Maintenance of the fire alarm and warning system. Maintenance of fire alarms and fire alarm systems. At the same time, maintenance is regulated

The fire automatic alarm system is designed to ensure that the source of ignition is located as soon as possible and to notify in a timely manner that a fire hazardous situation has arisen. Not only the use of a variety of warning devices and fire detection sensors, but also the installation of an automatic fire alarm is becoming an actual direction in the methods of fighting fires.

Types of fire alarms

According to their parameters, there are several types of fire detectors:

  • Light.
  • Combined.
  • Ionized.
  • Smoke.
  • Thermal.
  • Manual.

In addition, they are divided by type of action:

  • Threshold - it is advisable to use such sensors only in small buildings with a small number of rooms.
  • Addressable - these detectors accurately indicate the place of occurrence of a fire hazardous situation by analyzing the situation.
  • Analog addressable - such systems are classified as "intelligent", since they are able not only to independently assess the threat that has arisen, but also, if necessary, reprogram the sensitivity threshold on the detectors, as well as transmit a signal about a fire without stopping the work of the fire department alarms.

The latest automatic fire alarm is a set of sensors designed to determine the level of smoke, a sharp jump in temperature in a building, and an infrared signal is able to find the source of an open fire. The complex also includes lines or devices for data transmission, notification and the center of the entire system - a specialized computer that is designed to make decisions on commissioning devices located inside and outside the building. When the complex is included, the electronics decide on the appropriateness of their use.

It becomes clear that an automatic fire alarm has the ability to significantly increase the safety of a building, and its installation can solve the problem of timely detection and elimination of a fire.

Maintenance of APS systems

Maintenance is carried out by special companies that install it at the enterprise. Such maintenance includes both a primitive cleaning of the system from dust, which tends to get into the sensors, and more complex procedures. Maintenance is designed to ensure the smooth operation of each detector individually and the entire system as a whole.

Conventionally, all maintenance activities can be divided into several categories:

  • The specialists who installed the automatic fire alarm system must train the persons responsible for fire safety and, by agreement, the personnel. Such training will help to properly operate the APS and will not disable it due to someone's negligence.
  • All malfunctions and errors in work should be eliminated in a timely manner, current, emergency and preventive repairs should be carried out. These works can take place both on the basis of a warranty service agreement by the company that installed the system, and in its absence, by third parties.
  • Scheduled maintenance must be carried out.

Please note that all these works can only be performed by organizations that have a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations to carry out such actions.

All institutions in which there is a mass congestion of people are required to conclude such an agreement.

Maintenance procedure

All automatic equipment must be checked in a timely manner, and maintenance is carried out within the terms strictly defined in the contract, which cannot be less than those established by law.

During maintenance, the following must be checked:

  • the strength of the fasteners and the general external condition of the system;
  • the sensitivity of the sensors and the guarantee of their operation, as well as ensuring the uninterrupted signal reception at the central console;
  • serviceability of insulation and general condition of flexible connections.

This service must be carried out in order to:

  • to ensure the further uninterrupted functioning of the APS system;
  • check the general technical condition;
  • promptly identify problems that have arisen in the system;
  • eliminate the adverse effects of exposure to harmful factors.

Depending on the reason for the maintenance, it can be regular and extraordinary.

An extraordinary check of the automatic fire alarm system is carried out:

  • after false positives;
  • in case of system failures upon the occurrence of conditions for operation;
  • after restoration work that was carried out in the APS system;
  • at the request of the head of the enterprise where this automatic fire alarm is installed.

Fire alarm prevention

They also try to carry out the necessary preventive work during the maintenance process.

During prevention, they clean the external elements and surfaces of all devices from contamination, lubricate if necessary, strengthen connections, replace parts of the system that have expired.

Carrying out work to troubleshoot the APS

In cases where any malfunctions are detected during preventive maintenance, maintenance or inspections, it is necessary to immediately repair the automatic fire alarm or replace the failed part. If a defect is discovered by the owners of the APS, they are obliged to inform the company servicing this system as soon as possible. Troubleshooting any problems on your own is unacceptable.

Registration of maintenance work

All activities that are mandatory during maintenance are prescribed in the regulations, in the preparation of which it is necessary to take into account the work recommended by the APS manufacturers, as well as the requirements contained in the fire inspection acts.

On the basis of an internal order, a person responsible for meeting the deadlines for maintenance and preventive work, as well as for maintaining operational logs, should be appointed. All actions carried out when checking the operability of the fire alarm system, as well as troubleshooting work, are subject to mandatory registration in special logs, which, at the first request of fire inspectors, must be presented to them for review.

Responsibility for violation of the terms of maintenance of automatic fire alarms

Maintenance must be carried out on public warning systems in case of need for evacuation.

If malfunctions in the notification lead to human casualties or significant damage and it turns out that the maintenance was carried out untimely or not carried out at all, then this will become a sufficient basis for initiating a criminal case against the head of the enterprise. These requirements apply only to fire systems - the maintenance of all other warning systems is determined by the head, and the maintenance of security alarms is determined by the norms of private security.

Both the financial costs of its installation and the efficiency of its operation depend on the correct design of the APS system.

The project is drawn up for each object individually and is based on the requirements of the PB, PUE and GOST standards, therefore it takes quite a long time and is carried out in several stages.

First, the object is studied: its area, layout, design features, etc., then the amount of necessary work and the required equipment are determined. Before drawing up the project, areas of increased danger for fire are marked in order to pay increased attention to them.

Only after that they proceed directly to the design and preparation of documentation, which will be needed in the future to confirm that all fire regulations are observed at the facility.

Only companies that have a special permit to develop project documentation and are members of a Self-Regulatory Organization have the right to draw up an APS system project.

All design standards are regulated by the current legislation, and the project itself is a diagram of the entire detection, warning and automatic fire extinguishing system.

Requirements for the operation of the APS system

It is mandatory to appoint a person responsible for maintenance, as well as for regular inspections of the visible parts of the APS system.

In addition, the operation of an automatic fire alarm includes compliance with certain requirements:

  • it is forbidden to whitewash or paint over any parts of the system;
  • at the beginning of repair work in the building, notify the fire brigade;
  • it is forbidden to block fire detectors and passages to the central apparatus;
  • daily check the on state of the alarm, and in the absence of a day-night switch, then at the end of the working day;
  • in cases of activation of the alarm from the remote control, it is necessary to control the arming of the object by phone.

Maintenance of APS in Moscow is one of the core activities of the Vega company. Our specialists are ready to professionally perform a wide range of specialized works, taking into account the individual characteristics of each automatic fire system. Regular maintenance of APS is the key to long-term and trouble-free operation, which guarantees a high level of safety against fire. We fully provide not only technical, but also documentary support for all maintenance work. Thanks to this, our customers do not have problems with state regulatory authorities.

APS maintenance prices

  • Name of service

  • Control panel, remote indication unit

    from 700 rubles for 1 unit
  • Control panel, radio channel remote indication unit

    from 900 rubles for 1 unit
  • Linear smoke detector

    from from 150 rubles for 1 unit.
  • Smoke fire detector radio channel

    from 60 rubles for 1 unit.
  • Combined fire detector

    from from 60 rubles for 1 unit.
  • Sound and light radio channel annunciator

    from 200 rubles for 1 unit.

Features of APS maintenance

Automatic fire alarm includes a wide range of various equipment and devices:

  • Fire detectors.
  • Smoke or temperature sensors.
  • Backup power supply system.
  • Communication lines between different elements of the APS.
  • Central control panel.

Each of the devices is responsible for a specific set of functions, which together provide a high level of fire protection. Maintenance of automatic fire alarms allows you to achieve trouble-free operation throughout the entire period of operation.

The list of APS maintenance works includes the following scope of operations:

  • External inspection of all elements of the system in order to fix mechanical damage, insulation defects, contamination of the sensor surface and other malfunctions.
  • Control of software performance, analysis of the causes of software failures and their elimination.
  • Elimination of traces of dirt, dust and other contaminants from the surface of APS equipment.
  • Control of the parameters of the backup power supply.
  • Checking the functioning of sensors in all possible operating modes.
  • Control of contact connections, insulation resistance values ​​of lines.
  • Filling in all necessary executive documents regarding the performed maintenance work.

APS maintenance cost

Prices for the maintenance of automatic fire alarms depend on a large number of different criteria:

  • Type and model of equipment used.
  • Controlled object configuration.
  • Complexity and scope of work.
  • Service interval.

In each individual case, the prices for APS maintenance are calculated specifically for the object.

Benefits of cooperation with us

When ordering APS maintenance services from Vega, all customers receive a wide range of benefits:

  • Extensive experience in carrying out such work allows us to perform APS maintenance in the shortest possible time.
  • We guarantee full compliance of all work performed with the regulatory requirements of equipment manufacturers and the legislative norms of the Russian Federation.
  • Long-term guarantee for all services performed by our specialists.

Cooperation with LLC "Vega" is an inexpensive and effective way to carry out maintenance of automatic fire alarm systems of any configuration.

Benefits of working with us

We will carry out high-quality work on the installation of fire alarm systems with the provision of all necessary documents. When ordering fire escape testing services at VEGA, you get:

Scheme of working with us

Turning to LLC "Vega" you get a high-quality qualified service for the maintenance of APS. Our employees will promptly perform work of any complexity, while the prices will be at the most affordable level. The scheme of cooperation with us is simple:

  • Leave a request on the website or call
  • Employees of our organization analyze the situation at your facility
  • Based on the analysis, a calculation of the cost of services will be drawn up, on the basis of which a commercial offer will be drawn up
  • After agreeing on the list of works, the employees of our organization at a convenient time for you will perform all the listed works in strict accordance with all established standards.
  • Performing the full scope of all work, with the provision of all necessary documentation.

When installing an automatic fire alarm (APS), you should take care of the planned APS maintenance , because any device, mechanism or system requires constant monitoring of performance in order to ensure normal operation in normal mode. Not only the safety of material values ​​stored on the territory of the protected object depends on this, but also the life and health of people. Only regular inspections and competent maintenance can guarantee the immediate activation of the fire alarm, which will prevent the spread of fire.

In addition, the scheduled maintenance of the alarm system helps to avoid false alarms of fire detectors, which cause not only inconvenience in the operation mode of the facility, but also dull the vigilance of personnel and people's response to an alarm. The “getting used to” factor in periodic false alarms can play a fatal role in the event of a real fire hazard. It also entails additional costs for the repair of fire detectors in case of serious damage caused by long breaks between checks or a complete lack of fire alarm maintenance.

Responsibilities for maintaining the fire alarm in working condition, monitoring the health of components and implementing preventive maintenance of the fire alarm system lie with the responsible persons of the enterprise, organization or institution that operates the fire protection facility, on the basis of applicable laws, norms and rules, namely:

  • Art. 37 of the Federal Law "On Fire Safety" dated December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ;
  • p. 61 of the “Rules for the fire regime in the Russian Federation” (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 390 dated April 25, 2012);
  • clause 1.2.5 of RD 009-01-096 “Installations of fire automatics. Maintenance Rules".

If the owner, tenant or operator of the protected object does not have trained licensed personnel and the necessary funds to carry out the maintenance of the fire alarm system on its own, the management must involve a third-party specialized company and sign a contract with it for the maintenance of fire alarm systems. Responsibility for violation of the procedure established by the Legislation of the Russian Federation lies with the officials and / or owners of the object of protection in accordance with Federal Law No. 69-FZ. This agreement is subject to verification by the state fire supervision service.

The list of mandatory accompanying documents should be reflected in the service agreement for the APS:

  1. Fire alarm system maintenance schedule- fixes the frequency of checking the performance of the fire alarm, for example, daily, monthly, quarterly, etc.
  2. APS service regulations- it indicates the types of various works, composition, content, etc.
  3. Fire Alarm Check Log- this is a log for the maintenance of fire alarm systems, which records a list of procedures and types of work performed with the date and name of the responsible executor.
  4. Fault log, which reflects all identified problems and shortcomings, indicating the date and conditions for their elimination, etc.
  5. Fire alarm test report is an act of work performed, approved by the heads of the parties of the Customer and the Contractor.

Scheduled and unscheduled fire alarm maintenance

A set of organizational measures and interrelated procedures aimed at maintaining the technical condition and operational characteristics of all components of the APS system and its individual elements in good condition is called fire alarm maintenance .

The purpose of performing maintenance of the organization's APS:

  • uninterrupted operation of the system throughout the entire period of operation;
  • permanent monitoring of the normal functioning of the APS in an automated mode and with the involvement of maintenance personnel;
  • early detection of problems in the normal operation of the installation;
  • Troubleshooting with minimal financial and man-hours costs;
  • prevention of serious problems and failures in the functioning of the APS;
  • warning about errors in the algorithm of operation, processing and transmission of the alarm in case of detection of signs of fire;
  • generalized analysis of data on the state of the fire protection system;
  • development of recommendations and proposals for the modernization, improvement or expansion of the existing system.

To improve the efficiency of APS maintenance and the overall level of safety, it is recommended to carry out planned and unscheduled checking fire alarm installations.

During the implementation of the maintenance of the fire alarm system, attention is paid to the following basic circumstances and malfunctions that may prevent the normal functioning of the fire alarm system:

  • when introducing a fire alarm at the facility, only certified equipment that has been tested in the laboratory is used;
  • mechanical damage to loops, power and control cables, for example, as a result of redevelopment of premises;
  • the presence of contamination is one of the important procedures when checking fire alarm sensors, for example, dust in the chambers of optical-electronic detectors and dirt in street sirens;
  • natural wear and tear of materials and spare parts;
  • lack of tight contact of the terminals - checking the switching of all points of detachable and permanent connections;
  • problems of electrical overloads, short circuits, etc.;
  • observance of redundant power supply with checking of primary and secondary sources, measuring the capacity of batteries and their automatic mutual switching in case of power failures;
  • violation of operating conditions, including ambient temperature, humidity and other factors;
  • interference of personnel and other third parties in the regular operation of the alarm system, operation algorithm, system settings, unauthorized shutdown, etc.

Maintenance of APS must be considered in conjunction with interacting systems, for example, fire extinguishing, smoke removal, warning and evacuation management. Our highly experienced technicians are ready to produce comprehensive fire alarm check, maintenance of APS and SOUE, maintenance of fire and security alarm systems(OPS) and other fire protection systems.

Fire alarm service regulation (APS)

Any maintenance of fire alarm systems begins with a check of the fire alarm installations.

As part of the inspection of the fire alarm system, the service of the fire alarm system is divided into:

  1. scheduled maintenance of APS, which is focused on the implementation of activities approved in the schedule for the maintenance of the fire alarm system in accordance with the regulations and the specified deadlines;
  2. unscheduled maintenance , carried out at the request of the customer in order to eliminate failures or non-standard behavior of the system, including diagnostic, emergency work and unscheduled repair activities.

How is a fire alarm tested?

The general technique for testing a fire alarm is to force the operation of all constituent elements in order to determine the incorrectly functioning node or component. Modern control panels (PPK) store a detailed log of events that occurred in the interval between scheduled maintenance; it is recommended to start with the analysis of these events. In alarm loops, they give an “alarm” for each fire detector in the circuit and detect the system reaction time; in addressable loops, they control the unique addressing of sensors. Special attention is required to check the algorithm for starting fire extinguishing, smoke removal and warning. Event scenarios must be executed strictly in accordance with the configuration of the MTA and within the minimum time intervals. The control of the transmission of service and alarm notices to the fire department must be accompanied by a check of the main and backup methods.

During the initial inspection by a third party of the existing fire alarm system, it is necessary to determine the correct choice of the type, quantity and method of arranging fire alarm means, taking into account the fire load, the configuration and area of ​​fire zones, the presence of interfering time factors, the location of elevators, flights of stairs, etc. An acceptable distance between adjacent sensors, walls and ceiling in accordance with the rules for installing fire detectors in SP 5.13130.2009. In the presence of false ceilings and false floors, it is imperative to check the security of these hidden spaces, in which, as a rule, electrical wiring is laid. Checking fire alarm sensors manual type is reduced to testing the unimpeded pressing of a button, lever or with a key; you also need to make sure that they are on escape routes, in corridors, on stairwells, near exits and nothing blocks them. If necessary, consider options for their mutual duplication and installation of additional facilities.

Maintenance of smoke fire detectors, heat sensors, flame and gas sensors is carried out by special testers that imitate the signs of a real fire - smoke, heat, fire.

Checking the operation of the fire alarm system also includes monitoring the serviceability of the light and sound indication of sensors, control panels, annunciators in normal, alarm and emergency modes. The condition of the cable infrastructure is also subject to verification, which should be based on a fire-resistant cable of increased fire safety with a sheath that does not spread combustion and emits a small amount of toxic smoke / gas for a long time (for public buildings, high-risk facilities, etc.). When setting up a fire alarm, the norms establish a reserve capacity of the fire alarm device for the expansion and distribution of loops in the future. When maintaining an automatic fire alarm, you should check the connection of an uninterrupted power supply according to the 1st category of the PUE of all system components, which will ensure guaranteed operation in case of emergency disconnection from the network.

Training- the most important part in checking the performance of automatic fire alarm installations, on which the successful prevention of a fire, its localization and evacuation of people in the event of a fire depends. It is required to conduct regular briefings, testing knowledge and practicing the actions of responsible personnel with fixing the exercises in the appropriate journal.

Order fire alarm system service

Our experienced technicians will provide professional APS maintenance services on objects of various scale, any complexity and configuration. When servicing a fire alarm, the price depends on:

  • the number and length of alarm loops;
  • the number of wired/wireless smoke/heat/flame/gas detectors;
  • the number of light and sound annunciators;
  • the number of power sources;
  • the type and number of methods of interaction with related fire protection systems (alarm, fire extinguishing, ventilation, dialing to the monitoring station, etc.);
  • way of performing work (cramped conditions, work at height, etc.).

To calculate the cost of APS maintenance, please contact our managers by phone or through the feedback form. We are ready to service the APS in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, as well as in any other region of the Russian Federation. Low cost and quality work guaranteed!
