Methodological techniques English. Methods and techniques for teaching vocabulary in English lessons. The principle of organizing collective activity. The student often has to face the need to solve any problems or make decisions in a group.

To learn to speak English, you need a certain system or, as it is more commonly called, a methodology for teaching English, which would allow you to solve the tasks as fully as possible, namely: to acquire the skills of reading, understanding speech by ear, speaking and writing in the target language.

Even 20-30 years ago, the classical method was the basis of education. 90% of the time was devoted to the theory of a foreign language. At the lessons, students studied new vocabulary, syntactic constructions, discussed rules, as well as read and translated texts, did written tasks and sometimes listened to audio recordings. The development of conversational skills took only 10% of the time from the lesson. As a result, the person understood the texts in English and knew the grammar rules, but could not speak. That is why it was decided to change the approach to teaching. So, the following methods have replaced the fundamental “classics” +:


Its main principle is to use the lexical units and grammatical structures studied in the lessons in speech, both oral and written. All classes that are developed according to the principles of this modern method of teaching English are, if possible, conducted in a foreign language, or with a minimum inclusion of native speech. Moreover, the teacher only guides the students, asks them questions and creates a communicative situation, while 70% of the time of the entire lesson is spoken by the students. It is noteworthy that it is this technique that is the basis for teaching a foreign language at school. Nevertheless, some of the techniques of the classical school are still used today. So, for example, teachers to this day share their knowledge of the theory of the English language with their students, set written exercises to practice grammar and vocabulary.


This method of teaching English to children, however, as well as to adults, has long been used in schools and universities in America, and recently it has become more and more firmly integrated into the educational activities of our students. Its meaning is to use the studied material in practice and is optimal for use at the end of the whole module, when it becomes possible to assess the degree of assimilation of the educational material. So, for example, younger students are happy to present their projects on the topics “My Home”, “My Pet”, “My Favorite Toys”, while high school students are already engaged in serious developments, for example, on the topic of environmental protection.


Unlike the methods of teaching English described above, for which favorable conditions are created at school, the training approach is based on independent study, with the amendment that students are given already worked out structured material and clearly explained by the teacher. As in any training, the student receives a portion of theory, remembers the rules and uses them in practice. Very often, this technique is used in online learning, including on an educational resource. Its main advantages are the presence of a carefully thought-out program, the presentation of information necessary to improve the level of English proficiency in the most accessible form and the ability to independently plan the study schedule.

Offers to learn English with the help of texts, stories and fairy tales voiced by professional speakers. Each text is given a series of exercises for memorizing new words, listening and translation. By coming to our site, you can start learning English even with a zero initial level and, subject to regular classes, bring your knowledge to a level above average. Here is an example of one of the short stories on the basis of which the initial training on our website is based.

your prayers

The Sunday school teacher asks Tom:
"Come to me and tell me the truth,
do you say your prayers before eating?”
Tom smiles proudly.
"No miss, no need
my mom cooks really well.”


The intensive technique has gained particular popularity among those who seek to learn to speak English in the shortest possible time. Achieving this seemingly unrealistic goal allows a high level of formulaic language - English is 25% cliché. Thanks to the study of a large number of set expressions, their memorization and development, a person can learn to explain himself in a foreign language and understand the interlocutor in a relatively short time.

Active methods of teaching English

The so-called active methods of teaching English are distinguished into a separate group; examples of the most widely used methods are given below.

So, these include:

  • Round table
    The teacher formulates the problem and offers the students a task: to assess the significance of the problem, to demonstrate all the pros and cons, to determine the possible result, etc. Students should speak on the presented issue, argue their position and eventually come to a common decision.
  • Brainstorm
    This technique is also aimed at discussing and solving a problem. However, according to this method of teaching English, the audience is divided into two groups - "idea generators", who actually offer ideas, and "experts", who, at the end of the "assault", evaluate the position of each "generator".
  • business game
    The teacher prepares a game on the studied topic and explains the rules to the students. As a rule, the proposed tasks imitate the tasks and situations of real communication, for example, searching and getting a job, concluding a contract, traveling, etc.
  • Game method of learning English for children.
    Its main advantages are the absence of a mechanism for forcing classes and great interest on the part of the child. The teacher conducts a wide variety of games with the children on the studied vocabulary and grammatical constructions, during which the children quickly memorize them and learn to apply them in speech.

Learning with online exercises. Example.

Whatever method of learning English you choose, remember that in learning a foreign language, motivation is of great importance, and the key to successful learning is the regularity and systematic nature of your classes.

According to contemporaries, the school gives us a compass of knowledge for drawing the square of life. Do you remember how at school in English we were forced to cram texts about the pioneer Petya, whose father works at a factory, and his mother at school? How much effort we made so that all the words and texts “bounced off the teeth”, as required by the teachers. Now it seems that all this was in vain: we did not speak English, and we did not speak it after 10 years of cramming. Today we want to remind you of how we were taught English at school, and tell you how CORRECTLY you need to learn English. Follow our advice and everything will work out!

At the beginning of the article, we would like to make a small disclaimer: we do not accuse school teachers of "wrong" teaching methods or incompetence. The principles we have outlined are the most common stereotypes about schooling. Almost all students faced some of them, only some schoolchildren faced some of them. We propose to consider these stereotypes and get rid of them forever.

Don't let schooling interfere with your education.

Don't let school work interfere with your education.

13 principles of learning English from school that are holding you back

Rules, rules and only rules... It seems that the life of a schoolboy consists of them. Meanwhile, not all school rules and teaching principles are worthy of taking a place in your life. In fact, most of them prevent you from gaining knowledge. Let's see what principles of schooling should be forgotten like a bad dream, and what principles should be used in language learning.

1. Textbooks are everything

We always associate school with a mountain of textbooks that occupied half the closet in our room. We were taught: if you learn everything in the manual by heart, you will be happy. Only now, digging in the textbook did not bring any happiness, on the contrary: now, at the mere mention of this word, we feel bad.

Right Principle: Textbooks - one of the components of learning.

Without a textbook, learning is really impossible, but the manual is not the key to success. In addition to the textbook, when learning English, be sure to use all available materials: videos, audio podcasts, songs, online tests and games. And it is best to choose a British textbook, it is built on a different principle than our Vereshchagin and Plakhotnik. In modern English-language manuals, information is presented clearly and interestingly, you do not need to cram anything, you learn English in the process of communicating with your teacher. You can choose a suitable manual for yourself from our review "", then your studies will be not boring and effective, and most importantly, you will speak English.

2. Grades are a measure of your intelligence

Oh, this assessment system, how many complexes it has generated among schoolchildren! And how many adults still believe that the “troika” in English at school is proof that they have no language skills and should not even take up their studies.

Right Principle: The main thing is knowledge, not grades.

The goal of your training should be knowledge and the ability to use this knowledge for your own benefit. Forget about your bad grades at school. The main goals of learning English are to speak it, understand it and be understood. And use various tests to check how well you understand a particular topic, and which topics should be given more time.

3. Mistakes are terrible.

Remember how in school we were afraid to make a mistake because the teachers scolded us for it, lowered our grades and threatened to complain to our parents about our negligence? After such a study, we have a conditioned reflex: I will not speak English, otherwise I will make a mistake and I will be punished. The fear of making a mistake is detrimental to learning English. The fear of “blurting something out” is the founder of the language barrier. It is precisely because teachers were strict about mistakes that high school graduates today cannot speak English, even if they know grammar well and have a good vocabulary.

Right Principle A: Mistakes are normal.

Do not be afraid to make mistakes, modern English teachers do not punish you for mistakes, they will not scold you or consider you a stupid person. The approach has changed: now mistakes are just an indicator that you need to repeat a topic in which you feel insecure. Feel free to speak English, even if you know that your speech is imperfect. Until you know where you are making mistakes, you will not correct them and, therefore, will not speak English fluently and competently.

4. Dictionary in three columns - the best friend

From the first months of learning English, we started a dictionary notebook, divided into 3 columns: word - transcription - translation. It was assumed that with such a dictionary it would be easy and convenient for us to learn new vocabulary. However, in reality, it turned out that we could at best memorize the words, but the principles of their use in speech remained beyond our understanding.

Right Principle: Topical dictionary is more efficient.

Don't divide your vocabulary into three columns, this way of doing things has already proven to be ineffective. New vocabulary is best learned in context, so write out a whole sentence with a new word or phrase for yourself. Then you will learn not just the translation of the word, but the principle of its use. Moreover, write out words on one topic in one section of the dictionary notebook, it will be easier for you to learn vocabulary related in meaning.

5. Textbook and dictionary - all you need to study

The strict school program assumed that schoolchildren were taught only from textbooks. Very, very rarely, teachers used any additional materials. At the end of school, we suddenly found that we did not understand English at all by ear, and from phrases in English we only remember the notorious “London is the capital of Great Britain”, which in no way will help us find a common language with foreigners.

Right Principle: Use a variety of resources.

Learning materials should be interesting to you, especially today on the Internet you can find hundreds of different learning resources to your taste. Supplement the learning from the manuals with multimedia materials. Read about. Listen to podcasts, we have detailed how to work with them in. Read books, you can start with adapted literature, the benefits of which can be found. And you can also learn English with the help of music, check out the article "".

6. Pronunciation doesn't matter

At school, even the strictest teachers allowed us to say "fenkyu" (thank you) and "zys" (this). Perhaps they thought that it was overkill to load children's heads (or rather, languages) with subtleties of pronunciation. However, in reality, it turns out that when we speak English, we are understood only by compatriots whose pronunciation does not differ from ours.

Right Principle: Good pronunciation is the key to mutual understanding.

7. Play and study don't go together.

We were always taught at school: the learning process is a serious thing, there is no place for games. Outside of the lesson, we had to perform exercises according to the same uninteresting textbooks and write out words in a dictionary. Maybe that's why we've grown up and think of school as boring textbook cramming and vocabulary learning from A to Z.

Right Principle: Entertainment and English are quite compatible.

Not all entertainment is a waste of time. English can and should be learned through games, apps and social networks. For example, take a look at one of the . Or install some of the . Also, don't forget to subscribe to newsgroups that post useful English content, such as our groups for English learners: In contact with and Facebook.

8. Cramming theory is the main thing

Remember how we learned by heart the long wording of the rules of the English language or 40 new words? Knowledge of the theory and mechanical cramming for some reason did not help us to speak English. Despite this, some teachers believed that the main thing was to get students to memorize another paragraph or a couple of dozen words, and everything would immediately fall into place.

Right Principle: Theory without practice is nothing.

Learning by heart is useful, but memorization will not help you understand, for example, when to use the word choose and when to use select. You need to back up the theory with practice: use these words in speech, guided by the context, read the learned words in articles, listen to audio and video. In this way, it will be easier to memorize new vocabulary. Theory must be supported by a significant amount of practice.

9. Curriculum - "not one step aside"

The school curriculum was the same for everyone, regardless of the interests and characteristics of the student. We all had to strictly follow it, no matter how illogical and inconvenient it was at times. So it turned out that after 10 years of study, most of us remember only a phrase like “Who is on duty today?”, which we have nowhere to apply today. However, teachers cannot be blamed for this: they were the same "prisoners" of the education system, like us.

Right Principle: The training program should be tailored to your needs.

If you study English with a personal teacher, then you have every right to an individual approach. For example, in our online school, teachers adapt to your needs and skills: each topic is covered for as long as you need to understand it, and the teacher tries to make the lessons as interesting as possible for you. And if you are engaged in, then the training program is completely created for your needs and interests.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.

Education is what remains after you have forgotten what you learned in school.

10. Study for the sake of study

At school, no one told you what you were getting knowledge for. The vague “if you don’t study, you become a janitor” had little effect on anyone. Learning a language “because it’s necessary” is not at all interesting.

Right Principle: Study for the sake of achieving the desired goal.

To make your study as productive as possible, determine the purpose of learning English. If you know that you are learning English in order to reach the heights of the career ladder, communicate with foreign partners, feel comfortable while traveling, enter a prestigious foreign university, watch new TV shows before anyone else in the original language, then you are unlikely to have a desire to quit everything. on the halfway. A tempting prospect will be a great incentive to study.

11. Holidays are the time to forget about studying.

And this principle, rather, we have deduced for ourselves. Remember how we fussed before the end of each quarter or semester, and after receiving an assessment, we instantly forgot about definite articles, English tenses, passive and active voices. Rest - time free from study.

Right Principle: Regular classes are the key to success.

If you want to feel constant progress, then you will have to forget about long breaks in learning English. Knowledge disappears from the head much faster than it gets there. Agree, it is foolish to spend time and money on learning a language in order to forget everything in a couple of months. Therefore, do not allow long breaks in training. The best results come from regular practice. It is advisable to practice 2-3 times a week for 1-1.5 hours, and on other days to devote at least 15-20 minutes to English. 1-2 days a week "take a day off" in English. With such a schedule, in a couple of months you will feel significant progress. In order not to get bored, choose a few activities for yourself and make a small schedule. For example, on Monday you watch 1 episode of your favorite TV series in English, on Tuesday you do some grammar exercises, on Wednesday you read a chapter of a book, etc.

12. A school teacher is enough to talk

The school teacher was considered the only person capable of teaching you English. It was believed that the teacher can give all the necessary knowledge, and there is no need to study outside the school.

Right Principle: Look for every opportunity to communicate in English.

If you want to learn to speak English - use every opportunity to communicate: English courses, individual lessons with a teacher, communication with native speakers. You can chat with native speakers at or Chat, chat, improve your English.

13. Group learning is your only option.

At school, the class was usually divided in half, and we learned English in a group of 10-15 people. Moreover, this group included both diligent students who quickly mastered the material, and negligent losers who did not learn the there is / are construction until the 11th grade. The whole group was taught according to one program, regardless of the personal characteristics of the students.

Right Principle A: Private lessons are the right choice.

Learning English at school is not very effective, not because of the teachers or the program, but because there are 20-30 people in the class, this is too much for productive classes. Therefore, instead of being disappointed in your own abilities or scolding school teachers, try the most effective way to learn a language - individual lessons. And if you are limited in time, then try at our school. Online lessons are a new word in learning, and you may like this word.

As you can see, those rules of learning English that we were taught at school can be forgotten. Time is changing and we are changing with it. However, there were also very useful tricks at school, which we wrote about in the article "". So if you failed to learn English at school, do not despair: new methods and techniques for learning the language will be your key to unlocking the lock on the door of knowledge. Try new principles and don't forget to read our blog, we will help you achieve your goals.

A modern English lesson cannot be imagined and effectively implemented without the use of modern educational technologies. The most productive technologies, in my opinion, are information and communication, project method, research activities of students, multi-level education, differentiated education, etc.

The use of modern educational technologies in English lessons

Construction of the educational process in the classroom and in extracurricular activities entails the active use of modern educational technologies, taking into account modern requirements for the quality of education, for the level of formation of educational activities.

The relevance of the choice of COT.

At the heart of my concept of using modern educational technologies in English lessons and after school hours, I use the principles and methods of competence-based education, student-centered and developmental learning technologies, actively use strategies and techniques for teaching semantic reading and working with text. Taking into account the fact that in the classes there are often students with different levels of language training at each lesson, I use several modern educational technologies element by element:

  • information and communication,
  • project method,
  • research activities of students
  • multilevel education,
  • differentiated learning,
  • collaborative learning technology or group work,
  • health-saving technologies.

Using the technology of multi-level and differentiated learning.

Due to the fact that in each class there are immediately differences in the level of learning among students, I consider the technology of intra-class differentiation with the addition of elements of multi-level education to be the most appropriate and relevant in the organization of the educational process. Taking into account the typological characteristics of each student, I divide the class into conditional groups "A", "B", "C". I use methods of collective work, in dynamic pairs or groups. Tasks of group "C" are fixed as a basic standard - minimal or reproductive. Here I highlight the multiplicity of repetition, I teach to highlight lexical supports. Tasks "B" are built at the analytical-synthetic level and provide the mental activity that is necessary to solve tasks for application. Tasks of group "A" suggest a creative or productive level. Students consciously, creatively apply their knowledge, composing mini-dialogues, monologues on the topic. The elements of organizing a group form of work allow me to activate the cognitive activity of students in the classroom, to include each student in the learning process. Within the groups, everyone can express their opinion, actively participate in solving curricula, in accordance with the level of language training, the studied lexical units. For each lesson I create didactic material of varying complexity. All this gives a tangible educational result.

Use of information and communication technologies.

I consider information and communication technologies to be one of the leading technologies in the organization of the educational process in the classroom and after school hours. The use of ICT at various stages of the lesson allows me to optimize the educational process and use time efficiently. When explaining new material, for clarity, I use computer presentations in Microsoft Power Point (including those created by the students themselves, after preliminary verification by the teacher), videos from the site, educational films, video clips, excerpts from animated and feature films, electronic applications to UMC. At the stage of vocabulary consolidation, as well as during generalization and repetition - interactive tasks, with control - interactive tests, with project protection - computer presentations.

The use of information and communication technologies and multimedia tools allows me to intensify the cognitive activity of students, increase motivation to study my subject, create additional conditions for the formation and development of communication skills and language skills of students. The use of this technology helps to make the transition from reproductive forms to independent, creative types of work.

Using the technology of project-based learning and research activities.

I consider the project method one of the leading ones in the formation of students' speech competencies, the ability to use a foreign language as a tool for intercultural communication and interaction. Therefore, I consider one of the main tasks of developing the skills of project activities in students. Working in a project group, students are included in an active dialogue of cultures, use knowledge and skills in English in new non-standard situations. My students come with research papers to school scientific and practical conferences, they have experience of participating in a city conference. Project activities are of particular interest to high school students, because. they know and know a lot, and working on projects helps them to realize their knowledge, skills and abilities. The work consists of the following steps:

1) Definition of the topic. 2) Definition of the end result. 3) Discussion and drawing up a project plan. 4) Collection of information. 5) Information processing. 6) Design of the project. 7) Presentation of the project. 8) Project evaluation.

Project activities combined with computer work make the lessons interesting and modern. The teacher not only teaches children, but also learns a lot from them.

So, in the 2016-2017 academic year, a 6th grade student created the project “My Day in the Calendar” - “My Day in the Calendar”, which was tested at various stages (school and city “Project Fair”), received good reviews and won a prize at the city stage.


Games allow for a differentiated approach to students, to involve each student in the work, taking into account his interests, inclination, level of language training. Game-type exercises enrich students with new experiences, activate the vocabulary, perform a developing function, and relieve fatigue. They can be diverse in their purpose, content, methods of organization and conduct. With their help, you can solve any one problem (improve grammatical, lexical skills, etc.) or a whole range of tasks: form speech skills, develop observation, attention, and creativity, etc.

Some games are performed by students individually, others - collectively.

Individual and quiet games can be performed at any time of the lesson, collective games - it is advisable to play at the end of the lesson, since the element of competition is more pronounced in them, they require mobility. The same exercise can be used at different stages of training. This changes the linguistic content of the game, the way it is organized and conducted. The situation indicates the conditions for the action, describes the actions to be performed, and the task to be solved. In a situation, it is necessary to provide information about the social relationships of partners. The description of the role is given in a role card or in a speech-thinking task.

Methods and techniques.

"Model teaching method" (classes in the form of business games, lessons such as: lesson-court, lesson-auction, lesson-press conference

These lessons imitate the press conferences that take place in life: when groups of public figures or scientists conduct conversations with representatives of the press, aimed at clarifying the most important issues and problems in order to popularize and promote them. Lessons of this type contribute to the development of students' skills in working with additional literature, instill curiosity, the ability to do business in a team, and comradely mutual assistance.

Lesson press conference I spend with the aim of generalizing and consolidating the studied material. Unusual in form, these lessons arouse great interest among students, well develop creative abilities.

"Mind-Map" Method is a simple technology for recording thoughts, ideas, conversations. Recording is fast, associative. The topic is in the center. First there is a word, an idea, a thought. There is a stream of ideas, their number is unlimited, they are all fixed, we begin to write them down from the top left and finish at the bottom right. The method is an individual product of one person or one group. Expresses individual capabilities, creates space for the manifestation of creative abilities.

Method " brain Storming "(Brainstorm) : by brainstorming, students name everything they know and think about the topic, problem. All ideas are accepted, whether they are correct or not. The role of the teacher is the role of a guide, making students think while listening carefully to their thoughts.

teacher: What comes to mind when you hear the expression: What is a calendar?

Cluster-Method (bunch) serves to stimulate mental activity. Spontaneity freed from any censorship. Graphic method of systematization of the material. Thoughts do not pile up, but “pile up”, that is, they are arranged in a certain order.

Compilation technology:

1)Keyword; 2) Recording words that spontaneously come to mind are written around the main word. They are circled and connected to the main word. 3) Each new word forms a new core, which causes further associations. Thus, associative

cinquain this is a poem that requires the synthesis of information and material in concise terms, which allows you to describe or reflect. Cinquain is a poem with five lines. Each student is given 5-7 minutes to write a syncwine,

Rule for writing syncwine

In the first line, the topic is called by one word (usually a noun).

The second line is a description of the topic in two words (two adjectives).

The third line is a description of the action within this topic in three words.

The fourth line is a four-line phrase showing the relationship to the topic.

The fifth line is a one-word synonym that repeats the essence of the topic.

Thus, the use of modern educational technologies makes it possible to organize the educational process more productive, effective, interesting, and information-rich. Applying new pedagogical technologies in the classroom, I was convinced that the process of teaching English can be viewed from a new point of view and master the psychological mechanisms of personality formation, achieving better results.

This development gives the essence of the concept of "interactive learning", the classification of methods and techniques of interactive learning and their application in English lessons with specific examples, a description of the structure of the lesson conducted in interactive mode



Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

MBOU "Lyceum No. 1 of the urban district of the city of Volgorechensk, Kostroma region

named after the Hero of the Soviet Union N.P. Vorobyov"

Application of interactive learning technology

on the

English lessons

Volgorechensk, 2017


This development gives the essence of the concept of "interactive learning", the classification of methods and techniques of interactive learning and their application in English lessons with specific examples, a description of the structure of the lesson conducted in interactive mode. The application contains a technological map and lesson outline.

1. Introduction............................................... ................................................. ....... … page 4

2. Main body

  • The essence of the concept of "interactive learning" ......................................... p.5
  • Classification of interactive learning methods ...............................................p.6
  • Techniques and methods of interactive teaching in English lessons .................................................................... ................................................. 7-11
  • The structure of the lesson conducted in interactive mode ........................... p. 12
  • Description of the technology and mechanisms for obtaining relates .............................. p. 13-14

3. Conclusion ............................................... ................................................. 15

4. List of sources used .............................................................. 16

5. Applications

Application No. 1. Technological map of the lesson on the topic “Russian cities”

Application number 2. Lesson summary in grade 8 on the topic "Type 2 conditional sentences"


The search for effective technologies, ways and methods, techniques and means of developing various skills and abilities in teaching foreign language communication has been going on for a long time. This problem is becoming especially significant and relevant today in the context of a new generation of federal state educational standards. Modern society needs an active creative person who is able to make choices, set and realize goals, and consciously evaluate their activities. How to educate a student - not a consumer, but a seeker, able to think critically, and able to reasonably express his opinion, and also able to listen to the opinions of others? In my opinion, relevance interactive learning lies in the fact that it is able to answer these questions.

Objective: generalization of methods and techniques of interactive learning technology.


  • reveal the essence of interactive learning;
  • give a classification of methods and techniques of this technology;
  • show the use of this technology using the example of English lessons

The practical significance of the work doneis that it will be of interest not only to English teachers, but also to teachers who use methods and techniques in the classroom that contribute to the development of creative and mental abilities of students and their active work in the classroom.

Main part

  1. The essence of the concept of "interactive learning".

Interactive learning (from the English interation - interaction), learning built on the interaction of the student with the learning environment, the learning environment, which serves as an area of ​​mastered experience. The essence of this training is that the educational process is organized in such a way that all students are involved in the learning process. Each of them makes his own special personal contribution, there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, methods of activity. This takes place in an atmosphere of benevolence, mutual support, which allows not only to acquire new knowledge, but also to develop cognitive activity. The student becomes a full participant in the educational process, his experience serves as the main source of educational knowledge

This type of training is characterized by the following features:

  • this is the interaction of students with each other and the teacher (directly or indirectly);
  • this is a process of communication “on an equal footing”, where all participants in such communication are interested in it and are ready to exchange information, express their ideas and solutions, discuss problems and defend their point of view;
  • it is the training of "reality", i.e. learning based on real problems and situations of the reality around us.

All of the above is the development of communicative UUD.

Interactive technologies include:

  • Dialog communication
  • Acquisition of self-acquired experienced knowledge and skills
  • Development of critical thinking
  • Developing problem solving skills
  • Formation of personal qualities of students

Interactive methods are focused on a wider interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other and on the dominance of student activity in the learning process. The place of the teacher in interactive lessons is reduced to the direction of students' activities to achieve the goals of the lesson. The teacher also develops a lesson plan (usually, these are interactive exercises and assignments during which the student studies the material)

Diagram of the interactive method

  1. Classification of interactive learning technology methods

Interactive methods can be classified according to their leading function in pedagogical interaction into methods:

creating a favorable atmosphere, organizing communication;

organization of activity exchange;

organization of mental activity;

organization of meaning creation;

organization of reflective activity.

Methods for creating a favorable atmosphere, organizations of communication have a "communicative attack" as their procedural basis, carried out by the teacher at the very beginning of the organized pedagogical interaction (at the beginning of the lesson, class, extracurricular activities, etc.) at the stage of introducing foreign language communication into the atmosphere for prompt inclusion in the joint work of each student . The methods of this group contribute to the self-actualization of all students, their constructive adaptation to the emerging pedagogical situation.

Examples of such methods might be:

"Name alliteration" (especially effective when organizing a class acquaintance or when studying the topic "Appearance and character of a person"), "Complete the phrase", "Compliment", "Give a flower", "Weather forecast".

Methods for organizing the exchange of activitiessuggest a combination of individual and group joint work of participants in pedagogical interaction, joint activity of both the teacher and students. The leading feature of these methods is the association of students in creative groups for joint activities as the dominant condition for their development.

For example:

"Workshop of the future", "Interview", "Round table" (when teaching the discussion)

Methods for organizing meaning creationThe main function is the creation by students and the teacher of a new content of the pedagogical process, the creation by students of their individual meaning of the phenomena and objects studied, the exchange of these meanings, and the enrichment of their individual meaning.

For example: "Associations", "Alphabet" (allows you to repeat almost all the vocabulary on the topic), "A minute of speaking", "Alliteration of the concept".

Methods of organizing mental activity, on the one hand, create a favorable atmosphere, contribute to the mobilization of the creative potential of students, the development of their positive motivation for learning, on the other hand, they stimulate active mental activity, the performance of various mental operations by students.

For example: "Four corners", "Choice", "A dozen questions", "Change of interlocutor" (training questions - answers).

Methods for organizing reflexive activityaimed at self-analysis and self-assessment by the participants of pedagogical interaction, their activities, its results, are usually organized at the final stage of the lesson. The methods of this group allow students and the teacher to fix the state of their development and determine the reasons for this.

For example: "Reflexive circle", "Mini essay", "Exercise", "Wish chain", "Complete the phrase".

3. Techniques and methods of interactive teaching used in the English lesson

As part of a foreign language lesson, teachers use the following interactive methods and techniques:

Work in small groups, in pairs, rotational trios, "two, four, together";

Carousel method / "ideological" carousel;

Aquarium; - brainstorming / brainstorming / "brainstorming";

- "openwork saw";

Brownian motion;

- "decision tree";

Reception of drawing up a mental (intellectual) map;

Conferences / discussions;

Role / business / lexical / grammar games;


This list can be replenished, because. each teacher is able to come up with and implement in the educational process effective techniques and methods for organizing the speech interaction of students in a foreign language lesson.

In my lessons I use some methods and techniques of iterative learning.

Reception "Compliment"(at the beginning of the lesson, the goal is to create a favorable atmosphere)

All participants stand in a circle. One of the participants says a complement or gives a flower (option: throws a ball) to someone standing in a circle. Complement can relate to personality traits, emotions, actions.

I like when you ………..

You have a nice smile.

You are a good friend.

You are a good dancer. etc.

Chineward" (the goal is to activate the forest, the correct spelling of the word)

The teacher calls the word students name the next word, which begins with the last letter of the previous word.

E.g. famous- strong- gangerous- smell- lion - new - world etc.


Like many interactive technologies, the carousel is borrowed from psychological training. Children usually like this kind of work very much. Two rings are formed: inner and outer. The inner ring is the students standing still, facing the outer circle, and the outer one is the students moving in the circle. Dialogues of an etiquette character, the topic of acquaintance, nationality, conversation in a public place, etc. are perfectly worked out. The students are engaged in conversation, the lesson is dynamic and productive. I use this technique in primary and 5-6 grades to work out grammatical structures.

e.g. Grade 5 Structure Have you been to …?

Students stand in two circles. The task of the students of the outer circle is to ask the question Have you been to ...? The students of the inner circle answer Yes, I have. / No, I haven "t. Then the students change and move to another circle.

e.g. Grade 3 The question is when is your birthday? (set by students of the outer circle) and the answer My birthday is on the ….. of...... (students of the inner circle answer). Then the students switch places.

Reception "Yes-no".

Forms the following universal learning activities:

▪▪▪ the ability to link disparate facts into a single picture;

▪▪▪ the ability to organize existing information;

▪▪▪ the ability to listen and hear each other.

The teacher thinks of something (a number, an object, a literary hero, a historical person, etc.). Students try to find the answer by asking questions that the teacher can only answer with yes, no, and yes and no.

Example. In the lesson on the topic “Food” (“Food) a certain product is guessed, and the guys start asking the teacher questions:

▪▪▪ Is it a vegetable? - No;

▪▪▪ Is it a fruit? – yes;

▪▪▪ Is it green ? – No;

▪▪▪ Is it yellow? – Yes.

The guys conclude that this is a banana (a banana).

"Poll” involves the movement of students throughout the class in order to collect information on the proposed topic. Each participant receives a sheet with a list of questions and tasks. The teacher helps to formulate questions and answers, makes sure that the interaction is conducted in English.

Example. Ask four of your classmates if they have ever done these things. Fill in the table.

Have you ever................................?


Ride/an elephant

Visit/Great Britain

See/a kangaroo

Make/a cake

Write/a poem

Lootk at the table and say what your classmates have never done.

Example. Ask four of your classmates what season is their favorite and why. Complete the table.




Look at the table and say what season is the most favorite of your classmates. Why do they like it?

"Complete the sentence"

Each of the students pronounces the proposed phrase and gives his own version of its completion. You can use phrases such as:

· It's interesting ...........

I "d like to know ...

I came to school…

I want to understand … .etc.

"Do you believe that…” this type of language practice can be used on any topic at the beginning of the lesson to involve students in the atmosphere of communication in a foreign language. The teacher asks the question “Do you believe that ...”, the student answers yes or no, why, asks if it really is. The teacher says the correct answer. Next, the student asks the question "Do you believe that ...", etc.

T. Do you believe that I have got three cats at home?

S. Yes, I do. Some people keep many cats at home. Is it true?

T. No, I haven't got pets at all.

S. Do you believe that I am going to visit German this summer? etc.


I use this technique when studying the topics of "Famous people".

The student prepares information about a famous person, the rest ask questions.

T. Dear students, today we have an unusual guest. Meet …........... Would you like to ask him(her) any questions?

S1 - What's your hobby?

S2- Is it your first visit to Russia?

S3- When do you get up? etc.

"Role-playing game" . A role-playing game is a speech, game and learning activity at the same time. From the point of view of students, a role-playing game is a game activity in which they act in different roles. The educational nature of the game is often not realized by them. For the teacher, the goal of the game is the formation and development of speech skills and abilities of students. It is an exercise for mastering skills and abilities in the conditions of interpersonal communication. In this regard, role-playing provides an educational function. Role-playing forms the ability of students to play the role of another. There are a huge number of forms of role-playing games in English lessons: presentations, interest clubs, interviews, correspondence trips, round tables, press conferences, excursions, fairy tales, reports, etc. How show the results of learning, the use of role-playing in foreign language lessons contributes to positive changes in students' speech both in qualitative terms (a variety of dialogic units, the initiative of speech partners, the emotionality of the utterance), and in quantitative terms (correctness of speech, volume of utterance, rate of speech).

Example. If I were… The purpose of the game: the formation of skills and abilities to use the subjunctive mood and means of expressing modality in a foreign language speech based on the activation of speech-thinking activity.

If I were the President, I would …....

Example. Students act out the dialogue.

  • Exuce me, could you tell me how to get to Trafalgar square?
  • Ofcourse. Can you see that wide street over there?
  • Yes.
  • Go along that street. It will lead you to Trafalgar square.
  • thank you. Have a nice day.

Then the students are given a task. You are at the bus station. A man comes pu to you and asks how to get to the center of our town. Act out a dialogue. (You are at the bus station. A person approaches you and asks how to get to the city center. Act out the dialogue.)

Reception of clusters ("clusters") is universal. It can be used at the call stage to systematize available information and identify areas of insufficient knowledge. At the stage of reflection, the cluster allows you to capture fragments of new information. At the stage of reflection, concepts are grouped and logical connections are established between them.

The essence of this approach is as follows:

  1. Select the semantic units of the topic and graphically arrange them in a certain order in the form of a "bunch" - a diagram.
  2. Select the main semantic unit (theme);
  3. Select the semantic units associated with the keyword (categories of information);
  4. Be specific with facts and opinions.

When studying the topic “Edinburgh”, I invite students to look at the diagram (cluster) and express their guesses about what these places might mean. Students then read the text and compare their guesses with the information in the text.

You know some information about Scotland and Glasgow . What do you know about Edinburgh? Look at the scheme and express your ideas.

S1. – I think that Princes Street is the most famous street in Edinburgh.

S 2- To my mind Edinburgh is divided into two parts – the old Town and the New Town.

S3 - In my opinion the Cannongate is the name of the museum.

S4 - I think Holyrood House is the house where a famous person lives or lived. etc.

Sinkwine as a generalization of work on the text.At the same time, the pair organization of work seems to be the most effective. Each pair is given time to compile a syncwine, after which there is a discussion of several resulting works, followed by their combination into one most clear syncwine. Subsequently, the final version is used as a support for retelling the studied text.

EXAMPLE. Theme “Museums of London”, Grade 5.

1) Science Museum

2) Great, popular, interesting

3) offer, learn, take part in

4) meet face to face with the future

  1. big collections

Example. Theme "The Tower of London", 5th grade.

1) The Tower of London

2) ancient, historical

3) take place, take part in, take care of

4) It has a cruel history

5) a fort

Game "Guess"

I use it to practice grammatical structures and vocabulary.

Example . 4th grade. Work out the question Was he .......?

Exercise. Guess where Tiny was last summer. Ask me Was he ………..?

(the teacher guesses the place. The students guess. The student who guesses guesses)

  1. Project method --self-development by students of a project on a topic and its defense.

Example . In the 5th grade, students read texts about 4 cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladimir, Kazan. They were asked to choose a city and prepare a project. The students split into groups. They independently searched for information about cities, photographs with sights and designed them on paper.

(Appendix No. 1. Technological map of the lesson in grade 5 on the topic "Russian cities")

  1. Structure of an interactive lesson.

1. Motivation.

To create motivation, problematic questions and tasks, excerpts from dictionary and newspaper articles, different definitions of one concept, etc. are used.

2. Goal setting.

The objectives of interactive learning lessons are different from traditional ones. The teacher teaches students to formulate the goal of the lesson themselves, when each student knows what the end result will be and what he should strive for.

3. Providing new information.

Since the concepts we are learning are familiar to students to some extent, it is usually recommended to start with a “brainstorm”

4. Interactive exercises.

Work in pairs.

Group work.

Big circle.


Role (business) game.

"Take position."


Debates etc.

In general, many forms of group work have now been developed. Most famous: big circle, brainstorming, debate.

5. New product.

The logical conclusion of the work on new knowledge is the creation of a new product (dialogue, monologue, essay, project, etc.)

6. Reflection.

At the end of the lesson, I usually ask the following questions:

"What have you learned?"

How will this knowledge be useful in the future?

"What did you like?"

"What conclusions can be drawn?"

7. Evaluation.

Each member of the group evaluates each student and the teacher displays an average score. In addition, I use the method

students' self-assessment of their work.

8. Homework.

After conducting the lesson in an interactive mode, I usually offer homework of a creative nature (write a letter, essay, essay, create a project, computer presentation, etc.)

(Appendix 2. Lesson summary in grade 8 on the topic "Type 2 conditional sentences"

  1. 5. Description of the technology for obtaining the result

1. Interactive learning will be successful and beneficial for students if:

The teacher will determine in advance for himself the purpose of the activity;

Outline the methods and means of interactive interaction, that is, develop the tactics of activity;

Draw up a plan for the implementation of tactics of activity;

Determine the sequence of their actions, that is, the logic of the flow and development of activities, its internal laws;

Prepare the necessary materials, get acquainted with the literature on the problem of interest to him.

2. When preparing for a lesson using interactive methods, it is necessary to choose the right form of work. To do this, remember the following criteria:

Tasks assigned;

The number of participants in the lesson;

Age characteristics of students;

The level of knowledge of students;

The experience of students in this type of activity;

Your own experience;

Conditions for this lesson.

3. The teacher must fully and in detail imagine the organization and conduct of the lesson, which involves:

Setting goals and working towards them;

Selection of content, forms and means of work;

Thinking through ways to organize activities;

Logical construction of activities and planning of actions in time;

Forecasting the nature of the course of activities, the assumption of possible difficulties and problems, the choice of ways to overcome and eliminate them.

4. When planning interactive interaction, the teacher must properly organize the activities of each student and exercise constant control over its implementation. Use the following organization guidelines:

Organize the work of students in groups in which they compare the proposedtheir statements, and choose the most or least popular, and then speak on behalf of the group;

Organize the work of students in groups in which each member of the group receives a personal task that should work for a common result; invite students to discuss the individual information received by each and find only one correct solution;

Organize work in pairs so that students show their attitude to the problem, express their own opinion;

Organize a role-playing game so that all students understand the tasks assigned to them, are able to solve the situations you have created that activate the feelings and thoughts of each student;

Invite students to discuss problem situations, raise debatable issues that have at least two opposing points of view;

Challenge students with questions that begin with “what…? where...? when...? why...? why...? etc. » get the necessary information from the interlocutor;

Give students the opportunity to discuss problems both in pairs and in front of the whole class;

Organize the work so that all students are involved, control the process of their interaction

Description of the mechanism for determining the results of activities.

The result of interactive forms of education is the creation of didactic conditions for students to experience the situation of success in the process of learning activities and mutual enrichment of their motivational, intellectual and other areas. The cooperation and activity of the teacher and students ensures the formation and development of universal skills that determine the success of a particular activity of the student. The use of interactive during the lesson relieves the nervous load of schoolchildren, makes it possible to change the forms of their activity, switch attention to the key issues of the topic of the lesson.

To determine the results of applying interactive learning, you can apply the reflection technique: Did you like the lesson? Was it interesting? Was difficult or easy? etc. If students say that the lesson went quickly and they enjoyed it, then we can state the effectiveness of one or another technique. Of course, it is not possible to teach all students to "5", but every teacher is able to create an atmosphere of goodwill in the lesson. After all, the health of our students and their success depend on it.


So, in the context of introducing the work of the Federal State Educational Standard into practice, the teacher needs to learn how to plan and conduct lessons aimed at forming not only subject, but also meta-subject results. To do this, it is important to understand what should be the criteria for the effectiveness of the lesson. Briefly, they can be described as follows:

1. At the goal-setting stage, the student takes an active position.

2. The teacher systematically teaches children to reflect on their activities.

3. A variety of forms, methods and techniques of teaching are used, which increase the degree of activity in the educational process and their motivation for learning activities.

4. The teacher owns the technology of dialogue, teaches students to put and address questions.

5. The teacher effectively combines reproductive and problem-based learning, teaches children to work according to the rule and creatively.

6. The teacher achieves understanding of the educational material by all students, using special techniques for this.

7. The teacher seeks to evaluate the results of each student, encourages and supports even small successes.

8. The teacher uses a differentiated approach to teaching.

9. The lesson is dominated by an atmosphere of cooperation between the teacher and students, children are not afraid to express their opinion, to prove their point of view.

The new standard, having presented new requirements for learning outcomes, gave us the opportunity to take a fresh look at the lesson, to embody new creative ideas. But this does not mean that traditional methods and methods of work should be rejected. They can be applied in a new way, along with modern technologies.


  • "The great goal of education is not knowledge, but action"

    Herbert Spencer

    Pedagogical technology- designing the educational process, based on the use of a set of methods, techniques and forms of organizing training and educational activities that increase the effectiveness of training, the use of which has a clearly defined result.

    With the mastery of any new technology, a new pedagogical thinking of the teacher begins: clarity, structure, clarity of the methodological language, the emergence of a reasonable norm in the methodology.

    With the use of new pedagogical technologies in the classroom, the process of teaching English can be viewed from a new point of view and master the psychological mechanisms of personality formation, achieving better results.

    Various pedagogical technologies help to diversify educational activities, and also contribute to increasing motivation for learning. Within the framework of the new educational paradigm, motivation for learning occupies an important place. The purpose of motivation is the formation of a stable interest in the subject in children, the development of communicative and creative abilities. Thus, the main task of the teacher is to choose techniques and methods for stimulating the active cognitive activity of students, realizing the creative potential of each participant in the educational process.

    Modern pedagogical technologies as a tool for increasing motivation for learning and the effectiveness of learning and developing the creative abilities of children in English lessons.

    The teacher is faced with the following tasks:

    • study of innovative forms of education in domestic and foreign methodological literature;
    • the use of ICT in English lessons as a means of improving learning outcomes;
    • creating conditions for creative activity in English lessons through various modern pedagogical technologies;
    • summarizing the experience of using innovative forms of teaching in English lessons.

    Thus, modern pedagogical technologies are not only the use of technical teaching aids or computers, but the identification of principles and the development of methods for optimizing the educational process that increase educational efficiency.

    In turn, the effectiveness of the educational process should be ensured by the information and educational environment - a system of information and educational resources and tools that provide conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of an educational institution.

    A foreign language teacher teaches children the ways of speech activity, so we are talking about communicative competence as one of the main goals of teaching foreign languages. According to E.I. Passov, the author of the communicative method, communicativeness implies a speech orientation of the educational process, which lies not so much in the fact that a practical speech goal is pursued, but in the fact that the path to this goal is the very practical use of the language.

    Modern forms of education are characterized by a high communicative ability and active involvement of students in learning activities, activate the potential of knowledge and skills of speaking and listening skills, and effectively develop the skills of students' communicative competence. This contributes to adaptation to modern social conditions, because. society needs people who quickly find their bearings in the modern world, who are independent and enterprising, who achieve success in their activities. At the heart of any innovative activity is creativity. Creative activity involves the development of the emotional and intellectual spheres of the individual.

    To improve the efficiency of the educational process when conducting English lessons, you can use the following educational technologies, taking into account the age characteristics of children:


    Games allow for a differentiated approach to students, to involve each student in the work, taking into account his interests, inclination, level of language training. Game-type exercises enrich students with new experiences, activate the vocabulary, perform a developing function, and relieve fatigue. They can be diverse in their purpose, content, methods of organization and conduct. With their help, you can solve any one problem (improve grammatical, lexical skills, etc.) or a whole range of tasks: form speech skills, develop observation, attention, and creativity, etc.

    Some games are performed by students individually, others - collectively.

    Each exercise of a game nature requires at least 10-12 minutes of study time.

    Individual and quiet games can be performed at any time of the lesson, collective games - it is advisable to play at the end of the lesson, since the element of competition is more pronounced in them, they require mobility. The same exercise can be used at different stages of training. This changes the linguistic content of the game, the way it is organized and conducted.

    The use of role-playing games provides ample opportunities for enhancing the educational process. It is known that a role-playing game is a conditional reproduction by its participants of the real practical activities of people, creates conditions for real communication. The role-playing game can be used both at the initial stage of learning and at the advanced stage. It always presents a situation that indicates the conditions for performing an action, describes the actions to be performed, and the task to be solved. In a situation, it is necessary to provide information about the social relationships of partners. The description of the role is given in the role card. Students need to be given time to get into role. The roles are assigned by the teacher, but they can be chosen by the students themselves. It depends on the characteristics of the group and the personal characteristics of the students, as well as on the degree of their mastery of a foreign language.

    Design technology.

    This technology is aimed at developing active independent thinking of the child and teaching him not only to memorize and reproduce knowledge, but to be able to apply it in practice. It is important that in the work on the project, children learn to cooperate, and learning in cooperation instills in them mutual assistance, the desire and ability to empathize, the creative abilities and activity of the students are formed. The use of this technology allows for all possible forms of work in the classroom: individual, group, collective. The implementation of project tasks allows students to see the practical benefits of learning a foreign language, which results in an increase in interest and motivation to study this subject. Learning through the active inclusion of the student in the learning process leads to the mastery of the art of communication. The activity of students in the classroom and outside of school hours is significantly activated. Even insufficiently motivated students show interest in the language during creative tasks. The use of the method of project activity is possible when studying certain topics of the course (“Me and my friend”, “Favorite menu”, “Our class”, “Famous people”, “Sights of London”, “Planet Earth”, “Foreign languages ​​in my life” and others). Completing the tasks of the project, students get the opportunity to practically apply their knowledge of a foreign language. Schoolchildren themselves find the necessary information containing valuable regional, lexical, grammatical material, using for these purposes not only textbook material, but also other sources of information. In search of information, my students actively use magazines for learners of English and Internet resources.

    In elementary school, it is possible to use both mini-projects designed for one lesson or part of it, and large projects that require a long time to complete them. Projects can be individual (for example, a collage or album “Me and my friends”, “My family”, “My first book”) and group projects (“Favorite pets”, “Our school”).

    Health saving technologies.

    When organizing the process of teaching foreign languages, we should not forget about protecting the health of our students, since only healthy children are able to properly assimilate the acquired knowledge and apply them in life in the future.

    Pedagogical research in recent years shows that already in primary school there are such problems as the poor health of students, their low level of activity.

    The goal of health-saving technologies is to provide the student with the opportunity to maintain health during the period of schooling, to form the necessary knowledge for this, to teach how to use the knowledge gained in modern life.

    The educational process must be organized in such a way that periods of intense intellectual stress of students alternate with periods of emotional stress.

    In my lessons, I try to take into account the physiological and psychological characteristics of children and provide for such types of work that would relieve stress and fatigue.

    I strive to ensure that the entire lesson takes place at ease, in an atmosphere of positive emotions, and my tone is cheerful and friendly, a pleasant, conducive environment for classes would be created.

    Paying special attention to the prevention of overload and to relieve children's fatigue, increase their performance in the classroom, I conduct exercises-relaxation. By the time it takes 3-5 minutes.

    The purpose of relaxation is to relieve mental stress, give children a little rest, evoke positive emotions, good mood, which leads to better assimilation of the material.

    Types of relaxation can be physical education minutes, game breaks, singing, interest in something new, unusual. Laughter caused by a funny or witty story, funny pictures also helps to relieve tension.

    To help children tune in to mastering knowledge in the middle or at the end of the school day, they may need psychological support.

    Elements of autogenic training. Autogenic training is a system of techniques for self-regulation of body functions. The central task of autogenic training is the regulation of one's own emotions.

    In middle and high school, autogenic training is usually held for 3-5 minutes at the beginning or in the middle of the lesson. The time spent is fully paid off by the state of relaxation, then by the increase in working capacity. Before starting autogenic training, it is necessary to reduce the illumination of the classroom, turn on quiet, calm music. After that, students should psychologically adjust themselves, take a comfortable position, regulate breathing, and relax.

    Examples of complex relaxation.

    Sit comfortably. close your eyes.
    Breathe in. Breathe out.
    Let's pretend it's summer. You are lying on a sandy beach. The sun is shining. The sky is blue. The weather is fine. The light wind is blowing from the sea. The birds are singing. You have no troubles. No serious problems. You are quit. Your brain relaxes. There is calm in your body. You are relaxing. Your troubles flow away. You love your relatives and friends. They love you too. You are sure of yourself, that you have much energy.
    You are in good spirits.
    open your eyes. How do you feel?

    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

    To date, ICT has taken a strong place in the educational process. With the help of ICT, the following principles are implemented: visibility, accessibility, a differentiated approach to teaching, practical orientation, systematic presentation of the material. These principles are the basis of education, as they contribute to the development of the personality of each individual student within the framework of the educational process. Now learning becomes exciting and interesting, as the student is given the task not in the traditional form, but in a modern and attractive one. Multimedia resources help make each lesson special for both the student and the teacher. In this case, we need to talk about the degree of participation of both in the modeling of the lesson. The teacher poses a problem - the student is looking for ways to solve it, the teacher offers a form of work and partial filling of the lesson - the student helps to fill the lesson, for example, in the form of a presentation, and the like.

    The computer has a huge potential to form a positive motivation for learning, relieve tightness and a number of complexes that prevent the child from learning, and is not eliminated in direct communication with the teacher. Screen-sound teaching aids successfully solve this problem. Figurative material copies reality, serves as a model that gives, with varying degrees, the accuracy of ideas about the original. The combination of auditory perception of the image with visual increases the effectiveness of learning. When learning a foreign language, it is important to acquire knowledge and develop skills brought to the level of automatic skills. This can only be achieved by repetition. In this case, the computer can act as an infinitely patient tutor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the student. Since language is a means of communication, communication, and speech is a way of this communication, mastering the means is possible only when creating conditions for communicative problematic educational situations. The teaching computer is a tool that organizes and manages the independent work of students, especially in the process of training work with language and speech material. This determines the nature of the exercises and methodological techniques used. The following are most commonly used:

    1. Job to fill in the blanks. The computer offers the student a text or a set of sentences with gaps. It is necessary to fill in the gaps using a hint in the form of Russian words that need to be translated into a foreign language and used in the required form. You can also fill in the gaps with words or phrases, choosing from those suggested by the computer.
    2. Exercises for self-control of vocabulary. Possible options for such exercises:
    • the computer offers a list of words for translation;
    • the computer offers to correlate two lists of words (Russian and foreign) and find equivalent pairs of words in both languages;
    • the computer offers to correlate two lists of foreign words and establish pairs of synonyms or antonyms;
    • the computer offers a list of foreign words and a list of definitions of these words. The student is required to connect each word with its corresponding definition.
    1. Computer games:

    "Let's shop". Students have a list of items they want to buy. They must find the appropriate store, enter and buy goods. If the store does not have the goods they need, they need to take the bus and go to the supermarket. Students must print complete answers in a foreign language on the screen.

    "London Adventure". An exciting game that uses the map of London. The players travel around London and at the end of the journey must reach Heathrow Airport after making certain purchases. The game is designed for a regular lesson and stimulates the use of foreign words in a variety of situations.

    "Catch the word." A flock of fish-words swims on the screen, and the fisherman must catch them and line them up in the right order. The working language of the program is foreign. All sorts of combinations of words are allowed, which appear on the screen after each successful attempt, and so on.

    An effective means of implementing a multi-level approach and individualization of teaching foreign languages ​​is the use of electronic teaching aids. The volume of such a manual, compared to a similar printed one, is an order of magnitude higher and provides students with much wider opportunities for work. It is possible to choose an acceptable level of complexity, it is possible to move to another level of complexity. The electronic manual saves time by eliminating the need for a dictionary. Hyperlinks help not only to translate the word, but also reveal the concept in more detail, giving reference material. Electronic manuals are more interactive than printed ones, thanks to the ability to navigate the information space of the manual using the menu. It should be noted that the presence of a well-designed computer program does not at all facilitate the work of the teacher, but helps to make it more effective. The computer has significantly improved the age capabilities of children, who easily master the methods of work that were previously available only to highly qualified specialists.

    Technology for the development of critical thinking

    Critical thinking means evaluative, reflective thinking. This is an open mind that develops by overlaying new information on life's personal experience.

    In this technology, the role of the teacher is fundamentally changing. It becomes a partner that activates and guides the learning process. Students learn to communicate without conflict. Student-centered learning is being carried out, in which each student not only receives another volume of ready-made knowledge, but is involved in the process of constructing knowledge on the basis of equal partnerships.

    The structure of technology for the development of critical thinking consists of three stages: challenge, comprehension of content, reflection.

    First stage(call stage) - actualizes the existing knowledge of students, arouses interest in the topic; it is here that the objectives of the study of the material are determined.

    Second stage- comprehension of new material. This is where the main content work with the text takes place. This stage, perhaps, can be called the main one, since it is at this stage that students are presented with new educational material, it is at this stage that they come into contact with new information, with new ideas. In other words, this part of the lesson is its main meaning, that for which the teaching was started, that is, it is devoted to the task of mastering new knowledge. It is no coincidence that the stage is called comprehension - this is a semantic stage, both for the teacher and for the students. For the teacher, the meaning of his teaching activity is focused on it, and for students, through comprehension, the necessary perception of new educational knowledge is achieved.

    Third stage thinking or reflection. Here, students comprehend the studied material and form their personal opinion, attitude towards the material being studied.

    Elements of novelty are contained in methodological techniques that are focused on creating conditions for the free development of each individual, at each stage of the lesson I use my own methodological techniques.

    Reception "Clustering"

    The meaning of this technique is to try to systematize the existing knowledge on a particular problem. A cluster is a graphical organization of material that shows the semantic fields of a particular concept. The word cluster in translation means a bunch, a bunch. Clustering allows students to think freely and openly about a topic. The student writes down a key concept in the center of the sheet, and from it draws arrow-rays in different directions, which connect this word with others, from which, in turn, the rays diverge further and further.

    The cluster can be used at various stages of the lesson.

    At the challenge stage - to stimulate mental activity.

    At the stage of reflection - to structure the educational material.

    At the stage of reflection - when summarizing what students have learned.

    The cluster can also be used to organize individual and group work both in the classroom and at home.

    After the students have formed a cluster, you can invite them to make sentences on this topic. Students make proposals on the topic, exchange information, work in groups.

    Reception "Writing syncwine"

    Translated from French, the word "cinquain" means a poem consisting of five lines, which is written according to certain rules.

    What is the meaning of this methodological approach? Compiling a syncwine requires the student to briefly summarize the educational material, information, which allows him to reflect on any occasion. This is a form of free creativity, but according to certain rules.

    Rule for writing syncwine

    1. In the first line, the topic is called by one word (usually a noun).
    2. The second line is a description of the topic in two words (two adjectives).
    3. The third line is a description of the action within this topic in three words.
    4. The fourth line is a four-line phrase showing the relationship to the topic
    5. The last line is a one-word synonym that repeats the essence of the topic.

    Reception "True - false statements"

    Used at the challenge stage, several statements are proposed on a topic that has not yet been explored. Children choose "correct" statements based on their own experience or simply guessing.

    There is a mood to study a new topic, key points are highlighted. In one of the following lessons, we return to this technique in order to find out which of the statements were true, it is possible at the stage of reflection.

    Thus, using the techniques and strategies of technology for the development of critical thinking, it is possible to “arm” students with a wide variety of resources in working with various types of information. The children learn to work with the text: evaluate information, highlight contradictions in the text and the types of structures present in it, argue their point of view, relying not only on logic, but also on the ideas of the interlocutor.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that a modern teacher cannot work effectively without the use of modern pedagogical technologies in his work, the use of which is one of the main conditions for improving the quality of education, reducing the workload of students, and making more efficient use of study time.

    Thus, summing up, we can say that modern pedagogical technologies are a huge number of opportunities that lead to motivation as the main driving mechanism for education and self-education of a student.

    Used literature: publications on the website infourok "Modern pedagogical technologies in English lessons"

    "Application of active teaching methods in foreign language lessons"

    In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for educational results, the subject of assessment of the activities of a student, teacher and educational institution is now not only subject, but also meta-subject and personal results. At present, the school still continues to focus on learning, releasing into life a trained person - a qualified performer, while today's information society asks for a trained person who is able to independently learn and relearn many times, ready for independent actions and decision-making. The school should: “teach to learn”, “teach to live”, “teach to live together”, “teach to work and earn” (from the UNESCO report “To the New Millennium”). That is why the problem of independent successful assimilation by students of new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the ability to learn, has become acute and currently remains an urgent problem for the school. Great opportunities for this are provided by the development of universal educational activities (UUD). That is why the "Planned Results" of the Education Standards (FSES) determine not only subject, but meta-subject and personal results. And, speaking about teaching students various types of speech activity in English lessons, and specifically in this work - reading, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, now by teaching reading we mean not only the perception and understanding of the written text, but also work with the text itself, reliance not only on the information contained in it, but also on its genre, structure, expressive means. Independent learning activity becomes the most important component of the educational process in teaching a foreign language. In this regard, an approach to teaching a foreign language is needed, based on managing the formation of independent learning activities, its purposeful development to ensure the productive nature of the educational process and the development of the necessary personal qualities. The mastering of universal learning activities by students - meta-subject results - is, in a way, the goal of the teacher's activity. Of course, reading, being one of the most important types of speech activity, becomes an indispensable component, a "cog" in the process of learning and learning. And its various types, various texts, forms of work and tasks for them are a tool in the teacher's activity. But if we are talking about achieving meta-subject results in working with a foreign language text, then first I would like to dwell in more detail on the analysis of the components of these educational results in general and the educational results of students in English lessons in particular. So, the meta-subject results of primary education should reflect the following: - the formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success or failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in a situation of failure; - mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection; - active use of speech means and means of information and communication technologies for solving communication and cognitive tasks; - the use of various search methods - in reference sources and in the open information space - the Internet; - mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts of various styles and genres in accordance with the goals and objectives; - the conscious construction of a speech statement in accordance with the tasks of communication and the preparation of texts in oral and written forms; - mastering the logic of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics; - establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, building reasoning; - readiness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, readiness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own, express their opinion and argue their point of view and assessment of events; - mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature; - formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; - determination of the most effective ways to achieve results. And the main meta-subject skills achieved by means of foreign language lessons we include the following:

    - Semantic reading.

    - Exploratory reading.

    Basic logical operations: comparison, analysis, classification, synthesis.

    ‒ Filling out questionnaires, tables, as well as working with them.

    ‒ Achieving mutual understanding in the process of oral communication.

    ‒ Work in cooperation groups, including the implementation of design work

    ‒ Evaluation activity, self-observation, self-assessment and mutual assessment, self-correction.

    ‒ Cognitive and personal reflection.

    ‒ Acceptance and preservation of the goals and objectives of educational activities.

    ‒ Performing tasks using ICT tools, including Internet resources. As can be seen from the above, the meta-subject skills formed in the lessons of a foreign language are closely intertwined and largely duplicate the meta-subject results of general primary education. They are repeated not only in relation to reading, but also to other aspects of the versatile development of students, their culture, reflection and self-reflection, and universal educational activities. And it is no coincidence. After all, the constant harmonious and harmonious development of the personality of the child, his worldview, his education, should be carried out not at a single lesson or its stages, but at all lessons as a whole, systematized. Having narrowed down the wide range of possible attainable skills, we directly consider meta-subject results in working with an English-language text within the framework of educational and independent reading. So, reading is one of the types of speech activity, closely related to both pronunciation and understanding of speech. Depending on the target setting, depending on what task we want to solve, there are viewing, introductory, studying and search reading. A mature ability to read implies both the possession of all types of reading, and the ease of transition from one of its types to another, depending on the change in the purpose of obtaining information from a given text.

    The leading role in the formation of independent educational activities of younger students in mastering a foreign language belongs to reading , which is one of the strategic goals of early foreign language learning. Reading is necessary for students not only for the practical knowledge of a foreign language and the discovery of another culture, it is also a means of self-education and creative activity. Practice in reading allows you to maintain and improve not only reading skills that provide understanding and interpretation of what is read, but also universal learning activities that ensure independent assimilation of new knowledge, the formation of skills, including the organization of this process. Reading in a foreign language is for the younger student as the leading means of independent educational activity in this subject area. Consequently, it becomes obvious the need to form the ability to read independently at the initial stage of teaching a foreign language. Reading independence of students plays the role of a foundation in language education, which ensures the effectiveness of learning a foreign language at subsequent stages of learning. The interpretation of reading as a type of speech activity explains the priority of the activity approach to learning. According to I. A. Zimnyaya, teaching reading as an activity in the context of such a representation of it cannot be limited or carried out only by elements, for example, only by reading technique. It should be built as learning activities, that is, from the position of management, formation and development of the student himself and, above all, his motivational sphere, ensuring adequate content and reading technique for the goals. For the practical use of reading as a type of speech activity, it is important what and how students learn to read, that is, to determine the ultimate goals of learning to read in English at the initial stage. Depending on the purpose, the process of reading can take place in two forms: aloud and silently. Reading aloud most often has as its goal the communication of information. Reading to yourself is the communication of information. Since reading aloud is carried out for another, the reader must understand the content of what is being read and convey it in such a way that it is understandable to the listener, that is, when reading aloud, the perceiving text must be extremely attentive to the content and form of the text. When reading silently, the reader must understand the text only for himself. When reading aloud, the reader must understand the text himself and make its content understandable to the listener, which leads to a more subtle understanding. Thus, in psychological and methodological literature, reading aloud is the first important step in mastering reading to oneself by younger students. With a gradual transition from reading aloud to reading to oneself, some conditions for its implementation should be noted: - parallel formation of reading skills aloud and to oneself at all levels of language material using special teaching aids; - inclusion in the content of teaching aids of texts that are novel and significant for students, of interest to them, making it possible to solve various communicative tasks; - providing these texts with appropriate communicative tasks that guide the search for information; - bringing into the external plan ways of expressing understanding - verbal and non-verbal. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the ultimate goals of learning in English at the initial stage will be mastering the technique of reading aloud with a complete understanding of what is being read and a gradual transition to reading silently and the ability to express understanding of what is read in the required form.

    Mastering the Technology of Reading is carried out as a result of performing pre-text, text and post-text exercises. Pre-text exercises are aimed at eliminating semantic and linguistic difficulties. In text tasks, students are offered communicative attitudes, which contain instructions on the type of reading, the need to solve certain cognitive and communicative tasks in the process of reading. Post-text exercises are designed to test reading comprehension. As for the sequence of types of reading, two options are used in the practice of teaching: introductory - studying - viewing - search; studying - introductory - viewing - search. The last option is the most effective, as it prepares all other types of reading to a greater extent. The following types of reading are taught in English lessons:

    - reading in order to extract specific information (search). And, of course, exercises for each type of reading are selected taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of students. The following exercises can be offered to students in learning reading. Pre-text stage:

    ‒ Perform a partial translation of the sentences into your native language.

    ‒ Find a noun (adjective, verb) in each group of words. - Name the word with which all the words of this thematic series are associated.

    ‒ Find in the text and write down the nouns formed from the verb (adjective).

    ‒ Choose sentences containing passive voice (complex object, etc.), explain on what grounds you established the grammatical form.

    Text stage:

    ‒ Read the text and list the questions covered in it.

    ‒ Read the text and arrange the points of the plan according to the logic of the story

    . ‒ Read the text and convey its main idea in a few sentences

    Post-text stage:

    - Using the material of the text, answer the questions.

    - Arrange the sentences in the order in which they are given in the text.

    - Using facts from the text, tell about ....

    ‒ Retell the text using the plan and the word combinations. ‒ Describe the characters/time in your own words

    . - Express your attitude to what you have read.

    ‒ Read the text to yourself and highlight what you learned from it. - Write an annotation to the text. The following exercises are indispensable for introductory reading.

    Pre-text stage:

    ‒ Read the key words and phrases of the text and name its topic. ‒ Write down the key words and phrases that make up the thematic basis of the text.

    - Make a chain of the main facts of the text, in which the key words would be related in meaning.

    - Divide the text into an introductory part, an informative (main) part and a final part.

    ‒ Try to determine the theme of the text from the illustration.

    Text stage: ‒ Read the first paragraph of the text and find in it the sentence containing the main information.

    ‒ Find the main facts of the text

    - Make a list of questions to the text.

    ‒ Prepare a plan for retelling the text

    - Explain the main idea of ​​the text in your own words.

    Post-text stage

    ‒ Read the text and express your agreement (disagreement) with the statements below.

    - Answer the questions on the text.

    - Express your attitude to what you have read. And when searching reading, students should be offered the following tasks.

    Pre-text stage:

    ‒ Find at the end of the introductory section of the article a list of issues covered in it.

    Text stage:

    ‒ Look through the text and say for which category of readers it may be of interest and why.

    - Mark the passages in the text that answer the given questions. Post-text stage:

    ‒ Read from the text the facts that relate to the topic ....

    - Underline the definition (conclusion, term) in the text. Of course, not every one of the above suggestions is suitable for use in elementary school lessons, but many should be considered. After all, if you slightly modify them and give them a game orientation, such exercises can and should be used in reading lessons. Undoubtedly, this will have a positive impact on the creative activity of the teacher, and on the cognitive activity of students, and on the results of educational activities in general. In various tasks, children can show not only their knowledge of the English language, but also their creativity and logical thinking. Speaking about the achievements of meta-subject results, we mean the mastery of universal learning activities by students. In other words, mastering the key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn. Reading educational texts and subsequently fiction is a fertile material for the development of these skills, for the development of logical thinking, attention, memory, and creativity. A variety of exercises, matched to the texts, is an integral part of working with them, the most important element in the activities of the teacher and students. And even a connecting thread, pushing you to think about your work and the work of classmates. After all, it is important for us that the guys not only read what is written in the books, but learn to highlight the main idea of ​​what they read, be able to give their assessment of what they read, discuss their point of view and compare it with the opinions of other guys. Of course, in primary and secondary schools, such tasks - exercises for texts - are more diverse. In high school, students have a voluminous vocabulary, which can somewhat facilitate the selection of texts. However, it is necessary and necessary to start preparing children for such fairly serious work already in elementary school. For broadening one's horizons, for the skill of working together, in a team or group, for the ability to reflect, analyze, compare - reading, as a means of learning, is an indispensable tool for the teacher's activity. Applying a variety of approaches in different lessons, we form the same skills, achieve similar meta-subject results, and this is exactly what we should come to, which is clearly indicated in the new Federal State Educational Standard for elementary and general schools.

    Ershova O. A., Rastauskaite M. V., Suvorova L. A. Achieving meta-subject results in working with text in English lessons in elementary school //
