How to pass air in new batteries. How to bleed air from the battery if there is no Mayevsky tap. Private house, access level - administrator

With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to take care of starting the heating system. If you live in an ordinary apartment building, the HOA plumbers will do everything for you, but if you live in a private house, then you will have to start the heat yourself.

Even if the launch is made by professionals, it can be accompanied by a number of problems. If you notice that the radiators are cold , This means there is probably an air pocket in the system. To eliminate such unpleasant consequences, you need to know how to bleed air from the battery.

What is dangerous gas accumulated in the heating system?

It is very easy to understand that air has accumulated in the system. If you hear strange gurgling and hissing sounds in your radiator, and its heat level is far from desired, then there is an air lock.

An air lock interferes with the proper functioning of the system, leading to corrosion of the radiator. If measures are not taken in time, there is a risk of damage to the entire heating system.

Where does the airlock come from? Most often this happens due to improper filling of the system with water, installation errors, low pressure in the system, poor quality of the water itself, in which dissolved oxygen is present.

Most often, air accumulates in radiators installed in apartments on the top floors of the house.

In order to release air from the radiator, it is enough to perform a few simple operations. Let's start with the fact that today all radiators are equipped with special air vents. They are of the following types:

  • Manual, the so-called "Mayevsky cranes". During the operation, a special radiator key or a conventional screwdriver is used, with which this valve is turned, and the gas leaves the system. The Mayevsky crane is located at the end of the radiator.
  • Automatic . They work without human assistance when necessary. When air appears in the system, the float located inside opens a special valve, which releases the accumulated gas. Such devices are installed where there is a high probability of its accumulation.

Removal of air from a radiator

We will tell you in more detail how to bleed air from the heating battery.

  1. Find Mayevsky's faucet on the radiator. It is a small valve with a recess that can be turned.
  2. Prepare a container for the liquid that will drain from the radiator, put a rag on the floor.
  3. Turn the Mayevsky faucet with a key or a screwdriver (depending on the design of the faucet). First, drops mixed with air should come out of it. When a normal stream of water begins to drain from the hole, you can close the tap. Gas has been bled from the system.
  4. Follow these instructions to bleed all the batteries in your home.

Most often, the problem of air formation in the system is familiar to the owners of aluminum radiators. In order to avoid problems in the future, it is necessary to immediately take care of the event from the start of the launch, otherwise the batteries will not last long.

Removing air from the system is a fairly simple procedure that is very easy to handle. If you follow the above tips, the problem will be solved.


We invite you to see what we have discussed.

If in the autumn - winter season the batteries remain cold or barely warm, then most likely the heat supply system is airy. In any case, there will be no superfluous information for the property owner on how to bleed the air from the radiators in order to prevent situations where the operation of the equipment is inefficient.

Experts advise: before you put the heating system into operation, it must be properly prepared. If in multi-apartment buildings this procedure is performed by public utilities, then the owners of the private sector have to provide themselves with heat on their own.

Danger of airlock in batteries

When air appears in the device, this indicates that there will be problems with the heat supply and the problem must be solved immediately, how to bleed air from the heating radiator. Its excess presence will become an obstacle to the normal operation of the heating system. In addition, a corrosive process will begin on the walls of the batteries.

When a circulation pump is installed in the heating circuit, an air lock is likely to disrupt its operation. If the system is working correctly, the plain bearings located on the shaft of the pumping equipment will constantly be in the working environment.

When airing, the effect of "dry friction" appears, which negatively affects the sliding rings, which will disable the shaft. Therefore, it is so important to have information on how to properly bleed the air from the battery. If the necessary measures are taken in time, then it will be possible to prevent damage to the heat supply structure.

How to determine the presence of an air lock

Before proceeding with the release of air from the heating radiator, first of all, you need to figure out the reason for its appearance in the circuit.

Airing usually occurs:

  • after incorrect filling of the system with coolant;
  • when errors were made during installation;
  • if there is insufficient pressure in the circuit, or a low-quality coolant in which dissolved oxygen is present.

Also, the reasons for the occurrence of an air lock can be:

  • loose connection of the elements of the system, as a result of which the device sucks in air from the outside;
  • the absence of an air vent or it is installed, but does not function correctly;
  • carrying out repair work related to the replacement of radiators, risers, locking elements, as a result of which air entered the system.

The following signs indicate the presence of airing:

  • the presence of gurgling and hissing sounds in the radiator;
  • lowering the degree of heating;
  • uneven heating of sections - in areas where air has collected, they can be cold.

The above situations happen often and all owners of apartments or private households face similar problems. Therefore, it is so important to figure out how to release air from the radiator, because this can be done on your own, without plumbing services. As practice shows, usually an air lock appears in radiators located on the upper floors of the building.

But sometimes the cause of airing is associated with the installation of a low-quality heater, and then after bleeding the air, the problem will appear again and again. The fact is that there are materials for the manufacture of batteries that contribute to the appearance of gases. In this case, the problem is solved only by purchasing a new radiator.

Bleeding air from heaters

Before you bleed air from the radiator and from the system, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of this procedure and prepare tools and materials. It is important to understand how to bleed the air from the battery correctly. You need to have a special key at your disposal that will help open the air valve on the battery. A radiator wrench is best suited for this work - you can buy it at a hardware store.

If you have to work with a modern battery, then a simple screwdriver will do. You should also prepare a container for draining the coolant and a few rags in case an unforeseen situation arises.

Instructions for the correct bleed of air from the battery looks like this:

  1. First, they examine the battery and find a small valve (Mayevsky's tap). It is located in the upper part of the device, sometimes there are several such devices.
  2. Unscrew the faucet until a hiss of air is heard. It is necessary to act carefully and smoothly.
  3. A container is placed under the valve.
  4. You should wait until all the accumulated air comes out. This is evidenced by a thin stream of water that has stopped bubbling. According to some experts, it is necessary to drain about 2 - 3 buckets after the coolant begins to drain without gases. This is necessary for reinsurance, so as not to carry out this procedure again.
  5. The valve is screwed back.

In addition to the Mayevsky crane, it is possible to bleed air from the battery using automated air vents. They are intended for heat supply systems and remove plugs on their own.

These devices are compact and reliable, but care must be taken, because the valves are unattended and even a slight violation of the process can lead to flooding of the basement or attic.

Sometimes there are situations when, during the installation of the heating system, special products designed to eliminate airing were not installed. To release excess air from the device, a gas or adjustable wrench is required to unscrew the plug.

This work must be done slowly. If the plug does not unscrew, and such situations most often occur with cast-iron radiators, a special lubricant should be applied to the threads. After a while, try again. After you managed to unscrew the plug, they act in the same way as with a conventional faucet.

At the end of the work, the cork is returned to its place, not forgetting to wrap flax or FUM tape on the thread, which will prevent leaks and ensure the tightness of the connection.

If air has collected in the heating system of a private house, the coolant is drained using an expansion tank. This tank is located at the highest point of the heat supply structure. After draining the water, you should wait a little, then unscrew the tap on the tank.

As a rule, when the temperature in the battery rises, the cork is removed on its own. If the actions performed were unsuccessful, then the water in the heating circuit must be brought to a boil and then the air will certainly come out.

Knowing how to bleed air from the radiator and the system, you can avoid many problems. In order to prevent such a procedure should be carried out before the start of the heating period. According to experts, two times (for verification and control) will be enough. If defects or breakdowns are found in the design, then the number of descents is greater.

When aluminum radiators are installed in the apartment, before starting the heating system, water should be drained, due to which the life of the devices will increase significantly.

Preventive actions

Of course, it is necessary to know how to properly bleed air from the battery. But it is much better to air the system as little as possible. To prevent this problem, you need to install an air vent.

Air collectors for heating systems are of two types:

  • manual - Mayevsky crane;
  • float - automatic.

Each of these devices can be installed anywhere where there is a risk of airlock. The Mayevsky crane has a traditional configuration, and air vents can be in an angular or straight design.

In order not to hastily solve the problem of how to bleed air from the radiator and ventilate the heat supply system, it is imperative to mount an air vent on each radiator.

A manual type device makes it easy to eliminate an air lock, it is usually placed on the end side of the battery. To do this, you need to have a special key at your disposal. The performance of a manual air vent is small and therefore it is used for heating systems operated at home.

Air vents of the second type operate in automatic mode. When using them, nothing needs to be unscrewed or opened, since the device does everything on its own. It should be installed strictly in a vertical or horizontal position.

But the automatic valve, designed to drain excess air from the heating system, has a drawback - it is highly sensitive to various contaminants. Therefore, its high-quality work can be ensured by an additionally installed filter that will protect the device from them.

If air has collected in the heat supply structure, it is imperative to determine the cause of this problem, especially if there have not been such situations before. The main thing at the same time is not only to eliminate the air lock, but also to take all necessary measures so that it does not reappear.

First of all, you need to check the heater for leaks, you may need to tighten the bolts somewhere, change the nuts, and process the joints more efficiently. There are cases when the air vent is not mounted correctly or the automatic air separator is broken.


It should be noted that the problem associated with airing the heat supply system is quite relevant today. It often occurs both in private households and in urban high-rise buildings. There are many reasons for the formation of air pockets.

As already mentioned, it is very important to figure out why they appeared and know how to properly bleed air from the battery so that similar situations do not arise in the future. By installing a special device - an air vent, you can forget about this problem and thereby extend the life of the heating system.

Most of the time there are no problems. But sometimes suddenly the house becomes cold or there are strange sounds in the heating radiator. What could it be? Unfortunately, in this case, there is air in the heating system, which means that it is necessary to bleed air from there. Today you will learn how to do it without a Mayevsky crane.

Airiness in the battery: what is it and how to determine

What is airiness in a heating battery? This concept refers to the accumulation of air, most often in the upper part of the heating radiator. This situation becomes a problem and quite common for those who live in high-rise buildings on one of the last floors. There can be several reasons for such a problem:

  • Carrying out repair work on the site / on neighboring floors. In the event that work was carried out with heating pipes in a residential square, there is a high probability of a small air flow entering the system.
  • There was a coolant leak in one of the sections (which means that an immediate check of the system is required to eliminate the leak).
  • Feature of the underfloor heating system. The problem of system airiness is indeed a frequent picture in the presence of a warm floor system, especially if it has a complex circuit and many branches.

Cast iron battery

  • High temperature water contains air and the more often it is updated in the system, the higher the likelihood of a malfunction.
  • If the appearance of an air "lock" in time coincides with the start-up of a common heating main, it is more likely that it was the start-up of the system that caused the airiness.

Advice. If you live in a private house, then, in principle, you should not worry too much about the airiness of the system (if it is small). The fact is that in private heating systems, most often the coolant changes very rarely, which means that the air must be bled off on its own within a few days.

Determining the presence of an air "plug" is quite simple. For example, if the temperature of the water in the battery dropped sharply or the battery became only partially cold, it may even begin to gurgle - all this is a sign of airiness.

Air release without Mayevsky crane

Most home heating radiators have a special device that helps to make the task of bleeding air as easy as possible - or an automatic valve.

But the question is: what to do if there is simply no such device on the battery? If you have just such a picture before your eyes - most likely, they are installed in your house. On such batteries, quite often a simple plug is installed, which was twisted on a tow covered with paint. In addition, it was also covered with a layer of paint during the painting of heating batteries.

Mayevsky crane

It is difficult to remove it in order to gain access to the coolant located in the system. For this reason, the simplest way out of the situation can be considered an appeal to the neighbors from the last floor of the house (they will probably have a Mayevsky crane on the battery). But if the neighbors, for example, have left or you yourself are a tenant of the top floor and there is no tap? In this case, you will have to resort to the "grandfather" method of bleeding air from the heating system.

So, you need to stock up on a basin, a bucket and a lot of rags. In addition (you can’t take this “barrier” with your bare hands), you will need an adjustable wrench to unscrew the cork and some kind of paint thinner. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to move the plug from the "dead" point.

So, first apply a solvent to the place where the plug is installed and wait 15 minutes. After that, gently start moving the adjustable wrench along the thread until the plug starts to feed. You will hear air begin to bleed. When the sound subsides (a sign of lack of air), be sure to wrap a layer of “fumka” around the plug and insert it into place. If desired, you can slightly paint over the junction of the plug with the battery.

Advice. Before starting work, it is advisable to close the riser for safe operation, otherwise, with a sharp enough jerk, you will completely unscrew the plug and the water from the battery cannot be stopped.

You have learned about how quickly and quite simply you can cope with the task of venting air from a heating radiator in the absence of a Mayevsky crane. Good luck!

Installing a crane on a battery: video

This article is about how to remove air from the heating system and how to prevent it from re-airing. In it, I will talk about solutions for different heating schemes and different skill levels of the reader, about the causes of air locks and the prevention of their formation.

Why is it bad

  1. What harms the air plug in the water heating circuit?

The main danger is that it is able to completely stop the circulation in the entire circuit or in its separate section. The pressure difference in a typical heating system of an apartment building between the mixture after the water jet elevator and the return (that is, at the beginning and at the end of the heating circuit) does not exceed 0.2 kgf / cm. On a separate riser, it does correspond to a pressure of a few centimeters of water column.

This difference is not enough to overcome the difference in density between air and water. As a result, the top of the riser remains airy, and the circulation of the coolant in it is impossible. The consequences are the lack of heating in the apartments, and in the very first serious frosts, the defrosting of the heating circuit section.

Not only that: in most Soviet-built apartment buildings, heating is still used from black steel. Its contact with air in conditions of high humidity drastically reduces the life of the pipeline. Corrosion, you know.

Where does air come from

  1. Where do air batteries come from? Shouldn't the circuit be filled all year round?

Must. On this account, there is the strictest instruction of the "Heat Networks" responsible for the operation of the central heating.

Only - that's the trouble! - in addition to instructions, there is also a harsh reality:

  • Summer is the time for the revision and repair of shut-off valves on risers and in elevator units. Fill the circuit and bleed air from each riser after replacing each valve and flushing, the housing organization will simply go broke on paying for water consumption if this is done;

Summer is the time for the revision of shut-off valves for heating.

  • Residents of apartments during the holidays are often puzzled by the replacement and transfer of radiators. At the same time, they also drop risers, and even the whole house;
  • When the valves are closed and the circuit cools, the volume of the coolant in it drops. Physics, however. It is worth opening any valve - and the riser will suck in air with noise;
  • Finally, cooled cast-iron radiators after stopping the heating often begin to flow between sections. The reason is the same thermal expansion. After the tenth - fifteenth leak in one entrance, the locksmith faces a difficult choice: spend the whole summer on sorting the batteries with the replacement of gaskets, or simply reset the circuit for a couple of months remaining until the fall.

How to pit

The way in which the heating circuit is vented depends quite predictably on two factors:

  • from its configuration. Bottom and top filling systems are arranged differently;
  • From who you are - a tenant of one of the apartments or a locksmith serving an apartment building. This determines your goal: whether you need to try to run the maximum number of risers possible without going up to the upper floors.

Bottom filling, access level - user

  1. What does removing an air lock look like in a house with a bottom filling, if you are the owner of one of the apartments in an apartment building?

The key feature of the lower filling is the pairwise connection of heating risers. The supply and return bottlings are located in the basement; risers are cut off from them by valves, after which there are plugs or taps for discharging water.

All air from the heating system of the lower filling is displaced into the upper part of each pair of risers. In apartments on the top floor or (more rarely) in the attic, there is a jumper between the risers. Directly on it or in the radiator plug of one of the radiators is a Mayevsky tap - a simple device that allows you to bleed air.

It is enough for the tenant of the upper floor to unscrew the tap half a turn and wait until water flows out of it in a thin stream instead of hissing air. If you live below, pay a visit to the upstairs neighbors at a convenient time for them.

If the tenants of the upper floor have not settled or are away, the problem is solved by the housing organization servicing the house. Your task is to fix the application for the absence of heat in the apartment.

If the problem is not resolved as soon as possible, you have the right to demand a recalculation for heating, so residents usually try to do everything possible and impossible to start the riser.

Bottom filling, access level - administrator

  1. How to expel air plugs from the heating system of the lower filling, if you are on the “you” with plumbing and have access to the basement?

Bypass the entire heating circuit. To do this, it is enough to close one of the house heating valves and open the discharge into the sewer located in front of it; if the air has not escaped after 5-10 minutes, the system can be bypassed in the opposite direction (from supply to return or from return to supply).

Do not forget, having closed the reset, return the valves to the operating mode: the shut-off valves at the inlet and outlet of the heating circuit must be fully open.

If the problem concerns individual risers, in many cases they can also be bypassed from the basement. After closing the valve on one of the paired risers, open the vent on it. If a large amount of air comes out of the tap along with the water, you have a chance of success.

First of all, this concerns a pair of risers, one of which is idle, and heating devices are installed on the second. When starting water for discharge from the working to the idle riser, complete removal of air always occurs.

One of the paired risers feeds the radiators, the second is idle.

If there are plugs on the riser instead of vents - do not despair, we can try to solve the problem in this case too.

Here are two obvious solutions:

  • Shut off both risers and, dropping them, install a ball valve with male-female threads instead of one of the plugs. Unplanned expenses (the price of a ball valve with a size of DN15 - DN20 is approximately 100-200 rubles) will hardly seem like a nightmare to you against the backdrop of a lack of heating;

  • Close both valves on the risers, and then unscrew one of the plugs. Having overtaken the riser to reset, stop it and wrap the plug back, then start it in operating mode. Water hanging in a relatively thin tube will not allow it to gain a new portion of air.

This technique works only at the beginning of the heating season, when the temperature of the mixture at the outlet of the elevator does not exceed 45 degrees. In the cold, instead of starting the riser, you will get quite serious burns.

Top filling, access level - administrator

  1. How to expel an air lock from the heating system of a house with top filling?

A feature of this system is the bottling of the feed placed in the attic of the house with the return line located in the basement. Each riser is turned off at two points - above and below; all risers are equal and on the same floor have the same temperature.

When the circuit is started, air is forced out of the radiator and further from the riser to the supply filling, and then to the closed expansion tank located at its upper point. Having opened the house valves, you must go up to the attic and for a while open the tap at the top of the tank. After the air is displaced by the coolant, circulation in all will be restored.

At the top right is a closed expansion tank with an air release valve.

If you are far from the secrets of valves and gate valves, just apply to the service company. In the house of the upper bottling, you will not be able to bleed the air from the battery yourself, but it is easy to fill the residents of the upper floor from the attic.

Private house, access level - administrator

  1. What to do in a private house if the heating circuit or part of it does not start?

The bad news is that there are no universal recipes: the heating circuit of a private house is always designed individually.

The good thing is that designers are guided by the same principles:

  • With forced circulation, automatic air vents in the heating system are mounted near the circulation pump (usually in front of it in the direction of the coolant). The air vent can also be installed in the boiler body. If there is air in the circuit, it is possible that the air valve is simply clogged with debris or scale;

Boiler safety group. In the center is an automatic air vent.

  • An air release valve is installed on individual heaters only if they are located above the filling. If bottling takes place under the ceiling or in the attic, look for an air valve for heating in its upper part;

  • Each bracket (filling bend in the vertical plane) is also always supplied with an air vent. If for some reason they are not there, you can try to overtake the bottling for discharge using one of the methods described above.

The reason for the lack of circulation is often not air, but a fully or partially closed throttle on one of the heaters or sections of the circuit.

In the photo - the throttle on the radiator hose. If it is covered, the battery will be cold.


  1. What not to do when bleeding air?

Human imagination is truly limitless, so I will cite only repeated cases from my practice.

Of course, from the repertoire of apartment residents: plumbers have their own quirks.

  • Do not completely unscrew the rod from the air vent. Under the pressure of hot water, it cannot be wrapped back;
  • Do not try to unscrew the faucet body itself. Even half a turn. If the thread is torn off, flooding of the apartment will become inevitable;

  • An even worse idea would be to partially unscrew any of the radiator plugs to bleed air. There were precedents. In the last case known to me, 6 floors were flooded with boiling water.


  1. Is it possible to modify the heating system with my own hands so as not to encounter the problem of airing?

If you live on the top floor or in a private house, you can.

The recipe is extremely simple:

  • In an autonomous circuit, connect the heating devices according to the "bottom down" scheme. Even if air accumulates inside the radiator, it will not affect the circulation of water through the lower manifold. In this case, the battery will be hot throughout its volume due to its own thermal conductivity;

  • Install automatic air vents at the top of the riser or the entire circuit. They rarely require maintenance and bleed air jams without your participation.


As you can see, all the problems of airing heating are completely solvable. You can learn more about possible solutions from the video in this article. I look forward to your additions and comments. Good luck, comrades!

The air that has entered the heating system is the main obstacle to its proper functioning. Residents of apartments and houses deal with this issue, as a rule, in the fall, at the beginning of the heating season. Whistling and noise in batteries, cold riser and radiators, corrosion of metal elements - all this leads to the formation of air pockets. This happens even with a perfectly designed and installed heating system.

There may be several reasons for air to enter a seemingly looped heating system, but the result will be the same - cold radiators. That is why many residents of apartment buildings freeze in winter in a cold apartment or private house.

The airiness of radiators also occurs as a result of draining water from pipes for the summer, which workers of centralized heating services love to carry out so much.

Poorly connected pipe joints, which are also present in central heating systems, give more than just water leakage. Through them, air is sucked into the system.

Causes of air in the pipes:

  • Completion of the system repair (assembly, cleaning, blowing, pumping, disassembling the pipeline);
  • Incorrect installation of a new heating system;
  • Malfunction of air intake systems;
  • Reduced pressure in water pipes;
  • Connection of a water "warm floor" system, the pipes of which are located at different heights;
  • Incorrect filling of the heating system.

The latter factor most often causes air to enter the looped system. There are special rules according to which it is necessary to drain and pour water into pipes, but sometimes unscrupulous workers do not follow them, and voids form in the pipes.

Consider how to expel an air lock from the heating system

If cold bimetallic radiators are observed in houses, then it is imperative to remove air from the heating system. This operation can be carried out in various ways.

The chosen method depends on the method of circulation of the coolant. It can be either natural or forced.

  • In a system with natural circulation of water supply, an air lock that has appeared can be removed using an expansion tank, which is located at the top.
  • With the lower wiring, de-airing is usually carried out in a manner similar to the removal of air in systems with a circulation pump;
  • You can bleed or blow air from a natural circulation heating system using an expansion tank;
  • Heating systems using a pump, at the highest point, an air collector is specially installed, designed to drain or discharge accumulated air.

In the latter case, the supply pipeline must be installed correctly. In this case, air accumulations rising up the riser are removed through a special self-draining valve. In all methods, the return pipeline must be laid with a slope in the direction of the water drain. So, if you need to repair the heating, you can get rid of the water as quickly as possible.

Mayevsky air bleed valve: how to bleed air from the heating system

Air vents are manual and automatic. Manual devices for venting air, or the Mayevsky air separator, are small in appearance. Usually they are installed on the end of the battery. They adjust the bleeder with a regular wrench, a screwdriver, and some even manually.

The Mayevsky descent itself is small, and its productivity is relatively small. In view of this, its installation is used only to eliminate small air pockets in a separate heating system. In the water supply system, this faucet is practically not used.

The second type of devices that can drain or blow air are automatic devices that work without human intervention.

Features of air outlet devices:

  • They have a high return during operation, however, they are very sensitive to contaminated water;
  • They are usually mounted together with filters;
  • It is customary to install an air vent in closed-type heating systems using a gas boiler at different points;
  • Air discharge from each device is carried out separately;
  • An effective multi-stage air venting system that pushes through traffic jams well is considered the most efficient.

You will learn more about the principle of operation and areas of application of the Mayevsky crane in our material:

With proper laying and installation of pipes, pushing air through this device will be simple and not a problem. According to the customers of the Tovago website, Mayevsky's blower crane is very popular today.

How to bleed air from a battery

Usually, extraneous sounds, such as gurgling, hissing, water flow, indicate that the system is airy. Bleeding air in these cases is simply necessary.

In order for water to circulate freely through the system, it is necessary to remove this air and carefully bleed the system.

If winding is strong, first you need to designate the places where air accumulates. It is determined by tapping a hammer on the heating system. In a place where there is an air lock, you will hear a louder and stronger sound. Air is collected, usually in radiators, which are installed on the upper floors.

What to do if the system is aired:

  • Take a wrench or screwdriver, and prepare a container for water;
  • Having opened the thermostat to the full, open the valve of the Mayevsky tap, and substitute the container;
  • Keep the valve open until water flows out of it;
  • After receiving a clear flow of water from the tap, it is closed.

It happens that after carrying out this procedure, the radiator of the heating system of an apartment building does not heat up for long or weakly. Then it needs to be purged and flushed, because the debris and rust accumulated in it make a congestion, and can also cause air locks. If after this procedure there is no improvement, then you need to check the water level in the heating system. Air locks are constantly formed at the bends of pipelines. In view of this, during the installation process, it is important to observe the direction and degree of slopes of the distributing pipelines. Where the slope differs from the project, an air vent should be additionally installed, from where it will be possible to bleed the air. Most intensively air jams are formed in aluminum radiators. This is mainly due to the poor quality of the material. In order for the heating of the apartment to be normal, it is necessary, before filling the system with water, to release air from it in a timely manner, which prevents the normal movement of the coolant. That is why many tenants of apartment buildings cannot drive the cold out of their apartments.

Airing the heating system: causes of traffic jams

The issue of removing air pockets from the heating system is currently very relevant, since almost everyone faces this problem at least once in a lifetime. In the absence of Mayevsky taps in heating radiators, sometimes they can bleed air using the method of unscrewing the plug on the radiator in which air has accumulated. This method of evacuating air is very dangerous, since in case of careless or very strong unscrewing of the plug, it may break. This will cause a flood in the room. And since the heating system is provided with high pressure in the system, the troubleshooting can take a long time, and not one apartment will suffer, but several. And pumped out air will not help you get rid of problems.

Basically, the airing of the system is a consequence of mistakes made in the design of heating, or as a result of its partial replacement.

Often, the disruption of the central heating system has another origin. Sometimes heating radiators can be filled with air pockets due to physical wear and tear of the elements of the heating system.

What you need to ensure that air plugs do not accumulate in the system:

  1. It is necessary to make sure that the heating system is in a normal, serviceable technical condition, and is capable of passing water;
  2. Specify exactly when the heating system was replaced at your site, it may be necessary to overhaul the heating main;
  3. Starting the central heating system of a residential building can only be carried out by specialists, and in accordance with the installation rules.
  4. When installing individual heating, it is imperative to comply with the general requirements for this typical heating scheme.
  5. When filling water into the system, it is necessary to simultaneously gradually remove air from it.
  6. For timely removal of air from the system, at its upper point, or at the top of the heated towel rail, it is recommended to install an automatic air vent.

The nuances of operation depend on the types and features of the individual heating system. Usually, with proper design and proper installation of the system, the water circulates correctly and does not air.

Learning how to air the heating system: restoring the operation of the coolant

Methods for removing air from the system depend on how exactly the coolant circulates in it. In the case when water flows naturally through the pipes, the air lock is removed through an expansion tank located at the top of the system. With the so-called upper wiring, the pipeline that supplies water approaches the expander at a certain angle. In the case when the wiring is lower, the accumulated air is released in the same way as with the forced circulation of the coolant.

With forced circulation of water, an air collector is provided in the system, usually located in the upper part, and is responsible for relieving air pressure. The supply pipeline is located with a rise in the direction of water movement, and the air in it accumulates in the air inlets and must be removed through special air vents.

If the system is closed, then these air inlets are replaced with automatic air vents, which are installed in several places of the heating system. Through them, air is discharged separately.

How to properly vent the entire heating system:

  1. Determine the place where the air is supposed to have collected. You can determine this by the noise in the pipes and radiators. Airy places are colder.
  1. Find a point located upstream of the coolant movement, in which there is the presence of Mayevsky air vents through which air can be released.
  2. Turn on the make-up of the entire system and bleed the air.

This is a universal, standard set of actions that allows you not to think about how to eliminate the airing of the entire heating system, but to clean the pipes from air individually.

How to bleed air from a heating radiator (video)

To raise the temperature of the indoor air in winter, we resort to a variety of methods. We even warm up. Although sometimes the issue is solved by simply airing the heating system.
