Stone metal siding. Stone siding (65 photos): views, beautiful ideas Artificial stone siding for outdoor decoration

So, it is customary to call that part of the foundation that is not in the ground. Naturally, this part will be exposed to all adverse conditions in the arsenal of nature. For protection, special panels were developed that externally repeat the texture of the stone. Let us consider in more detail the basement siding under the stone of its photo and prices.

What is basement siding

Plinth siding under a stone, is a high-precision imitation of wall decoration, using natural stone. As a rule, imitation is mainly a decorative element, and can only protect against direct sunlight or rain, but there are several types of it designed for additional insulation. For example, plinth thermal panels under a stone. Such products are made of polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam, and their front part can be made in the form of brickwork or masonry from natural materials. These materials have excellent thermal insulation properties and reliably protect the foundation of the building from environmental influences.

Important: despite the name, PVC plinth panels can also be used for cladding the walls of a house.

Plinth panels under the stone without insulation can be mounted together with materials intended for additional insulation of buildings. For example, as a heater, you can use, or foam spraying, which is quite popular.

Metal socle siding has the shape of a conventional metal siding, on the outer surface of which a pattern is applied imitating the structure of natural stone. For example, on sale you can find metal siding with a pattern that imitates a rocky stone. The cost of such material is not much higher than conventional painted siding.

Material Features

  • Due to their design, the plinth panels are pressed in such a way that visually the joints are almost invisible, even when viewed from a close distance.
  • The maintenance of the base under the stone comes down to the fact that you can simply wash it with a hose, and at the same time not be afraid to spoil it.
  • Made of PVC, plinth siding imitating natural stone is lightweight, so that during its installation, no additional load will be placed on the foundation.
  • The price of siding for the plinth is much lower than the natural finish for boulder masonry, even taking into account its installation by specialists. And if you do the installation yourself, you can save a significant amount. On average, the installation price is equal to the cost of one PVC panel.

Types and sizes of panels for the plinth

PVC plinth siding varies in types depending on the material that it imitates. Thus, you can find a large number of types of this material. Here are some of them, for example.

  • Rocky stone, imitates the structure and color of rocky stone.
  • Malachite stone has the characteristic green color of malachite.
  • Boulder masonry, reminiscent of the plinth finish, made of "cobblestones".

Panels for finishing the basement may vary in size, which should be considered when choosing a material. Depending on the size of the product, the frame for attaching it is significantly different, which is why you should first decide on the dimensions, and only then proceed with the installation of the frame.

Important: depending on the manufacturer, the plinth panels may have a different type of lock and its configuration. As a rule, it is impossible to mount products from different manufacturers into a single whole.

Socle siding under a stone, its photos and prices, you can see and choose the one you need on the Internet.

Advice: you should not choose the basement siding under the stone from the photo, because the live color can differ significantly.


Each manufacturer of socle panels with imitation also produces accessories specifically for their product. These are starting strips, corner elements, slope finishing, ebbs, etc. All of them are individual for each model of a basement or facade panel. The cost of such "additional" structural elements should be taken into account when planning the construction budget, as it significantly affects the total cost of repairs.

What is basement siding and how to work with it can be found in the video:

The facade is the visiting card of the house, and the main task of the owners is to preserve it for many years. The proposed article contains useful information about stone siding, prices and basic properties of various types of material. You will get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of vinyl, acrylic, metal and fiber cement panels and the rules for choosing them.

Strict compliance with the natural original

About using siding

Among the various materials used in exterior decoration, natural stone siding is considered one of the most popular. It is customary to call siding panels that imitate natural masonry; the height of the relief in some models can reach 16-18 mm.

There are two types of siding on the market - facade and basement. The latter is a kind of facade panels and has improved characteristics. This difference is explained by the peculiarities of operation: the basement of the building must cope with greater loads than the facade, and basement materials are designed to protect the base from rain and melt water, snow and freezing. Both types can be used for facade cladding; at the same time, finishing with basement panels will require a larger financial investment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Finishing a house with stone-like siding solves not only decorative, but also practical tasks, which include the following advantages:

    Strength. The finish is designed for long-term operation without changing the original characteristics.

Beautiful and practical

    Home longevity. During the installation of panels, technological ventilation gaps are formed, thanks to which the facade of the house is protected from moisture.

    unpretentiousness. Products are resistant to fluctuations in temperature and high humidity, do not rot and are not attractive to mold.

    Ease of installation. The lightness of the material makes the work easy and fast; the involvement of highly qualified personnel is not required.

    Practicality. Finishing is carried out using a hinged ventilated facade. This makes it possible to hide construction defects and visually change the proportions of the building. The surface does not require regular maintenance.

    Accurate simulation. A house lined with stone-like siding looks like a building made of natural material; not every specialist will notice the difference from a few steps.

    Design possibilities. Thanks to the variety of colors and textures, you can choose the material for any architectural project or style.

    Affordable price. Natural stone is expensive to buy, heavy, difficult to process and install. "Stone" siding walls will significantly save the budget, which is a significant plus.

Stone clad house

Types of siding

To choose the best option, you need to understand that there are several types of natural stone siding, with different characteristics. Knowing the features of certain products, you can make an informed choice.

Vinyl siding

Vinyl panels are made from polyvinyl chloride, which determines most of the advantages of finishing:

    Durability. The warranty period of different models is 20-30 years or more.

    Versatility. Vinyl siding is suitable for cladding foundations and facades. Lightweight flexible material does not weigh down the structure, it can be used on any building, from wood to concrete.

    energy efficiency. Facing facades and plinths with siding, together with an insulating layer, improves the thermal insulation of the house. The cost of maintaining a comfortable temperature in housing will decrease both in winter and in summer (heating or air conditioning).

    Incombustibility. Vinyl products do not support combustion, so they can also be used for interior decoration.

Vinyl siding trim

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer home insulation services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

    Safety. Vinyl panels are environmentally friendly and biodegradable - you can forget about mold and insects.

    budget price. Panels and siding are available to a wide range of consumers.

The disadvantages of materials include low mechanical strength - a strong blow can leave a crack on the surface or completely split it. A serious disadvantage of vinyl cladding is its instability to ultraviolet light, which is especially noticeable on the sunny side of the house; over time, the color of the surface loses saturation, and this cannot be corrected.

The average price of products in Moscow and the region looks like:

    Vinyl siding 645x525 mm: 150-180 rubles / piece or 570-610 rubles / m 2.

    Vinyl siding 1407x327 mm: 300-330 rubles / piece or 770-840 rubles / m 2.

    Vinyl siding 2000x215 mm: 270-310 rubles / piece or 620-640 rubles / m 2.

    Facade panels (basement). The size 0.47-0.85 m 2 , from 350-430 rubles / piece.

Video description

About the benefits of finishing a house with siding in the following video:

Acrylic siding

You can buy stone-like siding for house cladding, the price and parameters of which differ from those of vinyl material. Acrylic siding is made from acrylic polymers, so some of its properties differ from those of the vinyl counterpart, and look like this:

    Fortitude. The material is resistant to high temperatures and chemical influences (acids, fats, alkalis and salts). The casing does not change its properties, heating up to + 75-80 ° С.

    UV resistance. Burns out in the sun 8-10 times slower than vinyl panels.

    Price. Improved performance determines the higher cost of acrylic panels. Prices for acrylic siding in Moscow start from 260-280 rubles per piece. (domestic), from 300-380 rubles / piece. (German, Canadian).

facade in acrylic

metal siding

Metal siding panels are made of high quality galvanized steel (thickness 0.4–0.5 mm). A polymer layer is applied on top, which improves the quality of the product. Metal siding offered by manufacturers can imitate the surface of wood, stone or brickwork, indistinguishable from the real thing. Product characteristics can be represented as follows:

    Operational properties. Metal siding is stronger than plastic counterparts. The material is quite durable and non-combustible, well resists temperature changes and mechanical deformations.

    The weight. The panels are heavier than polymer varieties of siding, which makes the cladding process more laborious.

    Usage. The facade of metal siding under the stone looks like a monolithic stone surface. Finishing allows repainting - over time, you can change the annoying shade of the brick facade.

    Flaws. There are two of them - a more complex installation of panels and possible corrosion in places of damage.

    Price starts from about 420-540 rubles / piece. (depending on size and thickness).

Metal siding in the decoration of a country house

fiber cement siding

Fiber cement siding panels for the exterior of a house under a stone can transform any building. These facade products consist of cement, cellulose fibers, sand and water (sometimes synthetic fibers and lime are included). Thanks to special technologies, the cladding can be given any appearance and shade (for which resistant acrylic paint is used). Fiber cement siding is good for many reasons:

    Physical Properties. The cement base of the material makes it non-combustible. Fiber cement siding enhances the heat-insulating and sound-absorbing properties of facade walls.

    Operational properties. Due to the strength and plasticity of fiber cement panels, they have a long service life in any climatic conditions. The material retains its color throughout the warranty period.

    Environmental friendliness. The composition includes only natural materials that are not hazardous to health.

fiber cement siding

    Choice. Panels are stylized under different types of natural stone and brick; the surface of the panels conveys the texture and color of the original with maximum reliability.

    Practicality. The installation of the sheathing is carried out according to the principle of the designer, which cannot be compared with the complex process of masonry. The finished skin is unpretentious in care - in case of contamination, it is simply washed with water.

The disadvantages include:

    The need for a strong frame(the weight of one siding panel ranges from 5 to 9 kg).

    High requirements for crate erection accuracy.

    Price. In Moscow: From 700-780 rubles / piece. (Eastern European manufacturers), from 1600 rubles / piece. (Belgian), from 2-2.5 thousand rubles / piece. (Japanese).

Video description

About brick siding in the following video:

About selection rules

When choosing siding, pay attention not only to the price, but also to some additional conditions:

    Place of purchase. It is better to purchase materials in specialized departments, where you can see the goods in person and chat with a sales assistant. Pay attention to the manufacturer, check the availability of certificates, specify the terms of the guarantee.

    Choosing the type of siding. The choice depends on the place of use of the skin. For example, while vinyl siding, with its frost resistance, is ideal for areas with harsh winters, then UV-resistant acrylic panels are beneficial in sunny areas.

    Durability. Every owner wants to buy quality material. So that the siding does not peel off, does not swell, does not exfoliate and retains its color, purchase products with a quality guarantee. The seller must present all the necessary certificates (compliance, hygienic and fire safety); the documents must indicate the technical parameters and the address of the manufacturer.

    The presence of an anti-hurricane lock. The connection is a sign of quality products, thanks to it the skin will not suffer from strong gusts of wind.

Plinth side panel

    Appearance. Inspection allows you to weed out products with damage and discrepancies in the pattern on different panels. Assessing the appearance, pay attention to the thickness (it should be the same throughout the panel) and color uniformity.

    Design possibilities. Stone-look siding houses have an elegant look and fit into any landscape. Various collections of siding panels differ in the level of elaboration - the texture can be applied in the form of a pattern or be embossed; imitate granite, brick, marble, small and large natural stone, tuff and slate.

    Accessories. Many collections include trims and accessories. Such additions must be identical to the main panels in color and texture, otherwise the structure will look sloppy.

    Style. It is better to think over the design of the facade in advance. You can use one type of panel for the entire façade, or visually separate the plinth from the walls with panels of different colors and/or textures. The same materials can be used to decorate a barn, a bathhouse, a gazebo or a well.

Siding trim will decorate any home


Using other materials for facade cladding, you will be forced to think about repair or replacement in 5-7 years. The average service life of siding is 20-25 years, for facade panels it reaches 40-50 years. The choice of these materials is based on a reasonable, economic approach - without subsequent maintenance and periodic processing, the safety of the facade can be forgotten for a quarter of a century.

Many people are wondering about cladding their house with siding. Siding looks interesting and, despite its popularity, does not lose relevance to this day. All thanks to all sorts of variations of colors and the material from which it is made.

The site contains a lot of information about siding, its varieties, types, methods of fastening, etc. In this article, we have prepared a photo gallery on the topic of finishing a house with siding.

An example of outdoor siding, home decoration in terracotta tones:

Facing the house with siding provides a lot of different options.

Sheathing a house with metal siding is practical and aesthetically pleasing.

An important advantage of a house sheathed with siding is the ability to combine different materials.

Facing with siding involves a large selection of colors.

Finishing the facade of the house with siding with imitations of natural wood.

Sheathing a house with siding with insulation requires a high level of professionalism.

Exterior decoration of the house with stone-like siding creates a sense of respectability.

The facade of the siding goes well with windows in any style.

Has its own characteristics.

Frame and block houses with siding.

Socle facade panels siding - a special chic.

When sheathing with metal siding, various elements are used.

The facade of metal siding is a good solution for a wooden house.

Finishing the facade with metal siding is a good choice for a house, cottage, cottage.

Finishing buildings with siding is becoming increasingly popular with consumers.

Finishing the facade of a private house with siding is a budget option for external design with high quality material.

Facade cladding with siding provides many advantages.

Houses sheathed with metal siding look respectable regardless of the size of their area.

Finishing the siding of a private house is suitable for a house made of timber.

Finishing a house with stone siding is the best solution for those who are concerned about their status.

What is fiber cement siding - it is a beautiful and durable material that does not require maintenance.

Combined siding on the facade gives a lot of options for design ideas.

What is metal siding? This is a universal choice.

The outer corner for siding is a necessary element of high-quality cladding (2 photos).

With the help of exterior decoration of the house with siding, you can get an excellent result, regardless of whether it is a large house or a small country house.

External finishing of the house with siding is an important stage that completes the construction of the building.

Finishing the facade with vinyl siding - high quality at reasonable prices.

Finishing the facade with siding with insulation allows you to achieve high energy savings.

Even small houses in siding have a very aesthetic and rich look.

Buildings that have been finished with stone siding acquire a special charisma.

Facades of houses made of siding always look neat and well-groomed.

Is it possible to paint siding, and what is the best way to do it? For this, there is a special paint, selected according to several parameters.

How to paint siding? Only special high quality paint from a reputable manufacturer.

Windproof film under the siding covers the entire area and provides reliable protection.

The service life of siding is long, provided that high-quality material is used and the rules of sheathing are observed.

How to quickly remove the film from metal siding? It is easily removed after installation and secure fixation.

Sheathing with metal siding of a wooden house is necessarily made with waterproofing.

Facing the facade with siding with insulation guarantees warmth in winter and coolness in summer.

To cut metal siding, special tools are used - these are hacksaws, metal shears, electric saws with carbide teeth, as well as other power tools.

The huge selection that manufacturers offer allows you to find your best siding.

Siding elements for house cladding are a range of auxiliary fittings, without which it is impossible to achieve high quality work.

Metal siding accessories are necessary accessories, without which it is impossible to make house cladding.

Siding can be perfectly revetted with a wooden house. It is difficult to come up with a more suitable coating for a wooden house. Plaster is difficult to apply. And sadding is the best.

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Exterior siding is a type of material used in construction for finishing facades. This material greatly improves the appearance of the building, its exterior. Various texture options emphasize the original style of the building. Simple installation gives the structure a modern look.

Outdoor siding is a PVC panel with a number of advantages: absolute non-toxicity, safety, environmental friendliness, incombustibility, resistance to weather changes, reliability and durability.

Finishing with siding outside begins with a study of this type of material, its advantages, disadvantages, varieties and characteristic features.

The main types of outdoor siding

Knowing about its main types will help you choose the right material.

  1. Metal siding, or profiled metal panel, which is sheathed on the outside of the building. Metal siding is made of galvanized steel with a polymer coating. This material is able to create an attractive appearance, hide irregularities and protect against negative external influences (including climatic and mechanical). This facing material is used for exterior decoration of both industrial and residential buildings. There are the following types: ecobeam, block house, vertical, shipboard. Each of them has its own dimensions, a certain thickness, length and width. It is selected depending on the purpose of the building object, decorative features and the area of ​​​​finishing (wall cladding, window siding, spotlights for filing cornice overhangs). Metal siding is durable, resistant to corrosion and other aggressive influences, easy to install and operate, and environmentally friendly.
  2. Vinyl siding is used for exterior decoration and additional insulation. It creates an aesthetic appearance, hides communications, irregularities and flaws, is a means of insulation (while the facade continues to "breathe"). A very practical finishing material, lightweight, impact-resistant, does not lose its qualities for a long time, exists in various colors. In addition, it goes well with other finishing materials, is quite affordable, and is easy to maintain regularly.
  3. Basement siding is specially designed for sheathing the basement floors of premises. It is very popular due to its technical characteristics, high performance properties and affordable cost. Such material is easy to mount with your own hands, which avoids unnecessary costs. Basement siding is vinyl, with imitation of wood, brick or stone, is not afraid of temperature changes and can serve for many years.

Metal siding under timber

Advantages and disadvantages of siding

Decorative siding for facades has a number of pros and cons. These features must be taken into account during construction work.

The main advantages include:

  1. Long service life, which reaches 50 years. No other facing material has a similar quality.
  2. Lack of special care. Regular maintenance of external siding includes only washing with plain water (watering from a hose).
  3. The polymer structure reliably protects against corrosion.
  4. A simple installation process that allows you to carry out finishing work in any season of the year.
  5. Acceptable price for any buyer.

stone siding

But there are some disadvantages too:

  1. Vinyl siding from some manufacturers has less mechanical strength than metal siding.
  2. In extremely severe frosts, siding can become more brittle, and in fires it can melt.
  3. The basic components for its installation often have a fairly high cost.

Siding color scheme

Siding is easy to choose for any building, because its large range of colors with white, pastel and colored tones allows you to choose a design for industrial, residential, office buildings.

In the variety of offered colors (“cream”, “ice-cream”, “pistachio”, “lemon”, “cappuccino”, “blueberry”, “peach”, etc.), you can choose harmonious or sharply contrasting combinations. This takes into account the color of the walls, roof, accessories. The main requirement is that the color must be the same on both sides of the panel. This is a sign of quality production, which ensures strength, resistance to external influences.

Choice of street siding

The main recommendations for choosing a material before purchasing it take into account not only all of the above parameters. These are also some of the specifications. First of all, the constant thickness of the cross section. Irregularity is a sign of insufficient quality. According to the manufacturing method, the indicator of quality is co-extrusion. It is this method that ensures the strength of the material in the future and the invariance of its color. A wide selection of additional elements is also an indicator of good siding.

It is also important to have certificates, guarantees from the manufacturer, confirmation of the practice of using the material in Russian conditions, installation instructions.

Operating temperature range, separate color warranty, panel materials, and lock designs are also an integral part of the siding selection process.

log siding

Siding Features: Conclusion

External siding is a special material with properties specific to street conditions.

With its help, a stylish appearance of the building is quickly and easily created, problematic sides are hidden, and design tasks are solved.

A lot of advantages make this type of finishing material more and more popular. For the right choice, one should not be limited to viewing photos from various manufacturers' catalogs. You should be guided in many features and varieties of siding. But as a result, any construction object will have a modern finished look and a guarantee of a long service life without additional investments.

Outdoor siding: types, features, pros and cons, colors, photos and video review how to choose outdoor siding

Exterior siding is a type of material used in construction for finishing facades. This material greatly improves the appearance of the building, its exterior.

Types of vinyl siding: decorative and functional differences

Various types of vinyl siding are the most commonly used materials in exterior wall cladding for homes and commercial properties. Due to the demand and widespread distribution of such material, manufacturers are developing new types of cladding - under stone, brick, shipboard. The cost of finishing also varies significantly, so questions remain about what other differences between the types of siding are.

What is vinyl siding

The material is a PVC panel - a plastic material for cladding the outer walls of private houses and other houses. Vinyl siding was developed back in the 1960s, but since then the coating has undergone many changes, because manufacturers are improving it in accordance with new scientific and technological achievements.

Today, 80% of vinyl siding is PVC, it is this material that determines the quality and properties of the sheathing.
Accordingly, the lower the cost of the panels, the worse such parameters as:

According to the standards, up to 5% of secondary raw materials can be used in the finished siding, and only in the lower layers of the material. But experts say that such a lining loses some of its properties.

Types of PVC siding

Varieties of siding depend on various functional and decorative characteristics.

facade siding

The most common type of siding. Valued for its practicality and low cost. Let's consider it in more detail below.

Soffit: Horizontal siding that can be laid as desired in a herringbone or standard pattern. But the main purpose of soffits is facing the structures of cornice overhangs. Solid panels are produced, with partial or full perforation. The last two types are necessary for organizing ventilation under the roof space.

basement siding

Basement plastic siding under a stone is a heat-resistant cladding option with increased technical parameters. Socle material is also produced with imitation of the surface and texture of wood, and brickwork. The color palette of the coating is wide, which allows you to choose the right cladding for a building in any style.

The thickness of such panels exceeds the standard parameters of vinyl facade panels. If the thickness of the material for wall decoration is about 1-1.2 mm, then this figure for the basement type of cladding will be 3-4 mm.

Decorative types of siding

  • Stone effect vinyl siding is a functional solution that best meets the requirements for quality, architectural harmony and aesthetics of finishing.
  • Imitation of a wooden surface allows you to clad the facades of the house organically and at the same time economically, since PVC panels are cheaper than wood. From an aesthetic point of view, vinyl finishes are as attractive as natural solid wood. Moreover, you can also find a lot of options for “wooden” PVC coatings: this is an imitation of a ship board and logs in a wide range of colors.
  • A vertical or horizontal ship plank is another option that makes house cladding not only functional but also efficient.

The laying of the material depends on the architectural preferences of the customer and the specifics of the project. For example, vertical laying of panels allows you to make the house taller, and well-laid horizontal siding makes the cottage more mundane and cozy at the same time.

In addition to imitation of a wood or stone structure, manufacturers offer a fairly large range of smooth plain panels. These can be single, double or triple. Decorative possibilities in this case are also different, and not only because of the large selection of shades: vertical siding can be smooth, like a wooden board, or profiled - with the possibility of herringbone laying.

Additional elements: functional and compositional completion of facade decoration

Additional elements cannot be called a separate type of vinyl siding, however, they can be attributed to a completely different format of produced panels. The assortment of each manufacturer usually includes:

  • starting bars;
  • J-profile, necessary for completing vertical joints - door and window openings, as well as for finishing soffits;
  • external and internal corners;
  • H-profile, designed for joining panels in a joint (they are not necessary for overlapping installation);
  • the finish bar is equivalent to the J-profile;
  • window trim - for finishing window openings when it is not possible to use a standard J-profile;
  • platband - for facing doorways instead of the J-profile.

The color palette and texture of such elements always correspond to the line of siding produced by the manufacturer.

Composition of vinyl panels

Before choosing vinyl siding, you should study its composition: more than once, experts have paid attention to the fact that the components significantly affect the quality of the exterior wall finish.

  • The bottom layer of this type of coating includes calcium carbonate, which should fill the sheet structure.
  • Titanium dioxide is outside. In rare cases, it is 10% of such a panel, but it is they who guarantee the stability of the cladding structure.
  • Just 1% butadiene is also used to stabilize the mixture used to produce PVC panels.
  • Modifiers that are involved in the production of vinyl siding vary depending on the manufacturer's technology. The stronger the final material, the higher the cost of coating. Therefore, if you want to save money, remember that you will have only yourself to blame for the premature destruction of the cladding.
  • Each type of vinyl siding uses paint. The shade and saturation of the skin depends on them.

Features of the production of vinyl siding

Vertical or horizontal vinyl siding is made using extrusion technology - a tape piece material is obtained from a mixture of polyvinyl chlorides by pressing. And siding is molded from it with the necessary profile.

Two technologies are used in the production process:

  • Monoextrusion allows you to create a lining with uniform material properties on both sides. As a result, there is no difference which one to install outward or inward.
  • Co-extrusion is a double-sided material manufacturing technology. At the same time, the features and requirements for the coating of different sides are taken into account: the outer one turns out to be more dense, designed for use in aggressive weather conditions. And the inner coating at the same time will be durable and sufficiently heat resistant. As a result of this more economical technology, materials are more affordable and efficient.

Externally, it is almost impossible to distinguish panels produced using different technologies. But this does not mean that one can choose without looking at the methods of production.

vinyl siding manufacturers

Vinyl siding brands are widely represented in the assortment: these are both domestic and foreign brands that are known among specialists. The most expensive materials include the Mitten brand. This siding reaches 50 years of service life, which is the benchmark for many other brands. But there are many options on the market:

  • Royal is a brand of a Canadian company whose materials are distinguished by exceptional safety of operation, as the highest quality and wear resistance requirements are taken into account in production. The operating temperature range reaches 100 degrees - from - to + 50°C.
  • Boryszew is a Polish brand that was established in 1992. The manufacturer provides a 50 year warranty.
  • Slovinyl Siding is another European manufacturer that provides vinyl facade siding at an affordable price with high quality.
  • Russian brands - Alta-Profile, KANADA plus, Fasiding and others - are functional and quite economical solutions with various modifications. Here are options with anti-hurricane locks, and especially durable coatings, and affordable, but high-quality panels.

Properties of vinyl siding

Vinyl siding for brick or stone, as well as for wood finishes, is produced in accordance with international standards.

The thickness of the material ranges from 0.9-1.2 mm. The most durable solution is cladding at least 1.1 mm thick. Other standards are subject to legislation and safety regulations.

In general, PVC material, like the acrylic variety of siding, has the following properties:

  • Vertical and horizontal white vinyl siding, like material of any other color, is resistant to sunlight.
  • The best vinyl siding, ship plank or any other imitation is an option for aesthetic and attractive facade decoration.
  • The material is strong and durable.
  • The siding is resistant to chemicals.
  • Vinyl materials do not support combustion, although their ability to melt at high temperatures requires caution when handling fire in the vicinity of such a coating.

7 most common types of vinyl siding video

Types of vinyl siding: Different raw materials provide different exterior cladding properties. Vertical and horizontal varieties of material.

Vinyl stone siding - types of panels and installation features

Vinyl stone siding

Siding is a fairly common material used for sheathing and cladding the facades of private and country houses.

As a rule, the most common type of this cladding is ordinary vinyl panels, made in various colors.

Stone-look vinyl siding is a relatively new finishing material that has a number of advantages and ease of installation. It is a direct alternative to expensive facade facing stone, which, among other things, has a complex installation technology.

Vinyl is resistant to temperature changes, all weather phenomena, and at the same time has a very presentable appearance.

The outer surface of vinyl siding can be made to look like any natural material. In this article, we will consider in more detail the purpose and technology of mounting panels that imitate natural stone.

Purpose of the material

The front siding under a stone is used both for finishing of sites of walls, and for facing of all building. It can be installed on buildings of any purpose, however, due to its excellent decorative properties, it is mainly installed on residential buildings and buildings of administrative bodies.

For industrial buildings, one-color siding is usually used. Quite often, vinyl panels are used to decorate rooms.

Types of panels for stone imitation

With the help of vinyl coating it is possible to imitate most natural surfaces.

Stone-look vinyl siding can be divided into separate groups depending on the design:

  1. "Dyed in mass". - this series has a highly uniform color, the range of colors is quite wide.
  2. "Highlighted seams" - the series is similar to the previous one, but the seams are colored in contrast to the main one.
  3. "Exclusive" - ​​painted with a non-uniform color that imitates one of the types of natural stone. The seams are highlighted in color, imitating the reinforcing layer between the stones. Textures vary in a very wide range, so that such a finish is almost indistinguishable from natural in appearance. The series has a higher price, but also significantly benefits in appearance.

Imitation of natural stone with siding

In the last series, stone siding and brickwork are most common:

  • Brick siding has a rough surface, can imitate both new brick and multi-year masonry with chips and cracks.
  • Stone siding can be made in the form of granite, malachite and other natural stones. In this case, all natural defects of the material are fully reflected, without which its natural structure is impossible. This option is very good if you want to get both a natural finish and no load on the building structure.

Sidelux siding strips

Panels offered by Sidelux brand

The leader among stone siding manufacturers is Sidelux. These are hard coated vinyl slats made of PVC.

The high strength of the material is achieved due to the fact that a single PVC sheet is used in the production, which is given the desired shape. The output is strips that can be quickly assembled in a row of any length.

The rails are fastened to each other with the help of special locks. Separate types of rails are start, finish, corner, as well as rails for window and door openings. Also, a perforated edge is installed in the upper part, which is necessary to ensure the ventilation of the facade.

The slats are additionally attached to the walls with self-tapping screws or nails. When installing, the panels should slightly overlap each other - this is necessary for the locks to snap into place and the absence of micro-holes between the rails.

Production of Sidelux siding is carried out by extrusion. This means that two layers with different functions were tightly connected in production.

The inner layer is responsible for the main technological properties, and the outer one for decorative and protective. 80% of the cladding composition is polyvinyl chloride. Everything else is paint, stabilizers and other additives.

The advantages of this cladding

  • Durability - service life exceeds 30 years.
  • Temperature resistance - siding withstands climates with aggressive temperature changes.
  • UV resistant.
  • The material does not bloom, is not subject to the formation of mold and fungus.
  • Corrosion resistance.
  • The material will not be blown away by the wind - gust resistance up to 227 km / h.
  • Does not ignite under the influence of fire.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • A special paint is used that repels water, pollution and limits exposure to sunlight to a minimum.
  • The material is practically maintenance-free.
  • Does not crack over time, and does not collapse under the influence of blows.
  • Does not fade in sunlight.
  • It has a very wide range of textures and colors - both from Russian and foreign manufacturers.
  • Siding after installation forms a ventilated facade, which significantly extends the life of the building itself.
  • Easy to mount.
  • Plays the role of a heat insulator.
  • Very economical price combined with a huge list of benefits.

How to calculate the amount of material needed?

For ease of calculation, you can use these formulas

In order not to spend extra money, you need to accurately calculate the amount of material needed before buying. To do this, you need to break the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe facade into the simplest geometric shapes - rectangles and triangles.

Next, you need to calculate the parameters of these figures, and calculate their areas, then add them. From the resulting number, you need to subtract the area of ​​​​door and window openings, as well as places where the installation of sheathing is not planned.

Thus, an exact number is obtained, showing how much material is required for finishing.

Mounting order

During installation, various additional elements may be required.

In general terms, finishing a house with stone siding looks like this:

  1. Preparation for installation - measuring the dimensions of the facade, preparing tools and materials.
  2. Preparation of the facade for installation.
  3. Arrangement of the crate
  4. Cladding installation.
  5. Installation of soffits - panels that provide ventilation of the facade.
  6. Checking the quality of work.

To carry out the sheathing process, you may need the following tools:

Installation can be done using common tools

  • Knife for cutting plastic.
  • Sander.
  • Scissors.
  • Punch.
  • Perforator.
  • Roulette.
  • A hammer.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Level.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Protective glasses.

You should prepare the screws, and all the fasteners that came with the panels. When cutting the siding, a small incision is made, then the material breaks along it - PVC does not tend to break in unnecessary places.

Before starting installation, the facade of the building should be leveled. Then, it is recommended to install a good insulating material - even despite the properties of the material, it is desirable to install additional heat and moisture insulation.

  • The first step is to determine the place to start. If the house was previously lined with other material, you should start the installation from the same place from which it started earlier. Otherwise, you need to make sure that the first row completely covers the top of the foundation. For this, a level and a plumb line are used to mark the horizontal line from which the installation will begin.
  • Before mounting the main panels, accessories are installed. All corners, platbands, etc. are mounted.

At one of the first stages, you need to install the starting bar and external corners

Installation of additional components for windows and doorways

Vinyl stone siding - varieties and installation tips

Detailed instructions on how to finish the facade using stone-look vinyl siding. Councils for installation and carrying out facing works.

What is decorative siding

Of all the existing home decoration options, siding is considered one of the most practical and affordable. The popularity of this material is due to the fact that it:

  • resistant to temperature changes;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • made of non-combustible materials;
  • has excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • available in price.

Decorative siding in the photo gives an idea of ​​the variety of material that can be bought today at very affordable prices. Brick or stone siding protects the facade, plinth and foundation, and also decorates the house.

Types of siding

Decorative siding varies according to the material of manufacture. In this regard, there are: cement, vinyl, aluminum, wood and steel.

As a basis for the production of siding, natural brick, stone or wood is often used. Decorative stone siding is by far the most beautiful material. It perfectly imitates natural stone and has excellent performance.

Facade panels imitating stone or brick imitate natural materials with high accuracy both in terms of texture and color. This finishing option is a PVC panel. Brick-like vinyl panels can be used not only for finishing the facade, but also for organizing stone paths and finishing wooden arbors. Decorative brick siding has a number of advantages:

  • functionality (can be used in any exterior);
  • practicality;
  • wide range of colors;
  • does not require painting;
  • simple operation.

Scope of decorative siding

Stone or brick siding has found its application in different areas:

  • decoration of the facade of the house;
  • facing of fireplaces;
  • decoration of rooms with high humidity;
  • thermal insulation of walls;
  • walls of buildings, fences, external walls of garages and arbors.

Basement siding technology

Plinth siding is more often used for exterior facade decoration, although it is sometimes used for interior decoration of a house. When choosing this option, it is necessary to take into account the uniformity of color and the presence of a special anti-hurricane lock. Decorative basement siding has an aesthetic appearance and is very resistant to external influences.

Basement siding panels have convenient dimensions, which allows you to do the installation yourself. They have a functional lock system. Panels are attached to the facade with self-tapping screws or nails. Basement siding is attached from left to right. Panels need to be fastened to the wall not very tightly. The gap is needed so that the material can expand unhindered under the influence of temperatures. You can cut the material with a grinder or a jigsaw.

Features of wood siding

Decorative wood siding is made from pre-finished wood. The material is pressed at high temperature and treated with resins.

There are three groups of wood-like siding: with a moisture content of not more than 18%, with a moisture content of up to 17%, and dense rocks treated with antiseptics. Also, wood-like siding varies in cross section. The advantages of this material include its:

  • high thermal insulation properties,
  • environmental friendliness,
  • huge range of colors.

But there are also disadvantages: even with very careful processing, it deforms over time. Also, woodgrain siding is highly flammable and requires constant maintenance.

Which option is better: vinyl or wood

Vinyl siding has replaced wood siding. For its manufacture, two-layer PVC panels are used, the outer side of which is smooth or textured. The main advantage of vinyl siding is its fire resistance. It perfectly protects the house from sunlight, rain, mold and fungi. Production is carried out not only by foreign, but also by domestic manufacturers. In the photo you can see products that provide air exchange and moisture removal from the inside of the material.

How to finish

Sheathing houses with siding refers to the budget option. But thanks to the uniqueness and strength of the material, the most daring ideas can be realized. There are many finishes, but the most popular is the combined one. You can look at decorative siding - photos of houses show this qualitatively new solution.

Designers propose to apply advanced ideas and clad the facade by combining vertical and horizontal panels. This method makes it possible to visually shade the zones. Another finishing option is the use of siding in different colors. The color range of modern panels makes it possible to combine panels of different shades on one facade. The facade of your house will look original if you combine siding with other materials: stone, tiles. You can beat such an option as using wooden architraves, and get a very stylish exterior.

Decorative siding under stone, brick, wood in the photo

How decorative siding is used, what options are suitable for facade decoration

Stone plinth siding is a modern finishing material, which is one of the most popular today. It allows not only to insulate the building, but also to transform its appearance. This ensures reliable protection of the structure from the negative effects of the external environment.

Facing stone siding has a natural texture and outwardly practically does not differ from natural material. And in some properties even surpasses it.

Among the many advantages that distinguish stone siding, the following can be distinguished:

The finishing material has a relatively small weight, which greatly facilitates the process of its installation. Wild stone siding can be used for any type of foundation. This property becomes especially relevant when it comes to the reconstruction of old buildings.

Basement siding under wild stone is an eco-friendly type of finish. In the process of its production, safe materials and special additives are used to improve the quality characteristics of the product.

The material does not change its properties under conditions of sharp temperature fluctuations.

Plinth siding under the stone reliably protects the walls from moisture and prevents the formation of condensate. Due to this, mold or fungus does not appear on the surface of the material.

Such a coating does not require additional finishing and retains an excellent appearance throughout the entire service life.

The material has an improved locking system that provides the panels with additional wear resistance.

Stone siding does not require much maintenance. You can remove dirt with ordinary water and detergents at hand.

The catalog of the 101Siding online store contains more than 20 collections of stone-effect plinth siding from the best manufacturers of facade panels; photos of the exterior decoration of houses and a description of the materials can be found in the appropriate section. Our specialists will help you navigate the assortment.

You only need a few minutes to place an order. Select the appropriate type of siding and place it in the "Basket". We will deliver your order as soon as possible.

Currently, stone plinth siding is represented by a wide variety of collections of various shades and textures. This material can be of two types:

Metal siding. It is characterized by increased strength and wear resistance. One of the main advantages of metal siding is high fire safety. That is why the material is widely used in the decoration of public and administrative institutions.

Vinyl stone siding. This material is made from polyvinyl chloride. Front plastic panels under a stone do not crack, do not dry out and are not subject to rotting processes. The material perfectly withstands the effects of wind, snow, rain and other negative external factors. Plastic stone siding does not require much maintenance. The service life of the product is at least twenty years. At the same time, wall siding under a stone has a fairly democratic cost.

Modern materials can imitate:

smooth stone;

  • antique hand-molded stone;
  • aged stone;
  • antique stone;
  • cobblestone and boulder masonry;
  • "torn" stone;
  • rubble stone;
  • marble, granite, limestone and other rocks.

Photos of options for finishing facades with various types of basement siding under a stone are presented on the Internet.

As noted above, the facade panels under the stone have a relatively small weight and a well-thought-out fastening system. Thanks to this, their installation can be done independently, without resorting to the services of specialized teams.

Installation of facing facade panels under a stone is carried out in several stages:

  1. First you need to equip the crate. It can be made of a metal profile and wooden bars. When arranging the crate, it must be borne in mind that the distance between the panels and the ground should be at least fifteen centimeters.
  2. After installing the profile, you should correctly cut the facade siding under the stone. Some structural elements can be cut in a special way. For example, stairs.
  3. The next step is to install the launch pad. Experts recommend starting installation from the left edge.
  4. Then the subsequent rows are laid. Please note that the facing panels under the wild stone are installed as close as possible to each other. No gaps should form in this case. If the Wild Stone facade panels are mounted on a wooden crate, nails can be used to install them. If we are talking about steel elements, special self-tapping screws are suitable.

Important: the Wild Stone facade panels must be mounted in such a way that thermal gaps remain. They must be present regardless of which crate the base material is laid on. If thermal gaps are not provided, over time, stone-like facade panels may deform and lose their presentable appearance (numerous photos of such examples can be found on the Internet).
