How to clean your apartment from negative energy. Depending on what the damage was done to, it will manifest itself. Magical and sacred items

Feng Shui followersthey claim that if the previous owners of the house were plagued by failures and illnesses, then the new owners will not be happy in it. For example, if the previous owner of the house failed and went bankrupt, then the new one is unlikely to be successful in business.

Everything that happens in the house creates waves, like a stone thrown into water. Any recurring situations, moods, certain atmosphere leave their mark on the walls, floor, ceiling, furniture, objects, plants, animals and people in this space. Any event accompanied by strong emotions, physical or mental trauma leaves a very strong imprint. It has probably happened to you, when entering a room in which an argument has just taken place, to feel a heavy, as if heated, atmosphere.

Energy waves, spreading throughout space, accumulate, as if “getting stuck,” in all corners and crannies.

The place you have moved into needs thorough cleansing not only on the physical, but also on the energetic level. Only after cleaning the space can its Feng Shui be improved

. A cleared space is an indispensable condition for the effectiveness of any feng shui specialist.. In addition, after such cleansing, you will be able to more clearly feel the energy of the environment and understand what changes are needed.

We must begin, of course, with the destruction of physical dirt. It is necessary to scrape, tear off and wash off everything that is possible: old wallpaper, whitewash and paint bear the imprint of the energy of the previous owners. If the floors are parquet, it is better to re-scrape them. But you shouldn’t varnish them: wood is a living material, it must breathe.

Then you need to carry out wet cleaning, since the cleaning power of water is very high. What cannot be washed can be sprayed with water: spring water, infused with spruce or pine needles or on rowan branches. Water with silver salts cleanses well. To do this, you can use a pharmaceutical lapis pencil (one pencil per three liters of water). Negative energy can be expelled with water into which a silver coin or spoon, or any other object made of pure silver, is dipped.

To adjust the energy at home, you can also use small pieces of wood. In places with negative activity, you need to put pieces of aspen, birch, spruce or oak - the tree will catch and absorb negative vibes. Maple, bird cherry, rowan, hazel and juniper can even transform negative energy into positive.

Poplar, linden, and pine will help stabilize the energy situation in the house. But larch, hornbeam, beech and elm are capable of attracting not very good energy substances into the house.

Fumigation with spruce needles, dried wormwood, wild rosemary, and severe cases You can fumigate with burnt amber.

After cleaning the space, it is good to light candles in the room for several days, preferably brought from.

Traditionally used by the Chinese, bells can dispel stagnant energy in places that are difficult to reach. Bells can not only dispel negative energy, but also harmonize the energy flowing into the home, which is why they are so often seen in Chinese homes.

Natural, unpolished crystals are suitable for cleansing space. First, they are washed in holy water or buried in sea salt or simply in the ground. The crystal must then be programmed to do a specific action: take it in your hand and firmly say what is required of it, or simply bring it to your heart and allow your feelings to flow into it. Such a crystal will be a good protector of your home.

For cleansing, various incense sticks are often used, for example, made from sandalwood, but we must remember that incense only works when its smell is present in the air.

When is it important to clean your home?

1. Then, when you move to another apartment, especially if you got it after the previous owners. You need to clean the house before you move in, on the first full moon after the evening sunset. Why? Because we don’t know what kind of people lived in this apartment before us, and what kind of energy tail you got after them. After all, someone else's negative energy can be inherited by you.

2. If someone in the family gets sick, no matter what. The cleansing procedure is carried out as necessary, that is, it is not necessary to wait for the new moon, but it is necessary to wait for the evening sunset. Why? Any ailment indicates that there are those same geopathogenic zones in the house, or that something is wrong with the new neighbors and their negative energy is seeping into your home. By the way, after recovery, carry out the cleansing procedure again.

3. When the seasons change. Why? Because when the seasons change, the position of the Sun, Earth, Galaxy and, accordingly, our home changes. And he needs to be prepared for this change, because our biorhythms are also subject to change, and we still have to live in this house. Such seasonal cleansing must be carried out on the last new moon of the outgoing season after evening sunset. Cleansing is especially effective in the first two days of the new moon.

Emergency assistance: clearing the room:

If for some unknown reason you feel uncomfortable in your home, you need to do the following: in each room, identify the center by eye, put an onion cut in half into it and at the same time say the following words: “Please absorb everything overnight.” which is alien to my family!” The premises should be understood as both a storage room and a toilet. Negative energy hates the smell of onions!

It is important!

1. It is necessary to cleanse the bulbs after the sun has set, and in the morning, before sunrise (check the calendar and set an alarm so as not to oversleep), put the bulbs in a bag (just do not take them with your hands under any circumstances, but prick them on something be sharp, for example, on a toothpick) and burn. If there is no way to burn it, then throw it away, just not just anywhere, but in a trash container.

2. Make sure that neither children nor pets change the location of the bulbs. As soon as you feel unpleasant sensations at home, repeat several times: “Where it came from, go there; whoever did it, take it.” Copied from

Of great importance is who lived and what happened in the apartment before you moved into it. Very Negative consequences brings death, because energy clots of dying, suffering, sadness will continue to live in your apartment until you clean it.

And to cleanse an apartment, house or any room you will need ordinary salt, thin church candles and holy water. Choose a time when no one will disturb you. Wear something light and try to create yourself good mood. It is best to turn on some pleasant music that will help you relax.

Then pour one tablespoon of salt onto ordinary napkins and place them in all corners of the apartment and in front door. Leave the salt for a day, and the next day throw it away from the house.

On the same day, place a lit candle in each corner of the room, and one in the toilet and bathroom (but do not leave candles unattended, otherwise they may accidentally set something on fire). When lighting candles, ask them in your own words to help you cleanse your apartment. After this, take another lit candle in your hands and walk around the entire apartment with it, while reading the “Our Father” prayer out loud.

When you finish, extinguish the candle that was in your hands, and then sprinkle the room with holy water, saying:

“Unclean spirits, I cast you out! Fate, be kind, do not drive me out of the white world. Guardian Angel, my patron, cleanse the home, Illuminate it with your God-given powers. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen" .

When you do this, be sure to wash your hands cold water up to the elbows to wash away all the negative energy that has accumulated during the cleansing.

Let the candles in your apartment burn out completely, and then throw the remains away from the house.

Clearing a space takes a certain amount of time, especially if you want to get rid of the energy of the former owners.

If you are a believer, you can invite a priest to your home. He will read prayers and consecrate your home.

If it is not possible to invite a priest, do this. Before you begin to cleanse the space, place salt in a small container in each room for a day. Salt absorbs negativity. This salt must then be thrown away. Then take holy water and sprinkle it in the apartment, especially in the corners, where energy accumulates. Then light a candle and walk around the apartment three times, while reading Psalm 90. In those places where the candle begins to crackle and smoke, stand a little until the flame evens out. Just open at least the window so that the accumulation of energy can escape outside and not remain in the room. And finally, slam the apartment, i.e. Walk clockwise around the apartment, clapping your hands. Where clapping sounds dull, clap harder. This is done in order to activate your energy. And finally, be sure to wash your hands up to the elbows. This is to wash away, God forbid, negative energy that accidentally sticks.

The energy in any home should be only positive. A person does not feel it, but it is scattered everywhere. In its absence, it will become impossible for people to fully exist in an atmosphere of hostility and anger. Envious people, unpleasant neighbors or random visitors surrounded by a bad aura can bring negative influence.

Experts in magic and esotericism strongly advise performing rituals of complete cleansing of your home more often on Tuesdays or Saturdays, which are considered the most favorable days in all endeavors and be sure to do it in the light of the sun. Electricity should not be turned on.

Signs of disruption of the positive atmosphere in the home

Many people don’t even realize how often their home needs cleaning. If such a ritual is not carried out, life in the apartment will become simply unbearable. People will feel bad, everything will start to fall out of hand, and money will begin to disappear as if by itself.

It is very important to know exactly how to cleanse your home of negativity. First you need to identify signs that the atmosphere is indeed disturbed.

These most often include:

  • People have a constant feeling of impending disaster;
  • household members sleep poorly;
  • animals become restless;
  • inexplicable sounds are heard in the rooms;
  • there is a feeling of the presence of a stranger in the home;
  • people can't concentrate;
  • Equipment constantly breaks down, etc.

In addition, sudden disasters occur: a pipe bursts, an electrical outlet catches fire, and a utensil on the stove catches fire. Guests stop coming to the house, the phone rings very rarely, and small animals tend to leave their new home.

  • A very clear sign of disturbed energy is that indoor plants do not take root in the apartment or die.
  • Insects are constantly found in the bathroom, mold is crawling on the ceiling, and the laundry does not dry.

People work hard, but they can’t get out of poverty. Money always turns out to be less than they expect. Things get lost or deteriorate faster than usual, so you constantly have to spend money to replace them.

It is recommended to finally make sure that the apartment has been subjected to evil influence by spilling water on the floor and monitoring how quickly it dries. If the puddle remains for a long time, it means that not everything is in order in the house.

It can also be useful to touch iron things. If they turn out to be cold, such a feeling is a sure sign that an evil force has settled in the house.

It is also common to throw a coin on the floor. If at the same time it does not make a ringing sound, but falls with a dull thud, a ritual of cleansing the home should be carried out.

Eliminating bad influences from the premises

First you need to remove everything unnecessary in the house. This needs to be done to normalize financial issue and improve relationships between people living in the apartment. Purification will occur at all levels. During the ritual, the action is activated higher powers who will act as protectors of the people living in the house.

Before cleaning, the property must be thoroughly inspected. Moreover, you cannot miss a single nook. If strange, and especially unfamiliar objects are found, they should be disposed of immediately.

Only after the apartment has been completely inspected do they begin to clean it of negative energy. The most common way is to use salt. It is believed to contain powerful power. It’s no wonder that so many signs are associated with this simple home remedy for cooking.

In order to cleanse the house of negative influences, the following ritual is suitable. To carry it out yourself, you need to consecrate the salt in the Church or take one that has already been consecrated during the celebration of Easter or Epiphany. It is also necessary to have a supply of needles equal to the number of people permanently living in the apartment, and a frying pan.

Then they put it on the fire again and, when it warms up, stir its contents, giving it the shape of a cross. At the same time, you must say the words: “ Where it came from is where it went. Everything they wished bad for us, they took it all back. " Afterwards, the salt and needles are thrown outside the house. The ceremony is carried out with the doors wide open.

But in order to consolidate it, you need to forever learn not to allow evil energy into your home.

How to protect your home from bad energy

This protection requires:

  • Monitor the cleanliness of the room;
  • create a vessel where all negative thoughts will be mentally placed. As it fills, it must be thrown away from the house;
  • avoid evil intentions;
  • talk politely with household members;
  • Water the flowers often.

Such measures will allow you to get rid of even small clots of negative energy in a timely manner and bring a good atmosphere into your home.

Ways to expel evil forces

Purification is also carried out using grain. To do this, buy real unground rye. Such a purchase is made at the market or simply taken to a field outside the city. If the ceremony is not planned to be performed in the near future, then it is placed in a canvas bag, the neck of which is tied with a red ribbon.

Before purification, the grain must be charmed. It is best to read prayers over it. If there is an appeal to a saint who has helped before or to his guardian angel, then it is worth reading it. The words are pronounced three times, and then the bag of rye is placed in a dark corner for twenty-four hours.

Then it is untied and, with prayer, the grain is evenly placed in the house so that a regular cross is formed.

Ritual cleaning of a room from the accumulation of negative energy is often carried out with the help of special plants. It is best to carry out such a ritual in the form of fumigation of the home. Those with the greatest healing power are:

  • heather,
  • St. John's wort,
  • fireweed,
  • thistle or sage.

Herbs should be dried naturally until they become brittle.

It is necessary to take them and light them from a candle specially purchased for this ceremony in the Church. Then they walk around the whole house with it, especially lingering in corners and dark nooks.

Each room must be fumigated in a cross pattern. Moreover, the ends of the cross should be located in the corners of the room.

Ritual against negativity in the house with garlic

It is also useful to completely cleanse the aura in your apartment using garlic. It has always been considered a talisman against evil spirits. You should take several heads and hang them above the front door. Don't think that this is done once and for all. They must be replaced monthly with fresh ones. Those that have served their purpose should be buried away from the house or completely burned with prayer.

Not only dust and debris, but also energy dirt can accumulate in the room. How to clean your apartment from negativity and damage yourself? For this purpose, rituals with the elements and plants - salt, water, fire, smoke and magical herbs - have been used since ancient times. Cleans the room well onion and garlic - afraid of them devilry. Special role plays a role in cleaning the room prayer word, to whom demons and astral entities obey. The sound of bells also has a cleansing effect on space. Let's consider several rituals for cleansing the house of energy dirt, the evil eye and damage.

This dirt cannot be seen with the eyes, but it is well felt energetically. In a damaged house, it’s hard to breathe, doors and floors creak, and furniture can dry out and break. In a damaged house, plumbing quickly breaks down, pipes leak and wiring catches fire. You want to leave such a house quickly and never return there again.

It is also difficult to be in a house in which family members constantly quarrel and hate each other. The house needs to be cleansed if one of the family members has suffered a serious illness or died. If an alcoholic lives in the house, the room is teeming with astral entities that feed on alcohol fumes. According to the rules, energy cleaning of the room must be carried out after each quarrel between family members, otherwise the discord will continue constantly.

Any word, strengthened by emotions, forms a thought form that remains in space. If a thought form reinforced by negative emotions is not removed, it will constantly be in the space of the house and influence people. The totality of the thought forms of household members forms the aura of the house, which can be positive or negative.

The aura of the house can be negative without scandals if family members are constantly in a gloomy or sad mood. It is also uncomfortable and unpleasant to be in such a room. The aura of the room is also spoiled by the energy of the neighbors, which penetrates through the walls, and the thought forms of the guests who visited your home. The source of negativity in the house can be an unpleasant situation at work, traces of which you brought on your clothes or in your thoughts.

So, before the ritual of cleansing your home, you must first wash away the negativity from yourself. To do this, rub the body with salt in the bathroom and then wash it off in the shower. There is no need to rub your hair with salt, just wash it. If you're feeling really negative, you can rinse your hair with salt water while protecting your eyes. Now you can clean the room.

Cleansing with salt and candle

Cleaning the premises with salt and a candle is carried out on the 11th day. lunar calendar. On this day it is also useful to fast on spring water: energy of the eleventh lunar days promotes deep cleansing of the body from toxins. Before the ceremony, you should do the usual cleaning, and then prepare the following items:

  • deep plate or bowl for salt;
  • a new pack of cookware or sea ​​salt;
  • a large wax candle (not a church candle).

After sunset, fill the bowl with salt and place a candle in the center so that it is firmly held in the salt. Place the bowl in the center of the room and light the candle with a match. Ask the fire to cleanse the space of energetic dirt and leave it to burn. When the candle burns, wash the salt into the sink and say:

The candle must first be removed from the salt using a knife or stick; you cannot take it with your hands. Wrap the cinder in paper and immediately throw it in a street trash can. You can throw the salt in the trash bin along with the cinder. The remaining rooms of the apartment are cleaned in the same way.

Cleaning and protection on a white candle

How to clean your house from damage from the evil eye yourself? This ritual not only cleanses the house of negative energy, but also protects for six months from the invasion of entities of the astral plane, as well as from damage and the evil eye. For witchcraft you need to purchase a wax candle on the growing moon white, a spool of red thread and a sharp small knife specifically for this purpose.

On Saturday, draw a house plan on a thick piece of drawing paper. Using a knife, make notches on the candle to divide it into 7 parts (this is a symbol of the seven days of the week). Place the plan on the table and place a candle on top - you can attach it to a piece of plasticine or melted wax. Light the candle with matches and say:

When the candle burns down to the first notch, extinguish the flame with your fingers. Leave everything on the table until tomorrow. At the same time, repeat the ritual, and so on for seven days in a row. It is very important not to move the plan and candle to another place throughout the week. On the last day of the ceremony, remove the candle stub from the paper with a knife, roll the plan into a tube and tie it with red thread.

Place the scroll, cinder and knife in cardboard box or a wooden box with a lid and hide it in inaccessible place. The ritual must be carried out in the second quarter of the moon and completed by the full moon, so that along with the growth of the lunar body, the protective properties of the candle increase.

The protection will last for exactly six months, then the ritual must be repeated. If you can't find a wax candle, take a paraffin or stearic one. However, in this case, the ritual will need to be repeated in a month or two - paraffin does not hold information well.

Cleaning with a candle and pine oil

This cleaning frees the room from energy dirt and small astral entities who feed on the energy of quarrels and scandals. The ritual is performed on the waning moon on any day. First you need to do a wet cleaning by adding pine oil (you can use essential oil) to the bucket. If there is no oil, steam pine branches and pine needles in boiling water for several hours and pour the steam into water for cleaning.

After wet cleaning open the windows and walk around the perimeter of the apartment, starting from the front door, with a lighted wax candle. In places where the flame will crackle or smoke, linger and make the sign of the cross with a candle until the fire calms down. Evil spirits love to live in corners, so pay special attention to them.

When you go around the entire room with a candle, light a sprig of juniper, wormwood or St. John's wort from its flame and fumigate the entire room. When you light the branch, blow out the flame until it begins to smoke.

Take a cleansing shower after cleaning and make a talisman from two crossed rowan branches. Secure the cross with white thread and place a seal in the center - drip it with wax. Place the amulet above the door or above the window. If you want to read the Lord’s Prayer during cleansing, perform the ritual with a church candle. You can also read any charm into a talisman protective spell from damage to the house.

Important note. When cleaning the room with a candle, drops of wax should not get on your hand. Therefore, make a small paper skirt for the candle, where the wax will drip. This will also protect the floors from wax drops.

Cleaning the apartment with the elements

For the ritual it is necessary to prepare symbols of the four elements:

  • air - bell;
  • fire - candle;
  • water - spring water;
  • earth - table salt.

We begin the ceremony by ringing the room with a bell. We walk along the perimeter of the apartment from the front door and call the corners especially carefully. We pay attention to all household electrical appliances and furniture. If the bell begins to sound muffled, we stop and ring until the sound becomes loud again. At this time we ask air force help in cleansing the room of energetic dirt.

Next we clean it with a candle. We light a candle at the entrance and walk around the perimeter of the apartment, stopping in the corners and those places where the fire behaves alarmingly. Mentally or out loud we ask the fire to cleanse the room of the accumulation of energetic dirt. If the candle does not burn out completely, we leave it to burn out in a candlestick at the threshold.

Now pour spring (or defrosted) water into a bowl and sprinkle a bunch of parsley/dill on the walls, corners, doors and window openings. We ask the power of water to cleanse the room of evil.

At the end of the ritual, you need to sweep the salt onto a scoop and throw it into the toilet. After cleaning, you need to take a shower to wash off any accidentally stuck energy dirt.

When can a cleansing ceremony be performed? It is better on full moon days or after difficult events in the house - damage, death, serious illness or major scandal.

Sand cleaning

This ritual can be performed in the warm season, when you can take dry sand on the banks of a river or lake. Place five handfuls of clean sand, free of human or animal traces, in a plastic bag and bring it home.

Cleansing with sage and bluebells

This ritual should be performed after unpleasant people visit the apartment, to expel astral entities and simply to fill the room with light energy. You will need:

  • bunch of sage;
  • sandalwood stick;
  • bell;
  • fireproof cookware.

Light a bunch of sage and put out the fire - let it smoke. Light sandalwood sticks, which are sold in esoteric shops. The smoke should be thick, the windows should be closed. When you have smoked the entire room, open the vents and windows and ventilate the air from the smoke. Astral entities will go away along with the smoke.

Next, walk around the perimeter of the apartment and ring the bell. The vibrations of the bell will drive away the remaining entities in the room and break up the negative thought forms that remained in the apartment after the visit of unpleasant people. The ritual is over.

If you don't have a bunch of sage, you can use a herb. Then do the following. Place hot coals on a frying pan or fireproof dish and sprinkle herbs on top - you will get smoke. As the herb burns, add a new portion. Instead of sage, you can use St. John's wort or wormwood.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:


Space of love 21.08.2017

Dear readers, today we continue the theme of creating a breathing and loving space around ourselves in our section. The presenter of the column, Irina Romanova, has prepared an interesting topic for us - how to cleanse your home of negative energy yourself. I give her the floor.

Dear friends, I truly believe that in these few meetings we have become good friends and together we create our loving space. Today I will share with you ways to cleanse the space of our home on an energetic level.

We are talking about the invisible world that we feel. And it is no less important than its visible side. Have you ever encountered such situations: you enter a room and you feel uncomfortable being there? Or do you get tired quickly when you stay indoors for a long time? Either you perfect cleanliness in the house, but you still feel discomfort? All this means that you feel the vibrations of space and adopt them. Such premises must be cleaned at the energy level.

I would like to immediately clarify and remind you that the physical and energy levels are always interconnected. And the most the best option when your space goes through the following stages of cleansing:

  • physical level - cleaning, spring-cleaning, rearrangement, repair;
  • energy level – cleansing space through various practices;
  • filling the space with energy - creating a creative space in which you feel the desire to work, create, create.

In the last article, I talked about how to cleanse your body energetically and how to cleanse your space on a physical level. I am sure that you have all used these easy exercises, cleared away the blockages in your surrounding world and cleansed your heart.

Today I will share with you special practices that will help cleanse your home of negativity. But first, let's figure out what can lead to energy blockages.

Where does negative energy come from in the home?

Our surroundings

Our environment plays a significant role in our lives. If around you - I now mean neighbors - there are people from disadvantaged families people who swear, fight, lead an unhealthy lifestyle, all this vibrates in your space. It’s not for nothing that there is such an expression: if you want to change your life, first change your environment. Or - tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.

So, should we now move to another place if the neighbors are scandalous? Not at all. My recommendation is different. In our life, nothing ever happens for nothing. And if there are such people in your environment, it means that there is something inside you that attracted them. And in order to change your environment, you don’t need to somehow influence them, argue, try to improve everything on the physical level - you need to change your own attitudes.

Now stop for a second, focus on your heart and ask yourself - if there are dysfunctional families, scandalous neighbors in my environment, what exactly attracted them into my life? And listen to what your heart tells you. Perhaps it was some kind of resentment in the past, some relationship you did not fully end and thus are learning a certain lesson again. The answer will definitely come. And by the way, I’ll give you a little hint right away - the true answer of your heart comes in a matter of seconds, and it is the most correct. You may not like him right away and will be tempted to abandon him, but believe me, he is the right one.

Very often, fears, attachments, and habits prevent us from changing our environment. And here it is also important to honestly admit to yourself whether you want to continue living where you don’t like and constantly complain about it, or whether you want to live where you feel happy man and live every day fully and joyfully.

Quarrels and grievances

When we argue, feel offended, swear, it does not go unnoticed. Echoes of every negative emotion, and quarrels are negative emotions, remain in our space. So why not quarrel, keep everything to yourself? Of course not. If you keep all the negative emotions inside, they will create such an explosive mixture that the slightest spark will be enough for you to explode.

To prevent negative emotions from leaving traces in your space, you need to do one simple thing. Just realize that you and only you are the creator of your life. And whether she will be happy or unhappy depends solely on you, your thoughts and actions. Of course, sometimes you want to relieve yourself of this responsibility - to say that someone else is to blame. But the truth will remain the truth - only you create your life.

And in order to prevent negative emotions from accumulating in your space, it is necessary to constantly cleanse it at the energetic level.

How to cleanse your home of negative energy yourself

Cleansing with water and salt

Why do you think people go on vacation at the seaside and come home fully charged? That's right, because the water they bathe in is a natural purifier. Information is completely nullified in salt water. That's why it's recommended before you put it on. Jewelry, place them in water with sea salt overnight.

In the same way, your room, cleansed with water and sea salt, will be completely cleared of all the emotions, worries, quarrels, and grievances that you experienced during the day.

And therefore, do not forget to add this zest to every cleaning - a little salt in the cleaning water. Be sure to ask her to clean your home, your space. Ask with love, as if you are asking loved one about help. Your sincere intention and the ability of salt to nullify negativity will definitely do their job.

Cleansing the house with a candle flame

Fire is another natural element that can help cleanse your space. Of course, a big fire sometimes seems dangerous to us and inspires fear, but look at any natural fires and you will see that in this way nature helps itself to cleanse itself. Therefore, be sure to use fire to cleanse the energy space of your home.

How to clean your house with church candle? To do this, take a candle—preferably a church candle, but you can also use an ordinary floating one—and light it. When you light it, be sure to ask for its help in clearing the space. You don't have to list what you want to cleanse your home of. The fire will find itself required blocks and dirt in the space and cleans them in the best possible way.

Walk around each room with a candle, especially paying attention to dark nooks and pantries. This is where, as a rule, all negative emotions and energy blockages accumulate. Sometimes the space is so dirty on an energetic level that the candle turns black or sparks. There is no need to be afraid of this, it is simply a cleansing process.

This candle can be left to burn out until the end, or you can throw it away immediately. It is not recommended to leave it for next use. At the end of the practice, be sure to wash your hands under running water, or you can take a full swim. I talked about exactly how to cleanse your body with water at the energy level in a previous article.

If you cleanse space with fire often, then sometimes it’s enough just to put a candle in the room and create an intention for cleansing, and it will do everything on its own. But the first time, be sure to use the practice I gave above.

Home air purification

It is not without reason that I give practices for cleansing the house of negative energy in this order. They must be performed in the following sequence - cleansing with water, cleansing with fire and only then cleansing with air.

Air itself does not nullify space. He moves it, makes it dynamic. And, you see, creating vortices into a room that is polluted is not very correct. Air is our good helper in a clean space, it removes stagnation and helps the movement of energy around you. Therefore, be sure to let a fresh stream into your room after such heavy artillery as water and fire.

Cleansing with love

You can use love cleansing in any room you are in. Be it your home or office, store or public place. Any place where you feel uncomfortable being there, do this gentle practice. Let's do it right now, my dears.

Stop for a second, take a few deep breaths and exhale, even out your breathing. And when you feel calm inside, focus your attention on your heart. Feel it, you can even touch the heart area with your hand to feel it physically. It is there, inside, always warming you with its love.

Feel how the love from your heart fills your entire body and it lights up with a bright light. And now you are shining like a bright sun. This love cannot be contained only within you, it is limitless. It fills your entire room, your entire house or apartment. And now, being in this state, when the love from your heart fills your home, feel it. All, entirely.

You can view it with your inner eye. Perhaps you will see dark energy somewhere in the corner or feel it under the table. Everything is according to your feelings. Send concentrated love to this place. Just a beam of energy. And feel how this energy of love washes away the dark energy, completely nullifies it and the corner becomes as radiant as your heart.

Finish this practice only when your entire home becomes radiant. Thank the space and energy of love for helping you cleanse. And open your eyes.

Believe me, my dears, if you perform these practices and cleanse your home, your surroundings will always be light and joyful. And where there is light and joy, where there is harmony, your most cherished desires always come true and life becomes just a fabulous journey.

Dear readers, write in the comments how you cleanse your home and your space. Did you like the practices I suggested? Are you comfortable doing the practices after reading their descriptions? Perhaps it will be easier for you if I record a video for you?

I look forward to your comments. See you soon. In the next article I will tell you how to fill a clear space with energy to fulfill your intentions and desires.

With love in my heart,
Irina Romanova

I thank Irina for her wisdom and such simple but effective techniques for energy cleansing space. It’s true that we don’t always pay attention to this side of our lives, but just think how much of what we experience every day settles around us! And all this needs to be washed off and cleaned just as we do it physically. And when you put things in order around, your soul immediately becomes lighter, doesn’t it?

And for the soul, we will listen to a wonderful video and music by a French composer Michelle Pepe. The composition will be played Fleur d'Amour.

see also












For every person it own house- a special place. And we are not even talking about square meters, but about more subtle things, intangible.

After all, many have probably noticed more than once that in one house you feel comfortable, but in another you get the feeling that there is a oppressive atmosphere and from there I want to leave quickly.

It’s one thing when the apartment is not yours, but when such feelings arise in the house itself, you have to quickly take action to cleanse the apartment of negative energy and protect it so that negativity does not penetrate your own space.

Read also:

How to recognize bad energy

Most known method checking for negativity in the house is do your own diagnostics using a candle purchased from the church.

With a lit candle, you need to walk through the entire room, including the bathroom and utility room; if it begins to smoke, and the flame continuously sways and crackles, it means that there are negative currents in the house, which cause a negative state of the household.

You can also watch pet behavior, they are the first indicators that sense negativity. At the same time, they become nervous, try to sit at the front door and try to jump out into the street to leave the house.

Bad energy appears if the people living in the house are in a state of bad thoughts, quarrels and swearing, tears often occur, and as a result, constant showdowns, and also if a person enters the house who is angry or wishes harm to the residents. There may also be an accumulation of negativity if a person in the house was sick and died.

How to clean the house?

You can protect yourself from bad energy. The very first and simplest thing is to invite the priest to the house so that he would consecrate the house.

Cleaning, oddly enough, also helps. Conduct an analysis of the things that are in your home. Throw away everything that you consider unnecessary, unnecessary gifts, broken things, chipped dishes and cracked mirrors. After you get rid of unnecessary junk, clean the house.

Buy aroma lamp and essential oils , you can also buy incense sticks. Choose the oil according to your inner impulse, which is right for you and, of course, provided that none of the inhabitants of the house have allergies.

Tea tree oil, thyme, rosemary and lemon balm help well. Tea tree oil should be used if there is no cat in the house, because they have a persistent intolerance to this oil.

Buy houseplants. Ficus, cactus, aloe, geranium, these plants will help harmonize the atmosphere in the apartment and protect it from negativity.

If a negative person comes into the house, but it is impossible to refuse to communicate with him for good reasons, reduce communication with him to neutral territory and do not let him into the house, because as you know, the house is our fortress, the place where we relax and we gain strength, and then quarrels, disappointments, and the oppressive atmosphere will go away and peace and love will settle in him again.

Prayer for cleansing the apartment

Helps clear space old prayer, for example, an appeal to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Here is her text:

“Truly, Saint Nicholas. You are known to the world and to us for your miracles. Help me cleanse my home of filth - sent and my own. Cleanse my house from vicious deeds, from demonic malice, from envy and black thoughts. Candle and holy water, cleanse my house. May there be peace and love in my world. Amen."

It is better to perform the ritual with the help church candle and icons, turning towards the entrance. Hold the candle right hand. You need to begin the process by praying, with good thoughts and sinless thoughts. Some priests advise fasting for three days.

If after several rituals the candle stops crackling and its flame stops jumping restlessly, your apartment has been cleansed of negativity.

You can “treat” a house with ordinary salt - it’s easy accessible remedy to get rid of negativity.

Salt for cleaning space

Salt is considered the strongest magical crystal, any esotericist is aware of this. It's time to put this common product at the service of man. Today salt will become our amulet and protection.

By the way, do you know that it should never end in the house? Otherwise you will be in trouble, so buy it for future use.

The ritual of cleansing with salt is simple to perform. Take a frying pan and heat it on the stove. Sprinkle with salt (natural, sea, coarsely ground salt is best). Keep on fire for an hour to three - it is during this period that the energy of the living space is cleansed.

It is advisable to perform this ritual until 12 noon. If dark spots are visible on the salt film, the negative was really present in your walls. At the end of the process, the salt should turn white again.

Church bells

Cleansing the aura of a home and a person with the help of blissful sounds has been used since ancient times. The ringing of bells is of particular importance for the Russian-speaking population.

During its sound, there is a transition to high vibrations, the strongest positive energy begins to be released, which has a healing effect not only on people, but also on the space around them.

A bright mood, a joyful perception of the world, excellent physical well-being - this is what can give regular listening the ringing of church bells. This works especially powerfully during live performance (visiting a temple), but you can turn on music at home.

Restore a person’s energy aura and perform an apartment cleansing ritual by simply listening to one of these videos:

As you can see, it is quite possible to clean your apartment of negativity on your own. It is especially important to do this if you have just moved, or someone in the apartment was sick for a long time and died, or you are being haunted by a whole series of troubles. All the best to you!
