What is the profile for the roof? Which metal profile is better for the roof. Visual determination of the best corrugated roof

Understanding why corrugated board is better than other building materials is only the first step in studying this material. Having decided, you need to make a choice within the material itself, which corrugated board is better for the roof of the house.

The requirements for roofing corrugated board are more stringent than for wall ones, which means you need to know what properties it has, what to look for when buying or ordering, taking into account the characteristics and dimensions of the corrugated sheet.

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What kind of corrugated board to choose on the roof of the house?

1. Scope and purpose of roofing corrugated board

The choice of corrugated roofing begins with determining the location of its installation. It serves as a starting point and determines the criteria for selecting a sheet and, ultimately, the cost of the project.

Due to its high performance and reasonable price, corrugated board is used as a roofing material in private construction for:

  • country houses, country houses, cottages;
  • garage and outbuildings;
  • gazebos, verandas, awnings;
  • temporary buildings.

Naturally, the requirements for choosing a roof for each of the objects will be different. For example, when choosing corrugated board for a residential building, it is required to take into account the coverage area, roof configuration, number of slopes, average annual rainfall, installation complexity, sheet replacement complexity and other factors.

At the same time, the roof of the canopy over the porch or front door can be made of a cheaper or more practical material. A small area provides high maintainability of the roof, and the level of precipitation does not have a significant effect on the roof.

2. Height of corrugated board wave

If the choice of corrugated board for a fence or a wall begins with a study of the types of coverage, then for roofing, the main parameter will be the wave height, which determines two important parameters:

  • rigidity;
  • throughput.

Both values ​​​​have a direct impact on the life and quality of the roof from corrugated board. The larger the wave, the greater the rigidity and throughput, but the more expensive the cost of the roof. To understand what kind of corrugated board is needed on the roof, it is necessary to take into account the angle of inclination and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slopes.

Distinctive properties of roofing corrugated board:

  • all types of corrugated board intended for installation on the roof have a wave height of over 20 mm. Deeper profiling eliminates the possibility of water getting under the sheet;
  • since the roofing sheet is designed to be installed on the roof, this explains its configuration. Unlike wall, it has a wider bottom of the wave, which provides a free stack of water and increases the throughput of the roof;
  • it is required to take into account the angle of inclination of the surface intended for covering. The smaller the slope of the roof, the higher the wave height of the corrugated board should be;
  • the angle of inclination determines the amount of overlap;

When installing high-wave corrugated board on a roof with a small angle of inclination, it is necessary to provide an overlap in one wave.

When installing a small-wave - the absence of a high wave can be leveled by an overlap in two waves. It is worth noting that this significantly increases the cost of a corrugated roof.

The longitudinal overlap also depends on the angle of inclination and requires compliance with the same calculations when overlapping, the smaller the angle, the greater the amount of overlap.

  • the presence of a capillary groove. It serves as an additional barrier that prevents the ingress of melt and rain water under the profiled sheet, as well as to protect against condensate that appears during temperature changes. At the same time, the groove is not a panacea, and will not save the roof from leakage if the wave height is chosen incorrectly.

The capillary groove is profiled along the entire profiled sheet. During installation, it is closed by a covering wave of the next metal profile sheet.

Manufacturers offer different types of corrugated board with wave sizes from 20 to 114 mm. At the same time, corrugated board with a wave height of more than 44 mm is rarely used in private construction.

3. Dimensions of corrugated roof

The technical characteristics of the roofing corrugated board are shown in the table (dimensions: thickness, width, length, weight, height and wave pitch).

Characteristics and dimensions of C21 corrugated board

4. Type of corrugated board coating

Decking is profiled sheet metal with a protective coating that protects the iron core of the sheet from rust.

When choosing which corrugated board is better to use for roofing, you need to know that there are two main types of corrugated board:

Unpainted corrugated board

This category includes galvanized or aluminum-galvanized profiled sheet, which has an estimated service life of 5-15 years. Manufacturers rarely provide a guarantee for more than 5 years. At the same time, the galvanized aluminum material will last longer, because. zinc in this case will weather at a slower rate, which means that the core will remain protected longer.

When choosing unpainted corrugated roofing, you need to know that its service life depends on the thickness of the protective layer. According to GOST 24045-2010, the thickness of the galvanized coating should be 275 g/m2 or at least 90 microns.

Typically, galvanized corrugated board is used for roofing temporary buildings, sheds and outbuildings.

Painted corrugated board

It has more degrees of protection in the form of additional layers of polymer coating.

Depending on the type of finish coating, manufacturers provide a guarantee for the material up to 25 years. The duration of the warranty and the estimated service life depend on the type of coating:

  • roofing sheet coated with polyester (PE) glossy or matte. The thickness of the glossy PE layer is 20 microns, matte - 35 microns. The service life and properties are approximately the same, only the appearance differs. PE is strong, slowly and evenly burns out, suitable for use in the temperature range from - 30 to + 80 ° C;
  • roofing sheeting with pural coating (Pural). Coating thickness 50 µm. The coating is based on polyurethane, which gives it resistance to abrasion;
  • roofing sheeting coated with plastisol (PVC). The thickness of the plastisol is 200 microns.
  • polydifluorionad (PVF2). It is developed for operation in difficult climatic conditions. The most durable coating for corrugated board, however, and the price of PVF2 corrugated board is the highest.

5. The thickness of the corrugated board for the roof of the house

Manufacturers offer profiled sheets with a thickness of 0.37 to 1 mm.

What thickness of corrugated roofing will be optimal?

Users and craftsmen advise using 0.45-0.5 mm. The choice of such a thickness is justified by the fact that a more significant wave height, compared to wall corrugated board, provides the roof with the necessary rigidity. You should know that with heavy snow loads it is better to give preference to thicker metal. Some manufacturers provide stamping (additional stiffeners on the surface of the sheet) which increases the longitudinal rigidity of the corrugated board.

Advice. When choosing the thickness of corrugated board, it should be taken into account that the deviations in metal thickness are +/- 0.1 mm (GOST 24045-2010 and EN 10143).

6. Color of corrugated roof

Color does not affect the technical parameters of the corrugated board. However, when choosing corrugated board, one should proceed from the color scheme of other buildings on the site, facade decoration and other factors so that the roof of the house does not stand out from the general design concept. The colors of the corrugated board correspond to the RAL palette (from the Finnish manufacturer Ruukki - the RR palette), which simplifies the selection of colors.

Note. When choosing a color, you need to take into account that any coating is exposed to ultraviolet radiation (fading in the sun). Therefore, if it is necessary to replace one sheet, a mismatch in shades is not excluded. The more time has passed since the installation of the roofing corrugated board, the more it will manifest itself.

  • profile view. This is the easiest way to determine which roofing sheeting is best. Of course, one that does not have defects, chips, peeling or sagging of paint, "stretch marks", etc.;
  • a clear geometry of the dimensions of the roofing corrugated board. The manufacturer is obliged to provide the opportunity to measure each profiled sheet in terms of thickness, length and width. Deviations greater than the minimum allowable (according to GOST 24045-2010) - a sign of a violation of manufacturing technology. Even knowing how to properly fix the corrugated board to the roof, it will not be possible to mount obviously defective sheets (non-standard) with high quality;
  • covering wave geometry. The first wave of the top sheet should very accurately cover the last wave of the bottom sheet. In this case, the likelihood of water getting under the sheet will be minimized;
  • edge quality. Cutting (cutting) of corrugated board in the factory is carried out with a special device - a guillotine. Such a cut is very accurate and even (without chipping and influx of paint). This is an indicator that the sheet will not begin to rust from the edge;
  • roof deck strength. When demonstrating a color scheme, the seller will most likely show you a selection of round swatches. This shape was not chosen by chance, a round sample is more difficult to bend than a square one. Therefore, the sheet seems durable.

In practice, you can check the strength of a corrugated sheet in a simple way by applying a little effort: with a slight bending, the corrugated sheet will easily return to its previous shape, and with strong pressure, the bend will remain.

  • availability of specifications and layouts of corrugated board. This does not apply to the choice of a professional sheet directly, but it is necessary when buying material for the entire roof. After all, you need not only to know how to choose a corrugated roof, but in what order should the purchased sheets be placed, especially in the case of a roof of complex configuration;
  • corrugated board packaging. Its presence is important only at the stage of storage and transportation. It must be removed before installation. After prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the protective film on the profiled sheet, it cannot be removed and significantly spoils the appearance of the roof;
  • guarantees and certificates for profiled sheets. They allow to judge the reliability and responsibility of the supplier.

8. Price of corrugated roofing

Deciding which profiled sheet for the roof is better, and being guided only by the price of the material, is a deliberately wrong option. The cost of corrugated board consists of the quality of the metal, its thickness, type of coating, the image of the manufacturer, the quality of the equipment used for profiling, storage and transportation conditions. All of these factors add to the cost while maintaining proper sheet quality.

If the price of corrugated board is below the market, this can only be explained by a decrease in the thickness of the metal, the thickness of any of the coating layers, and violations of production technology. Such a proposal should be treated with caution. After all, it is much more difficult to replace a sheet of roofing corrugated board than, for example, sections of a fence.

9. How to choose the right roof decking - video

10. Pros and cons of corrugated roofing

Parallel comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of a profiled sheet for roofing.


  • low price of the material;
  • the ability to do the installation yourself;
  • resistance to the influence of environmental factors;
  • resistance to corrosion (in the absence of mechanical damage and defects in the core of the sheet);
  • light weight;
  • safety (fire and environmental);
  • the ability to use for mounting on a slope of any configuration and with any angle of inclination (even completely flat);
  • the ability to set the direction of water movement from the roof;
  • aesthetic appearance of the building.


  • corrugated board makes noise during rain and even more so, hail (in order to eliminate it, it is advised to lay OSB boards or OSB plywood instead of lathing);
  • condensate accumulates on the surface (it is necessary to make good vapor and waterproofing);
  • the profiled sheet is prone to the accumulation of static electricity (grounding is required);
  • rust appears in the places of drilling and cutting (carefully treat such places with paint or movil).


Summarizing, we note that it is possible to choose corrugated roofing without having the experience of professionals, it is quite critical of the seller’s slogans, familiarize yourself with GOST and know for sure that the phrase “for the price and the product” characterizes the material in the best possible way.

The nomenclature of the profiled sheet is very extensive, so it is not always clear which corrugated board is better in your case. It is difficult to make a choice, since the profiled sheet differs not only in purpose, but can also have different technical characteristics, coating, quality, color and, of course, price.

Two of dozens of possible types of corrugated board: with a pural coating and textured wood

This article is devoted to exactly what a professional sheet is and how to choose it correctly for a particular task.

What is the purpose of corrugated board and what should you pay attention to when choosing?

Profiled sheet is used in construction for a huge number of works: from fixed formwork to wall cladding and roofing. Therefore, first of all, it is divided by scope into the following types:

  • wall (marked with the letter C);
  • carrier (marked with the letter H);
  • universal (marked with the letters HC).

The listed groups are what types of corrugated board are not only for their intended purpose, but also, in fact, according to their characteristics, since they strongly depend on where the material is supposed to be used. So, the bearing profiled sheet can withstand much greater loads than the wall one, due to the greater height of the wave, the thickness of the metal, as well as the presence of additional stiffeners.

It is worth noting,

There is no special roofing corrugated board or fence. These are all marketing names that usually denote one of the listed types with some kind of feature. For example, with a capillary groove to capture and remove moisture.

The division of the profiled sheet according to its purpose is rather conditional. Which metal profile is better in each case depends on where it is planned to be used. In particular, the wall profile can be used for roofing, and the carrier profile can be used for the construction of high fences in areas with high wind loads. Therefore, when choosing a profiled sheet, you need to look at its technical characteristics, and not the type.

Let us take as an example the central strip of Russia, territories without strong winds and heavy snowfalls. Under these conditions, with a roof slope of more than 30 ° C, S-21 corrugated board is suitable as a roof covering, although this material was not originally designed for such an application.

How to choose corrugated board according to the thickness of the metal?

The profiled sheet is made of metal, with a thickness of 0.4 to 1.2 mm. The thicker the metal of the original workpiece, the higher the bearing capacity of the corrugated board. The service life of the profiled sheet also depends on the thickness of the metal.

But at the same time, with an increase in the thickness of the metal, the weight of the corrugated board also increases, which neutralizes one of its main advantages - ease of installation and low load on the truss system. The cost of the profiled sheet also increases, and very significantly.

Therefore, the decision on which to choose a corrugated board in thickness is usually made in favor of replacing low-profile thick steel material with a profiled sheet with a higher wave height. This is beneficial both in terms of price and based on the load on the truss system.

Types of protective coating for corrugated board

The protective coating of a profiled sheet significantly affects its service life. Since durability is one of the most important criteria for any building material, you need to know what types of coatings a profiled sheet can have, how to choose the right one for your task and in what cases you can save.

The most inexpensive, but at the same time, the most short-lived coating is zinc. Decking with a protective layer of this material is used for the construction of temporary fences, formwork, as well as for some outbuildings. Such a profiled sheet is practically not used by private developers, since its service life is only 15-25 years, and it quickly loses its appearance.

An example of a profiled sheet with an embossed coating of 200 µm and a service life of 40-50 years

Alu-zinc coating is more reliable; in addition to zinc, it contains 55% aluminum and 1.6% silicon. A professional sheet with such a coating lasts much longer than with a simple zinc one, and is most often used for the manufacture of prefabricated garages. Much less often it is used for the construction of hangars and warehouses. Again, such material is practically not used by private developers.

The most expensive, but also the most durable, is a polymer coating. It is this material that is mainly used in modern construction, since its service life is 25-50 years, and it can be of almost any color.

Different polymers can be used as a protective layer. If you are interested in the question of how to choose the right polymer-coated corrugated board, then you should focus on the price and operating conditions of the material. The fact is that the listed polymers differ in chemical composition and, as a result, resistance to various external influences.

In Russia, a profiled sheet with a protective coating of the following materials is most often used:

  1. Polyester. A professional sheet with such a coating is the cheapest. It is not afraid of high temperatures, has a service life of 25 years, but is not resistant to mechanical stress. Therefore, during transportation and installation, it is necessary to observe increased accuracy, since the polyester layer is very thin and easily scratched.
  2. Pural. This material is extremely wear-resistant and its service life reaches 40 years. In addition, it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, is resistant to chemical and mechanical stress, as well as temperature extremes. Since it is quite expensive, pural is usually used in aggressive environments: on the sea coast, in industrial areas, in areas with increased solar activity or humidity.
  3. Plastisol. Very wear-resistant coating, which is applied in a thick layer and perfectly withstands aggressive environments. It burns out in the sun, and also does not tolerate heating to high temperatures. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it in hot regions. The color scheme is usually light, texturing is possible. It is used in the regions of the north and the central strip in areas with aggressive climatic or man-made conditions.
  4. PVDF. Decking with such a coating practically does not fade, is resistant to chemical and mechanical stress, and has a long service life. However, it is very expensive, so it is rarely used.

Thus, to summarize, during construction in the absence of high temperatures and aggressive environments, ordinary polyester is quite suitable. But if you are building, for example, on the seashore, then you should pay more attention to the question of which corrugated board to choose so that it lasts as long as possible.

Criteria for choosing high-quality corrugated board

The above shows how to choose a metal profile based on the fundamental aspects: brand, thickness, coating. However, there is also the question of the banal quality of the material.

To protect yourself from fakes, substandard products and simply unscrupulous manufacturers, you need to follow just a few simple rules.

First of all, carefully inspect the material before buying. It must meet the following criteria:

  1. The surface of a high-quality profiled sheet should be smooth and free of dents and any other external defects.
  2. The edges of the sheet should be even, without burrs.
  3. Coloring should be uniform, without sagging and chips.
  4. When bending the sheet, the polymer layer should not break or crack, and the profiled sheet should easily take its previous shape when unbent.

If you buy a large lot, the sheets can be inspected selectively, but very carefully and at least a few randomly from one package.

Necessarily pay attention to whether there is a guarantee for corrugated board from the manufacturer, and for how long it is given. If the manufacturer claims that the service life of the profiled sheet is 25 years or more, but gives a guarantee for a year or does not give it at all, this is a serious reason to refuse the purchase.

Is always check certificates of conformity, which are sure to come with each batch of corrugated board. Of course, their presence does not guarantee that in front of you is material of excellent quality, since everything is bought and sold in Russia. But this way you can protect yourself from very low-quality materials that do not have these certificates.

And the last - consider the reputation of the seller. If you buy material on the market in a small store, then the probability of buying a low-quality thing is incommensurably higher than in the case of purchasing a profiled sheet in a large building hypermarket. Although in the latter such a probability is also far from zero. It is most reliable to work with those sellers who were recommended to you by your relatives or friends after a successful personal experience.

Lightweight, durable, inexpensive and attractive in appearance, corrugated board is very popular today in the organization, construction of fences, and warehouses. The material owes such a wide scope of use to its structure and the presence of profiled sheets of different thicknesses and widths, with different coatings. How to understand the huge modern assortment and choose a corrugated board that will meet the requirements as much as possible. Our advice will help you navigate and approach the purchase of this building material fully armed.

No. 1. What is the corrugated board made of?

Profiled sheet, or corrugated board- this is a cold-rolled steel sheet coated with a protective layer of polymer, zinc or aluminum. The profile of flat sheets is attached to the forming shafts of machine tools, it can be in the form of waves or trapezoids. Its purpose is not only to improve the decorative qualities of the material, but also to obtain additional strength properties.

The main advantages of corrugated board:

  • resistance to corrosion, negative environmental influences;
  • durability. Service life reaches 50 years;
  • strength;
  • fire resistance;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • a wide selection of colors;
  • affordable price.

No. 4. The main types of corrugated board

For roof covering, fence construction or facade cladding, it is better to choose different materials. The huge popularity of the material was the catalyst for the emergence different types of corrugated board:

Wave height is such an important indicator that it is indicated in corrugated board marking. You can understand what kind of material is in front of you by the letter designation that speaks of the type, and the number that follows it. The figure means the wave height expressed in mm. For example, the designation C8 indicates that in front of you is a wall corrugated board with a wave height of 8 mm.

Sometimes other parameters are indicated in the marking. In this case, the second number will indicate the thickness of the sheet in mm, the third - the width, and the fourth - the length. For example, corrugated board marked C8-0.5-750-11000 will have a thickness of 0.5 mm, a width of 750 mm or 75 cm and a length of 11 m.

No. 5. What are the most popular types of corrugated board

Manufacturers offer corrugated board with very different parameters. Some even offer customization, but The most popular are the following types of corrugated board:

  • C8 mainly used for wall cladding. There are examples of its use as a roofing material: of course, it is better to choose a different type of corrugated board, since for this it is necessary to equip a continuous crate, and most importantly, a roof with a large slope;
  • C10 also used for decorating walls, as well as for erecting fences with a height of not more than 2.5 m;
  • C18 suitable even for the construction of small architectural forms. If there is a need to equip the roof from just such a material, then the crate step should be 40 cm;
  • C21 used for the construction of temporary structures, the construction of fences. Suitable for roofing, lathing pitch from 40 to 80 cm, depending on the slope angle;
  • C44 suitable in cases where it is necessary to build a fence of increased strength, build a hangar, garage or. Due to the increased strength, it allows you to equip reliable roofs, even with a lathing step of up to 2 m, but it is still better to use a lathing with a step of 50-100 cm;
  • H57 ideal for roofing, sometimes used as fixed formwork or fence material. The step of the crate can reach 3m;
  • HC35 universal in use, often has an additional ribbed surface. When arranging a roof from such a corrugated board, the lathing step is 1.2-1.5 m;
  • HC44 often used in roofing, it has additional stiffeners, which distinguishes it from C44 and makes it more durable and resistant to stress. Lathing pitch - 2.6-3 m;
  • H60, despite the marking, is widely used in the arrangement of the roof, it can be the basis for a soft roof or an independent material, it is used in the arrangement of fixed formwork. The crate for such material is performed in increments of 3 m;
  • H75 belongs to the most popular types of a professional flooring as differs in universality in use. In terms of strength, one of the best, which is achieved due to additional strength ribs. The step of the crate for such material is 4 m;
  • H114 has two additional stiffening ribs, due to which the material has phenomenal strength and can be used for arranging roofs with a crate step of 6 m.

No. 6. What else to consider when choosing?

It is important to immediately decide on the required shade of corrugated board, as manufacturers offer about a hundred different colors. Wherever the material is used, for arranging a roof or constructing a fence, it is important that it harmonizes with the surrounding objects, fits into the chosen color scheme and does not merge with the environment.

When buying, it is important to visually inspect the material for compliance with the exact geometry. Compliance of all parameters with the declared ones is a guarantee of simplicity in work and a neat appearance of the finished object.

No. 7. Which manufacturers can you trust?

Decking is produced in many European countries, in China, South Korea, India and Turkey, production is also widely developed in Russia. The products of domestic factories are competitive, outperforming many Turkish and Chinese companies in terms of quality. Let's consider the proved world and domestic producers of a professional flooring.

TOP 5 global manufacturers of corrugated board

A well-known Finnish company offers a huge selection of building materials, including corrugated board. Available in a variety of thicknesses and finishes. The manufacturer's professional flooring is in great demand all over the world, and offices and representative offices are located in all corners of the planet.


The company originated in Luxembourg in 1976 as a small production, and today it is one of the largest producers of steel and steel products. Production facilities are located in several European countries, products are delivered all over the world. The structure of production includes its own research center, where they are constantly working on improving products. The professional flooring of the company enjoys great demand in the domestic market.

This Latvian company started its activity only in 2007. Today it is a huge modern enterprise, producing a huge number of products from sandwich panels to roof hatches. The assortment includes corrugated boards of various types and sizes, and all the necessary components are also on sale, it is possible to carry out custom-made production so that there is a minimum of waste during construction work.

U.S. Steel

Production is carried out in North America and Central Europe. Over the decades of manufacturing steel products, the company has become a world leader, and today it is well known in many countries. The professional flooring of this manufacturer is also sold in Russia, but its prices are quite high.

A Polish company that has become a giant in the industry and operates in many European countries. Everywhere modern equipment is used, careful control is carried out. Decking is one of the key areas of the company. Not only wall and roof decking is produced, but also special-purpose material, incl. transparent and perforated. The Russian market is just getting acquainted with the manufacturer's products and has already appreciated its advantages.

TOP 5 Russian manufacturers of corrugated board

Metal Profile

The leader of the domestic market for the production of thin-sheet steel products. The company has been operating on the market for 18 years, and has established production not only in Russia, but also in neighboring Belarus and Kazakhstan. The high quality of the manufactured products is achieved through the use of modern equipment and high-quality raw materials. Decking is produced in various types from C8 to H114, so the consumer gets the opportunity to purchase high-quality material with the necessary parameters and an affordable price.


The company has been operating since 1997 and since then has occupied a significant place in the domestic market as a manufacturer of corrugated board. There are several production lines equipped with modern equipment, the company's products are purchased by both large construction organizations and individuals. The professional flooring is made from brand C8 to H158, has different coloring and a covering.

The company specializes in the manufacture of metal roofing materials. The main place in the production is occupied by corrugated board, which is manufactured here on the latest Polish equipment, taking into account all state standards. Decking from C8 to H114 has excellent performance, and there are a huge number of color options.


The company is considered one of the leaders in the production of corrugated board. To obtain high-quality products, European equipment is used here, and steel is purchased from the best domestic and world manufacturers. The assortment includes corrugated board of different colors, with different coatings and with wave heights from 8 to 114 mm, so any consumer will be able to find the material that is needed.

Chelyabinsk specialized plant "Profnastil"

The company has been operating since 1974 and today specializes in the production of corrugated board. The workshops use Italian, German and Finnish equipment, which allows you to get quality products at affordable prices. The pride of the company is a modern automatic line for applying protective polymer coatings, which becomes the key to the durability of the manufactured sheets.

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Among numerous roof coverings the professional flooring enjoys the greatest popularity. If until recently metal and bituminous tiles were somewhat ahead of it, now, thanks to the most successful combination of quality and cost, corrugated board has confidently come out on top.

Due to the fact that the technology for the production of roofing material is very simple, corrugated board is produced by a huge number of companies, both very well-known and very small. Not all of them are honest, there are those who violate existing regulations. To make the right choice of corrugated board, you should know what criteria are regulated by state standards.

This is one of the most important criteria for choosing a corrugated roof. If its profile meets the regulatory provisions of GOST 24045-94, then you can be sure that the roof will withstand all the calculated loads without problems, its service life will not be less than planned.

GOST 24045-94. Bent steel sheet profiles with trapezoidal corrugations for construction. Specifications.

By what parameters are the technical conditions of the sheet profile controlled?


The state standard classifies profiled sheets according to several parameters. Consumers are advised to buy profiled sheets for the roof only if their characteristics are fully consistent with the existing operating conditions of the building and its architectural features.


Depending on the purpose, sheets can be for roofing, for decking and railings, and only for wall railings.

The first are marked with the letter H, have the highest flexural strength. They have thick sheet steel, they have a high profile, which increases the mechanical bending strength, they are also made of alloy steel, which is characterized by high ductility values ​​and makes it possible to draw profiles with complex geometry without microcracks and loss of original properties.

Sheets for decking and fencing are designated by the letters HC, are used both for covering roofs and for wall fencing. If you buy them for the roof, then you need to know that such material has insufficient strength, to increase the reliability of the roof, you need to reduce the step of the truss system.

Wall profiled sheets are designated by the letter C, they are recommended to be used during the arrangement of fences. They have a low profile and a small thickness.

Some developers, in order to save money, try to use such profiles for roofs, but professionals do not recommend doing this. The fact is that in this case it is necessary to make a continuous crate of OSB, and this is very expensive and inefficient from a material point of view. All savings are leveled, but the risks of critical wetting of the wooden elements of the roof truss system increase. Wet wooden elements create many problems during the operation of the building.

Production material

Profiled sheets should be made of thin-sheet galvanized rolled products GOST 14918 with a zinc coating, having a protective coating with aluminum zinc TU 14-11-247-88, rolled products with aluminosilicon and electrolytic zinc coating. For each type of anti-corrosion coating, its own requirements for the thickness and quality of the layers are set, it is these values ​​that affect the life of the roof from the metal profile.

Prices for corrugated board


Video - Raw materials for the production of corrugated board

Technical data of the decorative coating

Depending on the type of profiled sheets, they can be without decorative surface coating and with such a coating. Paints and varnishes, coating technology and technical parameters must comply with the provisions of GOST 30246.

Rolled thin-sheet rolled products with a protective and decorative paint coating for building structures. Specifications. GOST 30246-94.

If the sheet is made of high-quality materials that meet all the requirements of current technical standards, then it is marked.

For example, H57-750-0.8 AD ML-1202/ML-1203 GOST 24045-94.

The legend indicates that this is a roofing sheet with a profile height of 57 mm, a width of 750 mm and a metal thickness of 0.8 mm.

Keep in mind that the indicated metal thickness is given without protective and corrosion coatings. Enamel ML-1202 on surface C and enamel ML-1203 on surface D were used for decorative and additional anti-corrosion coating. Products meet the technical requirements of GOST 24045-94. For each batch of goods there must be an official document from the manufacturer with the same marking.

Technical requirements

The metal profile must meet the existing classes of zinc coating in terms of thickness and uniformity of the layer, type of crystallization and mass per square meter. If imported rolled metal is used for the manufacture of coatings, then its quality indicators must not be lower than domestic standards. Particular attention should be paid to this position when buying products from their Chinese or Turkish rolled products. Some domestic manufacturers also cannot fulfill all the provisions of the standard and sell substandard products. The thickness, composition and technology of applying paint and varnish coatings are controlled separately.

Important. Unfortunately, unscrupulous distributors take advantage of the ignorance of buyers and very often sell low-quality sheets at inflated prices. Developers cannot independently check the quality of galvanizing, measure the thickness of the paintwork and find out the composition of dyes. And it is very often impossible to find out the actual data, there are no official documents of compliance with technical requirements, you have to rely on the honesty of the sellers.

What determines the durability and reliability of corrugated roofing

They have loads of different intensity and nature, the better they resist them, the more durable and reliable the coating.


Professionals recommend not buying sheets less than 0.5 mm thick for roofing. The fact is that roofing sheets will always have areas completely devoid of protective anti-corrosion coatings. These are holes for self-tapping screws, cutting points, mechanical damage during installation, etc. These areas are small in area, but they can bring a lot of trouble. The thicker the metal, the more time it can resist the appearance of through corrosion. Of course, the indicators of mechanical bending strength directly depend on the thickness of the sheet, but this parameter can be adjusted in other, cheaper ways. The fact is that in the structure of the price of metal profiles, the cost of steel is approximately 65%.

Profiles are rolled on flat sheets while passing through special machine shafts. For roofing, the height of the profile should be at least 25 mm, the optimum is considered to be within 40–50 mm. The higher the profile, the more ductility the steel should have. Otherwise, critical internal stresses inevitably appear in the stretching areas, and the thickness of the sheet decreases markedly. State standards prescribe for the manufacture of profiled sheets to use only high-quality alloy steels of special grades. This is a rather expensive metal, which significantly increases the cost of roofing production.

It is due to this parameter that the resistance of the profiled sheet to bending increases. Accordingly, it is possible to increase the distance between the laths of the crate and thereby slightly reduce the estimated cost of the roof. But experienced roofers do not advise to increase the step of the crate too much, let it be better to have a margin of safety. The roof must not be operated beyond the maximum allowable load. Most often, a profile with a height of 20 mm is bought for roofs, this is at the limit of possibilities. A roof with a profile height of 30-40 mm is operated much more reliably. As for geometry, modern types of corrugated board have additional grooves for condensate drainage. Additional grooves do not have a noticeable effect on performance, due to this technology, companies have the opportunity to increase the cost of their products, while there is no need to make any investments in production technology.

The weight of a square meter of a profile, depending on the thickness of the sheet, ranges from 5–7 kg. For a roof with a total area of ​​100 m2, the difference can be approximately 200 kg. Such loads are considered negligible and are not taken into account during the calculation of the truss system.

It must be borne in mind that all of the listed characteristics can deteriorate much if the laying technology is violated. Even the most expensive profiled sheets will have leaks, they do not appear due to their physical wear or mechanical damage. The cause of the problems is incorrect overlap, errors during sheet fixing, careless attitude to building codes and regulations.

Characteristics of decorative coatings

Modern paints have a significant impact not only on design, but also on operational properties - they protect the zinc layer from oxidation and scratches. The highest quality topcoats can increase the life of roofs by about 20-25%. What types of paints are used to cover the outer surfaces of profiled sheets?


The most popular protective coating among users. The reason is good performance at a relatively low price. The surface can be matte or glossy. Suitable for all climatic zones, not afraid of heating and low temperatures. Does not fade under the influence of sunlight. The coating is plastic, not afraid of bending, has excellent adhesion to metal surfaces. The thickness of the paint layer is at least 35 microns. The disadvantage is low mechanical strength, it is easily scratched, the lower layers of the protective anti-corrosion coating open.


The thickness of the paint is 50 microns, the composition is modified with polyamide in order to increase physical strength. It retains its original characteristics when heated to a temperature of +120°C. The disadvantage is that sharp bends are not recommended. Microcracks may appear in these places, over time they tend to expand. It is used quite often, at a cost slightly more expensive than polyester.


The thickness of the coating, depending on the type of metal profile, can be 200 microns, due to which the surface is embossed. The coating is very resistant to mechanical damage, has special additives that protect against the negative effects of UV rays.


The most modern, high-quality and expensive coating. It is rarely used for metal profiles due to the high cost. Coating thickness up to 30 microns. The composition includes 20% acrylic and 80% polyvinyl chloride. Practically does not react to ultra-violet radiation. It tolerates high temperatures of heating and cooling. It is characterized by the highest mechanical strength, has good ductility.

Color influence

When choosing the type of paint and varnish coatings, you need to pay attention to their color. It should correspond to the architectural style of the building and look harmoniously with adjacent structures. Depending on the country where the manufacturer is located, the color scheme of roofing can be systematized according to RR, RAL and HTS standards. We most often use the RAL system, it has the most easy-to-remember designation and takes into account a large number of colors.

Each coating is indicated by a four-digit code, in total there are more than a thousand options in the palette, but in practice profiled sheets have about ten varieties. The rest are almost never used, in housing construction there is no need to use such a wide variety of color schemes.

  1. Appointment of professional sheets. The ideal option is to choose a material with the letter H, these sheets have the highest bending strength.

    If there is a desire to buy universal roofs of the HC type, then the slope angle cannot be less than 35 °. Otherwise, there is a possibility of formation of critical deflections or fractures. The risks increase if the rafter system and the crate do not take into account wind and snow loads, the structure is not resistant to dynamic and static loads.

  2. Profile height and sheet thickness. The smaller the angle of inclination of the slopes, the thicker the sheet metal should be and the higher its profile. On shed roofs with an angle of inclination of ≈20°, the thickness of the metal is at least 0.5 mm, the height of the profile is more than 30 mm.

    You need to know that if the thickness of the metal has a great influence on the price of the roof, then the height of the profile increases the cost slightly, but the strength increases markedly. It is recommended to test the sheet for bending before installation, estimate its weight. But only professionals can do such a quality check, they have experience comparing different types of profiled sheets.

  3. Name of manufacturers. You should not pay attention to the guarantee, in practice there have not yet been recorded cases of appealing to the judiciary with claims against manufacturers due to the appearance of leaks in the roof. Companies will always be able to find any violations during installation, point out the wrong choice of sheet type depending on the climatic conditions of the location of the structure, etc. In addition, most stores that sold building materials will no longer exist in 20-30 years, will not to whom will file material claims.

Visual determination of the best corrugated roof

It is advisable to go to the store with an experienced proven builder, he often has to meet with various types of corrugated board, which allows you to quickly distinguish counterfeit goods from high-quality ones.

What details should be paid attention to?

  1. On the reverse side of the sheet there should be a designation of the type of profile. Such designations are not applied by sheet steel suppliers, but by coating manufacturers. On bending machines there is a special apparatus for marking with resistant paints. The absence of designations indicates outdated production lines or a reluctance to indicate product data and contact details of the manufacturer. In both cases, this should alert potential buyers.

  2. The surface of the sheets should be inspected. They may or may not have a special protective film. Many consumers, in order to save money, order sheets without a protective film.

    If there are deep scratches, dents, dirt, etc. on the surface, this indicates a low production discipline at the enterprise, unprofessional employees, faulty bending lines and violations of the recommended manufacturing technology. Damage can occur during production, storage and transport.

    Particular attention should be paid to the presence of foreign inclusions on the surface of the paintwork. A metal profile with such defects is categorically not recommended for use. A poor-quality finish indicates that the rolled sheets were prepared at unlicensed enterprises, but in China or Turkey. European goods never have the above described defects.

  3. Try to bend the profile with your fingers. The appearance of a bend line even at large radii indicates a low quality of the metal. The profile is made not from expensive alloy steels, but from the cheapest structural ones. Their physical and operational characteristics are insufficient for use as roofing materials.

  4. Price. This setting should be treated very carefully. If earlier low-quality profiled sheets were sold only at very low prices, then at present there is no such obvious difference. Unscrupulous sellers know that domestic buyers automatically consider expensive professional sheets to be of high quality and set high prices on purpose. If the goods are expensive, then all documents on quality compliance, designations, addresses and company names are always present, this is an additional advertisement for responsible manufacturers, they always designate their products.

Important. Always try to match the color of the protected areas of the sheets with the exposed areas. If there is a large difference in color shades, then this is direct evidence of low quality.


It is best to buy goods from manufacturers, and not from intermediaries, they have all the accompanying documents that allow you to objectively evaluate the actual quality of the roof. Today this is no problem. There is a convenient delivery system, it is possible not only to choose the appropriate version of the metal profile, but also to get professional advice on how to use it.

Most major manufacturers provide services for. For this, special departments with professional employees are created. They have extensive practical experience in solving various problems that arise during the production of works. No theoretical articles can provide for all situations that arise in practice. Experienced roofers are able to independently make the only right decisions in each case. The advice of such masters helps developers avoid annoying mistakes.

You should never be guided only by price when choosing a coating. The roof is a very important architectural element of any structure; not only durability, but also the comfort of living and safety of operation depend on its reliability. It is not recommended to build a cheap roof, repair work will always cost much more than saving on the quality of building materials.

Prices for metal tiles

metal tile

If you have already chosen corrugated board, it's time to do the calculations. It is important to correctly calculate the amount of corrugated board on the roof so that you do not have to buy additional material or there is not too much left over. You can learn how to do calculations. And it is easy to find out the required amount of materials for the crate using our construction calculator.

Which profile to choose

To make the galvanized steel roofing sheet more rigid, the manufacturers decided to profile it. So a new material appeared, which occupied its niche in the construction industry. What is this material? Where is it used, what are its advantages, and what is the cost of a profiled sheet? More about all this.

First of all, you need to know that this material has several names - professional sheet, corrugated board, corrugated sheet. In our country, it began to be produced in the 70s of the last century. The scope of its application is the roofs and walls of hangars, workshops, pavilions, country houses and cottages, as well as fences. At present, the service life of a galvanized sheet has increased significantly due to polymer coatings.

Advantages and disadvantages of a profiled sheet

Since the profiled sheet is a facing building material, due to its specificity, it has a number of positive qualities:

  1. The profiled sheet coating is not subject to corrosion, and it is not afraid of adverse weather conditions.
  2. The sheet is durable and has increased mechanical strength.
  3. He has a low weight.
  4. The material is aesthetic, represented by a variety of shapes, colors and sizes.
  5. It has good performance characteristics.
  6. Differs in simple and fast installation.
  7. It is possible to manufacture sheet with certain polymer coatings.
  8. The cost of profiled sheet is low.

There are also disadvantages, but they are minor. There are only two of them. The galvanized profiled sheet has the so-called "drum effect", that is, the ability to amplify the sound.

But developers have learned to deal with it, using mineral wool as a heat-insulating material on roofs. It to some extent muffles the blows of rain or hail on the roof.

Another disadvantage is that if the protective layer is damaged, there is a risk of corrosion. But this is also solved by using special tools - polymeric coloring compositions, which should be purchased simultaneously with the purchase of a profiled sheet. This makes it easier to match the paint color to the base material.

Types of profiled sheet

The classification of the profiled sheet is based on the source material. The manufacturer, producing it, is obliged to mark the products depending on the width and height of the wave.

By appointment, the sheet may be marked with the following:

  • C - this view is designed for fences and walls. It has a small wave height, and if you lay it on the roof, there will be a risk of leaks. After all, the low height of the corrugations will allow water to flow during the rain, especially if it rains with the wind.
  • H is a roofing material. Adequate wave height, capillary groove for moisture wicking and increased load-bearing capacity make this sheet ideal for such applications. In addition, its usable area is smaller than that of a wall sheet, which is important in regions with large snow loads. In addition to the listed purposes of the material, it is quite often used as a fixed formwork when constructing monolithic ceilings. In this case, the corrugations perform the function of additional reinforcement of the structure.
  • HC - a universal sheet designed for wall fencing, roofing, fences and partitions.

Roofing galvanized corrugated board

Depending on the type of profiled sheet coating, construction industry enterprises produce corrugated board:

  • Galvanized. The cost of this type of material is low, but it is short-lived due to the rapid appearance of corrosive processes. And because of the low price, it is used for temporary fences and structures.
  • Coated with aluminium-zinc. The base is not finished with a polymer composition. The price of the material is low, it has a beautiful appearance and is stronger than galvanized sheet.
  • Coated with polyester. The most demanded type of profiled sheet. Thanks to the wide range of colors, developers create a specific design style for their site.
  • Coated with pural or plastisol. This is the most expensive type of product, because the added components and the polymerization process of the metal sheet are much more expensive than conventional galvanizing.

The polymer coating has a wide range of colors, and the buyer can always choose one or another color of the material, and if it is not available, order the desired tone.

Types of sheet by type of protective layer

Polymer coated corrugated board

On the basis of the presence of a protective layer, there is a profiled sheet with and without a polymer coating.

Such sheets in their appearance resemble a layer cake with the following filling:

  • steel sheet;
  • galvanized protective layer;
  • passivating layer;
  • primer;
  • polymer coating.

Polymers used as coatings:

  • acrylic;
  • polyester;
  • polyurethane;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polyvinylidene fluoride;
  • plastisol;
  • pural.

Such profiled sheets are used as partitions, walls, fences and roofing material with different angles of roof slope. It is rare that a construction site is complete without a galvanized sheet. Its use for low-rise buildings, kiosks, shops and gas stations has made corrugated board an indispensable material.

If the surface of the sheet does not have a polymer coating, then its price is quite small, and it is used for temporary structures, which are subsequently quickly dismantled. For example, for fencing an object under construction.

Different types of corrugated board in shape and size

Wall decking

Decking is a metal sheet that has been galvanized. It is produced by cold rolling on mills, after which the output is a corrugated sheet. According to its design, the corrugation can have a different shape and height. Manufacturers offer material with the following types of profile:

  • trapezoidal;
  • sinusoidal;
  • rounded or wavy.

The sheet profile obtained during cold rolling gives the material the necessary structural rigidity, which is very economical with a small sheet thickness. Its main advantage is resistance to static and dynamic loads.

The future profile is formed by a special press in the form of rollers of the desired shape. A smooth sheet, which is supplied from metallurgical plants in rolls, passing through a rolling mill, receives recesses of the desired shape. Further, a guillotine is installed on the production line, which cuts the desired size. Therefore, you can always purchase the required sheet length without building up several elements on the roof. And this is very valuable, especially for the roofing profiled sheet.

It is also possible to produce curved or arched profiles. This allows you to create curved products for cornices or roof ridges. A wide selection makes it possible to find exactly the profile that is needed in a particular case..


Now you know what corrugated board is, and what kind of profiled sheet is better to use for certain structures. So, if you are interested in the speedy erection of a structure or building, you can decide on the choice of this building material. Moreover, the price of a profiled sheet is low, and you can freely buy it at any store or directly from the manufacturer.
