Laws of color combinations in various areas of life. Monochrome colors. Always trendy monochrome color palette in web design Monochrome color

Color palette
Visible radiation

Monochrome image(ancient Greek μόνος - one, χρῶμα - color) - based on the definition of monochromatic radiation, an image containing light of one color (wavelength), perceived as one shade (as opposed to a color image containing different colors).

Monochrome images, for example, are drawings in ink, pencil or charcoal, black-and-white photographs, images on the screen of black-and-white televisions or computer monitors (regardless of the true color of their light).

In raster graphics

There are two types of raster images that can be classified as monochrome:

Binary image

A binary image can sometimes be called “monochrome” and “black and white”, which is generally not true and sometimes leads to confusion.

A binary raster image can be monochrome in cases where:

  • one type of pixel (it doesn’t matter “0” or “1”) is displayed in absolutely black color, and the other in any arbitrary color (for example, “black-and-white” raster, “black-green”, etc.);
  • both types (both “0” and “1”) are displayed in the same hue, but with different brightness (for example, “dark and light gray", "bright green and dark green", "blue and gray", etc.).

A binary image will not be monochrome if different types pixels are displayed in different shades of color (for example, “yellow-green”, “red-blue” raster image, etc.).

Halftone image

A halftone raster image is always monochrome by definition, regardless of the halftone (brightness) of what shade of color it contains.

Terminology ambiguities

This term is very ambiguous, since in various areas human activity is understood in different ways: for example, in science, in the processing of space images, in the software industry.

In some software products, this term refers to binary images consisting of white and black pixels. However, the same image rendered by another software product may appear, for example, red and blue. At the same time, a halftone image, which is strictly monochrome, is called that way much less often.

In this regard, it is recommended to refrain from the term monochrome image when first used, when its meaning is not entirely clear from the context, in favor of more unambiguous ones: binary image and halftone image.

see also


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    See what a “Monochrome image” is in other dictionaries: image

    - 3.2 image: Text (manuscript or typescript) or drawing (black and white, halftone or line), placed on an A4 sheet in accordance with GOST 2.301. Source: GOST R 51826 2001: Fax communication systems and equipment. Options … grayscale image - 4.12 grayscale image: A halftone image that has only one luminance channel, encoded, for example, by eight bits; It is also allowed to use the terms monochrome or black and white image.… …

    Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    For the term "Bitmap" see other meanings. Windows Bitmap Extension .bmp, .dib MIME image/x ms bmp, image/x bmp Developed by Microsoft Format type raster graphics ... Wikipedia

    BMP (from the English raster images. Initially, the format could only store hardware-dependent rasters (Device Dependent Bitmap, DDB), but with the development of technologies for displaying graphic data, the BMP format began to primarily store hardware ... ... Wikipedia

    Extension .tga, .tpic MIME image/x targa, image/x tga Developed by Truevision Format type raster graphics Truevision TGA (TGA) raster graphics format. Originally created by Truevision Inc. for graphics adapters... ... Wikipedia A; m. [from Greek. kinēma (kinēmatos) movement and skopeō look, observe] The receiving cathode ray tube of a television that produces an image. Replace the color box * * * kinescope (television receiving tube), cathode ray receiving device... ...

encyclopedic Dictionary

Now we know how colors are formed, our second goal is to learn about how colors combine with each other. Why do some color schemes work and others don't? There are certain methods that allow you to choose colors so that they blend harmoniously with each other. To work we will need a color wheel. The first harmonious combination of colors monochrome

(single color). It is performed on the basis of color and its shades within one sector of the color wheel. visual interest can be directed to a specific element by choosing a brighter and more saturated shade. Take a look at the six samples above. Your eyes, wandering through the shades of blue, invariably return to sample No. 2, since it is the brightest here. This is a great example of how to highlight an object in a solid color scheme.

Use a monochrome scheme when you want to achieve a sense of unity and cohesion. When you need to combine many competing parts. In addition, this scheme is useful for those who are just learning to work with color, as it is the simplest and most understandable.

The second harmonious combination is a combination of adjacent colors on the color wheel. These colors are called similar or related . And the color scheme is called analog or harmonious .

An analogue color scheme uses multiple colors that are nearby on the color wheel. For example: orange/yellow-orange/yellow or yellow-green/green/turquoise. You can choose two, three or four colors.

Why does this scheme work? Analogous colors transform into each other gradually and harmoniously by combining similar secondary and tertiary colors. For our perception this makes sense. Related colors form combinations that are familiar to us from childhood as combinations of the colors of the rainbow. We know that red is followed by orange, and green is followed by cyan, indigo and violet. Besides, related colors have some common color in their composition. For example, for green, yellow and orange it is yellow.

Use an analog circuit when you want to create a combination of more than one color, but still want a sense of unity. Also, if you want to create a model of classical harmony. Use the one most bright shade colors to draw attention to a specific part of your image.

A variation of the analog circuit is split-analog scheme. This scheme still uses multiple colors, but the colors are chosen one at a time. This scheme becomes more dynamic and interesting.

The following color scheme is called contrasting . It is formed complimentary (complementary) colors, i.e. colors that are directly opposite each other on the color wheel. Use of such color combinations requires sufficient experience, since the patterns are very bold and bright. Examples of such schemes: red and green, orange and blue, yellow and purple, etc.

Why do such schemes work? Complementary colors enhance each other and appear in all their glory. Red never looks redder than next to green, and vice versa. Moreover, in such a pair warm color combined with cold, which is a natural contradiction and an intriguing factor for our consciousness. Our minds unconsciously strive for harmony in everything, including color combinations, so when we see natural tension between complementary colors, our minds force us to stop and look.

Use complementary colors when you want maximum contrast and want to draw attention to the overall image. Changing the degree of lightness and (or) saturation of one of the colors of the pair will make this combination more harmonious, since two bright colors It’s quite difficult to combine in an image.

Variation on the theme of contrasting scheme - split-contrast scheme. In this scheme, we do not choose the color that is located directly opposite the one we have chosen, but the colors that are next to it on both sides. So instead of red/green we choose the scheme: red/yellow-green/blue-green.

Recommendations for using this scheme are the same as for using the previous one. Additionally, you can use split-contrast colors if you don't want to look bland, want to add a little more drama, or just want to play with color.

The next scheme that I want to tell you about is called triad . This scheme uses three equidistant colors on the color wheel. For example: red/yellow/blue or red-violet/yellow-orange/blue-green.

Monochrome is an important trend modern fashion, which in general is increasingly flirting with simplicity, minimalism and the “new modesty”. And if previously monochrome was more often understood as black, white and their combination, now pastel harmonies are increasingly appearing in lookbooks and fashion shows.

In general, monochrome looks are good because it’s easier to work with one color (or its shades) than with a set of colors, and even if we’re just talking about jeans and a top, then create stylish look It’s much easier to choose similar colors than to rack your brains over contrasting combinations. Of course, one does not cancel out the other (especially if you get along with), but as a way to look elegant and simple, monochrome is a great strategy.

The main rule that you need to keep in mind when composing a monochrome image is the same materialist dialectic: the principle of unity and struggle of opposites. We build on the unity of color and play with opposing shapes and textures: we combine voluminous with tight-fitting, smooth with rough, rough with thin, hard with soft, matte with shiny, short with long.

Most safe option - simple dark colors: black or rich dark blue (navy), dark dark gray (off black): since they are dark, the difference in shades is not so striking and in general the combination of even different blacks looks harmonious. Well, the practical point is also important: you can always find basic colors in any department of any store. You can dilute this look with any item of metallic color or any other color. color accent(one!).

A little more complicated - White color and shades of milky. In them, the degree of whiteness/cleanliness may vary more noticeably and you need to be more careful to ensure that all elements of the image are slightly different from each other (otherwise you will end up with a doctor’s or waiter’s costume).

Lenny Niemeyer São Paolo Spring 2017 Fashion Show

Leandra Medine / Article from Man Repeller

A little bit more the hard way- a combination of shades of the same color of different saturation. Here you actually need to have a pretty good eye to choose colors from one “column”, otherwise the final combination may look sloppy (it may not look if you are a natural colorist or are ready to spend a very long time applying different things to each other, but we’re talking about how to make it easier).

It is super important that different shades were the same in the degree of dustiness. If you explain this in terms of paints, it will be something like this: you take blue watercolor and dilute it with water, it turns out light blue, then you dilute it again, it turns out blue, then again, it turns out light blue, and so on until white. But the “purity” of the color will remain the same if you did not dip the brush into another paint.

Bright with faded - it’s immediately a feeling of “picked and picked, but didn’t pick it up.” A more “dusty” color against a clean background seems dirty and washed out. And it will be something like in this set - it looks like blue and blue, but together it’s bad

The same applies to shades of different warmth and coldness.

In general, going through all this is quite boring, and most importantly, it’s not difficult to make a mistake, even if everything is fine with your eyes according to the results of the design test with squares. Because the lighting in different stores is different, and you can only remember what shade of sweater you have on the shelf at home if you are a damn genius. Therefore, in order not to complicate your life, there is a simple life hack: the difference in purity and temperature will be clearly visible if you use the entire color range, from the lightest to the darkest, but if you take only the light part of the sector (starting with white) or, conversely, the darkest , then combining will be much easier.

In general, look at the examples: “safe” combinations of things of the same color of different saturation:

Monochrome clothing style has nothing to do with monotonous, gray and boring. Everyone wants to look stylish. Those who doubt their ability to choose matching colors of clothing and accessories tend to dress themselves in win-win black, white and gray. Do you only occasionally allow yourself to mix up the classics with a bright blouse or scarf? Completely in vain. Knowledge of the basic laws of the color wheel allows you to look elegant and, at the same time, discreet and business-like. To do this, it is enough to select your wardrobe according to a monochrome combination of different shades of the same color, using small parts main palette. But the classic ones black and white accents will help you establish an image that suits the moment: stricter or more gentle.

Stylish makeup

Bright and contrasting face colors in the style “a la Indians” have long been considered bad form. Where do they come from? fashion trends? To answer this question, it is worth observing the appearance of world-class stars present at various kinds of festivals, competitions, and meetings regarding the presentation of prestigious awards. The looks created by their designers become No. 1 brands over time. So, the tone of the makeup color of several stars who attended the last Golden Globe ceremony complied with all the rules of monochrome. The colors of makeup for the eyes, lips, and face were kept in the same color scheme.

Monochrome interior

Monochrome combination of colors of the same palette in interior design - good decision for any room: from a business office to romantic bedroom. Newfangled styles of techno, loft or kitsch, the basis of which is the negation of any accepted norms, the combination of the incompatible and the unification of the incompatible, tend to very quickly exert a painful pressure on the psyche. Especially if you live in such a room all the time. Avant-garde is suitable for youth gathering places and living rooms. The most favorable for a comfortable perception, from the point of view of psychology and Feng Shui, remains an interior designed in monochrome colors.

Monochrome art

People learned to use matching colors to create works of art a long time ago. Our great-grandmothers, not knowing scientifically based rules, created entire masterpieces on canvas, embroidering blue flowers on a blue background, or white ornament on white. Monochrome paintings are characteristic of the paintings of Japan and China, the Impressionists, artistic painting on porcelain.

Modern artists also often resort to this color to emphasize the interconnection of everything in nature, their inner experiences.

Black and white photographs, graphic images in the two-color technique - this is a slightly different direction, which is called a binary image.

Fashionable flower beds

In gardening design, bright mixed flower beds, which combine all the riot of colors, are being persistently replaced by flower beds in the same color scheme. And this is not surprising, the monochrome colors of the flower beds enhance the effect of the greenery of the garden, the corner of your favorite color serves as a place of relaxation, and, finally, it looks stylish. Yellow flower beds look like a beautiful spot of sunshine, and bright compositions of red-pink flowers fill the garden with tenderness. Shades from pale blue to violet blue combined with greenery calm the irritated psyche. Such compositions look simple, but are created with painstaking work. Selecting plants that match in color, suitable for the same soil, plenty of moisture and light, and arranging them according to growth requires patience and great love for such work.

Natural monochromy

The human eye always perceives combinations from a palette of the same color calmly, as something natural. This is the harmony of nature itself. We see the color tone of one scale every day, without realizing that the most faithful admirer of monochrome is the Creator himself and the universe. How harmoniously the sky is painted on a summer afternoon: blue with white, blue and gray, smooth transitions of shades on the fur coats of animals. And the sea! What shades does it create in a day? Even the sultry desert is painted harmoniously and monochrome.

Any color has three dimensions: hue, lightness and saturation. The whole variety of colors can be visually represented in the form of a simplified three-dimensional model - a color ball. Each color is measured by three axes: L, a, b.

So, let's look at each dimension in detail.

Lightness (value, brightness) measured by the coordinate L. This is the vertical axis in the middle of the ball, white is on top, black is below, and all the neutral gray halftones are represented between them. When a color moves up and down along the axis of the ball, only its lightness changes. It can be represented in one-dimensional space as a gray scale.

Hue and saturation values ​​are in a two-dimensional space that can be represented as a color wheel of uniform lightness. Hue and saturation are measured by a and b coordinates. Coordinate a passes through red and green color, b through blue and yellow.

Tone (shade). In the horizontal section of the ball or all the tones are presented, identical in lightness. Moving around the circle we reach different meanings tones.

Saturation (chroma). As you move along the radius, the saturation changes. On outside The circles contain pure, or spectral colors. Approaching the center of the circle, the spectral color gradually loses saturation and mixes with gray, while the tone and lightness do not change. And finally, in the very center the color loses its tone and becomes achromatic. All mixed with gray colors, located between the circle and the center of the color wheel are called non-spectral.

Color schemes and combinations.

Let's consider different kinds harmonious combinations, color schemes and palettes.

Achromatic scale.

The entire achromatic palette is concentrated in the vertical axis of the color ball and represents smooth transition tones of gray from white to black. Achromatic colors are used in graphics, black and white photography, and interior design. The whole art of working in achromatic scales lies in the choice of shape and lightness. The contrast between light and dark or, conversely, the smoothness of tonal transitions are the main artistic techniques when working with color. With the help of an achromatic range, emphasis is placed on the shape or texture of objects, a calming or dramatic effect, energy or minimalism of the composition is achieved. With an inept choice of colors, the achromatic range becomes dull and inexpressive. Achromatic colors are in one-dimensional space, which sometimes makes them appear flat.

Monochromatic gamma.

The achromatic scale can be represented as a vertical scale with varying lightness values. We considered hue and saturation, located in two-dimensional space, in the form of a horizontal circle. Now let's combine all three parameters: lightness, hue and saturation, but in a different two-dimensional space. To do this, imagine another circle, in the form of a vertical section of a color ball. Lightness changes vertically, saturation changes horizontally.

If we leave one half of the color wheel, for example, with a blue tone, we get a monochromatic range. For a monochromatic palette, you can take any tone; it is important that this parameter remains unchanged while lightness and saturation vary.

If black and white photography has an achromatic gamma, then “sepia” is a classic example of a monochromatic gamma. By adding just one parameter - tone, we get from a one-dimensional color space two-dimensional, and at the same time a deeper, richer palette. This is why the sepia-toned version of a photograph looks more voluminous and advantageous compared to black and white.

"sepia" differs from black and white photography by adding an orange tone

When using a monochromatic palette, it is easy to select shades and achieve overall harmony, since all colors are united by one tone. Monochromatic colors are used in clothing to create a strict and elegant look, and are good for creating backgrounds. Monochromatic colors in the interior are considered soothing and are most suitable for bedrooms; for other interiors it is used with caution, since an excess of one color with prolonged exposure has a negative effect on the psyche. A monochromatic palette can be contrasting or nuanced. If the saturation and lightness of the tone vary too little, the color scheme becomes monotonous, causing boredom and depression.
