Finishing materials for interior walls: types and characteristics. How to sheathe the walls in the country house inside inexpensively, keep the style and clean ecology indoors How can you decorate the walls of the house

Finishing the walls of a private house begins with the selection of suitable materials. When buying, you need to pay attention to such nuances as the type of coating chosen, texture, installation method, performance, as well as the characteristics of the building itself.

The current materials for interior wall decoration, or rather their variety in the construction market, is simply amazing. Just think, if 10 years ago the main types of decoration were painting, wallpapering and lime treatment, today there are a huge variety of finishing materials. Moreover, they are divided into certain subcategories, in particular, there are materials whose use is justified exclusively in private homes. Here we will consider them in more detail.

Let's start with the fact that all finishing materials can be divided into:

  • rack;
  • roll;
  • paint and varnish;
  • tiled;
  • plastering.

The difference between them lies not only in the final result, but also in the method of application, cost, necessary preliminary preparation, etc. In addition, some finishing materials are better suited for wooden surfaces, while others will be an excellent option for renovating a brick house.

Rack materials

When choosing a finish, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors at once, including the type of building being repaired. If we are talking about a small country house, used mainly in the warm season, then slatted materials for wall decoration will be an ideal option. Also, a similar option is widely used in frame construction. Among the advantages of slatted finishes, one can single out the possibility of quick repairs, as well as the absence of the need to prepare the base for the coating.

Slatted materials are presented on the market in a wide variety and wide price range and are an excellent option for finishing a country house.

Rack materials include:

  1. Wooden lining is an environmentally friendly, durable and aesthetic finishing material. At the moment, there are a number of subspecies of wooden lining, such as, for example, an American, eurolining, or an imitation of timber, which is gaining popularity. At the same time, it can be used for wall cladding in various temperature conditions. One of the disadvantages of such house cladding is that wooden lining is quite expensive, but its advantages fully compensate for the money spent.
  2. PVC panels are one of the cheapest options for cladding the walls of a house, another name for which is plastic lining. Among the advantages of such a coating, one can single out its low cost and ease of installation. In addition, plastic lining is easy to clean and looks presentable on the surface. However, experts do not advise installing lining in living rooms, calling it one of the worst options for finishing. The fact is that it is not only quite fragile, but also unsafe for health. The maximum where it can be used is in outbuildings or rarely used premises. Also, one of the acceptable options for the use of PVC panels is the design of ceilings.
  3. MDF panels are a fairly durable finishing material. They belong to cheap finishes and are quite suitable for repairing a country house.

Roll finishing materials

Roll materials for wall decoration, namely wallpaper - can be called one of the most used in the design of private houses and apartments. Cheapness, ease of installation, a large selection of colors and textures - all this still attracts the attention of those who have ever thought about repairing them. However, progress does not stand still and today the construction market has modern variations of rolled finishing materials that are much more suitable for wall decoration in a private house than the usual paper wallpapers:

paints and varnishes

Paint is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to decorate walls. At the moment, there are many modern variations of paints and varnishes, differing in the type of application, property, as well as the final appearance. One thing remains unchanged - the so-called "fluid" compositions, which, after being applied to the surface, form a film, belong to the paint and varnish finish.

Painting is the easiest and most inexpensive way to decorate the walls in the house.
  1. Acrylic paint is one of the most common types of paints and varnishes. Finishing with it looks quite aesthetically pleasing and is highly durable, as well as resistant to moisture. However, when applying such a finish, you should pay attention to the material from which the walls of the house are made, since acrylic does not “breathe”.
  2. Silicone paints are durable, breathable coatings that do not require pre-preparation of the surface, provided that the width of the existing damage is less than 2 mm. Among the shortcomings of such a material, its high cost can be distinguished.
  3. Silicate paints are one of the most durable finishing coatings, which is why this option is used in rooms with increased operational loads. The disadvantages of such a finish include the requirement for careful preliminary surface preparation.

Decorative plaster

Another commonly used material for wall decoration in the house is decorative plaster. The advantage of this material lies in the fact that for its installation practically no surface preparation is required. In addition, there are many modern variations of such coatings, which allows you to choose the finish that is optimal in terms of properties and appearance for each specific case.

  1. Textured plasters - unlike standard types of plaster, such mixtures are used as a finishing, decorative coating. There are several types of textured plasters, the most famous of which are a fur coat, Venetian plaster and bark beetle, the main difference between them is the texture of the already hardened coating. Of the minuses of such finishing materials, one can note the high cost of both the materials themselves and the work.
  2. Liquid wallpaper - despite the name, it is difficult to attribute to wallpaper in their classical sense, this type of finish is often equated with decorative plasters. It is a liquid mixture made from natural materials such as cotton, silk and cellulose, which is applied to the wall using special tools. Of the advantages of liquid wallpaper, it is worth highlighting their environmental friendliness, ease of installation, strength, as well as the possibility of repairing individual sections of the coating. True, and such a finish will cost a lot.

Liquid wallpaper is a great alternative to their paper counterparts, they have many advantages and will perfectly fit into the interior of a private house.

Other materials

In addition to all of the above options, you should also pay attention to the following, gaining popularity, types of home decoration:

  • Tiles - speaking of wall decoration, one cannot help but think of tiles. Aesthetic and sufficiently durable facing material is very easy to maintain and affordable. At the same time, the current variety of design variations allows you to choose an option for any interior.
  • Natural stone is an expensive, very durable and quite specific coating, which must be used with caution. Experts advise decorating certain areas of the interior with natural stone for a more aesthetic appearance, since the walls completely finished with it look very cumbersome.
  • Artificial stone is a great option for wall cladding. Durable, low-maintenance faux stone makes a great themed decor for kitchens, hallways and living spaces. At the same time, this material is produced in various design variations, so that such a finish will perfectly complement any interior.

The variety inside the house will satisfy even the most demanding buyer. However, in order to make the right choice, it is necessary to focus not only on the desired result and aesthetics of the finish, but also on the features of the building in which the repair is being carried out.

A cozy atmosphere in a country house is the key to a comfortable pastime away from the noisy city. In building favorable conditions for recreation not the last role is played by the interior decoration of the walls of suburban housing, which can be done in various ways.

At the same time, not all owners can afford the purchase of expensive materials in order to put the dacha in order, which encourages them to look for more cost effective solutions.

Wall decoration options

Construction market full of various offers, forcing the modern consumer to pretty much break his head over the choice of finishing material.

Some people choose in the simplest and most affordable ways, which are suitable for finishing an old country house, as well as new houses, which will be discussed below.


To implement this finishing option different types of paints can be used(see photo), among which water-based and acrylic materials are the most common.

The advantages of this finishing method:

  • painting is a very simple procedure that does not require special skills and tools;
  • the painted surface can be easily repainted in a different color if necessary;
  • an immense selection of colors and shades;
  • ease of cleaning and disinfection.

Now for the disadvantages:

  • before painting, the walls require careful preparation, since if there is a rough surface, the paint will lie in an uneven layer, which will eventually lead to the formation of delaminations;
  • the painted surface needs systematic wet cleaning;


Installation of drywall will allow not only perfectly align the walls indoors, but also lay heat-insulating material between the sheets and the main wall, if necessary.

Advantages of using drywall:

  • quick and easy installation;
  • the ability to build structures of any complexity;
  • drywall makes it easy to disguise wiring and various communications;
  • the possibility of finishing with various finish coatings.


  • the useful area of ​​the room is reduced;
  • low resistance to mechanical stress;
  • the need for additional puttying of seams and joints after installation, as well as puttying the material over the entire area;
  • drywall is afraid of high humidity, which negatively affects the life of the material.


This finishing method often used in the old days and now it has been reborn. Both natural textiles and artificial materials are used to cover the walls.

Textile fixed in various ways: glued like ordinary wallpaper, stretched over pre-built wooden frames, which are then installed on the wall, fixed to the wooden wall with a stapler.

Advantages of the method:

  • there is no need to level the walls (except when the fabric is glued instead of wallpaper);
  • resistance to various mechanical damage - textiles simply stretch under load, without being torn and cracked;
  • the room acquires a special chic, thanks to the texture of the material;
  • Wall fabrics are available in a wide range, so there are many options to choose from, as well as the ability to combine the material with curtains and bed linen.


  • the fabric absorbs a large amount of dust, so the material must be vacuumed regularly;
  • textiles quickly lose their appearance, easily get dirty and overwritten.


A traditional option that provides the modern consumer a wider range of possibilities than in the old days.

Available for purchase today not only paper wallpaper, but also vinyl, duplex, non-woven, textile and other types of materials.

Benefits of wallpapering:

  • walls require less thorough preparation, in contrast to the same painting, in which it is necessary to repair even the smallest cracks and irregularities;
  • a large selection of materials of various types;
  • the ability to independently carry out finishing work with minimal skills.


  • the need to replace wallpaper (except liquid) after 5-7 years, as they quickly lose their appearance;
  • susceptibility to mechanical damage;
  • difficulties with the removal of contaminants, even when it comes to washable wallpaper.

Wall panels

Wall panels - products designed for decorative wall decoration. Can be made from various materials(chipboard, fiberboard, PVC, wood) and various shapes - in the form of plates, sheets and slats.

They are mounted like drywall on a frame, which in this case can be either steel or wood.

Panel advantages:

  • relatively simple installation;
  • the possibility of equipping the wall with sound insulation, which is laid behind the panels;
  • no need to level the walls before installation;
  • the possibility of dismantling the panels for their use in another place.

The disadvantage of this method of finishing is downsizing the room, since the crate on which the panels are installed takes up a lot of space.

How to choose the right material?

When choosing a material, be sure to take into account, from which the walls are made, which are to be finished.

For finishing the brick walls of a country house, the most suitable material is wet plaster, given the fact that in winter the room will not be heated. Therefore, other materials (such as, for example, drywall or wallpaper) can quickly become unusable on a cold brick wall.

For finishing walls made of aerated concrete, it is best to use both plaster and finishing with frame materials (drywall, lining). One has only to take into account that for aerated concrete, due to its characteristics, gypsum plaster works best. If the building is located in an area with a harsh climate, then a layer of thermal insulation will need to be laid under the drywall.

A distinctive property of foam concrete is gyroscopicity (the ability to absorb moisture), therefore, for interior decoration of walls made of foam blocks it is better to use a vapor-proof material.

A frame house is best finished from the inside using OSB boards - one of the best options. The plate reinforces the rigidity of the frame and improves moisture-proof and heat-insulating properties buildings. Both wallpaper and paint can be used as a finish.

Glued timber walls. Despite the fact that the walls are made of timber, as well as a log house and a log house themselves have a very aesthetic appearance, some still resort to additional finishing. Often this is due to the desire to insulate the structure.

Here, the same drywall or wall panels come to the rescue, allowing to hide heat-insulating material under decorative cladding.

Walls made of logs in a wooden structure. In this case, for lovers of natural wood, the method is suitable clear varnished wooden walls.

For those who are not impressed with this option, there are other methods for decorating the walls of a wooden house, among which the most common are:

  • lining with PVC panels or plates;
  • siding finishing;
  • installation of wooden lining or block house.

However, it is worth noting that the last two options can hardly be called budget.

Decorating a house inside under a tree with your own hands

One of the original finishes that allow you to give the walls the look of natural wood - use of special wood wallpaper, which are made from various types of wood.

According to the method of installation, they are practically no different from ordinary wallpaper, requiring only the use of a special adhesive mass. But not everyone can afford such pleasure.

A more popular way to finish a house under a tree is to install a block house, this option will cost you cheap and has an aesthetic appearance.

Before installing it, you must keep the material indoors for 2 days. During this time, you can prepare the wall - if it is not even, it should be leveled with plaster. After that, a wooden frame is constructed from the bars for installing a block house.

Installation of the block house is carried out from the floor to the ceiling, in the process the material is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws, screwing them into the base of the spike, which is equipped with each individual element of the product. The block house boards are interconnected according to the tenon-to-groove principle.

Upon completion of installation work, the surface can be coated with a transparent varnish or varnish with a stain.

Finishing the house inside the block house: video lesson.

A few decades ago, there was almost no need to think about how to finish the walls. There was practically only one option: ordinary paper wallpapers. I only had to think about the colors, which, of course, expanded the choice.

Modern wall decoration looks different. Firstly, wallpapers have expanded their list of species. Secondly, besides them, there are many other options. Therefore, during the repair, many people face the question: how to decorate your room? And behind it a number of others appear: what kind of decoration would be appropriate in this particular room? What can be afforded with the available funds? What are the pros and cons of this or that type of decorative wall decoration? We will try to deal with all these questions further.

Options for interior decoration

So, how can you decorate the walls of your room, bedroom and other rooms? The first thing that comes to mind is that everyone has long been accustomed to. Almost immediately I remember, which almost everyone has the walls of bathrooms and kitchens lined with. And then, in many cases, this list ends: new materials did not have time to gain huge popularity for everyone to immediately list them. And, meanwhile, there are a lot of options for wall decoration. Here is some of them:

As you can see, there are enough materials for interior wall decoration. Each of these types has its own characteristics (in installation / application, operation, interior, etc.), as well as pros and cons. About all this - below.


This material, which appeared several centuries ago, has practically had no analogues in recent decades. True, they themselves also did not shine with an assortment. These were paper wallpapers that overlapped on the walls. Many used newspapers during the decoration, which were pasted over the walls before moving on to wallpaper.

The last few years have brought a lot of changes to the wallpaper. So, new putties and primers appeared for preparing the wall, and the finishing material itself began to please with an abundance of options. So, the list of species includes:

This list can be continued with liquid, metallized, natural and other types of wallpaper. And, if we consider each analogue with all the details, you can even write a whole book. For the review, it is enough to briefly talk about the above.


The classics are still at the forefront. This is due to the affordable price and a very large variety. A couple of decades ago, most of the paper wallpapers were single-layer (simplex), now manufacturers produce two- and multi-layer (duplex), embossed, moisture-resistant and even coated. As you can see, even here there is plenty to choose from. Almost everyone is familiar with the pasting technology. Here you do not need to have any special skills; many do not even order masters. The material itself is environmentally friendly, which is important for interior decoration. But the operation of paper wallpaper is short-lived (4-5 years), during repairs they often tear, and burn out under intense exposure to sunlight.


These wallpapers have two layers: paper or interlining acts as the main one, and the second is the vinyl itself. With the help of various technologies, a beautiful and durable decorative material is created. Such wallpapers have a good relationship in price and quality, so they are chosen very often - only paper ones are more popular.

There are also different types:

  • structural without embossing - a fairly durable material that is easy to clean;
  • . The manufacturing technology consists in embossing the relief surface with rollers at high temperatures. Then the material is smoothed (also with rollers), after which a strong roll with a smooth surface is obtained. Using this technology, various original types of vinyl wallpapers are made: for example, silk-screen printing (with the addition of silk thread) creates a presentable design (although such wallpapers require even walls), and with the help of compact vinyl, you can imitate a stone surface, fabric and others.

Vinyl wallpapers are good because they are not afraid of water, do not absorb odors, do not get dirty. But, despite moisture resistance, they should not be glued in bathrooms: if you choose the wrong glue, the finish will move away from the walls. Bedrooms and children's rooms are also not the best place for such wallpapers: on the market you can run into low-quality types that, when heated, can release harmful substances. Therefore, vinyl trim is most often found in corridors and kitchens.


This view also belongs to the duplex view. So, they are two-layer: one is non-woven, the second is a plastic polymer. There are also wallpapers that consist only of layers of non-woven fabric. Unlike vinyl, they can be glued in bedrooms and other rooms, since there are no harmful substances here, especially since only natural materials are used for manufacturing. One of the most important advantages of such wallpapers is the possibility of coloring, and not in one layer. This moment is a little pleasing, since the range of patterns in non-woven wallpaper is small.

Sticking also has one interesting feature: here the glue is applied only to the surface, the wallpaper is applied dry. True, the glue here needs a special one, just for this type. But it is not difficult to care for the finish: since the wallpaper is waterproof, they can be wet cleaned. But, on the other hand, it is not worth finishing the wall in heavily polluted rooms (for example, in the kitchen): in this case, it will be very difficult to wash them.


Much like vinyl. So, their manufacturing technology is the same, only foamed acrylic is applied to the base. This is done not in a continuous, but in a point way, due to which good air permeability is achieved.

The advantages and disadvantages of both wallpapers are also similar, but not identical. So, acrylic finish will be cheaper; in addition, it is stronger and more environmentally friendly, which is why acrylic wallpapers are advised to those who have children or animals. But they need to be washed more carefully than vinyl, although the acrylic finish is also not afraid of moisture. It is important to choose the right rag or sponge: the material must be non-abrasive.


In the manufacture, in addition to the usual interlining, vinyl and other materials, those are also used that are rather strange to see in such a traditional and seemingly familiar finish. Few people have heard, for example, about wallpaper using glass, metal or wood. Textiles are also among the original finishes. The basic basis here is the same as in many of the previous cases: paper or interlining. Various types of fabric are applied to it, such as linen, cotton, viscose, velor pile and others. The range of such wallpapers is quite wide (still, there are so many fabrics!), but among this variety there are several interesting types:

  • jute. As a coating, threads, fibers and fabric of jute, an Indian plant, are used. These wall-paper well transfer influence of sunshine and give in to damp cleaning;
  • silk. This is a rather expensive type of textile wallpaper, since silk itself is not cheap. But the result is worth it. True, these wallpapers are prone to fading, so any room will not work here;
  • linen. Thanks to textile linen, the finish serves faithfully for a long time, while not fading in the sun. In addition, it is famous for its bactericidal properties.

With the help of textile wallpaper, you can create a truly beautiful design. In addition, this finish boasts environmental friendliness, soundproofing properties, and durability. But still, fabric wallpapers can be found very rarely: they are expensive, gluing is not easy, and it is troublesome to care for such a finish, because you will have to clean the walls with a vacuum cleaner due to fear of moisture.


Wall painting as a finishing method is gaining popularity today. Why is this approach good? Firstly, the technology of coloring is simple and familiar: if you can find people who did not glue wallpaper, then you will not find those who did not paint in the afternoon with fire. Complex "jambs" are not allowed here, and even those can be corrected. The cost of paints is much less than, for example, plaster or wall panels, which adds another plus to them.

There are such finishes and disadvantages. If for wallpaper it is enough to level the wall, then for painting it is necessary to level, putty and sand. Of course, there is no need to talk about the sound and noise insulation effect.

Types of paints

By composition, colorful materials are divided into:

  • . They include water, a binder and a pigment. After applying the paint, the water evaporates and a polymer film forms on the surface. Finishing advantages: non-toxicity, vapor permeability, fire safety, the possibility of wet cleaning from dirt. Can only be used in a dry room;
  • . One of the most popular types. Thanks to acrylic resins, the composition has strength and elasticity, so the wall painted with it is resistant to wear. As in the previous case, the wall can be washed;
  • . This type of paint is expensive. But it is justified: firstly, applying one thin layer will be enough; secondly, the appearance is so beautiful that there is no need for additional finishing. Latex paints are also wear-resistant and not prone to fading;
  • . The compositions of these paints are porous, which contributes to the rapid evaporation of moisture, and, hence, air exchange. In addition, they can be applied to damp walls, especially since the paint dries quickly on them;
  • . Here silicone is added to the composition, which increases some of the positive properties of the paint. So, with good moisture resistance, the coating is also characterized by vapor permeability. For washing the walls, the use of synthetic detergents is allowed;
  • . Do not confuse these colors with the previous view. In this case, liquid glass is included in the base, thanks to which it adheres well to the wall (one might even say it eats in). Such a surface is not afraid of various microorganisms such as fungus. Also, the paint has good fire resistance, water resistance and vapor permeability. But at least a little elasticity, she can not boast. Therefore, silicate paint is chosen more often for basements or halls, but in rooms it is not particularly used;
  • . The composition includes drying oil (natural or artificial), and pigments. Such paints cannot boast of quick drying and air exchange. In addition, they have a pungent odor, which is why they are used in outdoor work;
  • . The basis of these paints is alkyd resin. While other paints dry due to solvent evaporation, these paints oxidize when exposed to oxygen. At the same time, a sharp and unpleasant odor is emitted. Therefore, despite the positive aspects, alkyd paints, like oil paints, are practically not used for interior wall decoration.

What finishes can be created with paint

Surely, many have now thought about a large selection of colors and shades. But this is far from all that paints are capable of. So, they can imitate velor, silk, marble, granite and other surfaces. Also, various particles (sand, shells, etc.) are added to decorative products, which also allows you to achieve interesting effects. Chameleon paints are perceived differently, depending on the angle of view and lighting; luminescent species are capable of glowing in the dark after a day's "charging". So, as you can see, the original finish with paint is quite real.

What to pay attention to

When buying paint, you need to consider the following criteria:

  • protective properties. For example, in bathrooms, moisture-resistant types should be used, and walls near fire sources should be painted with fireproof paints;
  • transparency. For example, the base is visible through the glazing paint. This is not always desirable;
  • adhesion (or adhesion). The better the material adheres to the surface, the longer it will last.

Decorative plaster

For many, plaster is a repair material designed to level walls. Today there is another type used as a finish. True, you will rarely meet her in apartments yet: a massive transition from wallpaper to other materials has not yet been observed; yes, and it's not cheap. Although this main disadvantage is compensated by the advantages in application and the result. Here is some of them:

  • many types of plasters are easy to apply. Therefore, it is not always necessary to invite specialists;
  • due to the applied layer, a certain level of thermal and noise insulation is achieved, which cannot be achieved either with the help of wallpaper, or, even more so, with paints;
  • great decorative possibilities: with the help of plaster, you can imitate sand, stone, wood, marble and much more;
  • the plaster coating has good strength, which, of course, the same wallpaper cannot boast of;
  • replacement of the coating is carried out quite rarely. Some types can last for many decades.

The negative side of decorative plaster lies not only in the price, but also in the repair of walls. Cleaning the surface from the finish is quite troublesome, and even level it with new material.

Types of decorative plaster according to the method of preparation

Decorative plasters are sold in two types (from the standpoint of readiness). The first - ready for application; They are packaged in buckets, which is also convenient. The second is dry mixes that need to be prepared. Many buyers are faced with the question of what kind of plaster to choose.

Ready mixes are good because they can be applied after opening the bucket. There is no need to rush here, it is also not necessary to spend all the material, since the products have an expiration date. But from the dry compositions, the mixture must be prepared by mixing with water. You need to do it right. So, you need to prepare the amount of material that will be used. The water must be heated to the required temperature, otherwise the mixture may be spoiled. It is necessary to add the powder to the water (and not vice versa), while stirring - for example, with a construction mixer. In addition, you need to follow a number of cooking rules: water must be clean; without any precipitation and other things; you need to mix until the lumps are completely destroyed; after that, you need to leave the mixture for a few minutes, closing the lid and then mix again. Yes, and you need to apply the finished plaster quickly, because after a while it hardens and becomes unusable. And, most importantly, you need to carefully read the instructions, since everything is important here - from the proportions of the powder and water to the "viability" of the prepared composition.

It would seem that the finished mixture is better from all sides. But it is not. For starters, it costs more. In addition, its shelf life is not as long as that of dry formulations before they are prepared. Therefore, if it is possible to properly prepare and apply such plaster, there is an opportunity to save money.

Differences in composition

According to this criterion, decorative plasters are divided into:

  • mineral. The cheapest option. It is produced in a dry form, so you will have to cook before applying (as described above). If the white color does not suit you, you will have to resort to staining after finishing. The advantages include vapor permeability and the ability to wash with water. But the service life of such a finish is relatively short (about 10 years), and the fear of mechanical damage can reduce this figure;
  • acrylic. With the help of acrylic resin added to the composition, manufacturers achieve material plasticity, high adhesion and water-repellent properties. Alas, plaster is flammable; therefore, for example, it is not worth trimming a wall with it near fireplaces. The material is applied easily, but when buying, you need to pay attention to the date: if the period is coming to an end, it is better not to take a bucket, because it will be difficult to work with the composition;
  • silicone. The best option, except for the price. Elastic, vapor-permeable, durable, it is also easy to clean. So, the facades are cleaned simply by the past rain. Another nuance is the need for a special primer, also silicone. But, if there are means, the result is worth it;
  • silicate. Such plaster also has a number of advantages: strength, water repellency, ease of maintenance, etc. But due to the release of harmful substances, it is rarely used indoors. It is also not easy to apply: due to the quick setting, a certain skill is required.

Classification by type of filler

A long list can be provided here. But for this it is easier to single out a separate review; in addition, many of the species (for example, flock or mosaic) are not so common. Therefore, we restrict ourselves to the most popular options. They include such plasters as:

  • . It contains grains, thanks to which quite beautiful effects are achieved. The most popular are "fur coat", "lamb" and "bark beetle";
  • . These compositions have various additives such as wood fibers or pebbles. Textured plasters allow you to imitate a surface like wood, stone, velvet, etc. Often used in various offices, but also look great in apartments;
  • . Very expensive, but quite original mixture. It was invented over two thousand years ago by mixing marble remains (such as dust) with water. The main component has not changed today. The Venetian plastered walls look like real marble. In addition, if the room is well lit, an inner glow effect can be observed. To the price of plaster, you need to add the cost of the services of a master, and not just anyone, but someone who has experience working with Venetian plaster, since others cannot finish the walls with it.

Wall panels

Very good decision in many questions. So, many types of panels (for example, wood or metal) have good strength. In addition, they are installed in two ways: on glue (liquid nails) or on the frame. The first method is reminiscent of wallpapering a wall; in this case, the surface should be even and not suffer from moisture. But the option with a frame is more practical. The fact is that in this way you can hide various wires and pipes under the finish. In addition, insulation can be laid in the space between the panels and the wall. Therefore, the achieved heat and noise insulation cannot be compared with the indicators that wallpaper, paints and plasters give.

The panels also have another side. So, many species are quite expensive. If frame fastening is provided, you must either have the necessary skills (for example, to assemble the crate), or contact specialists. In addition, the frame occupies a certain place, which negatively affects oversized rooms.

Ordinary or 3D

In addition to flat panels, you can purchase on the construction market, that is, convex. Their plus lies in the originality and originality of the design that they create. You can easily verify this - you just have to look on the Internet for pictures of panels with convex patterns.

But there is such a finish and the reverse side. So, they steal even more space than usual. Therefore, such a finish is justified only in large rooms. In addition, dust accumulates on the forms, which makes cleaning more frequent. It is also believed that such patterns can overwork; to avoid this, it is recommended to finish only part of the room.

Material for manufacturing

Wall panels are made from many materials.

  • . Good for bathrooms and kitchens. Fire resistance, durability and beautiful appearance. The trim glass is tempered, which prevents pieces of broken trim from hurting anyone. But glass wall decoration is so expensive that often a small part of the room is finished with these panels - for example, the area near the stove in the kitchen; lining, but it has become so popular that it is considered as a separate type of decoration;
  • . A great option for those who do not have large funds. They are also very easy to wash, because plastic is not afraid of water or many substances. A big disadvantage of such panels is fragility: a small blow can crack. Therefore, it is important to buy spare parts. By the way, this applies to all types of panels;
  • . Pretty common option. If the glass or wood is not stained, the plaster finish can be changed in this way. It is with such panels that you can create a seamless coating: the joints are simply covered with plaster. But for wet rooms, such a finish is not suitable. More precisely, not quite: there are types of gypsum panels that (due to special processing) are not afraid of moisture;
  • . Like glass, they are used near stoves in kitchens; also aluminum finish is suitable for those who have a fireplace. It is easy to wash such a finish: the metal lends itself to lamination, so it is not afraid of moisture. But, like glass, metal panels have a serious drawback: the price. Therefore, they also get off small areas.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for interior wall decoration. Each of them has its strengths and weaknesses. In addition, a lot depends on the room itself. For example, in offices, fabric wallpapers will simply be useless; but wooden wall panels can create a presentable look. Venetian decorative plaster is perfect for hotel lobbies and restaurant halls. But in apartments, you can use almost all options, although the room also plays a role here. So, bedrooms and living rooms can be plastered, and the bathroom can be finished with plastic wall panels. It remains to be hoped that everyone will be able to choose for themselves what they need - for the price, appearance and practicality.

Interior decoration is an important part and the final stage in the construction of a country house. Many do not think about it during the construction of the foundation and the installation of a log house, the installation of communication systems. But when the house is already under the roof, engineering networks are carried out, the question arises of how to finish the wooden house inside. Finishing “to zero” is far from suitable for everyone, and it also requires special treatment of walls with paints and varnishes. In addition, the house with such decoration looks empty and uncomfortable.

I want the materials to be durable, reliable, but at the same time inexpensive. And the interior as a result turned out to be cozy, comfortable and attractive. In addition, when arranging a wooden house, it is important that the products are environmentally friendly, preserve the naturalness of the structure and maintain a comfortable microclimate inside the premises. Today the market offers a lot of finishing materials. In this article, we will look at how to sheathe the walls in a wooden house inside inexpensively and beautifully.

Features of the choice of finishing materials

  • Pay attention to labeling. The designation E1 says that building materials are intended for residential premises, E2 - for the hallway, kitchen, toilet, utility rooms, E3 - for public and industrial premises;
  • If you use wood finishing materials, you can choose a class and quality worse than required. After that, modify the products and bring them into an aesthetic appearance on their own. For example, sand and sand, varnish and / or paint, impregnate with protective compounds, trim if necessary. Thus, you will spend less money than when buying high-class materials;
  • For rooms with high humidity (bathroom and toilet, balcony, basement, cellar, etc.), choose moisture-resistant materials. If you use wooden products, be sure to treat the products with protective agents against the negative effects of moisture, rot and mold;
  • Choose eco-friendly natural materials for arranging a wooden house. In such a structure, plastic double-glazed windows or panels will look inappropriate. They will violate the environmental friendliness of the house, bring disharmony and only spoil the interior;
  • Choose durable, reliable materials and do not forget about the quality of the finishing work. Remember that a wooden frame gradually shrinks, which can lead to cracks. Think over this moment in advance so as not to make repairs every 3-5 years and not to change the damaged skin.

Can not use

Before determining how to sheathe a wooden house from the inside, we will analyze what materials will not work. When finishing, you need to abandon plastic panels and linoleum. Such products are characterized by availability and cost-effectiveness, high resistance to moisture and a wide choice of colors, easy installation. However, the advantages of PVC cover the artificiality and lack of environmental friendliness. They emit a sharp toxic odor when heated, collect dust, let air and steam through.

Linoleum is a popular flooring available, but is not recommended for wood floors. It is not environmentally friendly and requires careful preparation of the base, since the material can only be laid on a flat surface. In addition, in a wooden house, it does not look very appropriate. In rare cases, linoleum can be laid in utility rooms or the basement. However, even there it is better to lay the usual wooden boards.

OSB, fiberboard or chipboard panels are also not suitable, since harmful industrial glue is used in the manufacture of materials. In addition, these are the most non-environmentally friendly products that are made from wood waste. They do not have a very aesthetic appearance, so such materials are more often used for rough finishes. In particular, it is not recommended to use laminate for flooring. It is not resistant to moisture, slippery and cold.

MDF wall panels are a foreign analogue of fiberboard, which is more environmentally friendly, since toxic resins and enzymes are not used when gluing individual elements. Such panels are easy to mount directly on the walls. They come in a variety of designs and colors. However, they are not at all resistant to high humidity and wear.

The panels listed above are not strong enough and are not resistant to moisture. In addition, they are fire hazardous and are characterized by a not very attractive appearance. When sheathed with such panels, the room looks more like an office or office than a living room.

But what then to choose and what is the best way to sheathe the walls inside a wooden house? A suitable option would be natural wood materials with a protective impregnation. It can be planed and polished boards, lining, veneer and other similar products. Let's take a closer look at what materials it is better to finish a country house from a bar or log.

Wooden finishing materials

Immediately, we note that the most suitable option would be a wooden lining. This is an affordable material with an attractive appearance, environmentally friendly and natural, easy to install and maintain. Thin slats are used for both ceilings and walls. If you want to create the effect of a log house, choose a block house that imitates a log. One surface of the block house is semi-circular and the other is flat.

Lining - the best combination of price, quality, appearance and environmental friendliness. But if you are willing to pay, go for high-end natural wood materials. These are cork panels and solid wood panels.

Cork flooring - modern materials that are distinguished by environmental friendliness, high quality, strength and durability, luxurious appearance. They perfectly tolerate high humidity and are suitable for every type of room. The only, but significant disadvantage is the very high cost.

A massive board or solid wood panels is also an expensive option, but at the same time it is very reliable and of high quality, as it is completely made of elite natural wood. This coating looks expensive, luxurious and prestigious. A solid array, even under heavy loads and high humidity, will easily serve without repair for 30-50 years.

Parquet board is a suitable option for finishing the floor in a wooden house. This is an affordable material that characterizes easy and quick installation. And decorative painting or varnishing will make the appearance of the parquet elegant and aesthetic.

Veneer panels are an excellent budget material that is used to sheathe walls. It is a thin cut of solid wood, which retains the wood pattern, color, texture and structure. For finishing, choose only natural veneer, as it is more durable and reliable.

The veneer has an attractive appearance, is characterized by ease of installation and practicality, good sound and heat insulation, low price. But at the same time, the basis of the material is fiberboard or chipboard, so the material is not 100% environmentally friendly and cannot be used in rooms with high humidity.

Other types of budget materials

Plaster is a traditional option for finishing the ceiling, which is sometimes used for walls. This is an inexpensive and affordable material, easy to use and install. It will give a smooth white surface, but white is not always appropriate in a wooden house. Such material is used if it suits the style of decorating the rooms. For example, it can be classic or French Provence.

Drywall is an affordable and quick finishing option. These are sheets of cellulose and pressed gypsum, which are easy to install and fix. Modern manufacturers produce material with a special treatment that increases resistance to moisture and fire. Drywall allows you to create complex design projects, install two-level ceilings. However, this is a fragile and not very aesthetic material, so it needs to be improved after installation (painting or wallpapering).

Ceramic or tile tiles are suitable for finishing a bathroom, bathroom or kitchen. If you are laying tiles on the bathroom floor, choose products with a rough surface to prevent slipping and ensure safety. Such material is characterized by strength, durability and increased resistance to moisture and dampness. Today you can find a lot of design options for tiles, including those designed to look like wood.

But when laying tiles on wooden walls, keep in mind that a reinforced base must be made under the material, otherwise the product will not last long! It is not necessary to completely lay out the bathroom with tiles. You can sheathe only certain sections or use a mosaic. By the way, the combination of mosaic and wooden materials looks very impressive and harmonious.

Lining - the best option

Wooden lining is characterized by high strength, reliability, aesthetics and 100% environmental friendliness. Such products are used for cladding walls and ceilings in a wooden cottage, a country house, a bathhouse and a sauna, a balcony and a loggia, in an apartment. This is a versatile material that is easy to install, so even a non-professional can handle the installation.

Narrow thin laths closely adjoin each other, form good sound and heat insulation, level the surface of the walls and ceiling. Wooden materials look aesthetically pleasing and elegant. If you want to save money, buy grade B. After installation, defects can be hidden by varnishing or painting. Class A is more expensive and elite, it does not need to be finalized, and grade C is only suitable for rough work or finishing utility rooms.

Do not forget about the protective treatment of the lining. You can buy ready-made materials or process the wood yourself. The second option will be cheaper. The lining is installed on a crate made of bars. It is convenient to install hydro- and heat-insulating materials in the crate. Laths can be laid vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

Today you will find a wide range of wall paneling, differing in type of wood, width and length, profile and class. The best combination of quality and price in pine. This type of wood is suitable for a house, cottage or gazebo. For a bath, choose linden or alder, as they tolerate moisture and high temperatures well, and do not heat up. After installation, you can paint the material in any color, achieve the desired shade or shine.

Is it possible to use drywall for finishing a wooden house

Drywall is the most popular finishing material that is used both in an apartment and in a private house. These are flexible sheets with a refractory surface and increased moisture resistance. They create a flat surface and hide the flaws of the walls or ceiling, they are easy to install.

Drywall hides pipes, wires and other communications. But the main advantage of this material is its availability and low cost. In addition, today on the market you can find plates of different sizes, shapes and colors, which allows you to create any design of the room.

But drywall finishes often look unfinished and require finishing painting or wallpapering. In addition, it is a rather fragile and fragile material that may not be able to cope with serious loads. Therefore, drywall is best used to create partitions or shelving, but not for finishing a wooden house.

If you decide to use drywall, choose only high-quality products from a reliable manufacturer. Often, harmful toxic substances are added to the material, which is harmful to human health and violates the environmental friendliness of a wooden house. High-quality real drywall is safe, as it is made from natural natural gypsum.

In the company "MariSrub" you can order the construction of a house from a log or turnkey timber! The company's masters will qualitatively and reliably perform all finishing work, including the installation and connection of engineering networks, wall, ceiling and floor cladding, installation of windows and doors. Order complex turnkey construction and you won't have to worry about anything!
