How to lay a fireplace with your own hands. How to fold a brick fireplace with your own hands. Masonry of a three-level fireplace with a grate

Overview of brick fireplace designs

Who doesn't dream of having a fireplace at home? After all, this heating "device" is not only a means for obtaining heat, but also an excellent decorative element that can decorate any interior. As before, the most simple in execution is a brick fireplace. The device of such a hearth is represented by a firebox, a chimney and a portal. But do not think that the simplicity of the structure implies the possibility of its independent creation. During construction, it is necessary to take into account many factors that in the future will affect not only the appearance, but also the functionality.


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Types of brick fireplaces

1. U-shaped - is a classic hearth that can be decorated with various architectural elements;
2. In the Art Nouveau style - they are characterized by an elongated rectangular or semicircular shape;
3. Country style - they have a massive wooden beam and a D-shape;
4. In the style of Hi-Tech - they are based on the latest materials that give an artsy look.
- according to the method of installation in the premises:
1. Corner - as the name implies, it is installed directly in the corner of the room. Due to this arrangement, it is able to heat several rooms at once;
2. Closed - this arrangement implies its installation at the stage of building construction. In this case, it is located directly in the wall. This arrangement occupies a minimum of space;
3. Open - designed for large houses. They are located in the middle of the room, thus providing more efficient heating. The chimney in this case is suspended using special chain fasteners.

Brick fireplace projects

Structurally, the fireplace consists of the following elements:
Ceramic brick base
Firebox - fireclay brick
Gate valve
Dimensions: 1.5x0.8x2.5 m

Brick fireplace 002

Project with a niche for firewood. Firebox - arched ceiling. Fireplace and side ledges. For high ceiling indoors.

Wall fireplace 003

Low firebox. Suitable for any room. Weight 2000 kg. For burning firewood and briquettes. Beam overlapping of a fire chamber. Brick shelf with a ledge forward and on the sides.

Laid out of ceramic bricks. Reinforced foundation required. direct overlap of the firebox and firewood. Ledges of the shelf and pedestal.

Model with firewood under the cabinets. for solid fuels. Suitable for large halls of cottages. Overlapping of a fire chamber arched.

It consists of a firebox and two niches for firewood. Can be built from any ceramic brick. The design is strictly straight.

Project 007

Model with straight lines. Plenty of space to store and dry firewood. There is a fireplace mantel. Side saddles.

Project with side cabinets. Increased space for firewood. The location of the firebox is close to the floor

Project 009

Project 010

Choose a place

From the correct choice of the location of the hearth in the room will depend on its effectiveness as a heating agent. Moreover, it is important to remember that a brick fireplace will not be able to provide constant temperature maintenance at a certain level. This is due to its structure and features of the brick, which is distinguished by its thermal conductivity. It heats up very quickly and also cools down quickly. These factors must be taken into account, otherwise, the stronghold of heat will not cope with its function. As a rule, they are located near the end walls. This allows you to organically fit it into the interior and at the same time get the desired heating effect. In some cases, a brick fireplace can be placed in the corner. In this case, you can get the possibility of simultaneous heating of several rooms. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fire safety technique, which is a priority. Therefore, it is better to transfer the choice of a place for its installation in each case to experienced specialists. As for the size of the room, they should be at least 11-12 m2. In addition, it must have an opening window. Only then can a supply of fresh air be guaranteed, which will ensure safe operation.

The correct location of the hearth

Size calculation

As with any and any heating device, size affects its thermal performance. Therefore, before designing it, it is necessary to determine its exact dimensions. For these purposes, use the proportion of 1:50 - 1:70. As a ratio, take the volume of the room itself and the furnace hole. As for the depth of the firebox, it should correspond to the height in a ratio of 1:2 - 2:3. It should be borne in mind that the back wall is made about 12 cm thick, and the side walls - 25 cm. By calculating these values, you can get the exact size of the future fireplace and optimally place it in the chosen place. Based on the size of the firebox, the chimney is also calculated, which should be 8-15 times smaller in diameter.

Calculation of the dimensions of a brick fireplace
Fireplace elements S-12 m² S-15 m² S-20 m² S-25 m² S-30 m² S-35 m²
Portal Width 50 60 70 80 90 100
portal height 42 49 56 63 70 77
Firebox depth 30 32 35 38 40 42
Height of the rear wall of the firebox 36 36 36 36 36 36
Width of the rear wall of the firebox 30 40 45 50 60 70
Smoke box height 57 60 63 66 70 80
Section of a brick chimney 14x27 14x27 27x27 27x27 27x40 27x40
Metal chimney section 200 200 230 250 300 300

Selection of materials

Oven bricks are used as the main building material for a classic fireplace. It is immediately worth noting that such a brick must comply with certain standards, which are determined by the master immediately before using it. This process is quite simple in appearance: a light tapping of a brick with a hammer gives a certain sound, by which the suitability of the building material is determined. If you build without taking into account this factor, there is a possibility of its incorrect functioning.

It is also important in construction and the solution, which consists of clay and sand. As for clay, almost any will do. But, as experienced craftsmen say, the best results can only be achieved using "red" clay. As for finishing materials, today the choice is wide. As a material for the portal, both natural materials can act: various stones, wood, and the “products” of progress - metal alloys and a number of other materials. In this case, it all depends on the required design.

Foundation - basis

In order for the brick hearth to serve you "faithfully" for many years, it is necessary to carefully approach not only its construction. This is especially true for building a foundation. It is on how correctly the foundation is laid out that the fireplace itself will be so stable. Rubble stone or special waterproof bricks are used as the main materials for the foundation. as a rule, the foundation is made 10-15 cm wider than the base. At the same time, it is performed separately from the foundation of the building. Thus, the impact of subsidence, both the building itself and the hearth, is prevented. It is recommended to use cement with an index of 400 or 500.

During the construction of the fireplace itself, the chimney must be located exactly in the middle of the foundation. This creates a symmetrical load on the base, which prevents distortions.

Foundation scheme:

1. Ground

2. Compacted sand base

3. Geotextile

4. Concrete preparation

5. Waterproofing

6. Monolithic concrete

7. Fittings

Care and firebox

To begin with, the constant use of the fireplace is the cause of the formation of a large amount of soot, which must be cleaned regularly. This applies not only to the firebox itself, but also to the chimney. Of course, you should not clean the chimney after each use, but once a year you still have to deal with it closely. For these purposes, it is desirable to provide for convenient access to its outer part even at the construction stage. As for the firebox itself, after each use it is subject to mandatory cleaning, since the resulting soot does not have a beneficial effect on the human body. By the way, its amount just depends on what to drown. Wood is the classic source of fire in a fireplace. At the same time, it is best to use birch, and abandon conifers. But, since wood is now quite expensive, and it requires additional storage space, more and more often the owners use coal and briquettes. Although this fuel gives more soot, it is still less “troublesome”, and more warm from it.
Despite the fact that brick fireplaces are simple in their design, they require only a professional approach. This is due to a number of features that must be taken into account when building them. In addition, it is a source of open flame. Improper execution may cause a fire. Therefore, remember that the construction of any fireplace, even the simplest OWN, is UNACCEPTABLE!
If you want to decorate your home with a modern masterpiece that will delight you with its warmth, then the specialists of our company are always ready to help you in its construction.

Photo stages of building a fireplace

1-3 row Fireplace pedestal

4-10 row Fireplace portal

11-14 row Fireplace shelf


The services of a master - a specialist in chimney masonry are not cheap. The price of building one structure from scratch starts from 350 USD. e. (20 thousand rubles), reaching 1500 c.u. e. depending on the complexity and scope of work. Imagine how much money you can save if you fold a brick fireplace with your own hands. But the task is not an easy one - you need to learn the basics of furnace business, choose the appropriate design for the hearth, build and melt it correctly. We will try to give maximum information on all of the above issues, we will provide drawings of fireplaces for self-production.

The device of a classic brick fireplace

Strictly speaking, open hearths are not very suitable for heating private cottages due to their low efficiency, which is only 20-30%. While the fire is burning in the firebox, heat is distributed throughout the room by means of infrared radiation. After attenuation, the intensity of heating decreases and stops after 2-3 hours, when the brickwork has cooled down.

An important point. It is unrealistic to build even a small wood-burning stove in an apartment of a multi-storey building - there is nowhere to lead the chimney, and the ceiling is not designed for such a weight. Reference: the mass of the mini-fireplace, whose project is presented below, is more than 700 kg, size - 0.5 x 1 m (load area - 0.5 m²).

Despite the low heat output, fireplaces remain attractive to homeowners, as they create a unique atmosphere of home comfort. The device of a classic English hearth is shown in the diagram and includes the following elements:

  • underground part - foundation;
  • base of 2-3 rows of bricks;
  • a hearth with a protruding pre-furnace platform;
  • portal - brick frame of an open firebox;
  • smoke collector - a channel narrowing upwards in the form of an umbrella above the combustion chamber;
  • the chimney tooth at the beginning of the smoke collector serves for better heat removal from hot gases;
  • chimney pipe leading to the roof;
  • traction force is regulated by a valve.

Scheme of the device of a classic open hearth

If the construction budget allows, then the outside walls are tiled, as is done above in the photo. It is not necessary to decorate the walls of the structure - the correct brickwork looks quite neat.

The size and location of the hearth in the room

When choosing the design and drawings of the fireplace, pay attention to the dimensions of the portal, fuel chamber and chimney. The indicated dimensions are selected according to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room and are interconnected by the following ratios:

  • cross-sectional area of ​​​​the chimney pipe - 1/9 of the quadrature of the portal;
  • the depth of the firebox is 1.5-2 times less than the height of the portal opening;
  • the area of ​​the open opening is 1/50 of the quadrature of the room.

If you make a large fireplace in a small room, the chimney draft will not have enough air flow. The hearth will smoke into the room or “suck out” air from neighboring rooms, and along with heat. It is allowed to build a small structure in a spacious room, but the heating will be minimal - the fireplace will serve as a decoration for the living room and play the role of a barbecue.

For the convenience of determining the size of the firebox and the chimney, depending on the quadrature of the room, there is a ready-made table:

According to the shape, fireplaces are divided into 2 types - wall and corner. In the publication, we provide a description of the first variety - it is relatively simple. To build home hearths of the angular type, you need to gain experience in the furnace business. Having decided on the dimensions of the heater, allocate a place for installation, taking into account our recommendations:

  1. Place the fireplace in the center of the room divider. If a private house is in the process of redevelopment, repair or construction, the back wall can be brought to the next room by making an opening inside the partition.
  2. It is not advisable to make a fireplace near the outer wall - part of the heat will go outside.
  3. Think about convenience - do not place the structure near interior doors and do not place furniture back to back.
  4. Carefully study the design of the ceilings and the truss system so that the chimney pipe does not fall into the supporting beam or onto the edge of the reinforced concrete floor slab. The minimum distance from the flue wall to the rafters is 10 cm (taking into account the fire-prevention furnace cutting).

When choosing a platform for a fireplace, do not forget about the foundation. In a residential area, you will have to dismantle the floors, dismantle the screed and dig a pit without affecting the existing base of the building. Remember if house engineering networks have been laid in the chosen place - sewerage, water supply or heated floors. The basement under the room is also a problem, not every floor can withstand the weight of the masonry.

Construction technology

The procedure for preparing and laying a fireplace with your own hands is proposed to be divided into stages:

  1. Selection and purchase of building materials.
  2. Preparing a set of tools.
  3. Foundation device.
  4. Brickwork of the furnace body and chimney.
  5. Drying and primary kindling.

Let us consider in detail each item on the list, then we will present specific projects and orders available for execution by novice stove-makers.

An interesting version of the fireplace stove, where 2 fireboxes are combined - open and closed

Choosing a brick and mortar

Choose an oven brick taking into account the following requirements:

  • for the main masonry, take a solid ceramic (red) brick of a standard size of 250 x 120 x 65 mm, hollow marks are not suitable;
  • the walls of the firebox are laid out from fireclay (refractory) stones of the Sh, ShA or ShB grades;
  • instead of refractory, it is allowed to use solid clay brick, carefully selected for quality - without cracks, chips and other defects;
  • it is allowed to lay the body of the fireplace from used ceramic bricks, provided that the stones have retained their strength, have not been soaked with dampness and have not cracked;
  • if the budget allows, buy a figured brick with rounded edges, shown in the photo.

Note. The brand of fireclay stones is precisely indicated in the design of the hearth. Specify the number and shape of hewn bricks in accordance with the schemes - orders.

The easiest way to make a quality masonry mortar is to buy a ready-made clay-sand mixture in the store, designed for stoves and fireplaces. A similar product is commercially available for refractory masonry - fireclay and mortar.

If you are on the path of total savings, make the solution yourself:

The solution is considered suitable for work if the “sausage” rolled from it with a diameter of 10-15 mm does not crack and does not crumble when wound on a wooden stick Ø4-5 cm.

Reference. Ready-made clay-sand mortar is stored indefinitely. If the composition has time to dry before use, it is enough to dilute it again with water.

Methods for checking the solution by squeezing, tearing and winding the bundles on a round handle

Pure clay mortar for laying the foundation and the chimney is not suitable - you need to add lime or cement. Therefore, to build a fireplace, prepare additional building materials:

  • Portland cement M400;
  • sand;
  • roofing material for waterproofing;
  • felt (can be used), roofing iron;
  • broken stones of any origin;
  • boards or boards for formwork;
  • polyethylene film (used is allowed, but without holes);
  • steel knitting wire;
  • asbestos cord.

Advice. Instead of felt, basalt cardboard has been successfully used.

Ready-made masonry mixtures for stoves and fireplaces

Of course, the construction of a fireplace will require stove fittings - doors, valves, and so on. The exact number and dimensions are listed in the project. To form the arch of the portal, metal corners or fittings will also be required. In order not to plaster and decorate the finished hearth, purchase a special fire-resistant enamel.

We prepare the tools of the stove-maker

The complete set of tools used by kiln masters is shown in the picture. But since the average homeowner does not have all the fixtures depicted, we will give a list of tools that you cannot do without when building a fireplace:

  • pick;
  • hammer (preferably rubber);
  • construction level, tape measure;
  • square, cord and plumb;
  • the brush is wide;
  • Master OK;
  • pliers;
  • ruler and scriber - a pointed metal rod.

A beginner who is not trained in the techniques of hewing and splitting bricks will make a lot of marriage and ruin a lot of material until he gets used to the job. Hence the advice: cut stones with a grinder equipped with a circle on concrete. To reduce dust, go outside or to another room.

In addition to the listed devices, you will need a bucket and a thick cloth for wiping brick walls. A small spatula or a metal scoop with a broom is also useful.

Laying a solid foundation

How to make the base of the fireplace correctly is described in detail in another step-by-step. Briefly outline the stages of work:

  1. Digging and excavation of soil from a pit, whose dimensions are 10 cm wider than the dimensions of the future hearth. The depth depends on the location of stable soil layers, but not less than 0.5 m.
  2. Backfilling the pit with rubble stone, strengthening with liquid clay or lime mortar.
  3. Laying 2 waterproofing layers of roofing material.
  4. Installation of formwork, pouring a reinforced concrete slab with a thickness of 15-20 cm.
  5. After 4 weeks (complete solidification of concrete) - laying felt soaked in liquid clay and erecting 2 continuous rows of ceramic bricks.

Note. Instead of a reinforced concrete slab, cement mortar brickwork can be used, ending at the level of the finished floor. In this case, the rubble foundation can be loaded much earlier - after 7-10 days.

The base of the fireplace to be laid is a completely independent structure, not connected with the foundation of a private house. The minimum distance between them is 50 mm, but it is better to keep 10 cm. Treat the accessible side surfaces of the foundation with bitumen for waterproofing.

A plastic film is laid over the backfill and formwork so that liquid concrete does not lose cement milk. The felt soaked with clay is placed on the finished slab, as shown in the diagram. The first two rows of stones are considered zero and are not reflected in the order of the fireplace, their task is to protect the felt pad from high temperature. For more information about the technology of laying a reinforced concrete foundation, see the video:

Instructions for chimney masonry

Before laying out the fireplace, select the best brick for the firebox, clean the used stones from soot, dirt and adhering old mortar. When ready, proceed to an important stage - laying the first row. Step by step technology looks like this:

  1. Retreating 5 cm from the edge of the foundation, collect the first tier of bricks dry. First install the outer beautiful stones, then fill the middle.
  2. Using a square and a wooden plank, align the bricks along the line at 90° angles.
  3. Measure the length of the diagonals with a tape measure. The maximum allowable discrepancy is 5 mm.
  4. Lay all the stones on the mortar, controlling the horizontal level.

The next rows are laid out in the same way - the formation of the model on a dry, fitting and trimming of stones, setting on the solution. The verticality and horizontality of the masonry is constantly monitored using a plumb line and building level.

Advice for newbies. There is a simple technique that allows you to ensure the verticality of the fireplace masonry. After forming the first two rows, project the corner points on the ceiling with a plumb line and drive nails or dowels there. Tie cords with weights to them, which will serve as markers for the dimensions of the fireplace. Instead of twine, you can use vertically installed iron corners, then it will become much easier to level the masonry.

When erecting the walls of the fireplace, be sure to observe the following rules:

  1. Before laying, immerse the red brick in a bucket of water for 2-3 minutes - air bubbles will come out of the pores. Refractory stones do not need to be soaked, just rinsed from dust.
  2. The maximum joint thickness is 5 mm. Press the brick against adjacent stones, while leveling and removing excess mortar on the sides with a trowel.
  3. The walls of the gas channels must be smooth. Turn the bricks with a flat edge inside the flue, and every 3-4 rows wipe the masonry from the inside with a wet rag.
  4. Before laying a smoke box with a chimney tooth and sloping walls, where you need to do a lot of trimming, lay out the element model dry. This will allow you to clearly fit the sawn bricks.
  5. Fireclay and ceramic masonry, which have different coefficients of thermal expansion, do not connect with each other. Provide a gap of 3-5 mm where sheets of basalt cardboard are inserted.
  6. Before installation, wrap fireplace doors with asbestos cord at the points of contact with the wall. Fix the elements with a knitting wire, aligning them vertically and horizontally.
  7. Put the valve on the clay mortar - you need to open the valve and apply it to the frame.

The overlap is made of steel corners supported on the walls of the portal. The upper row of stones is laid on rolled metal without mortar, only the side seams are filled. Semicircular arched vaults are formed using special patterns of wood - circled, shown in the photo.

The circle can be made from plywood or wood of any quality, but the shape of the support must be clearly calibrated.

When installing a chimney, change the recipe for preparing the solution - add cement instead of clay. The ratio of the binder to sand is 1: 4, the density is medium. In the wooden floor of the house, cutting is performed, providing a fire indent of 38 cm from the smoke channel to combustible structures (see the diagram).

Above the roof surface, a thickening of the pipe is made - an otter that closes the joint of the roofing with brickwork. At the end, a closed-type head is formed, which prevents precipitation from entering the fireplace.

For stoves and fireplaces, fire rules are the same - the distance between the smoke channel and the wooden floor must be at least 380 mm (one and a half bricks)

Drying and first kindling

Sand-clay mortar does not harden, but dries. The drying process takes 10-14 days, during which monitoring is carried out. Small cracks that occur in the masonry of the fireplace are sealed with the same clay mortar. At the end of the specified period, make a trial kindling:

  1. Having opened the valve, kindle a small armful of brushwood and wood chips on the hearth.
  2. Gradually add small firewood, maintaining a small fire. This will allow the solution to dry completely.
  3. If after 3-4 hours no cracks have formed in the body of the fireplace, you can increase the portion of firewood. Take your time and first make sure that the walls of the hearth have warmed up.

Advice. Due to the air lock in the chimney, there may initially be no draft. The pipe must be heated with a torch or a small fire kindled on a view.

Techniques for performing fireplace masonry, see the following video:

Project No. 1 - a compact mini-fireplace

This hearth is suitable for heating a room of 16-20 m² in a country house or a small country house. Another option for using the design is as an outdoor barbecue built in a garden gazebo. A feature of the fireplace is lateral convection channels that heat the air in the room. The size of the building is 102 x 51 cm.

To lay out a mini-fireplace, you will need the following materials:

  • solid ceramic brick - 240 pcs. (chimney not included)
  • revision door 24 x 14 cm - 1 pc.;
  • cast-iron grates 18 x 14 cm;
  • valve 25 x 14 cm;
  • stainless steel sheet 1 mm thick, 500 x 1000 mm in size;
  • a sheet of black or galvanized metal, laid in front of the firebox, dimensions - 70 x 50 cm.

Sectional drawing of a mini-fireplace. Outlets of convection channels are provided on the side walls

Note. The stainless steel sheet serves as the back screen of the firebox. It is allowed not to put it, but then it will be necessary to form an inclined wall of cut bricks.

The mini-fireplace shown in the drawing is laid out in this order:

The master will tell you in detail the algorithm for laying a mini-fireplace in his video:

Project No. 2 - a simple heating fireplace

The dimensions of this building are 112 x 65 cm, the height is 2020 mm. The internal size of the portal is 52 x 49 cm. Accelerated heating of the room is provided due to the convective air channel. The building kit looks like this:

  • clay solid brick - 345 pcs.;
  • valve used in the chimney - 250 x 130 mm;
  • 2 steel equal-shelf corners 45 mm wide, 70 cm long;
  • metal sheet 500 x 700 mm.

A feature of the laying of the fireplace shown in the diagram is the setting of a large number of bricks at the base on the edge. A narrow long channel is arranged above, where the heated air of the room moves. Let's move on to the construction algorithm:

The method of trial kindling the fireplace is demonstrated in the last video:


We warn you that making a fireplace with your own hands from brick is a difficult task for a beginner. Aspects of construction, understandable in theory, turn into a problem in practice. Hence the recommendation: practice on simpler objects - make an outdoor grill, barbecue or barbecue. Hold brick and mortar in your hands, feel the nuances of masonry. It would be useful to consult a master stove-setter.

Each owner of a suburban household strives to organize comfort in his home. A special atmosphere is created by an open or closed hearth of fire, which will have a calming effect and warm in the cold months. In order to make the heat source safe and efficient, you can build a corner stove with your own hands. This will require drawings of such a structure and bricklaying skills.

What is a fireplace stove, its advantages and disadvantages

A fireplace stove is a unit or a capital structure made of fire-resistant materials that accumulates heat from a flame in the combustion chamber.

These structures are most often used as sources of heat and comfortable interior elements in cottages, country houses and private households.

Fireplace stoves have a number of advantages and disadvantages, which are expressed in the following criteria:

Table: advantages and disadvantages of fireplace stoves

  • the design of the wall structure is designed for heating rooms up to 100 m², which makes it universal for construction both in country houses and country households;
  • the angular design allows you to save usable space, and the shifted symmetry of the shape will make it possible to choose the best option;
  • has a high efficiency, since heating is carried out not only as a result of convection of hot streams, but also as a result of thermal radiation. This property of the design allows you to raise the temperature inside the rooms from 0 ° C to +25 ° C for a period of time from 60 to 120 minutes.
  • a fireplace stove, erected in the corner of the room, will be able to heat several rooms.
  • if the design of the fireplace stove is not equipped with a fuel chamber door, then the heat does not linger inside, and the walls cool down quickly;
  • high construction cost;
  • for independent construction, special knowledge and skills in the construction business will be required.

Design features and principle of operation

The design of the fireplace stove consists of two main elements - the combustion chamber and the chimney system. The degree of efficiency and productivity of the heating facility depends on how accurately the ratios of their parameters are calculated.

The principle of operation of the fireplace stove is that the flame in the combustion chamber burns with the chimney open (at the upper end). Smoke removal is carried out under the influence of traction, the power of which depends on the length of the pipe. Effective heat radiation occurs during the combustion of the furnace material, but when it is burned, the heating is significantly reduced. To increase heat transfer, the fireplace stove is equipped with a convection chamber. This upgrade allows the circulation of air from the room into it, and the heated air back.

Like any capital structure, the fireplace stove has a solid foundation.

For fire safety purposes, the structure is equipped with a firebox. It is placed on the floor in front of the fireplace. For this, non-combustible materials are used - metal, stone, refractory bricks or tiles.

In accordance with fire safety standards, such a platform should be made 30–35 cm wider than the perimeter of the fireplace stove.

Above the platform there is an ash pan cavity and a fuel chamber. The space between these compartments is equipped with a grate. This increases the efficiency of the heating facility, since a place is formed under the burning furnace material for dumping the burnt material.

Designs with a closed combustion chamber are equipped with a special blower, thanks to which it is possible to change the power of heat inside the fireplace stove. This makes it possible to extend the burning time, thereby saving furnace material.

All surfaces of the fireplace stove that are in contact with an open flame are laid out with fire-resistant materials. This is necessary because the temperature in these areas of the fireplace reaches and sometimes exceeds + 1000 °C.

To enhance heat radiation, the back wall of the fireplace stove is equipped with sheets of stainless steel or cast iron. For greater heat transfer, the back wall of the combustion chamber is built at an inclination forward. Due to this, heat flows are directed towards the platform, additionally heating the floors.

Above the combustion chamber, a smoke collection chamber (hailo) is installed. It has an irregular shape, resembling a truncated pyramid, in front of which there is a special barrier. This barrier does not allow cold air flows to mix with combustion products, and also prevents smoke from entering the room.

The rear wall of the smoke collection chamber is equipped with a special protrusion (chimney tooth), which keeps the accumulated gas from entering the room.

The chimney tooth prevents soot from falling out into the combustion chamber. To clean this section of the fireplace stove, a door is installed near it.

The smoke collection compartment (hailo) and the chimney system are separated by a metal valve. This element serves to block the path of warm flows from the room to the outside, after the firewood burns out. The valve is also used to adjust the thrust.

The pipe of the chimney system is built according to the same principle as in other heating structures. To ensure good draft, its height must be at least 500 cm from the base of the combustion chamber.

Calculation of the main parameters

The efficiency of the fireplace stove operation depends on the correct calculation of the parameters of all its elements. A discrepancy in the calculations will lead to a significant decrease in heat transfer or part of the smoke from the combustion chamber will go into the room. Therefore, for the construction of the correct design of the fireplace stove, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The size of the combustion chamber window should not be more than 2–3% of the area of ​​the heated room.
  2. To determine the area of ​​the hearth surface, it is necessary to multiply the square of the furnace chamber window by 0.7.
  3. The width of the combustion chamber is recommended to be made in the range from 20 to 40% more than its height.
  4. To calculate the depth of the combustion chamber, you need to multiply the parameter of its height by 0.7.
  5. The diameter or section of the chimney pipe is recommended to be at least 10% of the square of the furnace window. At the same time, it is not recommended to make its channel smaller: 150x280 mm for a brick structure, with a diameter of 160 mm - for a pipe.
  6. The chimney must be laid out in such a way that it is conical in shape.

In order not to make mistakes in the calculations, you can use ready-made tables and projects of such structures.

Calculation of bricks

To obtain an accurate calculation of bricks, it is necessary to use ready-made ordering schemes. The amount of building material depends on the specific design of the fireplace stove. In the proposed schemes, half or smaller fractions of the material should be considered as whole bricks. In this case, their total number must be multiplied by 1.2.

The resulting value will make it possible to purchase material with a small margin. This is necessary because the bricks may be damaged during transportation or unloading, and some of them may be defective.

For the construction of a fireplace stove erected according to the scheme below, about 360 pieces of red brick and about 60 fireclay bricks will be required.

Calculation of the foundation and mortar for masonry

When calculating the mortar for masonry, one should be guided by the fact that with a layer thickness of 3 mm, one bucket of the mixture is required for 50 bricks.

Knowing the parameters of the material used, it is easy to calculate how much concrete and sand will be required to install the slab base.

The foundation for the corner fireplace stove will be in the form of a cylinder sector, the angle of which is 45 degrees.

To calculate the volume of concrete of this shape, it is necessary to remember the school geometry course, namely the formula for finding the volume of a cylinder, which looks like this: V = πR²h, where π is a mathematical constant expressing the ratio of the circumference to the diameter, equal to 3.14, R is the radius, h is the height of the figure.

The length of each of the sides of the right angle of the figure can be easily calculated, knowing the parameters of the brick.

According to the masonry scheme of the rows of the fireplace stove, it can be seen that these sides have 3 lengths of the bed side of the brick and one - the bond side. On an example, it looks like this: 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.12 = 0.87 m. The foundation for the fireplace stove must be made on each side 10 cm more than the structure itself: 0.87 + 0.1 = 0.97 m.

For example, the height of the foundation will be 10 cm.

Now you need to substitute the values ​​\u200b\u200binto the formula to find the volume of the cylinder. The result obtained must be divided by 4, since the sector of the cylinder has its fourth part. The formula will be: V=(π R² h):4. Substitute the values: 3.14 0.97² 0.1 \u003d 3.14 0.94 0.1 \u003d 0.295: 4 \u003d 0.073 m³ of concrete mixture will be required to pour the foundation of this form.

Video: brick corner fireplace

Necessary materials and tools

For the construction of a fireplace stove, no special equipment is required. All the necessary tools for this can be found at each owner:

  1. Bayonet and shovel.
  2. Big scrap.
  3. Hand circular saw.
  4. Hacksaw.
  5. Building level.
  6. Yardstick.
  7. Plumb.
  8. Big square.
  9. Rule for leveling a concrete base.
  10. Tanks for water and masonry mixture.
  11. Deep vibrator.
  12. Trowel.
  13. Mallet with a rubber striker.
  14. Pliers.
  15. A hammer.

To fill the foundation, you will need the following materials:

  1. Material for waterproofing. You can use roofing material or thick polyethylene.
  2. For the manufacture of a reinforcing lattice - reinforcing bars with a cross section of 0.8 cm.
  3. Sand.
  4. Fine-grained (from 20 to 30 mm) crushed stone or large screenings from granite.
  5. For the manufacture of formwork - edged boards, plywood or OSB boards.
  6. Concrete mix brand M 300 or M 400.
  7. Nails and self-tapping screws to strengthen the formwork.
  8. Wire or plastic clamps for attaching reinforcing bars.
  9. Chamotte brick of the SHA brand 8 standard parameters.
  10. Red refractory brick grade M 150 regular sizes.
  11. Facing material.
  12. Cement.
  13. Clay.
  14. Metal corners made of steel with a shelf width of 50x50 or 60x60 mm.
  15. Metal latch.
  16. Insulating heat-resistant material made of asbestos or basalt.

As a masonry mixture, it is convenient to use ready-made material from hardware stores. Such mixtures are specialized for the construction of such structures.

Preparatory work, site selection

For a fireplace stove of this shape, there are not so many places to install. However, even from the four corners, it is necessary to choose the correct location.

A large room or hall with an area of ​​at least 20 m² is best suited for a fireplace stove, since a large amount of air is required for its full operation.

Furnace experts recommend building corner fireplaces near the inner walls of the room. This is due to the fact that the fireplace, with this arrangement, does not lose its heating capacity, and problems with the operation of the chimney system are also excluded.

It should be noted that the fireplace stove should not be installed near doors and windows, as strong air currents arise between the combustion chamber and the opening, which can lead to loss of heat radiation or fire.

If the fireplace stove is equipped with a closed-type combustion chamber, then the draft inside the structure will be constant regardless of the place.

Do-it-yourself fireplace stove: step by step instructions

It is most convenient to lay the foundation for the fireplace stove at the stage of pouring the strip foundation for the house. If the house has already been built, then the installation of the foundation will be preceded by the dismantling of the flooring.

It should be noted that the concrete base for heating structures cannot be connected to the foundation of a residential building. Between the bases it is necessary to leave a distance of 50 to 100 mm. If this is neglected, then the massive structure of the house will shrink over time. As a result, the elements of the fireplace stove will shift or deform, forming cracks and gaps. The integrity of the structure will be violated, which will affect its functionality and performance.

Foundation laying

To lay the foundation, you must perform the following steps:

  1. In the room of the house, at the place of the future location of the fireplace stove, make markings. To do this, on the wall it is necessary to make marks of the dimensions of the foundation with a marker.
  2. Dismantle the flooring. Using a plumb line and a building level, extend the markup down.
  3. Do not remove wooden logs at this stage, until the foundation of the fireplace stove is brought up to their level.
  4. Using the same tools and marks on the wall, determine the exact location of the base on the floor of the basement level of the house.
  5. Using crowbar and shovels to disassemble the floor to the foundation of the house.
  6. Dig a pit with a depth equal to the base of the house, 10-15 cm wide more than the design of the fireplace stove. If the construction site is dominated by sandy or sandy soil, the walls of the pit may crumble. To avoid this, it is necessary to cover them with polyethylene.
  7. Level and carefully tamp the bottom of the pit.
  8. Pour in sand to get a layer thickness of 10 cm. It should be noted that wet sand is better compressed.
  9. Pour the same layer of gravel on top of the sand cushion.
  10. From boards or plywood sheets, make formwork for pouring the foundation.
  11. Drive one piece of wood into each corner of the pit. Formwork panels will be attached to them. If the formwork is made of boards, then there will be gaps between them, through which the earth will spill out. To avoid this problem, you need to wrap the finished shield in polyethylene.
  12. Using roofing material or thick polyethylene, make waterproofing.
  13. From reinforcing bars with a cross section of 0.8 cm, make a reinforcing frame for a concrete base. Make the width of its cells no more than 10x10 cm. Fix the intersections of metal rods with wire, electric welding or plastic clamps. The entire metal structure must not lie on the waterproofing. Therefore, it can be placed on halves or fragments of bricks.
  14. Pour concrete mixture of grade M300 or M400 into the formwork. Using a deep vibrator, remove air bubbles from the uncured substrate. Liquid concrete must completely cover the protruding parts of the reinforcement cage.
  15. Cover the foundation with waterproofing material. This will allow the concrete to set evenly. After 3-4 weeks, the base will completely harden.
  16. Now you need to saw off the wooden logs of the floor. Their ends will be located on the foundation of the fireplace stove.
  17. The base is ready for laying brick rows.

Masonry mix preparation

Hardware stores abound with a variety of mortars and heat-resistant mixtures for laying stoves, fireplaces and other heating structures. However, experienced furnace specialists recommend resorting to the old and proven method - using clay mortar for this purpose. For this, it is necessary to use clay of fatty varieties, the best of which is blue clay.

When dried, blue clay does not crack.

The material is pre-soaked in water for a couple of days. During this time, the clay becomes viscous. Its consistency will resemble liquid cottage cheese with lumps. In order for the material to have a uniform structure, it is filtered through a large sieve, kneading the lumps.

Prepared clay will allow you to make a masonry joint with a thickness of 3 to 5 mm.

To obtain a solution, you need to add sand to clay. To do this, it is recommended to use coarse river sand, which is added before the start of brickwork.

To determine the quality of the resulting solution and the correct proportion, the material is rolled into a ball the size of a medium-sized apple. Then it is placed between two boards and slowly squeezed. During this process, the appearance of cracks in the clay is monitored:

  • if they appeared immediately after squeezing, this indicates a large amount of sand in the solution;
  • if the ball is compressed to half its height, and no cracks appear, this indicates a lack of sand;
  • the proportions of sand and clay are considered ideal if cracks appear when the ball is compressed by 1/3.

Step-by-step instructions: features of brickwork

In order not to get confused in the rows of masonry, even experienced stove-makers do it first without mortar. It would be useful to print the ordering scheme.

Before proceeding with the brickwork, it is necessary to cover the concrete base with waterproofing, and only after that they begin to build a fireplace stove. This process consists of several stages:

  1. It should be noted that the first rows must be made perfectly even, as they will become the basis for the entire structure. As shown in the diagram, they are laid out in a continuous layer. Using a square, a plumb line and a building level - to achieve strict perpendicularity. Before laying, bricks must be soaked in water for 1.5 - 2 hours.
  2. The second and third rows form a place for storing furnace material. This niche is covered with two rows of bricks with a small (up to 3 cm) overlap of the upper masonry from the front side of the fireplace stove.
  3. Starting from the fifth row, lay out the base of the fuel chamber. To do this, use fireclay bricks. The depth of the chamber will be 460 mm. Hailo fireplace stove has dimensions (630x490 mm).
  4. From the sixth to the eighth row, build up the walls of the fireplace stove with an inclination of the back side of the firebox. That slope in the future will form a stone tooth. At this stage, you will need a hand-held circular saw with circles for working on stone. In the ordering scheme, incomplete or sawn bricks are visible.
  5. From the ninth to the eleventh row, build up the walls of the fireplace stove in accordance with the scheme.
  6. In the twelfth row, lay two steel corners 60 cm long. The shelves of the corners must be placed inside the chamber, horizontally to its base.
  7. The thirteenth and fourteenth row forms the front overlap of the firebox window. Bricks must be laid on the spoon side, while fireclay material should be placed on the inside of the combustion chamber.
  8. The fifteenth row forms the transition from the firebox to the chimney system. At this stage, the smoke tooth is formed and the back wall is built.
  9. The sixteenth and seventeenth row forms the shelf of the fireplace stove, so the bricks must be laid out with an external shift.
  10. From the eighteenth to the twentieth row, the design provides for a narrowing. At this step, a smoke collection chamber is formed.
  11. From the twenty-first to the twenty-fourth row, a chimney is laid out.
  12. From the twenty-fifth to the twenty-seventh - an increase in the transition section of the chimney. At this stage, a metal valve is mounted.
  13. Subsequent orders determine the height of the chimney.

Chimney installation features

The inner surface of the chimney is a straight channel, but its outer part has design features.

At the intersection of the floor beam, the chimney has an extension. This design element is important because it reduces the temperature of the outlet streams. As a result, there is no need to make additional thermal insulation in this place.

At the level of the intersection of the roof, the chimney has an extension. This feature protects the brickwork from the harmful effects of precipitation.

The smoke channel also has protection in the form of a metal cap. It is recommended to equip the chimney with a spark arrestor.

Operation features

When operating a fireplace stove, you should follow the basic rules:

  1. Before kindling the fireplace stove, you must make sure that there is draft. To do this, you need to push the metal valve. If there is no draft or it goes in the opposite direction, this is a sign of clogging of the grates, air holes or the entire chimney system.
  2. If the fireplace stove has not been used for a long time, then before kindling it is necessary to remove the cold air plug in the chimney system. To do this, it is necessary to light paper or a bunch of straw near the gas channel. After a while there will be traction. After that, you can use the fireplace.
  3. As a heating material, it is better to use aspen, birch, oak, beech or hornbeam firewood. Aspen firewood is especially valuable, since when they are burned, the amount of soot is minimized. The smoke of this type of wood is able to clean the chimney channels from soot. Furnace experts advise using aspen firewood for every tenth kindling.
  4. Coniferous woods contain resins, so it is convenient to use shavings, chips, as well as spruce and pine cones for kindling.
  5. It is not advisable to put a lot of firewood into the combustion chamber. The best option is to load 1/3 of its part.
  6. The room in which the stove is located should be well ventilated. To do this, the room is equipped with a ventilation system.
  7. If the fireplace stove is used constantly, then soot cleaning should be carried out after each heating season. If the stove is fired several times a month, cleaning can be done once every two to three years.

The fireplace stove will become a key element of the interior of the room. The warm and comfortable atmosphere will be unforgettable on cold winter evenings. This functional heating facility will become the main recreation area of ​​your home.

You can lay out a brick fireplace with your own hands at their summer cottage - in the house or on the street. It serves for family holidays, meetings with friends. In cool weather, it will warm, give comfort and coziness. The use of available material makes it possible to create it even for people with limited financial resources.

The work cannot be called simple and fast, but the diagram and step-by-step instructions will help to cope with the task. Designs for heating and decorative are available. Regardless of the purpose, the hearth will become a favorite place of leisure, decoration of a room or garden.

Features of fireplaces of various types

Dancing flames, play of sparks attract and fascinate the eye, and crackling firewood, heat flows relax and soothe. A similar psychological effect is possible if you sit and enjoy the comfort next to the fireplace. Its design is extremely simple - an open oven and a hood. This has a downside - the return does not exceed 25%, the rest of the energy goes out into the street along with the smoke. By location, it is wall and corner. Do not place opposite the window - this reduces efficiency, strong drafts appear.

In a typical design, in order to increase heat transfer, a furnace expanding towards the portal is used. The area is made 100 times smaller than the heated room. The recess lowers the already low efficiency, so a country house is usually equipped with a wide and almost flat fireplace. The length of the chimney is 3-5 meters, and the hole is 10-15 times smaller than the size of the combustion chamber. Such proportions provide efficient heating and safe operation.

The English fireplace is distinguished by its design features: it has a trapezoidal firebox 0.4–0.5 m deep and a direct hood. This allows most of the heat to enter the room. The inner walls have a slope of about 20°, which contributes to the reflection of heated air. The smoke collector is made in the form of a pyramid. The ratio of the area of ​​the combustion chamber and the outlet pipe is 8:1. Compliance with these conditions provides effective traction, uniform heating of the room.

Mini fireplace requires a small consumption of materials, suitable for small rooms in the country. The size of the furnace does not exceed 60 × 40 cm, which allows you to heat a room of 20 m2 in autumn and winter, but in severe frosts, full heating is problematic. Without a chimney, the height is about a little more than a meter, the width is 0.5 m. Its advantage is the simplicity of design and low cost - you will need 220 pieces of red brick.

Equipping the interior, in order to avoid a complex system of a smoke box with an exhaust hood, they arrange a decorative fireplace. It works using gas, electric or water for heating. The flame is imitated by paintings, lamps, candles. This option will not replace natural heat from burning firewood, but it looks impressive, is cheap, and is created quickly.

The street is a convenient place for a brazier, which will decorate the site and allow you to spend time comfortably. The barbecue fireplace has a woodpile and a firebox, as well as an upper ledge for placing skewers with barbecue or grills for meat. On such a device, dishes are also prepared in a duck, saucepan, in a pan. The simplest option is made much easier than in the house - you do not need to build a smoke box and an exhaust pipe, the gas goes directly into the atmosphere.

More complex outdoor structures can serve not only for cooking, but also for heating. Models are made free-standing or wall-mounted when they are attached to a gazebo or a high stone fence. A platform is prepared in advance, where not only a fireplace is placed, but also a table, chairs, and other furniture. An island is created, which over time is available for modernization, adding elements. The device in the air can be turned into a heated enclosed space.

Preparation for construction - the choice of scheme, materials

Before you start laying a fireplace, you need to think through all the details. In order not to suffer with calculations, they take a finished project. It can be repeated completely, but not always. Specific conditions often require you to make some changes, adapt to your capabilities.

The amount of material needed is calculated, primarily bricks, but the matter is not limited to them. You will need a mason's tool and mortar. Its high-quality composition and preparation guarantee that the structure will stand firmly and will not crumble.

Typical projects for the house and the site

The fireplace has a complex device and, starting to build it, you should familiarize yourself with the parts and their purpose. Main elements:

  • a smoke collector in which combustion products accumulate, which then exit through the hood;
  • firebox for burning firewood;
  • pipe - gases are discharged through it;
  • portal with lining around the combustion chamber.

There are various options for stoves, but it is better to choose a trapezoidal shape, where the inner walls of the firebox are laid out at a slight angle. This is a traditional English fireplace that provides the best return. Models with a built-in air heat exchanger work with great efficiency. It warms up the room even when the fire is not maintained. The stove can be connected to a water heating system - pipes are installed in the furnace through which the heated liquid enters the tank and is distributed among the batteries.

For novice masters, the scheme of a traditional fireplace is most suitable. A little material is required, but it is able to heat a room up to 35 m2. In the hall it is made higher, the shelf is decorated with decorative elements. Modern design often favors rustic style. If the area allows, the stove is arranged freestanding to emphasize the decorative effect. To save space, they are built into the wall. The corner hearth does not take up much space; it is usually located in a small living room or bedroom.

The country fireplace with the furnace is equally convenient for the house and a garden. In addition to its functional purpose, it serves as a decoration of the site. The scheme lends itself to modification, easily adapts to placement in the gazebo, summer kitchen.

A barbecue fireplace for the street is easier to manufacture, with a simple order, the scheme is available for repetition. Finished with artificial stone, it looks original.

Requirements for mortar and brick

Materials for the construction of the fireplace will need durable and strong. The most common and affordable, easy to use is a brick. It is possible to use ordinary building materials for internal masonry of walls that are not exposed to fire. Refractory bricks are used in the furnace and smoke box. For finishing external walls, they buy facing with a smooth, uniform surface of various colors, with a texture or gloss.

Brick is used mainly whole, as well as halves and quarters. Ordering will allow you to accurately calculate the required amount, which will reduce costs. It should be said that high-quality masonry practically eliminates the need for decor. Material properties are determined by external inspection. Chips and other defects are excluded on the surface, the shape is perfectly rectangular. If you hit it lightly with a hammer, you should hear a ringing sound. Color - uniform orange-red, thick. On a fracture with poor firing, melting and white spots are visible.

Bricks should be inspected not only when buying, but also each of them during the construction process. If you put a low-quality product somewhere in a responsible place, it can subsequently bring a lot of trouble, up to the point that you have to disassemble the finished structure.

For an imitation fireplace, it is not necessary to use expensive material, because there will be no real fire there. Light and cheap are used: drywall, plastic, plywood.

Masonry is carried out on a mortar, which includes sand. Its fraction should not exceed 1.5 mm. It is carefully sifted through a sieve, and to improve the quality, it is washed with water. The main component is a dark red or brown clay that does not contain impurities. For fireclay bricks, a special refractory brick is required, which is bought at the rate of 0.1 m3 per 100 pieces. In the store you can buy ready-made mixtures, which before work only need to be mixed with water according to the instructions.

Store at the same time:

  • cement grade not lower than 300;
  • crushed stone of a fraction of 3–6 cm for pouring the foundation;
  • sand in the amount of 0.5 m3;
  • reinforcement with a diameter of 8–10 mm, a length of 0.8 m - 20 pieces;
  • grate;
  • fireplace screen.

If there is high-quality clay, the solution can be prepared by hand. Three days before construction, it is soaked in a large flat trough and kept. When ripe, it becomes homogeneous, sand is added in a ratio of 1: 3 and thoroughly mixed to a state of thick sour cream. Since the quality of the constituent parts of the solution is unknown, it is tested. Make balls, leave to dry in the shade. When dry, they are thrown in free fall from a meter height onto a hard surface and observe the result:

  • crumbled - add clay;
  • became a cake - you need sand;
  • the shape has not changed - the optimal composition.

Construction sequence - step by step instructions

All stages are carried out alternately and slowly. The scheme and order are being studied in order to understand the nuances. When there is a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe design, proceed directly to the construction. If you have to do this for the first time, do not rush to immediately lay the bricks on the mortar. Experienced stove-makers recommend that you first lay out each row dry, evaluate.

Work is accompanied by a lot of dust and dirt. If it is held in the yard or in a non-residential premises, they don’t think much about it - after the end everything will be cleaned up. In the house, you should take care of the safety of furniture, walls, floors. Use pieces of plastic wrap that cover things and surfaces. This is not at all an extra measure - no matter how hard you try to work carefully, and garbage gradually accumulates.

Preparing the base for the oven

To prevent a heavy structure from falling apart over time, a solid foundation is needed for any brick fireplace - in the house and on the street. Ideal when it is laid during the construction process. But this is rarely provided for and in most cases it has to be done already in a residential building. Then they cut out the floor and clean the earth. The depth is 0.3–0.5 m, the size is 30 cm larger than the dimensions of the structure. The height of the base is calculated so that its top is 6 cm below the level of the floor covering.

When the pit is dug, the next steps are as follows:

  1. 1. Sand is laid on the bottom. If the soil is heaving - together with gravel in several layers, each is carefully rammed.
  2. 2. A wooden formwork with a height of at least 15 cm is installed on a flat base. Then the reinforcement should be laid, slightly raised. The rods are welded at the intersections. Fall asleep with rubble, fight.
  3. 3. Prepare a homogeneous, thoroughly mixed cement-sand mixture 1:3 and pour. Align, control horizontality. Cover with foil and let rest for a week.
  4. 4. Remove the formwork. The gap between the foundation and the floor is covered with sand - they should not touch without an intermediate layer, which will play the role of a deformation compensator.

It is not necessary to fill the base with concrete under a decorative hearth made of lightweight material.

An example of creating a small fireplace

Roofing material insulation is laid on the foundation. If the furnace is located against the wall, the contours of the adjacent part are applied to it. The first row is called a hearth, it is clearly measured out to form a rectangle with the right angles. Check the diagonals, which should be even.

The bricks are laid out dry, each in its place in accordance with the order. The sawn off parts of the halves and quarters are oriented for embedding with a mortar, exit to the outside is not allowed. All joints are made in the middle of the row, and not at its edge.

If you plan to increase the decorative effect by rounding the corners of the structure, the material is prepared in advance. One day is allotted for this work, so as not to break away from it in the future. There will be a lot of dust, so they do it outdoors. Use a grinder with a diamond wheel to give the desired shape to the required number of bricks.

The fireplace can be open or with a door. In the second row, leave room for it, removing the glass before installation, so as not to accidentally damage it. Pieces of oven tape are attached to a metal structure with a conventional twist. Its dimensions are quite large, you will need at least 0.5 m for each of the four corners. The lower mount is hidden in rows, grabbing with self-tapping screws immersed in the seams. The sides are laid with basalt cardboard. This will make the contact between the metal and the wall more reliable, because iron expands more when heated, cracks form.

The furnace is laid out of refractory bricks. It has the shape of the letter V without a sharp end - this design contributes to better heat transfer. None of the edges of the chamber is in contact with the walls - leaving room for air movement. First lay out dry, each piece is numbered. Basalt cardboard is installed between the combustion chamber and the inner part of the front wall. The main rows of the outer wall are laid out, then the bricks in the firebox are fastened with mortar.

They are located on the edge, the height of four rows approximately corresponds to seven laid flat in the lining - they converge to the top of the door. Air pockets are filled with a fight, leveled with a solution. Sheet glass-magnesium is laid on it, capable of withstanding temperatures up to 1000 °. It is marked with an overlap of 2 cm in each direction. Thus, a heat accumulator is created.

A space is left between the back of the firebox and the outer wall for smoke removal. A corner is laid above the door, a screed is led along it, where the upper furnace tapes are hidden. Next in line is a chimney with a casing, which simultaneously perform their function and are a decorative element. From the third row above the door, they begin to retreat a quarter and on the ninth they go to the pipe.

Rules for laying stoves

Carefully laid bricks create an attractive appearance of the structure, ensure its strength. To do this, follow simple recommendations:

  • work starts from the corners;
  • the seams are made thin;
  • constantly check the horizontal level and verticality with a plumb line;
  • errors are corrected immediately - an incorrectly installed piece is removed, placed on a new solution.

The inside of the hearth is made smooth. This will prevent buzzing and destruction. To achieve smooth transitions, bricks are hewn; it is prohibited to use a mortar for embedding. Under the influence of temperature, it will collapse, fly around, clogging the pipe opening. Small irregularities are smoothed out with a sponge with a clay solution applied to it.

Finishing is carried out in various ways - plaster, tile, metal case. The use of facing bricks eliminates the need for such work - the stove immediately takes on an attractive appearance.

It is important to start the fireplace correctly so that cracks and smoke do not appear. Forced drying is carried out, first burning 2 kg of firewood. Every day add 1 kg. This continues for 2-4 weeks, after which you can use the design in full force.

Many owners of private houses are thinking about how to make their home warm and cozy. For many centuries it has been believed that the heart of any home is the stove, which will warm and feed.

In our modern time, the fireplace has not lost its relevance and significance, and perhaps even gaining great love and popularity. Therefore, many have a dilemma of how to make a fireplace with their own hands.

Of course, the process of making a fireplace with your own hands is quite complicated and time-consuming, requiring certain knowledge and skills. Therefore, this article is like a visual step-by-step instruction for making a fireplace with your own hands.

In the process of work, it is very important to do everything carefully and accurately, otherwise the fireplace will not be of high quality.

Location for a fireplace

Equally important is the place where the fireplace will be located. This issue must be approached very responsibly and seriously, everything must be clearly considered and only then a balanced decision should be made.

There can be many options, the fireplace can be installed in an extension to the wall or built inside the wall, and the fireplace can also be installed in the corner of the room. In this case, it is necessary to take into account that the fireplace is in harmony with the interior of the room.

Also, in addition to the fireplace, it is very important to make a high-quality chimney that will facilitate the exit of smoke from the stove, as a rule, the length of such a structure does not exceed 5-6 meters. This is a very important element in the design of the fireplace, while in the room itself there must be reliable ventilation.

Determining the overall dimensions of the fireplace

Of course, there is no single standard fireplace size, each fireplace is unique, so the size is determined individually. In many ways, the size of the fireplace is affected by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room where the fireplace will be installed.

It is very important to correctly and accurately calculate the volume of the furnace. The fact is that if the depth of the firebox is below the specified limit, in this case the fireplace will significantly lose its heat transfer. But if the firebox is small, it can lead to smoke. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right ratio of the size of the firebox and fireplace.

It is also very important to determine the size of the chimney, here you need to rely on the size of the firebox. At the same time, the cross-sectional area of ​​the smoke hole should be many times smaller than the volume of the firebox.

Preparation of materials

For the manufacture of the fireplace structure, the main material is ceramic brick, and for the manufacture of the firebox, it is recommended to use fireclay brick, which is not afraid of an open flame and is able to retain heat for a long time.

Also, in the process of work, you will need a special refractory masonry mixture to reinforce the corner elements of the foundation, you will need metal corners, and you will also need a chimney view.

fireplace base

First of all, you need to dig a hole of the required size, which will serve as the basis for the foundation of the furnace. So, first, a small amount of gravel is poured into the pit, which must be well and tightly compacted.

After that, it is necessary to lay bricks in the corners, and then fill this structure with cement mortar. At the same time, this surface must be evenly smoothed out with a special half-rubber.

It is very important to make a cement mortar, in consistency it should be a little thick like sour cream. This will ensure the solution penetrates into all hard-to-reach places. After that, for several days you need to let the prepared structure dry well.

masonry work

Masonry is the most important stage in the construction of the furnace. At this stage, it is necessary to work accurately and carefully, there is no need to rush and rush.

So, before starting laying on the prepared base of the foundation, it is necessary to lay the roofing material in two layers, and only after that you can start laying work.

For brickwork, it is necessary to use a special adhesive mortar for furnaces, while it is recommended to add wet clay to the mortar.

It should be noted that the first row of bricks must be laid on edge. And then, according to the design drawing, you can carry out the rest of the fireplace design, and after laying each row, you need to check the correctness of the masonry, since then it will be impossible to fix something. And so on until the very end.

Do-it-yourself corner fireplace is made in a similar way. The only difference is in the place of its installation, but the principle of operation remains the same.

At the end, special ceramic tiles or tiles can be glued onto fireclay bricks, which give the stove a stylish look and original design. All seams must be carefully sealed with a special refractory compound for furnaces.

Installing a decorative fireplace

In urban apartments, as a rule, decorative fireplaces are installed. However, if desired, a decorative fireplace can be made with your own hands. For its manufacture, you will need any available material, for example, drywall.

The first step is to determine the place of its installation and its size and shape. As a rule, such fireplaces are not large and they perform only a decorative function.

So, we make a drywall fireplace manually, first we cut out the necessary dimensions for the design of the furnace from drywall. After that, we fasten them together using a screwdriver with self-tapping screws.

The result is a one-piece construction. After that, we install this structure in the required place and mount it.

It is important to remember that drywall is a very fragile material, so it must be handled very carefully in the process.

Then, it is necessary to apply a decor to the finished form, it can be a tile, or a special wallpaper with a pattern imitating a real brick. Or just paint it with paint in any color. Such a fireplace will also be able to please you for many years.

Of course, making a stove with your own hands is a very difficult and routine job, but at the same time very interesting. As in any business, certain difficulties will necessarily arise that will affect the course of work.

Therefore, if at any stage of work you have any difficulties, you can see a photo of the fireplace assembled by yourself. Perhaps this will help solve your problem.

DIY fireplace photo
