What is a pvc window profile. Characteristics and types of window profiles. A few words about window fittings

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The profile is the basis for the manufacture of window frames and sashes. The appearance, durability and reliability of the entire window structure depend on its quality.

Material classification

For the production of modern window blocks, wood, aluminum, PVC are used. Each type of material has its advantages and disadvantages, features and limitations in use.


The best and most expensive types of wood for the production of window profiles are oak and larch, alder and pine are also used. The high cost of wooden structures is associated not only with the use of natural wood, but also with the peculiarities of the technological process. The material for window profiles needs careful processing (drying, impregnation with antiseptics, painting, varnishing), and high precision and craftsmanship play a key role in the manufacture of the product.

Advantages of wooden windows:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • good heat-shielding properties;
  • preservation of natural air exchange between the room and the street;
  • aesthetic natural appearance.


  • the possibility of warping and swelling in case of violation of the production and installation technology;
  • low resistance to fire;
  • high price.


Since the metal is not able to retain heat, the aluminum profile is mainly used for or utility rooms, when it is not possible or necessary to equip warm glazing.

Exist . A special thermal insert is laid in the profile, which provides high thermal insulation properties of such window structures.

The advantages of aluminum profiles include:

  • strength and durability;
  • ease;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • fire resistant.


  • low heat-shielding properties of the "cold" profile;
  • high price of the "warm" option.


Reinforcing U - shaped profile for structural rigidity

PVC profile has become the most common for the production of modern windows, due to its low cost compared to wood and aluminum and excellent heat-shielding and performance properties. The main competitive advantages of PVC:

  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • ease of manufacture and installation of finished products;
  • high resistance to the influence of precipitation, chemical reagents;
  • the ability to produce products of various designs and shapes;
  • affordable cost.

Main disadvantage- combustibility, like all plastics. All other user complaints are in most cases related to the choice of poor quality products or installation errors.

Characteristics of PVC profile

The lion's share of all installed window blocks falls on plastic products. There are windows from the profile of dozens of manufacturers on the market, which at first glance look the same. Often a low level of quality appears only after some time of operation, when it becomes obvious that the profile does not cope with its functions and does not provide the proper level of thermal protection. When choosing a product, it is useful to know the main significant characteristics of a PVC window profile.

Wall thickness

According to this indicator, 3 product groups are distinguished:

  • Class A This includes products that have an outer wall thickness of 2.8 mm, an inner wall of 2.5 mm. Such indicators are considered optimal to ensure the best thermal insulation of the dwelling.
  • Class B. Products with outer wall thickness from 2.5 mm, inner wall from 2.0 mm. Such products less reliably protect against heat loss and are more prone to deformation during operation. The main purpose is installation in shops, public institutions.
  • Class C. Products with thinner walls than in previous classes. Windows from it are intended for a glazing of non-residential, warehouse, production rooms.

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Profile width

The indicator determines which double-glazed window can be mounted in this profile. A double-glazed window consists of several glasses connected by a frame around the perimeter. The spaces formed between the glasses are filled with ordinary air or inert gases (in premium segment products) to improve thermal insulation performance.

A single-chamber package consists of two glasses and one air chamber between them. Two-chamber consists of 3 glasses, between which there are 2 chambers, respectively, etc. The more glasses, the warmer the finished product.

Also, the width of the profile determines the mounting dimensions for installing the window. With an increase in width, the total weight of the structure increases - this must be taken into account, for example, when glazing a balcony with weak base slabs.

Usually the default value is 58-80 mm, some brands offer products up to 120 mm wide for the production of products designed for operation in harsh climatic conditions and featuring improved sound and heat insulation characteristics.

Number of profile cameras

Not to be confused with double glazing air chambers!

The plastic profile is hollow inside and is divided by partitions. The heat-insulating properties of PVC profiles are due to the presence of hollow chambers between the jumpers - the more there are, the lower the thermal conductivity of the window frame and sash.

Each cavity performs a specific function (moisture removal, fastening of fittings, ensuring strength), and their number (usually 3-8) and location is determined by technological calculation. The most in demand are 3-5-chamber types of plastic profile.

metal reinforcement

The plastic profile is additionally reinforced with a metal frame to make the structure rigid. This significantly reduces the likelihood of deformation and sagging of the window sash due to many opening-closing cycles, temperature changes and other influences during use.

The shape of the frame depends on the size of the window:

  • L-shaped– reinforcement is laid along 2 walls; enough for small windows;
  • U-shaped– reinforcement of 3 profile walls; suitable for windows up to 1.9 m in height;
  • closed– reinforcement is located along 4 planes and provides the greatest rigidity of the product; for glazing large areas of loggias and panoramic balconies, it is recommended to choose this type of profile.

What to look for when choosing

It is difficult for the buyer to determine the quality of the profile on exhibition samples. In most cases, one has to rely on the decency of the seller and the manufacturer of window structures. There are some features that will help you avoid buying a low-quality product:

We will analyze each type of profile, as well as describe the properties in more detail so that you can make a better choice and that plastic windows will please you for many years.

Many have understood the advantages of modern plastic windows over former wooden structures. Plastic windows are incomparably more hermetic than wooden ones, which ensures good thermal and sound insulation of the window, and unpleasant odors from the street do not get inside.

Even two-chamber plastic windows are much warmer than wooden ones, their installation will lead to a significant reduction in heat loss, which means savings. How to choose the right window profile and purchase the best windows so that the price matches the quality. This article will help you sort out this issue.

Useful information:

In addition, the preservation of heat in the apartment, of course, depends on the plastic window itself, namely on its quality. However, the installation of PVC windows also plays an important role.

The PVC window profile now complies with certain standards, and the best among them simply does not exist. It is divided into three classes: "Economy", "Standard" and "Premium". The point is, there is a difference between classes, but within a class there is absolutely no difference.

  • “Economy” is the main task of the window, to show that it is plastic. There are no advantages and disadvantages to such a profile. Such windows are installed in most new buildings. At the same time, according to experts: windows from an economy class profile have a place in a garbage container.
  • "Standard" - has an optimal ratio of price and quality. That is, these are windows, the quality of which is already at its best, but at the same time there is no overestimated self-esteem. This type of profile corresponds to the euro standard for repairs in apartments. The profile has elastic seals, durable fittings and excellent appearance.
  • "Premium" - primarily emphasizes the status of the owner, for those people who do not have a limit on the family budget.

All the stories about the fact that my profile is whiter, and mine is warmer, and mine is smoother is just a marketing ploy, or an attempt to get as much money out of you as possible.

Video for choosing a profile for PVC windows

Sealing of double-glazed windows

The double-glazed window is not part of the window profile, however, the assembly of the window as a whole depends on the quality of its sealing. Here, when choosing, you need to consider several factors:

  • Even in the budget window, the sealing cuff should be uncut and solid. The cut does not affect heat transfer, but will act as a breeding ground for infection, as with a single seal. Many recommend sealing the incision with silicone, however, with temperature deformations, microcracks will soon appear.
  • The seal of the frame and the double-glazed window itself must be rubber. Often, manufacturers install polyurethane expansion joints, they flatten when the window is deformed, which leads to sagging of the double-glazed window in the frame and all the problems described above appear. Will have to more often.

A few words about window fittings

When choosing high-quality plastic windows, in addition to the above profiles and double-glazed windows, it is necessary to pay attention to the window fittings, which must be manufactured according to uniform European standards. Then in any weather there will be no problems with opening / closing the window.

Hardware should not oxidize or rust. In the window device, all hinges must be hidden, which means that the profile must not allow water to flow. If there is a single seal, condensation will still collect on the hinges, so the seal must be double.

The window frame should have adjustable ventilation slots, thanks to which the window itself will open less, which will increase the life of the plastic window.

Whose window profile is the best

It is important to know the manufacturer of plastic windows, which value their name. This, of course, serves as an additional guarantee of the quality of the windows.

There are a huge number of window profile manufacturing companies on the market. The most famous: Montblanc, Salamander, Aluplast, Velux, Exprof, Provedal, Gealan, Vitrage, Brugmann, Veka and others. They have gained their credibility through the manufacture of quality windows.

The first series of PVC windows was produced in Germany. To this day, German profiles, in particular KBE and Rehau, are very popular among buyers. Below we will try to compare the profiles of plastic windows from some leading manufacturers and note their advantages and disadvantages.

At the KBE profile There are three main modifications from German manufacturers: the budget variant "Expert", the optimal variant "Extra" and the more expensive energy-efficient variant "Etalon". All KBE profile windows are very durable, aesthetic, environmentally friendly, have high sound and heat insulation, are resistant to various temperature fluctuations, are easy to maintain, climate control systems in the Etalon modification can be used. The minimum price for this profile starts from 12 thousand rubles. The disadvantages of the KBE profile include its gray color, which does not always harmoniously fit the interior of the room.

Very popular at present REHAU profiles, also from German manufacturers. Such profiles are very aesthetic, durable, environmentally friendly, also easy to maintain, have low thermal conductivity, such structures can be equipped with a special locking system that will make it impossible to enter the room through the window. Also, these profiles have a very convenient climate control function. The price for these profiles starts from 13.5 thousand rubles. A minor disadvantage is that the reinforced chamber is small in size, and, as a result, the height of the window sash decreases.

Veka profiles were very common in our country and have already proven their durability. However, in recent years, the demand for these profiles has fallen significantly. This happened after the discovery in the profiles of high lead content, which negatively affects people's health.

Profiles of the Belgian concern Deceuninck have proven themselves for their reliability and excellent quality. There are two types of these profiles "Favorite" and "Bautek". Profiles are popular in the modern construction market, they are not inferior in all respects to premium systems. The price of these profiles is from 14.5 thousand rubles. The disadvantages include the fact that the Bautek system is not suitable for every home.

It is not uncommon that sellers only know the name of the manufacturer's company, and they do not understand the technical characteristics of the window profile itself. This is where the lies begin: a cheaper product is passed off as a better and more expensive one.

When choosing, remember that the best manufacturer simply does not exist, do not be fooled by the persuasion of the seller to purchase the best profile - specify the class. Otherwise, you will be sold an “Economy” class profile with a single seal at the price of the “Standard” class. Choosing a profile for a window is not only the quality of the window as a whole, but also a comfortable stay in an apartment where good plastic windows are installed.

Now, relying on the above material, and paying attention to the advantages and disadvantages of profiles of well-known companies, you can try to choose high-quality plastic window profiles that are suitable for your home.


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The formation of polyvinyl chloride windows into a full-fledged segment has long been completed in the domestic market. Technological and functional frames have confidently replaced wooden counterparts, providing the consumer with reliable and ergonomic glazing. However, plastic profiles for PVC windows also cause ambiguous opinions from users, due to the variety of models and quality parameters of these products. Often the manufacturer's brand becomes a decisive selection criterion - certified windows are more likely to be endowed with the qualities and characteristics declared by the company. It remains only to figure out which brand guarantees the best profile properties.

What is a PVC profile?

A metal-plastic profile is a frame that can include up to eight cameras, but models with two or three compartments are more common. Actually, they depend on their parameters in general. It is logical that options for a larger area are weaker in insulating and soundproofing functions than plastic profiles for small windows. In order to increase thermal insulation, manufacturers use polyurethane foam, which fills the space of the chambers. A fiberglass coating is also common. In the list of the main distinguishing features of the profiles, the installation width also appears. The rigidity of the structure and, consequently, the reliability of the valves depend on these indicators.

Foreign manufacturers of profiles

For the most part, imported PVC windows are represented on the market by German products. The technologies of European companies have gone far ahead and today dominate this niche. The list of companies numbers dozens, and the leading positions in terms of quality and sales are occupied by the brands KBE, Rehau, Veka, Trocal, Deceuninck, etc. It is noteworthy that the windows of most German companies are manufactured in Russia under special licenses. Accordingly, many plastic profiles for PVC windows, whose names are of German origin, are produced in our country. Domestic manufacturers of brands such as Rehau and KBE strive to ensure proper quality by completely recreating the original

Russian profile manufacturers

Despite the wide representation of foreign window products, Russian manufacturing technologies are also being improved. Proplex is one of the oldest domestic manufacturers of metal-plastic profiles. Having initially mastered Austrian technologies, the company strives to offer a wide range of glazing products.

The formation of the Montblanc brand was not without the help of Austrian specialists. At the moment, plastic profiles for windows with a maximum width of 120 cm are available to the company's customers - this is a system that includes five cameras.

The Novotex company, which has production facilities in the Moscow region, can perhaps be unconditionally called Russian. Engineers and technologists are constantly working to improve plastic structures, focusing on local climatic conditions. It is the latter factor, combined with a low price, that allows the Novotex brand to maintain competition.

Class A profiles

Although the quality of profiles is determined by general criteria, there is a division into classes, according to which it is unjustified to compare premium models and representatives of budget series. The former obviously win in terms of performance and durability, while the price becomes the advantage of the latter.

So, luxury plastic window profiles are positioned on the market as A-class. Such systems are distinguished by wall thickness (3 mm), reliable connections in the corners, as well as protection from external influences. The technical features of A-class profiles are not felt during use, which, however, indicates the reliability of the structures. It is very problematic to dismantle them without a special tool, an optimal microclimate is created in the room, and the aesthetic beauty with the possibility of tinting frames makes premium systems the best choice. Representatives of the A-class include profiles KBE, Rehau, Veka, etc.

Class B profiles

It is not necessary to count on impeccable technical and physical parameters in the windows of this group, but due to the relatively low cost, this product also deserves attention.

The thickness of the outer walls in B-class constructions is 2.5 mm. For this reason, plastic profiles for class B PVC windows are less resistant to physical impact. There is also an opinion about the unsatisfactory environmental performance of the profiles of this group, but this is not true. The absence of toxicity is a general condition for the certification of plastic structures.

Category C profiles

In general, modern C-class profiles fully meet the needs of the consumer both in terms of sound and heat insulation, and in decorative properties. Another thing is that premium competitors have raised the level of technical qualities quite high.

Category C representatives include profiles of such brands as Vektor, LG Hausys, AGF, as well as almost all domestic products, including Novotex. As a rule, they are used in providing non-residential premises, but there are also lines focused on installation in apartments and private houses.

Top Profile Ranking

Against the background of the development of technological methods for manufacturing profiles and fierce competition, it is not easy to identify The rating is formed on the basis of a combination of qualities and the introduction of fundamentally new properties. In this regard, the arrangement of leaders can be represented as follows:

This brand has earned the championship thanks to maintaining an unsurpassed level of the main qualities of window profiles. Among them are 50-year durability, increased heat and noise insulation performance, as well as environmental friendliness due to the addition of zinc and calcium compounds to the PVC formulation.

Being a serious competitor to KBE, the Veka brand takes the second place. The list of its advantages includes the manufacturing technology of "light" profiles, which at the same time ensure the preservation of heat and acoustic comfort.


The Rehau company is rightfully included in the top three. The quality of the profiles of this manufacturer is achieved by adding lead compounds. As a result, the structures acquire high strength and stability in operation.

The following positions can be occupied by many plastic profiles for PVC windows. Which one is better among them should be determined by the same parameters. The Salamander and Deceuninck systems should be added to the top three. Although plastic profiles for windows of these brands are not so popular, their physical and technical qualities maintain a high level. They are also distinguished by ergonomics and thoughtful configuration, which facilitates the installation and further use of window systems.

Plastic windows have long ceased to be a luxury item and have become a convenient and affordable option to replace traditional wooden frames. And naturally, every person wants to put himself in the house with the best plastic windows. However, the market offer of PVC window profiles is very large, and it can sometimes be quite difficult to choose the right option. Expensive and cheap, imported and domestic, three-chamber and five-chamber ... What should the buyer do? Carefully delve into the technical details of the production of window profiles? Not at all. It is enough to have some idea of ​​how the profiles of plastic windows differ from each other.


Profile- the basis of the future window, we can say that this is its skeleton. The durability of the structure depends on it. And when the question arises, what is the difference between PVC windows, then most often it is the profile that is meant. The main difference between window profiles is the number of cameras and their design. According to GOST 30673-99, there must be at least two cameras in PVC windows. Usually produce three-chamber profiles.

Window profile chambers are air cushions located along the perimeter of the frame and provide a high degree of heat and sound insulation. What are the fundamental differences between three-chamber and five-chamber profiles?


The five-chamber profile is much thicker, therefore, when installing such plastic windows, the likelihood of condensation and freezing of the structure is significantly reduced. In terms of rigidity, five-chamber plastic profiles are also superior to three-chamber ones. The greater the rigidity of the profile, the less likely it is that the geometry of the structure will change, as a result of which the window will let in cold, heat, and dust. Naturally, a five-chamber profile is more expensive than a three-chamber one.

3 and 5 chamber profiles

Also, the profiles of plastic windows may differ in the quality of the polyvinyl chloride used in their production. It is difficult to determine the quality of plastic when buying, all its shortcomings will come to light only during operation. Poor-quality plastic quickly wears out - scratches appear on it, the shine disappears and the product loses its attractiveness. To prevent this from happening, you should buy profiles made by companies with a good reputation.

To increase the strength and reliability, as well as for resistance to external influences, the profiles of plastic windows are reinforced. To do this, a metal profile made of galvanized steel or aluminum is laid inside the profile frame. Another important difference between plastic window profiles is their design and surface coloring. As a rule, these properties are determined by the method of the production process.

Findings site

  1. The quality of the polyvinyl chloride used for their production;
  2. Reinforcement technology and materials used for this;
  3. The number of air chambers;
  4. Appearance;
  5. Mounting width of the profile.