The best vitamins for eye sight. Rating of vitamins for the eyes. Do eyes need vitamins?

Excellent vision is one of the components of good human health. After all, the fullness of the life potential of each of us depends on how our eyes see. Therefore, close attention should be paid to the health of your eyes, especially if any defects or deviations are already observed.

Do eyes need vitamins?

In modern times, many factors influence: congenital pathologies, malnutrition, stress and unrest, a polluted ecological environment, but the most common diagnoses are still eye ailments associated with prolonged work at the computer.

Constant overload leads to a waste of eye energy that the body needs to produce. The accelerated pace of work in large volumes leads to a loss of picture clarity, myopia. To restore the potential of our health, vitamins for the eyes are unconditionally needed to improve vision.

How to use vitamins for the eyes?

Vitamins for restoring vision, which today can be bought at a pharmacy, can have a positive effect on the eyes only if they contain the necessary list of elements that are not enough in the body. That is, the drugs sold by their individual composition are not suitable for everyone. For each person, deterioration occurs for various reasons, and it is on them that you need to act. Some treat myopia, others night blindness, others cataracts, and in each case an individual dose of a certain vitamin is needed.

All vitamins for the eyes, to improve vision, are taken strictly according to the instructions, without increasing or decreasing the prescribed dose.

Be careful!

An overdose of vitamins is fraught with the development of hypervitaminosis and a number of other serious disorders. Therefore, it is necessary to buy vitamins for the eyes, to improve vision, on the recommendation of a doctor, focusing on a specific drug indicated in the prescription. No amateur performance can improve vision if the shelves of pharmacies are overflowing with a large assortment of vitamins for the eyes. This needs to be known and understood.

The list of vitamins on which healthy vision depends

To fully restore vision, the human body must receive vitamins E, A, C, D, B, B1, B2, nicotinic and folic acid, lutein, zinc, selenium, cyanocobalamin, Alpha-acid. This list is found in certain foods.

Lack of retinol - vitamin A - is the cause of night blindness, conjunctivitis, stye, loss at dusk and darkness. Very rich in this vitamin are foods such as carrots, rose hips, parsley, dried fruits, liver, fatty fish, tomatoes, citrus fruits.

Vitamin E for the eyes is a necessary element for myopia, the main component in the restoration of retinal cells. Very rich in vitamin E vegetable, corn and wheat germ oil.

Vitamin D strengthens eye tissues, is essential for proper muscle contraction, and is very helpful in the development of myopia. The main source of this element are mushrooms - champignons.

Ascorbic acid - vitamin C - is an element that strengthens blood vessels, relieves tension in the eye muscles. It helps with irritations and perfectly relieves fatigue during heavy loads. A lot of ascorbic acid is found in cabbage, pepper, rose hips, citrus fruits, black currants.

B vitamins are elements that ensure the proper functioning of the optic nerves. Intraocular pressure depends on the amount of vitamin B1. Vitamin B2 protects the retina from the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Vitamin B3, called nicotinic acid, is responsible for proper blood circulation in the eye area. Vitamin B6 is the guarantor of a stable nervous system and the absence of eye fatigue. Vitamin B12 is responsible for the restoration of the optic nerves.

B vitamins are taken for glaucoma and cataracts. The source of these vitamins is wholemeal bread.

Lutein protects the eyes from damage to the retina. It is abundant in spinach, cabbage and corn.

Folic acid is responsible for the elasticity of the corneal tissues. Its source is bananas, apples and all root crops.

Zinc and selenium help the body absorb vitamin A. These ingredients can be found in mussels, oysters, peppers, onions, and garlic.

Cyanocobalamin strengthens the optic nerves. It is found a lot in egg yolk, meat and dairy products.

Alpha acid is an element that is essential for people with diabetes. This diagnosis significantly affects the loss of vision. Its deficiency can be filled by eating spinach and rice.

The digestive and metabolic system of each person is individual, and many of the vitamins on this list may not be absorbed properly. To replenish the body with some one vitamin, you often have to consume a certain product in large quantities. Therefore, for a more comfortable and complete replenishment of the body's reserves, vitamins for the eyes are used, to improve vision in the form of drop preparations or tablets containing the necessary concentration of useful substances.

What is better to use - vitaminized drops or tablets?

On sale there are various vitamins to improve vision. Reviews of many patients are more focused on drip preparations. Doctors also evaluate them from a positive point of view. Why?

The intake of fortified tablets is associated with the entry of vitamins first into the digestive system, and only then the concentration of a certain element reaches the eyes through the supply. This process is as long as taking natural products. And the drops have a local effect and are directly applicable to diseased areas of the eyes, which accelerates the effect of replenishing the missing vitamins instantly.

More often doctors prescribe when diagnosing the development of complex ailments or for their prevention. Vitaminized preparations in tablets in the initial stages of visual impairment.

Vitaminized eye drops

What drops to buy - vitamins for the eyes - to improve vision?

Reviews of the positive nature of many who relieve eye strain after a working day spent at the computer pay attention to a drug such as Riboflavin. These are drops that contain B vitamins.

With eye irritation, cataracts, corneal diseases, a fortified preparation in Taufon drops is attributed to many people. It is a sulfuric acid. Many people noted the positive effect of these drops on the rapid removal of inflammation, eliminating the feeling of dryness. These drops are often used by office workers during prolonged work at a computer monitor.

The most inexpensive and acceptable for many drops "Vizin". Allergy sufferers, office workers and welders who struggle with watery eyes, irritations, redness, dryness and burns of the cornea speak positively about them.

Supplements and restoration of vision

To restore the full health of the eyes, specialized dietary supplements are also used. A lot of people who trust dietary supplements use vitamins with blueberries for the eyes. They are very quickly absorbed by the body, so they create the same effect as drops.

Bilberry dietary supplement contains zinc, many praise its effectiveness in relieving eye fatigue, as well as in restoring retinal function.

Children's vision and vitamins

In modern times, deterioration in the vision of adults is more associated with professional strenuous activity. But the vision of many babies still depends on the genetic factor, which today does not please ophthalmologists with the statistics of healthy children's eyes, for the treatment of which fortified preparations are also used.

During the treatment of vision for children and schoolchildren, both gymnastics and vitamins for the eyes are prescribed. For children, only children's preparations should be used. Many parents have tested on their children the effectiveness of such fortified eye products as Lutaflunol and Pikivit omega drops, which are used for a sharp decrease in vision and eye fatigue, homeopathic vitamins Doppelherz pharma, which restore the correct functioning of the eye muscles.

What are the best eye vitamins for children?

As the child grows, the body requires a constant supply of nutrients that contribute to the full development. The most necessary vitamins for the eyes (to improve vision) for children are A, E, C, B2. Parents should pay special attention to a sufficient amount of vitamin A. To prevent deficiency, it is better to take vitamin A as part of the Oligovit, Pikovit, Revit multivitamin complexes.

Treatment of vision in children should take place under the close supervision of an ophthalmologist. It is he who prescribes doses of vitamins, since their excessive concentration in the body can cause side effects and the development of other diseases.

If with food it is possible to fill the entire list of necessary vitamins for healthy vision, you should not get carried away with fortified preparations. A sufficient content of vitamins in the human body affects not only the development but also other physiological processes. Self-treatment can harm yourself. This should always be remembered.

Self-diagnosis for eye diseases is categorically inappropriate, and the use of drugs for their treatment without doctor's prescriptions, too.

So that the eyes do not get tired and do not annoy with their dryness and redness, one should take frequent breaks during work, which is associated with attentiveness, constant tension, special gymnastics, training near and far vision, focusing on various objects.

In the modern world, no institution can do without a computer. Processing, storage and monitoring of data is a small part of the operations carried out through a personal assistant. However, the “engineer” of all these processes is still a person, and the entire load falls on the spine and organs of vision.

The negative impact of the computer

Global computerization has not only put a new round in the development of progress, but also pushed for a more attentive attitude towards oneself and one's health, because computer technology has the following negative effects on the body:

  • significant load on the spine, shoulder girdle and arms, leading to diseases of the musculoskeletal system and neck;
  • a sitting position that impedes the blood circulation of the lower extremities, this leads to dysfunctions of the lymphatic drainage system;
  • increased neuro-emotional stress during work can adversely affect the state of the central nervous system;
  • the special microclimate of rooms with computers has a bad effect on the condition of the skin;
  • the noises emitted by the system units do not have the best effect on the psyche.

But the computer has the greatest impact on the eyes:

  • monitor flickering;
  • eye strain;
  • high brightness or uncalibrated monitor;
  • small print and low screen resolution;
  • a static posture that prevents blood from circulating freely and impedes blood circulation in the cranium and organs of vision;
  • continuous operation without a break for rest.

When a person works at a computer, all his attention is focused on the monitor, the number of blinks per minute is sharply reduced, leading to the drying of the mucous membrane of the eye.

With an improperly organized workplace or poor lighting, it increases several times, which leads to their faster fatigue.

Signs that your eyes are tired

Understanding that your eyes need rest is pretty easy. Usually the signs and symptoms of fatigue are quite telling:

  • itching and burning of the eyeballs;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • painful blinking;
  • redness of proteins;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • feeling of "sand" and dust in the eyes, dryness;
  • vagueness and loss of focus;
  • buzzing in the head and ears;
  • mild dizziness;
  • tearing;
  • clearly visible vascular pattern on proteins;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the eyes.

If there are signs of eye fatigue - take a break

At the first sign, it is important to take immediate action - take a break, go outside and apply eye drops. Now you should not use your eyes with your hands and paper napkins - these actions can provoke an aggravation of symptoms, as well as an increase in the risk of developing conjunctivitis or infection

The mechanism of action of eye drops

According to their action, eye drops are of several types:

Drop viewDescription
MoisturizersThis group includes drops of the "Frequent tear" type, as close as possible in composition to the natural physiological fluid secreted by the lacrimal canals. They moisten the mucous membrane of the eye, eliminating dryness and burning.
HealingThey help restore microdamages of the mucosa due to special additives, plant extracts and extracts, as well as vitamins and minerals
VasoconstrictorVasoconstrictive solutions remove redness and normalize the work of blood vessels, removing puffiness of the eyelids
soothingThey have a slight sedative effect, reducing the tension of the optic nerves, due to which the look becomes clearer and more focused.

Assortment and pricing policy

Pharmacy chains offer consumers a wide selection and variations of over-the-counter eye drops. The simplest and most affordable are the Pure Tear drops, however, it should be remembered that the price is fully justified - they will not give anything other than moisturizing. The so-called complex solutions have a multifaceted effect, incl. treatment effect, eliminating all discomfort.

Nameaverage price
Vizin Pure Tear, bottle 10 ml430 rub
Vizin Pure Tears, 10 ampoules of 0.5 ml450 rub
ReNu MultiPlus, 8 ml bottle170 rub
Systane Ultra, bottle 15 ml560 rub
Systane monodoses, 30 ampoules of 0.7 ml725 rubles
Systane Oil-Based Balance, 10 ml bottle550 rub
Optoclean Moisturizing with vitamins, bottle 10 ml215 rub
Artelac Balance, bottle 10 ml386 rub
Artelak Balance Uno, bottle 15 ml440 rub
Artelac Vsplex, bottle 10 ml330 rub
Artelac Splash Uno, bottle 15 ml350 rub
Innox and cornflower extract, bottle 10 ml365 rub
Oksial, bottle 10 ml520 rub
Stillvait, bottle 10 ml230 rub
Taufon, bottle 10 ml143 rub
Optiv, bottle 10 ml325 rub
Slezin, bottle 15 ml174 rub
Hilo chest of drawers, bottle 10 ml445 rub
Khilozar-komodok, bottle480 rub
Hilabak, bottle 10 ml275 rub
Phlox, bottle 5 ml140 rub

When choosing eye drops, it is important to listen to your own feelings and carefully monitor the reaction of the eyes to the drops. If the drug does not relieve the symptoms, on the contrary, aggravating them, you should urgently change it.

Contact lenses are an excellent alternative to glasses, they do not spoil the appearance and do not interfere with the usual way of life, but they require careful and careful handling and hygiene in wearing and storage.

In addition, even in lenses, when working at a computer for a long time, the eyes can get tired, which is expressed in dryness and burning. These symptoms may be aggravated by the following:

  • reading papers and documents in small print;
  • allergy;
  • taking medicines and medicines;
  • infectious or viral diseases.

Allowed when using contact lenses, they should not only moisten the surface of the eye and relieve dryness and redness, but also not interfere with the wearing of the lenses themselves. As a rule, there are no preservatives in the composition of the solution, which completely eliminates the risk of developing an allergic reaction.

These drops include:

  • Vizin Pure Tear;
  • moisturizing drops ReNu MultiPlus;
  • Vitaglycan, moisturizing and lubricating solution;
  • MAXIMA Revital Drops;
  • Blink Contacts;
  • Opti-Free Express rewetting drops;
  • Corneocomfort;
  • Lens-Komod.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is very important to follow the tips for using and storing the drops set out in the instructions.

Application and dosage

Ophthalmologists tirelessly remind that the manufacturer prescribes the norms and dosages for the use of drops, based on their component composition.

Preparations, in the name of which there is the phrase "Pure tear", can be used an unlimited number of times a day, instilling 1-2 drops in each eye. For other solutions, there are well-defined time intervals for use (2.3 or 4 hours). Otherwise, more frequent use may adversely affect visual functions or manifest itself in the form of allergic reactions. In any case, ophthalmologists do not recommend using drops more than 8-10 times a day.

Important! The use of ophthalmic preparations must be agreed with the doctor and in no way replaces regular eye examinations.

Contraindications and possible side effects

An important contraindication to the use of certain drops is an allergy or intolerance to the individual components that make up the solution. As a rule, all drops pass dermatological tests, and manufacturers try to produce the most hypoallergenic product.

Side effects may occur due to improperly selected drops.

But among the side effects (with intolerance or overdose) may appear:

  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • tremor of the upper limbs;
  • burning and dry eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelid;
  • photophobia;
  • pain and pain when blinking;
  • nausea and malaise.

Pregnant and lactating women should consult a specialist before using any.

Prevention of eye fatigue

In order to protect your own eyes and vision, in addition to the prevention of ophthalmic diseases, you must strictly follow the rules for working on a computer.

  1. The recommended working time on the computer should be no more than 60% of the total working day.
  2. The minimum distance between the eyes and the monitor is 50 cm.
  3. The maximum continuous PC work time is 50 minutes, after which a 10-minute break should be taken with a light warm-up to restore blood circulation.

It is important to remember that the diet should contain a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits rich in minerals and vitamins, in particular vitamin A.

To improve visual work and relieve tension during the day, it is useful to perform special exercises.

  1. Within one minute, perform frequent blinking.
  2. Close your eyes tightly for 5-7 seconds and then, sharply opening your eyes, do not blink for an identical period of time.
  3. Having imagined in front of you any geometric figure in the air, circle its outline.
  4. Take turns focusing on nearby objects, then on those that are far away.

A person receives most of the information in his life through visual perception, which is why it is so important to maintain hygiene and maintain eye health. Using the right eye drops will help reduce the negative impact of computer work, as well as maintain clarity and sharpness of vision.

Video - how to reduce eye fatigue when working at a computer

In the age of technology, when we all hang out in virtual reality for hours every day (working moments, reading e-books, social networks), there is a progression of ophthalmological problems in children and adults - farsightedness, myopia, corneal inflammation, etc. The first bells appear in the form redness, tearfulness, fatigue, decreased visual acuity, sensation of pain and dryness. And if not everything is running yet, gymnastics for the eyes, an enriched diet and specially designed vitamin complexes help to correct the situation.

Experts share tips on what to look for when choosing:

  1. Compound. The most valuable vitamins for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases are A, B, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E. A big plus if the vitamin complex is enriched with lutein.
  2. Release. Tablets and capsules are the most popular forms of release.
  3. Purpose. Vitamins can be produced in the form of dietary supplements or medicines.
  4. Age. Vitamins for children and adults differ in the dosage of the components. The fact is that for a child's body, an adult dosage will be excessive, and for adults, children's, respectively, insufficient.
  5. Contraindications. Among the contraindications, as a rule, are pregnancy, lactation and childhood. However, everything is individual.

We present you the best vitamins for the eyes. When distributing positions in the TOP, the following were taken into account:

  • characteristics (composition, intake scheme, etc.) of goods;
  • price-performance ratio of products;
  • user reviews of drugs;
  • opinions of specialists (ophthalmologists, pediatricians, etc.).

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

Best eye vitamins with lutein

Lutein is the main pigment in the macula lutea, located in the center of the retina. Its purpose is to protect the eyes from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation and maintain visual acuity. Its deficiency can cause glaucoma, cataracts and other diseases. This carotenoid is not synthesized in the body, it can be obtained only with food, for example, by taking vitamins.

3 Okuwait Forte

Against age-related pathologies. Strengthening the vessels of the fundus
Country Russia
Average price: 755 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Okuvayt Forte is a complex of vitamins and minerals for the eyes. The dietary supplement of this manufacturer contains plant carotenoids, including lutein, antioxidant vitamins of groups C and E, and microelements. Thanks to useful substances, the retina is under reliable protection from bright light, which, with a deficiency of lutein and other elements, can lead to its destruction.

Among the benefits of this complex, according to ophthalmologists, is the strengthening of the vessels of the fundus. Vitamins prevent the development of age-related eye disorders, and also have anti-inflammatory properties.

2 SuperOptic

The best eye protection. Relieve pain and redness
Country: Poland
Average price: 655 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

SuperOptic dietary supplement provides comprehensive eye protection, eliminates signs of fatigue and improves vision. The package contains 60 soft capsules, the daily dosage is 1 pc. The tool is designed to protect the yellow spot of the retina and the lens from injury. Indications for the appointment of these vitamins are visual impairment and eye discomfort caused by smoking, intense light, antioxidant deficiency and other factors.

The substances included in the composition (lutein, selenium, Omega-3 polyunsaturated acids, vitamins A, B, C, E, manganese, zinc, copper, etc.) are designed to normalize the functionality of the visual apparatus. The reviews emphasize the richest composition, convenient reception, visible result as advantages - the eyes do not redden and do not hurt.

1 Doppelherz Aktiv

Unique composition. Capsules to improve visual acuity
Country: Germany
Average price: 395 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Vitamins Doppelgerz Active are a unique set of nutrients for the normalization of vision. The package contains 30 capsules. Taking into account the fact that the daily dosage is 1 capsule, the acquired vitamins will be enough for you exactly for the course of administration. The complex includes lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins (A, C, E) and zinc. This dietary supplement acts as an additional source of antioxidants.

It has been proven that as a result of use, it is possible to protect the tissues of the eye from aggressive free radicals. The drug, which is confirmed by reviews, increases visual acuity, reduces the likelihood of cataract progression and retinal degenerative processes. Doctors talk about positive changes in the functional state of the organs of vision and recommend this dietary supplement to patients. Help in relieving eye strain is guaranteed.

The best vitamins for eyes with myopia

Nearsightedness (myopia) is a common pathology. Doctors note that often the disease progresses in adolescence. Without taking proper measures, there is a high probability of further development of myopia and deterioration of vision. Vitamin complexes from this category have a positive effect on eye health, as evidenced by user and expert reviews.

3 Vitalux Plus Alcon

Natural origin of components. Maintaining eye health
Country: USA
Average price: 570 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Vitalux Plus is a biologically active food supplement produced by Alcon in the form of soluble coated tablets. A feature of the multivitamin complex is the ingredients of natural origin. The dietary supplement is generous with useful substances, the preparation contains all the elements that are relevant for improving vision - lutein, vitamins of groups B, A, C, E, K1, fish oil and many others.

A balanced dietary supplement is relevant for maintaining eye health and preventing ophthalmic diseases. Contraindications - age under 4 years, pregnancy, breastfeeding, renal failure, individual intolerance. The reviews emphasize that these vitamins are highly effective in macular degeneration of the retina. One package, consisting of 28 tablets, is enough for half the course of admission at the rate of 2 pieces per day.

2 Complivit Oftalmo

The best ratio of cost and performance. Medicine
Country Russia
Average price: 249 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Complivit Oftalmo are film-coated tablets recommended for people over 18 years of age to improve vision. The complex is represented by 9 vitamins and 3 minerals, and also includes plant carotenoids. Indications for taking pills are the prevention of a deficiency of nutrients, fatigue and pain in the eyes, prolonged reading and working at a computer. According to experts, the drug is suitable for maintaining health with myopia, preventing the progression of the disease.

The product is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, children under 18 years of age. Vitamins are also contraindicated in the presence of intolerance to the components. As a rule, the course of admission is 3 months, during which 1 tablet should be taken daily. In the reviews, users notice that these vitamins are a medicine, and not a dietary supplement, like most of the rating nominees. Experts awarded the complex the nomination "The best ratio of cost and performance."

1 Strix Forte

Triple action. Natural blueberry extract
Country: Denmark
Average price: 684 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Strix Forte is a food supplement. A feature of the drug, noticed in the reviews, is an enhanced triple action to take care of visual acuity. Experts recommend this remedy as a source of anthocyanosides, lutein, vitamins and minerals. The basis of the composition is natural extracts of blueberries and marigold flowers. The food supplement also contains vitamins of groups A and E, zinc and selenium - components that are no less valuable for the eyes, including those with developing myopia.

The complex is intended for children over 14 years old and adults. During meals, you should take 1-2 tablets daily throughout the course of admission - 1-3 months. Along with the drug comes a brochure with exercises for the eyes. Doctors note that an integrated approach (gymnastics and taking vitamins) increases the effectiveness of the treatment and prevention of ophthalmic pathologies.

Best eye vitamins for farsightedness

Farsightedness (hypermetropia) is an anomaly of vision that, according to statistics, is experienced by about 25% of the population around the world. A favorable result can be obtained by performing special exercises for the eyes, as well as taking the appropriate vitamins. A common measure is glasses or lenses. In severe cases, surgery is recommended.

3 Askorutin

An inexpensive way to support eye health
Country Russia
Average price: 95 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Askorutin is one of the oldest drugs for maintaining eye health, eliminating the permeability of the vascular wall. Active substances start recovery processes, promote tissue regeneration, improve metabolism in the body. The manufacturer added ascorbic acid, which affects blood clotting, in order to prevent a red "mesh" on the eyes. Rutin strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, removes inflammation and swelling. Askorutin restores damaged tissues, improves blood circulation. This tool can also be used by children who spend a lot of time at the computer. Not recommended for use with other vitamins.

The reviews say that the first noticeable results appear after 3 weeks. The effect of red eyes disappears, they do not swell even after a long working day. However, buyers recommend taking the product in combination and doing gymnastics. The drug reduces bruising under the eyes, improves collagen production. I am pleased with the affordable price and availability in most pharmacies. One pack contains 50 tablets to be taken twice a day. However, it is not suitable for people with a weak stomach. Some complain of discomfort in the abdomen.

2 Focus Forte

Convenient reception scheme. Prevention of ophthalmic problems
Country Russia
Average price: 525 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Focus Forte - dietary supplement to maintain vision. The drug contains lutein, blueberry fruit extract, zinc, zeaxanthin and many other useful components. Anthocyanins are aimed at strengthening the walls of capillaries and improving the blood supply to the eyes, accelerating the recovery process after prolonged exertion, increasing visual acuity in the evening and at night.

Lutein is designed to prevent clouding of the lens, reduce the risk of dystrophy and destruction of the retina. Zeaxanthin acts as a free radical scavenger and UV protector for the eyes. Vitamins A, B2, C and E normalize capillary permeability and prevent vascular fragility. The reviews emphasize the convenience of the intake regimen for farsightedness - one tablet per day. The course does not exceed two months. The drug is suitable for children over 14 years of age and adults.

1 Blueberry Forte Evalar

Most Popular. Adaptation of vision in the dark
Country Russia
Average price: 175 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Blueberry Forte Evalar is the most popular dietary supplement for the eyes, which has proven itself in the treatment and prevention of ophthalmic diseases, and farsightedness in particular. Its composition is enriched with vitamins and zinc that are beneficial for vision. The drug is intended for children who are older than 3 years, and adults. The standard package includes 50 tablets. The tool is recommended by ophthalmologists for high loads.

Thanks to carotenes, organic acids, trace elements and vitamins, eye strain is relieved and visual acuity is maintained. Also, this dietary supplement protects the eyes from irritation and fatigue. Contraindications - pregnancy, lactation, younger children, intolerance to blueberries and / or other components. Experts note that the course reception leads to the strengthening of the walls of the vessels of the fundus. In the reviews, buyers share the observation that the vitamin complex has a beneficial effect on the adaptation of vision in the dark, which is especially important for drivers.

The best eye vitamins in drops

Drops - the optimal form of release of vitamins for vision. Solutions enriched with useful substances not only quickly relieve eye strain, but also act as a prevention of further ophthalmic disorders. Drops are of particular value for office workers and all those who spend a lot of time in front of the monitor.

3 Oftan Katahrom

Suitable for older age group
Country: Finland
Average price: 325 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Oftan Katahrom is designed for the older age group, providing a nutritional and antioxidant effect. It prevents the development of diseases, reduces symptoms and soothes the eyes. The drug has a beneficial effect on inflammation, not associated with infections. The main active substance is Cytochrome C, which triggers oxidative processes. This protein is as close as possible to hemoglobin, it is well absorbed and has no contraindications. Vitamins should not be combined with other external eye preparations. They are available in a transparent bottle with a cap and dispenser. Drops stand out one by one, it is almost impossible to accidentally overdo it.

The reviews warn that after applying the eye stings. The manufacturer advises to close the lacrimal canal, then there will be no discomfort. It doesn't dry out, but it doesn't moisturize either. With regular use, it prevents the development of cataracts. Of the visible improvements, buyers highlight the disappearance of small vessels, stress relief after long work at the computer. Pleased with economical consumption and affordable price. It is recommended to supplement the product with vitamins with lutein. However, there is no cumulative effect, it is necessary to drip the drug without interruption.

2 Taufon

Best price. Bestseller
Country Russia
Average price: 143 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Taufon eye drops are a bestseller. The composition of vitamins in drops is based on taurine, a substance that stimulates recovery processes in pathologies that are accompanied by a significant metabolic disorder in the eye tissues. Instillation of the solution helps to improve energy processes and restore the functions of cell membranes.

Indications for the acquisition of the drug are cataracts, primary open-angle glaucoma, microtraumas and corneal dystrophy. A feature of these eye drops is the release form. The bottle allows you to follow the prescribed dosage exactly. The reviews write that these drops are a remedy that has been proven over the years and by millions of patients, which really helps in maintaining the health and youth of the eyes.

1 Systane Ultra

Quickly relieves irritation and eye fatigue. For lens wearers
Country: Spain
Average price: 539 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Systane Ultra is the best moisturizing vitamin for the eyes. Experts advise purchasing these drops if you notice the first signs of fatigue and dryness. The ophthalmic agent protects the ocular surface and relieves unpleasant symptoms (burning, redness, etc.).

Users confirm in reviews that the effect occurs instantly and persists for a long time. A big plus is that the drops do not provoke blurred vision. The drug is suitable for people wearing lenses. Moreover, you can bury the composition without even removing the lenses, which is extremely convenient. 1-2 drops are enough to feel comfortable again.

Best eye vitamins for kids

Ophthalmologists are sounding the alarm - more and more children are faced with visual impairment. The reason for this is a large physical and moral stress, environmental degradation, a long pastime at the computer. Treatment and prevention involve taking vitamins for the eyes. This category contains the best of the best.

3 Lutein Complex for Children

High efficiency. Normalization of hemodynamics in the tissues of the eye
Country Russia
Average price: 285 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Lutein Complex for children is based on the elements necessary for the visual apparatus. The composition is represented by lutein, lycopene, zeaxanthin, blueberry extract, taurine, vitamins of groups A, C, E, zinc. It has been proven that the drug provides protection for the eye vessels, has an antioxidant property, regulates metabolic processes and normalizes hemodynamics in tissues, reduces the likelihood of the onset and progression of ophthalmic diseases in schoolchildren.

The complex is highly effective in myopia (nearsightedness), dystrophic and inflammatory pathologies. Reviews about dietary supplements are positive, the complex is in demand among specialists and users.

2 Vitrum Vision

The best prevention for teenagers. With increased eye strain
Country: USA
Average price: 735 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Vitrum Vision is a complex of vitamins, minerals and plant carotenoids to improve vision. The manufacturer assures that the drug contributes to the normalization of visual acuity, and also reduces the likelihood of developing retinal degeneration and cataracts. The composition of the product contains ascorbic acid, lutein, betacarotene, zinc, copper, zeaxanthin, etc. The release form is tablets coated with a special shell. Vitamins are suitable for children from 12 years old and adults.

The drug will help middle-aged and older schoolchildren to prevent the development of ophthalmic disorders that can be triggered by an increased level of visual stress. Doctors especially recommend this complex for children who spend a lot of time in front of the monitor. The reviews confirm the high efficiency - schoolchildren take the remedy without any problems, noting an improvement in the condition of the eyes, getting rid of dryness and redness.

1 Alphabet Our baby

Choice of specialists. The most suitable form of release for young children (sachets)
Country Russia
Average price: 430 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The choice of specialists - vitamins Alfivit Our baby, which are intended for children under three years old. The peculiarity of this tool is the composition developed on the basis of scientific recommendations and the requirements of the body. Attention deserves the release form - sachets. Preparing a drink is as easy as shelling pears - just pour water. But to shove the usual pill to a child at this age is a task from the category of "Mission Impossible".

Pediatricians, ophthalmologists and parents confirm the hypoallergenicity of the product. You will not find dyes, flavors or preservatives there. A balanced composition contributes to the harmonious growth and development of the child, preventing a number of diseases, including eye diseases. The bonus is the normalization of sleep, the removal of nervous excitability, strengthening the immune system. Users in the reviews give vitamins 5 stars out of 5!

In order for the eyes not to suffer, they need regular rest and the intake of necessary substances. Vitamins for the eyes (the effectiveness rating will be described in the article below) provide as many useful substances as needed. Their absence has certain consequences and diseases that significantly reduce the functioning of the organ of vision.

With poor eyesight, experts advise paying attention to vitamins for the eyes. The effectiveness rating of drugs will be disclosed later in several categories.

Such complexes are used to ensure that vision does not worsen in the future, but becomes better. The optometrist will help in choosing certain vitamins, after a special examination.

  • children after 7 years;
  • people who constantly interact with electronic equipment;
  • people with eye diseases like glaucoma, cataracts, nearsightedness or farsightedness, diabetes mellitus, thrombosis;
  • if the lenses are incorrectly selected.

Medicines for the eyes, in which vitamins are present, should be used intermittently and preferably only those that are in the ranking of the best and are characterized by efficiency. In this case, the interval between doses should be at least a month.

Vitamins for eye health

Consider the positive effect of vitamins on improving vision:

  • IN 1. Restores both nervous tissue and visual. This vitamin is required for severe fatigue, pain or pain in the eyes.
  • IN 2. Helps improve the metabolic process in the cornea and lens of the eye. Oxygen enters better, and decay products are removed. Pupil cells are gradually restored. Vitamin B2 is required in cases where a person has tearing.
  • AT 3. Does not allow blood vessels to clog. Used in prevention for the regular supply of oxygen to the organ of vision.
  • AT 6. Helps nerve tissues to relax. Vitamin is effective in nervous tics.
  • AT 12. Forms red blood cells that help strengthen the optic nerve.

  • C. Preserves the structure and function of eye cells. Vitamin is needed if there is hemorrhage in the eyes, and the tonic muscles weaken.
  • R. This vitamin is effective only with the use of vitamin C. Strengthens the capillaries of the eyes. If the vessels of the eyes weaken, then there is a lack of vitamin P.
  • E. Has protective functions.
  • F. Regulates intraocular pressure, helps fluid to leave. Favorably affects glaucoma. With the help of vitamin F, you can relieve fatigue and eye strain.
  • D. Helps restore vision, reduces a variety of inflammatory processes, slows down the aging of the retina.

As you can see, each vitamin has its own function and effect on eye health, so it is recommended to use not individual vitamins, but vitamin complexes in which they are harmoniously balanced.

Vitamins for eyes in tablets. Performance Rating

Vitamin complexes are produced in the form of tablets. They are considered quite effective, since the vitamins contained in them quickly penetrate into all tissues of the organ of vision through the blood and have their beneficial effect.

Complivit Ophthalmo - vitamins for the eyes, leading the rating of the effectiveness of tablet preparations

The following most popular eye vitamins can be distinguished (efficiency rating is built from top to bottom).

Complivit Oftalmo

This drug is very popular. This is a vitamin complex with minerals, which is recommended for frequent fatigue and eye strain.

Complivit Ophthalmo includes vitamins such as C, A, B1, B2, B6, B12, E. They are used mainly for pain and eye fatigue, after certain injuries or long-term TV viewing. Treatment lasts 3 months. Adults take 1 tablet daily.

Complivit Ophthalmo is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.. There are age restrictions, the use of the drug is possible only from 18 years. If these contraindications are not observed, there may be consequences in the form of an allergy, the appearance of which should immediately consult a doctor.

Vitrum Vision

The modernized drug helps to improve vision during prolonged loads, and is also taken for prevention. Contains components such as vitamins C, E, minerals: zinc and copper, as well as betacarotene, lutein, zeaxanthin.

Children under the age of 12 are not recommended to take the drug. In case of intolerance, an allergy is possible. It is not recommended to take Vitrum Vision simultaneously with other fortified preparations.

Blueberry forte with lutein

Lutein is a very effective protection for the eyes, protects from the sun's rays. Thanks to blueberries, the sharpness of vision increases. Fatigue gradually disappears. Vitamin C improves blood circulation, restores pressure inside the eye. The content of B vitamins in the preparation helps to restore eye tissues. Vitamin B1 improves eyesight.

The use of Blueberries - forte with lutein is also used as a preventive measure. The treatment period is 2 months. The drug is allowed from the age of 12, the dosage in the instructions is defined as follows: take 2 tablets 2 times a day. Upon completion of treatment, a pause of 2 weeks is necessary.

star eyebright

The drug is available in capsules. Contains ingredients such as eyebright herb powder, vitamin C, zinc, vitamin B2, vitamin A, rutin. The use of this vitamin complex improves visual acuity, reduces inflammation. The treatment period is 1 month, 2 capsules 2 times a day during meals.

Biorhythm vision 24 day/night

The composition includes vitamins of groups E, A, PP, B6, B2, B1. Biorhythm does not apply to drugs. At night, it nourishes and restores the tissues of the organ of vision and physiological functions. Do not use for children under 14 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Omega 3

The drug is produced in capsules, as well as in vials. This vitamin complex is recommended for older people, those who wear lenses all the time, as well as people who have received laser exposure to the eyes. Mostly Omega 3 is taken in combination with moisturizing eye drops.

The dose of the drug per day is 1-2 capsules. It is not recommended to increase the dose without consulting a specialist. The treatment period is 3 months.

Vitamins in drops, their features

In addition to the tablet form, eye vitamins are available in drops. Their use is recommended for prevention and treatment or as an addition to any drug.

To maintain eye health, the vitamins contained in the drops are simply necessary.

  • Taufon.
  • Riboflavin.
  • Quinax.
  • Ifiral.
  • Khrustalin.
  • Vita Iodurol.


used for damage to the retina, radiation cataract. Reduces intraocular pressure in glaucoma. The treatment period is 3 months. The drug is instilled 3 drops 4 times a day. Later, a month's rest is required.

Before using Taufon drops, a specialist consultation is required.


It contains a lot of vitamin B. It helps the intensive supply of oxygen, produces antibodies. Take riboflavin to prevent or treat eye disease. Drip 1 drop 2 times. The period of treatment should be prescribed by the attending physician, since the severity and form of the disease are different.


It is prescribed for cataract diseases. Drops are instilled 2 drops 5 times a day. Treatment must be completed, otherwise the effect will be negligible. Application must be strictly according to the instructions. When instilled, the lenses must be removed for 30 minutes. It is stored for 3 years, but use after opening the bottle lasts 1 month.


Contains a sufficient amount of vitamins, taken with allergic conjunctivitis, keratitis, eye fatigue. Not recommended for children under 4 years of age and pregnant women. Drip 2 drops 4 times a day. The pause between procedures is 4 hours. This drug is quite effective for prevention. It occupies one of the best places in the ranking.


It is prescribed for cataracts and presbyopsia. These drops have a beneficial effect on the lens tissue, provide moisture to the cornea, remove inflammation, and restore visual acuity.

The drug is instilled 1 drop 3 times a day. The treatment period is 3 months. After opening the bottle, it is stored for no more than a month.

Vita Yodurol

Improves metabolic processes in the lens. It is recommended to drip 2 drops 3 times a day. Strictly prohibited for children. It is advisable for pregnant women to consult a doctor. If Vita Yodurol is prescribed as an addition to any medicine, a pause is required between instillations. It is not advisable to wear lenses during the treatment period.

Agel SEE - modern eye vitamins

Agel SEE vitamins have been developed specifically to restore and maintain eye health.

Benefits of Agel SEE:

  • moisturizes the cells of the organ of vision and ensures their healthy functioning;
  • a set of extracts such as grape seeds, blueberries, lutein, have protective properties and have a beneficial effect on the eyes;
  • the preparation consists exclusively of herbal ingredients, in the content of which there is no gluten.

Blueberries support normal vision. The berries contain a sufficient amount of anthocyanin. With the help of this dye, the risk of many diseases is reduced. Blueberries are directly related to the organs of vision: it treats retinal detachment.

Grape seeds have strong antioxidant properties. They are much more effective than vitamin E. They stay in the human body for 3 days, thereby strengthening capillaries.

However, a significant drawback of this drug is its price, which is quite high.

Agel SEE are top-ranked eye vitamins.

Absolutely all the components that are included in vitamins for the eyes have a huge efficiency rating. However, you should not prescribe any drug yourself, it is better to consult a specialist for these purposes.

Vitamins for the eyes, necessary to improve vision. Watch an interesting video:
