Roof decking how to choose. Technical characteristics of the profiled sheet for roofing - dimensions, types and advantageous advantages of the material. What determines the durability and reliability of corrugated roofing

Understanding why corrugated board is better than other building materials is only the first step in studying this material. Having decided, you need to make a choice within the material itself, which corrugated board is better for the roof of the house.

The requirements for roofing corrugated board are more stringent than for wall ones, which means you need to know what properties it has, what to look for when buying or ordering, taking into account the characteristics and dimensions of the corrugated sheet.

The material was prepared for the site

What kind of corrugated board to choose on the roof of the house?

1. Scope and purpose of roofing corrugated board

The choice of corrugated roofing begins with determining the location of its installation. It serves as a starting point and determines the criteria for selecting a sheet and, ultimately, the cost of the project.

Due to its high performance and reasonable price, corrugated board is used as a roofing material in private construction for:

  • country houses, country houses, cottages;
  • garage and outbuildings;
  • gazebos, verandas, awnings;
  • temporary buildings.

Naturally, the requirements for choosing a roof for each of the objects will be different. For example, when choosing corrugated board for a residential building, it is required to take into account the coverage area, roof configuration, number of slopes, average annual rainfall, installation complexity, sheet replacement complexity and other factors.

At the same time, the roof of the canopy over the porch or front door can be made of a cheaper or more practical material. A small area provides high maintainability of the roof, and the level of precipitation does not significantly affect the roof.

2. Height of corrugated board wave

If the choice of corrugated board for a fence or a wall begins with a study of the types of coverage, then for roofing, the main parameter will be the wave height, which determines two important parameters:

  • rigidity;
  • throughput.

Both values ​​​​have a direct impact on the life and quality of the roof from corrugated board. The larger the wave, the greater the rigidity and throughput, but the more expensive the cost of the roof. To understand what kind of corrugated board is needed on the roof, it is necessary to take into account the angle of inclination and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slopes.

Distinctive properties of roofing corrugated board:

  • all types of corrugated board intended for installation on the roof have a wave height of over 20 mm. Deeper profiling eliminates the possibility of water getting under the sheet;
  • since the roofing sheet is designed to be installed on the roof, this explains its configuration. Unlike wall, it has a wider bottom of the wave, which provides a free stack of water and increases the throughput of the roof;
  • it is required to take into account the angle of inclination of the surface intended for covering. The smaller the slope of the roof, the higher the wave height of the corrugated board should be;
  • the angle of inclination determines the amount of overlap;

When installing high-wave corrugated board on a roof with a small angle of inclination, it is necessary to provide an overlap in one wave.

When installing a small-wave - the absence of a high wave can be leveled by an overlap in two waves. It should be noted that this significantly increases the cost of a corrugated roof.

The longitudinal overlap also depends on the angle of inclination and requires compliance with the same calculations when overlapping, the smaller the angle, the greater the amount of overlap.

  • the presence of a capillary groove. It serves as an additional barrier that prevents the ingress of melt and rain water under the profiled sheet, as well as to protect against condensate that appears during temperature changes. At the same time, the groove is not a panacea, and will not save the roof from leakage if the wave height is chosen incorrectly.

The capillary groove is profiled along the entire profiled sheet. During installation, it is closed by a covering wave of the next metal profile sheet.

Manufacturers offer different types of corrugated board with wave sizes from 20 to 114 mm. At the same time, corrugated board with a wave height of more than 44 mm is rarely used in private construction.

3. Dimensions of corrugated roof

The technical characteristics of the roofing corrugated board are shown in the table (dimensions: thickness, width, length, weight, height and wave pitch).

Characteristics and dimensions of C21 corrugated board

4. Type of corrugated board coating

Decking is profiled sheet metal with a protective coating that protects the iron core of the sheet from rust.

When choosing which corrugated board is better to use for roofing, you need to know that there are two main types of corrugated board:

Unpainted corrugated board

This category includes galvanized or aluminum-galvanized profiled sheet, which has an estimated service life of 5-15 years. Manufacturers rarely provide a guarantee for more than 5 years. At the same time, the galvanized aluminum material will last longer, because. zinc in this case will weather at a slower rate, which means that the core will remain protected longer.

When choosing unpainted corrugated roofing, you need to know that its service life depends on the thickness of the protective layer. According to GOST 24045-2010, the thickness of the galvanized coating should be 275 g/m2 or at least 90 microns.

Typically, galvanized corrugated board is used for roofing temporary buildings, sheds and outbuildings.

Painted corrugated board

It has more degrees of protection in the form of additional layers of polymer coating.

Depending on the type of finish coating, manufacturers provide a guarantee for the material up to 25 years. The duration of the warranty and the estimated service life depend on the type of coating:

  • roofing sheet coated with polyester (PE) glossy or matte. The thickness of the glossy PE layer is 20 microns, matte - 35 microns. The service life and properties are approximately the same, only the appearance differs. PE is strong, slowly and evenly burns out, suitable for use in the temperature range from - 30 to + 80 ° C;
  • roofing sheeting with pural coating (Pural). Coating thickness 50 µm. The coating is based on polyurethane, which gives it resistance to abrasion;
  • roofing sheeting coated with plastisol (PVC). The thickness of the plastisol is 200 microns.
  • polydifluorionad (PVF2). It is developed for operation in difficult climatic conditions. The most durable coating for corrugated board, however, and the price of PVF2 corrugated board is the highest.

5. The thickness of the corrugated board for the roof of the house

Manufacturers offer profiled sheets with a thickness of 0.37 to 1 mm.

What thickness of corrugated roofing will be optimal?

Users and craftsmen advise using 0.45-0.5 mm. The choice of such a thickness is justified by the fact that a more significant wave height, compared to wall corrugated board, provides the roof with the necessary rigidity. You should know that with heavy snow loads it is better to give preference to thicker metal. Some manufacturers provide stamping (additional stiffening ribs on the surface of the sheet) which increases the longitudinal rigidity of the corrugated board.

Advice. When choosing the thickness of corrugated board, it should be taken into account that the deviations in metal thickness are +/- 0.1 mm (GOST 24045-2010 and EN 10143).

6. Color of corrugated roof

Color does not affect the technical parameters of the corrugated board. However, when choosing corrugated board, one should proceed from the color scheme of other buildings on the site, facade decoration and other factors so that the roof of the house does not stand out from the general design concept. The colors of the corrugated board correspond to the RAL palette (from the Finnish manufacturer Ruukki - the RR palette), which simplifies the selection of colors.

Note. When choosing a color, you need to take into account that any coating is exposed to ultraviolet radiation (fading in the sun). Therefore, if it is necessary to replace one sheet, a mismatch in shades is not excluded. The more time has passed since the installation of the roofing corrugated board, the more it will manifest itself.

  • profile view. This is the easiest way to determine which roofing sheeting is best. Of course, one that does not have defects, chips, peeling or sagging of paint, "stretch marks", etc.;
  • a clear geometry of the dimensions of the roofing corrugated board. The manufacturer is obliged to provide the opportunity to measure each profiled sheet in terms of thickness, length and width. Deviations greater than the minimum allowable (according to GOST 24045-2010) - a sign of a violation of manufacturing technology. Even knowing how to properly fix the corrugated board to the roof, it will not be possible to qualitatively mount obviously defective sheets (non-standard);
  • covering wave geometry. The first wave of the top sheet should very accurately cover the last wave of the bottom sheet. In this case, the likelihood of water getting under the sheet will be minimized;
  • edge quality. Cutting (cutting) of corrugated board in the factory is carried out with a special device - a guillotine. Such a cut is very accurate and even (without chipping and influx of paint). This is an indicator that the sheet will not begin to rust from the edge;
  • roof deck strength. When demonstrating a color scheme, the seller will most likely show you a selection of round swatches. This shape was not chosen by chance, a round sample is more difficult to bend than a square one. Therefore, the sheet seems durable.

In practice, you can check the strength of a corrugated sheet in a simple way by applying a little effort: with a slight bending, the corrugated sheet will easily return to its previous shape, and with strong pressure, the bend will remain.

  • availability of specifications and layouts of corrugated board. This does not apply to the choice of a professional sheet directly, but it is necessary when buying material for the entire roof. After all, you need to not only know how to choose corrugated roofing, but in what order should the purchased sheets be placed, especially in the case of a roof of complex configuration;
  • corrugated board packaging. Its presence is important only at the stage of storage and transportation. It must be removed before installation. After prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the protective film on the profiled sheet, it cannot be removed and significantly spoils the appearance of the roof;
  • guarantees and certificates for profiled sheets. They allow to judge the reliability and responsibility of the supplier.

8. Price of corrugated roofing

Deciding which profiled sheet for the roof is better, and being guided only by the price of the material, is a deliberately wrong option. The cost of corrugated board consists of the quality of the metal, its thickness, type of coating, the image of the manufacturer, the quality of the equipment used for profiling, storage and transportation conditions. All of these factors add to the cost while maintaining proper sheet quality.

If the price of corrugated board is below the market, this can only be explained by a decrease in the thickness of the metal, the thickness of any of the coating layers, and violations of production technology. Such a proposal should be treated with caution. After all, it is much more difficult to replace a sheet of roofing corrugated board than, for example, sections of a fence.

9. How to choose the right roof decking - video

10. Pros and cons of corrugated roofing

Parallel comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of a profiled sheet for roofing.


  • low price of the material;
  • the ability to do the installation yourself;
  • resistance to the influence of environmental factors;
  • resistance to corrosion (in the absence of mechanical damage and defects in the core of the sheet);
  • light weight;
  • safety (fire and environmental);
  • the ability to use for mounting on a slope of any configuration and with any angle of inclination (even completely flat);
  • the ability to set the direction of water movement from the roof;
  • aesthetic appearance of the building.


  • corrugated board makes noise during rain and even more so, hail (in order to eliminate it, it is advised to lay OSB boards or OSB plywood instead of lathing);
  • condensate accumulates on the surface (it is necessary to make good vapor and waterproofing);
  • the profiled sheet is prone to the accumulation of static electricity (grounding is required);
  • rust appears in the places of drilling and cutting (carefully treat such places with paint or movil).


Summarizing, we note that it is possible to choose corrugated roofing without having the experience of professionals, it is quite critical of the seller’s slogans, familiarize yourself with GOST and know for sure that the phrase “for the price and the product” characterizes the material in the best possible way.

Building a house is a rather long and laborious process, you need to think through all the nuances to the smallest detail. Even at the design stage, the question arises of what material the roof will be made of. Today, several coating options are presented on the building materials market, but corrugated board is optimal both in terms of technical characteristics and price category. After all, it is strong, durable, easy to mount, has a large assortment and color range.

Profile sheets are great for industrial and commercial premises, warehouses and residential buildings. But not many people know how to choose it correctly on the roof, since this is enough versatile material and can be used for building modular structures, fences, facade cladding, etc.

Based on such a wide range of applications, this material is made in different grades, which differ significantly from each other. Therefore, in order to understand here and decide on the choice of a suitable corrugated board for the roof, it is worth studying in detail the characteristics of each type of profiled sheet.

Advantages of corrugated board

Choosing the right material for the roof, you need to focus not only on the installation methods, but also on the operational characteristics of the coating. Profiles have the following advantages:

Its minor disadvantages include the fact that when laying sheets, you should only step on the wave, otherwise metal is deformed. But with strong gusts of wind, it is not recommended to lift and install the corrugated board, since a strong windage can harm it.

Types and marking of corrugated roofing

Today, quite a lot of large and small enterprises produce this type of materials, having developed their own technical conditions for production. But, it is better to choose corrugated roofing made in accordance with GOST 24045-94. Since this standard regulates:

  • The quality of the raw materials used;
  • Goods labeling rules;
  • Sizes of sheets of different brands;
  • Checking the quality of finished products;
  • Conditions for storage, packaging and transportation of profiled sheets.

According to this GOST, all types of corrugated board are divided into types with this index marking:

  • "H" - such sheets have a high bearing capacity and are used for roofing, ceilings. These profiles are the thickest, and the height of the corrugations is the maximum. There are also additional grooves, which make them more resistant to stress.
  • "C" - corrugated board used for walls, fences, since it has an average thickness, height and corrugation shape, it is excellent for vertical fastening. But for roofs, this type of material is not recommended because there is a high risk of product deformation under the influence of a large amount of snow or precipitation.
  • "NS" is a universal type of profiled sheets, since it is suitable for roofing, various buildings, it can be mounted both in a horizontal and vertical position.

When choosing corrugated board for the roof, it is better to focus on the brands "NS" and "H". After all, it is these sheets that have the right height and shape, which ensures maximum load-bearing capacity. And this is very important, since the roofing material must withstand significant loads, for example, in the winter season - snow.

But the assortment of corrugated board is large, but you can select the most popular brands, which used in construction:

Also, when choosing corrugated board, an important criterion is what kind of protective coating it has, since it has different resistance to climatic conditions. You can find out about it from the seller or look at the packaging. Mostly the following polymers are used:

  • Galvanized. Such a coating is the cheapest, but not very durable, since it is erased from the profiled sheet. Availability of profiles only in silver color.
  • Aluminum with the addition of silicon. Protects metal a little longer, but also wears off quickly.
  • Polyester. This is a reliable and inexpensive coating option, as it perfectly protects against the effects of negative factors associated with climatic conditions. On sale is a large color palette, with a matte or glossy surface.
  • Plastisol (a mixture of PVC with various additives). It belongs to the most stable coatings, which are not afraid of climatic influences and loads.
  • Pural (based on polyurethane). An excellent protective layer that is not afraid of drops and high temperatures, does not fade. You can also walk on it in any shoes without fear of scratches or dents.
  • PVDF (20% acrylic and 80% polyvinyl chloride). A novelty among coatings, the best of the above analogues. Resistant to aggressive environments, for example, where there is a high concentration of industrial facilities, on the coast of the seas. It can be called eternal material.

For the color of the corrugated board, you can choose any. In addition to standard colors, there are sheets with a metallic effect, images imitating fired ceramics or wood. In reality, coated profiled sheets can last up to 50 years, and warranty is given for 10-15 years that the brightness of the color and the quality of the texture will remain unchanged.

The choice of corrugated board depending on the calculated load

The main characteristic of the profiled sheet is its bearing capacity, which is determined by the height of the trapezoid. Therefore, in order to determine which profile is needed in each individual case, it is necessary to know exactly the possible load on the roof. And for this it is worth asking about the snow and wind load characteristic of your region.

The slope of the roof is also important when calculating the wind load. Therefore, the calculated value of the wind pressure is multiplied by the ratio of the height of the roof to the length. Do not forget to add to the total load figure and the weight of the profiled sheet itself.

Depending on the mounting scheme and support of the profiles, their maximum allowable load will also change. And it is very important to know if the planned roof will be flat and large for the area. Below is a table of maximum loads for different grades of corrugated board.

Table of ultimate loads

Profiled brandSupport pitch, mWith 2 supports, kgWith 3 supports, kgWith 4 supports, kg
C10-1000-0.61,2 50 82 67
C18-1000-0.61,8 55 138 116
С21-1000-0.61,8 102 251 207
C44-1000-0.51,5 510 233 252
3,0 63 117 126
C44-1000-0.61,5 554 306 347
3,0 70 152 176
С44-1000-0.71,5 656 473 541
3,0 80 212 262
C44-1000-0.81,5 746 651 742
3,0 91 239 301
H60-845-0.73,0 321 229 270
4,0 183
H60-845-0.83,0 386 325 376
4,0 201 254
H60-845-0.93,0 436 428 502
4,0 239 298
H75-750-0.93,0 643 615 769
4,0 291 246 435
H114-750-0.84,0 587 587 734
6,0 192 260
H114-750-0.94,0 660 660 822

Also, when choosing corrugated roofing, it is worth considering the thickness of the metal. After all, everyone additional 0.1 mm of its thickness, increases the operational life of the roofing by 5 years.

The presence of stiffeners significantly increases the bearing capacity of the profile when it is mounted on roofs with a slight slope and a significant distance between the supports.

Nuances when buying corrugated roofing

Independently planning and building a house, you need to responsibly and carefully approach the choice of corrugated roofing. Having studied all its types and markings, you need to figure out what other nuances there are. when choosing the best roofing:

To make a strong, reliable and durable roof, it is better to choose galvanized corrugated board Pural or PVDF coated. And for the construction of a temporary cover, a profile with an alu-zinc coating is perfect.


In order to choose the right corrugated board for the roof, you need to take into account more than one number of indicators that cannot be simply calculated and analyzed by eye or from the words of the seller. Therefore, it is necessary to approach this solution of the issue slowly and with all responsibility.

You should not be afraid to ask or even in some cases require sellers to show the appropriate quality certificates for these products. After all, it is in them that you can find all the exact information about the product. It indicates its dimensions, weight, test indicators, what raw materials it is made of and the material of the additional coating.

The manufacture of corrugated board occurs with the help of iron, which is coated with an anti-corrosion agent. Having a surface in the form of waves, it adds density and rigidity to a thin-walled structure. Coloring material for corrugated board exists in 3 versions: polymer, polyurethane and galvanization.

In order for you to be able to choose the best option, we have compiled a rating of the TOP 7 best roof decking! Reviews, photos, which one to choose and the pros and cons. And then you yourself can already decide which brand is best suited in terms of parameters, functions, and, of course, your color preferences.

Pros and cons

Every person who loves and respects his home wants to make it as reliable as possible. Whether it's building a new home or just renovating, we try to outdo ourselves. But the result, in any case, should not only be in beauty and design, but first of all, in the quality of the materials used.

Let's examine the positive and negative sides of the roof to dispel possible doubts about the correctness of the choice.

  • due to the ease and simplicity of installation, laying can be done on their own, without hiring special equipment;
  • fire-resistant corrugation surface;
  • there are various roof options that are equipped with a coating of polymer compounds (such a profile is most resistant to temperature changes and atmospheric radiation);
  • availability of color schemes for every taste;
  • provides strong protection against rust provides the top layer of corrugated board;
  • the life of the material lasts about fifty years.
  • high noise level (if it rains heavily or hail, then the sound is not isolated, but, on the contrary, becomes louder);
  • in case of careless laying of the profiled sheet or damage to the upper protective layer of zinc or polymer, it is quite possible that rust will appear.

As you can see, there are many more positive characteristics, and negative qualities mainly depend on your attentiveness and caution.

Comparison with analogues

For thousands of years, people have been improving technologies, creating new materials, providing us with an alternative to choosing a roof. Metal, plastic, ceramics, slate. This list can be continued for a long time.

But what if you were faced with a choice of more popular and high-quality materials: corrugated board, ondulin or metal tiles - which is better? We will find out the qualities of each material and try to make a choice.

Decking The density of the corrugated board is rigid, due to the polymer coatings used. The protective layer can be zinc or aluminum, or an alloy of zinc and aluminum. The profile is of 2 types: a trapezoid shape and a wave shape. The material from which the corrugated board is made has better fire resistance in comparison with its counterparts. I also want to note that the durability of the product is about 50 years, with proper installation.
Ondulin Roofing material soft on the density. The composition of ondulin includes synthetic resin, which makes the roof durable, hard and significantly increases the temperature of its density. The components of the material also contain substances that increase fire resistance. The weight of ondulin is the lightest of all roofing materials.
metal tile The density of the roof is rigid, as the top layer is made up of polymer compounds. The weight of one square meter is 5 kg, so this product, like the previous ones, is quite light in weight. Ease of installation makes it possible to cope with the task without assistants.

The durability of the material is not inferior to corrugated board and its life is 50 years. And also I note that this material has a high level of fire resistance.

So, we figured out the main qualities of roofing materials. It remains to decide which one is better in quality.

  1. The price of ondulin is much higher than metal tiles and corrugated board. The metal tile is the cheapest on the list in question.
  2. Ondulin is significantly inferior in operation to its counterparts. If a metal tile and corrugated board have a lifespan of about fifty years, then ondulin will last no more than thirty.
  3. Fire resistance. Metal tile and corrugated board clearly outperform ondulin. Ondulin material will not be able to fully provide you with protection and safety.
  4. Noise isolation. The loudest are metal tiles and corrugated board. You can get rid of loud noise with the help of a fibrous insulation lining.
  5. Decking and metal tiles are not easy to use with a more complex roof shape. Ondulin is elastic and soft in composition. It's easier to deal with him.

Comparing the three materials mentioned above, we can identify both positive and negative qualities in each of them. In any case, the choice is yours.

Rating of the 7 best corrugated boards

Among the huge number of products, we have chosen and studied the TOP 7 best in quality and demand. In this article, we will consider the following types of corrugated board:

  • C21;
  • H75;
  • H153;
  • H60;
  • H114;
  • HC44.

The material is a versatile building material. This sheet has a wavy surface. Available in two finishes. Galvanized surface and polymer. The profile is for sale in blue, red, chocolate and green shades.

Price: 162 rubles per square meter.

Profiled S8-1150

  • thanks to the smooth coating, the material does not require special care from you;
  • environmental friendliness (C8 is absolutely safe for humans and for the environment);
  • universal application of this material (installation of roofs, walls, garages);
  • polymer coating is distinguished by quality and durability.
  • fastens only on fasteners with a washer;
  • may become unusable under strong winds.

The first time I blocked the roof, I was afraid to spoil the material, I thought it would be difficult to cope alone. But no, it didn’t work much for me, I blocked everything. Indeed, as the manufacturer said - easy and quick installation. The material is high quality, hard, I think it will last a long time.

Decking is one of the most inexpensive and beautiful roofing materials. Reliable, durable and has that classic design that will never go out of style. But it is not uncommon for rusty streaks to appear on a new and bright roof after two or three years.

Therefore, let's study in more detail the question of what kind of corrugated roofing is needed, what is its advantage over other roofing materials, in what formats it is produced and how to understand complex markings.

Galvanized steel is one of the most widely used and cheapest materials in construction. And the corrugated board is made just from it: by cold rolling and subsequent decorative and protective polymer coating.

Profiling can create a wavy, U-shaped or trapezoidal shape in such a sheet. But this is a necessary measure, and not just an aesthetic effect - this way the strength and rigidity of the sheet increases at least three times. That is why such a simple and inexpensive sheet turns out to be quite a decent roofing material.

The second important point is that the corrugated board consists of steel and does not emit any strong unpleasant odors, like some of the modern roofing. Easy to cut, easy to install. In addition, it can be laid on any roof, the slope of which is not less than 8 °, and the slope does not exceed 20 meters.

And one of the most important advantages of corrugated board as a roofing is its weight. After all, working on a steep roof with heavy, albeit more beautiful, material is difficult and unsafe.

Decided on just such a roof? Then it remains to purchase high-quality, durable sheets with the desired characteristics!

Types of modern corrugated board

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the type of coating, the wave height and the width of the corrugated sheet. Not every type of roof is suitable for a roofing device, this is important!


The height of the corrugation for roofing corrugated board is acceptable within 10-114 mm. Just based on the height of the corrugation and the thickness of the sheet, three types of corrugated board can be found on the modern construction market:

  • Facade class C, which is used for the construction of fences and wall decoration.
  • Bearing class H, which is used for cladding walls and partitions.
  • Roofing, which just trim the roof. This is the NS class.

More details on the picture:

On the modern market, the most common marking sheets are H45, H75 and H114. On sale you will find sheets C10, C20, C35. The profiled sheeting of class CH is called bearing, wall, because. it is already used for the construction of roofs and solid fences. Its profile height is from 35 to 44 mm.

This diagram will help you understand:

If at the end of the marking you did not find the GOST inscription, then this batch was made according to a different standard. In addition to all this, marking A and B indicates the presence of painted sides, and R indicates the presence of a capillary groove.

Manufacturing technology

There are different types of corrugated board according to the manufacturing technology:

  1. Rolled products with aluminosilicon coating.
  2. Sheet metal with aluminum-zinc coating.
  3. Thin sheet aluminized rolled products.
  4. Sheet steel with zinc coating.

For example, AC is thin-sheet rolled products with an aluminum-zinc coating, and AK is the same technology, but with an aluminum-silicon coating.

Here is an interesting video about the production itself:

Please note that some models of corrugated board and more expensive metal tiles can be made on the same machine, but they will still differ in their qualities. It’s just that some models of corrugated board are universal. Such, for example, can be called S-20 corrugated board: PS-20 - wall corrugated board, and PK-20 - roofing. It's just that the same roll for the manufacture of the wall version and the roofing one is placed on different sides. And there is only one rental. In other words, this is the same profile, but with the reverse side.

Coating quality

Decking today is available in two types:

  1. Made of thick galvanized steel, 0.5-07 cm.
  2. Made of thinner galvanized steel (0.5 cm) with a modern polymer coating.

And the quality of the polymer coating of corrugated board can also be different. For roofing, the following are considered suitable:

  • Polyester. Excellent decorative qualities, but poor protection against mechanical damage. Abrasion and flaking are its main problem.
  • Pural. It is just as bad in wear resistance as polyester, but it costs much less.
  • PVDT, or polyvinyl difluoro. Excellent qualities of strength and light resistance, rich decorative range. The cost is higher.

For corrugated board, both sides of the sheet, one of the sides or none are painted:

Price formation

The total price of roofing corrugated board depends on the following sheet parameters:

  • The presence of a zinc coating.
  • The presence of color.
  • The presence of a protective coating.
  • The length and width of the sheet.
  • Sheet thickness.
  • Corrugation height.
  • Appointment of corrugated board.

Here is a rich choice in front of you!

What kind of corrugated board can be covered with a roof?

And now about what types of corrugated board are currently available specifically for roofing, and why one of them is better than the other.

There is a GOST regarding such coatings: "Profiles of building steel sheet bent with trapezoidal corrugations." It says that the thickness of the sheets should be from 0.4 to 0.6 cm.

In practice, most often, a profile sheet from 18 to 35 mm thick is used to finish the roof. Traditionally, this is the HC grade, which has the most optimal stiffness, rib height and sheet thickness.

In addition to the main options, the following sheets can also be used as roofing material:

  • Galvanized profile without polymer coating. Costs 40% less, suitable for roofing outbuildings and garages.
  • Ferrous metal corrugated board, also uncoated.
  • Expensive and durable corrugated board made of non-ferrous metals: copper or aluminum. The rarest variant.

And even a kind of exotic. So, a special corrugated board for the roof happens:

  1. Made by cold rolling.
  2. Bent to desired shape.
  3. Perforated.
  4. With spectacular textured wood or stone embossing.

You can give preference to any option you like, as long as one important requirement is met: all products must have a quality certificate.

Sheet format

So, the design and shape of the profiled sheet has been chosen, it remains only to build the crate and determine the dimensions of future sheets:

And at this stage, let's deal with the terminology a bit. So, the "waves" go across the slope, and the "rows" along, and the distance between the rows is called the pitch of the corrugated board. But “modules” are sheets that consist strictly of six waves and have a step of 35 cm. Now you understand what single-module sheets on the market are, three-module, six-module and ten-module, which are also called “warehouse” in another way. Those. standard.

Of course, the roof of your house is not the roof of a warehouse according to Soviet drawings, and such “modules” cannot be laid out to zero, without residues and the need for cutting. That is why it is fashionable today to order roofing sheets in individual sizes, although, of course, you will have to pay extra for this. But the risk of corrosion on the roofing will be significantly reduced. In the everyday life of roofers there is also such a term as "lower cut". These are the lowest 50 mm of the sheet, which can be measured from the cut line to the crest of the wave. This value is 50 mm for standard stock sheets and up to 300 mm for special orders.

By the way, if the slope on your roof exceeds 6 meters in length, then, so that the corrugated board does not bend, it is better to order the material twice as short. For example, 3 meters each, taking into account the overlap, which for corrugated board is 100-150 mm. Every second wave will need to be fixed under the transverse pattern

What to do with sheets after purchase?

The first step is to properly transport:

Yes, and you also need to store the purchased corrugated sheets correctly. It is not uncommon for roofing material to be brought to the construction site either ahead of schedule or before the rainy season. Then it is better to find a flat place, and fold the sheets so that there are bars of 20 cm in cross section between them. Each stack contains no more than 10 sheets! You don't want this expensive material to deform and become unusable before installation begins, do you? Therefore, approach this issue with responsibility.

If on the spot it turned out that some sheets still have to be cut - do not worry! You can easily handle this on your own. For this purpose, use ordinary metal shears (as an option - a hacksaw) for carving along the length, and for the formation of bevels - an electric saw with special teeth made of hard alloys. But grinders with abrasive wheels will lead to corrosion of metal sheets.

How not to run into fake corrugated board?

So we figured out which corrugated board to choose for the roof of your house. Agree that roofing is an extremely important stage in the construction of the whole house. Walls and even foundations are much easier to repair than roofs because of the height. Therefore, when buying a metal profile, be sure to find out what raw materials these sheets were made of. You do not burn with the desire to see this on your own roof in a year, do you?

First call: price

The most dangerous period in terms of fakes in the construction market is summer. It is at this time that everything is built - the weather and air temperature allow. It is quite difficult for large manufacturers to plan sales volumes, and it is not uncommon for the corrugated board to be out of stock at the height of construction work. This is when small handicraft firms come into play. They buy wherever they can find the cheapest raw materials - Chinese, Indian or domestic, stored for a long time in inadequate conditions and almost decomposed. Sheets are produced on home-made simple machines, which are then sold on the market as “quality material”, with a small difference in price. Most often, the buyer is offered a discount of 10-20% of the cost of "the same corrugated board as a large manufacturer, why overpay for a brand?".

So the first warning sign is the price. And it is formed depending on what was the purchase cost of raw materials - one ton of galvanized steel roll. From expensive raw materials, expensive corrugated board is produced, and from cheap - cheap. And then the price is already formed from how thick the sheets themselves will be. That is why, if a manufacturer offers you a relatively inexpensive corrugated board of normal thickness and with allegedly high technical characteristics, only cheap raw materials, Chinese or Indian, but not European, could be used. You can check your guesses at the office of the trading company by asking to see certificates and taking samples of the material.

But the fact that the raw materials themselves cost the scammers literally a penny, the buyer may not know - for him, after all, the price is sometimes set not at all a penny ...

Second call: promises

The second wake-up call is promises to fulfill the order too quickly, i.e. make sheets of the right size. Yes, there are always intermediaries between any major manufacturer and buyer - at least two. And it is from them that you order the goods. But in any normal company they will not bring it to you earlier than 10 days, but on the market they will promise much faster, after which they will break the deadlines and explain their behavior by a breakdown of some line.

Third bell: fast delivery

Even more often, the buyer is forced to buy ready-made sheets, only at a price much higher than standard ones are sold. In fact, the seller of high-quality material, who cooperates with a real manufacturer, will immediately say that it takes time and will not impose what has already been lying around.

But the biggest deception is that fake corrugated board is also thinner than the declared parameters. After all, 99% do not have a micrometer available and certainly do not know how to use it, and as a result, the roof of their house is covered with material much thinner than required by the rules. The deviation that is permissible is only 0.05 cm, i.e. 5 cm, but no more. If you run into scammers, get a micrometer and get ready for a shock.

But we hope that our advice in choosing corrugated roofing will help you avoid all these annoying mistakes, and your roof will be the brightest and highest quality in the area!

A profiled sheet is a building material that is made in the form of separate metal sheets, which are specially designed to cover any premises in order to protect them from precipitation, wind and other external factors.

This item is made from galvanized steel. using the cold profiling method, after which the surface of the sheets acquires a wavy shape.

Profiled sheet is one of the highest quality and durable materials. and therefore the demand for its acquisition and use in the process of building structures is gradually growing.

The profiled sheet is more rigid, durable and its range is much larger compared to the profiled sheet.

The corrugated board is characterized by a high degree of sound absorption, but when finishing the roof with a profiled sheet, it is necessary to additionally use soundproofing materials. Also due to the fact that the corrugated board is a rigid structure with a complex relief, this allows it to be used during installation at any height, and it can withstand heavy loads.

In fact, corrugated board and profiled sheet are the same material, only the profiled sheet is most often called the roofing material, and the corrugated board is a universal coating.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the material on the face:

  • profiled sheet has great stability when exposed to corrosion, ultraviolet radiation and precipitation.
  • Thanks to the presence of sliding properties, snow or dirt does not remain on the roof, but immediately flows off it.
  • Long service life of the material - about 50 years.
  • Can be installed easily and without problems without much experience in construction.
  • Versatility in application.
  • Nice appearance.
  • Environmental friendliness and profile safety. At high temperatures, toxic compounds are not released.
  • Minor weight simplifies the process of transporting the profiled sheet to the construction site.
  • Affordable price for the purchase of a profiled sheet allows you to purchase it at an average cost.
  • Provides reliability and leakage protection.

Profile Disadvantages:

  • material in sunny weather gets very hot.
  • Poor sound insulation- a pronounced sound from rainfall on the roof.
  • If the installation of construction work is carried out unprofessionally, then roof seal may be compromised..

As you can see, the disadvantage is a minority, and this allows us to talk about the versatility, high practicality and functionality of the material.

Types of profiled sheet for roofing and choosing the best

The bearing type is designed to create partitions and wall decoration. You can buy it for a small price, as well as place an individual order when you need sheets of a certain size.

With it, you can not only build some elements of the building, but also easily repair the roof, finish the facade, its walls, ceiling, and even build strong fences.

When calculated per square meter, this material has low weight and good strength.

The wall profiled sheet has a rectangular or trapezoidal profile with a polymer coating, or it can be galvanized. If walls are made from it, then they will be much lighter in mass than structures made of reinforced concrete. It is convenient and easy to cut a wall profiled sheet if you need to do facade or cladding work, install load-bearing elements, and also make decorative metal structures.

Which professional sheet is better for the roof of the house? Roofing profiled sheet (H series) is used for the construction of roofs and any fences that can withstand bad weather. It can withstand heavy loads.

Types of profiled sheet

Coating Specifications

Before purchasing materials from a profiled sheet, it is recommended to learn some details about the features of its use in construction for several reasons:

  • To choose for yourself the best and most suitable view from all profiled sheets for facade cladding or for building a fence, as well as to know what are the requirements regarding the size of the sheets used, since the possibilities of using the material depend on them.
  • If you know the dimensions of the material, then you can buy and save your time when choosing.
  • You will be able to purchase the professional sheet that meets all the requirements that are established GOST 24045-94.

Profiled sheet for roofing: dimensions and weight

Profiled sheets have a wide range of lengths and thicknesses. In accordance with the rules of GOST 24045-94, the length for all types of profiled sheets can be from 2.4 to 12.6 meters, and the width becomes from 600-1850 mm and is determined based on the manufacturer's brand. The strength of profiled sheets, first of all, depends on their thickness.

The standard thickness of the profiled sheet for roofing is 0.5 and 0.55 mm.

You can see the weight of the profiled sheet in the table:

Art. corrugated board Thickness, mm Length weight, kg/m Weight, kg/m2
Bearing corrugated board
H57-750 0,7 6,5 8,67
H57-750 0,8 7,4 9,87
H60-845 0,7 7,4 8,76
H60-845 0,8 8,4 9,94
H60-845 0,9 9,3 11,01
H75-750 0,7 7,4 9,87
H75-750 0,8 8,4 11,2
H75-750 0,9 9,3 12,4
H114-600 0,8 8,4 14,0
H114-600 0,9 9,3 15,5
H114-600 1 10,3 17,17
Professional sheet type NS (roofing universal)
NS35-1000 0,5 5,4 5,4
NS35-1000 0,55 5,9 5,9
NS35-1000 0,7 7,4 7,4
NS44-1000 0,5 5,4 5,4
NS44-1000 0,55 5,9 5,9
NS44-1000 0,7 7,4 7,4

Quite often, sheets are made with a thickness of about 0.75, 0.8, 1 m. The dimensions of the profiled sheet for the roof depend on the area on which they are planned to be installed, purpose, loads and climate.

The width of the profiled sheet depends on its brand, for example, for the HC35 brand, the width of the profiled sheet is 1060 mm, and the height is 35 mm. Accordingly, the height will be from 0.5 to 0.8 mm. If you chose the H75 sheet grade, then the sheet width will be 800 mm, the profile height will be 75 mm and the metal thickness will be 0.7-0.8 mm.

Sheet dimensions

Coating features

Profiled sheets are specially marked in order to indicate their differences from each other, including their purpose and their types. They are denoted by Latin letters ( C - wall, H - bearing).


The durability and strength of the entire structure is ensured by the fact that profiled sheets have 8 protective layers.

Due to the fact that high-quality professional sheets are varnished during their manufacture (polyester, polyvinyl chloride), they look aesthetically pleasing. It also increases their shelf life.

The material has many positive properties:

  • fluorescent;
  • heat-resistant;
  • anti-corrosion;

The material easily tolerates any external influences and is environmentally friendly.


Where can a profile be used?

  • During the construction of fences, both permanent and temporary for the purpose of repair work.
  • To create parking lots and car parks or sheds in places where products are sold.
  • When fixed formwork is made during the construction process.
  • To make sandwich panels using a special European technology for arranging wall coverings.

The profiled sheet is used as a heater for the facades of various types of premises:

  • industrial;
  • residential;
  • commercial;
  • for making roofs of roofs of various buildings.

If you need to make ceilings in buildings from a profiled sheet, ceiling and wall partitions are created.

Photo of a profiled sheet roof

Most popular markings

To date, there are a large number of materials from profiled sheets and, as a rule, only some of them are most actively used, which are much better and easier to use. The most popular profiled sheet markings include:

  • C8. This marking of profiled sheets is most often used for decorative wall coverings. The performance characteristics of this grade have much in common with C10 sheets, which are ideal for building high fences with dimensions reaching more than 250 cm.
  • H57. Profiled sheets are rigid and suitable for erect various fences and have an attractive appearance.
  • H75. Profile sheets of this brand suitable for any type of building work and are stable if fences are made of them in the form of walls.
  • C21. Sheet materials can be used for roofing, fencing and wall cladding.
  • C18. Profiled sheets are made in the form of ordinary galvanized products and cover them with all sorts of polymeric materials. They are designed for installation of roofs on pitched roofs and panel fences.
  • HC44. This brand can be used for any construction and installation work.

Roofing from a profiled sheet: calculation of the number of sheets

To make a calculation of the material for the roof, you will definitely need information about the dimensions of the material used and the roof. To start it is recommended to start with the calculation of the truss system.

You also need information about the estimated weight of the finished structure, and the cross-sectional values ​​\u200b\u200bof the beams, taking into account the coating material.

The main components of the truss system are logs and bars that are intended for the construction of the roof frame. done after calculating the load on the roof, which takes into account the weight of the roof, its coating and its own weight.

This is done to provide for all possible roof loads. In addition, the load calculation includes the weight of the workers that will be involved in it and strong gusts of wind.


To calculate the coverage and truss system, use our! After calculating the total load, the number of wooden beams is calculated, which is distributed in a certain direction at angles.

Installation of a roofing pie is done in this way:

  1. They take a counter-lattice and install it on the surface of the truss system. It can be attached between the bars if the roof from the profiled sheet is gable, hip or multi-gable.
  2. Waterproofing materials are placed on the insulation.
  3. For a profile sheet, you need to install a crate, taking into account the gaps for ventilation.
  4. Roofing profiled sheets are laid out.

roofing cake

The use of profiled sheets is quite diverse and ensures a long service life. Thanks to this material, it is possible to make both separate structures in the form of fences, and to carry out the installation of a roofing roof pie. Unlike corrugated board, it has many advantages that make it indispensable in the construction process.

Useful video

How to cut a professional sheet? Watch the video:

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