Intestinal diseases presentation. Presentation "Prevention of food poisoning and intestinal infections" in medicine - project, report. Symptoms and course

OKI is a big group
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
pooled by availability
common syndrome - diarrhea.

OKI is a collective concept,
uniting more than 30 nosological
forms. This includes intestinal infections,
viruses (enterovirus, rotavirus)
bacteria (salmonellosis, dysentery,
cholera, escherichiosis)
bacterial toxins (staphylococcal)

The causative agents of AII are resistant to
environment, may take a long time
to be kept on hands, utensils,
toys, household items, soil,
water contaminated with faeces.
Some are able to reproduce
in products at low T.
boiling, processing

The source of infection is the patient and the carrier.
Especially dangerous are patients with lungs, erased
and asymptomatic forms. In children's
collectives are often sources of infection
There are food workers. Risk
AII disease increases in summer, so
as in the warm season, microbes easily
reproduce in the environment. Especially
dangerous to get them on food,
since pathogens in them are not only
persist for a long time, but also multiply,
without changing the appearance or
taste, no smell.

Transmission mechanism:
Transmission routes:
Contact household
Susceptibility is high, especially in children
young, premature,
artificial feeding.
Immunity is type-specific, unstable,
high risk of recurrence

periods of illness:
incubation - from several hours to 7
peak period
convalescence period
Their duration depends on the clinic and severity.

2 groups of symptoms are characteristic of AII:
intoxication - various variants of toxicosis, increased
T. In younger children, it is usually combined with exsicosis -
dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea.
dyspeptic syndromes:
- Gastritis - in an isolated form is rare. vomiting and
epigastric pain. More characteristic of food
toxic infections.
- Enteritis. Enteric stools are frequent, liquid, copious,
splashing, with particles of undigested food, offensive,
acidic, irritates the skin, causing diaper rash even when
careful care. Seniors complain of abdominal pain, children
at an early age they "knock" their legs, cry. Belly swollen
(flatulence), rumbling along the intestines. In speaker chair
loses fecal character, becomes watery with
a small amount of mucus and white lumps. Such a chair
can be with rotavirus and staphylococcal infections,
escherichiosis, salmonellosis.

- Colitis. Stool scanty, may consist of greenish-brown
cloudy mucus mixed with pus, sometimes blood (rectal
spit). The child often asks for a potty, but defecation
does not always happen. Such false painful urges
(tenesmus) are characteristic of dysentery. In children of 1 year
life there are bouts of anxiety, the child "knocks"
legs, pushing with reddening of the face, but the stool is not
stands out. Compliance or gaping of the anus is noted.
The abdomen is usually retracted. On palpation, rumbling in the right
iliac region and along the colon. In the left
iliac region is palpated spasmodic
painful sigmoid colon. This chair is typical for
dysentery, may be with salmonellosis, escherichiosis,
staphylococcal infection.
- Enterocolitis. Sum of symptoms of colitis and enteritis
- Gastroenteritis. Often occurs in young children.
- Gastroenterocolitis. Occurs at any age.

Mild form - there is no intoxication syndrome,
T subfebrile or normal, stool 4-6 times a day
day. In children of the first year of life, rare
regurgitation, body weight does not decrease.
Moderate form - symptoms from the first days
intoxication: T 38-39, loss of appetite, lethargy,
vomiting, often repeated, pallor, marbling
skin, acrocyanosis. In children of the first year, flat
weight curve Chair 8-10 times a day
Severe form - hyperthermia (39 and above),
repeated vomiting, stool 10-15 times or more,
hemocolitis. The chair loses its fecal character -
"rectal spit" or profuse watery without
stool masses. Toxicosis develops, toxicosis with
exicosis, neurotoxicosis, DIC with
disorders of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, water-electrolyte metabolism, acid-base balance, hemostasis

Laboratory diagnostics.
Scatology. With colitis syndrome - mucus,
leukocytes, erythrocytes. With enteritis, undigested food components.
bacteriological research. Is taken
stool culture (lumps of mucus and pus, but not
blood), vomit, washings
stomach, food. Sowing
carried out before the appointment of antimicrobial
drugs. Preliminary answer - w/o 48
hours, final - within 3 days.

Complex treatment:
adequate care
medical nutrition
etiotropic therapy
pathogenetic and
symptomatic therapy

adequate hygiene conditions (good
aeration, optimal T of air in the ward)
bed rest on the 1st day of illness
individual care (preferably maternal)

Health food
Feeding according to appetite. With a mild form - an age-related diet with
a decrease in daily volume by 15-20%, for children older than a year - food with
mechanical sparing (table 4 wiped) and additionally
fermented milk mixtures 2 times a day. When appetite decreases, feed
as often as possible. The normal amount of food is restored in 3-4 days.
With moderate and severe - a decrease in volume by 30-50% and
increase in the frequency of feeding up to 5-8 times a day with recovery
volume for 5-7 days. The best is breast milk. The rest are adapted habitual or fermented milk mixtures. As
complementary foods - 5-10% rice and buckwheat porridge on water and puree soup. Puree from
sweet baked apples. It is not recommended to introduce new
foods that the child has not received before.
For children older than a year - mashed food (boiled rice, mashed soups from
vegetables) with fat restriction. From 3-4 days - well-boiled steam
fish or meat (table 4 pureed). Avoid foods for 2-3 weeks
enhancing intestinal motility and fermentation (whole milk,
rye bread, raw vegetables, peas, beans, beets, cucumbers, white cabbage
cabbage, grapes, sour fruits and berries).
smoked meats, fried, spicy seasonings and spices.

Etiotropic therapy:
antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs.
The duration of the course is 5-7 days. At
inefficiency within 3 days - drug change.
Specific bacteriophages are viruses
pathogenic microbes. Highly selective. Available
dysentery, salmonella, staphylococcal,
coliproteic, klebsiella and combined
bacteriophage. It is prescribed per os and rectally for 1-2
hours before meals in a course of 5-7 days. Cannot be combined with
biological products. Do not prescribe during the period of expressed

Enterosorbents. In children, especially the 1st year, it is better
smect. Possibly along with antibiotics. Assign from
1 o'clock. The course is 5-7 days. Cannot be given with others
preparations - a break of at least 2 hours. Better to give
compote, jelly, water. Possible use
enterodez, enterosgel, polyphepan, cholestyramine,
activated charcoal, etc. These drugs
neutralize and remove bacteria from the intestines,
viruses, undigested sugars, strengthen the barrier
properties of the intestinal wall, normalize motility,
reduce the loss of water and electrolytes.
Pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy
oral rehydration

Antidiarrheal drugs. Ca preparations can be used,
bismuth, binders (tannacomp), etc. Do not use
loperamide (Imodium) as it reduces motility
intestines and creates a risk of dynamic obstruction
Immunotherapy. Used by CHBD children, from orphanages, from
neurological departments, with a protracted course,
prolonged bacterial excretion. Apply:
Means of non-specific protection: pentoxyl,
methyluracil, sodium nucleinate, prodigiosan, lysozyme,
yeast extract "Favorite"
Specific immunomodulators:
a) immunoglobulins for enteral administration - complex
immunoglobulin preparations of CIP (complete set of IGs and
high titer of specific antibodies against Escherichia, Shigella,
salmonella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, rotaviruses), kipferon,
antirotavirus IGB)
B) targeted lactoglobulins prepared from
colostrum of cows immunized with different antigens
(escherichiosis, shigellosis, salmonella,
Klebsiella, Proteus, Rotavirus). .

Enzyme therapy is aimed at correcting secondary disorders
digestion against the background of AII (digestion and absorption disorders).
Begins as you transfer to physiological nutrition in the stage of reparation
during or immediately after a meal in a course of 2-4 weeks under the control of a coprogram.
A) With a predominant violation of fat digestion (neutral
fat in the coprogram) pancreatic enzymes are used
(pancreatin, creon, pancitrate, prolipase, ultraza, etc.).
b) In violation of the digestion of plant fiber, starch,
muscle fibers, multicomponent preparations are used (festal,
C) with a decrease in gastric secretion and persistent anorexia - abomin,
Antiallergic drugs for various allergic manifestations
Correction of dysbacteriosis under the control of laboratory examination,
which is indicated by PIC receiving many antibiotics, and long-term
persistence of dyspeptic disorders (unstable stools, decreased
appetite and weight, abdominal pain, flatulence). In the presence of
decompensated DB of 2-3 degrees is corrected. For her

A) eubiotics - preparations containing live, specially processed
representatives of the normal intestinal microflora, which should
take root in the intestines. These include monopreparations containing:
- bifidobacteria (bifidumbacterin, biovestin)
- lactobacilli (lactobacterin, acylact, linex)
- combined preparations containing other than live microorganisms
various additives in the form of sorbents (bifidum-forte, probifor), vitamins
(Nutralin-B), immunoprotector (Acipol, bifacid, bifiliz, kipacid),
active additives necessary for the life of microbes in the form of
vitamins, microelements, amino acids, growth factors (euflorin B, euflorin
L, bifiform).
- probiotics - preparations containing metabolites of microorganisms
(disaccharides, organic acids) and other stimulators of flora reproduction
(para-aminobenzoic acid - pamba, amben; hilak-forte, frodo)
- prebiotics - natural oligosaccharides and synthetic disaccharides
(lactulose - drug dufalac), inulin. They do not split in a thin to-ke, but in
large intestine serve as a substrate for the growth of normal microflora,
stimulate mucin secretion, immunoprotective action, normalize
motility k-ka. There are many oligosaccharides in breast milk, onions, garlic, oats,
Jerusalem artichoke. Adapted mixtures enriched with them appeared (Lemolak,
Omneo, etc.).
Assign in the period of reparation against the background of an adequate diet and enzymes for 30-40
minutes before meals, no more than 2-3 weeks

Antiemetic therapy. Children arriving on the 1st 2nd day must
rinse the stomach with 2% sodium bicarbonate solution or clean boiled water
room temperature to clean wash water (especially with food
toxicoinfections), then after 1-2 hours to start oral rehydration.
With infrequent but persistent vomiting (central origin) - antiemetics
(cerucal, motilium, pipolfen, 0.25% novocaine, debridat).
Antipyretic - at T above 38.5C, children at risk for
seizures (encephalopathy, episyndrome, febrile convulsions in
anamnesis). First physical methods of cooling, then antipyretics
(Paracetamol, Calpol, Tylenol, Nurofen).
Painkillers only after the exclusion of surgical pathology.
Antispasmodics (no-shpa, buscopan, papaverine, alginatol suppositories), during
convalescence - dicetel.
Vitamin therapy - in the period of convalescence for recovery
permeability of cell membranes, increasing their biopotential,
stimulation of normal microflora (unicap, centrum, supradin, watering,
alvitil, etc.) 10-14 days
Physiotherapy - with prolonged bacterial excretion outside the lake. period - e / f
gumizol on the stomach 10 times.

allocate for the patient separate dishes, towels, care items that
disinfect after use
pour disinfectant. patient's excretion solution
to carry out wet cleaning of the room and toilet with dez. means 2-3 times a day
observe personal hygiene: wash hands with soap as often as possible, lathering them
2-3 times, especially after toileting and before cooking and eating.
Change towels and underwear daily.
Do not use for domestic purposes water from unauthorized
water sources and do not swim in them. Clear and pleasant tasting water
spring can be dangerous. There are 35 sources of unauthorized
water supply, in 2004 35% of samples were unsatisfactory in terms of
sanitary-chemical indicators and 45% - microbiological.
be sure to boil water for drinking, including from the tap and bottled
for drinking, washing hands and dishes, use only good-quality water
use only good quality food
do not purchase food products, especially dairy products, in unauthorized
places of trade, spontaneous markets, from hands, trays
All types of livestock products must be subject to veterinary

store perishable foods in the refrigerator, respecting the expiration date
keep ready-to-eat foods separate from raw foods
be sure to conduct heat treatment of dairy products (cottage cheese, milk,
choose fruits for the child without damage, berries - not wrinkled. At home
wash the fruits thoroughly with running water, pour over with boiling water, from apples, pears,
peel the peaches.
protect food from flies. Waste bins and buckets should
close with lids and empty regularly. summer on the windows
it is necessary to stretch the net, and use sticky paper to kill flies,
observe the rules of personal hygiene in places of public catering and
concentration of people
use baby food only in sterile packaging
keep yard latrines closed, clean and disinfect in a timely manner
at least 1 time in 5 days
inform the public about the ways of infection
in case of a child’s illness (nausea, vomiting, loose stools, T), immediately call
doctor and do not give yourself an antibiotic
when traveling on vacation with children, take with you rehydron, paracetamol,
enterosorbent, suprastin
It is planned to develop a multicomponent enteral vaccine against

The causative agent is Shigella.
The source of infection is the patient
With faeces, the patient excretes a large
the number of bacteria. If they do not comply
hygiene germs from his dirty hands can
get on the surrounding objects, in food, water.
Older children are more likely to get sick, becoming infected
through unwashed hands, food in a street kiosk,
bathing in ponds. Children 1 year old get sick
less often, as they have nowhere to get infected.



Acute onset
Intoxication, fever 1-3 days, in severe cases
possible neurotoxicosis.
Pain in the abdomen (more often the left iliac region)
Very frequent (10-20 or more times a day) colitis stools with
an abundance of mucus, sometimes an admixture of blood and pus).
The only AII that can be diagnosed before
seeding for hemocolitis syndrome. But others can give it too.
Tenesmus or its equivalent (crying on urging,
facial redness)
anus gaping
Spasmodic sigma
In the coprogram, leukocytes, mucus, erythrocytes
Seeding shigella

Sources of infection
animals (cattle, pigs, rodents,
poultry, etc.)
sick person and bacteria excretor
Ways of infection:
alimentary (through meat, dairy products)
fecal-oral - for young children,
especially the 1st year of life.
nosocomial infection. Possibly with
medical procedures (endoscopy),
by contact. Almost always in 1 year olds
life, vyz-Xia only S. Typhimurium.


Localized forms:
Generalized forms:

acute onset
intoxication, fever 5-7 days; at hospital
infection with prolonged fever of the wrong type.
In mild cases, T may not be.
diarrhea is usually preceded by vomiting
enterocolitis syndrome - liquid watery stools,
greenish-brown color in the form of marsh mud or
frog eggs, sometimes streaked with blood, maybe
frothy with an unpleasant odor, not too frequent, but
predominates in nosocomial infection
gastrointestinal form, gradual onset, more
frequent involvement of not only the small but also the large intestine,
frequent presence of blood in the feces.
In severe forms, neurotoxicosis, toxicosis with
exsicosis, septic syndrome
Often occurs in an erased form
In the coprogram mucus, leukocytes
Salmonella culture from feces, blood, urine

acute onset
intoxication, prolonged undulating
fever 1-2 weeks
enterocolitis syndrome - abundant frequent
loose, watery stools without tenesmus, with
admixture of greenery or yellow-orange.
Sometimes streaks of blood.
inoculation of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
the coprogram is not changed, or mucus,
single leukocytes

May be in the form:
food poisoning - acute onset through
a few hours after infection, abdominal pain,
repeated vomiting, liquid frequent stools.
In severe cases, an increase in T to high numbers,
intoxication, convulsions.
Recovery within 5-7 days.
Staphylococcal enterocolitis - in children of early
age at consumption of an infected
Most often mild or moderate form.
Slight increase in T, frequent watery liquid
stool with mucus. Sometimes streaks of blood.
Complications are typical: otitis media, pneumonia.
Vomiting is rare.

More often happens in the spring.
Infection through dirty hands, vegetables, fruits,
products without packaging, unboiled water
Increasing T to 39, urge to vomit, diarrhea. Chair
watery with a yellow tinge up to 20 times a day
day. There may be a rash on the skin. Maybe
precede a runny nose and other symptoms
Personal hygiene

slide 1

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slide 3

slide 4

slide 5

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Slide 7

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Slide 9

Slide 10

slide 11

The presentation on the topic "Intestinal infection" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Medicine. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 11 slide(s).

Presentation slides

slide 1

Intestinal infection

The presentation was made by the Teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 15" of the city of Engels Myadelets M.V.

slide 2

The oral cavity - approbation, wetting, neutralization, grinding food, splitting carbohydrates; -esophagus - moving food into the stomach; - stomach - mechanical processing, disinfection of food, breakdown of proteins and partial - fats; -12 duodenal ulcer - the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates under the action of pancreatic juice and bile; -small intestine - breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates, selective absorption of nutrients into the blood and lymph; - large intestine - absorption of water, formation of feces, digestion of fiber, synthesis of vitamins.

Changes to which food undergoes in the digestive tract

slide 3

Gastrointestinal infections

Food poisoning can be caused by various microorganisms, most often it is salmonella, botulism sticks, cholera vibrio, dysentery bacillus.


botulism sticks

cholera vibrio

dysenteric bacillus

slide 4

Once in the body, the bacteria secrete poison, which causes acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, small and large intestine. The disease begins quickly enough. Already 2-4 hours after eating, the first symptoms are observed: nausea, a feeling of weakness, later - profuse vomiting, diarrhea. Often there is fever, headache. Particularly sensitive to food poisoning are children, the elderly and patients with gastrointestinal diseases. Their poisoning often proceeds in a more severe form.

slide 5

slide 6

Worm infestations

Infection with helminths occurs by the fecal-oral route through the mouth: - due to direct contact with the earth, sand; - through contaminated objects; - through food; - by means of insects (flies, cockroaches, ants); - through contact with animals (dogs, cats). From person to person, pinworm infection can occur in children's groups (kindergartens) through toys, as well as through bed linen.

Slide 7

Worms can create health problems and exacerbate existing disorders, including the realization of unfavorable hereditary predispositions. The most common syndrome in helminthic invasion is gastrointestinal dysfunction: -unstable stool; -pain syndrome; flatulence; belching, nausea, rapid satiety. One of the most common manifestations of helminthic invasion is an allergy. Manifestations of intoxication with helminthiases are: loss of appetite, disturbance of night sleep (anxiety, sounds in a dream or frequent awakenings); grinding of teeth; irritability, capriciousness, aggressiveness; convulsions. Helminths weaken the immune system, resulting in frequent respiratory diseases, pustular or fungal lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, dental caries.

Slide 8

Slide 9

1. Washing hands with soap and water after using the toilet, contact with animals or the ground. 2. Treatment of toys with soapy water and floor treatment is mandatory with detergents approximately once every 10-14 days. 3. Processing vegetables and fruits with soap before use; berries (strawberries, raspberries, etc.) are first poured with clean water, then it is drained and the fruits are washed with running water. 4. Thermal processing of food. Here are the conditions that will help to avoid gastrointestinal infections!

Slide 10

Dietary Errors Leading to Gastrointestinal Diseases

1. We eat too much. 2. We eat too much fat. 3. We choose food incorrectly. 4. We drink too much. 5. We eat wrong. 6. We eat too many sweets. 7. We cook wrong. 8. We eat too much. 9. We know too little about nutrition.

slide 11

Basic nutrition rules

  • No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.
  • 1 slide

    2 slide

    Intestinal infection is a large group of contagious diseases that damage the gastrointestinal tract.

    3 slide

    With water, food, dirty hands, viruses and bacteria enter the mouth. Then these microbes are transported to the stomach and intestines, where they begin to multiply actively and produce various toxins. These substances violate the permeability of cell membranes, interfere with the course of biochemical reactions, lead to an imbalance of important salts, minerals and moisture loss.

    4 slide

    “One in three intestinal infections occurred after eating vegetables or salads”

    5 slide

    Symptoms: After microbes enter the body, the disease begins: from 6-8 hours to several days with dysentery, salmonellosis, intestinal clinical infections. Symptoms of poisoning are typical for the onset of the disease: deterioration in general well-being, headaches, loss of appetite, fever up to 38-39 ° C. after 12-18 hours from coccal infections (staphylococci, streptococci); Patients complain of nausea, vomiting, cramping abdominal pain, loose stools mixed with mucus, pus (with dysentery mixed with blood), thirst and chills may disturb. With repeated vomiting and frequent stools, dehydration develops

    6 slide

    troubles begin with general lethargy, weakness, poor appetite, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, headaches, fatigue in the eyes. A little later, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, possibly high fever, chills occur. On average, from the moment microbes enter the body, unpleasant symptoms appear within 6-48 hours.

    7 slide

    Prevention of diseases caused by intestinal infections: Observe personal hygiene. Subject to thorough heat treatment of foods such as meat, milk, eggs, fish. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating. Use only pure water for drinking - in doubtful cases, boil the water. Store food in clean containers at the appropriate temperature and consume before the stated shelf life.

    8 slide

    Further actions: Invite a local therapist to the patient, who will determine further treatment. In severe cases, call an ambulance (tel. 03) to hospitalize the patient in an infectious diseases hospital. In mild cases, the patient should visit an infectious disease specialist in the clinic.

    9 slide

    Disinfection or disinfection is a set of special measures aimed at the destruction of pathogens of infectious diseases in the external environment and interruption of the transmission routes of the infectious principle.

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    The main danger of intestinal infections is the rapid dehydration of the body. Vomiting and diarrhea are a kind of defense reaction, so the body gets rid of foreign substances.

    Buying pickled mushrooms from grandmothers near the metro, eating expired canned food, going on a trip and simply forgetting to wash our hands and fruits and vegetables before eating, we risk catching an intestinal infection. At best, it threatens to sit in the restroom for many hours. In the worst infectious diseases hospital and even death.

    Intestinal infections - what is it? Intestinal infections are a whole group of contagious diseases that primarily damage the digestive tract. In total, there are more than 30 such diseases. Of these, the most harmless is the so-called food poisoning, and the most dangerous is cholera.

    Causes of intestinal infections The causative agents of intestinal infections can be: bacteria (salmonellosis, dysentery, cholera), their toxins (botulism), and viruses (enterovirus). From patients and carriers of infection, microbes are excreted into the external environment with feces, vomit, and sometimes with urine. Almost all pathogens of intestinal infections are extremely tenacious. They are able to exist for a long time in soil, water and even on various objects. For example, on spoons, plates, door handles and furniture. Gut microbes are not afraid of the cold, but still prefer to live where it is warm and humid. They multiply especially quickly in dairy products, minced meat, jelly, jelly, and also in water (especially in summer). The causative agents of intestinal infection enter the body of a healthy person through the mouth: along with food, water or through dirty hands.

    What's happening? From the mouth, microbes enter the stomach, and then into the intestines, where they begin to multiply intensively. The cause of the disease is the poisons that secrete microorganisms and the damage to the digestive tract that they cause. After microbes enter the body, the disease begins after 6-48 hours. Intestinal infections are more common in summer. This is due to the fact that in the heat we drink more liquid, which means that the gastric juice that kills harmful microbes is diluted. In addition, in summer we often drink unboiled water (from springs and from the tap).

    What is dangerous? All intestinal infections are dangerous in that dehydration occurs due to vomiting or diarrhea. The result can be kidney failure and other serious complications. For example, from the nervous system (coma, cerebral edema), heart (cardiogenic shock) and liver.

    How to recognize? Intestinal infections, like all other infectious diseases, always happen unexpectedly. At the very beginning of the disease, a person feels weakness, lethargy, his appetite may deteriorate, his head hurts, and even the temperature rises. It is very similar to poisoning or even to a banal acute respiratory disease. It's okay, the person thinks, swallows aspirin or activated charcoal and waits for him to get better. However, it doesn't get any better. On the contrary, new problems appear: nausea and vomiting, cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea. May be disturbed by thirst and chills.

    Treatment of intestinal infections Treatment of intestinal infections is complex and includes: the fight against microbial poisons, the microbes themselves, as well as dehydration. In addition, patients must follow a proper diet and, with the help of special preparations, restore the normal intestinal microflora.

    Prevention To protect yourself from acute intestinal infections, it is enough to follow the following simple rules: drink water and milk only in boiled form, wash vegetables and fruits with hot water and soap, follow the rules and terms of food storage, wash your hands before eating and do not bite your nails.

    Typhoid fever An acute infectious disease caused by a bacterium from the genus Salmonella. The pathogen can persist in soil and water for up to 1-5 months. Killed by heating and the action of conventional disinfectants. The only source of infection is a sick person and a carrier. Typhoid fever sticks are carried directly by dirty hands, flies, sewage. Dangerous outbreaks associated with the use of infected foods (milk, cold meat dishes, etc.).

    Symptoms and course. The disease begins with a gradual increase in temperature to 39 ° C, an increase in signs of severe intoxication - headache, weakness, mental retardation. The tongue takes on a rich red color. lined with gray bloom, increased in size, with imprints of teeth. At the height of the disease, severe mental disorders are noted - "typhoid status" (a state of stupor, apathy, up to a coma). On the 8-10th day, a rash appears on the skin of the chest and abdomen. With intestinal bleeding, the stool becomes black.

    Treatment. The main antimicrobial drug is chloramphenicol. Assign 0.5-0.75 g, 4 times a day for days until normal temperature. Patients must observe strict bed rest for at least 7-10 days. Even with the availability of modern medicines, typhoid fever remains a dangerous disease with a high mortality rate (12-30% in developing countries).

    Prevention. Sanitary supervision of food enterprises, water supply, sewerage. Early detection of patients and their isolation. Disinfection of the premises, linen, dishes that boil after use, fight against flies. Dispensary observation of patients with typhoid fever. Back to the list of diseases

    Sources of infection. The source of infection is a sick person. Infection with dysentery occurs when the rules of personal hygiene are not observed. Dysentery is a disease of dirty hands. However, you can get sick by drinking contaminated water or foods washed with such water and not thermally processed enough.

    What's happening? The incubation period of the disease is from several hours to 2-3 days. The causative agent of the disease causes inflammation of the wall of the large intestine. The main symptom of dysentery is not very abundant, frequent liquid stools with mucus, pus, blood. In addition, the patient's general well-being is disturbed, nausea, vomiting appear, appetite decreases, and headaches bother. With the development of the disease, dehydration may develop.

    Treatment Treatment of dysentery is carried out in a hospital. In the treatment of dysentery, two tasks are solved - the fight against the microbe-causative agent of the disease (antibiotics are used) and the compensation for fluid loss - drinking plenty of water and intravenous infusion of special solutions. With good body resistance, the disease is completely cured in 7-10 days, but sometimes it can also acquire a wave-like character. Immunity in recovered patients is unstable, repeated cases of infection are possible. Back to the list of diseases

    Symptoms and course. The onset of the disease is similar to the flu, often accompanied by diarrhea. For 2 weeks, the disease subsides, weakness, sweating, fatigue remain. Later, paralysis and paresis occur in the limbs, more often in the legs. Then the movements are somewhat restored, and partially the muscles atrophy. At the first suspicion of polio, the patient should be immediately taken to the infectious diseases hospital, as he is a danger to others. In addition, the phenomena of paralysis, more or less, but always regress. In addition, inflammation of the lungs, urinary tract infection, etc., can join, from which such patients often die.

    Treatment. Since there is no specific treatment, prophylaxis with a live vaccine is most important. In 30% of cases, poliomyelitis ends with residual paralysis with muscle atrophy, in 30% with milder complications. Complete recovery from the paralytic form without consequences occurs in 30% of cases and in 10% of cases (with damage to the respiratory system) - death. Back to the list of diseases

    Cholera Cholera is an acute infectious disease related to especially dangerous infections. The classic picture of cholera is frequent, up to 10 or more times a day, diarrhea. Fluid loss is colossal up to 20 liters per day, and each milliliter contains up to a billion vibrios.

    Treatment The basis of treatment is replenishing the loss of fluid and trace elements, maintaining water-electrolyte and acid-base balance in the body. Antibiotics are just an additional treatment. Thanks to complex therapy, mortality from cholera currently does not exceed 1%. Back to the list of diseases

    Paratyphoid A and B Paratyphoid A and B are acute infectious diseases that are similar in clinical picture to typhoid fever. Pathogens - mobile bacteria from the genus Salmonella, stable in the external environment. Disinfectants at normal concentrations kill them in a few minutes. The only source of infection for paratyphoid A are sick and bacterial excretors, and for paratyphoid B, animals (cattle, etc.) can also be the source of infection. Ways of transmission are more often fecal-oral, less often contact-household (including fly).

    Symptoms. Paratyphoid A and B, as a rule, begins gradually with an increase in signs of intoxication (fever, increasing weakness), dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, loose stools), catarrhal (cough, runny nose), ulcerative lesions of the intestinal lymphatic system join.

    Treatment. Prevention. Treatment should be comprehensive, including care, diet, immune and stimulant drugs. Bed rest until 6-7 days of normal temperature, from 7-8 days it is allowed to sit, and from walking. Easily digestible food, sparing the gastrointestinal tract. Prevention is reduced to general sanitary measures: improving the quality of water supply, sanitary cleaning of populated areas and sewerage, fighting flies, etc. Dispensary observation of paratyphoid patients is carried out for 3 months. Back to the list of diseases

    Botulism Botulism is a deadly infectious disease. The permanent place of residence of the causative agent of botulism is the soil, where they can persist for many years. From the soil, the microbe enters food products. Without access to air (in canned or dense products, such as salmon, products), the causative agent of botulism begins to produce botulinum toxin, the strongest known poison. It is several times stronger than the venom of a rattlesnake. In 95% of cases, canned home-made mushrooms are the cause of botulism, as they do not undergo heat treatment. In the same jar, botulinum toxin accumulates in nests, infected areas are scattered throughout the contents of the jar. Therefore, not all people who eat canned food from the same jar get sick.

    Treatment. Prevention. The disease develops very quickly within 2-24 hours. The first symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain. The first specific manifestations of botulism are impaired visual acuity, double vision, strabismus. Then speech disorder, weakness, dry mouth, swallowing disorder, voice changes, etc. join. The temperature is normal or slightly elevated, consciousness is preserved. Treatment of botulism is carried out only in the infectious diseases hospital. First of all, the remnants of food poisoned by botulinum toxin are removed from the patient's intestines (laxatives, gastric lavage are used). The specific treatment for botulism is the urgent administration of an anti-botulinum serum that neutralizes the toxin. Immunity with botulism does not develop, that is, this disease can be ill repeatedly. Prevention of botulism consists in careful heat treatment of food, strict observance of sanitary standards for the preparation, storage and consumption of food. Back to the list of diseases

    Brucellosis Brucellosis is an infectious disease caused by Brucella, a small pathogenic bacterium. A person becomes infected from domestic animals (cows, sheep, goats, pigs) when caring for them or when eating infected products - milk, little aged cheese, poorly cooked or fried meat. The causative agent, penetrating the body through the digestive tract, cracks, scratches and other damage to the skin or mucous membrane, then spreads through the lymphatic tract and blood vessels, which makes any organ accessible to this disease.

    Treatment. Prevention. The most effective means are antibiotics. In the stage of attenuation of acute inflammatory phenomena, physiotherapy exercises are prescribed, applications on the joints of paraffin in a warm form. With persistent remission - resort treatment, taking into account the existing contraindications. Meat can also be eaten after it has been boiled in small pieces for 3 hours or salted and kept in brine for at least 70 days. Milk from cows and goats in areas where there are cases of diseases of large and small livestock can only be consumed after boiling. All dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, cream, butter) should be prepared from pasteurized milk. Cheese made from sheep's milk is aged for 70 days. Back to the list of diseases

    Salmonellosis In some products (milk, meat products), Salmonella can not only persist, but also multiply without changing the appearance and taste of the products. Salting and smoking have a very weak effect on them, and freezing even increases the survival time of microorganisms in products. Salmonellosis is transmitted through the eggs of sick birds. Today it is one of the leading ways of spreading this disease. Salmonellosis is an infectious disease transmitted mainly through food. It is caused by various microbes of the genus Salmonella.

    Treatment. In the treatment of salmonellosis, there are several leading areas: antibiotics to combat salmonella, special solutions to compensate for fluid lost with vomiting and diarrhea, anti-inflammatory drugs - preparations for removing toxins, restoring normal intestinal microflora. With persistent and competent treatment, salmonellosis can be completely eliminated. Back to the list of diseases

    slide presentation

    Slide text: Intestinal infections

    Slide text: Intestinal infection is a large group of contagious diseases that damage the gastrointestinal tract.

    Slide text: . With water, food, dirty hands, viruses and bacteria enter the mouth. Then these microbes are transported to the stomach and intestines, where they begin to multiply actively and produce various toxins. These substances violate the permeability of cell membranes, interfere with the course of biochemical reactions, lead to an imbalance of important salts, minerals and moisture loss.

    Slide text: "Every third infection with intestinal infections occurred after eating vegetables or salads"

    Slide text: Symptoms: After microbes enter the body, the disease begins: from 6-8 hours to several days with dysentery, salmonellosis, intestinal clinical infections. Symptoms of poisoning are typical for the onset of the disease: deterioration in general well-being, headaches, loss of appetite, fever up to 38-39 ° C. after 12-18 hours from coccal infections (staphylococci, streptococci); Patients complain of nausea, vomiting, cramping abdominal pain, loose stools mixed with mucus, pus (with dysentery mixed with blood), thirst and chills may disturb. With repeated vomiting and frequent stools, dehydration develops

    Slide text: troubles begin with general lethargy, weakness, poor appetite, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, headaches, fatigue in the eyes. A little later, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, possibly high fever, chills occur. On average, from the moment microbes enter the body, unpleasant symptoms appear within 6-48 hours.

    Slide text: Prevention of diseases caused by intestinal infections: Observe personal hygiene. Subject to thorough heat treatment of foods such as meat, milk, eggs, fish. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating. Use only pure water for drinking - in doubtful cases, boil the water. Store food in clean containers at the appropriate temperature and consume before the stated shelf life.

    Slide text: Further actions: Invite a local therapist to the patient, who will determine further treatment. In severe cases, call an ambulance (tel. 03) to hospitalize the patient in an infectious diseases hospital. In mild cases, the patient should visit an infectious disease specialist in the clinic.

    Slide text: Disinfection or disinfection is a set of special measures aimed at the destruction of pathogens of infectious diseases in the external environment and interruption of the transmission routes of the infectious principle.

    Slide #10

    Slide text: The main danger of intestinal infections is the rapid dehydration of the body. Vomiting and diarrhea are a kind of defense reaction, so the body gets rid of foreign substances.

    Slide #11

    Slide text: In order to replenish the reserves of ions and restore the water balance, it is necessary to drink boiled water containing various salts. Such mixtures can be purchased at a pharmacy. These are Oralit, Citroglucosolan, Regidron, Begidron. Such solutions must be taken in several sips, with an interval of 10-15 minutes. In general, drinking plenty of water (frequent, but in small portions) is the key to a successful recovery. Suitable tea, dried fruit compote, herbal tea.
