Types of interior doors and how to make them yourself. Interior door design: an overview from experts How to make a door to a room yourself

The door market is huge and natural wood is still a timeless classic. But not every door can be made by a beginner, so further you will find out which canvases an amateur can take on, and which ones are better to order in a workshop. After that, we will analyze in detail how to make a door at home, and in 2 versions and with all the subtleties.

Not every door can be made by a beginner

Making wooden doors yourself is not a problem, but first you need to figure out where you intend to put this canvas and what requirements are imposed on its aesthetic and operational data. After all, you must admit that it is one thing to have a pantry in the backyard and quite another, making doors with your own hands for rooms or your favorite bathhouse.

Massive canvases

In this case, the term "massive doors" does not refer to either the size or the weight of the door leaf. This means that the doors are completely made of wood and there are no technological voids inside. Plus, such a canvas is assembled from solid boards and does not have any windows or other inserts.

Massive doors belong to an elite product

In stores, the price for such a product is one of the highest, and at the same time, making one-piece massive doors with your own hands is quite realistic for any home craftsman. The strength of such a canvas is the highest, only iron doors are stronger than massive ones, and not all of them, when compared with Chinese goods, it is better to make a door from a tongue-and-groove board yourself.

Making doors with your own hands from a solid board for a beginner is quite realistic

Of course, you should not immediately take on a solid canvas, shining with exquisite polishing, but we will tell you how to make doors with your own hands, for example, for a bath, in all details, but a little later.

Paneled canvases

Simply put, the term "paneled doors" means prefabricated canvases. That is, first a frame is made, and then panels (inserts) are inserted in certain places of this frame.

In classic paneled canvases, such inserts are made of wood. In interior panel doors, glass can be used instead of wood. The design is light and beautiful, plus it takes less material.

But we do not advise novice masters to take on this type of door. Firstly, in order to properly dock the frame planks and insert panels into them, you need a skill, and secondly, to make such canvases, you need a lot of good stuff, including a professional tool.

Inserts in interior panel doors can be made from different materials

Panel and frame canvases

From the point of view of the layman, panel and frame doors are not much different. It is believed that the panel door consists of a rectangular box, which is sewn up on both sides with solid sheets of fiberboard or plywood. At the same time, its frame sister is made of the same box, only stiffening ribs made of wooden bars are installed inside.

Professionals divide these doors according to other criteria, they distinguish between solid, hollow and small-hollow canvases.

  • Solid canvases are the highest quality in this niche. Inside the box is filled with a wooden lath, which at times increases the strength of the structure. True, the quality of the rail is not the highest, often waste goes there. In part, this design resembles a solid array, only a high-quality tongue-and-groove board is used there, and here production waste;
  • Small-hollow canvases - such doors differ from solid ones in that the inside of the canvas is filled in fragments. Roughly speaking, when they want to save money or there are not enough wooden slats for continuous filling, these slats are fastened with gaps, through one;

On the left (A) solid, and on the right (B) fine-hollow filling of the canvas

In panel sheets, the technology and existing GOSTs make it possible to use chipboard, MDF, polystyrene and even honeycomb cardboard as a filler in addition to wooden laths.

  • Hollow canvases are the simplest and cheapest option for doors. Here, sheets of plywood or fiberboard are simply stuffed on both sides of the box. To make the empty box not so noisy, a filler is mounted there. The cheapest filler option is honeycomb cardboard, and the best is foam.

It is clear that it is easier to make simple doors with your own hands, so we will leave paneled structures alone and focus on massive and panel canvases.

Two options for assembling the door leaf

We decided on the types of structures, but before we make a door with our own hands, let's briefly go through the minimum set of tools and choose wood for our future work of carpentry art.

What tool do you need

There is never a lot of a tool, at the same time it is not always possible to buy a complete set, but since it will not work to make a door without a tool, we will go through the main positions.

Carpentry tools for making doors

  • Hacksaw for wood;
  • Electric drill;
  • Square;
  • Roulette;
  • A set of screwdrivers or a screwdriver;
  • Plane;
  • A set of chisels;
  • Level;
  • Minimum 2 - 3 clamps;
  • Metal hammer;
  • Mallet (wooden or rubber hammer);
  • Pliers;
  • Awl;
  • Emery or grinder.

If you want to make a really beautiful door with your own hands, you will have to fork out for a high-quality hand mill with a jig (a guide bed for the movement of the cutter). Without it, you will not make curly details.

You can't make a beautiful door without a good cutter

Choosing wood

When choosing a tree species, it is advisable to take into account several recommendations. So for a dry room, you can take any wood, but if we make a door with our own hands, it is better to refuse from strong species such as oak or acacia, they are difficult to process.

In damp rooms, for example, in a bath, it is better to take larch, aspen or pine, they are less susceptible to decay. But at the same time, only hardwoods are used for the steam room; at high temperatures, resin will flow from conifers. The most affordable option is linden.

For doors, you need the so-called "business forest". Unlike the usual one, there are fewer knots, and most importantly, it is well dried. Humidity of working wood should not exceed 15%.

Some companies offer wood impregnated with protective compounds in autoclaves, it costs a third more expensive, but then you don’t fool around with antiseptics, plus industrial impregnation is much better.

In no case do not buy curved boards, especially a “propeller”, no matter what you are told, it is no longer realistic to align a behaving board.

Option number 1. Solid wood doors

Making a door with your own hands begins with the selection of a board. The fact is that the basis of the canvas is a shield, typed from a tongue-and-groove or simply planed board. If you are making doors to the utility room, then you can take a regular board, it is cheaper. If the door is in a prominent place, then it is better to buy a grooved board.

The minimum board thickness for doors is 25 mm, but it is inconvenient to work with such a plank, so if you have a single-layer shield, it is better to use a board with a thickness of 40 mm or more.

A shield made of grooved board is an order of magnitude better

First, take the boards and connect them together on a completely flat table. The grooved board is joined according to the tenon-groove principle, so it can be difficult to assemble the shield “dry” the first time. At this stage, your task is to clean up all the burrs so that the shield connects normally.

When the shield is assembled, you number the boards with a pencil and disassemble the structure. Now alternately put carpentry glue into the groove of each plank and reconnect the shield into a single structure. This time, the first plank rests against some kind of hard ledge, and all subsequent boards, when joined, are tightly knocked out with a mallet.

So that the planks of the shield do not disperse during drying, they need to be pulled in 2 - 3 places with clamps from the sides, plus 2 even boards are applied from above and below and are also pulled together with clamps. With this approach, the bars will not lead anywhere.

The shield is pulled together with clamps in 2 - 3 places

After a day, part of the clamps can be removed and the installation of the main retaining ribs can begin. Stiffeners are the easiest option for assembling massive doors, you can arrange them as you like, the main thing is that they securely hold the vertical planks of the shield and provide rigidity to the canvas.

The connection will be an order of magnitude stronger if you cut the stiffeners into the canvas mass, but here you have to choose the grooves for the stiffeners. Theoretically, such grooves can be selected with a hacksaw and a chisel, but only a master is capable of this, it is better for an amateur to take a cutter for such work or to refuse to cut the planks altogether, just nail them on top.

But there is another alternative, in which overhead stiffeners are not used. For this case, it is desirable for you to have a cutter. The scheme is approximately as follows: you assemble the shield, after which you cut a groove along the upper and lower ends of the shield and glue a tongue-and-groove board into it. Additionally, the connection is fixed with self-tapping screws.

The decor of massive doors made of natural wood is a separate big topic and it is best disclosed.

Option number 2. Assembling a panel door

If you have figured out how to make the doors yourself from an array, then it will not be difficult for you to assemble panel hollow doors. In this case, the most important thing is to assemble a solid frame. Often, for these purposes, a board with a thickness of 20 mm or more is taken.

The option of joining the corners is shown in the diagram below, but if you don’t want to mess around with cutting grooves, then you can do it easier, take metal furniture corners and select small recesses under them with a chisel, tighten the body with corners. In any case, then all connections will be covered by a shield.

The most affordable box sheathing option is fiberboard or plywood, but the appearance will not be the best. If the appearance of the doors is important to you, then it is better to buy a ready-made laminated MDF board; among professionals, such boards are called door cards.

Usually an MDF card is simply planted on a good wood glue, but if you doubt the strength of the structure, then you can add a few self-tapping screws. Only in this case, the caps of the self-tapping screws will have to be covered somehow, for example, with stickers or plastic chips.

We do not recommend you to make a completely hollow door; there should be several stiffening ribs inside. And so that the empty box does not “ring”, the rest of the space can be filled with foam or mineral wool.

For insulation and sound absorption, it is advisable to fill the shield door with foam plastic or mineral wool

Now you just have to choose and cut the hinges and then install your new doors. You can learn about the intricacies of choosing and inserting hinges, and the door installation technique is shown.


As you can see, making a door with your own hands is not so difficult, in any case, a person who is not afraid of a hacksaw and a hammer can handle such a task. In the video in this article, the masters reveal their subtleties and give recommendations on arranging doors, so study our instructions, watch the video and do not be afraid, you will succeed.

Self-execution of construction work in many ways contributes to saving money. This is the main motivator for those who do not have extra money or are too limited in it at the time when the moment comes to make a decision, install interior or exterior doors, inviting a construction team or decide to personally participate in the case.

At the same time, the zone where people live additionally influences the resolution of such a problem. If in city apartments the installation of doors almost always involves the use of factory-made options, then in the suburban area this issue is treated more selectively.

Proof of this are photos of homemade doors, so often presented on the Internet by private craftsmen.

Forms for obtaining training information

Many people like to share their experience and skill in carpentry work on personal pages through the worldwide network. Especially if the result exceeds all expectations.

Compliance with technology and at the same time a non-standard approach to design development leads to the fact that sometimes, as a result of exciting work, original exclusive types of home-made doors are obtained.

For those who want to learn carpentry and subsequently independently carry out all the relevant processes, including the manufacture of doors, there is a laying out of educational materials on the Internet, video master classes conducted by specialists, as well as a detailed description of all technological stages, both in the manufacture of door structures, and other works.

It is important to carefully study the material provided. In the future, based on the information received, it will be possible to try to independently carry out work on installing the door frame, mounting the canvas and installing fittings.

Why is it important to know the basics

However, it is impossible to start immediately with complex species. As in any business, you first need to master the basics. And for starters, it’s worth understanding what the design of the door is. This is the only way to better understand, it is easier to master all the technology and really figure out how to make a door yourself.

First, it is necessary to distinguish between such concepts as "block", "box" and "canvas". Secondly, to be able to determine the parameters of the door, so that it is freely installed in the prepared opening and can easily function (open and close).

Thirdly, you should carefully consider the selection of basic materials in order to avoid distortions later. It is clear that a light plasterboard partition is unlikely to withstand a heavy massive structure, and on the contrary, a powerful door block is required to enter, protecting from cold and noise.

Door material and future use

Many, when deciding which door can be made with their own hands, come to the conclusion that boards can serve as the main material for such work.

Given the strength of the structure, a plank door is a shield assembled from edged or unedged boards of a certain thickness, firmly fastened. It is customary to mount the fence on utility blocks, use it at the entrances to houses or baths.

Selection of working tools

Work on assembling the door begins with the preparatory stage, which first of all includes a selection of tools. Thus, not only the question of what you can make a door with your own hands is being worked out, but also what contributes to its more convenient installation.

To create better working conditions, it is advisable to acquire a table-workbench on the farm. It is on it that the phased assembly of equally fitted boards into one solid canvas is easiest to carry out.

The following must be included in the list of tools:

  • the purchase of a manual milling cutter, which will make it easier to make grooves, surface grinding, leveling corners and other actions;
  • purchase of a hacksaw, chisels, as well as a planer for end grinding and leveling the blade;
  • purchase of a screwdriver, grinder (can be replaced with sandpaper);
  • purchase of conventional and rubber hammers.

To fix the dimensions, you will need a building level, a working pencil, a tape measure and a meter.

As the main materials, the use of tongue and groove boards with a tenon-groove type of fastening is suitable. The thickness of the boards is selected depending on the type of future operation of the door and the external design. Various self-tapping screws and carpentry glue are selected for fastening.

For an economy option, ordinary boards are used. Their initial length on sale can be about 6 meters. The height of the canvas, meanwhile, is less than 2 meters. It turns out that three elements for assembling the canvas will come out of one purchased wooden product.

Before buying wood materials, it is worth making a calculation and finding out how many boards will be needed in total. Since in the future they always have to be cut, you need to immediately determine the quantity, based on the total number of installed blocks.

The importance of careful preparation of wood for door installation

The assembly of the door block is a complex and time-consuming work. And, of course, with such work, instructions on how to properly make a door are required. The initial steps should be the processes associated with the preliminary preparation of wood.

It is desirable to subject purchased boards to additional drying. Each board is laid on a gasket (bar). The location of the boards should be such that they do not touch each other. Moisture at the time of drying will freely exit from the wood fibers.

Drying is best done in a warm closed place. For example, in a shed. If you can place the boards only on the street, they should be covered with a dense material that does not allow water to pass through. Often roofing material is chosen for this.

Carrying out the main stages and choosing decoration options

After the door frame is already installed in the opening, they begin to manufacture the canvas. The step-by-step manufacturing of a simple door involves the assembly and fastening of ordinary boards 10-25 mm thick, already adjusted to the required parameters, using the tools and materials indicated above.

When the base is ready, proceed to finishing. There are a lot of decorating methods, but their selection should be done depending on the required severity of the structure.

MDF panels, lining can act as decor materials.

DIY door photo

Making interior doors with your own hands requires certain skills in working with wood. This design will bring to life any design idea and emphasize the interior. The popularity of wooden doors is due to the environmental friendliness of the material, beautiful appearance and low thermal conductivity.

To choose what material to make interior partitions from, you should decide on the type of construction. They are of the following types:

  • shield;
  • frame;
  • paneled;
  • from solid wood.

The first type of doors is hollow or solid. When cavities are created in the structure, which are filled with a special filler, the partition is called hollow. It is made of wooden beams, multilayer cardboard or MDF. The finishing material is veneer, PVC or laminate.

The basis of frame structures is made of pine beams. Sheathe everything with MDF or plywood. Voids are left or filled with paper, extruded polystyrene foam, or other lightweight material.

A paneled interior door is made of boards, solid or glued beams. The latter option is more common. Inserts are made of wood or glass. The decorating material is veneer.

To make a solid wood door, thick boards are selected, which are interconnected to form a flat surface. The rigidity of the structure is given with the help of horizontal jumpers. All parts are made from the same type of wood. Since such partitions are heavy, they are not suitable for sliding interior doors.

Required Tool

To make an interior door with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  1. pencil and ruler;
  2. roulette;
  3. hammer and screwdriver;
  4. building level;
  5. chisels;
  6. mallet;
  7. milling machine;
  8. sandpaper or grinder;
  9. plane;
  10. hacksaw;
  11. screwdriver;
  12. wood glue;
  13. square;
  14. clamps;
  15. self-tapping screws.

Manufacturing and assembly

It is necessary to consider the pros and cons of making doors with your own hands at home. The first include the ability to realize any design idea and budget savings. The main disadvantage of independent work is that the finished design can be very different from the original sketch. To a greater extent, this applies to novice masters. In order for the product to turn out as it was intended, one should be careful and precise in work.

Production of interior doors and assembly consists of the following stages:

  • Canvas measurement.
  • Strapping production.
  • Fabric pre-assembly.
  • Marking and making cuts.
  • Assembling the canvas and inserting accessories.

First of all, you need to make an accurate drawing of the product. This will allow you to easily mark up and not make a mistake with the door configuration.

Canvas measurement

Work begins with the removal of the parameters of the doorway. Based on these data, the dimensions of the canvas and the box are determined. If the passage is 80 cm wide or less, a single-leaf partition is made. When the width of the opening exceeds this value, 2 sheets are made to reduce pressure on the hinges and make a more attractive appearance.

Since the mounting seam must be at least 2 cm, the dimensions of the door should be reduced by this figure. The box is installed in an opening with a small gap, which is filled with mounting foam. It securely fixes the hatch and does not allow the door structure to move.

To determine the dimensions of the canvas, it is necessary to subtract the thickness of the box from the width and height of the opening. Additionally, a gap of 4 mm in width and 4-12 mm in height is added. It is needed for a free porch of the door. The beam for loot can be the full thickness of the wall or not. The remaining space can be closed with extensions, which are installed after installation work.

Strapping production

After drawing up a detailed drawing, they proceed to the manufacture of the frame of the canvas. For these purposes, edged boards with dimensions of 4x10 cm are suitable. To speed up the work, it is advisable to purchase planed material. If sawn boards are used, they must be processed with a planer. The angles of the bars should be 90°. This indicator should be checked with a square.

Then you should mark up according to the drawing. Consider how the elements will be connected. If a tenon-groove fastener is used for a board 10 cm wide, a tenon 7 cm long is made. Since the spike is made on both sides of the timber, 14 cm are added to the dimensions of the workpiece.

After processing the boards with a planer, they proceed to create a groove using a milling cutter. In the side parts of the blanks, grooves are selected into which glass or wood panels are inserted. In order for the canvas to cover the opening, a quarter must be made for the door frame. Its size depends on the thickness of the sash, to which 1 mm is added for a high-quality porch. The depth of this element must be at least 1 cm.

The panels are processed with a milling cutter to obtain the necessary relief. The thickness of the edges should be 1-2 mm less than the groove so that the parts can be easily installed.

Fabric pre-assembly

When all the elements are ready, the web is pre-assembled to check the correctness of the work. It does not use glue. If the connection is made with self-tapping screws, they are used to easily fix the parts, but do not completely tighten.

Assembly is carried out as follows:

  1. Horizontal lintels and panels are installed in the recesses of the vertical beam.
  2. Middles are fixed.
  3. Mount the rest of the panels.
  4. Install the second vertical bar.

Check the conformity of the dimensions of the elements and the quality of the joints. The spikes should fit snugly into the grooves. The presence of gaps or distortions indicates poor-quality processing of the boards. If any defects are found, the structure is dismantled and the deviations are corrected.

Marking and making cuts

It is necessary to accurately mark the parts, since an incorrectly executed gash will damage the material. Therefore, you can mark with a pencil only after checking the dimensions. It is always worth noting 1 mm less than the required size, so that it is possible to correct the groove when sawing off curves. It is better not to reach the mark with a milling cutter a little, but to clean up the remains with a chisel. So you can make the groove more accurate.

Washed down should not be more than 1/3 of the thickness of the board, so as not to weaken the structure. Rarely, in the manufacture of doors, half-wood and dovetail fasteners are used. In the first case, cuts are made for 1/2 of the thickness of the parts, and assembly is carried out using dowels or self-tapping screws. In the manufacture of a dovetail, grooves are made in the form of trapezoids, which makes it possible to more reliably fix the elements. But due to the complexity of performing such cuts, they are rarely used.

Assembling the fabric and fitting fittings

At the last stage, the canvas is assembled and the fittings are inserted. It is started when there are no flaws left when checking during pre-assembly. If the elements are fastened with glue, it is applied to the spike and into the groove. To press the parts more tightly, use self-tapping screws. They knock out the bars with the help of a mallet, having previously placed a small board so as not to deform the surface of the door leaf.

High-quality assembly eliminates the presence of cracks or gaps. If any are present, the details are knocked out or pulled together. The facing material is fixed after the glue has completely dried. When working with the finish coating, special care must be taken, since its removal, if damaged, will damage the frame.

Under the hinges and locks, markings are made at a distance of 20 cm from the edges of the door. The recess is made with a chisel. The hinges should fit snugly into the grooves. The fittings are fixed with self-tapping screws. The handle can be supplied with a lock if a latch is used. If a roller mechanism is installed to fix the sash, the handle will be stationary. The installation method depends on the type of construction. In the first case, a hole is drilled into which a square pin is installed. A stationary product is fixed with self-tapping screws.

To install the lock from the end of the web, make a groove according to the size of the locking mechanism. They close it with a special bar, and make a recess in the loot and install a reciprocal bar.

Finishing the interior design

Depending on the material of the door, the finish may be as follows:

  • Painting.
  • Lacquering.
  • Toning.
  • Veneering.
  • Lamination.

Doors made of plastic panels

Now the method of producing interior doors from plastic panels is becoming more and more common. They are not inferior in appearance and quality to structures made of wood, chipboard or MDF. Such doors are installed in rooms with high humidity.

This product is a frame-shield structure sheathed with plastic panels. The wooden base should be 1.5-2 cm smaller than the opening so that the facing material does not interfere with the closing of the door.

Owners of city apartments often argue among themselves whether to buy interior doors or make them on their own. The dispute divides people into two groups. The main thing is to understand or take into account the fact that the doors can have a different design. It is they who cause difficulties in the manufacture and in the process of discussion on this topic. Despite the division of opinions, you can make interior doors with your own hands.

Design features

The interior door is an important part of the interior of the room and the whole apartment. Doors give us the opportunity to feel secure in the house. They play various key roles - they provide isolation of residents from odors arising in the kitchen, various noises coming from children's rooms, etc. Today, two classes of interior doors can be distinguished:

  • paneled;
  • shield.

They differ from each other in design features. Paneled doors consist of a frame and panes with panels inserted into it. The area highlighted by thin profiled frames and a plastic or wooden shield is called a panel.

Paneled doors

Paneled doors have increased soundproofing properties and low weight. It is not easy to make such products on your own, since the design is quite complicated, and you are unlikely to get by with one video or a selection of photos about the production of such interior doors.

Panel doors

Panel doors, on the contrary, are quite suitable for self-equipment of residential buildings. They have a smooth shield in their design, which can be lined with plywood or plastic. The main advantage of such doors is reasonable price and excellent quality. In addition, these doors are considered universal, as they are suitable for both rooms and bathrooms.

Existing coatings

There are four main types of coatings that are currently used in the manufacture of doors:

  • veneering;
  • staining;
  • lamination;
  • toning.

The simplest methods are staining and toning.


Door manufacturers paint mainly solid wood and MDF products. The canvas is covered with one or more layers of paint. The quality and service life of such doors depends on the quality of materials and equipment used by the manufacturer.


In the process of tinting, the doors are covered with special varnish compositions, which are transparent and translucent. Using this method, you can emphasize the texture of wood as much as possible, since small dents and small scratches remain on soft wood.


In the process of laminating doors, experts use the method of pressing onto the base of the film without glue. The film can be paper or plastic. The first option is more common.


In this case, the surface of the door is covered with a thin film with a thickness of at least a millimeter. The veneer is usually applied to the substrate, after which it is coated with varnish compositions. Veneering is required for solid wood and interior doors made of MDF boards.

Varieties of interior doors

There are different types of interior doors that differ from each other in the way they open. Among them, five main types can be distinguished, such as:

  • pendulum;
  • swing;
  • sliding;
  • folding;
  • stables.

swing doors

These products are the most common among all. They open in a certain direction and can consist of one or two wings. If the canvases have different widths, such doors are called semi-open doors. According to the installation methods, swing doors are divided into left and right. The only drawback of the products is the relatively large space occupied when opening.


This subspecies of doors is distinguished by a swing opening system with some zest. Their main distinguishing feature is the possibility of opening in two directions. This characteristic does not make the doors popular, since not all apartment owners choose them. Swinging doors are rarely installed in city apartments, but they can be found quite often at subway entrances. Pendulum doors can be plastic, aluminum and glass. On the photo you can see how they look.


Such doors are opened by sliding the leaf inside the wall or along the guide rails. Products have an aesthetic appearance, especially when moved inside the partition. Sliding compartment doors are great for cramped rooms, as they do not require a lot of space to open.

Folding doors

This type of interior doors is created from individual panels 10-15 cm wide. When opened, they fold to one of the edges of the opening and can even be hidden in the wall. The main differences of the doors are their lightness and silent sliding of the panels, which is due to the bearings built into the rollers. Panels can be glazed or deaf. Glazing is usually performed using ordinary or stained glass, but such designs cost about twice as much as deaf options.


This is one of the varieties of simple swing doors. Initially, they were used only in stables, which is why the doors got their name. Stable doors consist of two halves with their own locks and hinges. This type of interior doors is most popular in Western countries. At home, these products can act as protection for animals, as the lower part will block their way to the street.

Materials used

In ancient times, doors were made from natural wood, but the years go by, and today there are numerous substitutes that imitate natural wood. Artificial and combined materials are cheaper than natural wood. At the same time, it cannot be considered that the technology for the production of interior wooden doors is a thing of the past. On the contrary, today such doors are especially highly valued and occupy a leading position in the market. So what materials are used?


The most popular softwood for the production of doors is pine, which is common due to its affordable cost. The wood covered with a transparent varnish has an aesthetic appearance due to the light shade and pattern with dark blotches. It should be noted that pine is a rather soft material, which, even with a slight blow with a sharp object, can be damaged.

Door installers believe that pine interior doors should not be installed in rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom, swimming pool, conservatory. The fact is that changes in the level of humidity causes drying and drying of the material and its deformation. Perhaps everything would have been so if there were no special means for processing wood of any species.

Beech, maple, oak and mahogany are more expensive, but also look much more attractive. The cost of such wood species depends on the strength and aesthetics of wood compared to other species. The service life of doors made of such materials with proper production, processing and installation exceeds tens of years.

artificial materials

For the production of interior doors with your own hands, you can use MDF or chipboard, which cannot be compared with natural wood in terms of strength and durability. However, these materials are much cheaper than natural wood. The service life of the doors is shorter, and the environmental properties of the doors are in doubt, despite the assurances of the manufacturers.

Interior doors made from combined materials are mainly made from chipboard, MDF and expensive veneer. When the canvas is covered with expensive veneer, it is difficult to distinguish the door from the natural massif externally, since the veneer is made from wood. As for the service life and strength, it can be noted that these doors are not inferior to natural wooden products in these parameters. In addition, combined materials are cheaper, and they are not afraid of temperature and humidity changes.


If we consider the materials that are used for the production of interior doors, glass cannot be missed. Inserts from it in the doors decorate the product and the interior in an original way, carrying a certain functionality. Due to the inserted glass, daylight enters the room through the door, and this is important in the case of darkened rooms.

Due to the variety of colored shades of glass, you can create different designs in the room. Glasses can be different:

  • multi-colored;
  • matte;
  • transparent;
  • with patterns and drawings.

The safest are tempered glass, which, when broken, shatter into small pieces that cannot cut human skin. Tempered glass is recommended to be used to create doors to the children's room.


Very often, for the production of interior doors, metal is used, from which handles and hinges are made. The cost of fittings depends on its appearance, ease of use of the product and its coating. Loops are detachable and universal. The advantages of detachable hinges include quick and easy dismantling of the structure.

To remove the canvas, you need to lift it up, and it will come off the hinges. Unlike universal ones, such hinges open the door to the left or right. Universal hinges are used to open the door in a certain direction. It is more difficult to dismantle the door from universal hinges.

To dismantle such doors, you need to disassemble the hinge by pulling out the stem located in the middle. In stores and in the market, you can find hinges that allow you to open the door in two directions, depending on the direction the person is walking. Also, the cost depends on the design and material used from which the door handles are made.


Remember such an insignificant, at first glance, material as a sealant. When the door is closed, it is not visible, but it performs important functions:

  • increase in soundproofing properties;
  • prevention of heat losses;
  • an obstacle to the penetration of extraneous aromas and dust into the room.

Seals are made from different materials and can be of different colors and sizes.

Preparing tools for making a door

Creating panel doors is not an easy process, requiring some skills, knowledge and experience. However, along with this, some interior doors are easy to manufacture and do not require special skills. To make such doors, you will need a small set of tools:

  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • chisel or knife;
  • tape measure or meter;
  • large sandpaper.

From the materials you will need the following:

  • sufficiently thick boards up to 50 mm thick or a bar for a box: a pair of bars for the vertical part and one for the horizontal;
  • bars or slats for the frame: two long for the vertical part and three short for the horizontal;
  • accessories in the form of loops, handles, locks;
  • finishing materials such as veneered plywood, decorative film, varnish, paint;
  • glue and screws;
  • Fiberboard for door trim on both sides.

Manufacturing process

There are openings in the walls of apartments and houses in which doors must be installed. If this is an entrance opening, it is better to install a steel door. The most affordable is the one that was created with your own hands from a photo. You can also upgrade the product purchased in the store. To do this, it is necessary to dismantle the canvas and lay it on the floor. Then you should remove the fittings and imagine how it will look after the improvements.

Consider what surface the door will have - solid or in the form of a window cover. The second option is more complicated in execution, but the first one also has its own characteristics. For example, you will have to remove the old layer of paint from a fairly large area.

We will consider the process of creating doors with window binding, we will talk about the equipment used and the process of veneering the surface with veneer.


The first step is to do the markup. To do this, use a large square and a marker to draw lines on the surface of the door on the paint. On the sides you need to make a few indents:

  • top - at least 16 cm;
  • below - at least 50 cm;
  • on the sides about 10-11 cm.

We remove the excess

After marking and choosing a fragment of the canvas to get rid of, you need to arm yourself with a drill and make 5-7 holes in the verified corners in increments of about 3-5 mm. After that, you need to make cuts with a hacksaw. Make sure all lines are perfectly straight.

Frame creation

It is necessary to take out the sawn piece and insert wooden slats along the binding contour, smearing them with carpentry glue. Inside the original frames, you need to place cardboard sheathing panels or plywood.

Sometimes, when installing the rails, the cardboard ribs between the skin interfere, so they can be broken out to the desired depth using pliers. The glue will dry for several hours, but it is not necessary to wait until it is completely dry. You can fix all the slats around the perimeter with small carnations, sinking the hats into the skin.

Now the interior door is ready for installation, and you know how to choose the material and know what tools may be required. After this practice, you will be able to create more complex products with your own hands, looking at the corresponding photos.

One of the decorations of a modern apartment is interior doors. The modern market in this sense simply indulges and pleases the eye. Wooden, all-glass, aluminum, plastic, combined - choose what your heart desires. As practice shows, wooden doors are most often chosen. It is understandable, the material is some kind of "home", natural, warm, inspires confidence. Though not without its whims. Some knowledge of "wooden" features will not hurt.

Method for manufacturing interior doors

According to the manufacturing method, "classic" doors are divided into panel and panel doors.

Panel doors - the most ancient and also the easiest to manufacture. Structurally, the product consists of a frame sheathed on both sides with some material. As a rule, the inside of this frame contains a filler (monolithic or honeycomb). Monolithic filling significantly weights the door. It can take the form of a shield made of wooden bars, which is optimal from the standpoint of environmental friendliness and sound insulation. But sheet material is also possible - chipboard, MDF. Honeycomb filling can significantly reduce the weight of the door leaf, since it is a honeycomb structure made of pressed cardboard or MDF.
Shield doors can be deaf and partially glazed. Moreover, "glazing" most often plays a decorative role and is made in the form of artistic inserts made of glass, crystal, multi-colored plastic. The sheathing of a panel door itself can also be decorated and made from molded plastic, sheet fiberboard (hardboard), MDF - and from anything, up to natural stone plates. The cost of a panel door is almost entirely determined by its finish.

Paneled door - its canvas is a wooden frame, which consists of strapping (main bars) and mullions (bars that divide the door leaf into parts and connect the strapping bars). The internal openings of the frame are filled with inserts of paneled panels (panels), glass, or a combination thereof. The number of mullions determines the number of panel inserts. Panels and glass are fixed in one of two main ways: directly into the strapping or through an intermediate frame. In any case, the panel must retain "freedom of movement" in the grooves of the strapping and mullions. Often, the junction of panels and glass with piping and mullions is closed with so-called glazing beads, and slabs and layouts are used to decorate large glass surfaces. These elements are made of wood, plastic, MDF, can be decorated with veneer, painted, laminated, etc.
Paneled doors are relatively lightweight and have good sound insulation. A paneled door is much more difficult to manufacture, but thanks to the design features in its design, any design ideas can be realized. Due to the complexity of manufacturing and representative appearance, such products are traditionally referred to as goods of a prestigious level. That is why the market offers significantly more panel doors than panel doors.

Door materials

Chipboard, MDF, fiberboard - these wood derivatives are quite often used today in the manufacture of doors. These materials are made from wood pulp. MDF is a modern technology material that does not contain phenolic resins and therefore does not emit harmful phenols. It is not subject to cracking, practically does not swell, it is technological in processing, veneer and wood are perfectly glued to it. According to the manufacturing technology, this material is close to fiberboard, but in this case, the binding component of the fibrous mass is its own wood resins released during hot pressing. Chipboard is also widely used in door production, most of the Spanish models are made from this material. Chipboard allows you to make the entire process of creating doors extremely technological and cheap.

Finishing interior doors made of wood

A variety of glass panels or inserts used in the door leaf, their type and shape allow you to create different variations of design solutions. As for the glass itself, the countless fantasies about its traditional types (corrugated, frosted, colored, stained glass) are truly impressive. Spectacular insects, flowers, fish can be placed in the internal volume of synthetic glass.

Italian doors (as well as Italian furniture) rightfully occupy leading positions not only in our country, but also in the world. What do you want? They've been doing this for centuries. For example, doors are made there from wood, the age of which is not known for certain. Representatives of factories travel all over the world and collect old beams and other pieces of wood, which are then processed and restored in a special way, painted by hand with paints according to old recipes and drawings. Such doors impress, as well as their price. Significantly cheaper doors made of artificially aged wood, often also with artistic painting.

In addition to aging, door leafs and frames made of natural and glued solid wood (as well as combined ones, there is no difference here) can be painted, tinted, covered with film materials and veneered with fine wood veneer. The most common veneer options today are tanganika (a specially tinted walnut), national walnut, and cherry. Sometimes the veneer is additionally tinted or bleached (maple, oak). "Highlight", for example, Spanish doors is mahogany veneer, Finnish - birch.

Technologies for the manufacture of interior doors

The tree is sensitive to fluctuations in humidity. Therefore, before "going to work", the wood must be subjected to forced drying to a residual moisture value not exceeding 8%. The properties of the obtained wood material strongly depend on the wood drying technology. For example, there are technologies in which hardwood (for example, oak) is dried for 47 days with four steaming. The material is steamed to achieve a strictly uniform removal of internal stresses and guaranteed to avoid cracking of the workpieces. In the old days, wood was kept for several years in a dry, cool room, excluding direct sunlight. Today, modern drying chambers significantly speed up this process. But accelerated drying does not give a full guarantee that the wood will not begin to warp or crack in the future.

Insufficiently dried wood, as well as changes in temperature and humidity in the room, cause internal stresses in the door and, as a result, their deformation - cracking, warping and changing the size of the door. That is why for some expensive imported models it is necessary to constantly maintain almost "greenhouse" conditions in the room with temperature and humidity fluctuations of no more than 8%.

Usually, the finished door leaf is offered for installation in the opening along with the door frame, which is usually made using the same technology and from the same materials as the leaf frame. The technological articulation of the opening and the box is covered with platbands, which are the most important design element and are made of wood, MDF, can be painted, tinted, covered with fine wood veneer.

Interior doors are made without a threshold. Doors for bathrooms can be supplied with a threshold, although models without it are applicable in most modern apartments. For bathrooms, the layout usually provides openings that are smaller in height and narrower than in other rooms. Therefore, if you want to install the same doors throughout the apartment, you will have to look for models in the dimensional lines of which there are canvases under such an opening. Or you will have to shorten the canvas. Just keep in mind that honeycomb doors are poorly suited for this. As for the applicability of doors in "wet" rooms, even veneered models are suitable for this. True, provided that all end surfaces are covered with veneer and well treated with waterproof varnish. When buying an imported door for a bathroom, you can focus on the pentagram icons in the catalogs.

Prices for wooden interior doors

Paneled hinged doors are the undisputed leader in sales. As a rule, each model is offered both in a deaf and glazed version. As for the prices for these models, the most inexpensive products (up to $300) are offered by Russian and Spanish manufacturers. Paneled doors costing $ 300-1000 - this is already a fairly wide range of proposals both in terms of materials and technologies. This range includes products of most foreign manufacturers. Here there are doors entirely made of solid coniferous or precious woods (mahogany, oak, beech, cherry, walnut, ash, alder), models with figured panels and glass, doors inlaid with highly artistic carvings.

There are much fewer models of panel doors than panel doors, but, nevertheless, the fashion does not work for them. Among panel doors, veneered and painted are in the lead. Due to the design features, it is panel models that are most often encrusted with veneer. In addition, their panels are often decorated with various polyester compositions, decorated with window inserts.

Russian factories produce lightweight economy class doors (up to $ 100) with a molded outer panel and honeycomb filling. Some Austrian, German, Russian companies specialize in the production of painted panel products with decorative glass and colored plastic inserts. Traditionally, the range of offers from Italian manufacturers is wide - almost all Italian factories produce a considerable number of panel doors with a wide variety of leaf, frame and trim designs. If you are not ready to buy an Italian prototype for $1000, you are offered a domestic equivalent for $350-500. As they say, there is a choice.

Before buying a door from an array, call the master representative of the company to the house. Only he can say for sure whether the opening will fit, how much it will cost to expand it, whether the wall will withstand the load, and whether this door can even be inserted into this opening.
