Which crib is best for newborns? Choosing a crib for a newborn: what to look for What is a car wall

The range of cots for newborns is not just great: it is huge, and it is much easier to get lost in the sea of ​​​​opportunities than to make the right choice. Meanwhile, after the birth and in the next few months, the child will spend most of the time in bed.

Which is better - cradle or classical? Take a standard version or a transforming bed?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of arenas? The specialists of the online store "Daughters-Sonochki" give useful recommendations so that you can make the right decision.

The main types of cribs


An option for the smallest, from birth to 3-6 months, but the manufacturer provides for the possibility of using such products for up to a year (until the child's height reaches 80 cm). After the cradle, the baby moves to the crib.

The undoubted advantages of this product include its small size (at first, a child can be frightened by unlimited space, and the cradle becomes an ideal place for a newborn to sleep) and the ability to rock. As a rule, this type of bed is equipped with handles for convenient transportation of the basket along with the baby.

The cradle can have a stationary stand or be installed in a baby bed with straps. The first option, as a rule, is noticeably lower, and therefore outperforms the “classics” in terms of ease of use. This advantage becomes apparent during night feedings, when several times a night it becomes necessary to pick up the baby in your arms and return it back to the cradle.

The cradle can be placed next to the parent's bed: then the baby will be constantly in sight.


It is a product that combines the function of a bed and another piece of furniture - usually a changing table and / or chest of drawers. Some models turn into teenage models when transformed; the upper sides form a table, complemented by a pedestal - a former chest of drawers.

Transformers are designed for babies from birth to 6-7 years. As the child grows older, additional elements are removed, thereby increasing the length of the bed. Some models “know how” to lengthen even more and are suitable for sleeping until the child reaches adolescence.


Folding models are combined under this name; They are convenient to use when traveling. The arenas are made of light materials - metal, plastic and special fabric. All elements are easy to clean, so there should be no difficulties in caring for them. Beds of this type do not need to be supplemented with a mattress, but if desired, it can be purchased separately.

Given the specifics of the application, the arenas differ from the “classics” in size: as a rule, they are slightly shorter and wider than the standard ones. In terms of functionality, this type of baby bed is in no way inferior to the standard options: they also have an upper level of the bottom, which is used from birth to three months, additional elements such as a changing table and shelves for cosmetics, a mobile for toys, a hood and a pocket for small things. A handy feature is the zipper on the side wall, which allows the child to independently open a hole for himself to get out of the crib.

Recently, playpens are often purchased for stationary use - it is convenient for parents to deal with a light, maneuverable bed that can be moved around the apartment during the day with the baby in it.

What should be a crib?

As for the age of the child up to which this version of the crib can be used, due to the specifics of the design, the manufacturer usually limits the upper bar to 3 years, often also in conjunction with the designation of the weight limit mark: there are models that can be used for children no heavier than 6-7 kg, there are more stable options - up to 13 or 15 kg. It is clear that by the age of three, the baby can outgrow these marks.


Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of a large living space, and often a crib has to fit into a very limited space, when literally every centimeter counts.

The usual dimensions are 120x60 cm. But you can find models from 59 (cradle) to 180 cm long, and the width varies from 42 (cradle) and 55 cm to 140 cm.

If you choose a non-standard size crib, think about whether you can match it with bed linen and a mattress.

Possibility to change the level of the bottom

It is possible to change the height of the bottom for almost everyone; but the number of levels may vary - from 2 to 5. Five levels are important for those who practice co-sleeping, when it is important to match the bottom of the crib with the height of the parent's bed.

The bottom is set to the upper level for the smallest: then it is convenient for the mother to lay the baby. Later, when he learns to sit down and rise, the bottom must be lowered. It is important that the lower level is located at a distance of 60-65 cm from the upper edge of the sides, i.e. if the child will stand in the crib, the top rail should not be lower than his armpits.

Availability of car wall

Autowall is the mobility of one of the side walls, which can be lowered and raised. Serves the same purpose as changing the height of the bottom, but if in order to move the bottom level, it is necessary to disassemble and reassemble the bed, then the car wall can be moved literally in one motion

Rocking runners

Instead of legs, the crib can be equipped with curved skids, which, if necessary, allow you to rock the sleeping baby. When the child gets older and already rises on his own, the bed needs to be fixed in a stationary state: if your choice falls on a model with runners, be sure to check if there are special latches.


If you plan to move the crib around the room, including with the child in it, you should purchase a model equipped with wheels. By the way, removable wheels can be combined with skids, however, with the wheels installed, the rocking function does not work.

Also, keep in mind that moving wheels can create a lot of problems when the bed is not fixed, say, between a wall and the parent's sleeping area. To prevent movement, wheel locks will not be superfluous.

pendulum mechanism

It is a movable suspension for a newborn on belts, which allows you to effectively rock the baby without taking him in your arms. The pendulum can be longitudinal (along the body of the baby), transverse (respectively, across) or universal (swing in two directions).

Consider this point: depending on the type of pendulum, it is necessary to take at least another 10 centimeters to the length or width of the crib in order to swing it. There must be a possibility of fixation, so that as the baby grows older, he cannot swing himself.

Download or not?

Doctors believe that it is not worth accustoming a child to rocking, and the tendency to “pump in” the pain of an infant in this way is considered unhealthy, since the causes of crying can be very serious.

Supporters of motion sickness put forward their arguments: the child is accustomed to rocking - the mother's walking during pregnancy, and in case of anxiety, rocking allows him to return to a harmonious emotional state. It is clear that this is not about intentional shaking, but about smooth walking with a child in her arms. Approximately the same effect can be achieved if you rock the baby in a cradle, crib or stroller.


How much did you use the swing crib?

  • Actively used - 28%
  • Used little - 36%
  • Didn't role at all - 36%

The following people took part in the survey:

Drawer in under bed

A baby's dowry takes up a surprising amount of space, and a roomy drawer under a newborn's crib does a great job of storing diapers and clothes, and later toys. Many models are not equipped with a drawer, so we advise you to immediately decide whether you need it. If you purchase a stock without a box (such options are cheaper), but later feel that you need one, it will not be easy to find the right container in size and style.

But even with such a “little thing” as a box, in an ill-conceived design, difficulties in operation may arise: for example, some of them roll out from under the bed on their own (especially true for models that have skids or a pendulum mechanism). Other buyers note that if the box is without a lid, then dust accumulates in it - you have to pack its contents in bags, because, as a rule, it is children's things that are stored in the box. If these moments are fundamental for you, it makes sense to consider the assembled model in the store, and only then make a purchase decision.

The number of boxes for different models may vary.

Silicone pads

They are located on the upper rails, but their relevance increases during the period when the child is teething. If we neglect this point, we will have not just gnawed slats, but the main thing is constant anxiety that the child will bite off and swallow part of the coating, and worries about the safety of the first teeth.

Silicone pads, made of the same material as the teether toys, are completely safe, protecting the baby's teeth and bed rails from damage.

Completeness with a mattress

Usually mattresses are sold separately, so the buyer gets the opportunity to individually select the appropriate option. It makes sense to look for the “right” mattress (Read the article “How to choose a children’s mattress”). As for the dimensions, the gap between the mattress and the walls should be minimal, no more than 1-2 cm.

If the mattress is included with the crib, you get rid of the need for a separate selection of this important element.

Bottom version

The bottom can be rack or solid. The advantages of the first option are that the mattress is constantly ventilated. This means that unpleasant odors and moisture will not linger in it.

Removable rails and distance between them

A grown child constantly strives to get out of the crib, but it is clear that he is unlikely to be able to climb over the side and not fall. It is still too early to remove the side wall - the baby can easily fall out in a dream. But if the slats of the side wall are removed, we get an ideal option in which the child himself, without the help of his parents, has the opportunity to get out, but there is no threat of falling during sleep.

As for the distance between the slats, it is desirable that it be within 6-7 cm: if the slats are located more often, there is a high risk that the handle or leg of the crumb will get stuck between them; if less often - the head.

beautiful excesses

Sometimes beauty is put by the manufacturer higher than safety and ease of use. Well, if you have the opportunity to inspect the already assembled bed, make sure that it does not have sharp corners that the child and parents can hit.

Let's say, beautiful elements - knobs. In practice, they bring a lot of trouble: sleeves constantly cling to them and elbows hit. The same can apply to the curly edge of the headboards.

Production material

Traditionally, baby cribs have been made from wood, a natural, breathable material that is considered best for babies. Today, wooden beds are in serious competition with metal ones, as well as those made from chipboard and MDF.

Specialists concerned about the health of the child have no complaints about wood, but only if safe varnish or paint was used to process it. For production, alder, beech, oak, maple, birch and pine are used. Pine cribs are the cheapest, but they are the softest woods. Traces from the baby's teeth will definitely remain on it.

MDF is a tile material made from wood fibers. Its advantage is increased reliability compared to wood; in addition, it is safe, since no harmful resins are used in its production. Variations in the use of this material are different: there are beds that are made exclusively from MDF (from the manufacturer Vlana), there are options where MDF and chipboard (Vlana), MDF and wood are combined.

But chipboard often emits formaldehyde, and although cribs with its use have a very attractive cost, we advise you to refuse such an acquisition. If your choice fell on a model made using chipboard, ask the seller for a hygiene certificate and a certificate of conformity in order to personally verify that no harmful substances were used during production. Products from a combination of MDF and chipboard are available from a manufacturer such as Vlana.

Metal is used to make very durable and, as a rule, extremely attractive models of baby beds, which are in the assortment of the Lider Kids manufacturer. If the plans are to purchase a bed that can be used for both the second and third child, then a metal crib will do the job. Possible disadvantages of metal structures include their high cost.

Having set priorities, you can easily form a list of the most preferred quality and functional characteristics for yourself, and only then decide on a specific model. With this approach, you will never have to regret the perfect purchase.


There are no trifles in the production of beds for newborns. The smell of varnish can cause allergies; improperly processed wood - small splinters; chipped plastic elements-cuts.

The specific smell of a new crib is a common phenomenon, but, of course, it should be a barely noticeable aroma, and in order to avoid the appearance of allergic reactions, the purchase collected and released from packaging must be kept in a ventilated room for at least two to three weeks: after the specified time, the smell should disappear. This feature is the main reason why experts advise purchasing a bed in advance, at least two weeks before the expected date of birth of the child.

Specialists of the online store "Daughters-Sonochki" recommend paying attention to the following aspects that will allow you to avoid purchasing low-quality, and therefore unsafe cribs for your child:


  • Do not purchase a bed that has irregularities in the processing of the frame or visible damage: even a small crack is a big threat to the health of the baby.
  • If the bed is made using varnish or paint, do not be too lazy to look at the hygiene certificate and the certificate of conformity: it records what materials were used in the manufacture: lead and formaldehyde should not appear among them, and the “correct” paints are made from water-based resins; do not purchase a crib that emits a noticeable smell of paints and varnishes.
  • Refuse to buy if the plastic and metal elements are not “drowned” in the frame material.

Does a high price guarantee impeccable quality?

The quality and cost of a baby bed are two quantities that are not directly related to each other. The lower threshold of the price tag starts from 1,500 rubles, but the best demand among Russians is for models that are in the range from 3 to 15 thousand rubles. The upper bar of cost is limited only by your financial capabilities.

Of course, a well-known brand is a relatively reliable guarantee of high-quality and safe bed performance. But inexpensive and simple models with the right mattress and purchased from a well-known store or chain (rather than on the market or by hand) can also be a good and healthy place for your baby to sleep.

What is the cost of the product? Oddly enough, the material from which the stock is made does not play a primary role in setting the price, but it is significantly increased by additional features (for example, a pendulum), design and, of course, the brand.

Star Choice

  • Singer Beyoncé purchased for her beloved daughter a spacious and exclusive Vetro bed from NurseryWorks, made of transparent acrylic and equipped with a mattress from the same manufacturer. The cost of such a luxurious bed was 3.5 thousand dollars.
  • Actress Dana Devon has much more modest requests: she preferred Corsican Iron Furniture's elegant Star Finial metal crib in a classic style, with hand-finishing, thin rods and high knobs, costing “only” 1.7 thousand dollars.


The best option for making a purchase are large chain and good online stores: the opportunity to purchase low-quality goods there is minimized.

Purchasing on the market is associated with a number of risks - for example, the prevalence of fakes; cheap cribs made of low-quality materials that pose a threat to the health of the baby.

With regard to the purchase of a bed that has already been in use, this is allowed on one condition: the product is not damaged. But the mattress needs to be replaced with a new one.

It is important when choosing to pay attention to:

  1. Decide where the bed will be placed; based on this, determine the desired dimensions of the product
  2. Decide on the type of crib (cradle; classic; transformer; playpen bed) and the material from which it should be made (solid wood, MDF, chipboard or metal)
  3. Decide on the desired functionality of the selected product
  • whether it is necessary to change the level of the bottom
  • the ability to extend the bed (for transformers)
  • Is it important to have an auto-wall and the ability to remove the side wall?
  • the presence of skids for swinging (and the ability to fix them in a stationary state)
  • the presence of wheels (clamps for them)
  • pendulum mechanism (and its type - longitudinal, transverse, universal - taking into account the space that you are ready to allocate for placing a crib)
  • drawer in under bed
  • silicone top rails
  • complete set with a chest of drawers and / or a changing table (for transformers), as well as variations of the subsequent transformation: into a teenage bed plus an addition: a free-standing chest of drawers, a desk with a nightstand, a bedside table, a chest of drawers and bookshelves; we also advise you to consider purchasing the bed, chest of drawers and changing table (or changing board or mattress) separately
  • Choose cribs by brand and model that suits your needs and budget
  • To study on the Internet the reviews of those who have already purchased the options you have looked at: it is quite possible that an expensive and beautiful bed has fragile or poorly fixed rods or even an unreliably fixed bottom
  • Decide where to buy
  • When making a purchase - read the certificate of conformity and hygiene certificate; check the contents of the crib and the availability of instructions; it will not be superfluous to scroll through the assembly instructions - it may make sense to order an assembly from the seller, since some models are difficult to assemble, while the instructions are extremely concise and not always clear. Be sure to save all documentation that came with the crib, along with the receipt and warranty card with the date of purchase, the signature and seal of the seller.
  • Crib selection example

    You are about to have a baby; the room in which he will be located is small, and the space allotted for it is limited to 130x130 cm; enough to sleep a baby up to three years. Thus, a standard bed 120x60 cm will fit here, and there is even extra space left.

    Popular manufacturers

    Well-known manufacturers carefully monitor compliance with the technology of manufacturing children's goods. According to buyers, the products of the following companies are distinguished by special reliability, beauty and thoughtfulness of the design:

    • a red star
    • Kubanlesstroy
    • Gandylyan
    • Vedrus
    • RIO-SP LLC
    • SKV-Company
    • Carat


    Important requirements that the bed must meet are the ability to change the level of the bottom, the pendulum mechanism, silicone pads and the drawer. The desired material from which the product should be made is a strong tree so that the next children do not need to purchase another one. Because the space is limited in length, but there is a margin in width, the pendulum mechanism must be transverse.

    All of the above requirements are met by cribs from manufacturers Kubanlesstroy, Krasnaya Zvezda.

    A high-quality and beautiful bed is one of the most important factors that ensures healthy sleep for your baby and its harmonious development in the first months of life. But acquiring is only half the battle. Pleasant chores are also waiting for you in choosing bed linen, selecting soft sides (bumpers), a canopy, and toys for the crib.

    The birth of a child is a great happiness. And it is not surprising that parents try to create maximum comfort for their baby. Choosing a crib is a task that cannot be solved without considering everything in detail. After all, for the first months of the baby, it will become the main “habitat”.

    Criterias of choice

    The range of cribs for newborns is amazing - from classic wooden ones to futuristic transformers. Therefore, before going to the store, you should consider what is suitable in terms of style and color scheme. The material of manufacture is also not the last criterion when choosing this element of the interior. And, perhaps most importantly, the safety of the baby.

    Type of crib

    The cribs on sale can be divided into the following groups:

    • - a small, lightweight model with compact dimensions. It can be easily carried around the house. Suitable for a baby up to six months old;
    • traditional- It is most often made of wood. But there are also models from other materials. Parameters - 120x60 cm. A baby up to 3 years old will feel comfortable in it. Some models may differ in size and period of use;
    • transformer- combines the functions of a bed, a chest of drawers, a changing table, and as the child grows up, it can be transformed into a school desk. The set of functions depends on the specific manufacturer. Can be used up to 7-12 years;
    • arena- you can sleep and play in it. Lightweight design with soft sides. Recommended for children under 3 years old, but some manufacturers may set a weight limit.

    Each version of the crib has its own characteristics. For example, a cradle and an arena can be used not only as the main sleeping place, but also as an additional one. That is, the baby who fell asleep in them is then transferred and laid on another bed.

    Advice! It is better to make a choice and purchase furniture 2-3 weeks before the birth. The crib must be assembled, installed in its place and the room well ventilated.

    Production material

    Since ancient times, wood has been used to make baby cribs. Natural raw materials have qualities that can ensure a healthy sleep for a child. Today, products are on sale not only from wood, but from plastic, metal and wood composite (MDF, chipboard and plywood). Models are also produced in which the material is combined. When choosing a crib for a baby, first of all, it is necessary to be guided by the safety of the raw materials used. Low quality MDF panels can emit formaldehyde, although their furniture has a very attractive price.

    Shape and design

    Whatever the model, the main structural elements remain unchanged - front, rear and side backs, bottom and legs. And starting from such a “meager” set, designers have created a great variety of models of various shapes and functions. Today you can easily find not only traditional rectangular, but also oval and even round beds. Refinement to a product is given by various decorative elements. How necessary and convenient it is is up to the consumer to decide.

    Feature set

    The main purpose of a baby crib is to create conditions for sound sleep. To do this, they are often equipped with skids or a pendulum mechanism for motion sickness. The removable or lowering sidewall facilitates the care of the baby. In some models, there is a box under the bed, in which it is convenient to store children's things. Naturally, transforming beds have the greatest functionality, but they are quite bulky.


    For most parents, it is important that the crib can be moved around the room. The cradles have the greatest mobility - they are easy to carry and install anywhere. Classic models and arenas are large, and their movement around the room is provided by wheels attached to the legs. Transformers are the least mobile - they are quite heavy and moving them from place to place can be a problem.

    bottom type

    The bottom of the crib can be solid or slatted. It must have reliable fasteners so that the naughty baby does not fail. Important is the bottom height adjustment function. This will allow, as the baby grows and grows, to adjust the height of the sides. Some manufacturers offer designs that allow you to set the desired bottom slope. In addition to the type of lounger, it is important to choose the right mattress: it must be comfortable, hypoallergenic and have orthopedic characteristics.

    Advice! The mattress must be dried regularly, as well as other bedding (pillow, blanket).

    Availability of additional equipment

    To create more comfort, manufacturers of children's furniture produce additional equipment for cribs. They can be built-in, being an integral part of the design, or sold separately. For example, you can purchase special fasteners that will allow you to attach a child's bed to the parent's bed for the night (while the front side is removed). Additional options can be drawers under the bed, skids, a canopy, etc. The variety offered by the modern furniture market will allow parents to choose a crib filled with an optimal set of functions.

    Baby Crib Safety Criteria: What to Look for When Buying

    It is an axiom that children's furniture must meet increased safety requirements. The presence of certificates confirming that the materials used in the production are harmless to the child is a prerequisite when purchasing a crib. The design of the product should exclude the possibility of injury to the baby. When choosing, it is necessary to pay attention to the absence of sharp corners and protrusions, the reliability of the connections. The distance between the bars of the sides is 6-7 cm. This is necessary so that the arms, legs and head of the baby do not get stuck between the slats. It is necessary to take care of the presence of clamps for the wheels and the pendulum mechanism. Such a device will prevent the movement and rocking of the crib due to a naughty child.

    The choice of furniture for the newborn falls entirely on the parents. And how comfortable, safe and healthy their baby’s sleep will depend on their balanced decision.

    Many parents prefer to take care of a strong, safe and beautiful crib for a baby even before his birth, while focusing mainly on appearance and following fashion. And what should be a truly high-quality and comfortable bed?


    The first rule of safety: the vertical bars of the crib are located at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other in order to prevent parts of the child's body from getting stuck in them. The second rule: the bottom of a good bed has at least two positions, and at the bottom the distance from the bottom to the railing should be at least 65 cm. This will protect the growing baby from accidentally falling out of bed.

    Environmentally friendly materials

    The best material for a baby bed is natural wood, preferably alder, birch, maple or beech. The wood should be perfectly smooth, without chips or cracks. It is allowed to cover the crib with non-toxic varnish. There are also cribs made of chipboard, MDF, plastic and metal, which can also be safe, which is easily confirmed by a hygiene certificate.

    Crib type

    Classic models are rectangular in shape, closed with sides on 4 sides. They are divided into rocking chairs with wheels and beds with a pendulum mechanism. In addition, there are models with a built-in chest of drawers, which can be transformed into a regular bed if necessary. Different options have their own advantages and disadvantages. Which type is more suitable for their baby - parents have to decide on their own.

    Features you may not be aware of:

    • imported cribs often have dimensions different from the standard 120x60 cm;
    • when choosing a bed with a pendulum, make sure that the swing mechanism has stoppers;
    • slatted bottom is better than plywood, because promotes better air exchange;
    • the box under the bed must have a lid, otherwise things will gather dust;
    • some cribs are equipped with a mechanism for a lowering or removable front wall, which is convenient for a growing baby.

    The best manufacturers of baby cribs

    The most refined and "status" beds are Italian ( Pali, Bambolina, Feretti), German ( Wundermöbel, Geuther), Japanese ( Micuna). They are distinguished by excellent quality materials, a variety of colors and design finds. True, a rare model of these brands costs less than 20 thousand rubles, so they have not gained wide popularity in the vastness of our country. At the same time, functionally European and Japanese models may differ markedly from others, for example, in the number of bottom positions, design options and colors. Whether to pay for a fashion brand and uniqueness - parents decide for themselves. Among inexpensive imported options, Polish cribs attract attention. Valle, which combine a nice European design with a reasonable price.

    Domestic cribs are diverse and are an example of the best combination of price and quality. The undisputed leaders are the brands a red star(Mozhga) and Lel(Kubanlesstroy), which offer stylish and practical solid wood models in a huge assortment at reasonable prices (from 6 to 17 thousand rubles). While less known to the consumer, but domestic brands are also very good. Noony Wood and Papaloni. Cheaper options (from 3 to 6 thousand) are inferior to the leaders in the quality of materials and design, but are also safe for babies and convenient for parents. These are the manufacturers Antel, Briciola, SLE.

    And now "Price Expert" offers to get acquainted with the best beds for babies.

    The time of childbirth is getting closer - you need to think about things and furniture that should be purchased before the baby is born. What will be the main thing when your newborn baby is finally at home? In addition to the first clothes and diapers, which have become an integral part of the wardrobe of babies in the 21st century, the baby needs a bed. Most of the time he will spend in a dream. Sleeping in an adult bed, in a stroller or a temporary cradle is uncomfortable, the baby needs his own bed - comfortable, beautiful, safe and durable, ensuring the healthy development of the skeletal system, which does not cause allergic reactions (we recommend reading:).

    For a good rest, the child needs his own bed.

    The children's room itself can be furnished later. How to choose a crib? You can't go wrong, because this purchase is not cheap. Your child should be comfortable and cozy, so let's dwell on the main parameters for choosing children's furniture and give a rating of the best beds.

    Why is a comfortable bed so important for a baby?

    The baby spends most of his time sleeping. It is during this period that he assimilates the information that he received during wakefulness, digests food and emotions. The quality of life depends on how the baby sleeps. A soft blanket, a comfortable flat pillow, a favorite toy - all this should be in the playpen, but there should be room for it to turn, freedom of body movements during sleep.

    The bed should be placed in a safe place, and it should be convenient for the mother to approach the child at any time of the day or night, while the baby himself should not get his head, arm or leg stuck between its parts, fall out of it.

    It is better that the bed is not located near the window, in order to avoid the danger of drafts, and the early morning sun or sounds from the street do not wake up the baby.

    Get a beautiful and comfortable cradle, furnish the nursery with taste. If you have one room in the apartment, this is not a hindrance to make your child's sleeping place cozy. A beautiful canopy, mobile, bed linen and protection with a beautiful and calm pattern will help the baby develop, explore the world, sleep more peacefully and spend more active hours of wakefulness. You do not need to buy the most expensive and fashionable model - we will help you navigate what you should pay attention to in a furniture store. You can also make a purchase through an online store, the main thing is that it be proven, with a good assortment and high-quality models.

    Even in a one-room apartment, you can equip a cozy children's corner

    Crib size and materials

    Most often, cribs are presented in stores with two size options: 120x60 cm and 140x70 cm.

    • The standard size is 120x60 cm. This is an ordinary baby crib, to which a standard mattress is selected. Suitable for small children's rooms. Change it depending on the growth rate of the child, usually by 1-2 years.
    • The second crib size option is suitable for owners of large rooms and those who want the child's bed to be the same for several years. Such cribs are laid out in length, so the child can sleep in it until middle school. In practice, this is rarely the case. Usually they sleep in it until primary school - 6 years of age. Later, your child will definitely want a bed with a more adult appearance and other functionality.

    The main thing that parents should remember when buying a crib is that the body must be made of natural wood. Firms rarely go without paint and varnish materials, so check the documentation so that everything meets quality standards. The baby, when his teeth begin to cut, will gnaw on rods and railings, taste. Make sure that the smell of paint does not come from the wood, only a slight aroma of natural wood is acceptable, otherwise the child will develop an allergy, suffocation. Rough surfaces, uneven color, undertreated areas are unacceptable - a baby can drive a splinter.

    All parts that make up the bed must be firmly connected. Fasteners - with special plugs. Protruding bolts, nails, sharp edges are not allowed. The rods should not be going up and down, but firmly fixed.

    When choosing a crib, paramount attention should be paid to its quality and safety for the child.

    Features of the bottom and rods of the bed for a newborn

    In the children's furniture market, cribs with a bottom made of wooden slats are more common than solid ones. It is more useful, although more expensive. The space between the slats allows air to circulate, which is safer for the health of the baby. This is especially true in cases where the mattress is wet, because you will not buy a new one every time after the baby goes to the toilet past the diaper. You will wash and dry the mattress, and in the future it will need free access to air, which provides a slatted bottom. Another important point is the regulation of the bottom height. If you take a crib for more than half a year, then you cannot do without this function - when the child grows up, you will set the bottom lower.

    The rods must be firmly fixed and rounded. The optimal distance is 6-7 cm. More - the child can get stuck with his head, less - with his hand or foot. In some models, several middle rods can be removed, it is very convenient for children after 6 months of life, they will be able to climb into and out of bed themselves. Practice shows that this function is rarely used, babies often fall even after six months.

    What is a car wall?

    An auto wall is a mechanism that allows you to lower the side of the crib. A convenient function to change the baby, check how he feels, feed or soothe without getting out of bed. This is especially convenient for a mother who does not want to accustom the baby to constant motion sickness in her arms. You can put the crib next to your sleeping place and fix the crumbs without getting up to him and without picking up. The mechanism itself can be manual, these are older and cheaper models, and push-button - a more modern and expensive type of crib car wall.

    The car wall can be raised and lowered, creating a convenient approach to the crib

    Varieties of cribs

    You came to a furniture store and were confused - the sellers offer more than one model of a crib. We have listed the main features that characterize the bed. In general, there are two main varieties - a classic bed and a cradle or cradle. Photos of different cribs are presented on our website. Which one to choose - decide at the family council. Consult with experienced friends, study the information on the Internet and decide which model will be more convenient for you and for your boy or girl.

    A classic model with certain functions, often of domestic manufacturers. Four sides consist of rods, the bottom is solid or consists of rails, its height is adjustable, one side is lowered. In such a crib, there may be a box for linen at the bottom, but this is rare. Legs can be on wheels or stationary. Pros of a classic bed:

    • a canopy and a mobile are easily fixed on top;
    • the bed is comfortable, the standard size is 120 cm by 60 cm;
    • you can not only sleep in it, but also play;
    • at the bottom there may be skids for motion sickness of the child;
    • you can lower the side wall and move the bed to your bed;
    • budget option for children up to kindergarten age;
    • the price is often affordable, the design is simple, even a woman can assemble it.

    All side walls of the classic crib are made of twigs

    Cons of the classic version:

    • the bed takes up a lot of space;
    • there are few options and the form is quite simple, out of date.

    Cradles and cradles

    The cradle is a hanging bed, it is hooked to the ceiling. An analogue of the old peasant cradles, which took up little space in cramped huts, perfectly rocked the children and were ergonomic. A cradle is a bed made of different materials, on runners, with many additional options. Most often, parents buy modern cradles, the advantages of which include:

    • motion sickness system;
    • hypoallergenic materials;
    • mobility - you can easily move the cradle to the right place;
    • advanced metal construction and remote control capability;
    • the presence in the kit of a high-quality mattress, mosquito net, protection, canopy.

    Cons of models:

    • cradles and cradles are expensive;
    • they go for a maximum of a year, optimally - for six months;
    • they are quite narrow and short, in such a bed your boy or girl will not be able to play or just be, they only sleep there.

    After 6 months, the cradle will become quite uncomfortable to use.

    Beds with rocking mechanism

    The rocking mechanism of the crib can be of two types - right-left or along the body of the crumbs:

    • the first variety is classic, it happens with standard beds for crumbs - this is the so-called “rocking chair”;
    • the second - characteristic of modern cradles - is the effect of the pendulum.

    Old-school pediatricians are in favor of the first kind of rocking mechanism and strongly opposed to the second. Modern pediatricians say that only swinging along the child's body is permissible, similar to motion sickness in the hands of a person, when the head does not swing from side to side. There are models that can swing both along and from side to side.

    The pendulum mechanism is good because the baby cannot start it on its own, unlike a regular bed on skids. It turns on only at the request of an adult and can work both transversely and along.

    The main disadvantage of such a mechanism is that it often breaks and begins to creak over time. This shortcoming can be eliminated only by replacing the crib. It should be noted that for the healthy development of a child, a short period of motion sickness is sufficient, which one model of the pendulum mechanism may well work out.

    Transforming beds

    A transformer is the choice of parents who are ready to spend a lot of money on a baby bed, but they invest it in multifunctional modern furniture. Such a bed can turn into a desk, a bed for a student, and a cradle. It includes a changing table and a laundry box. Such furniture costs from 15 thousand rubles. Pros:

    • your boy or girl will use this furniture set for up to 10 years;
    • the complex is multifunctional;
    • There are models with a pendulum swing mechanism.

    Transformers serve for a long time, adapting to the changing parameters of the child
    • not all models have a drop-down side wall;
    • with an increase in the length of the crib, the width remains the same, which is inconvenient for a grown child;
    • the design is bulky, not suitable for a small room.

    Attached models

    The main characteristic of this model is its lowering or completely absent side wall, which allows you to easily attach the baby's bed to the parents' bed. Modern psychologists consider this option to be optimal both for the psychological comfort of the newborn and for the health of the mother. Are you a restless mother and every 20 minutes you go to see if the baby is wet, why did he whimper or roll over? You do not need to approach the bed of the crumbs all the time, it is enough to reach out at night.

    Most popular beds

    Let's stop on the rating of beds. Let's present in the photo the top 6 baby beds of domestic and foreign manufacturers, which are most often found in stores. The choice is yours, but we will give a general description of the functions, technical features and designs of popular models.

    Bed on wheels Joseppe Gandylyan - a classic up to 3 years

    The estimated cost is 14,000 rubles.

    • classic crib on wheels, age characteristic - up to 3 years;
    • solid beech wood;
    • the box is made of chipboard, there is a lamination effect;
    • paints and varnishes are safe for the child;
    • the front wall can be removed and lowered, and is fixed with a lock;
    • side walls are decorated with Swarovski stones;
    • a linen box is fixed on the frame;
    • the bottom of the lamellas can be installed at different heights;
    • silicone layer at the top of the protective walls;
    • elegant refined model for lovers of quality furniture;
    • standard size - 120 cm by 60 cm;
    • production: Russia.

    Erbesi Tippy crib on wheels - a classic up to 5 years

    The estimated cost is 17,000 rubles.

    • on wheels, children under 5 years of age;
    • the side walls are lowered by 25 centimeters, which allows the model to be used for an “adult” baby;
    • two-level bottom provides perfect ventilation;
    • at the bottom there is a linen box with metal guides that are blocked from falling out;
    • legs on swivel wheels with rubber pads (2 wheels have a locking mechanism);
    • there is a carved decoration in the form of small bears;
    • beech and safe paint coatings were used as materials;
    • non-standard size - 125 cm by 65 cm;
    • production: Italy.

    Transforming bed Daka Baby

    • suitable for children up to 10 years;
    • the frame is made of MDF with milling;
    • the bottom is installed in two positions, the side wall is lowered;
    • includes a chest of drawers that transforms into a desk, side drawers and a box for bed linen;
    • there is an electronic device with music;
    • pendulum mechanism of transverse swing with fixation;
    • looks stylish and modern;
    • standard size - 120 cm by 60 cm;
    • size of a teenage bed - 180 cm by 60 cm;
    • production: Russia.

    Basket Fiorellino Princess - the best cradle up to 6 months

    The estimated cost is 11,000 rubles.

    • a unique cradle for real little princesses;
    • stylish unusual design in the old style - it is a wicker basket with handles, so you can take your sleeping baby with you;
    • suitable for babies up to 6 months with a maximum weight load of 9 kg;
    • size 75 cm by 33 cm;
    • suitable for lovers of exquisite style and residents of large houses, a great addition to the main sleeping place of the crumbs;
    • in the set - bed linen and a hood that slides in and out;
    • production: Slovenia.

    Pendulum bed Lel-lily of the valley - the best pendulum bed up to 3 years

    The estimated cost is 22,000 rubles.

    • pendulum bed up to 3 years;
    • solid beech wood, silicone pads on the sides;
    • water-based varnish, safe;
    • one side drop down, three height position auto-walls;
    • the bottom can be fixed at three different height levels;
    • the pendulum is transverse, fixed;
    • box on rollers;
    • standard size 120 cm by 60 cm;
    • production: Russia.

    Crib Krasnaya Zvezda “S 635 Lyubasha” – a comfortable rocking chair for up to 4 years

    The estimated cost is 9,000 rubles.

    • classic model with walls made of round rods;
    • the side wall is lowered;
    • there are silicone pads;
    • the bottom is fixed at three different heights;
    • four removable wheels, without them the legs of the model are mounted on skids;
    • there is no linen box;
    • planks are decorated with carved hearts;
    • standard sizes;
    • production: Russia.

    Cribs, the general rating of which we have given in the article, can be of different companies, designs and specifications. What is the right and best buy for your little one? When choosing furniture, you should focus on your own financial capabilities, the dimensions of the children's room, the safety of materials, confirmed by certificates, and the main technical features of the design. Listen to the recommendations of doctors - for example, Dr. Komarovsky. The rating of popular cribs is given for general information only.

    The cradle is not just a piece of furniture. This is a key thing when collecting a "dowry" for a baby. Even if you are going to practice co-sleeping, the child needs his own territory. Yes, and with a bed, it’s easier for a mother to carve out some free time during the day: leaving the child in the playpen, you can go to the kitchen or the bathroom. Moreover, the “correct” bed will serve the baby for more than one year and even “bequeath” to younger children. Tips on how to choose a crib for a newborn, in our material.

    Today, the profile market offers cribs for newborns for every taste. In the store, just eyes run wide, and prices depend on the “tuning” of the model. But bright beds in the form of airplanes, cars, animals are for teenagers. Babies need models that are less flashy, but more complete, comfortable and safe. The most banal one can be bought for about 2,000 rubles, and beds with more serious options will cost 10,000-20,000 rubles.

    Types of cribs: pros and cons

    This is a serious purchase, so before going to the store, it is better to arm yourself with information and understand which product is right for your baby and will fit safely into your square meters and lifestyle. Consider the main types of cribs, their pros and cons.


    Description . Compact bed. It looks like a cradle on a high stand. It is completed with hanging toys and a basket for things, there are models with a remote control. In production, metal structures and fabric are used. The average cost is about 8000 rubles.


    • The baby bed is small and warm. This is essentially an imitation of intrauterine conditions so that the baby is not afraid of a large space and is easier to adapt to the "big world";
    • this bed does not take up much space. And the wheels that most models are equipped with allow you to move it around the house;
    • the wheels can be hidden, turning the bed into a rocking cradle.


    • In such a bed, the baby does not clear up. Places here are approximately like in a stroller - only enough for sleeping;
    • such models are not suitable for growth. The baby will have enough such a bed for about six months - a year.

    Conclusion . When the family budget is limited, it is better to refuse the cradle. If you are still determined to use the cradle, pay attention to the models of classic beds, which are additionally equipped with a hanging removable cradle.


    Description . No frills bed. It is most often made of natural wood, but there are also metal ones. From four sides it is protected by walls of laths. The height of the bottom and one of the longitudinal walls are adjustable. The average cost is about 2000 rubles.


    • the standard dimensions of such a crib for newborns are 120 × 60 cm. This allows you to use it not only for sleeping: the baby can play here;
    • in such a bed, the baby can sleep up to three years;
    • if you lower the longitudinal wall, the crib can be attached to the parent's bed;
    • from above, you can install a changing pad and fix a canopy;
    • the frame is often fixed on skids for swinging crumbs;
    • affordable price;
    • the design is so elementary that you can make such a crib for a newborn with your own hands. But of course, one cannot do without knowledge of carpentry.


    • takes up a lot of space. And even models with wheels are problematic to move along a standard Khrushchev from room to room;
    • no options: boxes for things, hanging toys, musical accompaniment, etc.

    Conclusion . Classic is a budget version of a baby crib, which can be used until the moment when the baby sleeps in a bed without protective walls. But toys, a swaddler and a chest of drawers in the nursery will have to be bought additionally.


    Description . Many mothers dream of such a bed. Transforming cribs for newborns are an excellent invention that allows you to solve the problem of furnishing a child's room up to adolescence. This bed is made from natural wood. It is able to increase in size, transforms into a desk, is equipped with linen drawers, a cradle for rocking the baby, there is a place for swaddling. The average cost is about 15,000 rubles.


    • a child can use such a complex up to 12 years;
    • mom has everything at hand when caring for a child;
    • there are models with a pendulum and without;
    • looks stylish;


    • costs more than competing beds;
    • bulky design is not suitable for small housing;
    • the bed increases in size in length, but the width remains standard - 60 cm. For a teenager, this can be cramped;
    • not all models have a drop-down wall;
    • a long service life is not always good, because over time the model may go out of fashion or bother the child.

    Conclusion . The bed-transformer is a good, multifunctional option. She will last a long time. If space in the house and financial possibilities allow, this model is for you.


    Description . Two in one: a bed and a portable, protected place for children to play. Equipped with a changing board, an arc with hanging toys, a mosquito net. Metal construction, lined with fabric. On the side there is an opening hole that allows the grown-up baby to get out of the bed on his own. The average cost is about 5500 rubles.


    • lightweight and foldable design, you can take it with you when traveling;
    • wheels allow you to move the bed around the house;
    • the side walls are made of transparent material, which makes it possible to control the actions of the baby.


    • in single-level models, the bed is too low, which can make the baby cold and the mother uncomfortable to bend over;
    • in models with two levels in the sleeping position, a low protective board is obtained. A kid who already knows how to get up will easily overcome such a barrier;
    • the light design of the model has the reverse side - the baby, having learned to get up, will be able to turn it over;
    • in such models there is no swing mechanism.

    Conclusion . As a permanent bed, the playpen bed model is not the best option. It can only be used as a play area for babies up to a year and a half or as a "camping" version of the bed.

    If you have twins

    A separate topic is a bed for twins. Here, a lot depends on how the parents intend to organize the sleep of the kids, whether the regimes of the crumbs coincide. If the children sleep and wake up at about the same time, then in the first months of life, the family may be satisfied with one standard bed.

    The children are still quite tiny, they don’t know how to move, so they definitely won’t interfere with each other, there will be enough space. You can lay babies both across and in a volt. For convenience, the space can be divided by a roller from a blanket. By the way, many doctors even recommend co-sleeping for newborn twins. Being together, it is easier for them to adapt to the conditions of life outside the mother's womb.

    Although, there are opponents of this approach. Like, parents can confuse babies sleeping in the same cradle. This is dangerous, for example, when one of the children takes medication, and some do not. What if the medicine is given to the wrong kid?

    Three options for organizing a bed for two kids

    Whatever the case, the kids will grow up. And the question of how to arrange a sleeping place for each of them will still arise. What are the options?

    • Two separate beds. In this case, parents choose their own sleeping place for each of the kids. Model - depends on the budget and living conditions of the family. Sometimes cribs are even installed in different rooms.
    • bunk bed. Most often, these products are made to order. Here the principle is the same as in the production of "two-story" teenage furniture. Roughly speaking, one classic-looking bed is installed on top of another. Each "floor" has its own separate protective and removable walls. However, you need to understand that after a year, a child who “lives” from below will become cramped.
    • Adjoining bed. The dimensions of such a crib are 120 × 125 cm. There is a partition in the middle, and separate falling walls on the sides. This model should be placed with the headboard against the wall, freeing access to the bed from two sides.

    Bunk beds and twin beds are expensive. The price of some models exceeds 40,000 rubles. Not all families have such a budget. Therefore, according to the reviews of doubly happy parents, a more acceptable option is to purchase two separate classic beds, which, if desired, can be put together or placed differently at your discretion.

    Important additions to the baby bed

    The price of the bed will also depend on the additional configuration. Whether you need an arc with toys, a changing pad, a mosquito net is a secondary issue. These accessories can be purchased at any time or you can safely do without them. But there is a list of additional attributes that you need to decide on right away.

    For example, do you need silicone pads on the formers? Experienced parents say that it is convenient during teething: the baby can "part" the gums. Also consider whether to buy a bed with removable slats. Such models are taken so that over time the baby can independently go to bed or get out of it. Here's what else to take care of in advance.


    It must be suitable in size, since a special recess is provided for its placement in the beds. If it turns out to be smaller, gaps will form, and if it is larger, it simply will not enter. The standard size of a single children's bed is 120×60. There are round models of baby beds, but they are mostly made according to individual projects and already have an appropriate mattress in the kit.

    Choose products with a moisture-resistant coating or a removable cover. It is better that the case itself has a secret fastener: the child can tear off the buttons and swallow.

    The material from which the mattress is made must be natural. For children up to a year, products made of felt, coconut fiber, and wool are better suited. Without springs, with orthopedic properties. A children's mattress can cost from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles. If you buy a bed where the mattress comes in a set, this automatically increases the cost of furniture.

    swing mechanism

    If you decide to buy a bed with a rocking mechanism, it is important to understand that they are different. Conservative pediatricians will tell you that it's the right choice for a newborn bed with traditional skids. Such models allow you to swing the baby in the old fashioned way - with transverse movements.

    But modern doctors say that movements along the baby's body are more useful when the head does not sway from side to side. This effect is provided by beds with a pendulum. In this case, the base of the bed remains motionless during shocks, and only the sleeping place directly sways. But there are pendulums with a transverse, as well as a universal effect.

    Another plus of such models: here you can easily place a laundry box under the bed. And unlike models on runners, the baby will not be able to swing the pendulum bed on its own. The pendulum mechanism can be removed when the child grows up to fall asleep without motion sickness.

    Particular attention must be paid to safety. The bed for the baby should not have sharp corners. If there is a folding mechanism, then it must be reliable, without the risk of arbitrary slamming. Any chips and cracks are unacceptable. It is better to buy models from natural materials, without the use of aggressive chemical materials when coating.

    Which bed is better to choose for a newborn, discuss at the family council. It is better to buy children's furniture two to three weeks before the expected date of birth of the crumbs, so that the factory smell has time to disappear and pick up the necessary bedding. Buy furniture for babies in legal outlets, and even there, be sure to ask about product certificates.

