How to make a biofuel home fireplace. Biofuel for biofireplaces. Useful information on eco-fireplaces

With the advent of bio-fireplaces, it became possible to enjoy living fire in a modern city apartment, in which there is no possibility to perform a complex of construction works for the construction of a wood-burning fireplace. The biofireplace consists of a hearth, inside of which a special heating metal block is mounted. Biofuel is poured into this block.

Biological fuel is understood as a fuel that is obtained from natural (biological) materials, that is, after the processing of natural waste, oils (from rep, palm, etc.), starch-containing and cereal crops. The energy characteristics of biofuels and other fuels are similar.

Types of biofuels:

  • bioethanol (gasoline substitute containing alcohol);
  • biodiesel (produced from vegetable oils);
  • biogas (an analogue of natural gas, which is obtained from waste and garbage that have undergone special treatment).

Bioethanol is used in biofireplaces. Externally, bioethanol is a colorless and odorless liquid.

Biofuel production has been established in a number of European countries (Spain, Germany, France, Italy), North and South America (USA, Canada). The leader in the production of bioethanol is Brazil. Fuel is also produced on the African continent (the leader is South Africa). About five percent of biofuels are produced in India and China.

Video - bioethanol vapor combustion technology

Advantages of bioethanol

  • Biofuels are environmentally friendly. In the process of its combustion, there is no emission of soot, soot, smoke or harmful gases.
  • The intensity of combustion of biofuels can be controlled.
  • Biofuel does not require the installation of hoods or special installations.
  • Burners after burning bioethanol are easy to clean.
  • Due to the thermal insulation of the body, biofuel fireplaces are fireproof and reliable.
  • Bioethanol is easy to transport, and biofuel fireplaces are easy to assemble and dismantle.
  • 100% heat transfer (no heat loss to the chimney).
  • There is no need to harvest firewood, along with this there is no dirt and debris in the house.
  • During the combustion of bioethanol, air is humidified due to water vapor released into the atmosphere.

Description and fuel consumption for biofireplaces

Fuel for biofireplaces is produced in one and a half liter and five liter containers (bottles and plastic canisters).

Bioethanol consumption is about 0.36 liters per hour (1 liter is enough for 2-5 hours).

Efficiency > 95%.

Thermal power (one heating block) 4 kW/h.

Approximate percentage of substances that make up biofuels:

  • bioethanol 96%;
  • methyl ethyl ketone 1% (denaturant);
  • water 4%;
  • bitrex - less than 0.01% (1 gram per 100 liters of fuel).

The process of production of fuel for biofireplaces

  1. Starch-containing raw materials (cereals) are prepared and crushed.
  2. Fermentation (starch is decomposed to ethanol using yeast) with recombinant alpha-amylase preparations (glucomylase, amylosubtilin).
  3. Bragorectification (a process carried out on accelerating columns). After bragorectification, such wastes as fusel oils and stillage remain.

Terms of Use and Precautions

Biofuels are classified as liquids that are very flammable. Respectively, precautionary measures:

  • It is forbidden to keep an open container with biofuel near a kindled biofireplace and an open fire;
  • It is forbidden to refuel an operating heating burner;
  • It is forbidden to use any flammable objects (newspapers, wood, etc.) for ignition.

General rules of operation and safety

  • It is necessary to kindle biofuel in the burner with a special lighter;
  • If fuel for a biofireplace gets on the floor or other surfaces, it is necessary to wipe the drops with a dry rag;
  • It is necessary to store containers with biofuel in a special place, away from open flames and heating devices;
  • Refueling of fuel into the burner is carried out after it is turned off and completely cooled down.

How to make fuel for your own hands:

Don't expect much from this method. In addition, with inept handling, the folk method can pose some danger. In any case, before starting work, it is worth taking care of fire safety measures and protecting the skin and organs of vision from chemicals.

For work you will need:

  • medical alcohol (from 90 to 96.6 degrees);
  • fuel for Zippo lighters (gasoline).

Both of these substances must be mixed (shaking) so that the percentage of gasoline in the volume of finished fuel is 6-10%. The finished composition is poured into cups and set on fire with a lighter. If it is difficult for you to calculate the percentages, you can mix it differently: you need to mix 9 parts of alcohol for 1 part of gasoline. For a measuring cup, you can use any container into which you will pour the necessary ingredients in turn.

A small drawback is the smell of alcohol in the first minutes of burning.

Consumption - 100 ml for 1 hour of burning.

And gas decorative hearths, biofireplaces have not yet gained such great popularity among consumers. However, their installation is not limited by any criteria, while for gas-fired fireplace devices, a permit is required, which should be obtained from the relevant services. If the apartment is located on the 10th floor and above, installation is not possible. The same applies to real fireplaces, which are extremely rare in urban dwellings.

Biofireplace differs from its predecessors not only in the availability of the installation, but also in the specificity of the principle of its operation. You can purchase the unit in a specialized store or make it. It does not require firewood or any other combustible substances to ignite it. The heating unit functions due to the presence of bioethanol in it, which is an alcohol fuel. A similar liquid began to be used in the second half of the 20th century for kindling the then unknown biofireplaces created by an Italian engineer.

Among the main advantages of such fuel, it is important to note its environmental component. During the combustion of such material, soot, soot or carbon monoxide is not formed. This is explained simply: the biofuel for the fireplace consists almost entirely of vegetable ethanol, which, when exposed to high temperatures, breaks down into two components: water and carbon dioxide. As a result, during combustion, a bluish-colored flame is formed. To make it more natural, biofuel is supplemented with special additives that provide a change in the color of fire from blue to red.

In general, the scope of biofuels is very extensive. It is not only used to light home fires, but also poured into lighting fixtures such as a kerosene lamp. Replacing such a liquid with biofuel contributes to a brighter glow without the formation of deposits such as soot and soot.

Varieties of biofuels and their features

The prefix "bio" in the name of the fuel determines its environmental friendliness. After all, renewable natural resources are involved in the manufacture of this type of fuel. The main components used in the production of ecological fuel are cereals and herbaceous crops with a high content of sugar and starch. Thus, cane and corn are the most suitable raw materials for the creation of biofuels.

Biofuel for biofireplaces, produced from natural ingredients, is not inferior in its energy characteristics to the following less environmentally friendly counterparts:

  • biogas, which is a product of the specific processing of various garbage waste, like natural gas is used to create thermal and mechanical energy;
  • bioethanol, almost entirely composed of alcohol, can replace gasoline;
  • biodiesel made from vegetable oil for refueling cars and other purposes.

For kindling biofireplaces, preference is given to bioethanol - a colorless and odorless liquid. Among its advantages are the following:

The composition and consumption of fuel for a biofireplace

Environmental fuel for an open hearth consists of approximately 95% vegetable ethanol. The rest is occupied by the following components:

  • 4% - water;
  • 1% - methyl ethyl ketone (denaturant).

In addition, bitrex is added to biofuel at the rate of 1g/100l.

Fuel for a biofireplace is produced in bottles and canisters with a capacity of 1.5 and 5 liters. It is possible to ensure the operation of a device whose efficiency is 95%, and the thermal power of one heating unit is 4 kW / h, for a period of 2 to 5 hours using 1 liter of such fuel.

Production of eco-fuel for bio-fireplace:

  1. After a certain preparation, cereals containing starch are crushed.
  2. The resulting mixture undergoes a fermentation process in which the granular substance is converted into ethanol with the participation of yeast.
  3. The final product is obtained at the last stage during the technological process of brew distillation, which is carried out in special devices.

Self-manufacturing of biofuels

What, it would seem, our people are not capable of. They can even make eco-fuel for a bio-fireplace with their own hands. However, it must be warned that the process of its creation is quite dangerous, and the effectiveness of such fuel is in question. Nevertheless, you should not neglect safety precautions: use all the necessary personal protective equipment and proceed to the "scientific" experiment.

You should stock up on 96-degree medical alcohol (1 l) and gasoline (~ 70 g), which is used in Zippo lighters. Since these two substances have different densities, they may separate after mixing. We recommend connecting the components just before filling the hearth.

That's all, you managed to make biofuels with your own hands.

A special biofireplace burner or a metal container is filled with the prepared substance. After it is ignited, a slight smell of alcohol first hovers around the unit, which, as the vapors emitted by the fuel burn, disappears, and the flame acquires a beautiful and even glow. To prevent the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the room during the operation of the fireplace, you should take care of ventilation.

Operating moments

Requirements for working with biofuels:

  1. Fuel for a biofireplace is a flammable substance, upon contact with which you need to be very careful.
  2. After refueling the biofireplace, the container with fuel must be closed and placed in the place provided for it. Only after that you can start igniting the hearth.
  3. Refueling is not allowed while the burner is running.
  4. To kindle a bio-fireplace, it is forbidden to use quickly flammable materials such as paper or wood.

Biofireplaces are becoming an increasingly popular interior design solution, and this article explains what biofuel for fireplaces is.

Until recently, only those who, firstly, live in a private country house, and, secondly, have a large enough budget for such a luxurious thing, could afford a fireplace.

Modern technologies, on the basis of which biofireplaces are created, make it possible to easily install them even in the smallest apartment, without resorting to the arrangement of chimneys.

Device device

Biofireplace is quite simple. It is this simplicity of design that allows you to create fireplaces from a variety of materials and a wide variety of shapes.

The fuel tank is the most important thing in a biofireplace device. Biofuel is poured into a special burner made of non-combustible material and ignited. This is the whole principle of the biofireplace.

All other elements can be classified as decorative, because they change the appearance of the device, but do not affect its operation in any way.

So, to create different visual images, various non-combustible materials are placed around the burner, imitating stones or firewood, natural sand or coal.

From fire-resistant materials (tempered glass, artificial stone, metal) the biofireplace frame is also made.

The frame gives the biofireplace a complete image and helps to fit it into a particular interior, giving a unique design solution.

Due to such a variety of materials for the production of a biofireplace, it can be of various types: floor or hung on a wall, biofireplaces can be placed on a table or hung from the ceiling.

The choice of the type of biofireplace depends solely on what function it is intended to perform in the interior.

Biofireplaces have many advantages over conventional fireplaces. The most important thing is ease of use.

Thus, the intensity of combustion and the amount of heat produced are easily regulated by the amount of biofuel used, and the fire can always be quickly extinguished.

The bio-fireplace has no pipes, it is completely mobile: the product can be moved around the apartment depending on mood and need.

But the most important thing about such a device is what makes it look like it really burns a real fire - biofuel.

Composition and types of biological fuel

Biofuel is produced from the waste products of microorganisms, from organic and biological raw materials, in the process of processing biological waste.

When burning biofuels, no ash is formed and no harmful gases are emitted. This means that biofuels are distinguished by their environmental friendliness.

In addition, biofuel does not burn for a long time, which means it is quite economical and easy to operate.

Biofuels are divided into liquid and solid. Liquid, in turn, is divided into three types. The first, biogas, is emitted during the processing of industrial waste and garbage.

As a raw material for the second type, biodiesel, food waste is used, namely oils and fats of animal origin.

The third type of biofuel, bioethanol, is produced by the fermentation of sugars from cellulose.

Biofuels are essentially denatured ethanol made from plain ethanol. It is denatured that has a neutral impact on the environment and is not dangerous to humans.

During the combustion reaction, it decomposes and forms carbon monoxide, while releasing steam and heat in small quantities.

A side effect of this reaction is bewitching fiery tongues that completely imitate the flame, only without smell or smoke.

For greater naturalness, methyl ethyl ketone is added to ethanol, which gives the fire an orange tint, due to which the biofireplace looks as natural as possible.

In addition, biofuels contain water and bitrix, a bittering additive designed to prevent the fuel from being eaten.

Advantages and disadvantages, rules of operation and storage

Biofuels have many advantages, the number of which prevails over the disadvantages.

First of all, it is necessary to note the efficiency and effectiveness of this type of fuel. With a small amount of consumption, biofuel has a fairly high heat transfer.

Surprisingly, the heat generated during the operation of a biofireplace is comparable in power to a standard electric heater.

Another advantage is a technical characteristic, without which the use of such fireplaces in apartments would be impossible: it is burning without smoke and, consequently, soot and pungent odors.

A high degree of fire safety is also a plus of this device.

When choosing biofuels, you should pay attention to several important aspects. Authentication of certificates of conformity and packaging will save you from forgery.

Data on productivity and energy capacity will give information on how quickly the biofuel will ignite and how much heat it will provide.

The absence of sharp and unpleasant odors and the current expiration date will help you choose high-quality biofuel.

There are certain safety precautions that should be followed when working with bioethanol.

Do not add biofuel while the biofireplace is running or if the tank is still hot.

It is necessary to turn off the device and wait 20 minutes until it cools down completely.

For ignition, use a refractory elongated lighter, fireplace matches or electric ignition.

Store fuel labeled "bio" where it will not be accessible to children. If biofuel is spilled past the fuel tank, wipe it dry with a cloth.

DIY biofuel for fireplaces

Biofuel is sold in specialized outlets, but if desired, it can be easily made at home.

To make biofuel for fireplaces with your own hands, you must strictly observe the proportions.

If this condition is not taken into account, then uneven combustion of biofuel or its flashing when ignited is possible.

The process of preparing biofuel at home is quite simple and accessible to everyone. In order for the fuel to be of high quality, warm well and please the eye with bright flames, you need to take ethanol and gasoline in a proportional ratio of 100: 5.

The second ingredient must be of the highest quality, otherwise the fire will not look natural. Ideal for such a mixture would be gasoline used to refuel lighters.

If we translate the proportions into milliliters, it turns out that to obtain a mixture, we need to use 1000 ml of ethanol and 50 ml of gasoline.

Both ingredients are thoroughly mixed until homogeneous to avoid uneven combustion of biofuel.

The resulting substance is poured into the fuel tank of the biofireplace and ignited. When igniting, there may be a subtle smell of alcohol, but it will quickly disappear.

A little secret: to make your home more comfortable, you can flavor the finished biofuel.

To do this, add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to the mixture - then a light aroma will be felt when the biofireplace burns.

Biofuel creates the feeling of a real fireplace even in a familiar city apartment. Moreover, the bio-fireplace looks so interesting and bewitching that it is in no way inferior in effectiveness to an ordinary chimney fireplace, making any room cozy.

Biofireplaces appeared on the market relatively recently. Before that, mainly electric and gas decorative fireplaces were popular. However, it is not possible to install them in every apartment. So, for example, before installing a gas fireplace, you must obtain the appropriate permission, and in apartments above the 10th floor, such fireplaces cannot be made at all. And real fireplaces with a chimney are quite rare in a city apartment! Biofireplaces can be installed in any room, regardless of square meters.

Unlike real fireplaces, biofireplaces have a specific principle of operation. In order to ignite such an installation, no firewood is needed - the whole “trick” is in the presence of a heating block (it can even be a simple burner), in which there is an ignition fluid. Any combustible substance will not work - biofireplaces work only on bioethanol. This fuel is based on ordinary alcohol. For the first time, such fuel began to be used in Italy, at the end of the 70s of the last century, when one ambitious engineer “gave life” to the very first batch of biofireplaces.

Features of biofuel

Bioethanol is a pure substance that is completely safe for human health from an environmental point of view. There are a number of reasons why it is used to ensure the combustion of a biofireplace:

  • Bioethanol does not form harmful combustion products. If you give preference to a bio-fireplace, you can be sure that the room will not be filled with unpleasant odors. This fuel does not form burning and soot, therefore it is much better than ordinary kerosene or gasoline.
  • Bioethanol combustion products are water and carbon dioxide. No chimney and special ventilation systems are required to remove smoke - after all, it will not form. The only thing is that it is necessary to ensure regular ventilation of the room so that carbon dioxide does not accumulate inside.
  • Alcohol, which is used for the production of bioethanol, is obtained by processing various plants containing sugar: bananas, potatoes, wheat, corn, and beets. After that, ethanol is denatured and only then goes on sale.

Biofuel can be purchased at specialty stores, but you can also make it yourself if you wish. The main thing is to observe safety precautions and accurate gramming, because otherwise the fuel may burn with clicks, flare strongly when ignited.

We make fuel for biofireplaces with our own hands

To prepare high-quality and safe biofuel for your biofireplace (which, if desired, you can also make yourself), you need to stock up on the following components:

  • ethanol (available at a pharmacy);
  • petrol.

It is very easy to make fuel for biofireplaces with these components:

  • Take 1 liter of alcohol and about 50-80 grams of gasoline. Stir the substances so that they stop separating (it is better to carry out the procedure just before ignition so that the gasoline does not begin to separate from the alcohol).
  • Pour the resulting mixture into a metal can or a special burner for bio-fireplaces - you can light it and enjoy a beautiful and even flame without smell, soot and soot! During operation, it is better to keep one window open so that carbon dioxide does not accumulate in the room.

Precautionary measures

Biofuel for biofireplaces is a substance that must be used with extreme care, because no one wants to get burned or start a fire. Before you start making fuel and using it, you need to familiarize yourself with the correct way to use bioethanol:

  • The biofireplace must be cold when you are going to fill the fuel tank with bioethanol.
  • It is unacceptable to add bioethanol to the tank if the installation flame is not extinguished.
  • Do not fill the tank with biofuel to the brim. It is optimal to fill it by a third so that you do not have to put out the fireplace before the fuel burns out. It is better to add it after a while and light the flame again.
  • It is necessary to ignite the fuel with the help of special accessories for the biofireplace. Of course, you can use an ordinary lighter, but this can cause an accidental burn. Especially when you consider that sometimes bioethanol flares up when ignited. There are special long-handled ignition tools that allow you to stay at a distance.
  • It is unacceptable to use paper, wood products, straw and other materials that are easily flammable and can cause a fire for ignition. They can only be used when operating wood-burning fireplaces.
  • If you spill bioethanol, you should immediately wipe the area dry (no matter where you spilled it, not the biofireplace panel or parquet).
  • Never allow children to light the bio-fireplace flame. Keep bioethanol out of the reach of children and animals.
  • Liquid for bio-fireplaces should not be in the fuel tank if you are not using the unit.
  • If someone in the family has chronic or other serious respiratory diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor before purchasing or manufacturing biofireplace and biofuel.
  • Remove excess bioethanol from the burner in a timely manner. This is necessary so that alcohol vapor does not evaporate or accumulate in the room.
  • If the biofireplace is working, remove the biofuel. Do not store it next to the fireplace.
  • Do not dilute bioethanol with kerosene or other substances, as this can lead to poisoning of the body by combustion products.
  • If you're going to use the biofireplace as an aromatherapy medium, don't add too much essential oil to the fire. Firstly, this can cause less intense and even combustion, and secondly, a large amount of ethereal vapors adversely affects well-being. In the presence of chronic diseases, this can even be dangerous.

Biofireplaces powered by bioethanol are new generation interior items. No such installation has yet had so many advantages compared to the rest. At the same time, it practically does not matter how much a biofireplace costs - with due perseverance and desire, you can make it yourself - on the Internet and on our website you can find various ways to make a floor or desktop biofireplace. There are various ways to finish these installations, and therefore you can make a completely unique element of the interior, decorated with various decorative stones or ceramic logs.

And now, after reading this article, you will also know how to make a real biofuel. Good luck!

You often want to decorate the interior of a private house or apartment with a fireplace. But to build a bulky traditional structure is long, expensive and unsafe, and not always possible. In an apartment, an ideal option would be a stove that uses biofuel for fireplaces. This fuel is made from recycled ethanol. This simple organic substance of plant origin does not emit smoke, burning and carbon monoxide when burned, therefore it is not only completely safe for health, but also does not require the construction of a chimney.

Biofireplace uses fuel produced only from renewable plant materials - mainly plants containing a large amount of simple and complex sugars: beets, cane, potatoes. When processing these crops, ethyl alcohol is obtained, which cannot be sold in its pure form. Therefore, pure ethanol is converted into bioethanol. In addition, various additives are included in the composition of biofuels intended for fireplaces, which make the almost invisible fire that burns alcohol more natural and familiar. Thus, fuel for biofireplaces consists of the following substances:

  • bioethanol - about 95%;
  • methyl ethyl ketone - an additive that destroys the structure of pure alcohol and gives the flame an orange color - 1%;
  • water - 4%;
  • bitrex - less than 0.01%, gives the mixture a bitter taste to prevent children and animals from drinking too much.

Thanks to this composition, the biofireplace can be used in any room, even in small apartments. During operation, it does not form smoke, so the fireplace does not cause any harm to the environment and health. In addition, simplicity allows you to make fuel with your own hands, if it is not possible to purchase ready-made fuel.


In fact, not only fuels with alcohol belong to the category of biofuels. Biofuels can have any state of aggregation. So, traditional firewood also belongs to this type of fuel, but they lack most of the advantages of the liquid version and have a higher consumption, and wood-burning fireplaces cannot be called biofireplaces. In addition, there are gaseous biofuels, which include mixtures based on CO gas, methane or hydrogen, but they are explosive.

Thus, the best fuel for a fireplace is liquid combustibles. These include simple alcohols - ethyl, methyl and butyl, as well as ethers and biodiesel. Biodiesel is produced not only from sugars, but from fats of not only vegetable, but also animal and bacterial nature. Biodiesel is based on oils and food waste. Developments are underway that will allow the use of sea and river algae for fuel.

Manufacturers overview

Alcohol fuels are being developed all over the world. The main producers of bioethanol are European countries, as well as Canada, the USA and South Africa. Some are produced in Asia.

1. Kratki is a Polish company whose products are of high quality and not only burn without waste, but also additionally humidify the air, improving the indoor climate. A feature of fuel from Poland is a wide range of odors. When the fireplace is burning, the room can be filled with the aroma of coffee, coniferous forest and much more. The average consumption of bioethanol is 1 liter in a few hours.

2. Planika. Produces Fanola fuel, the safety of which is confirmed by certificates from many laboratories. The smell does not appear, when alcohol is burned, carbon dioxide is formed in an amount comparable to the release of CO 2 during breathing. Combustion requires a constant influx of fresh air, therefore, turning on the fireplace, you should open the window. A liter of Fanola alcohol burns out in about 3-4 hours.

3. The Russian company Bioteplo offers a composition of French production. Its consumption is slightly higher than that of the previous options - a liter is enough for a little less than three hours. Thus, a fireplace with a standard 2.5 l tank will last for approximately 8 hours of continuous operation. Supplied biofuel for smokeless fireplaces Bioheat in cans of 5 liters, its cost is quite low.

4. Fuel for biofireplaces Ecolife is also sold in cans of 5 liters. Also suitable for alcohol burners. During combustion, a small amount of water is released in the form of steam, due to which the fireplace humidifies the air in the room. One liter of fuel is enough for an hour and a half of the furnace.

The main advantages of alcohol over the solid type are smokelessness and absolute environmental safety. The combustion process does not produce smoke, soot, soot and ash, and therefore the biofireplace does not require the installation of an exhaust hood, and its cleaning is very simple and rarely necessary. Alcohol is convenient to transport and store. Biofuel gives the air almost all of the heat generated, since part of it is not lost in the thickness of a bulky brick oven. The efficiency of an alcohol fireplace is at least 95%. Thanks to the release of water, the fireplace improves the microclimate of the room.

It is best to knead the solution immediately before refueling, as over time, heavier gasoline begins to separate from ethanol. Alcohol consumption is not higher than that of ready-made fuel - a full tank filled with home-made fuel should be enough for 8 hours of operation.
