How to cut tiles at home. How to cut tiles at home: the best ways. The technique of using a tile cutter

When laying tiles on the floor, the question often arises of how to cut floor tiles with high quality, with minimal effort, high speed and guarantees of a good result. This can be done with a variety of tools and devices. About this in our article.

Why cut tiles

When finishing with ceramic tiles, there is often a need to obtain pieces of a non-standard shape or smaller (in comparison with the whole). There is also a need to make curly cutouts. For example, a short list of situations:

  • the question of how to cut tiles in a straight line arises when laying floors and walls, if necessary, clearly approach the coating to the wall in the visible zone;
  • cutting small tiles may be necessary to decorate small areas of the surface to be trimmed;
  • the need for curly cuts or a clear provision of angles of inclination - occurs if some surface is laid in a semicircle or in complex geometry;
  • the question of how to cut ceramics arises either with the requirements of a very clear edge configuration, or a rather careless one, provided that the location of the laying element is masked or invisible.

There are a lot of situations when it comes to renovations. Since the characteristics of floor tiles differ from each other depending on the thickness, type of coating, size of the element, then you will have to work with different tools in each case.

Tile cutting tools

We list the tools that can be used to cut floor tiles at home, including, if necessary, to guarantee excellent processing speed and accuracy.

  1. Tile cutter manual. Designed for making straight cuts.
  2. Electric tile cutter. Provides high speed and precision for industrial scale finishing, can create holes with a straight line edge.
  3. Bulgarian. A common and quite convenient tool that requires skill and special security measures, is used for straight cuts and creating rectangular holes.
  4. Electric jigsaw. It is used in a wide range of jobs, including cutting floor tiles along a complex path. It implies the presence of dexterity and the use of special saws.
  5. Drill. When using various nozzles and drills, such a tool can do a huge range of work.
  6. Manual glass cutter. Limited use tool for home use. Only a certain number of thicknesses and strengths can be cut for floor tiles.

During the creation of various cuts, hand tools are also used. These include wire cutters, pliers, wooden and rubber mallets, bits or hand sanders.

It doesn't matter how you cut the floor tiles. The characteristics of the material and its behavior in the course of destruction imply the application of certain protective measures. In particular:

  • It is recommended to use lightweight cotton gloves. When processing floor tiles, small sharp fragments are inevitably formed, both of the surface gloss and of the internal material;
  • respiratory protection is mandatory, especially if it is decided to cut floor tiles with a mechanized tool: a grinder or an electric tile cutter;
  • Goggles are a critical safety measure. Even when using a manual tile cutter or glass cutter, the rebound of pieces of the vitreous mass of gloss is very dangerous.

How to cut rubber tiles

The floor rubber tile is conquering the market and finds a positive response from many users. It is quite durable, does not slip, dampens sharp mechanical impacts (falling objects, for example). The feeling of walking on such a surface is the most positive.

You can literally cut it with anything. But the main condition is that the tool must ensure the full passage of the thickness of the material. Therefore, tile cutters of various kinds are inconvenient, grinders are ineffective - a lot of torn off pieces fly, overheating occurs. Hand tools show excellent results. The list of rational means looks like this:

  • electric jigsaw at low speeds;
  • knives of various kinds, including for fine work;
  • scissor cutters;
  • dremel with special nozzles.

You can create complex cuts on rubber tiles with an electric or manual jigsaw, as well as a blade tool.

Knives for figured work allow not only to create extremely accurate cut paths, but also to bring the lines formed by another tool to the requirements of connection accuracy. You can make interesting design compositions, for example, by inserting a curly element of one color into a rubber tile of another, making a cutout corresponding to the shape there.

How does a manual tile cutter and a glass cutter work?

The technique of how to cut ceramics with a manual tile cutter looks like this:

  • the element is inserted into the clamping zone;
  • the tile is located in accordance with the desired cutting path;
  • with a special handle, the sponges of the tool are compressed and fix the ceramic part;
  • the working body with the cutting block is pressed and forced along the cut line.

As a result of such a simple technique, a recess is formed on the ceramic tile. Tile cutters allow you to adjust the degree of immersion. In practice, it is chosen so as not to require excessive effort from the performer and not to cut very deep, as chips and even cracks may appear.

When working with a manual tile cutter, the rational depth of cut is determined as follows: it is necessary to go through a layer of gloss and about a quarter, and for weakly annealed tiles - a third of the base ceramics. For matt tiles, it is recommended to go through at least a third of the minimum thickness (in the area of ​​​​the recesses on the back side).

After creating a recess, the tile is removed from the tile cutter and split along the line by impact or bending. In the first case, it is better to do this with a rubber mallet. Some models of tile cutters are equipped with an auxiliary device for breaking ceramics along the cut line. If part of the tile goes to waste, you can simply beat it off on the edge of the desktop, but you need to act carefully.

A similar technology of work is when using a manual glass cutter. A cut is marked on the tile, a support (for example, a wooden plank) is laid, the tool is pressed tightly and drawn along the line along the guide, with effort.

With a certain skill, you can cut floor tiles with a glass cutter and along a curly path. However, it is worth noting that good results are achieved on glossy tiles, which are quite thin. Therefore, the use of a glass cutter is somewhat limited.

How to work with an electric tile cutter

The electric tile cutter is equipped with a diamond saw blade. Working with it looks like this:

  • the tile is placed with the help of auxiliary corner fixtures on the infeed table;
  • ceramic moves in the direction of the saw blade in a straight line;
  • the diamond cutting tool makes a full depth cut with the blade coming out.

An electric tile cutter allows you to immediately get two intact pieces of tiles with clean cut edges. Processing takes place with the addition of water, since at high speeds the cutting disc heats up, many small fragments fly from it at high speed.

To make rectangular cutouts with an electric tile cutter, you will need some skill. To do this, the tile is first lowered onto the disk at the beginning of the straight line until it lies on the infeed table. After that, the ceramics are moved to the desired distance. For each side or face of the cut, the operation is repeated.

How to work with a grinder

To cut floor tiles with a grinder, you need to take maximum precautions. This includes not only eye and respiratory protection, but also the obligatory use of a frame-box to protect against emissions, as well as disc accidents.

Ceramics are cut with a diamond steel disc; it is not recommended to use various fiberglass on stone. The technology of work is simple. Mark the cut line and pass it with a grinder.

You can do partial work, as in the case of a tile cutter, remove only the gloss of the coating and cut through the base material a little. After that, the tile is broken into two parts.

Using a jigsaw, drill

A jigsaw and a drill are tools familiar to everyone, so there is no need to explain the technology for their use. For example, the formation of cuts with a drill occurs according to an understandable pattern: small holes are made at a small distance along the marking line, the material is broken off with wire cutters. Let us mention some features of using a jigsaw and a drill in relation to ceramic tiles.

  1. A drill makes round holes easily. To do this, crowns with a coating of diamond chips along the edge (of various diameters), as well as ballerinas (a milling cutter with an adjustable position of the cutting body) are used.
  2. When working with glossy tiles, it is recommended to use glass drills first, passing through the top layer, then you can use concrete drills.
  3. Using an electric jigsaw, you need to make sure that the pickup of the saw passes from the side of the coating, which in the cut area should have a minimum of chips. Specifically for glossy ceramics and a standard bottom pick saw: you need to cut the tile with its front part down.

You can list nozzles for a long time, grinding and cutting, mention special saws, diamond-coated strings and other equipment for cutting ceramics. However, the tools already listed are enough for a home master or an efficient performer to cut tiles efficiently, quickly, accurately, with a guaranteed result.

Preparation for work

Ceramic, tiled, porcelain stoneware and gypsum tiles are a fairly convenient material for wall decoration in a residential area. But before you start laying it directly, you need to learn how to properly cut tiles at home. After all, the smoother the tile is cut, the better the end result will be. It is rare when it is possible to choose the dimensions of a tile so well that it does not have to be cut. When facing, for example, an apron in the kitchen, it is unlikely that it will be possible to lay only solid tile plates, especially at the corners, ledges, places where pipes exit and sockets are located.

Before you start cutting tiles, you need to take them out of the package, carefully inspect and sort them, because in any batch of even the highest quality goods there are small errors and defects, such as:

  • color mismatch
  • irregularities of the front glazed coating
  • mismatch in length, width or corners of a tile
  • chips and cracks received during transportation

Of course, in view of the above, material must be bought with a margin, usually an extra 10% is enough. By the way, on the rejected material it will be possible to practice and "fill your hand" if cutting tiles is not yet a well-developed skill for you.

After sorting, the tiles must be soaked in water for a period of one to three hours (the more modern the cutting tool, the less soaking time is required).

During this time, you should prepare:

  • table, stool or cutting board
  • pencil, marker or felt-tip pen (for marking)
  • long ruler or measuring tape
  • square, ideally metal
  • respirator
  • earplugs / headphones (for working with a machine or a grinder)

What to cut?

To begin with, we list the most common and affordable tools for cutting tiles:

  • roller glass cutter
  • wire cutters
  • hacksaw
  • electric jigsaw
  • manual tile cutter
  • mechanical tile cutter
  • electric tile cutter
  • a circular saw
  • Bulgarian

If you need to cut just a few tiles for personal use, then the simplest tools that are available in almost every home are enough. But if you want to make money on laying tiles and, accordingly, cutting them, you will need to purchase the appropriate professional power tools.

Roller glass cutter It is a wooden handle with a small diamond rotating circle at the end. Cutting tiles with a glass cutter is the most famous, although not too simple, way. It is used for small amounts of work and on tiles that are not too thick and durable. To cut a tile with a glass cutter, you need to use a ruler to press the roller from edge to edge along a predetermined line. At the same time, it is impossible to tear off the tool from the surface of the tile, also it is not recommended to re-carry with a glass cutter along a line that has already been cut once.

The glass cutter will not cut the tile to the end, but will only scratch the strip. Next, you need to carefully, slowly, break the tile, placing it with the resulting cut line on the edge of the table or board, lightly tap it with the handle of the glass cutter and press on the hanging edge. As a result, the material should crack just along the intended line. After separating the roughness details, you can grind it with sandpaper or a file.

Nippers are usually used to break off pieces of tiles. They are used if it is necessary to cut tiles for holes in various places: under pipes, trim, window sills, sockets, etc. The wire cutters do not cut in the truest sense of the word, but break off small pieces from the tile along the cut line. The pliers themselves have two carbide-coated clamps in their design - the top cuts through the shiny glazed layer on the tile, and the bottom serves as a support. They work with wire cutters as follows: a cutout contour is applied to the tile, the tile is clamped with wire cutters, both halves of the tool are clamped and the tile is broken off along the markup. The resulting cut, if necessary, is cleaned with a file.

You can also cut tiles with a hacksaw. It is better to purchase a special hacksaw for ceramics, outwardly it almost does not differ from other types of hacksaws, for example, for metal or wood, with the only exception that its blade is coated with a special coating of tungsten carbide. The main advantage of using a hacksaw is that the cut edges come out smooth, without chips, notches or roughness, and therefore require almost no additional grinding.

jigsaw- a fairly versatile and functional tool. You just need to purchase a special abrasive file (the so-called "cord") to work with tiles. With its help, the tile is cut evenly and accurately, and it also allows you to make holes and curly cutouts in the product. To cut a tile, you must first fix it, then turn on the jigsaw at medium speed and make a through cut along a predetermined contour.

Manual tile cutter resembles pincers in appearance, with the only difference that one of their tips has a protrusion, and the other has a characteristic notch. In addition, a roller diamond cutter is placed at the edge of the tool. Using this tile cutter is quite simple. First you need to cut through the glazed side of the tile with a roller. Then, holding the tile with tongs, break the segment exactly along the line. It is important to ensure that the protrusion falls on the front glazed side, and the cutout on the wrong side is matte.

Mechanical tile cutter according to the principle of its work, it is similar to a large glass cutter with additionally attached guides and a lever. When using a mechanical tile cutter, the tile is placed on a stand under the guides, and the lever is pulled to the nearest position. After that, the tile should be aligned along the line, and the cutter roller should be installed on the edge of the marked line. Then you need to carefully guide the cutter roller with the lever forward along the line, slightly pressing on it in the process. At the end of the operation, the tile splits on its own exactly along the cut line. However, the disadvantage of such a tile cutter is that they will not be able to cut off a piece of less than 5 mm.

Electric tile cutter it is used quite rarely at home, it is mainly in demand where it is necessary to cut tiles on an industrial scale. The tile is cut with this tool using a rotating diamond-coated disc, which is permanently wetted with water from a special container. The material to the disk should be fed carefully, otherwise the tile may crack.

The main advantages of such a tile-cutting electric machine are the absence of dust during operation, as well as a perfectly smooth cut shape, without chips and cracks. Significant disadvantages are that this tool emits a rather loud roar during operation, rotates very quickly, and also sprinkles sparks around itself. Therefore, special precautions must be taken when working with it.

A circular saw also rarely used at home, since a separate workshop is needed to work with it. Such a tool is a full-fledged machine equipped with a gear disk. Cutting tiles requires a special dry cutting diamond blade. The prepared tile is pressed against the table during the cutting process and gently moved forward along the intended line.

But in almost any household there is a grinder. With this tool, you can also cut tiles, you just need to take care of purchasing a diamond cutting disc and install it in the direction of the tool. For cutting, you must first mark the tile, and then carefully make a cut in it, smoothly moving the tool at medium speed “away from you”. The disadvantage of working with an angle grinder is a large amount of dust and sparks, so all possible safety measures must be observed when working. In addition, small chips may form along the edges of the tile after cutting with a grinder, which will need to be sanded.

Cutting methods at home

Professionals prefer waterjet and laser cutting, which are performed on special machines. Their advantage lies in the fact that practically no significant mechanical and thermal effects are exerted on the surface of the material being processed. Cutting with a water jet mixed with an abrasive or a laser beam controlled by a modern computer is used mainly in metal work, but also when cutting especially durable floor tiles, they have no equal. On such machines, you can perform perfect cutting of a wide variety of shapes.

At home, it is also quite possible to perform curved and figured cutting (for example, with rounded corners, diagonally or at 45). In this case, it is best to use a power machine or a jigsaw with a diamond thread. With their help, you can perform quite delicate work even on such extra-strong material as porcelain stoneware.

Ordinary thin glossy wall tiles can be worked with a glass cutter with a roller. But if there are a lot of such tiles, it is better to purchase a special tile cutter. Also, in the absence of power tools, you can try to process sections of ceramic tiles or mosaic tiles with wire cutters, and then carefully sand them. The main thing is not to “bite off” the notches in very large pieces.

Gypsum tiles “under the stone” are the easiest to cut, since the gypsum-polymer material from which it is made is quite plastic. Gypsum tiles can be cut even with a regular wood saw, but a fine-toothed hacksaw is best for cutting such tiles.

How to cut a hole?

When cutting holes (for example, under pipes), an ordinary drill can come to the rescue. The highest quality and even holes are obtained using a nozzle in the form of diamond crowns, but the high price of such products does not allow them to be purchased for small-scale work.

Cutting ceramic tiles at home

Today, tile occupies a strong first place among convenient and practical materials. It is used for finishing the floor, walls, facades of the building. It is used in the kitchen or bathroom, as well as the hallway. You can carry out the installation of ceramics with your own hands, however, this process is not complete without cutting the material, for example, quite often it is required to cut the tiles when laying diagonally.

In addition, the question arises, how to cut ceramic tiles at home? For facing works, the modern market offers a wide variety of options. The final decision, as a rule, depends on many direct and circumstances. Indeed, in order to competently cut the tile, special skills are not required, but it is necessary to have information about certain subtleties in working with cutting tools.

Types of tools

Currently, modern technology offers a variety of devices designed for pruning. They are divided into specialized and amateur, however, such a division is very conditional. Each of the selected tools has high functionality, suitable for better cutting porcelain stoneware at home. Some are small, while others are very bulky. Most often the choice falls on:

  • glass cutter and pliers;
  • jigsaw;
  • Bulgarian;
  • tile cutter;
  • diamond wire;
  • sharp forceps.

Tile cutting tools

These options are suitable for tiles with a soft surface. It is worth knowing that a large amount of work performed with such tools will still become too exhausting. Although adjusting with them will be a great finishing touch.

How to choose?

In order to start cutting ceramics at home, it is best to start by choosing the right tool. In each case, a different set of fixtures will be required, since tiles differ in size, texture and performance characteristics. For example, for glazed tiles, which are porous and soft, it is better to use a glass cutter or a tile cutter. With it, cutting the material will be easy. He will no longer be able to cope with a harder surface, like ceramics.

Cutting tiles with a tile cutter

Porcelain stoneware will require a more thorough hike in the form of specialized electrical devices. The greater the strength of the raw material, the more thorough the approach should be. Thus, it is possible to cut the tile on the front side. A glass cutting tool, as well as other devices that work on a similar principle, will not help here. But electric devices will be just right! The main thing is to pay special attention to the edges of the products, since working with a relief structure is considered difficult due to the formation of chips or pattern violations even with a slight deviation.

Manual aggregates

Of course, that manual devices for cutting at home have a number of advantages. Their main advantage is an affordable price. The purchase of hand tools will not create problems for the family budget. In addition, they take up very little space, which allows you to store them at home. In addition, using the same tile cutter is very convenient. However, in terms of functionality and practical application, they are significantly inferior to electrical appliances.

Electrical appliances are much more efficient. They perform all the tasks assigned to them, even the most complex ones. But it makes no sense to acquire them if one-time or very rare use is meant. Therefore, hand-held devices are suitable in this situation, as well as possible, by the way!

Ways to use glass cutter:

  • Mark the cutting line.
  • Lay the tile on the surface to prevent slipping.
  • Draw a cut with a glass cutter using a ruler, without pressing too hard. All this must be done without hesitation.
  • Tap the reverse side along the notch.
  • Move the products to the edge of the table with the trimmed section.
  • Press down on the edge of the tile. If you did everything right, then the edge will break off along the line.
  • Correct the remaining irregularities with tongs, as well as sandpaper.
  • The use of a manual tile cutter makes it quite easy to cut in the required areas. Its use is so effective that many professional finishers love it. The main application is in the cladding of small surfaces, which are most often intended for typical applications.

    Working with a tile cutter

  • First you need to put a tile on the base of the device.
  • Then you need to evaluate the correctness of the cut marking line with the position of the cutter, since they must match.
  • After that, you need to firmly press the blade against the ceramic product, and at this moment pull the handle of the tool.
  • Particular attention should be paid to correctly direct the blade to the tile in time.
  • The movement carried out should be carried out smoothly, not be very strong, but not weak either.
  • All this must be done in one approach, otherwise the final result is likely to be unsatisfactory.
  • After that, the resulting incision is broken manually. If everything is done correctly, then the tile will break off along the furrow line.
  • Electrical units

    Why are electrical appliances so good? With the help of these tools, you can do all the necessary work in a short time without spending significant effort. Such devices are mainly used in industrial settings, since there is a fairly large amount of work to be done there or professionals for whom finishing is the main way to make a living. What it is:

    • electric tile cutters;
    • Bulgarian;
    • jigsaw;
    • electric glass cutter;
    • circular saw with a nozzle-disk;

    Electric units effortlessly cope with the most difficult surfaces, and in any quantity. The strength of the material being processed does not play a special role for them, therefore they are suitable for almost all types of processing. Using these tools, it is very convenient to make cutouts according to the figure, which helps when laying tiles in the bathroom with various curves. The main disadvantages of the devices include their dimensions, as well as cost.

    Video instruction

    Cutting tiles at home

    Carrying out repair work at home, it often becomes necessary to cut the tile. The choice of tools is extremely huge, today both modern electric devices and manual ones, which have already become a kind of classic of rifled business, enjoy the same success. In this article, we will look at all the available options, and we will understand in detail the process of how to do it correctly.

    Cutting tiles is an integral process of any facing work.

    Tool selection

    The main question: how exactly can you cut tiles at home? All tools can be divided into two groups: manual and electric. The first ones are good because they take up little space, while working with them is quite simple, there is practically no dust, hands are not endangered. But for a durable tile, not all fixtures will be suitable. In this category, it is worth mentioning the glass cutter and manual tile cutter.

    You can use the electrical counterparts of these tools. Despite their size and risk of injury, they provide a fast process, excellent cutting quality and the ability to process a large amount of material of any strength. It is also worth mentioning the grinder and electric jigsaw - indispensable tools for the implementation of figured cutting.

    Basic tools for cutting tiles at home

    Cutting tiles at home often involves dusty work, so take care of eye and respiratory protection from small particles and splinters. First of all, construction goggles and a respirator.

    The main nuances of work

    How to cut tiles with such tools? Several points should be highlighted:

    • Be sure to make markup;
    • Water will help soften the tile and facilitate the cutting process, reduce the amount of dust;
    • Work is carried out on the front side;
    • The pressure on the material should be moderate, and the movement confident, but smooth;
    • It is impossible to break a tile through force;
    • Notches along the edges can be sanded with sandpaper.

    Since at home the need to cut tiles arises only during the execution of facing work in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen, or, in extreme cases, on the balcony or in the hallway, most people are in no hurry to purchase expensive and very large equipment for this kind of short-term purposes. In this case, an ordinary manual glass cutter comes to the rescue.

    An ordinary manual glass cutter will easily cut tiles

    How to cut tiles with a glass cutter:

  • Soak the tile in water for a short time to soften its structure, this will facilitate the cutting process, it will take less effort.
  • Mark the break point with a pencil.
  • Take the glass cutter in one hand, press the tile against the work surface with the other and hold the ruler. Draw a clear straight line in one go. You need to press hard enough to form a deep groove without chipping. Work should be on the front side of the tile.
  • Tap the tile with the handle of the tool, along the groove on both sides.
  • Move the tile to the edge of the table and press it with your hand, it should split into two parts along the notch line. You can do otherwise and tap on the edge so that the fragment falls off on its own, this minimizes the likelihood of tooth formation.
  • A very popular tool for this kind of tile processing is a grinder, with its help you can cut almost any material from plastic and wood to metal and porcelain stoneware. Therefore, it will certainly cope with standard bathroom tiles, the main thing is to use a diamond-coated nozzle with a suitable grain size.

    Bulgarian - the most popular tool used for cutting tiles in everyday life

    How to cut tiles with a grinder:

  • Attach a dry cutting disc to the tool, check the quality of the connection.
  • Mark the cut line on the tile.
  • You can work only on the front side, so that there are no chips on the outside.
  • Fix the tile on the work surface so that it does not move during work, but at the same time nothing interferes with cutting the tile.
  • Get started on your own. Hold the tile with one hand. Drive the disc slightly away from the marking line.
  • With the help of a grinder, you can easily cut out an L-shaped fragment or a simple curly one.

    A tile cutter is a tool specifically designed for cutting tiles. It comes in two types: manual and electric. The manual version is the smaller of the two types of tool and most have on the farm.

    Ideally, you need to cut the tile with a tool specially designed for this purpose - a tile cutter.

    How to cut tiles with a manual tile cutter:

  • Wet the tiles with water.
  • Mark the break line with a pencil. To facilitate the movement of the cutter, you can moisten this place with oil.
  • Lower the tool handle. Press the cutting part firmly enough to ensure that a deep groove is formed without damaging the tile itself.
  • Pull the handle to activate the roller cutter. Movement should be smooth and confident.
  • Split the tile into two pieces along the notch line.
  • How to cut tiles with an electric tile cutter:

  • Make a mark on the front side of the tile.
  • Fix the tile on the working surface of the tool.
  • If the design of your device provides for the presence of a water tank, you must first fill it and install the tank in place.
  • Turn on the tile cutter.
  • When working with a tile on an electric tile cutter, you do not need to exert significant effort when moving the tile. Press it against the table so that it is enough to keep the material in a level position.
  • Gently move the tile towards the working disk, holding it on both sides, if possible.
  • When the disc comes to the edge of the tile, slow down a little so that you don't get a rough chip.
  • Since it is quite difficult to cut tiles in a semicircle, for example, it is recommended to use more maneuverable tools for this. Of course, you can try to make a cutout with a grinder or a glass cutter, but it’s better not to risk the integrity of the material and use a jigsaw.

    An electric jigsaw is used for curly cutting tiles

    How to properly cut tiles at home with a jigsaw:

  • Draw a marking line with a pencil. If the tile is too dense, it is recommended to pre-soak it in water and then wipe it dry.
  • Install a diamond saw blade on the jigsaw.
  • Start off slowly to secure yourself in the furrow.
  • Guide the jigsaw along the markings, but do not press too hard. Until the tool cuts through the tile, you cannot move it forward so as not to break the cutting part.
  • Gently bring the jigsaw to the edge, at this point it may go to the side, so keep it in the right position.
  • Other Methods

    One of the non-standard, but quite effective ways to cut tiles involves the use of a simple nail. It should be sharp at the end and large enough to be gripped comfortably and apply the necessary pressure to the material. In fact, the same principle is followed as when working with a glass cutter. It is necessary to draw a groove on the tile according to the marks, and then break it into two parts. The chip turns out to be even and fairly neat, if everything is done correctly and clearly.

    Whichever method you prefer, use it. At the same time, remember that not always an expensive tool is a guarantee of the quality of the work. For the most part, everything depends on the master himself, therefore, before working with the finishing material, it is recommended to practice on unnecessary fragments.

    How to cut floor tiles at home: methods, tools, tips

    September 19, 2016

    Such types of floor finishes as tiles, porcelain stoneware or artificial stone have a lot of advantages. All these types of coatings not only look beautiful, but are also not afraid of moisture, are easy to maintain and serve for a long time. Mounting such materials is also not too difficult. However, working with tiles has one feature - when installing it, you almost always have to cut it. This procedure is necessary, for example, when fitting to size or, if necessary, pairing with various communications or surfaces.

    There are several ways to cut tiles. All of them are relatively simple and do not require any special skills. Further in the article in detail and consider how to cut floor tiles at home.

    Basic ways

    Most often, when facing a floor, porcelain stoneware or tiles are adjusted in size using tools such as:

    Of course, the best answer to the question of how to cut tiles is to use a tile cutter. In the production of finishing ceramics, professional mechanized versions of this equipment are used. At home, it is worth using, of course, a simple household tile cutter. Such models do not differ in special performance, but at the same time they are inexpensive. Almost any home master can afford such simple equipment.

    What is a tool

    To begin with, let's figure out how to cut floor tiles at home using this particular equipment. Using a tile cutter is actually very simple. There are many models of such instruments. But in most cases, a tile cutter consists of:

    a metal base on which all other elements are attached;

    tubular guides designed to move the actual cutting roller;

    handles with which you can move the carriage;

    the cutting element itself.

    Preparatory work

    The tile cutter is very simple. However, when performing work with its use, a certain procedure must be followed. Before you start cutting tiles, you must:

    carefully inspect the tool for defects (especially guides);

    check how smoothly the carriage moves;

    check the condition of the cutting roller (should rotate freely).

    Gloves should be worn on hands before starting work, and goggles should be worn on the eyes.

    How to cut floor tiles at home correctly

    After the tool has been inspected, you can proceed to the actual cutting itself. In order not to be mistaken with the dimensions, the tile must first be marked. You can use either an ordinary simple pencil or a thin marker for this. In order to draw a straight line, you should use a wooden plank or a regular school ruler.

    Of course, the material should not move during cutting in any case. Some tile cutters have special clamps. If they are not there, the tile or porcelain stoneware will have to be held as tightly as possible by hand. It is necessary to expose the material to be cut exactly along the marking line.

    During operation, the handle of the tool should be moved as smoothly as possible. In this case, cutting is carried out by the “on itself” method, carefully controlling the pressure force. If the incision is not deep enough, it will not be possible to break the tile evenly in the future. It is also impossible to press the tool handle too hard. Otherwise, ugly cracks may appear on the tile.

    After the risk has been made, the material must be placed on a hard, flat surface. Next, carefully lift the edge of the tile farthest from the incision and do not press too hard on it. As a result, the material should break exactly at risk.

    Useful advice

    So, now you know how to cut floor tiles at home correctly using a tool specially designed for this purpose. Working with a tile cutter is relatively easy. But the risk should be carried out as carefully as possible. Only one precise cut is allowed on the material. The second time the carriage cannot be moved longitudinally. In any case, the new risk will not coincide with the first one and the material will be damaged.

    How to cut floor tiles with a grinder: preparation

    This tool for cutting tiles or porcelain stoneware should only be used as a last resort. That is, when there is no tile cutter in the house. The fact is that working with such material as a grinder is quite dangerous. In order not to be injured when cutting using this tool, a number of conditions must be observed:

    prepare a stable table;

    check the disk of the grinder (should be used for work on artificial stone);

    check how freely the disk rotates;

    adjust the grinder to medium speed.

    As with the tile cutter, goggles and gloves should be worn in this case.

    How to cut with a grinder

    When using this tool, the work is performed according to the method “from oneself”. Tiles, porcelain stoneware or artificial stone are first placed on the table so that the risk line extends beyond its surface. Work should be as smooth as possible. It is not necessary to press on the tile around. As soon as the piece to be cut falls to the floor, the grinder should be turned off.

    Using wire cutters

    It is very difficult to work with this tool on a tile. Therefore, wire cutters are usually used only when it is necessary to make a figured incision. Using this simple tool is a good answer to the question of how to cut floor tiles in a semicircle. The marking in this case is performed using patterns, a compass, a protractor, a square, etc.

    Cutting with wire cutters is done by gently breaking off the tile, gradually approaching the figure drawn with a pencil or marker. And they do it immediately along the entire length of the line. If you start moving the wire cutters directly to the markup on one side, the tile can crack very easily.

    Working with pliers with tiles is thus very difficult. In addition, the cut line itself on the tile is not too neat. Its edges come out "bitten". Therefore, when using such a tool at the final stage, the ends of the cut figure must be leveled with a file.

    Glass cutter application

    Many owners of apartments and houses who decide to repair the floor using tiles or porcelain stoneware would probably like to know, among other things, how to cut floor tiles without a tile cutter. This tool is not too expensive, but, of course, not every household has it. Not everyone in the house has a grinder. In the absence of these two tools, you can try cutting tiles or porcelain stoneware with a glass cutter.

    The work is done using such a tool as follows:

    the tile is placed on a flat, stable surface;

    the disk is set to the starting point;

    cut is performed by the “on oneself” method.

    The incision in this case, as with other instruments, should be done only one, without applying too much effort. At the final stage, the tiles are laid on the table and broken.

    Instead of a conclusion

    So, we hope we have answered the question of how to properly cut floor tiles in sufficient detail. This procedure is relatively simple. When working with a glass or tile cutter, it is important to make an accurate risk the first time. When working with a grinder, you need to be extremely careful. Using wire cutters, it is important to make breaks immediately along the entire cut line.

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    How to cut tiles- this question arises before home craftsmen quite often. Why? Yes, because the tile is the most familiar and most convenient finishing material in work. Of course, the affordability of tiles plays an important role in her choice. Often, craftsmen do not keep complex devices for cutting tiles at home. At best, they have a manual tile cutter at hand, although the cutting process is possible without it.

    The principle of operation of this device is similar to a glass cutter. The difference lies in the size of its cutting wheel. It is much larger, which leads to a greater depth of the incision and its greater accuracy.

    How to cut a tile with a tile cutter - you will see this in the video, which we attach just below.

    The tile cutter is convenient with the presence of a special device in it that allows you to break the notched tile.

    So, we briefly told you how to cut the tile, if necessary, and at your disposal there are only the most minimal and simplest tools.

    How do you cut tiles? Tell us about it, please, in the comments.

    And this is the promised video on possible ways to cut tiles:

    A manual tile cutter is a simple tool.

    But in order to use it correctly, you need to be aware of some features.

    They will be discussed in this article, the topic of which is a manual tile cutter: a video and a description of the technology for using the tool.

    When choosing a manual tile cutter, pay attention to the following characteristics:

    1. Carriage mechanism. There are two varieties: roller and bearing. The roller carriage of a quality tile cutter moves easily at first, but soon loses its smoothness. Bearing tile cutters are more expensive, but have a number of advantages: they last longer, cut more accurately and provide a smooth ride for the carriage.
    2. The bed must have sufficient rigidity, which is provided by the ribs under the bed. The low-strength frame bends under load and the tile breaks crookedly, not along the furrow.
    3. Guide thickness. The higher this parameter, the lower the probability of carriage backlash.
    4. cutting wheel diameter. Should be the larger, the thicker the tile.
    5. Bed size. It is advisable to purchase a tile cutter with a bed large enough to cut large floor tiles and make diagonal cuts.
    6. Manufacturer. Guarantee of quality and durability of the tool - well-established, time-tested brands: Sigma, First, Matrix, Rubi, S.A., Germans Boada.
    7. Additional features. These are the ruler (allows you to estimate the width of the cut off and the remaining parts) and the rotary bed (it is used to cut at different angles).

    Using a manual tile cutter

    Before use, check the serviceability of the tile cutter according to the following criteria:

    1. The diamond roller is sharply sharpened, there are no chips or gouges on the cutting edge. Otherwise, the tile breaks crookedly, you get a lot of marriage. A defective video is changed.
    2. There is no carriage play. If there is play, it is eliminated by adjusting screws. If it does not help, the tile cutter is repaired or replaced.
    3. The carriage moves smoothly. If it sticks, lubricate the guides. It is also useful to lubricate the roller so that it rotates more easily.
    4. Clean stand. The crumbs of ceramics on it look like.
    5. The condition of the rubber mats preventing tiles from slipping. They should fit snugly to the base.
    6. The angle between the stop and the axis of movement of the carriage is 90 degrees. Checked with a square.

    It is advisable for left-handers to purchase a tile cutter with a mirrored double ruler.

    Benefits of a manual tile cutter

    Compared to an electric tile cutter, a manual one wins in the following:

    1. Low cost. It should also be noted that the cutting element is cheap: a diamond blade costs much more than a roller.
    2. Compact and light weight - easy to transport.
    3. Simplicity of design.
    4. Independence from electricity.
    5. No noise and dust.
    6. No operating costs: when using the electric version, you have to pay for electricity.
    7. Ability to work at any humidity and temperature.

    Marking before cutting

    And here is what loses:

    1. Performance. With a significant amount of work, it is better to use an electric tile cutter.
    2. Cut quality. After a manual tile cutter, the edge, if it is not hidden by the plinth, has to be sanded.
    3. The complexity of the operation. A beginner will have to spend some, albeit a little, time to learn how to move the roller with the same effort and uniform speed.
    4. The ability to cut tiles only in a straight line. A conventional electric tile cutter also has such a limitation, but there are special models for curvilinear (shaped) cutting. The cutting element is a ring rotated by the engine.
    5. There is no way to cut a groove in the tile.
    6. The width of the cut off part cannot be less than 1 cm.

    In addition, a manual tile cutter is difficult to cut high hardness tiles.

    How to cut tiles with a manual tile cutter

    The principle of operation of a manual tile cutter is the same as that of a glass cutter: a pressed diamond roller, when rolling, destroys the surface layer and leaves a groove, after which part of the tile is broken off. The difference is that the strong mounting of the roller and the presence of a lever allow you to press on it with great effort.

    It sounds simple, but in order to perform the operation correctly, knowledge of some nuances is required. Consider in detail all the stages of cutting.

    Tile cutting technology


    The marking is applied according to the results of measurements of the area for which the tile is cut. It is better to apply the cut line with a marker - the pencil on the tile is hard to see.

    In the absence of experience with a tile cutter, it is advisable to leave an allowance of 3-5 mm for leveling and grinding when marking the tiles, especially if the cut edge is not hidden by the plinth.

    Tile cutting technology

    The operation is carried out as follows:

    1. The tile is laid face up on the bed, so that the line drawn with the marker is exactly above the breaking edge. Above it is a diamond roller.
    2. On one side, the tile rests against the stop on the frame - this prevents its displacement.
    3. If necessary, cut off a narrow strip, the main part of the tile hanging from the frame. For stability, drywall or bars of the same thickness as the bed are placed under it.
    4. Holding the lever, the tile cutter carriage is transferred to the working position: the support legs are bent and the diamond roller is placed on the tile.
    5. Pressing on the lever, roll the roller along the drawn line. The key to a quality cut is uniform force and speed.

    It is advisable for a novice master to practice on a broken or defective tile.

    A furrow of sufficient depth must be cut in one pass. If you try again, you cannot set the roller in exactly the same position, you will get two grooves and the tile will break crookedly.

    Should tiles be wetted?

    Soaking tiles before cutting in warm water is a useful procedure: the material softens and therefore crumbles less, the cut is smoother.

    Soaking time is 40-50 minutes. No more needed - the tile will deteriorate.

    Porcelain stoneware is not subjected to soaking - only tiles.

    If the tile is large, and there was no large capacity at hand, it is wrapped with wet rags.

    Cutting: towards or away from yourself

    Properly move the tool carriage away from you. So it will be easier to manage it and provide the required effort. But excessive efforts should be avoided - you can damage the material.


    Having brought the roller to the end of the line, the carriage is lifted by the lever, as a result of which the support legs are placed on the tile. They press the lever so that the paws break the tile on the rib protruding from the frame.

    How to cut tiles without a tile cutter

    Other tools are also used for cutting tiles.

    Tongs-tile cutter

    Special tongs with a plate on the upper sponge. The cutting roller is installed below.

    It is required to run the roller over the material, then grab it with the sponges so that the groove is in the center of the plate, and squeeze the tool.

    Tongs can also come in handy if you have a tile cutter.

    With their help, fragments of small sizes are bitten off (when cutting with a tile cutter, the width of the cut part should be more than 1 cm) and curved cuts are formed, which a manual tile cutter is not capable of.


    If a tile cutter is a highly specialized tool, then it is used to solve a wider range of tasks and therefore is available in almost every household.

    Consequently, when performing one-time work, tile cutting is more often implemented with this tool.

    Cutting is carried out by a disk. Steel discs are preferred: they are thinner than stone ones and last longer.

    Steel wheels are divided into two types:

    1. Segmented. They are separated by slots into parts, which improves heat dissipation and ensures free expansion of the metal when heated. Due to this, the disc is capable of within 1 min. cut the tile without cooling, after which it is twisted for 20 - 30 seconds. at idle to cool down. Due to the ability to cut the material dry, such discs are called dry cutters. Their disadvantage is the low quality of the cut.
    2. Solid. Another name is a wet cutting disc. There are no slots for thermal relief, so you can only work dry without interruption for 10-15 seconds. Long-term operation requires cold water supply to the cutting zone. Compared to a segmented blade, a solid blade cuts smoother and better.
    3. Combined. Can be used for both dry and wet cutting.

    According to their characteristics, combined discs are located between solid and segmented:

    • cutting quality: better than segmented, but worse than solid;
    • continuous operation time: more than continuous, but less than segmented.

    For single works of small volume - the combined disk is considered the most preferable.

    If it is enough to install the segmented and solid disks for cleaning from crumbs on the other side, then this option does not work with the combined one. This cutting element can only be installed on one side. Cleaning is done by cutting sand-lime bricks or concrete tiles.

    Hard varieties of tiles, such as porcelain stoneware, are cut with diamond-coated discs. According to the method of fixing diamond chips, discs for domestic use are divided into two types:

    1. with soldering on silver solder;
    2. with positive lock: the crumb is fused into the heated edge of the disk.

    The latter are more expensive, but last longer and better tolerate overheating.

    To cut the tile with a grinder correctly, you should follow the rules:

    • The cut starts from the front side: most of the chips are formed when the disk leaves the material.
    • The tile is cut in one pass. With each new time, the number of chips increases.
    • With low requirements for the quality of the edge, the tile is not completely cut: a groove is applied, then the module is broken. This produces much less dust.

    Since, in the absence of experience, it is difficult to make an even cut with a grinder, it is recommended to leave an allowance of 3-5 mm for finishing with a grinding nozzle.

    glass cutter

    With thin tiles with a thickness of 4 - 6 mm, this tool will cope. It is better to choose a variety with a diamond roller. Having cut a furrow, the module is laid on the edge of the table and broken.

    Drill bit with pobedite tip

    Diameter 6 - 8 mm. It is ground with a diamond wheel to the shape of a pencil, but in such a way as not to grind off the winning soldering. The tip is made round. In the presence of faces, the angles between them act as stress concentrators, which reduces the strength.

    A sharpened drill cuts a furrow in the same way as a glass cutter. Then part of the tile is broken off.

    Waterjet installation

    Such equipment is available in large workshops. The machine delivers under high pressure a jet of water with a diameter of 0.2 mm with the addition of abrasive chips. Cuts tiles smoothly, quickly and along the path of any curvature.

    In the absence of tools, you can order cutting tiles in a similar workshop.

    After a little training, even a novice master cuts cleanly and evenly with a manual tile cutter. It is only necessary, based on the above tips, to choose a high-quality and serviceable tool.

    If it is not there, you can use an alternative option: a grinder, special tongs or a home-made tile cutter from a drill.
