transmitted infections (blood test by ELISA and PCR, smears by PCR, culture of the discharged urethra, cervical canal).
    This examination must be completed in order to exclude the presence of an infectious disease in partners, as well as in order to protect the unborn child from the negative consequences of the unborn child in the event of a pregnancy that occurs after treatment.
  • Endoscopic methods for diagnosing infertility
    Hysteroscopy, mini-hysteroscopy ("office"), laparoscopy.
    To date, these infertility diagnostic methods are the safest for the patient and effective for the doctor, who receives all the necessary information without resorting to serious surgical intervention.
    Diagnostic hysteroscopy 14 000
    Intravenous anesthesia 5 000
  • Microbiological research
    Crops on the flora of sperm separated from the urethra and cervical canal with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics; smear on the degree of purity from the vagina.
  • Cytological and histological studies
    Biopsy of the endometrium; colposcopy; cytological examination of smears of the cervix.
  • Immunological examination
    Examination for the presence of antisperm and antiphospholipid antibodies; anti-hCG.
    This specific examination is prescribed when the doctor suspects a possible immunological incompatibility of the partners.
  • Examination of men
    Extended spermogram, andrologist examination, ultrasound, hormonal and infectious examination, sperm MAR test, sperm test, evaluation of sperm DNA fragmentation.
    Diagnosis of male infertility should be carried out in parallel with examinations of his wife, since a long absence of pregnancy can be associated with both female and male infertility factors equally.
    Spermogram 3 000
    MAR sperm test 500
  • Other examinations
    CBC and urinalysis, determination of blood group and Rh factor, anti-Rh antibodies, coagulogram, biochemical markers, tumor markers and much more.

If the diagnosis and treatment of infertility in Moscow is included in your plans, then the reproductive health clinic "ART-ECO" will be happy to make sure that your family has a sonorous children's laughter!

History of our medical center

The core of the team that successfully operates to this day within the framework of the medical center
“ART-ECO” was formed in the 80s of the 20th century. At that time, all work was carried out within the laboratory of early embryogenesis (VNIITs OZMIR) under the guidance of Professor Leonov B.V. The best doctors, obstetricians-gynecologists, embryologists, in particular Lukin V.A., Kalinina E.A. successfully worked under his supervision. and others. In general, the backbone of modern domestic reproduction came out of the laboratory.

Features of the development of the clinic today

The first thing we want to focus on is modern technical equipment and equipment that fully complies with SanPiN and the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development 1182n. Features of the development and activities of the clinic "ART-ECO" are as follows:

  • the quality of the equipment is confirmed by regular state inspections of the control and supervision bodies of the Russian Federation;
  • measures for the diagnosis and treatment of various ailments last a minimum amount of time, while always bringing high results;
  • the management and doctors of the medical center refused to use reusable surgical instruments, preferring disposable analogues;
  • The clinic maintains close cooperation with leading manufacturers in Germany, Italy, and the USA involved in the development and production of medical equipment.

In 2014, we moved to a new building with an area of ​​more than 1.5 thousand sq.m. This space is quite enough to organize a comfortable reception of patients, their effective treatment and counseling.

The diagnosis of "infertility" is made after 12 months of fruitless attempts to get pregnant with an active sexual life and the absence of contraception. According to statistics, 20% of couples face such a problem. But this diagnosis is not a sentence. In most cases, the situation is fixable. It is necessary to identify the cause of infertility as soon as possible and prescribe treatment, which will result in a long-awaited pregnancy and childbirth.

Infertility (Latin sterilitas) is the inability of women and men to fertilize.

Infertility may be:

  • absolute - the presence of a pathology that excludes the possibility of conception (in women - the absence of a uterus, ovaries; in men - the absence of spermatozoa, testicles);
  • relative - the presence of a cause that can be eliminated.

Also distinguished:

  • primary infertility - the absence of conception in a couple leading an active sex life;
  • secondary infertility - the absence of conception after pregnancy.

The main causes of infertility include:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • infectious diseases;
  • abnormal structure of the genital organs;
  • genital trauma;
  • immunological problems;
  • psychological problems.

Methods for diagnosing infertility

Infertility is most often blamed on the woman. But this is deeply misleading. According to studies, 40% of infertility cases are diagnosed in women, 40% in men. The remaining 20% ​​includes combined and unexplained causes. Therefore, it is important to diagnose infertility in both women and men. Moreover, it is worth starting the examination with a man, because there are fewer factors affecting male infertility and this diagnosis is simpler.

Diagnosis of infertility in men

Examination of a man for infertility takes place in several stages. First, the main studies are assigned. If after them the doctor has any questions, then additional ones are assigned.

The main methods for diagnosing male infertility include the following steps.

  1. Consultation of an andrologist or a reproductive specialist.

Interview. Past illnesses, pregnancies with other partners, characteristics of sexual life and the degree of influence of negative factors (harmful industries, smoking, alcohol) are specified.

Inspection. The severity of secondary sexual characteristics is determined, the scrotum is palpated.

  1. Laboratory diagnosis of infertility.

Spermogram - study of ejaculate. Preparation for the analysis is very important and begins a week before the study. Dieting, exclusion of alcohol, visits to saunas and baths, stress, lack of sexual intercourse for two days. If a man has a cold, the study should be postponed until complete recovery. The research procedure takes place in three stages: masturbation (in a specially allocated room in a medical institution or at home), sampling, analysis. The ejaculate must reach the laboratory within an hour and must be in the process of transportation at room temperature. According to the results of the spermogram, the volume of the ejaculate, the number of spermatozoa, their mobility, morphology and several other indicators are evaluated. If deviations from the norm are detected, the analysis is repeated 2 more times to exclude errors or the influence of other factors.

Analysis of hormone levels. These are mainly follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin. In the case of a deviation from the norm of these hormones, we can talk about endocrine disorders.

  1. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound).

Ultrasound and doplerometry of the scrotum. It is used to assess the structure and pathology of the testicles and their appendages.

TRUS (transrectal ultrasound) is performed to assess the condition of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles.

Additional diagnostics of infertility in men includes the following studies:

  • genetic analyzes are prescribed for violations of the maturation and production of spermatozoa or their absence;
  • an analysis for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is performed with inflammation, combined with an abnormal spermogram;
  • prostate secretion excludes or confirms inflammation of the prostate;
  • determination of tumor markers is prescribed in case of suspicion of malignant tumors;
  • an immunological study (MAR test) should reveal the presence or absence of antisperm antibodies;
  • a testicular biopsy is indicated in the absence of spermatozoa or a serious decrease in their number;
  • a study of post-orgasmic urine is performed in the absence of ejaculation or its small volume to exclude or confirm the reflux of sperm into the bladder.

Each of the additional methods for diagnosing the causes of infertility has serious indications for research and should be carried out by experienced specialists.

Diagnosis of infertility in women

Female infertility requires more serious research than male infertility. After all, the female body must not only form a high-quality egg, but also create special conditions for fertilization, bearing and giving birth to a child.

As in the case of the examination of male infertility, the diagnosis of female infertility is carried out in stages.

  1. Consultation with a gynecologist or reproductive specialist.

Interview. The list of past diseases, operations (especially on the pelvic organs), genetic abnormalities in the family, the presence of pregnancies, features of sexual life and the menstrual cycle, and the influence of harmful factors are being specified.

Inspection. First, the ratio of height and weight, the development of secondary sexual characteristics are assessed. Then a gynecological examination of the vagina and cervix and a two-handed examination of the uterus and ovaries are performed.

  1. Laboratory diagnostics.

Smear. Analysis of discharge from the cervical canal will show the presence of an inflammatory process or STD.

Blood test for hormones (FSH, LH, estrogens, progesterone and androgen), infections and increased clotting.

  1. Ultrasound diagnosis of the state of the uterus and ovaries. Ultrasound is the most informative and reliable way to determine ovulation. In addition, you can assess the condition of the uterus and ovaries, observe the growth of the endometrium and determine the causes of menstrual irregularities.
  2. Measurement of rectal temperature. This additional research method is carried out for 3 months and evaluates the presence (37 ° C) or absence (<37°С) овуляции. Наблюдение и измерение женщина проводит самостоятельно.
  3. Hysterosalpingography (HSG). This is an x-ray type of examination aimed at diagnosing tubal infertility and assessing the condition of the uterus. This research method is carried out on the 5th-7th day of the cycle by introducing a contrast agent into the uterus and assessing its movement through the fallopian tubes. This method is not always informative in assessing the patency of the fallopian tubes, because. the patient experiences discomfort, which can affect the result. This method is more suitable for detecting uterine pathologies. And the most reliable way to assess the patency of the fallopian tubes is laparoscopy.
  4. Laparoscopy. This type of examination is performed under general anesthesia with a special apparatus through small holes in the abdominal cavity. The undoubted advantage of this study is not only its high information content, but also the possibility of correcting the identified violations (restoration of the function of the fallopian tubes, removal of fibroids and ovarian formations).
  5. Hysteroscopy. This method of endoscopic examination of the uterus not only assesses its condition, but also allows the treatment of almost any uterine pathology.
  6. Tomography of the skull and sella turcica is prescribed for suspected endocrine infertility.
  7. Spiral computed tomography of the pelvic organs is prescribed to clarify the pathologies of the internal genital organs.

Partner Compatibility Diagnostics

There are cases when conception does not occur due to the incompatibility of partners. There are several methods for diagnosing such cases of infertility.

  • Karyotyping is a study of the genetic compatibility of partners. The material for analysis is blood from a vein.
  • HLA typing - assessment of immunological compatibility. The more antigens that react aggressively to foreign cells, the less chance of pregnancy.
  • Kurzrock-Miller test. This diagnostic method examines the interaction of male and female germ cells. The specialist places cervical fluid and semen in one test tube and observes the behavior of the cells.
  • Shuvarsky test. This method is similar to the previous one, but the union of cervical fluid and sperm occurs naturally. A woman takes this analysis no more than 6 hours after intercourse.

There are many reasons why there are problems with conception. Conducting timely diagnosis and prescribing infertility treatment in most cases can eliminate them. The main thing is to conduct a comprehensive study of both men and women. As a result, even already desperate couples have a high probability of becoming happy parents of a long-awaited child.

Every year, the number of couples who have difficulty conceiving is increasing. For some, it is enough to change the established lifestyle, for others, treatment is required. In any case, only a doctor can determine the cause of difficulties with conception.

Manipulations with the reproductive system should be carried out in childhood.

Screening for infections

A very important step in diagnosing infertility is an examination for infections. Be sure to test for:

  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea.

There are much more dangerous infections, the lion's share is not capable of causing infertility, but they increase the risk. You should definitely be examined for candidiasis, syphilis, hepatitis, HIV, gonococcus, mycoplasma. These infections can be passed on to the unborn child.

Hormonal disorders

If a man has a lack of the testosterone hormone, hormonal disorders are the cause of infertility. To determine the cause of the failure, you should visit an andrologist. To diagnose the condition, take tests for hormones. It is also worth identifying sexual infections, perhaps they contributed to the development of the disease, which led to infertility.

Hormonal disorders in a man occur due to a number of reasons, among them: head injuries, the presence of testicular disease, etc. Stress and emotional stress are negatively reflected on the hormonal background. The cause of hormonal disorders are diseases.


To find out the factor of male infertility, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, scrotum, and thyroid gland is performed. The examination technique allows you to determine pathologies in the reproductive organs.

In the event that the doctor does not exclude hypertrophy or inflammation of the prostate gland, he prescribes TRUS (ultrasound of the prostate).

Testicular biopsy

If a malignant tumor is suspected in the reproductive organs, the specialist prescribes a testicular biopsy. The procedure is performed by a qualified specialist. He makes a testicular puncture or an incision in the scrotum and takes the sperm.

Other diagnostic options

One of the most popular and effective methods for diagnosing male infertility is the postcoital test. With its help, a specialist evaluates the interaction of spermatozoa and cervical mucus, observes the percentage of survival and the behavior of spermatozoa. The test must be carried out in the coming hours following sexual intercourse, which should happen on the day of ovulation.

Prior to her, the couple should abstain from sex for five days. Be sure to exclude alcohol and smoking, reduce the amount of fatty foods consumed, eat more vitamins and get enough sleep. After sexual intercourse, a swab is taken from the woman's cervix to diagnose.

The price of diagnostics for male and female infertility in the centers

Today, throughout Russia there are specialized medical clinics and centers that can identify the exact cause of female and male infertility. They employ qualified doctors who are ready to prescribe effective treatment and help the couple become parents. There are more than a hundred such centers in Moscow: VitroClinic, Medsi, Aimed, and the Mother and Child clinic.

The latter successfully uses the possibilities of infertility treatment. Diagnosis of male infertility begins with a spermogram. In this center, the procedure costs from 2300 rubles.

It is obligatory to consult a urologist, to perform clinical studies. Depending on what tests are required to determine the cause of infertility, the price of diagnosis will depend. On average, a male examination is about 30-35 thousand rubles.

A female examination begins with hormone tests, a doctor's examination, and an ultrasound scan. Diagnosis of a woman takes much longer. To go through the initial stage of diagnosis, a woman will need an average of 30 thousand rubles. As a rule, prices in St. Petersburg (in the most popular clinics, such as "LabStory" or "North-West Perinatal Genetic Center") for such procedures and studies vary within the same range as in the capital.

The effectiveness of the received data

It is extremely important to diagnose infertility and identify the root cause as early as possible. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on the right methods of therapy. Only a doctor who knows his business well will help a woman or a man in this.

It's not a verdict and you can't give up in any case. The disease is treated, the main thing is to correctly diagnose the cause. There are many factors that cause infertility, only a reproductive health worker, having correctly assessed the state of the body and health, will collect an anamnesis and prescribe medication or surgical treatment.

If the problem is detected early, the disease will be easier to cope with, which will increase the couple's chances of conceiving a child. When diagnosed, it is necessary to examine both partners, according to statistics, in almost half of the couples who have encountered a problem in conception, a man is infertile.

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