Dressing room made of terrace-type logs. How to attach a veranda to a bath: design, materials, construction stages from foundation to glazing. One-story bath with a terrace

Baths in Russia have existed since ancient times. And if in the old days the main task of the bath was hygiene procedures and maintaining cleanliness, then in the modern world it is rather a place for a comfortable stay with family and friends, as well as an opportunity to demonstrate their financial viability, because not every Russian can afford his own bath.

Nowadays, baths are built from materials of exceptionally high quality, so that they are comfortable, practical and serve faithfully for many years.

A modern bath is not just a steam room. This is a whole multifunctional complex, which includes everything that can be located in a comfortable house: a steam room itself, a recreation room, a gym or a billiard room, a small pool and an open veranda.


A spacious terrace is perhaps the biggest dream of any resident of the metropolis who appreciates outdoor recreation in the company of close friends. However, if your cottage is not equipped with a veranda, as is often the case in old private houses and modern standard cottages, then you can compensate for this shortcoming and build a bathhouse in the yard, equipping it with a functional recreation area.

Thanks to this, several tasks can be solved at once:

  • the presence of a bath "without leaving home";
  • the presence of a terrace, which can be used as the most ordinary gazebo, where you can arrange spiritual gatherings in a pleasant company;
  • a practical solution to the problem of organizing friendly or family leisure;
  • if necessary, the solution of the ill-fated "housing problem".

Terraces can be equipped with barbecues, grills and barbecues, without which no picnic can do. There are other nice bonuses of such structures - right on the veranda you can fry kebabs and cook other snacks.

In addition, the joint construction of a bathhouse and a terrace allows you to maintain a single architectural style and comply with the concept of landscape design throughout the site. There is no need to connect separate objects with paths, and this greatly increases the total usable area of ​​the land, which can be used as a flower bed, rockery or lawn.

And, of course, combining a bath with a resting place allows you to save on construction work, since at the same time the bath wall simultaneously acts as a veranda wall, and this significantly reduces the consumption of necessary materials.

It should be separately focused on the fact that joining a terrace with a bath is much more difficult than building them at the same time.

If the common foundation was not laid even at the stage of foundation construction, then it is better to refuse the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba bath + terrace "2 in 1", especially if the soil is heaving. In this case, both parts will shrink differently, which leads to cracking of the walls.

If you are determined to combine two functional buildings, then it is worth considering the basic aspects of this technological process.

It is optimal to build a veranda only after the shrinkage of the building, after that they equip a columnar foundation and erect a building perimeter on it.

To reduce the likelihood of distortions, the terrace can simply not be connected to the main wall bath complex, and mask all the gaps that appear with mounting foam or using sliding fasteners.

It is better to equip the roof separately for both structural elements, and so that water is not poured between the roof of the bath and the covering of the veranda, an L-shaped ebb is equipped. It is placed 2-3 cm above the terrace and mounted to the log log.

Material selection

Most builders claim that the bath should be wooden, and the best material is coniferous wood. This is a very common misconception. The fact is that coniferous trees are characterized by increased resinousness, and this resin begins to emit a pungent odor at elevated temperatures. That is why it is recommended to take coniferous varieties only for the construction of frame boxes, but for finishing interior decoration, preference should be given to linden, alder or oak wood.

Keep in mind that pairs of pine, juniper and cedar have a beneficial effect on the body only in small quantities. When inhaling large doses, significant damage to the respiratory tract can be caused - their passages are clogged, and inhalation / exhalation becomes difficult.

It is equally important to determine the typical form of wood material. Many people use a log in the construction of baths, since such buildings can work effectively in any season in a variety of natural and climatic conditions. Other consumers prefer timber. Such material is more expensive than logs. However, its operational parameters are also higher: the beam is laid faster, but it cracks much less often.

In any case, both types of wood blanks are suitable for building a bath with a terrace, and the final choice is only a matter of personal preferences of the owner of the site.

Gas silicate blocks and foam concrete are well suited for the construction of bathhouses. These are relatively inexpensive materials that effectively solve all the problems associated with the thermal insulation of a room.

The only thing you need to pay special attention to is the equipment for highly effective waterproofing of the walls and their high-quality putty. The air in the steam room is humid, so walls must be reliably protected from the adverse effects of moisture. Nowadays, brick baths are practically not built, although this material is considered the most optimal for finishing the facade of a country house, decorative brick veranda fences also look very stylish.

For those who are looking for original solutions for their site, we can recommend a round bath with a terrace, built using the environmentally friendly clay pot technology. All it takes is a couple of dump trucks of firewood, hay and a big clay machine.

Design and layout

At its core, creating a bath project with a terrace is, in general, a simple task, but in practice it requires the observance and application of a large number of very different rules and principles.

The area of ​​the steam room must be at least 10 square meters. m, and the ceiling height is not less than 2 m- with this arrangement of the bath, three people can be in the room at the same time without loss of comfort.

For any bath, it is important to have the possibility of natural water runoff, so the subfloor, as a rule, is performed at a certain angle.

When installing a bath complex, it is forbidden to mount cables, lamps and shades; in contact with steam, they can cause an accident. In the construction of such premises, preference should be given to specialized materials. although they are by no means cheap.

Depending on the location of the baths and terraces, there are several types of layouts: open, closed and corner.


A mansion with a large open veranda and equipped steam rooms is not only stylish, but also quite comfortable. On the veranda, at any time, you can equip a small functional gazebo, put a grill or barbecue grill and cook other dishes for which air access is important.

The terrace often acts as a playground for small children, a place for meeting guests and dancing. It is on the veranda that it is so cozy to read, draw or just relax even in the most inclement weather, since, as a rule, it is reliably protected from wind and sun.

For greater comfort, you can hang curtains, they will protect from the piercing wind and annoying mosquitoes and other stinging insects.


Today, more and more owners of private houses and cottages prefer the most efficient use of their land plots. The lands, especially those located within the city, in the vast majority of cases are small in size, and the owners at the same time want to build in their yard a bathhouse with a gazebo, and other recreational facilities. This is especially important during the landscape planning stage.

If there is no house on the new site, but its construction is planned for several years, then for a start it is worth building a bathhouse. At first, it can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also to play the role of a summer kitchen, a warehouse and a storage place for garden tools. Subsequently, above the bath and on the sides of it, you can arrange a garage, as well as build living rooms and equip a connected veranda. This type of structure is called closed.

This also includes projects of free-standing bath structures, to which a covered veranda is attached.

It increases the total area of ​​space for recreation and solves a number of problems:

  • allows you to use the useful space as an additional place for gatherings with family and friends;
  • use of the terrace for comfortable rest outside the bath complex;
  • arrangement of a winter garden on the terrace;
  • use for the purpose of an additional zone of the hozblok for storing household equipment.

As a rule, panoramic glazing is used in closed terraces, and the glass is made transparent or mosaic.


Corner types of baths with a terrace are quite popular and common. This arrangement is considered a modern trend in garden construction. The design has a unique configuration, takes up little space on the site, harmoniously fits into any landscape design and is combined with other buildings in the yard. Well, besides, such a bath with a veranda is quite spacious inside due to its shape.

Corner modifications are preferred in situations where it is necessary that the bathhouse be as close as possible to the cottage, almost very close - this may be due to the characteristics of the site or the personal wishes of the owner of the house. At the same time, the terrace, which is adjacent to the main building, can have any shape - square or rectangular.

The corner bath is ergonomic. The use of this type of layout creates the conditions for a more logical and beautiful use of the area of ​​​​the site, and also allows you to put in order the areas adjacent to the house.

A distinctive feature of the corner structures is their peculiar shape. In the traditional version, the basic functional area of ​​the room (directly the steam room and shower room) are located perpendicular to the leisure area.

In corner-type buildings, the stove is located in the middle between the steam room and the rest room., thanks to this, the entire space is heated, which is extremely important in the cold winter season.

Corner designs are optimal for small areas. They are located on one of the corners of the local area, take up little space and fit into any landscape composition.

Buildings in the shape of a triangle always look quite stylish and attract attention with their architectural design. It is the corner baths with verandas that are considered the most acceptable in terms of ergonomics, practicality and functionality.

Examples of finished buildings

The choice of a specific project for the construction of a bath with a terrace most often depends on the parameters of the local area.

  • For example, classic version - a project of a typical bath with a size of 6x9 m Ideal for homes with fairly large yards. In such a guest recreation area, not only a family, but also a large group of friends can comfortably fit. In this case, it is planned to build a joint foundation for both zones. Do not stop at one-story buildings. Often, structures are made two-story and a steam room with a veranda is located on the lower one, and a room or a billiard room and a toilet are equipped on the second.
  • If the bath is attached close to a residential building, then in this situation it will be harmoniously look project with parameters 5x6 or 6x6 m. The proportions will allow it to fit into the design concept of any type of site. At the same time, the owners not only significantly expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, but also get a cozy place where they can meet friends and relatives in any weather. By the way, this will create additional heating of the walls of the main building, and this is also of no small importance.

  • Sauna 4 x 4.5 m with a terrace- one of the typical projects offered by construction companies. A bath of this layout contains three functional rooms: a relaxation area, a steam room with a font. An open veranda is attached to the bathhouse on a separate foundation. Such a project assumes that the entrance to the place of rest is made from the street, and this can be extremely uncomfortable, especially in autumn and winter. To eliminate such a defect, you can make the veranda covered or block off part of the room and convert it into a vestibule.
  • Bath project 6x4 with a terrace involves the arrangement of a small vestibule, since such a bath without any alterations can be operated in the cold season. The steam room and the shower room are not combined, but their dimensions are almost identical. This is not always justified in terms of ergonomics. In the shower, as a rule, they wash one at a time. Therefore, it would be more correct to make it a little more compact, but for the steam room it is worth taking more space, since 2-3 people are steamed there for the most part.

  • Bath drawing 6 x 5 (with a protruding terrace)- another typical version of the bath with a fenced vestibule. With this layout option, it occupies a small part of the veranda, therefore, in order not to hide its functional area, part of the veranda is simply designed as an extension, that is, it is “pushed out” beyond the existing building foundation. Sometimes it is increased even more, making out in the form of the letter "G". This allows you to form and equip a spacious area for a good rest for a large or small company at any time of the year. At the same time, a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gazebo can be fearlessly taken under the grill, barbecue or barbecue installation.

A suburban area with a house is considered to be finally equipped when an architectural project of a bathhouse with a terrace, a relaxation room and a barbecue area is implemented. Bath was an element of Slavic life. It served to cleanse the body, hence the old name "soap".

The Slavic peoples had a bath cult. They loved to steam.

The very process of going to the bathhouse is a kind of ritual, it is: knitting brooms, preparing decoctions from herbs, natural mixtures for cleansing the body with birch tar, honey. Many religious rituals are associated with the bath.

The project of a bathhouse with an attached spacious terrace, a gazebo is the most common type of structure. Despite the fact that the role of the soapbox was replaced by a bathtub or a shower stall, they could not replace the bathhouse. For a modern person, this is a place for wellness procedures, leisure, an opportunity to relax, have a great time with friends.

The desire to implement a bath project on the site is subconsciously hardwired into our hereditary code. The owner may not brag about the house, but he will emphasize, "what a bathhouse I have."

A suitable project is selected from catalogs on the Internet. It is possible to combine a bath with a summer kitchen, a billiard room.

Overview of typical projects

The project looks great with an open veranda on a pile foundation without a basement, a blind area

Projects with a bathhouse, a terrace, a barbecue veranda in the country, a personal plot are popular and in demand. Such equipment includes all the necessary elements for recreation.

Bath project 6 x 4 m with a veranda

The bath complex consists of three main elements: steam room, washing room, dressing room. Additionally, there is a locker room, a relaxation room, a terrace. A wooden door is installed between the steam room and the washing room. Sliding glass doors are popular now. They have handles that don't get hot.

What you need to consider in the project of a bath and barbecue

There are SNIPs that determine the location of the building according to sanitary, fire safety standards.

According to SNIPs:

Before choosing a bath project with a veranda, a terrace, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. Before deciding on a bath project with a terrace, a barbecue, you need to think about how many guests will relax in the health complex. This determines the dimensions of the building, the size of the terrace for relaxation.
  2. The structure must be proportionate to the site, you need to observe the proportions. Unless a bath with a terrace is located on a separate territory.
  3. Will the sauna with a terrace be used in the cold season. When used in the off-season, in winter, it is additionally necessary to equip the building with a cut-off vestibule. Cold air from the street will not get inside the room.
  4. Choose a layout based on the equipment for the bath: steam room size; a mini-pool, font or shower cabin will be installed to take a dip after the steam room. Layout options suggest the presence of a washing room, a bathroom, a rest room, a locker room, an entrance hall (cutting off the vestibule), and a bathroom. The toilet is usually made in the washroom. In order to place everything, you first need to make a drawing to scale.
  5. Material possibilities determine the cost of building, selection of materials, overall dimensions of the building.

The bath is recommended to be placed on the leeward side. The smoke from the sauna stove, barbecue will not blow into the territory of the building, terraces. It is cozy to relax when the smoke does not enter the recreation area. When planning a bath, it is necessary to make calculations for the chimneys.It is correct when the bathing part of the building with the steam room faces south. The advantage of such an installation is the rapid heating of the building in the cold season.

The building is located on an elevated place to improve water flow. If this is not possible, raise the foundation.

If there is no centralized sewerage, a drain hole is made 5-6 meters from the bath. Laid out with bricks, poured with concrete around the perimeter.

The project of a two-story bath with a terrace 5 x 7 m

For an open terrace, it is better to choose paving slabs, a terrace board as a floor covering. Materials are resistant to moisture, temperature extremes.

For year-round use, they make a closed veranda with glazing.

Sample projects

Small building 6 x 4 from profiled timber, boards with a canopy

The project of a small bathhouse with a small terrace, without a barbecue, can be placed on 20 sq.m. As a rule, this is a small rectangular building with bath rooms (a steam room, a washing room with a shower, a small dressing room) and a rest room.

In such a bath, a stove-heater is enough to heat the entire house and a small rest room. The rectangular shape is practical, provides uniform heating of the room from the inside.

Baths with a terrace from 35–40 m 2 - a complex that includes elements of a bath and recreation areas with a fairly spacious outdoor area. The terrace to the facade of the building can be attached to one of the walls later, if funds are limited, on a separate foundation.

In conditions of limited space suburban area, coupled with the desire to build a full-fledged recreation complex, they are implementing projects for baths with an attic.

Project benefits:

  • significantly increases the usable area, with a compact building
  • the roof covers the terrace and the building at once
  • the pipe from the steam room stove serves as an additional source of heat for the attic floor
  • on the second floor under the terrace, you can equip a balcony for relaxation, it will complement the architectural ensemble

Among the best projects are two-story baths with an attic, a spacious terrace, a barbecue. They act as a summer kitchen. In fact, it is a small cottage, a residential building. Interesting projects with a sliding glass wall between the rest room and the attached gazebo.

Another sauna project with a terrace and a large relaxation room 7.5 x 5.5 m

The ladder is often installed on the first floor in the rest room. On the second floor they make bedrooms, a billiard room. If there is a pool nearby, an artificial pond, it is appropriate to install sun loungers on the terrace.

Terrace, sauna room

In most bath projects, the terrace is traditionally located on the front side of the building, but not always. The most compact, ergonomic, in terms of space organization, corner one-story baths.

The covered terrace in the bathhouse is a place of comfort for relaxing after the steam room. They are covered with a common roof with a bath or a separate roof, with an adjoining. Lightweight, transparent polycarbonate is also used as a roof.

It is convenient to relax if you install a barbecue grill on the terrace. Mount a small kitchenette with a dining table, you get an outdoor dining room. It is desirable that a sink with a water supply be equipped. Need a place to store firewood. Decorate the bath terrace with flower arrangements in hanging pots.

The terrace in the bath is open and closed. To prolong the pleasure of using the terrace after the bath in the off-season, install removable double-glazed windows.

The rest room in the bath is equipped at its discretion. In the cold season, it can replace the terrace. Usually there are bathing equipment, a trestle bed for relaxation, a small soft corner, a fireplace fits into the interior. From the rest room there are doors to the dressing room and working rooms of the bath.

Even if it is planned to implement a small bath project, within 20 square meters, it is necessary to make a foundation. The main function is the uniform distribution of the bearing load, which gives stability to the building. Manufacturing, the type of foundation depends on the type of soil, materials of the walls of the bath.

You can use the services of professional builders, designers who will make all the calculations. You can calculate the technical characteristics of the bath foundation using an online calculator.

Types of foundation, based on the characteristics of the soil:

  1. Tape type. Recommend for expanded soils, with the installation of a "cushion" of sand and gravel, reinforcement
  2. On a sand and gravel cushion, erected on a columnar foundation, on clay, sandy soils
  3. Piles are suitable for a lightweight type of baths, frame-type buildings on stable soils (sandy, rocky)

When erecting baths with a brick terrace, a strip foundation is installed. Log cabins are mounted on a columnar base. Under the foundation, they make a “pillow” of layers of rubble, sand, ram them.

The marking of the strip foundation is done using a level, a hydraulic level. Install the formwork from the boards, but it is better to use high-density polystyrene foam. It also serves as a heater. Under the attic-type bath, you need to lay, tie the fittings. The metal frame is poured with cement mortars with crushed stone.

The slab foundation is rarely installed, due to the specifics of buildings. Plates are mass-produced, standard sizes.

The loads on the foundation at the bathhouse, the terraces are different, the latter is a lightweight structure. It is not recommended to pour a common foundation. It is more correct to make a deformation seam between them. Then, with a slight subsidence of different parts of the building, the likelihood of cracks and ruptures is reduced. An extension (terrace) is also installed on poles, floor logs are laid, and insulated. Tiles are laid on top, a terrace board is laid.

Wall materials

The project of a bath with a terrace, a relaxation room - a corner of relaxation. Hence the desire to use environmentally friendly materials, wood, stone. In Russia, they built soap rooms with steam rooms made of wood - this is a typical Russian bathhouse. Traditions have been preserved in our time. The use of impregnations, protective agents increases the technical characteristics of natural materials, extends the service life.

Wall material options:

  • log cabin for a bath: a log, chopped by hand; calibrated; rounded;
  • bar: double; glued;
  • brickwork;
  • foam concrete and gas silicate blocks;
  • frame construction, a clay bath.

The tree has a number of advantages, but also some disadvantages. It is necessary to periodically treat with protective equipment.

A somewhat exotic option for building a bath - a building made of clay, that is, from chopped firewood, sawn logs. They are laid out on a clay, cement base. Some projects from chopped, sawn firewood look very interesting.

Saunas with a terrace, barbecue from logs, timber

The construction of a bathhouse from logs chopped by hand is quite complicated. A suitable log must be cleaned of bark, dried (up to a year). Impregnate with agents that prevent the penetration of moisture, rotting wood. Then sort the logs, hollow out grooves in them for laying.

Due to differences in overall dimensions during installation, gaps may form that need to be caulked around the perimeter. The way to save your strength is to work with prepared material.

Calibrated rounded log - material that has passed all stages of preparation for construction, sizing, drying, processing. The finished material is immediately used for the construction of a bath with a terrace according to the project. But the cost of the material is higher.

Advantages of sauna log cabins:

  • ecological cleanliness;
  • aesthetic appeal;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • no toxic emissions;
  • vapor permeability;
  • soundproofing;
  • fast installation;
  • therapeutic effect, in the process of heating, phytoncides are released;
  • does not require interior decoration.

A bath with a terrace made of timber has all the advantages of log cabins made of calibrated material. Prepared building timber is fitted slats, boards, which are combined into a single array with the help of glue under pressure.

They have an almost perfect fit, so the possibility of cold air entering through the cracks is minimized, unlike a chopped log.

Among the disadvantages of wood baths:

  • low refractoriness
  • even after impregnation, wood can be attacked by carpenter insects
  • when shrinking in the corners, cracks sometimes form

It is necessary to regularly protect the outer part of the log house from moisture. In the summer, dry, impregnate with compounds that prevent the absorption of moisture.


Brick is a reliable durable material, but hygroscopic, absorbs moisture. In conditions of improperly installed ventilation, waterproofing, there is a high risk of fungus formation. It takes much more time to warm up a brick masonry bath than for a wooden one, due to the high thermal conductivity.

Keeps heat for a short time, additional heating is required. The thickness of the masonry is 25–38 cm, one and a half to two bricks. Inside, the steam room is trimmed with clapboard. It is attached to the rack frame with self-tapping screws. The best option for finishing the washroom is tile.

A brick bath will not be cheap. The material is heavy, the load on the foundation increases. When drawing up a project, it is necessary to take into account the heat loss of brickwork, to provide for external insulation of the layers.

Foam concrete, gas silicate blocks

Porous blocks, foam concrete, gas silicate -"golden mean", in terms of price and quality indicators.


  • quick installation
  • low thermal conductivity due to the presence of internal air pores

When choosing a bath project with a terrace, a veranda, a relaxation room, it is better to stay on foam blocks. Compared to gas silicate blocks, they have much lower hygroscopicity. Porous blocks have a small specific gravity, in comparison with bricks, even hollow ones.

Accordingly, the load on the foundation is less. From the outside, from the inside, it is necessary to veneer the walls with plaster.

Under a brick, block building, reinforcement strapping is made of metal bars for the foundation.

Frame baths with terrace and barbecue

Inexpensive frame type of buildings on a pilefoundation

The most cost-effective material for baths with a terrace. Installed on a pile foundation, light construction. Requires thorough waterproofing.

If the integrity of the waterproofing layer is violated, the insulation mats are saturated with moisture, which sharply reduces their thermal conductivity (basalt, mineral heaters). OSB facing boards swell and deform. Like wooden houses, materials have low fire safety.

Small baths with a terrace are installed on such columns.

Heat and vapor barrier

The specificity of baths is that in the working area, steam room, washing room, high temperature and humidity. Previously, log walls were caulked with natural moss; it took several hours to warm up the room.

Currently, they are trying to minimize heat loss, to create the effect of a thermos, so that the bath warms up quickly, keeps warm. In addition, steam and waterproofing is needed so that the condensate does not penetrate deep into the materials of the walls, floor, ceiling, and quickly erode from there.

Floor insulation

Expanded clay is used as a heater under a concrete screed in a steam room, a washing room. It is recommended to lay geotextiles on top of it. The advantage of expanded clay for warming baths with a terrace is that it easily passes moisture.

In winter, expanded clay and concrete are cooled, the heat from the stove has time to warm only the upper layers of the floor. The optimal way out is the installation of the “warm floor” system, which allows you to quickly heat up the steam room of the bath, keep the heat inside.

Concrete floors, which are covered with waterproof boards, are recommended to be additionally opened with liquid rubber (at least two layers). A dense waterproofing film is formed.

Increases the effect of sliding water. If you do not carry out waterproofing of the floor in the working rooms of the bath, soapy water interspersed with fat and sweat clings to the roughness of the concrete coating. It is difficult to clean it.

Wall insulation

The heated steam from the stove rises to the ceiling, so there is the highest temperature. Traditionally, the walls of the steam room of the bath are sheathed with clapboard made of hardwood. Coniferous varieties of trees are not suitable, as resins are released when heated. Decorative lining is attached to rails.

In the process of heating, moisture, condensate penetrates into the gaps between the planks, accumulates in the cavity between the lining and the wall, ceiling. In order to prevent the penetration of moisture into the wall of the bath, a moisture-resistant barrier is installed on the path of condensate. Insulation is installed to prevent heat loss.

The construction market offers a range of insulation materials for moisture-resistant barriers and membranes. For projects of baths with a terrace, foil materials of a combined type are mainly used. They combine the properties of a heater and a vapor barrier.

The foil surface perfectly reflects thermal energy. The main rule when laying a heater, a vapor barrier is the elimination of butt joints, they will be connected with foil tape.

In the rest room, locker room, where the humidity and temperature are lower, it is possible to use other types of insulation, vapor-tight membranes.

It is not recommended to use moisture-resistant bitumen-based membranes in the steam room, washing, mineral, glass wool as a heater. In the composition they contain substances harmful to the body that can be released at high temperatures. The listed heaters are hygroscopic, in a wet state they increase thermal conductivity.

Ventilation device in baths with a terrace

Properly installed ventilation in the steam room, washing - pledge of durability of finishing materials. If the room is quickly ventilated, quite normal circulation of air masses is ensured, moisture does not accumulate in the interstitial space. The tree does not deteriorate. Reduced to a minimum the possibility of the formation of fungus, mold.

Experts recommend making a small window in the steam room of the bath, located on the opposite wall from the door (40 x 40 cm), at the height of the door lintel. The second ventilation hole is punched below under the shelf (shelf in the steam room).

When the steam room is not in use, the doors and windows are opened, which ensures quick ventilation. In addition to natural ventilation, forced ventilation is installed, with a built-in check valve so that cold air does not enter the room.


The cost of construction is affected by the design of the roof. The best value for money - single, double. The hip roof is suitable for attic structures. The terrace is covered with one roof with a bath, with a single truss system.

The step between the rafters is done according to the calculations of the project. For an adjoining, protruding terrace, erected later, rafters and a sheathing under the roofing are installed separately. The site for the extension is planned, fenced off in advance.

As a roofing material, they use: roofing felt, soft tiles, ondulin, profiled sheet. It all depends on the design features of this project.

Sauna ovens with dry, wet steam

Sauna with a terrace, barbecue - a wonderful health complex on its site. Favorite vacation spot where you can take a steam bath, then get some fresh air, have a get-together with friends, especially after a week of work, work in the garden.

Before proceeding with the development of a project for a bath with a terrace, a place for construction is determined, in accordance with the size of the site. Perhaps, during the construction of the house, a plot “for a bathhouse” was already allocated. Based on the size of the allotted area, choose an architectural project.

If you want a more spacious and functional room with a guest room, take a look at the design projects of a bath with a terrace and an attic floor. Think over the details of the location of the rooms, arrangement. Draw a schematic plan of the future building. Standard projects with a bathhouse, a terrace, a barbecue are taken as a basis.

Construction companies offer an individual bath project with a terrace of different sizes. They will help to build, equip a bath with a terrace.

Assess the possibilities. Construction can be carried out in stages. For example, in the fall, lay the foundation so that it settles. Lay the main communications. In spring, summer, build walls, a roof. And next year, move on to finishing. Attach the terrace later. It’s good when you can still install a pool, an artificial pond next to the bathhouse. It is good when the house is located on the shore of a natural reservoir.

It is desirable that a bath made of timber, logs stand for a season, so that the foundation and walls shrink.

Construction of a bathhouse with a terrace on a personal plot - the final chord of landscaping. A visit to the bathhouse with a good steam room, a spacious terrace for relaxation will restore health. This is a place where you can have a good time with family and friends.

A terrace is a platform with flooring, which is arranged on a prepared base. There are a lot of types and varieties of this architectural addition:

  • It can be located near the house, or it can be completely unrelated to it, or connected by a path.
  • Maybe without a roof - then they say that it is open. Or with a roof - covered.
  • May or may not have walls. The walls can be solid or in the form of a fence.
  • There are single or multi-level.

If we talk about terraces that adjoin the house, then they are lateral and frontal, they can cover one, two, three or four sides. Sometimes they are irregular in shape. They can be under the same roof with the main building or have their own.

Given that a variety of materials can be used in the manufacture, it is clear that the variations are simply innumerable.

It is not so difficult to build a terrace in front of the bathhouse or next to it. In general, most often the difficulties are caused by the lack of a project. If funds allow, it is better to order it, describing in detail what and how you imagine, what you want to achieve, and what things you absolutely do not like. If it is impossible to order the production of a personal project, there is an option to find one of the ready-made ones, slightly adjust it for your own needs. Here are a few projects of baths with different terraces that are easy to do with your own hands.

Bath 4 by 4.5 with a terrace

According to the project, the bathhouse consists of three rooms, a terrace is attached to it on a separate incoherent foundation (read about one of the options for its construction below). There are three rooms in the bath building:

The parameters of the premises can be changed by moving the partition separating the rest room. If a bathhouse is being built for a dry-air sauna, a large volume of a steam room is not needed: calculate the number of people who should fit in one run, then calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shelves for their comfortable arrangement: for “sitting” places, you can take 1-1.2 meters per person, per "lying" - 2.1-1.2 m. The width of the shelves - 0.7-0.9 m. Calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shelves, add space for the stove and its fence, and some area for free movement. Get the required area.

The calculation of the area of ​​​​the steam room in the Russian bath is similar, then if you can not do “lying” places in the sauna - they usually only sit there, then in the Russian steam room they are required. Another difference is that the fence of the sauna stove is a wooden structure that prevents you from touching the hot walls. In the Russian steam room, if a metal stove is installed, then it must be closed, and this is a completely different size. Therefore, the area required to allocate a large.

Using such a bath in winter will not be comfortable: entering a rest room directly from the street and cold air will be a clear hindrance. To eliminate this drawback, you can either fence off part of the rest room under the vestibule, or make part of the veranda closed. The second option looks preferable because of the small dimensions of the premises. But then you need to either make an entrance from the other side, or move the doors.

Bath project 6 by 6 with an open terrace

This layout option manages the same number of rooms. It's just that their area has become larger: now the dimensions allow. In this embodiment, it is already possible to fence off a small room for a locker room. And for winter use, it will be necessary to organize a vestibule somewhere.

If there is still an opportunity to add a little dimensions, you can already “fit in” the bathroom. It will turn out already a guest house - a bath, especially if you make a two-story bath. One of the options, however, on the same floor, is located in the photo below. Large quantity

What materials are they built from?

Any building material can be used to cover the terrace: wood, brick, building blocks, natural or artificial stone, paving, ceramic, porcelain tiles, natural or artificial stone, etc.

Despite the fact that wood outdoors is not the easiest material to maintain, most often terraces are made of wood. To use pine and spruce at the same time - to have a constant headache: you need to maintain, repair very often. Harder wood is more expensive, but lasts longer and is less of a hassle.

Near a brick bath, a terrace looks good, which also has a fence made of bricks; in this case, it is rational to lay out the terrace itself with tiles or stone. Much more practical. True, for such sites it will be necessary to pour a concrete slab.

If your soil is dry and not prone to heaving, it will be enough to fill it with crushed stone and sand. It will be possible to lay paving slabs. It is available in different shapes and colors, so it can also look more than interesting.

The terrace with laid paving slabs looks very good. You can combine it with In this case, you will kill two birds with one stone

How to make a wooden terrace on a pile foundation

The most problematic option is wood. If you plan to use it, then you need to choose from varieties that tolerate being on the street well. It is also necessary to treat it with protective impregnations, varnishing or staining.

Preparing piles

To create normal operating conditions for wooden terraces, it is necessary to think over the design so that water does not accumulate under the structure. In general, it is advisable to make a wooden platform elevated above the ground level so that the boards from below are well blown and ventilated. Therefore, most often for such structures they make a pile or column foundation. Moreover, the fertile layer is removed under the terrace, the remaining soil is leveled and rammed, and then covered with rubble and also compacted. They do this so that the vegetation does not rot and does not spread “aromas” and spores.

The installation step of the posts is at least 1-1.5 meters - so the boards will not sag. Production material - any. It is possible to hammer asbestos or iron pipes into the ground, pour concrete into them. This is a very durable, but expensive option.

Piles from roofing material

Much less money (but more labor) will require piles with roofing material formwork.

The roofing material is rolled into round columns two or three layers. Diameter - 20-22 cm, height - about 1 meter (70 cm is recessed in the ground, 30 cm is on top). This is for soils of medium propensity to heaving. In order not to suffer with measuring the diameter of this formwork, you can use a template. If you find an eggplant from under the water of a suitable diameter (these are nine-liter containers), it will work simply: they screwed on the roofing material, secured it with tape, and took out the “pattern” by the handle.

Fastening, as usual, is more convenient with adhesive tape. Only on the powder, he does not want to stick. To ensure adhesion, we remove the crumbs in the right places with a brush, wipe the cleaned place with white spirit. After drying, the fixation is excellent. So prepare the required number of columns.

With the help of a drill, the required number of recesses is made slightly larger in diameter than the formed columns and 25 cm deeper. These 25 cm go to the pillow device: they are covered with a 15 cm layer of rubble, rammed. Sand is added, which is also rammed.

Then the formwork is installed in the prepared pits. All columns must be leveled. This can be done with the help of two bars hammered along the edges of the planned terrace, and a cord stretched between them. Its verticality can be checked by adjusting the height of the bars as necessary. The second way is to set the height of the bars using a hydraulic level (you can also use a laser, but it’s difficult to work with it on the street - the beam is visible only in the evening or in cloudy weather). Having fiddled with setting the cord, then quickly bring all the columns in one row to the same height. Repeat the procedure in the following.

How to attach support posts to concrete piles - one of the options

You need to set the columns vertically. Here you can not do without. A simple tool, but nothing better has yet been invented.

Further, to increase the strength inside, it is desirable to insert several bars of reinforcement - 2-3 per column. You can use smooth rods with a diameter of 8-10 mm. Then pour concrete inside. It needs to be compacted, since it is not worth knocking on the roofing material, you will need to take a long metal rod and bayonet (pierce through and pull a little from side to side). As a result of such actions, the concrete level will become slightly lower - air will come out, you will have to add a little. Everything becomes easier if you have a submersible manual or mobile. When the solution sets, you can proceed to further work.

Columns of bricks

On heaving soils, the columns can simply be squeezed out, which will lead to the terrace. Here you need a wider platform that will stabilize the situation. For such a foundation, small pits are dug out, 50 * 50 or 60 * 60 cm in size. Soil is rammed into them, crushed stone is poured in, it is also rammed, formwork is installed from boards 20-25 cm high.

Several pieces of reinforcement are laid on the halves of the bricks - along and across - to make a cage (2-3 bars each). A pipe is inserted into the middle (verticality is checked). All this is poured with concrete (it is possible with gravel). Thickness - 20 cm.

After the mortar has set, a brick column is made around the pipe. The height is brought out just below the required flooring height - leave room for the lower strapping.

How to make a bottom harness

There are two options for installing support poles:

The first method is more commonly used, but the second is also the case. It requires a little less cost, but there will be more fuss with laying the log.

In the manufacture of the lower trim, a beam of 100 * 75 mm, 75 * 75 mm or wider is used - it depends on the size of the terrace and the load on it. They are treated with antibacterial impregnations, laid on a concrete column covered with a layer of waterproofing (lay a double-folded roofing material or smear with mastic, liquid waterproofing).

There are a lot of bars, but you can cheat by making a spliced ​​timber from the boards. It is not suitable for supporting pillars - the appearance is not the same, but for the lag it is even better, as it has increased strength. How to make a beam from boards:

Regardless of the method chosen, all wooden elements must be impregnated with protective and antifungal compounds. To improve the appearance and extend the service life, they are varnished. It is better to use compositions for outdoor work, and if we talk about varnishes, then yacht is preferable - it is well adapted to a humid environment and protects wood from salt exposure.

It is possible to create a metal frame. You can use a powerful corner, a square pipe. This base is more reliable and durable. It is well primed, then carefully painted and will serve for decades. In order not to damage the board when it comes into contact with metal, a waterproofing material is glued onto the metal - such as TechnoNIKOL, etc. When fixing the flooring, you will have to drill holes - it is unlikely that you will be able to screw the screws directly.


After making and fixing the strapping, you can start making the flooring. A cutting board is usually used. There is a special terrace board - it has not a flat, but a wavy front surface, but it is often laid around fonts or pools built into the terrace. The wavy surface, even when wet, does not allow slipping, and if you make a slight slope, the water will quickly drain without lingering on the flooring.

The thickness of the board, as for the floor, is rarely thinner than 20 mm, although its thickness depends on the distance between the piles. At a distance of 1.5 meters, the thickness of the board is 25 mm, then it will not sag when walking.

Tiled terrace

If you decide to make a platform not from wood, but from tiles, you can go in several ways. It all depends on how you imagine your terrace.

If you are satisfied with paving slabs as a coating, the technology can be greatly simplified. The process is very similar to the device. The technology is similar, you can use the same techniques.

Easy option

The simplest, but very reliable and effective option is using profiled membranes and geotextiles. In this case, the soil is removed to the width of the future terrace, the depth is small - 20-25 cm is enough. If there is a roof on top, the site can be made even, if the roof is not provided, a slope of 3-5 cm is formed per meter (from the foundation).

If there is abundant rainfall in the region, underground water is close, it is better to lay a drainage pipe along the edge of the terrace. This is a special corrugated pipe with holes. For her, they dig a small recess (about half the diameter), where they put it. The end of the drainage pipe is led into a drainage well or into the sewer system.

So that plants do not germinate under the coating, they are treated with special chemistry. After processing, the profiled membrane is spread over the entire width. If you are laying drainage, then the edge of the membrane should go into the dug groove, reaching its opposite edge. A drainage pipe is placed on the membrane. Now all the moisture will roll down the film and get into it.

On the other hand, near the house, a 10-15 cm membrane is placed on the wall. They fix it there. A layer of geotextile is rolled out from above. They also put him on the wall. Both films can be fixed with a clamping bar. The second edge of the geotextile ends above the drainage pipe (it is not fixed).

Now a layer of crushed stone of large and medium fractions is poured. A curb stone is installed along the edge of the site (not above the drainage pipe, but closer to the house). Crushed stone is well rammed (preferably with a vibrating plate, but do not ram the plate over the pipe). A layer of sand is poured on top, it is leveled, spilled with water and rammed. You can already lay tiles on it.

The thickness of the layers is 10-15 cm. The depth of the pit for the terrace is selected so that the tiles are laid at the required height. It is difficult to say exactly, since the tiles can be of different thicknesses. Based on the purchased coverage, calculate the desired depth of the pit around the house.

One "but": the described method is suitable for the case when the foundation and basement are insulated. If there is no insulation, half of the sand is poured onto the rubble, slabs of extruded polystyrene foam are laid out, then sand is added, and then tiles are laid on top of it. At the same time, the foundation of the house is also covered with expanded polystyrene plates to the entire depth of the dug pit.

Visiting the banya was considered in Russia not only as a way of taking water procedures, but also as a form of leisure that is beneficial to health. Therefore, the owners of suburban areas are always engaged in the construction of such a building, selecting projects of baths with a terrace and a barbecue. A photo, presented below, offer ways to organize backyard space for picnics after visiting the steam room.

The design of country buildings, tailored to the individual needs of the owners, allows you to optimally equip the space in the country. If necessary, you can build an object in two floors. Outbuildings equipped with a recreation area can significantly improve the quality of life in a cottage and make it possible to organize leisure activities in comfortable conditions.

How to choose the right type?

Architectural bureaus offer ready-made developments with an extension, and can also create an individual plan. When choosing a suitable type of architectural appearance, one must proceed from the size of the dressing room, steam room, veranda, dining room, guest room and the number of people who should fit in them.

Optimal for summer holidays will be a covered space with a total area of ​​8 m 2. However, if you plan to invite a large number of guests, then you need a larger room.

When developing a project, a number of nuances should be taken into account:

  • seasonality of use;
  • the number of visitors;
  • planning;
  • material;
  • construction cost;
  • location of buildings on the site.

When choosing the appropriate type, the intensity of operation of such buildings should be taken into account. If you plan to steam only in the summer, then you can save on insulation and on the dressing room.

If the steam room will be used in the winter, then it is necessary to provide for a convenient location for the entrance even at the stage of drawing development.

If you choose the right layout of the premises, you can reduce construction costs. By developing a spacious open structure for barbecues, you can save on a guest room.

An example of a terraced structure

Tip! If you already have a ready-made bathhouse outside the city, then you can build a terrace. To do this, consider its location. Installing a new building to an old building does not make sense. You can place a covered building for barbecue between the house and the bath.

Arrangement of unprotected space is chosen according to individual preferences and based on the architectural style of the entire suburban complex. The layout of the indoor facility is also important, in which it is necessary to take into account the correct location of the barbecue, summer stove or other cooking device. It must be remembered that the smoke from the stove should not go inside.

Tip! When choosing a stove, you need to proceed from the general style of the interior. This will create a single architectural ensemble.

Types of extensions

Usually as an extension are:

  • terrace;
  • veranda;
  • alcove.

The choice depends on a number of factors, which include:

  • the cost of construction work;
  • individual preferences;
  • architectural style;
  • placement.

The terrace is usually made open. It requires the construction of a not very deep foundation. The construction of such an extension will be cheaper than the construction of a veranda or gazebo.

The veranda has its advantages. It is erected closed, so it can be well insulated and used throughout the year. Arbors with a specially arranged grill area are more expensive, as they require the use of a large number of decorative elements, building materials and special drawings.

The owner of the cottage needs to choose the best development option for him, which will be used as a place for leisure.

Layout and location

Before you start building a gazebo, you should find a suitable location for it. Usually it is done along the entire facade of the building. This arrangement saves on materials and makes moving more comfortable for those leaving the steam room. In this type of construction, there is no need to talk about the lack of space for cooking and feasting. With this placement, the veranda or terrace can be partially open or partially closed. The use of external walls allows you to save on building materials. The choice of a suitable layout will ensure the construction of an object of architectural appearance, which is in the general style of the entire complex of buildings.

The option of building a structure along one of the walls is also used. This type of layout is suitable for those cases where there is a shortage of space. Creating optimal zoning, you need to provide places for eating and cooking, for entertainment. To do this, you should correctly determine the size of the object being built in the country.

You can use the corner construction option. In this case, the stove will be installed on the covered area itself. The corner model is used when there is a shortage of adjacent territory in the country.

In some cases, a covered barbecue area is built separately, close to the bath complex. Then there is a small transition between the steam room and the resting place. This option is suitable for summer use.

pile foundation

Individual projects

When developing individual projects, architects will be able to take into account all the preferences of the customer, the features of the layout of the country house and the size of the buildings. With the help of modern finishing materials, specialists create original solutions for the entertainment area in the country. So, you can install French glass, and thereby partially turn it into a veranda.

Multi-level structures are used when the site is created from several floors. This option is good for a small area. For a classic Russian-style steam room, a typical project is offered, which includes guest apartments, a place to relax, cook barbecue and a dressing room in which clothes are left before washing. Such a space can be used for household needs, at a time when the bath is not heated. It is possible to make the object two-story. In this case, the guest rooms are located on the top floor.

Common Mistakes

For friendly gatherings at the end of the working week, there is nothing better than a comfortable terrace or gazebo, where you can gather with friends after a steam room, drink fragrant tea, taste fresh, freshly cooked meat dishes on a nearby barbecue or grill. To receive guests or arrange fun family picnics with relatives, you need to properly build a sauna log house, in which there would be a place for a steam room, a relaxation room, a closed or open space for a barbecue.

When choosing a suitable project, cottage owners forget to take into account how often the object will be used. In the case of year-round use of the soap, you will have to take care of the heat capacity of the building and the comfort of visitors, who will need to undress and dress in warmth, and not in the cold.

Today, they often make an open structure with a low fence. For landscaping, paving slabs or stone are used. When constructing such objects, the owners forget about the need to install the correct pile foundation for the terrace, which would give the entire object greater stability and protect it from swelling of the soil in winter.

Important! In order for the paving slabs not to deteriorate after the first wintering, it is necessary to build a shallow slab foundation for such structures. Insulation is laid on the slabs, and only after that it is possible to carry out the installation of paving slabs.

The disadvantage of a simple pile foundation is the lack of a solid base and insulation that protect the structure from destruction.

Such a base is not suitable for intumescent soils and soils with a close occurrence of groundwater. Pile light foundation can only be done on dry sandy soils.

Stove installation

For the rational use of heat, it is required to install the stove in such a way that it can heat all the rooms adjacent to the steam room, including extensions, if they are of a closed type.

For the winter operation of the suburban steam room and adjacent premises, it is necessary to provide for the installation of heating for guest rooms, since the heat of one stove will not be enough in the cold season to keep the rooms in good condition. During off-season operation of the facility, a vestibule is installed, which protects the entire space from the cold and saves fuel consumption.

The stove in such a structure can be heated with wood, coal or gas. The choice of heating depends on the budget of the cottage owner and the designer's intent.

The hearth for cooking on the site must have an open fire, as required by the preparation of shish kebabs and grills. With the help of a detailed plan, the issue of arranging the territory around the steam room outside the city is taken into account. If everything is provided for at the stage of developing technical documents, then you can reasonably invest in the improvement of your own suburban area and improve your living conditions on it.

Today, people prefer to choose a recreation complex with a steam room in Russian style, made of logs and modern building materials. Saunas are built less often, but wood is also chosen as a material for them. Wood has a lot of advantages, it is environmentally friendly, durable and fits into various architectural styles. Therefore, wooden building materials are used for the construction of such structures in summer cottages and country cottages.

Washing in your own bath cannot be classified as a banal hygiene procedure. This is a real pleasure, which is accompanied by a pleasant feast in the company of friends and a leisurely conversation. Therefore, when planning to build a small bathhouse on your site, do not miss the chance to make it truly comfortable and convenient.

In the warm season, after a hot steam room, you want to go out into the fresh air, sit in an easy chair and freeze in a sweet languor.

Your vacation will not be overshadowed by weather vagaries if a sauna with a terrace under one roof is built on the site.

What should be its layout in order for water procedures to be optimally combined with relaxation, board games and cooking homemade meals, we will consider in more detail.

Bath layout options

It is advantageous to build a terrace (veranda) not as a separate structure, but under the same roof with a bathhouse. Therefore, at least one size (length or width) must be the same for them. The easiest way to implement this idea is as follows: the gable roof of the bath with one side rests on the main wall, and the other lies on the racks (columns) of the terrace.

The second step is to determine the usable area of ​​the terrace. It directly depends on the number of people visiting the bath at the same time. For a family of 4 people, 8 m2 is enough for comfortable seating at the table. If the company is more representative (6-8 people), then lay in the project at least 14 m2. Having determined the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe veranda, you can finally decide on which side of the bath it is best placed.

A small terrace is optimally arranged along the narrow end wall. If you want to make a more spacious room, then it is better to make an open canopy along the wide side of the bath.

Another interesting layout option is the placement of a terrace between the bathhouse and the residential building. In this case, you do not have to look for a place to cook food or wait for the end of the downpour. Only in this case it is better to attach a bathhouse with a veranda to the deaf side of the house so that the smoke from the stove chimney (when using solid fuel) does not enter the windows of the living quarters.

When considering the project of a bath with a terrace in terms of its internal layout, one must proceed from the external dimensions of the structure. It is within this framework that you will have to “fit” all the premises: a dressing room, a bathroom, a shower, a steam room, a rest room and a terrace. You can save usable space by abandoning the rest room and shifting its functions to the veranda. However, in this case, in the cold season, you will have nowhere to relax after washing in the bath. Therefore, reserve at least 6-7 m2 for it.

If your plans do not include the construction of a full-length bath measuring 6 by 6 meters as in the figure above, then you can do otherwise: remove the rest room from the layout, glaze the terrace and make a barbecue oven in it.

For the autumn and spring seasons, the heat from such a hearth will be enough to create a comfortable temperature. The external dimensions of the bath with a veranda in this case can be reduced to a minimum (4 by 4 meters), without losing in comfort and ease of use.

Options for adding rooms

In addition to the considered solutions with a relaxation room, a glazed veranda with a barbecue, the idea of ​​​​adding a bathhouse with an attic deserves attention. It significantly expands the usable area and makes it possible to equip a guest room, a small fireplace room or a billiard room under one roof.

To implement such a profitable idea, you need to provide a place for installing a narrow and not too steep staircase. It is not difficult to find him. It is enough to slightly increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway (waiting room).

On the second floor near the bath, you can design a spacious balcony. To do this, the attic roof must be extended so that it covers the veranda.

The slope of the roof will take away part of the usable area from the second floor. Despite this, there will be enough space in the attic room for a recreation room with a billiard table. If desired, a light open fireplace with an exhaust hood can be installed here.

Photos of different options for baths

Having got an idea about the external layout and internal layout of the baths with terraces, you should look at their visual embodiment. This will help us more accurately determine the material for the new building.

In photo No. 1 we see a classic bathhouse made of rounded logs, covered with a gable roof made of metal. The roof covers not only the bathhouse, but also the terrace and balcony of the second floor.

Beautiful knitting of crowns serves as the main decoration of the facade. The only remark is the irrational use of the attic space. The gable roof takes a lot of usable space from the second-level rooms. In this respect, a broken roof is more profitable.

Photo number 2 shows an inexpensive and compact bath from a bar with a terrace. Nothing superfluous - the life credo of the owner of such a structure. inexpensive and quite sufficient for mounting walls made of wooden beams. Under the terrace, a strip foundation is not needed at all. Three concrete columns under the roof support posts and a frame made of timber is the most reasonable solution.

You can not cover the veranda with a common roof with a bath, but protect it with an ordinary flat canopy. Photo No. 3 shows the exterior of a 6 by 4 meter building with a veranda located along a long wall. As we can see, there is enough space for a dining table and a small barbecue oven.

When planning to build a bathhouse with a veranda, you can not invent complex options, but simply block it with a regular garden gazebo, as in photo No. 4.

A polycarbonate roof will not only reliably protect you from rain, but will also create a pleasant penumbra.

The bath can become the central building for the entire recreation area of ​​a country estate. In this case, the terrace should be really spacious and comfortable. To do this, it should be made as wide as possible or extended by unfolding it in the form of the letter "G".

In the far corner of the main log canopy, a summer oven with a compartment for frying shish kebabs and steaks is conveniently located.

Construction materials

Wood is the most popular material for building a bath with a terrace. Moreover, it can be not only an expensive profiled beam, but also an affordable rounded log.

Excellent bathing characteristics are achievable and inexpensive, provided that ecowool is used as a heater, and not polystyrene.

And aerated concrete is well suited for bath construction. These materials qualitatively solve the problem of insulation and do not require expensive finishing. An important condition for the durability of such a structure is good protection of the walls from moisture (deeply penetrating waterproofing and high-quality putty).

Brick is almost never used as the main material for walls today. But it is indispensable for the front decoration of the facade and looks good as a decorative fence of the terrace.

A lover of the original can be advised to build a round bath with a terrace. Two dump trucks of firewood, one truck of clay and a wagon of hay - that's all the materials needed to build a unique and environmentally friendly structure.
