If there are bruises under the eyes. Dark circles under the eyes: causes, how to get rid of. Masks for dark circles and bruises under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes, as a rule, are the result of insomnia or poor quality sleep, and, therefore, fatigue of the body. Bruises can also be a consequence of the skin aging process, which leads to the fact that the skin under the eyes becomes thinner, in connection with this, all the veins and vessels responsible for the color of the shadows become more visible.

Pathological shadows under the lower eyelids may result from smoking, stress, sun exposure, alcohol, caffeine, and certain medications (such as birth control pills).

It happens that dark circles under the eyes are genetically determined. Dark circles under the eyes can also be a sign of an allergic reaction, for example, to cosmetic ingredients, animal dander or dust.

Dark circles under the eyes - what diseases can be

Bruises under the eyes can be a symptom of the disease, especially if the dark color of the skin under the eyes persists for a long time or intensifies, and is also accompanied by other diseases, such as headaches or pollakiuria.

Photo Source: fishyfish_arcade / CC BY-NC-SA

Check what diseases indicate dark circles under the eyes.

Today on the Podglazami.ru website we will talk about why bruises appear under the eyes, we will discuss in detail the reasons for their appearance and how to get rid of them. This problem is a cause for concern not only for men, but also for women and children. Their presence may indicate:

  • for various diseases;
  • individual characteristics;
  • lifestyle flaws.

The consequences of a wrong lifestyle

Bruises under the eyes can occur due to improper lifestyle, non-compliance with the daily routine:

Bruises under the eyes can appear in women due to pregnancy, while taking hormonal contraceptives. During this period, skin pigmentation may increase, including in the area around the eyes.

When do dark circles under the eyes appear for a reason?

The site Podglazami.ru warns that sometimes the appearance of bruises under the eyes in women or men can occur due to inflammatory processes or injuries, disorders in the functioning of organs and / or body systems.

  1. Endocrine pathologies. Problems in the work of the kidneys, adrenal glands. Hypothyroidism, abnormal functioning of the thyroid gland.
  2. Hypoxia of various kinds. When chronic oxygen starvation of tissues and organs occurs, in case of violation of blood circulation in vessels and veins, including oxygen poisoning.
  3. In cases of intoxication.
  4. after severe illness. During the recovery period, dark circles can persist for a long time.
  5. Low hemoglobin.
  6. Diseases of the ENT organs.
  7. Respiratory failure due to frequent or chronic infections.
  8. Problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Circles under the eyes can appear after a head injury. In this case, you must immediately contact a specialist!

Bruises under the eyes in children

In infants, such phenomena are possible with severe oxygen starvation or with anemia (anemia). Also, in young children, the vessels are located close to the delicate skin, so the impression of dark circles can be created.

Moreover, immunity decreases, the child is increasingly prone to colds, the level of iron in the blood may fall, and anemia may appear.

If you observe all of the above signs in your child, contact your pediatrician to clarify the diagnosis or prescribe preventive measures.

What to do?

If bruises appeared as a result of external factors and lifestyle, you should take a closer look at yourself. There are several recommendations in this case:

  • full sleep is necessary;
  • should eat a varied diet;
  • eat as much fiber as possible;
  • do not watch TV or work at the monitor screen for more than 2 hours in a row;
  • if you work at a computer, then every half an hour, exercise your eyes and do a light massage to improve blood circulation;
  • give up bad habits;
  • do not eat fast food in the afternoon, anything salty, do not drink a lot of coffee;
  • be outdoors more often;
  • enter regular active walks in the park or classes at the stadium.

If the cause of the manifestation of dark circles under the eyes is a consequence of the disease, then the treatment should be aimed at eliminating a chronic disorder in the functioning of the organs and / or systems of the body.

To prevent hypoxia and / or anemia, take multivitamin complexes 2 times a year.

You can get rid of an unpleasant cosmetic defect with folk remedies: a mask of fresh cucumbers, cottage cheese, parsley leaves will relieve swelling and even out skin color in the problem area.

A decoction of herbs, sage, for example, helps to relieve an unpleasant symptom. Don't spend a lot of time in front of a laptop monitor or TV screen.

The main enemy of dark circles under the eyes is good sleep and fresh air. Get enough sleep, try to walk more and bruises under the eyes will remain in the past.

The article has been reviewed by a medical practitioner. Krizhanovskaya Elizaveta Anatolyevna, experience 5 years.

To quickly and permanently get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon, you must try to find out the cause of the bruises. In some cases, ordinary home lotions will help, but some causes can be so serious that you will have to undergo special treatment from a doctor.

The main causes of bruising under the eyes

The skin around the eyes can be compared to a barometer that reports on the processes occurring inside the body. If bruises are found under the eyes, the cause must be sought, either in lifestyle or in concomitant diseases.

Wrong way of life :

  • Insufficient number of hours of sleep;
  • Overwork and stress, chronic fatigue and nervous strain;
  • Smoking;
  • Improper nutrition, when there are not enough vitamins, and the diet has a lot of spicy and salty foods;
  • Excessive alcohol consumption;
  • Constant hours of sitting at the computer;

If the wrong lifestyle has caused bruising under the eyes, it will be necessary to get rid of bad habits. Try to sleep more, add more fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet, make several masks. Soon the skin will return to its health and freshness.

Accompanying illnesses :

  • Violation of the cardiovascular system;
  • thyroid problems;
  • Serious kidney and liver disease. In the case when bruises under the eyes are regular;
  • allergic reactions;

With such reasons for the described phenomenon, you should consult a doctor. Only the treatment of the underlying disease will help.

Other factors :

  • Heredity;
  • Age;
  • Side effects from taking medications;

If the cause of the bruises is that the person spent the evening the night before incorrectly, then it will be easy to remove them. If the problem is in a disease or malfunction of a certain organ, only a doctor will help to cope with bruises and illness.

Methods for removing bruises under the eyes

If bruises appear regularly and, we can say that they are chronic, then it is best to contact a beautician.

Modern methods :

  • mesotherapy;
  • Lipofilling. During the procedure, the undereye cavities are filled with the patient's own adipose tissue;
  • Professional massage;
  • Microcurrent therapy is a venous outflow, lymphatic drainage and reduction of hyperpigmentation;
  • Laser;

Folk remedies

Lotions from natural herbs, which should always be at hand, will quickly get rid of bruises. But, only if the cause of the phenomenon is not underlying diseases of the body. It will take ten minutes to prepare a folk remedy, another twenty will be needed to carry out the procedure itself. The result will please immediately after the procedure:

  • The circles will become noticeably lighter or disappear altogether;
  • There will be a feeling of lightness and comfort, the eyes will feel rested;
  • The skin around the eyes is visibly tightened;
  • The complexion will become natural, the skin will shine;
  • Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes will be smoothed out;

If such special masks are used regularly, then the skin around the eyes will always delight with healthy beauty.

Note! Home lotions and masks will help to quickly remove bruises under the eyes, they will make the skin radiant and beautiful. All funds are best placed in gauze and applied to closed eyes for a quarter of an hour.

Homemade face masks for bruises under the eyes

  1. To two large spoons of mashed potatoes, warm milk is added in the amount of one tablespoon. Potato is a time-tested ingredient for dark circles under the eyes.
  2. Mash low-fat cottage cheese and add two drops of black tea leaves to it.
  3. Wrap a strong brew of black tea in gauze. You can also use tea bags dipped in boiling water and then cooled. Tea will help to cope with bruises due to lack of sleep and overwork.
  4. Two teaspoons of walnut kernels, crushed in a blender, must be mixed with a tablespoon of pre-melted butter. Add two or three drops of pomegranate or lemon juice.
  5. Finely grated cucumber should be mixed with chopped parsley and sour cream. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities. The mask will help to cope with circles that have arisen due to malnutrition or lack of sleep.
  6. Mix two teaspoons of melted butter with a large spoonful of chopped parsley.
  7. Boil sage or chamomile, cool. Then pour into molds and freeze in the freezer. Every morning, wipe the circles under the eyes with a herbal cube, especially if they arose due to fatigue.
  8. You can also brew dry cornflower flowers and put gauze soaked in this tincture on your eyes.
  9. Soak a piece of white bread in warm milk.
  10. Moisten fresh mallow flowers in cold milk and apply to the problem area.

Every lady should know that bruises under the eyes found in the mirror are a signal from the body that its problems. Perhaps they lie in the lifestyle, but often the causes of circles under the eyes are associated with certain diseases of the internal organs and systems.

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Bruising under the eyes is a fairly common problem that is familiar to so many people. In the morning we woke up, went to the mirror and found dark circles under the lower eyelid. The easiest way is to mask them with cosmetics. But this is the wrong approach. After all, such signs are a clear signal of a violation of the body.

The skin under the lower eyelid is very thin in structure and penetrated by many capillaries. It is quite sensitive to various changes in the body. Black circles under the lower eyelid are a kind of tester, signaling any violations. We will talk about the main reasons that can cause this phenomenon, and how to remove them in a particular situation.

Bruises under the eyes: possible causes

Doctors note that shadows under are more often manifested in women due to the characteristics of the skin - they have it thinner than the representatives of the stronger sex.

So, in what cases can dark circles under the eyes appear?

1. Hard work associated with visual stress. Frequent and prolonged pastime behind the monitor is very tiring for the organs of vision and leads to stagnation of blood in the capillaries. From overexertion, they begin to burst, due to which the skin acquires a bluish tint. Also, chronic lack of sleep, violation of the regime cause a similar phenomenon.

2. Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking are the main enemies of beauty and health, and the body immediately reacts to poisoning. When using nicotine and alkaloids, circulatory disorders occur: first, the vessels narrow, as a spasm sets in, and then they expand sharply. Their walls can not withstand such overloads, and they burst. There are swelling, the so-called "bags" under the eyes, dark circles. We often observe similar phenomena among lovers of abuse. This is especially noticeable in women, again due to the fact that their skin is thinner than men's and similar manifestations are more clearly visible on it.

3. Age. After 40 years, the subcutaneous fat begins to thin out, exposing a network of small blood vessels. In addition to age-related changes, the epidermis is also weakened by the constant exposure to soap when washing and the sun's rays.

4. Improper use of cosmetics. Night cream, despite its name, is applied in the evening for only 10-15 minutes, and then its excess is removed with a napkin. If you leave the product overnight, especially on the thin epidermis under the lower eyelid, then the intercellular fluid will not be able to evaporate, clogging of the pores will occur, the skin will sweat, and as a result in the morning - blue shadows under the eyes. And another purely "feminine" reason is the intense effect on the skin during washing or cosmetic procedures. Thin vessels tend to burst from strong pressure or friction.

Diseases that cause bruising under the eyes

Dark circles and swelling can also be signs of diseases of the internal organs or a reflection of the malfunctioning of vital systems. If you periodically experience such a phenomenon, then you need to pay attention to its duration. For temporary reasons - lack of sleep, fatigue, drinking alcohol, etc. - bruises under the eyes disappear after a while, as the normal functioning of the body is restored.

If dark circles and swelling under the eyes are constantly present, then this can serve as an indicator of chronic ailments that seriously threaten health.

  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas. Simultaneously with bruises, swelling under the eyes, yellowness of the skin, impaired urination may also occur;
  • violation of the full functioning of the metabolic system. Circles have a pronounced bluish color;
  • vascular and heart disease. In case of violations of the endocardium and myocardium, blood retention occurs in the vessels, veins, capillaries become more pronounced;
  • infectious diseases, helminthiasis;
  • anemia. Bruises under the eyes take on a purple hue. This is due to a lack of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to tissues and organs;
  • chronic fatigue, lack of sleep. It is also accompanied by constant drowsiness and lethargy.

In addition, other factors can also cause dark circles under the lower eyelid: hypoxia, skin diseases (for example, atopic dermatitis), beriberi, endocrine disruptions, and much more. In each individual case, a competent examination by a specialist is necessary.

How to determine the cause and start treatment

If you are often worried about such phenomena, then this is an occasion to consult a doctor for diagnosis and identification of the cause. As mentioned above, dark circles can be a signal indicating the presence of dangerous diseases. Do not try to start self-medicating without determining the cause. The doctor will find out whether you have chronic and hereditary diseases, whether you have taken any medications (this can also cause bruising). In addition, he will prescribe a diagnostic program to determine the anamnesis, which may include, for example, research methods such as:

  • analysis of urine and blood;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • study of thyroid hormones and others.

Only with the results of research on hand, a specialist can determine the picture and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

How to remove bruises under the eyes

If you have found out that the cause of dark circles is not diseases of the internal organs, but external factors or physiological characteristics, then you can eliminate them, depending on the origin.

If bruises under the eyes are caused by age-related thinning of the subcutaneous fat retina, as well as physiological characteristics such as rosacea, then you can get rid of them with the help of cosmetology. You may be prescribed, for example, lipolifting (introduction of fat cells under the lower eyelid), lymphatic drainage, which activates blood flow and accelerates lymph circulation, mesotherapy. Good results are also shown by laser peeling, which radically eliminates dark circles. At home, when you need to quickly deal with the problem, we recommend using a concealer with reflective particles.

For owners of dry skin, you need to use nourishing masks more often, as well as herbal compresses. Lemon or cucumber juice has a mild bleaching effect on bruises, and acupressure helps to stimulate blood vessels, improving metabolism.

For those who drink a lot of tea or coffee, and this also provokes bruising under the eyes, doctors advise minimally limiting the volume of these drinks, replacing with clean water.

In the case of alcohol and smoking, the advice is unequivocal and clear - either do not use or reduce consumption to a minimum. Unfortunately, if you constantly poison the body, the symptoms will not slow down to appear.

And of course, a universal and simple way to remove bruises under the eyes with a general violation of the regime, fatigue, overwork is the right way of life, regular walks in the fresh air, normal sleep, eating healthy vegetables and fruits.

The modern rhythm of life, alas, does not always allow us to comply with these not so complicated rules, but our health depends entirely on our own attitude. Losing it is much easier than regaining it.

Dark spots under the eyes are one of the signals of our attitude towards our body. You can try to hide them every day under a layer of cosmetics, or you can restore a beautiful color to your face simply by eliminating the source of bruising. The reasons for the appearance of bruises under the eyes can be dozens, and only by identifying the one that caused the bruises, you can get rid of them very quickly.

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Why do bruises appear?

reasons there are a lot of blue circles around the eyes for the appearance of blue circles and they happen both physiological and psychological. The most significant causes of bruising under the eyes are usually attributed to:

  • stressful lifestyle;
  • insufficient night rest;
  • chronic overload of both physical and mental sense;
  • lack of vitamins, or rather, vitamin C;
  • poor nutrition;
  • a large load on the eyes, especially due to sitting at the computer;
  • genetic features;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • the presence of diseases of the kidneys and heart;
  • blood vessels can constrict due to smoking and give the skin a blue tint.

Some of these reasons go hand in hand with residents of large cities because of their way of life, while others are doomed to always mask dark spots due to the structure of thinned skin and dilated capillaries.


Blue under the eyes is a consequence of a decrease in the tone of the skin and blood vessels in the eye area. Over time, the vessels begin to grow in diameter and appear through weak skin. This is a slow process that can take months.

But if the circles under the eyes appeared sharply enough, this can be a sign of a serious illness, which you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diseases that cause blue circles

The cause of bruising under the eyes can be diseases that disrupt the smooth flow of our lives. A local doctor or dermatologist will help determine them. You should not delay a visit to the doctor, because sometimes only spots under the eyes are the only signal of a serious violation.

With diseased kidneys, bruises appear along with the very first symptoms. along with bags on the lower eyelids (often in the morning, appearing after waking up), frequent trips to the restroom, pressure surges. Sometimes all other symptoms may not be - a number of processes can take place in the renal tissues asymptomatically until a certain period.

With severe bruising under the eyes the cause can be pancreatic diseases, which are accompanied by pain in the area of ​​​​the gland, a change in the skin (it can become more oily or dry), the appearance of age spots. In case of exacerbation, you need to expect vomiting and nausea, sharp cutting or pulling pains.
Worms are no less often the cause of bruising around the eyes. This is accompanied by difficult bowel movements, bloating, pain, attention problems, irritability, and reduced self-control.

With chronic fatigue syndrome, the areas around the eyes become bluish., there are permanent bruises under the eyes, the causes of which are both physiological and psychological. And the person himself feels drowsiness, his cycle of sleep and wakefulness is disturbed, fatigue appears, and attention is disturbed. This is most common among people who work night shifts. Over time, these conditions can lead to mental disorders.

Metabolic disease often accompanied by ugly blue circles and occurs due to unbalanced diets, lack of food, sudden loss of adipose tissue, lack of vitamin intake.

Only a doctor should always determine the cause of bruises under the eyes, treatment and prevention, otherwise irreparable harm can be done to the body.

What color is this and the diagnosis

Doctors believe that depending on the color of the bruises under the eyes, it is possible to determine what was the impetus for their occurrence.

reasons red bruises under the eyes there can be two: an allergic reaction or a malfunction of the kidneys and urinary system. Many take up the treatment of such problems on their own, not knowing that the wrong intervention can cause disruption and even tissue necrosis. Such problems must be solved with a doctor.

Yellow bruises an indicator of contamination of the body, especially the blood and liver with toxins. In such cases, doctors prescribe cleansing of the bile ducts and blood. The reason for brown bruises under the eyes is the same: the more contaminated the body, the darker the circles. So, brown spots near the eyes can occur due to fatty or other damage to the liver. With such a diagnosis, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Cause purple bruising under the eyes becomes a serious lack of oxygen in the body. There may be several sources of this: problems with the functioning of the lungs, a low level of the vehicle for oxygen - hemoglobin, a lack of the useful substance iron.
