Expand on 3 examples the meaning of tax. The value of the tax system in life. Regional hierarchy of power

Which example illustrates the influence of society on nature? a) the slow pace of development of the relic tribes of Central Africa; b)

construction of the Tsimlyansk reservoir; c) the formation of races; d) the development of trade and navigation in ancient Greece. 2. Rational cognition (the process of thinking) does not involve the production of: a) concepts; b) judgments; c) representations; d) inferences. 3. The world religions do not include: a) Buddhism; b) Islam; c) animism; d) Christianity. 4. Determine which of the statements is true. A. The statement "An apple tree is a tree" is an inference. B. Saying “All men are mortal. Antonov is a man. Therefore, Antonov is mortal” is a judgment. 1) only A is true; 3) both statements are true; 2) only B is true; 4) both statements are wrong. 5. Social need is the need for: 1) food; 2) air; 3) water; 4) family. 6. Social norms are: a) traditions; b) documents; c) morals; d) contracts; e) the laws of nature. 7. The family as a social institution performs the following functions: a) reproductive; b) leisure; c) educational; d) socialization; e) erotic. 8. The economic sphere of society is characterized by (-s): 1) the most important discoveries and inventions in science; 2) national differentiation; 3) social division of labor; 4) social conflicts. 9. The meaningful stimuli of human activity include: 1) motives; 2) attraction; 3) habits; 4) emotions. 10. What type of family prevails in an industrial society? a) extended family, b) small family, c) large family, d) nuclear family, e) temporary unregistered marriage. 11. Unlike nature, society: 1) is a system; 2) is in development; 3) acts as a creator of culture; 4) develops according to its own laws. 12. Which of the features is inherent in a traditional society? 1) developed factory production; 2) creation of the main product in agriculture; 3) completion of the industrial revolution; 4) highly developed infrastructure. 13. . All types of industrial, social and spiritual activities of a person and society, as well as all their results in the aggregate, can be called: 1) culture; 2) economy; 3) worldview; 4) history. 14. What function of science is illustrated by the development of new ways to protect a person's home from unauthorized intrusion? 1) cognitive; 2) prognostic; 3) explanatory; 4) social. 15. Are the following judgments about the relationship between the spheres of public life correct? A. The growth of government spending on the production of new types of weapons is an example of the connection between the political and economic spheres of society. B. Financing of the activities of the museum by a patron is an example of the connection between the economic and spiritual spheres of society. 1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are true; 4) both judgments are wrong. 16. For which science is the question of the relationship between the concepts of "good" and "evil" the main one? 1) psychology; 2) ethics; 3) aesthetics; 4) sociology. 17. A person, unlike an animal, has the ability to: 1) act together with his own kind; 2) see the purpose of their actions; 3) train offspring; 4) protect yourself from danger. 18. What activity is characterized by the generalization of the properties of things in concepts? 1) material and production; 2) social transformation; 3) spiritual and practical; 4) spiritual and theoretical. 1 19. A farmer works the land with the help of special equipment. The subject of this activity is: 1) land; 2) technique; 3) cultivated crop; 4) farmer. 20. Are the following statements about truth correct? A. The relativity of truth is due to the infinity and variability of the comprehended world. B. The relativity of truth is due to the limited cognitive capabilities of man. 1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are true; 4) both judgments are wrong. 21. Culture in a broad sense is 1) the level of technical development of society; 2) the totality of all the achievements of mankind; 3) the level of education of the population; 4) all genres of art. 22. Both humans and animals have needs for 1) social activity; 2) purposeful activity; 3) care for offspring; 4) changing the environment. 23. The activity of the state in the management of society is an example of activity: 1) economic; 2) spiritual; 3) social; 4) political. 24. Are the following judgments about truth correct? A. Relative truth is knowledge that necessarily gives rise to different points of view. B. Relative truth is called incomplete knowledge, true only in certain conditions. 1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are true; 4) both judgments are wrong. 25. The existence of enterprises of various forms of ownership is guaranteed in country A. The success of these enterprises directly depends on the demand of consumers for the manufactured goods. What type of economic systems can be attributed to the economy of country A.? 1) planned; 2) command; 3) market; 4) traditional.

The income of the print media consists of receipts from advertising and circulation sales. Today the first more than doubled

Social activities C6www.ctege.info

1. Name and illustrate with examples any three grounds for acquiring property rights provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.


In the correct answer, the following grounds for acquiring property rights can be named and illustrated:

1) making or creating a new thing for yourself (Anna sewed a dress for herself);

2) purchase and sale (Vladimir bought furniture for the kitchen in the store);

3) exchange (Svetlana exchanged her one-room apartment for an equivalent apartment in another city);

4) donation (Sergey gave his girlfriend a ring).

2. Expand on two examples the theoretical position on the essence of creative activity.


The answer should contain a theoretical proposition about the essence of creative activity as an activity that creates www something qualitatively new, and two relevant examples are given.info:

1) examples of qualitatively new goals of activity (for example, the creation of an artificial satellite of the Earth); 2) examples of qualitatively new means of activity, ways to achieve goals (for example,

new ways of solving problems in physics); 3) examples of qualitatively new results of activities (for example, a computer presentation

using new software features).

3. Give any three examples of the impact of various social institutions on the process of socialization of the individual.


1) the family contributes to the assimilation of the views on good and evil accepted in society (“What is good and what is bad”)”

2) school (education) provides the necessary knowledge;

3) mass media contribute to the development of attitudes towards the values ​​that exist in society.

Other examples may be given.

4. Illustrate with three examples the differences in the government system of parliamentary and presidential republics.


The answer may include examples:

- in a presidential republic, the president receives powers directly from the voters; in a parliamentary republic, the president is usually elected by the legislature;

- in a presidential republic, members of the government are appointed by the president; in a parliamentary republic, by the leader of the party of the parliamentary majority;

- in presidential republics, the president is free to choose candidates for government posts; in parliamentary republics, only deputies of the party that has the majority of seats in the legislative assembly receive appointment to the government.

5. Use examples to illustrate each of the three types of social norms: tradition, custom, ceremony.


Custom - Anniversary Celebration

Ceremonies: coronation

6. Use three examples of the activities of the legal profession to reveal the ways in which it protects the rights of citizens.


The response may include the following examples of the activities of the bar to protect the rights of citizens:

1) during a criminal trial, a lawyer defends the rights of citizens accused of committing a crime;

2) the lawyer carries out representation in courts, other state bodies and organizations in civil cases and cases of administrative offenses;

3) the lawyer participates as a representative of the parties in the Constitutional Court;

4) lawyers provide advice and explanations, oral and written information on legal issues;

5) lawyers draw up applications, complaints and other documents of a legal nature.

7. Give three examples of different sources of business funding.


The response may include the following examples:

1) the owner of the auto repair shop sent part of the profits to the purchase of new equipment;

2) the owner of a chain of grocery stores took out a bank loan and used it to buy a modern refrigeration unit;

3) the farmer received funds from the state small business support fund to purchase an additional batch of feed. Other examples may be given.

8. Show on three examples the close relationship between society and nature.


The correct answer may contain examples:

1) natural conditions determine the occupation of people (for example, fishing among residents of coastal areas);

2) minerals, their presence or absence, their development largely determine the state of economic development (for example.ctege, the position of countries.info, oil exporters);

3) natural disasters can cause enormous damage to society (for example, destruction due to earthquakes, tsunamis).

The connection between society and nature can be revealed by other examples.

9. Lawful action presupposes the voluntary fulfillment by citizens of legally fixed obligations. Give three examples of legal action.


The correct answer should contain the following examples, for example:

- Citizen R. conscientiously performs his duties at work;

- Citizen R. actively participates in voting during elections at various levels;

- citizen R. is always polite and correct with others.

Other examples appropriate to the assignment may be given.

10. Name three features of the modern economy and illustrate each with an example.


The following features can be mentioned in the answer and relevant examples given:

1) economic globalization; a manifestation of the strengthening of interrelations and interdependencies of economic development can be the transition to a single currency, the creation of a common market for the eurozone countries;

2) strengthening state regulation of a number of economic processes; illustration of this

the actions of the governments of many countries during the recent financial crisis, in particular, state support for a number of banks, guaranteeing the deposits of the population can serve;

3) an increase in the role of large firms, transnational companies in the market ; there are such corporations in many sectors of the real economy and the banking sector, for example, large automobile manufacturers have their subsidiaries in dozens of countries around the world.

Other features may be given and exemplified.

11. Show with the help of three examples the variety of criteria for identifying social groups. In each case, indicate the criterion and lead to it

specific example.

Explanation. www.ctege.info

The response must contain the following elements:

1) criteria, for example:


Occupation (profession);

The amount of income;

2) relevant examples (e.g. youth, agricultural workers, middle class)

12. Show on a concrete example, to what economic consequences the forced establishment of prices for goods below market by the state leads. List two consequences.


AT the answer may indicate the following consequences: - the appearance of a commodity shortage; - the growth of the shadow economy; - revival of speculation.

AT as an example, the situation in our end country can be used 80s when

The authorities, through the introduction of all kinds of cards, coupons, tried to limit demand and contain price increases.

13. Name any three functions of the state and expand each of them with an example.


Any three functions of the state can be named and examples given, for example:

1) economic function (adoption by the State Duma of the state budget);

2) social function (adoption of the law on the reform of the pension system);

3) legal function (adoption of the Criminal Code);

4) cultural and educational function (state support of folk museums);

5) national defense function (definition military-political doctrine);

6) the function of protecting the interests of the country in the international arena (participation in the activities of the UN).

14. According to scientists, the family, along with other functions, performs the function of supporting the physical health of parents and children. .info Name and

Illustrate three manifestations of this function with examples.


The following manifestations can be named and illustrated in the answer:

1) giving up bad habits (for example, after the birth of a child, a young father quit smoking);

2) active recreation (for example, parents and children go to the skating rink every Sunday in winter);

3) mastering hygiene skills (for example, parents teach children to brush their teeth twice a day, wash their hands before eating, etc.);

4) carrying out preventive and health-improving measures (for example, in the fall, parents and children made a decision and got vaccinated against influenza, etc.).

Other manifestations may be named and other adequate examples given.

15. Illustrate with three examples the relationship between the problems associated with the widening gap between developed countries and countries of the "third world" and the problem of preventing a new world war.


The following examples may be given:

1) a significant number of local armed conflicts occur in the countries of the "third

world”, some of which have nuclear weapons (for example, the Indo-Pakistani conflict);

2) due to the aggravation of the problem of providing raw materials and energy resources, the most developed countries of the world provoke, and sometimes themselves participate in wars for control over sources of raw materials (for example, the war in the Persian Gulf or the US-Iraq war);

3) the poverty of certain regions of the planet contributes to the spread of the most radical, militant ideologies in them, the adherents of which are fighting against developed countries (for example, Islamic terrorist organizations).

Other relevant examples may be given.

16. Based on social science knowledge and personal social experience, model a specific situation that illustrates positive deviant behavior. Give three examples of formal positive sanctions that are possible in this case.


The response should contain the following elements;

1) situation model, let's say:

K., an advertising executive for a large real estate firm, used the non-traditional www.ctege dress code to attract. customersinfo, thanks to this, the volume of sales increased significantly in a short time.

2) three examples of sanctions, for example: the management of the company approved his innovation and

- K. was given a bonus;

- K. was awarded a diploma;

- K. was offered a new position with the prospect of career growth.

Another situation corresponding to the condition can be simulated and other sanctions indicated.

17. Expand on three examples the importance of the tax system in the life of the state and society.


The Importance of the Tax System Revealed on three examples, let's say:

1) On the eve of the deadline for filing tax returns, huge queues line up at the inspectorate. This has a disciplining, educating effect on citizens and the administration of firms.(firstly, to issue documents on time, and secondly, to submit a declaration earlier in order to avoid wasting time in queues at the tax office);

2) firms pay taxes to pension funds, i.e. due to tax revenues, the social policy of the state is carried out;

3) during the crisis, taxes were reduced from large corporations that invested the released funds in maintaining production, preserving jobs, i.e. through the tax system, socio-economic policy of the state.

The significance of the tax system can be revealed through other examples.

18. Confirm with three examples the need for state participation in the economic life of society (the need for state regulation of the economy).


In response, the need for state regulation of the economy can be confirmed by the following examples:

1) a number of countries introduced special taxes on excess profits of corporations, indirect taxes on the purchase of luxury goods, i.e. the state solves the problem of mitigating the inequality of income and wealth through their partial redistribution;

2) the European Court has been going on for several years against Microsoft, accused of monopolizing the market, i.e., the state, protecting the interests of consumers, adopts antimonopoly legislation;

3) a separate item of expenditure of the state budget is the financing of law enforcement agencies, health care, education, etc., i.e., the state ensures the provision of public goods to the population of the country. The need for state participation in economic life can be confirmed by other examples.

19. The role and importance of civil institutions is growing in modern society. Give three examples illustrating the partnership of civil non-political organizations with the state.


A correct answer must www contain the following .ctege elements: .info Examples are given, for example:

- associations of teachers, trade unions of educators take an active part in the discussion of political decisions in the field of education, amendments to the law on education;

– associations of residents, associations of homeowners, together with the mayor's office, the city leadership, discuss issues of urban planning, improving the transport situation, building new parking lots;

- journalists, representatives of professional associations of workers employed in the media oppose pressure on the media, in defense of freedom of speech;

- organizations of veterans of local wars and conflicts are demanding the development of additional measures for the social protection of military personnel;

- environmental organizations and movements are discussing decisions on the construction of large complexes of industrial enterprises, amendments to environmental legislation. Other valid examples can be given.

20. Give three examples of technological progress in modern society.


Examples can be given in the correct answer:

1) the creation of instruments and equipment that make it possible to record what is happening at great distances from it; 2) the creation of long-range attack means;

3) the construction of interplanetary ships and the organization of scientific research on other planets.

Other examples may be given.

  • , very urgent

    Expand on three examples the importance of the tax system in the life of the state and society

  • Taxes are very important for the state and society.
    from the taxes paid by working citizens forms the country's budget, from which, in particular,
    1 - wages are paid to all employees of the public sector (medicine, education)
    2 - the army that protects the state is supported from taxes
    3 - assistance is being provided to low-income families, orphanages are being maintained
    4 - pay pensions to pensioners and the disabled
  • Taxes are the basis of the welfare state.
    From the incoming taxes, fees and obligatory payments, the
    State budget, as well as regional and local budgets of the country.
    The state budget, in turn, is spent:
    - for the maintenance of the Army and Navy and other military needs
    - for education of citizens, health care, housing construction,
    payment of pensions and benefits, etc.
    -for the development of science and technology, the modernization of the economy
    - for the maintenance of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, courts, prisons, the FSB, etc.
  • On the role of the state in a market economy. From the work of the modern Russian scientist-economist A. N. Porokhovsky "Russian market model: the path of implementation."
    All agents of the economy are united by a single market space of the country, where the same rules of the game for all are monitored and supported by special state institutions. .. By itself, the market is not able to maintain competition. Maintaining and stimulating competition in the economic sphere is a function of the state. Fighting monopoly, supporting competition, the state is both within the market model and outside it, guaranteeing the stability of the market system as a whole. Maintaining stability is no less important than protecting competition. The favorable social climate in the country, the stability of the financial system, and ... the expansion of the production of public goods - especially in the sphere of services, education, science, healthcare, culture - the creation of a legal framework in the business sphere depend on the verified, active role of the relevant state institutions. .. Therefore, even in the theoretical market model, the state plays the most important role - the preservation of the market system itself by expressing common, or public, interests. No private business, no matter how gigantic it may reach, by its very nature can ignore its own interests and shoulder the interests of the whole society. However, the state can cope with such duties only if it is part of a democratic society. In such a society, along with the market mechanism, there is a democratic mechanism for controlling voters over the state apparatus, and the judicial system provides legal protection to all citizens in accordance with the law.
    Questions and tasks for the document
    1. How does the author of the document characterize the role of state institutions in the single market space? What, according to the scientist, the economic functions of the state contribute to the stable development of the market system?
    2. A. N. Porokhovsky names a number of socio-economic phenomena in the life of society that are directly dependent on the active role of the state in their regulation. List these phenomena and, based on known facts, illustrate one of them with an example.
  • 1. The role of the state in the transition to a market economy
    The role of the state in the economy. The role of the state in
    the life of society. The functions of the state in the market
    system. Methods and tools of the state
    regulation of the economy. Analysis of the role of the state in
    economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems
    transition to the market.
    course work
  • Read the text and complete tasks C1 - C4.

    Globalization is deeply rooted in history, and yet it is a 20th-century phenomenon. From this point of view, our century can also be defined as the century of globalization. Therefore, the lessons of the 20th century are especially significant and important for understanding its prospects.

    Historians and politicians will argue for a long time about the rich heritage of the outgoing century, but its ideological and political results are unlikely to be revised in the foreseeable future. In short, they boil down to the following: human rights are fundamental, democracy is stronger than tyranny, the market is more effective than a command economy, openness is better than self-isolation. This system of values ​​and attitudes, the creator and active propagandist of which has historically been the West, has become widespread and recognized in the modern world. .. For the first time in history, the vast majority of people living on Earth are gradually developing a common understanding of the basic principles of life.

    Like a hundred and two hundred years ago, the end of the century was marked by a new scientific and technological revolution. Intelligence, knowledge, technology are becoming the most important economic assets. In the advanced countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, more than half of the gross domestic product is created in intellectually intensive production. The information revolution, based on the connection of a computer with telecommunication networks, will radically transform human existence. It compresses time and space, opens borders, and allows contacts to be established anywhere in the world. It turns individuals into citizens of the world. ..

    Among the impressive set of problems that require the unification of the efforts of the inhabitants of the Earth, in the first place, no doubt, is the state of the environment. Today it is so alarming that the survival of mankind as a highly developed, civilized community is in question. The situation is aggravated by the large inertia of processes in the biosphere. To stop and reverse the destructive trends, many years of mobilization of huge resources are required.

    The unprecedented intensity of ties between people, separate groups, peoples, states, civilizations makes individuals humankind, opens the universal space for the forces of good and evil. Globalization undermines the foundations of "island consciousness". With all the desire in the modern world, it is impossible to isolate oneself from global problems for a long time, and even more so forever. If the world becomes interdependent, then it means that it is mutually vulnerable.

    (V. Kuvaldin)

    From 2. What ideological and political results of the 20th century did the author bring? Name any four. What term do social scientists call the process of implementing a new system of values ​​that had developed by the 20th century? ?

    C4. Based on the content of the text, explain the term “island consciousness” used by the author. Based on the text, knowledge of the course and the facts of public life, give two manifestations of "island consciousness" in the modern world.

    From 5. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "interpersonal relations"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences containing information about interpersonal relationships.

    From 6. Each person in his life is faced with economic phenomena that have a noticeable impact on him. Give three examples of the impact of economic phenomena on human life.

  • C1: "Intelligence, knowledge, technology are becoming the most important economic assets. In advanced countries [...] more than half of the gross domestic product is created in knowledge-intensive production"
    C2: "Human rights are fundamental, democracy is stronger than tyranny, the market is more effective than a command economy, openness is better than self-isolation." Globalization.
    C3: "State of the environment". You can mention global warming, the greenhouse effect, the destruction of the ozone layer, the melting of glaciers, the rise in the level of the world ocean, the extinction of animal species, etc.
    C4: Island consciousness is the way of life of the ancient tribal peoples, who practically did not interact with other tribes and nationalities. Today, in the era of globalization, this way of life becomes impossible. Examples: non-participation in global world processes.
  • Part C.
    Taxes appear with the emergence of the state, since they are the main source of state revenue. The state must have the means to perform its functions, the main of which are:
    determining the rules for conducting economic activity, the “rules of the game” (antimonopoly law, supporting the development of the private sector of the economy, protecting property rights, protecting freedom of competition, protecting consumer rights, etc.);
    maintaining economic stability (fighting inflation and unemployment, ensuring economic growth);
    production of public goods (ensuring security, law and order, education, healthcare, development of fundamental science);
    social policy (social security for the poor through redistribution of income, payment of pensions, scholarships, unemployment benefits, etc.)
    with negative external effects (environmental policy, etc.).
    Taxes are the primary means of paying government expenses. Since the services of the state (which, of course, cannot be provided free of charge) are used by all members of society, the state collects fees for these services from all citizens of the country. Thus, taxes are the main tool for redistributing income among members of society and are aimed at reducing income inequality.
    The tax system includes:
    subject of taxation (who should pay the tax)
    object of taxation (what is taxable)
    tax rates (the percentage at which the amount of tax is calculated) The amount with which the tax is paid is called the taxable base.
    To calculate the amount of tax (T), the value of the taxable base (BT) should be multiplied by the tax rate (t):
    T \u003d Bt H t
    The principles of taxation were formulated by A. Smith in his great work "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations", published in 1776. According to Smith, the tax system should be:
    fair (it should not enrich the rich and impoverish the poor);
    understandable (the taxpayer must know why he pays this or that tax and why he pays it);
    convenient (taxes should be levied when and in such a way, when and in what way it is convenient for the taxpayer, and not for the tax collector)
    inexpensive (the amount of tax revenue should significantly exceed the cost of collecting taxes).
    The modern tax system is based on the principles of fairness and efficiency. The tax system should ensure the efficient distribution and use of resources at the micro level (the level of an individual producer). Equity should be vertical (meaning that people with different incomes should pay unequal taxes) and horizontal (meaning that people with equal incomes should pay equal taxes).
    C1. How does the author present the main function of taxes?
    C2. What are the elements of the tax system? Illustrate the operation of the tax system with an example.
    C3. Describe any three principles of taxation discussed in the text.
  • 1 State budget support

    Tax system:
    1) Subject of taxation
    2) Object of taxation
    3) Tax rate.
    Example: Income tax. The subject of taxation are individuals. Income is taxed, therefore, income is the object of taxation. And the tax rate in Russia is 13%.

  • 7. Are the following statements correct?
    A. Funds
    mass media as a political institution have a significant
    influence on the position of voters in elections.
    B. The media as political
    institutions in a democratic society are free from censorship.
    A) right A
    B) right B
    B) both are correct
    D) Both are wrong.
    8. What type of electoral system
    valid in the country if elections to representative bodies are carried out in single-member constituencies and the candidate who receives 50 +1 votes is considered the winner:
    A) majoritarian
    B) proportional
    B) mixed
    D) legal
    9. In a democracy, the law
    A) parliament
    B) prime minister
    C) judges
    D) prosecutor
    10. Political party:
    A) is involved in the struggle for power
    B) is part of the social
    structure of society
    B) leads
    D) collect taxes from the population.
    Part B
    IN 1. What are the requirements for an electoral system in
    democratic society? Write down the corresponding numbers in ascending order:
    1. Property qualification
    2. Non-alternative elections
    3. Qualification of citizenship
    4. Open voting with
    5. Equality of votes
    A) authoritarianism, traditionalism, totalitarianism.
    B) characteristic features
    totalitarianism: the intervention of the state in the life of everyone
    rights, the rule of law in all spheres of society, the atmosphere of fear and repression, the cult of personality.
    Part C
    C1. Is democracy threatened by the diversity of viewpoints in the media?
    information? Justify your answer.
    C2. Use three examples to show the presence of a multi-party political system in
    modern Russia.
    C3. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "political
    system"? Make up two sentences to complete the information about the political

    your answer.
    C5. Name at least three functions of the media.
  • I can only answer the following:
    8-A (majority)
    9-A (parliament)
    10-A (struggle for power)
    Part B
    in. one
    3. Qualification of citizenship
    4. Open voting with
    information about the selected candidate
    AT 6. What is extra in a row?
    A) traditionalism
    B) characteristic features
    totalitarianism: EXTRA: the rule of law in all spheres of society
    C4. Your friend is running for deputy in a single-member district
    State Duma. 48% of the electorate voted for him
    constituency, while its competitors received 31% and 21% respectively
    votes. Can you congratulate your friend on his election? Argument
    your answer. Yes, it is possible, because according to the majoritarian system, the winner is the candidate who receives an absolute or relative majority of votes in the elections.
  • 1. The function of the state is
    1) separation of powers
    2) sovereignty
    3) maintaining public order
    4) the presence of the state apparatus
    2. A sign of the rule of law is
    1) public authority
    2) the unity of the territory
    3) separation of powers
    4) professional apparatus management
    3. The main task of the Russian parliament (Federal Assembly) is
    1) ensure the execution of the state budget
    2) act as the guarantor of the Constitution
    3) administer justice
    4) develop and adopt laws
    4. Are the following statements correct?
    Democratic state as an institution of the political system
    A. has a monopoly on the use of force in accordance with the law
    B. is outside the law, does not obey its requirements
    1) only A is true
    2) only B is true
    3) both A. and B are true
    4) both judgments are wrong
    5. What is a sign of any state?
    1) collection of taxes and fees
    2) democratic regime
    3) separation of powers
    4) federal structure
    6. A feature common to a democratic regime and a republican form of government is
    1) the dominance of the executive power
    2) election to public authorities
    3) mutual responsibility of the state and the individual
    4) political pluralism
    7. What feature distinguishes a republic from other forms of government?
    1) the presence of a head of state
    2) the election of the head of state for a certain period
    3) transfer of supreme power by inheritance
    4) the presence of a control apparatus
    8. The lower house of parliament in Russia is
    1) State Duma
    2) Federation Council
    3) State Council
    4) Federal Assembly
    9. Executive power in the Russian Federation belongs to the Government of the Russian Federation:
    1) true 2) false
    10. Which of the following refers to the exclusive features of the state?
    1) the right to establish and collect taxes
    2) exercise of political power
    3) creation of political programs
    4) formation of governing bodies based on elections
    11. The highest form of the political will of the people in a democratic state is:
    1) referendum
    2) elections of deputies of the State. Dumas
    3) participation in protest demonstrations
    4) work in trade union organizations
    12. Which of the judgments about the political regime is correct?
    1) Democracy is possible only under a republican form of government.
    2) Authoritarianism is impossible in monarchical states.
    3) Democracy exists in both republican and monarchical states.
    4) In an authoritarian state, there is only one mass political party
    13. The state is the only institution of the political system that is the bearer
    1) sovereignty 3) authority 2) power 4) norms and customs
    14. One of the conditions for favorable interethnic relations in a democratic society is
    1) observance of human rights and freedoms
    2) development of private entrepreneurship
    3) complication of the social structure of society
    4) restriction of social mobility
    3) 15. In a totalitarian regime, in contrast to a democratic
    1) a single obligatory ideology dominates
    2) the state is the most important element of the political system
    3) equal and free elections are held
    4) the individual has ample opportunities to influence political decision-making
    16. In country Z there is a king who reigns but does not rule. Legislative power is exercised by the parliament, elected by the citizens, executive power is exercised by the government, formed on the basis of the results of parliamentary elections. There are also independent judiciaries. What form of government has developed in country Z?
    1) presidential republic
    2) authoritarian republic
    3) unitary monarchy
    4) constitutional monarchy
    17. Government of the Russian Federation
    1) develops and adopts laws
    2) manages federal property
    3) approves court decisions
    4) resolve issues of granting citizenship
    18. Forms of territorial-state structure are unitary and republican states:
    1) true 2) false
    19. The state ensures the maintenance of law and order, the provision of medical and educational services to the population. What function of the state in economic life is manifested in this activity?
    1) ensuring the legal framework for economic activity
    2) production of public goods
    3) control of the money supply
    4) maintaining competition, fighting monopolies
    20. "Tyranny" and "despotism" are one of the oldest types of state regimes:
    1) true 2) false

  • 1. 3) maintenance of public order2. 3) separation of powers
    3. 4) develop and adopt laws
    4. 1) only A is true
    5. 1) collection of taxes and fees
    6. 2) election to public authorities
    7. 2) the election of the head of state for a certain period
    8. 1) State Duma
    9.1) true
    10. 1) the right to establish and collect taxes
    11. 1) referendum
    12. 3) Democracy exists in both republican and monarchical states.
    13. 1) sovereignty
    14. 1) observance of human rights and freedoms
    3) 15. 1) a single obligatory ideology dominates
    16. 4) constitutional monarchy
    18. 2) wrong
    19. 1) ensuring the legal framework for economic activity
    20.1) true
  • 1) How does the author of the document characterize the role of state institutions in the single market space? What, according to the scientist, the economic functions of the state contribute to the stable development of the market system? 2) A. N. Porokhovsky names a number of socio-economic phenomena in the life of society that are directly dependent on the active role of the state in their regulation. List these phenomena and, based on known facts, illustrate one of them with an example. 3) The author of the document emphasizes the role of the state in the preservation and development of competition. Based on the text and knowledge of the social science course, explain the importance of competition for a market economy. 4) Why, according to the economist, the existence of a democratic society is a condition for the state to fulfill its functions in a market economy? Is there a connection between the market and democracy? Try to give examples to support this. 5) The author emphasizes the regulatory role of the judicial system in society along with the market mechanism. Expand the meaning of legal protection of participants in economic activity. single market space? It needs to be short and clear
  • 1. A) maintaining and stimulating competition in the economy. sphere;
    b) guarantees the stability of the market system as a whole;
    c) creation of a legal framework in the business sphere;
    d) the preservation of the market system by expressing common, or public, interests.
    Economy functions of the state that contribute to the stable development of markets. systems: fighting monopoly, maintaining competition.
    3. Significance: contributes to the distribution of resources, the interaction of supply and demand, the formation of market prices; stimulates the decline in production income and the introduction of new types of products; ensures the sovereignty of the consumer, guaranteeing protection from the dictates of the producer.
  • Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.
    What do human rights represent? At what two levels of the legal system are they fixed?
    Human rights are given to all people, according to national and international legal norms, equal opportunities to satisfy their basic needs, ensuring the development of the individual and his full participation in society. Human rights reflect the minimum set of vital goods in the civil-political and socio-economic spheres.
    The most generally accepted is the list of rights recorded in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - the main human rights document of the UN. Of the civil-political rights (Articles 3–21 of the Declaration), the most relevant at present are the right to own property (Article 17), the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion (Article 18), the right to freedom of opinion and their free expression (Art. 19). Among the socio-economic rights (Articles 22-27 of the Declaration), attention is most often paid to the right to social security (Article 22), as well as the right to work and free choice of work, subject to equal pay for equal work, fair and satisfactory remuneration which ensures a decent human existence, as well as the right to form trade unions (Article 23).
    Along with the most general list of such rights recorded in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, there are other lists reflected in the constitutional documents of each state. They list the rights that, according to national legislation, citizens of a particular state have, reflect national specifics and may differ markedly from those recorded in the Declaration. For example, in the American Bill of Rights there is a right to bear arms (the second amendment to the US Constitution), which is not available in most countries of the world.
    The protection of human rights faces great challenges in the modern world. The main problem is related to the fact that the concept of human rights was born in Western European culture and therefore finds an ambiguous response in countries of other civilizations. In modern Western European culture, society is understood as a combination of many social groups with their own special beliefs, which they can follow completely freely, unless this causes harm to others. In other cultures, the ideal is not society as a "bundle" of social groups, but society as a monolith, where everyone shares a single ideology. The basic institutions of these civilizations are not individualistic, but collectivist values. Therefore, demands to grant all citizens of these countries the same rights as citizens of Western Europe and North America are often perceived as interference in internal affairs.
  • 1. Human rights.
    2. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the first (global) level of the legal system.
    3. Human rights in the constitutional documents of each state. (second state level of the legal system)
    4. The problem of protecting human rights in different countries
  • Help with social studies

    #1 What Kinds of Democracy Are There? How do they differ?

    #2 What distinguishes the state from other political organizations?

    a) the exclusive right to make laws;

    b) determining the prospects for the development of society;

    c) development of political programs;

    d) promotion of political leaders;

    #3 What conditions determine the citizenship of children?

    №4 Can we say that when deciding on the citizenship of children, Russian legislation seeks to take into account the interests of the child as much as possible? Argument your point of view.

    №5 A citizen of the Russian Federation married a citizen of Spain, they had children in Russia. A few years later, the couple divorced, the father left for his homeland. The mother and children remained in Russia. Children are considered citizens of what state?

    #6 What are the main principles of law enforcement?

    №7 What types of human rights and freedoms do you know?

    №8 What distinguishes the constitution from other normative legal acts?

    №9 What is the object of civil law relations?

    №10 What types of subjects of civil law relations do you know? What characterizes each of them?

    #11 What is the legal meaning of a family?

    #12 What are the political rights of a citizen?

    a) the right to privacy

    b) the right to apply to the authorities;

    c) the right to protection of motherhood and childhood;

    d) the right to freedom of creativity;

    №13 What is the economic rights of a citizen?

    a) the right to free choice of profession;

    b) the right to apply to the authorities;

    c) the right to social security by age;

    d) the right to a healthy environment;

    #14 Which of the following is a crime?

    a) causing grievous bodily harm through negligence;

    b) consumption of narcotic drugs without a doctor's prescription;

    C) campaigning for a candidate during the period of its prohibition;

    d) evasion of compensation for property damage;

    №15 Guess why the period of conscription in the army is counted in the insurance period.

    No. 16. Explain why caring for a disabled person of the 1st group, a disabled child, a person over 80 years of age is included in the insurance experience.

    Thank you sooooo much in advance!

  • Dominant branch of government

    parliamentary democracy. The government is appointed by the legislature. The government and its head (prime minister) may also be accountable to a ceremonial head of state (monarch, president, or special body). In a parliamentary republic, the head of state is periodically elected by the parliament, or this position is combined by the chairman of the government. Presidential republic. The President is directly elected by the people and is the head of the executive branch. there are also mixed systems.

    Regional hierarchy of power

    unitary state. Political power is concentrated in the hands of the central government, which determines the scope of power of regional authorities. Federation. According to the constitution, power is divided between the central government and the relatively autonomous regional governments.

    Structure of the legislature

    Unicameral parliament. Normative acts are adopted at meetings with the participation of all members of parliament. bicameral parliament. The Legislative Assembly consists of two chambers, which are formed and function separately. Some regulations may require the approval of only one chamber, others - both chambers.

    The system of elections to representative bodies

    Majoritarian electoral system. The territory is divided into districts, each of which has the right to one representative in the legislative assembly. The candidate who receives the majority of votes becomes the deputy. proportional electoral system. Political parties in the legislature receive a number of seats proportional to the number of votes they collect. Group electoral system. Certain groups of the population nominate their deputies according to a pre-negotiated quota.

    Number of leading parties

    Two party system. The political spectrum is dominated by two major parties. Multi-party system. The appointment of a government is usually preceded by the formation of a ruling coalition of two or more parties represented in the legislature.
  • C5. What is the limitation of economic resources? Give at least three statements.


    · limited arable land,

    · depletion of minerals

    · limited labor resources.

    The maximum score is 2.

    C5. Name the three main areas in which economic activity takes place.


    · production, distribution, exchange, consumption.

    The maximum score is 2.

    C5. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "market economy"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences containing information about market relations.


    · market economy is a way of organizing economic life based on a variety of forms of ownership, entrepreneurship and competition, free pricing,

    · in a market economy, the principle should prevail: the transaction should be beneficial to both the seller and the buyer,

    · a market economy is characterized by state intervention in the economy to a minimum extent and only through the impact of legal norms.

    The maximum score is 2.

    C5. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "market competition"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences containing information about market competition.


    · market competition is understood as the rivalry between sellers and buyers for the right to make the best use of their economic resources,

    · the role of competition lies in the fact that it contributes to the establishment of a certain order in the market that guarantees the production of a sufficient number of quality goods,

    · free competition is one of the main mechanisms of a market economy.

    The maximum score is 2.

    C5. Name three manifestations of economic freedom in a market economy.


    · free pricing,

    · freedom of business activity,

    · free exchange,

    · free distribution of resources,

    · free competition.

    The maximum score is 2.

    C5. List any three conditions that promote economic freedom in a market economy.


    · free pricing,

    · legislative consolidation of the diversity of forms of ownership,

    · ensuring legal protection of the rights of the owner,

    · state support of competition and prevention of monopoly,

    · development of entrepreneurship and business activity of the population.

    The maximum score is 2.

    C6. Use three examples to illustrate the process of state regulation of the economy.


    · adoption of the law on the minimum wage rate - legal regulation of labor relations,

    · The Central Bank sets the interest rate for a loan - the regulation of money circulation,

    · increase in customs duties on certain types of consumer goods - regulation of taxation.

    The maximum score is 3.

    C6. Use a specific example to show the economic consequences of the forced setting of prices for goods by the state below market prices. List two consequences.



    · the appearance of a commodity shortage,

    · the growth of the shadow economy,

    · revival of speculation.

    An example is the situation in the USSR in the 80s, by introducing all kinds of cards, coupons, the authorities tried to limit demand and restrain price increases.

    The maximum score is 3.

    C6. Confirm with three examples the need for state participation in the economic life of society (the need for state regulation of the economy).


    · A number of countries have introduced special taxes on excess profits of companies, indirect taxes on the purchase of luxury goods, that is, the state solves the problem of mitigating inequality of income and wealth through their partial redistribution.

    · In the European Court, a process has been going on for several years against Microsoft, accused of monopolizing the market, that is, the state, protecting the interests of consumers, adopts antitrust laws.

    · A separate item of expenditure of the state budget is the financing of law enforcement agencies, healthcare, education, that is, the state provides the population of the country with public benefits.

    The maximum score is 3.

    C6. In the country of T., a market economy is being established. Give three possible examples that could illustrate this process.


    · the dominant position is occupied by private property, that is, property owned by private and legal persons who, on its basis, carry out production,

    · entrepreneurs are guaranteed the freedom of their activities,

    · the state intervenes in the economy to a minimal extent and only with the help of legal norms,

    · the main mechanisms of a market economy are free competition, supply and demand, price

    The maximum score is 3.

    C6. Name any three tasks of the Russian government to develop market relations in the economy and illustrate each with an example.


    · the formation of a new system of property relations (for example, the adoption of the Law "On enterprises and entrepreneurial activity", fixing the variety of forms of ownership in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation),

    · legal regulation of relations between the employer and the employee (for example, the legislative establishment of the minimum wage rate),

    · creation of conditions for the development of entrepreneurship of citizens (for example, the provision of tax incentives for small businesses).

    The maximum score is 3.

    C6. Expand on three examples the importance of the tax system in the life of the state and society.


    · On the eve of the deadline for filing tax returns, huge queues line up at the inspectorate. This has a disciplining effect on citizens and the administration of firms. Firstly, to issue documents on time, and secondly, to submit a declaration earlier in order to avoid wasting time in queues at the tax office.

    · Firms pay taxes to pension funds, that is, the social policy of the state is carried out at the expense of tax revenues.

    · During the crisis, taxes were reduced from large corporations, which invested the released funds in maintaining production, preserving jobs, that is, the social and economic policy of the state is carried out through the tax system.

    The maximum score is 3.

    C6. The head of an enterprise in a difficult economic situation independently decides to reduce the number of employees, reduce wages and direct most of the enterprise's profits to advertising products. Determine the enterprise of what organizational and legal form the example illustrates. Give two arguments to support your answer.


    · the organizational and legal form of the enterprise is an individual private enterprise,


    · the individual owner is personally liable for the results of the enterprise,

    · the owner has economic freedom to make economic decisions.

    The maximum score is 3.

    C7. At a meeting of the Russian government with representatives of trade unions and entrepreneurs, opposing views were expressed on economic policy. Trade unions insisted on increasing the share of profits of firms directed to social needs. Entrepreneurs proposed to increase investment in real production. Offer two arguments to support the position of each group of participants.


    Arguments in support of the opinion of trade unions:

    · it is necessary to increase the level of incomes of the population to solve the problems of combating poverty,

    · growth in consumer demand will contribute to the growth of production volumes,

    · social assistance to low-income strata of the population is the most important function of the state in a market economy.

    Arguments in support of the opinion of entrepreneurs:

    · the possibility of updating equipment and introducing new technologies,

    · the possibility of improving the structure of production,

    · support of the domestic manufacturer,

    · raising the standard of living of the population is possible only on the basis of economic growth.

    The maximum score is 3.

    C7. In our country, in the first half of the 1990s, out of approximately 155,000 state-owned enterprises, about 89,000 were privatized. The share capital of the privatized enterprises was distributed as follows:

    internal shareholders (employees, management) - 62% of the shares,

    external shareholders - 21% of the shares

    the state - 17% of the shares.

    At the same time, small external shareholders (ordinary voucher holders) accounted for 10% of the shares.

    Is it possible to draw a conclusion on the basis of these data about the creation of a large private sector in the country's economy? Has the bulk of the country's population turned into owners of enterprises? Justify your conclusions.


    · Yes, you can. Since more than half of the enterprises were privatized.

    · No. Ordinary shareholders accounted for only a tenth of the share capital.

    The maximum score is 3.

    C7. In the structure of land distribution in Russia by types of owners in 2001:

    the share of individual plots of citizens was 6%,

    farmers' land - 8%,

    · and the lands of former collective farms and state farms - 86%.

    Russian families on their tiny plots manage to produce more than 88% of all potatoes and almost 67% of all other vegetables grown in the country.

    Is it possible to draw conclusions on the basis of these data: 1) about the inefficient distribution of land in the country; 2) on inefficient land use. Justify your conclusions.


    · Yes, you can. Since huge areas of land are still at the disposal of the state, which makes it difficult to transfer land from inefficient to efficient owners.

    · Yes, since significant agricultural lands are not included in an efficient production process, but are used by Russian families for forced subsistence farming.

    The maximum score is 3.

    C7. “It was the time when we in Germany were engaged in calculations, according to which there was one plate per capita every five years, a pair of shoes every 12 years, one suit every 50 years,” wrote L. Earhart. The government believed that based on the calculations of raw materials "it is possible to determine the fate of the people for many years to come."

    What economic system does L. Erhard write about? Justify your conclusion. Based on the knowledge from the course of social studies, name another feature inherent in this system.


    · it is a command economic system,

    · argument: the implementation of central planning,

    Other features of a command economy include:

    · state regulation of prices for goods and services,

    · dominance of state property.

    The maximum score is 3.

    C7. In the course of sociological surveys in 2002 and 2005, the following wording was proposed for one of the items of the questionnaire: “People arrange their lives in different ways, adapting to conditions to varying degrees. Which of the following statements best describes how you feel about your current life? The data obtained are presented in the table.

    Make a conclusion about the changes in the moods of modern Russians. Give (using the data in the table) three justifications for this conclusion.

    Part C. Write a long answer to the question.

    C5. What is the limitation of economic resources? Give at least three statements.


    • limited arable land,

    • depletion of minerals

    • limited labor resources.
    The maximum score is 2.

    C5. Name the three main areas in which economic activity takes place.


    • production, distribution, exchange, consumption.
    The maximum score is 2.

    C5. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "market economy"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences containing information about market relations.


    • market economy is a way of organizing economic life based on a variety of forms of ownership, entrepreneurship and competition, free pricing,

    • in a market economy, the principle should prevail: the transaction should be beneficial to both the seller and the buyer,

    • a market economy is characterized by state intervention in the economy to a minimum extent and only through the impact of legal norms.
    The maximum score is 2.

    C5. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "market competition"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences containing information about market competition.


    • market competition is understood as the rivalry between sellers and buyers for the right to make the best use of their economic resources,

    • the role of competition lies in the fact that it contributes to the establishment of a certain order in the market that guarantees the production of a sufficient number of quality goods,

    • free competition is one of the main mechanisms of a market economy.
    The maximum score is 2.

    C5. Name three manifestations of economic freedom in a market economy.


    • free pricing,

    • freedom of business activity,

    • free exchange,

    • free distribution of resources,

    • free competition.
    The maximum score is 2.

    C5. List any three conditions that promote economic freedom in a market economy.


    • free pricing,

    • legislative consolidation of the diversity of forms of ownership,

    • ensuring legal protection of the rights of the owner,

    • state support of competition and prevention of monopoly,

    • development of entrepreneurship and business activity of the population.
    The maximum score is 2.

    C6. Use three examples to illustrate the process of state regulation of the economy.


    • adoption of the law on the minimum wage rate - legal regulation of labor relations,

    • The Central Bank sets the interest rate for a loan - the regulation of money circulation,

    • increase in customs duties on certain types of consumer goods - regulation of taxation.
    The maximum score is 3.

    C6. Use a specific example to show the economic consequences of the forced setting of prices for goods by the state below market prices. List two consequences.



    • the appearance of a commodity shortage,

    • the growth of the shadow economy,

    • revival of speculation.
    An example is the situation in the USSR in the 80s, by introducing all kinds of cards, coupons, the authorities tried to limit demand and restrain price increases.

    The maximum score is 3.

    C6. Confirm with three examples the need for state participation in the economic life of society (the need for state regulation of the economy).


    • A number of countries have introduced special taxes on excess profits of companies, indirect taxes on the purchase of luxury goods, that is, the state solves the problem of mitigating inequality of income and wealth through their partial redistribution.

    • In the European Court, a process has been going on for several years against Microsoft, accused of monopolizing the market, that is, the state, protecting the interests of consumers, adopts antitrust laws.

    • A separate item of expenditure of the state budget is the financing of law enforcement agencies, healthcare, education, that is, the state provides the population of the country with public benefits.
    The maximum score is 3.

    C6. In the country of T., a market economy is being established. Give three possible examples that could illustrate this process.


    • the dominant position is occupied by private property, that is, property owned by private and legal persons who, on its basis, carry out production,

    • entrepreneurs are guaranteed the freedom of their activities,

    • the state intervenes in the economy to a minimal extent and only with the help of legal norms,

    • the main mechanisms of a market economy are free competition, supply and demand, price
    The maximum score is 3.

    C6. Name any three tasks of the Russian government to develop market relations in the economy and illustrate each with an example.


    • the formation of a new system of property relations (for example, the adoption of the Law "On enterprises and entrepreneurial activity", fixing the variety of forms of ownership in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation),

    • legal regulation of relations between the employer and the employee (for example, the legislative establishment of the minimum wage rate),

    • creation of conditions for the development of entrepreneurship of citizens (for example, the provision of tax incentives for small businesses).
    The maximum score is 3.

    C6. Expand on three examples the importance of the tax system in the life of the state and society.


    • On the eve of the deadline for filing tax returns, huge queues line up at the inspectorate. This has a disciplining effect on citizens and the administration of firms. Firstly, to issue documents on time, and secondly, to submit a declaration earlier in order to avoid wasting time in queues at the tax office.

    • Firms pay taxes to pension funds, that is, the social policy of the state is carried out at the expense of tax revenues.

    • During the crisis, taxes were reduced from large corporations, which invested the released funds in maintaining production, preserving jobs, that is, the social and economic policy of the state is carried out through the tax system.
    The maximum score is 3.

    C6. The head of an enterprise in a difficult economic situation independently decides to reduce the number of employees, reduce wages and direct most of the enterprise's profits to advertising products. Determine the enterprise of what organizational and legal form the example illustrates. Give two arguments to support your answer.


    • the organizational and legal form of the enterprise is an individual private enterprise,

    • the individual owner is personally liable for the results of the enterprise,

    • the owner has economic freedom to make economic decisions.
    The maximum score is 3.

    C7. At a meeting of the Russian government with representatives of trade unions and entrepreneurs, opposing views were expressed on economic policy. Trade unions insisted on increasing the share of profits of firms directed to social needs. Entrepreneurs proposed to increase investment in real production. Offer two arguments to support the position of each group of participants.


    Arguments in support of the opinion of trade unions:

    • it is necessary to increase the level of incomes of the population to solve the problems of combating poverty,

    • growth in consumer demand will contribute to the growth of production volumes,

    • social assistance to low-income strata of the population is the most important function of the state in a market economy.
    Arguments in support of the opinion of entrepreneurs:

    • the possibility of updating equipment and introducing new technologies,

    • the possibility of improving the structure of production,

    • support of the domestic manufacturer,

    • raising the standard of living of the population is possible only on the basis of economic growth.
    The maximum score is 3.

    C7. In our country, in the first half of the 1990s, out of approximately 155,000 state-owned enterprises, about 89,000 were privatized. The share capital of the privatized enterprises was distributed as follows:

    • internal shareholders (employees, management) - 62% of shares,

    • external shareholders - 21% of shares

    • the state - 17% of the shares.
    At the same time, small external shareholders (ordinary voucher holders) accounted for 10% of the shares.

    Is it possible to draw a conclusion on the basis of these data about the creation of a large private sector in the country's economy? Has the bulk of the country's population turned into owners of enterprises? Justify your conclusions.


    • Yes, you can. Since more than half of the enterprises were privatized.

    • No. Ordinary shareholders accounted for only a tenth of the share capital.
    The maximum score is 3.

    C7. In the structure of land distribution in Russia by types of owners in 2001:

    • the share of individual plots of citizens was 6%,

    • farmers' land - 8%,

    • and the lands of former collective farms and state farms - 86%.
    Russian families on their tiny plots manage to produce more than 88% of all potatoes and almost 67% of all other vegetables grown in the country.

    Is it possible to draw conclusions on the basis of these data: 1) about the inefficient distribution of land in the country; 2) on inefficient land use. Justify your conclusions.


    • Yes, you can. Since huge areas of land are still at the disposal of the state, which makes it difficult to transfer land from inefficient to efficient owners.

    • Yes, since significant agricultural lands are not included in an efficient production process, but are used by Russian families for forced subsistence farming.
    The maximum score is 3.

    C7. “It was the time when we in Germany were engaged in calculations, according to which there was one plate per capita every five years, a pair of shoes every 12 years, one suit every 50 years,” wrote L. Earhart. The government believed that based on the calculations of raw materials "it is possible to determine the fate of the people for many years to come."

    What economic system does L. Erhard write about? Justify your conclusion. Based on the knowledge from the course of social studies, name another feature inherent in this system.


    • it is a command economic system,

    • argument: the implementation of central planning,
    Other features of a command economy include:

    • state regulation of prices for goods and services,

    • dominance of state property.
    The maximum score is 3.

    C7. In the course of sociological surveys in 2002 and 2005, the following wording was proposed for one of the items of the questionnaire: “People arrange their lives in different ways, adapting to conditions to varying degrees. Which of the following statements best describes how you feel about your current life? The data obtained are presented in the table.

    Make a conclusion about the changes in the moods of modern Russians. Give (using the data in the table) three justifications for this conclusion.

    Answer options

    Number of respondents (in %)



    I have to “turn around”, grab any opportunity to earn money, just to provide myself and my loved ones with a tolerable life.



    I got used to the fact that I had to give up my usual way of life, to live, limiting myself in big and small



    I live as before - nothing much has changed for me in recent years



    I was able to use new opportunities to achieve more



    I can't adjust to my current life.




    • The Russians are gradually adapting to modern conditions, although this is not easy.

    • only 12% could not adapt to the current life in any way (for three years their number has slightly decreased),

    • a slight (3%) increase in the number of those who managed to use new opportunities to achieve more,

    • the proportion of those who got used to the fact that they had to live, limiting themselves in big and small, decreased by 6%.
    The maximum score is 3.

    C7. You can often hear the opinion that in order to increase the efficiency of a market economy, it is necessary to minimize the influence of the state on the economy. Form your own opinion on this

    C7. You can often hear the opinion that the budget surplus that exists in Russia is an evil that hinders economic growth in the country. Formulate your own opinion on this issue. Give two arguments.

    C7. You can often hear the opinion that the budget deficit is an incentive for economic growth. Formulate your own opinion on this issue. Give two arguments.

    C7. There is an opinion that the market ensures the efficient allocation of limited resources. Formulate your own opinion on this issue. Give two arguments.

    C7. There is an opinion that information is the most reliable, profitable factor of production and brings only benefits to society. Formulate your own opinion on this issue. Give two arguments.
