How to remove humidity in the apartment - ways and means. What to do if the apartment has high humidity How to get rid of dampness in the apartment

The real scourge of many private houses and apartments on the ground floor is often dampness. Their inhabitants know firsthand how unpleasant it is to enter a room filled with dank, damp air and saturated with the smell of mold. It is necessary and extremely important to fight dampness in the house, since the health of all household members often depends on it.

What is dangerous high humidity

The normal indicator of relative humidity in a residential area is 45-60%. It is this humidity that is considered optimal for maintaining human health and therefore the most comfortable. If the humidity level exceeds 70%, fungus appears and related diseases begin to develop. Unfortunately, in many residential areas, factors sometimes arise that lead to an increase in dampness.
One of the causes of high humidity may be condensation on plastic double-glazed windows.

Reasons for high humidity

Humidity will increase if:

  • you live on the first floor of a multi-storey building and the basement is flooded under it (although sometimes it’s enough just that the apartment is close to a too damp basement);
  • ventilation is poor or non-existent;
  • you were flooded by neighbors from above;
  • the seams between the walls are not sealed, there are gaps under the doors and window frames;
  • new ventilation ducts made for the installation of household appliances block the main ventilation, which is an installation error and has a bad effect on the apartments located below;
  • water pipes are cluttered with furniture or other items that prevent leaks from being cleaned in time;
  • plastic double-glazed windows were installed without installing additional ventilation, or a room with plastic windows is rarely ventilated, which traps moisture in the air and contributes to its accumulation;
  • in the bathroom and kitchen, at the joints of the tile joints, humidity rises due to the large amount of fumes.

By the way, my uncle, who was a locksmith, once told me how to determine where the source of high humidity is. To do this, you need to take any piece of glass and attach it to the wall. If after a minute or two you remove the “indicator”, and under it there is a wet spot, dampness in the house due to external conditions. But a dry wall means that the source of high humidity is in the room.
Elimination of probable water leaks is one of the ways to eliminate high humidity in the room

The consequences of high humidity

Very often, we realize that our home is too humid only after the furniture and clothes in the closets acquire an unpleasant smell of dampness and become, as it were, wet. But this is only one, and rather insignificant, consequence of exceeding the relative humidity level. But among the more serious are the following:

  • the appearance and active reproduction of mold fungus, numerous spores of which lead to inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs, exacerbation of allergies and even asthma;
  • damage to the interior: the wallpaper falls off the walls due to the soaking of the glue, the furniture dries out and the parquet swells;
  • the appearance of black spots from the fungus on clothes and textile interior items, which may not be completely washed out.

At one time, my husband and eldest son and I rented an apartment. And it would seem that everything is fine - there is all the furniture, satellite TV, internet, a working elevator, plastic windows, and only one small minus - black mold on the double-glazed windows and the metal-plastic balcony door. To be honest, I solved this problem simply - I washed the fungus with a damp cloth in dish detergent, and then wiped it dry. But within a week everything was back to normal. The ventilation did not help much - the windows and the door continued to condensate. At the same time, I began to notice that my son began to get sick with colds more often and almost did not stop coughing. The last straw was the words of a neighbor that the previous tenants moved out after their child was diagnosed with asthma. Hearing this, we immediately started looking for a new apartment and moved in a week later.

Mold is one of the most dangerous consequences of increased dampness in a residential area.

How to know that the humidity in the apartment is above the norm

The easiest way to do this is to use a hygrometer - a device for determining the level of humidity, which shows it as a percentage. If you do not have this device, you can use more time-consuming and not so accurate home methods.

Assmann's psychrometric table

Procedure for determining the humidity level:

  1. Record the readings of room temperature on paper.
  2. We wrap the thermometer with a damp cloth on the mercury side, and then record new data.
  3. If they are higher than the previous ones, we wet the matter more strongly and again cover the thermometer with it.
  4. The resulting figure is again recorded and compared with the table.
  5. We find the dry thermometer data in the left column, and the temperature difference between the wet and wet thermometers in the top line.
  6. At the intersection of these indicators, we find our humidity level.

Such a measurement, although not absolutely accurate, but approximately shows whether the level of moisture in the air is increased or decreased.
Reconciliation of the readings of a room thermometer with the Assmann table allows you to approximately find out the level of humidity in the room

Water in a glass

The algorithm of your actions is as follows:

  1. We collect cold water in an ordinary faceted glass.
  2. We place in the refrigerator for three hours so that the liquid reaches a temperature of 3-5 degrees Celsius.
  3. We put the glass away from the batteries and observe for 5 minutes.

If the glass is first covered with condensation and then dried up, then the air is quite dry. After the specified time, the glass is still fogged up - the humidity level is average. After 5 minutes, streams of water flowed down the glass - the humidity is high.

How to Reduce Humidity in Your Home

Having identified a significant excess of the humidity level, everything possible should be done to normalize it, because the health of all household members depends on it.

Room ventilation

This method of drying the air is the simplest, most affordable and quite effective. It is, of course, desirable to ventilate in dry and windy weather, otherwise there will not be much sense. It is especially important to carry out this procedure after cooking, taking a bath or shower, washing, general wet cleaning.

Interestingly, even a fan is quite capable of drying the air in the room if there is no way to ventilate it.

Heaters and dehumidifiers

If the dampness in the room exceeds all possible limits, you will have to think about purchasing dehumidifiers. These devices can be used both in residential and industrial premises. For home use, of course, you need a household dehumidifier, which is compact and quiet. You can turn on the device as needed.
Household dehumidifiers will not only reduce its humidity, but also get rid of harmful particles

In winter and in the off-season, heaters become a real salvation from dampness. The heat they give off significantly dries the air, however, for the same reason, you may later have to deal with its dryness. Therefore, in order not to overdry the room, try not to overheat it by using additional heaters in the presence of central heating.
During the heating season, heating batteries dry out, and can even dry out the air.

The use of modern finishing materials

If you want to protect the premises from dampness on a global scale, get ready for a major overhaul. Non-natural materials contribute to the accumulation of moisture in the room, so try to avoid plastic and other types of moisture-trapping finishes. For "drainage" repairs, you should:

  1. Remove the remnants of all previous finishing materials.
  2. Find the source of increased dampness, if it is in the dwelling, and try to eliminate it.
  3. Thoroughly dry the room and, most importantly, the walls, it is best to use a heat gun for this.
  4. Carefully seal all places that provoke high humidity, usually these are wall joints and floor seams. To do this, the gaps are filled with cement mortar and treated with hydro- and bioprotective agents, most often based on silicone.
  5. Treat the surface of all walls with a water-repellent primer or bioprotection, or even better, with both.
  6. Finish the prepared room with moisture-resistant drywall, which has a green tint inherent only to it. The thickness of sheets of such material is usually 10–12 mm.
    Moisture resistant drywall highlighted in green
  7. To finish a home with a high level of humidity, choose vinyl-coated non-woven wallpaper. This coating resists moisture well, and some varieties can even be wiped with a damp cloth to clean. And you can also use compact vinyl wallpaper.
    Compact vinyl wallpaper suitable for home decoration with a high level of humidity

Acrylic paint and putty are a great duo for treating walls in a room with high humidity. Acrylic itself is a water resistant material, but in the form of paint mixed with putty, it creates a reliable water-repellent film. Another best option for decorating wet rooms is ceramic tiles. True, because of the high cost, it is mainly used in the kitchen or in the bathroom. Although, if you have the required funds, it is quite possible to decorate living rooms with tiles, only the tiles need to be chosen in larger sizes than in the rooms mentioned above.

Moisture pills

Special absorbent tablets (Ceresit "Stop Moisture", Henkel "Stop Humidity") are used in conjunction with a desiccant - a container into which the saline solution formed from the absorbed moisture flows. Such a device is capable of absorbing about 0.4 liters of water per month. The area of ​​the premises should not exceed 20 square meters. m. One tablet is enough for two to three months of use.
Anti-dampness tablets Henkel "Stop Humidity" absorb excess moisture in the room

Folk remedies

If the dampness is insignificant or you do not have a lot of money, you can try to dry the room with folk remedies.

Absorbent Products

Of food products, salt, sugar, rice and coffee beans absorb moisture well. Naturally, they do not need to be placed in bags in the middle of the rooms. It is enough to pour into some small containers and arrange in inconspicuous places - under the sofa, on cabinets, etc. True, sugar can attract unwanted neighbors - cockroaches, ants, etc. to your home. But with the help of coffee beans, you can make a beautiful decorative composition in a glass more often by adding other bright components there.
Coffee beans not only absorb excess moisture, but also provide unlimited scope for creativity.

silica gel

Silica gel is a substance we find in sachets in many industrial products (new shoes, bags, wallets) that perfectly absorbs moisture. True, to drain the premises found in purchases will not be enough. You can buy silica gel at a pet store, where it is usually bought for cat litter. Be careful: small children who like to put everything in their mouths should not have access to silica gel balls. It is best to use it not in bulk, but in some kind of breathable bag (made of fabric or non-woven material).

indoor flowers

If you want to combine business with pleasure, you can have indoor flowers that absorb excess moisture from the air. These include:

Important! This method is controversial, because the flowers themselves, which need to be watered and which evaporate moisture, can become a source of dampness and mold in the room, especially if there are a lot of them.

Calcium chloride, charcoal and quicklime

The listed substances can be used to reduce the humidity of non-residential premises. They are poured into containers, which are placed in the corners of a damp building. The safest option for a dwelling is coal. However, you need to make sure that it is not a source of coal dust: it is dangerous for the health of households. Choose large pieces of coal and do not put coal in "passing" places. Lime is usually drained basements, garages and other non-residential premises. Calcium chloride before use should be dried in the oven and crushed.

If you are already struggling with the effects of high levels of moisture in your home or are thinking about preventing high dampness, try following these tips:

  • try to eliminate all the causes that cause increased dampness;
  • ventilate the rooms after any manipulations associated with the abundant use of water - washing, cooking, hygiene procedures. If you don’t want to open the window for a long time in winter, the easiest way is to use the so-called extreme ventilation - open the windows completely, but only for a couple of minutes;
    In winter, I don’t really want to ventilate, but this must be done at least 3-5 times a day
  • install the hood and do not forget to use it;

With the onset of cold weather, windows in houses and apartments increasingly remain closed. The sun's rays do not provide heating of the premises, and the precipitation contributes to the formation of dampness inside. Residents of housing have a problem: how to get rid of excess moisture in the apartment.

Excessive humidity promotes the formation of mold, the reproduction of fungi and mites, and also impairs comfort in housing. As a result, people may develop diseases: colds, weakness, joint pain.

Causes of dampness in the apartment

  • poor ventilation;
  • poor waterproofing of the foundation;
  • the heating system does not work;
  • washing and drying clothes indoors;
  • does not work well or is absent in the kitchen;
  • the presence of a large number of plants;
  • evaporation during cooking;
  • external conditions.

The causes of dampness and ways to get rid of moisture in a private house are presented in the table.


Poor foundation protection

Creation of drainage; materials with polymer additives.

Ceiling leak

Seal joints of floor slabs with expanding cement, sealant or waterproof putty.

Walls getting wet

Insulation and waterproofing outside; grouting seams.

roof leaks

Repair of the roof and drainage system; attic insulation.

Ventilation fails

And installation of additional ventilation.

Before eliminating the problem, it is necessary first of all to establish the causes of its occurrence by examining the premises. Moisture protection is done first in the most vulnerable places.

What should be the humidity of the air?

The room should have a device that determines the humidity. The optimal value is 60%. In the heat, it drops to 45%. The body feels discomfort in an excessively dry or humid climate. Therefore, the condition of the air in the housing must be monitored. Users of air conditioners should be aware that when they are turned on, the humidity decreases. In a humid climate, this creates favorable conditions, while in a dry climate, indoor conditions become worse.

Why reduce the humidity in the house?

Leads to allergic diseases, people are more prone to runny nose, migraines, deterioration of the cardiovascular system. When dampness appears, it is necessary to immediately decide how to get rid of excess moisture in the apartment.

The microclimate in the apartments has changed due to the modern standard of living. People began to take baths more often, wash clothes, and dry things. Within a week, one person accounts for up to 30 liters of water evaporation. In order to avoid negative consequences due to high humidity, it is necessary to find the reasons for its occurrence.

Fighting dampness in the apartment

If excess fumes appear during cooking, they can be reduced by installing an additional fan on the kitchen hood. The air must circulate so that moisture does not settle on the walls and glass. Additional ventilation helps here. In order for the hood to work effectively, air must flow through the vents.

Cover pots with lids to reduce evaporation. You can also turn on forced ventilation.

The poor condition of the ceiling also affects the indoor climate. It can be plastered again.

What are the reasons and how to get rid of excess moisture in the apartment? With the appearance of plastic windows in apartments, it deteriorated due to their tightness. Frames must be equipped with built-in ventilation. If you managed to get rid of excess moisture on the window, this is an indicator that a normal microclimate has been established in the apartment.

A cold wall can cause dampness. This is especially noticeable in panel houses. Usually the walls are insulated, then covered with drywall. In this case, the expansion joints between the panels are first sealed. This is done from the outside, because the walls are covered with plaster from the inside.

On the first floors, you can often notice the appearance of salt deposits or mold at the bottom of the wall. This may be due to dampness coming from the basement or poor floor insulation. In this case, it is sealed and insulated. Check for leaks in heating or plumbing pipes.

Ways to reduce humidity in a private house

Before you decide how to get rid of excess moisture in the house, you should identify the causes of its occurrence.

How to get rid of moisture on windows?

Drops on glasses appear primarily due to high humidity in the room.

Get rid of excess moisture on the window should be by increasing air circulation, including around it. To prevent condensate from settling, multi-chamber double-glazed windows are purchased. In addition, expensive models have air microcirculation systems. It's not worth saving.

The window sill should not block the heating radiators. If decorative grilles are used for them, it is necessary to take devices with increased power.

Do windows in the kitchen often fog up? Extraction works well with this. If it is not enough, install another one.

How to deal with mold and fungus

Mold releases spores that are extremely dangerous to the human respiratory system. It can often be seen in the bathroom in the form of characteristic black and green dots and spots. The fungus is detected by a characteristic unpleasant odor. It spreads rapidly and does not disappear on its own without special measures.

You can eliminate mold and fungus with special means. They are also toxic and should be used in accordance with the instructions provided. An effective antiseptic has an antimicrobial and fungicidal effect. It is important to choose the right composition, since many of their types act selectively.

The work consists primarily in the complete cleaning of infected places. To do this, put on and peel off the plaster from the wall. Then the infected area is treated with an antiseptic. After the walls are dried, and then the coating is restored.

Rules for the prevention of the appearance of fungi

How to get rid of excess moisture in the house? It is much easier to do this than to subsequently deal with the fungi and mold that have appeared. Actions are as follows.

  1. The presence of sufficient light in the premises.
  2. Constantly open doors and ventilation in the bathroom and in the kitchen.
  3. Maintain indoor humidity below 35%.
  4. Airing all rooms at least twice a day with wide open windows.
  5. Wiping walls and floors with an antifungal agent once a month.
  6. Do not keep geraniums and African violets indoors - sources of fungi.

A good way to prevent deposits is a household dehumidifier. It is easy to carry it to different rooms. The power is chosen large, and the device is automatic to maintain the desired humidity. The heated towel rail perfectly fights dampness, solving the problem of how to get rid of moisture in the bathroom.


When dampness appears in housing, you must first establish the causes and places of occurrence, and then solve the problem. And then the question of how to get rid of excess moisture in the apartment will cease to be relevant for you.

For a full-fledged life, a person needs air with an optimal level of humidity. It is not uncommon for this level to rise in the bathroom, kitchen, living room or vestibule. The owners grab their heads, not knowing how to get rid of the smell of dampness and high humidity that has appeared. In addition to the fact that an unpleasant aroma permeates clothes and wooden decor elements, mold appears on the walls, which spoils the whole impression. To cope with the problem in a short time, it is necessary to adhere to practical recommendations.

Optimum humidity level

It is generally accepted that the dwelling should have humidity, the indicator of which ranges from 50-60%, not higher. To measure the microclimate, you need to use a device called a hygrometer. In the summer, the humidity level may decrease to 35-40%, this feature is achieved for obvious reasons.

It is known that the human body equally badly tolerates both excessively humid and arid climates. People who use split systems should be extremely careful. The air conditioner sucks in moisture, causing a decrease in the optimum value. However, if you often dry clothes in the living room, and not on the balcony, the split system will become a lifesaver.

Reasons for high humidity

  1. High humidity occurs for many reasons, one of them is considered to be the lack of both natural and artificial ventilation. If there is air circulation, then it is worth checking how well it works.
  2. There are frequent cases when the humidity rises above the permissible limits for the reason that the neighbors living above heat the apartment from below. Dampness accumulates in corners and cracks, provoking the appearance of mold.
  3. To date, not every developer can be called conscientious. Some save on material, others hire workers with insufficient qualifications. High humidity appears due to poorly sealed seams from the street part of the wall.
  4. If we talk about the house, in most cases the basement is often flooded due to the large amount of groundwater. From the lower tier, moisture rises to the first and second floors, while being accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  5. The modern design of many residential premises involves hiding sewer pipes with various decorative panels. For this reason, if a water leak occurs, the owner cannot eliminate it in time.

The consequences of high humidity

Important attention must be focused on health, which deteriorates due to high humidity.

  1. Under such conditions, the human body is not able to cope even with the most banal cold syndromes, what can we say about serious diseases. If you are constantly and for a long time in a humid environment, a common cold can develop into something more.
  2. In addition to weakening the immune system, a humid microclimate causes allergies, eczema, skin rashes, insomnia, runny nose, muscle and joint pain. Also, high humidity contributes to the development of apathy, general fatigue, depression.
  3. It is not uncommon for a fungus that has appeared to cause the development of chronic diseases. The elderly and children are most susceptible to such reactions. In the first category, the protective functions of the body do not work to the full, in the second - the body is not yet fully formed.
  4. If the humidity of the air exceeds the optimal limits, a pungent and unpleasant smell of mold is established in the apartment. The stench eats into furniture upholstery, soft floor coverings, clothes, towels, bed linen, mattress and pillow.
  5. Due to high humidity, the seams of the room turn black, indicating the development of mold. With each passing day, the fungus infects an increasing surface, under the threat of walls, ceilings, cabinets, window frames, etc.
  6. If high humidity persists for a long time, accelerated spoilage of food products (baked goods, vegetables, fruits, flour, cereals and legumes) begins.

  1. Air Dryer. The best way to deal with high humidity is considered to be the use of a dehumidifier. The pricing policy depends on the specific manufacturer, the power of the unit and its model. You can buy the device in Vse dlya Doma stores, as well as in electronics hypermarkets. It is worth clarifying that the more productive the unit, the faster it will cope with high humidity. If possible, purchase a device with a regulator and a table that displays the level of dampness. Such a function will allow you to save on electricity and not dry out the air.
  2. Heating radiators. You can get rid of excessive moisture in the room with the help of heating radiators. Batteries are present in every apartment, but it is not always possible to use them (the exception is the summer-spring period). If you notice that dampness persists for a long time, heat the room periodically. During a kind of heat treatment, the fungus dies, the air becomes much drier. Turn on the heating only in the cold season, avoid sudden temperature fluctuations that make the windows sweat.
  3. Fresh air. It is known that a humid environment is afraid of fresh air, but only if the ventilation does not occur in cloudy and rainy weather. Make it a habit to open windows 3 times a day, leave for a quarter of an hour, if possible longer. If possible, keep the window open at all times, closing it only in case of rain outside. To make ventilation much more efficient, install plastic windows that open upwards (micro-ventilation). Such a move will eliminate the likelihood of drafts and remove moisture.
  4. Sugar and salt. The listed products perfectly absorb moisture, but, as a rule, they are used extremely rarely. Agree, it is not very convenient to keep a five-kilogram bag with a loose composition in the middle of the room, also in the open state. The option is useful in the fight against moisture in small rooms, such as a pantry, vestibule, bathroom. It is enough to pour salt or sugar into the basin, and then take it to the room, do not forget to stir occasionally.

Preventive actions

  1. Inspect sewer pipes and heating radiators, find out if there is a leak. In this case, call the wizard or troubleshoot on your own.
  2. If the yard is sunny and warm, ventilate the room constantly. Do not sit in an apartment with closed windows for a long time.
  3. The air conditioner absorbs some of the moisture from the room. In addition, the split system eliminates the smell of dampness and prevents mold from infecting larger areas.
  4. Equip your kitchen with a hood. Turn it on every time you cook, especially if you prefer to boil or stew food.
  5. Check the draft of the ventilation system, clean it from dust and foreign debris. Perhaps it is the ventilation that is causing the unpleasant odor.
  6. Choose indoor plants that do not need abundant watering. The cactus is considered the most optimal, put 3 species in each room with a suffocating smell.
  7. It is known that natural materials absorb excess moisture. During cosmetic repairs, give preference to products of this kind, discard synthetics.
  8. Look for absorbent preparations that absorb excess moisture. An excellent option is the STOP moisture tool, it can be purchased at any hardware store.
  9. In the winter season, install an additional heating radiator in the apartment or get by with the simplest wind blower "Veterok".
  10. If possible, dry clothes on the loggia or balcony. Otherwise, keep the windows open throughout the drying process (important for warm and sunny weather).

It is quite difficult to get rid of high humidity in the apartment, if you do not have knowledge regarding the available methods. Ventilate the room more often, install air conditioning, heat the apartment. Get a dehumidifier, turn it on at least 4 times a week.

Video: what is the danger of high humidity in apartments

Since a dwelling with an overestimated moisture rate is not a favorable place for a person to live, it becomes more relevant how to remove humidity in an apartment.

The modern lifestyle of almost all people contributes to an increase in the level of humidity inside the room in which they live.

To understand this, it is enough to give a simple example: earlier people took a bath about once every 5-7 days.

Today, daily showering is the norm for the common man.

Some of the people play sports or go to the gym, as a result of which they constantly sweat.

In addition to the developed habit, take a shower every day or, you still have to wash clothes, and some even take care of pets.

The main sources of humidity in the room include:

  • human respiratory process
  • daily bathing procedures
  • laundry care, including drying, washing and ironing
  • influence of the external atmosphere
  • cooking in the kitchen

In any case, all these everyday moments cannot be avoided, so you will have to deal with excessive humidity in.

Possible effects of dampness

The most favorable place for the reproduction of microflora is a room with a high indicator of air humidity. It could be a bathroom or a basement. Humidity in a room often contributes to the appearance of a chronic disease in a person who lives here.

Most often, children suffer, because the child's body is not yet formed, and the immune system is not fully strengthened. Old people also suffer from living in such premises, since the protective and other functions of the body weaken with age.

Residents of houses that are made of brick most often complain about the problem of high humidity in the room. In turn, the inhabitants of the panel, complain about the lack of the required level of moisture inside. Dry air also negatively affects human health, as a result of which it can get sick.

If the room has a high level of humidity, you should immediately address the problem, since replacing several household items is much cheaper than spending money on treatment.

In addition to the possible harm to human health, an increased level of humidity creates an uncomfortable state of being inside.

Often, due to an overestimated indicator of dampness, an unpleasant smell and a feeling of coolness form inside the dwelling or any other room. In a humid room, food quickly deteriorates, including even vegetables and fruits.

In such rooms, mold and harmful microflora often form. Dampness is one of the most unpleasant phenomena that can spoil the whole comfort of living or being inside a building. If this problem is detected, it is worth immediately taking measures corresponding to the elimination of dampness.

Causes of dampness in the apartment

Before you begin the process of fixing the problem, it is worth identifying the main cause of the accumulation of damp air inside.

The main reasons for the accumulation of dampness inside the building include:

  • Lack of room ventilation. Even if ventilation is present, its performance and quality of operation should be checked.
  • Moisture may appear due to the heating of the apartment by neighbors from above. Often this problem is difficult to identify, since a neighbor who lives above an apartment with high humidity may not be aware of the breakdown of his plumbing. It is always necessary to check whether this is the main cause of orphanhood in the home.
  • If there are open seams between the walls in the building, moisture can also appear inside the building.
  • If the basement of a multi-storey building is flooded, then the moisture will rise up, as a result of which it will create dampness. Before you remove the moisture in the apartment on the ground floor, you should make sure that the flooded basement is the main source of moisture.
  • Incorrect positioning of kitchen appliances can affect the appearance of dampness.

To fix the problem, it is always necessary to find the source of dampness. The easiest way to detect an increased level of moisture is to lean a mirror or piece of glass against the surface.

If after a few minutes water drops appear on the surface of the glass or mirror, then there is an increased level of dampness in a separate room or the whole room. If the glass turns out to be clean, you should not rejoice ahead of time, since moisture can be stored exclusively in the walls of the building.

How to get rid of dampness

As mentioned above, if a problem is detected, it should be immediately eliminated, since the influence of a humid environment can adversely affect the human body.

The most common methods for removing humidity in a room include:

  • Installation of an air dryer, which can be purchased at any supermarket of electronic and household appliances. The price of a dehumidifier directly depends on its model and capacity. In any case, to fix the problem, you must purchase a similar unit. When buying, it is worth considering the fact that the higher the power rating of the device, the faster the dampness in a particular building will be eliminated. On the market for such products, devices with built-in dampness control sensors are offered. If the moisture indicator on the dehumidifier sensor drops, the device automatically changes the heating temperature. Thus, the device will not dry out the air, but will keep a stable rate of temperature and humidity inside the room or building. Note that such models use more electricity than standard, simple dehumidifiers that do not have a control sensor.
  • Mounting the radiator, if it is not. If there are radiators in the building, then it is worth using them. A damp room needs to be warmed up from time to time. When radiators emit heat, all of the unfavorable microflora, including fungi, may disappear, and the apartment will dry out well. Based on the advice of experts, the room should not be warmed up much, but often.

How to prevent excessive moisture

Houseplants absorb moisture. That is why it is worth acquiring plants, if there are none already. Flowers on the windowsill, in addition to their aesthetic function, perfectly absorb the dampness that is in the building.

Indoor flowers or other plants minimize any chance of increased moisture levels. For example, tropical plants absorb a huge amount of water, so putting such a plant in the bathroom or bedroom would be the right decision.

Cacti are the most "powerful" plants in terms of absorption capacity.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that these plants are not very decorative, many do not want to put them at home either.

When choosing a plant for a room, kitchen or bathroom, you should first study the characteristics of various plants.

If the above problem is identified, the main source of the emitted moisture should be urgently identified. And only after a problem is discovered, the owner of the house should choose the ideal way for him to regulate the microclimate and, accordingly, reduce the level of moisture inside the building.

How to get rid of dampness in an apartment or house - in the video:

For a comfortable stay in a residential area, it is required not only to make high-quality repairs and tastefully place interior items. It is also necessary to maintain the necessary state of the internal environment, that is, the microclimate. Excessive humidity in the apartment, turning into dampness, can harm not only the people living in it, but also the decor and finishing materials.

Reasons for high humidity

Permissible humidity indicators in residential premises should be in the range of 30 ... 60% (in accordance with GOST 30494 * 2011).

GOST in the current edition. Buildings residential and public. The parameters of the microclimate in the premises. PDF file.

Before taking measures to eliminate dampness in the apartment, it is necessary to determine the causes of its occurrence. Otherwise, the measures taken may not have the desired effect.

In the vast majority of examples, an increased level of humidity in a dwelling is caused by the following reasons:

The ventilation system must ensure the supply of fresh air to the apartment, which is necessary to create a good microclimate, and the removal of polluted air. Periodic ventilation will not be able to fully cope with this task. The ventilation ducts can be blocked by the owners themselves, or the owners of other apartments are the culprits of the problem.

Often it is not possible to quickly determine leaks in communications due to the installation of boxes that mask them. Upstairs neighbors can also flood.

You can also determine the source of the problem by the location of the mold that has appeared. A biological lesion that has spread throughout the wall in contact with the street indicates poor thermal insulation. Mold in the upper part of the wall indicates the need to check the tightness of the interpanel seam.

If mold has appeared at the bottom of the walls in an apartment located on the lower floor, there is a possibility of poor waterproofing from moisture coming from the basement or an error in the construction of the foundation. Of course, the problem with this supporting structure is unlikely to be solved. But it is possible to significantly reduce the dampness that appeared due to shortcomings in the insulation of the room from moisture penetration. To do this, it is recommended to take up the device of floor waterproofing. The necessary materials are produced today mass.

It will not be possible to solve the issue of moisture penetration from the roof by carrying out measures for waterproofing the ceiling. The roof needs to be repaired.

If the cause of dampness in the apartment is a leaking roof, basement flooding, poor thermal insulation or leaky seams between the panels, you should contact the management company.

The level of humidity in the apartment can be affected by linen hung out to dry, and a large aquarium installed, and a large number of indoor plants, and the contents of containers boiling on the stove. However, these factors have either a short-term or insignificant effect.

The washing machine can also be a source of the smell of dampness in the apartment. The reason is clogging of some parts of the unit, long-term storage of dirty laundry in the tank, dirt remaining at the bottom of the drum, etc.

Any of these problems can lead to dampness in a certain place in the apartment. Having found out the cause and taking timely measures to get rid of the misfortune, you can quickly eliminate the consequences to which this phenomenon leads and restore the optimal microclimate in the room.

Interesting! Of course, a hygrometer helps to determine the value of humidity in the room. However, you can conduct an experiment by connecting children to the event. To do this, you need a glass of water, which is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours (it is necessary that the water temperature drops to 3 ... 5 degrees). After that, the vessel must be installed in a place where there are no devices nearby that regulate the microclimate. If, after ten minutes, dripping drops of condensate appear on the walls of the glass, the humidity in the room exceeds the optimal values.

Factors indicating a problem

It is possible to determine a significant excess of the humidity level in an apartment not only with the help of a special device, but also visually.

Mold and fungus appear on the ceiling or walls. Microorganisms multiply at lightning speed in a closed space with a moisture content in the air exceeding 70% and an ambient temperature greater than 18 degrees.

Dampness symptoms are also problems with the condition of the finish: plaster may collapse, wooden materials rot, or wallpaper may lag behind the walls.

Condensation appears on plastic windows. The reason can be both a factory defect in the structures, and problems with the microclimate in the apartment.

In addition to the listed problems from dampness in the room, for those in the apartment, an unpleasant smell will also provide discomfort, which cannot be eliminated with the help of any air fresheners.

What is dampness in a room?

As already noted, high humidity leads to damage to finishing materials and interior items. Particularly affected are products made from paper, wood or leather. Even door blocks can be deformed, paintings and books can become unusable. All this leads to the need for repair work.

But most importantly, dampness can cause irreparable harm to the health of households. The main dangers are young children and elderly residents. Spores of harmful microorganisms lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases. Once in the respiratory system, they cause allergic reactions.

Much more often, apartment residents suffer from colds, and they occur in a more acute form. Damp textiles in contact with the body contribute to the development of rheumatism.

Staying at the apartment becomes uncomfortable. People experience reduced concentration, fatigue, and performance problems. The unpleasant smell emanating from clothes also does not add positive emotions. Finally, food has a reduced shelf life.

How to deal with moisture

Having diagnosed the problem that has appeared, it is necessary to immediately begin to eliminate the cause of the dampness that has appeared. If you can eliminate the source of danger on your own, you should do repair work. Otherwise, you need to contact the management company to solve problems with waterproofing, insulation and ventilation of housing.

It is also necessary to follow simple rules to maintain an optimal microclimate. It is important to periodically ventilate the room, as dampness does not tolerate fresh air.

An excessive number of indoor flowers should not be installed in the room, watering which also leads to a violation of the microclimate.

The room most prone to dampness is the bathroom. To prevent this from happening, you need:

Important! Before processing the joints with sealant, a disinfectant should be applied.

Humidity reduction technology

Dehumidifiers help remove excess moisture from the surrounding air. Devices have a different principle of operation, power and performance. They are placed on the floor, on a table or hung on a wall. For domestic use, models are suitable that can extract from 10 to 20 liters of moisture per day from the air. It is more convenient if the device is equipped with a built-in sensor that allows you to adjust the humidity in the room in automatic mode.

Prices for the range of air dryers

In the kitchen, where intensive vaporization occurs, forced ventilation cannot be dispensed with, for which they are installed there. The most demanded equipment has a capacity of 400 ... 600 m 3 / h.

Problems with high humidity can sometimes be solved with the help of installation. Poor heating during the cold season often leads to dampness.

Prices for different types of heaters


After the cause of dampness is found and eliminated, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate mold and fungi. Masking the problem area with the help of finishing cannot be limited. Dangerous microorganisms must be completely eliminated.

Elimination of mold on walls, floors and ceilings

Getting rid of mold is not easy.

Work technology.

Step 1. Foci of biodamage in the apartment are determined. It is important to provide access to all problem areas: move interior items, remove carpets or curtains, etc.

Prices for thermal imagers

Thermal imager

Step 2 During the event, it is necessary to use protective equipment, since many compounds are quite toxic: gloves, respirators and goggles.

Step 3 A rough brush eliminates a colony of microorganisms. To get to the base, you often have to remove the finishing material: wallpaper, plaster, drywall, etc. Moreover, it is necessary to clear a larger area so that it is possible to kill spores that have not had time to manifest themselves.

Step 4 The infected area and the area around it are being treated with the help of fungicides or antiseptics, which are presented today in a large assortment. The compositions are applied with a roller, brush or spray gun. Reapplication may be required depending on the manufacturer's recommendations. After that, the surface should dry.

Prices for different types of mold protection Pufas

Mold protection Pufas

Step 5 The treated area is primed before finishing work. To do this, you must wait until the base is completely dry.

Table. Chemical agents for the elimination of mold and fungus.


Means for removing green plaque and mold from walls and ceilings, as well as for prevention.Used for surface treatment inside and outside buildings. Consumption: 50...100 ml/sq.m.

"Element T-0" ("Alpa")

The chlorine-free formulation is suitable for the elimination and prevention of bioinjuries (as a protective measure).It is used to treat mold and fungus on various bases: concrete, brick, stone, wood, plasterboard, plastered. Consumption: 1 liter per 10 m2 of surface.

An effective preparation for the treatment of mold and fungus on surfaces in rooms with high humidity.A product with a pungent odor is applied with a spray bottle. After application in 10...30 minutes the basis needs to be washed.

The composition with chlorine is designed to eliminate various types of biological lesions from internal and external surfaces.Before use, the concentrate must be diluted with water (1:1). Bases and coatings for processing: concrete, tiles, plastic, wood, wallpaper, plasterboard, paint, stone, etc. Consumption: 1 liter per 15 sq.m.

"Mold Remover" (Neomid)

Rapid removal of mold from mineral surfaces.The composition is diluted with water (1:1), applied with a roller or brush on the surface for about 0.5 hours. The package is enough to process 20 sq.m. grounds.

To treat the surfaces of walls and ceilings, as well as to eliminate traces of biodamage from interior items, you can also use folk recipes:

Important! The use of folk remedies, as a rule, involves repeated treatment of the infected surface.

The smell of dampness absorbed by the bases and furniture can be eliminated with soda. It is necessary to prepare a mixture from it, the consistency of which resembles sour cream. You can remove the composition from the surface a couple of hours after application, using a vacuum cleaner.

Dampness in an apartment can not only damage the environment and nullify all efforts to improve the premises, but also harm the health of the household. It is important to remember that the sooner mold removal begins, the more effective it will be.

Video - How to get rid of the fungus in the house and apartment
