What fertilizer is best for pepper. Feeding pepper seedlings at home. Rules for fertilizing peppers

Many gardeners prefer folk, centuries-old recipes to complex fertilizers from the store. Some consider it more environmentally friendly, others do not have the opportunity to purchase ready-made drugs for one reason or another.

However, before applying fertilizers, it is important to understand what the plant needs right now for full growth and development.

Substances affecting growth and development

At each stage of development, any plant needs a whole range of organic and mineral substances and trace elements. But the most important for healthy and active growth, flowering and fruiting are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K).

Nitrogen is vital for foliage growth and rapid growth. This element, if it is applied to the soil in a timely manner and in the right quantities, directly affects the future harvest.

However, it should be remembered that excess nitrogen can provoke the accumulation of nitrates in fruits, and this is already dangerous for humans. It is necessary to feed with nitrogen fertilizers no more than 1 time in 2 weeks and in very sparing amounts.

Nitrogen fertilizer and top dressing for peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers - no chemicals

The most popular folk remedies for nitrogen fertilizing pepper seedlings are bird manure, nettle infusion and yeast.

Potash fertilizers increase the resistance of seedlings to temperature changes, various diseases, and also improve the taste of the grown crop. Potassium is involved in photosynthesis and metabolism, stimulates the accumulation of proteins and carbohydrates.

With its deficiency, the plant slows down in growth, does not lay buds, and subsequently bears little fruit. Wood ash contains the highest amount of potassium.

Phosphorus is the third whale on which the health of any plant rests. This element is involved in all metabolic processes of the green organism. It accelerates the formation of the root system, promotes the active growth of the ground part and active flowering. Throughout the life of a plant, from seed germination to wilting, phosphorus is essential. A large amount of phosphorus is contained in the ash.

Did you know? Sometimes sweet peppers can grow bitter. This happens if hot peppers grow next to sweet varieties: they are pollinated, and the taste of the fruit changes in the first year. To prevent this from happening, you need to plant burning plants as far as possible from sweet ones. Ideally, at least 5 meters away.

When to start feeding

If pepper seeds were planted in a special nutrient soil, do not rush to feed. All the necessary substances are already present in it in the right amount.

In the event that the sowing was carried out in ordinary soil from the garden, the first application of fertilizers is carried out when the young plant has 2 real, well-formed leaves. In the same period, a pick is usually carried out, and if it has taken place, top dressing is postponed for at least 2 weeks.

Many gardeners fertilize seedlings only 3 times, the last one a week before planting in a permanent place, giving preference to products with a predominance of potassium.

Fertilizers are best applied to moist soil in the evening or morning hours, preferably in cloudy weather. The water temperature should be at room temperature or slightly higher.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly getting letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year, a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS about this. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulantswhich will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.



The shell has the ability to reduce the acidity of the soil, which is important for the successful cultivation of pepper. It consists of 95% calcium carbonate, which is well absorbed by plants. In addition, it is rich in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and organic proteins.

For cooking, you will need chopped shells from 5 raw eggs and 1 liter of boiling water. The container with the soaked shell is left for at least 5 days, the contents are periodically shaken. The resulting product is applied to the soil at a rate of 1.5 cups per 1 m².

The infusion on the eggshell has a specific smell, which intensifies as it is cooked. Because of this feature, not every gardener resorts to it.


Special fungi, which are yeasts, qualitatively change the structure and composition of the soil. The introduction of yeast fertilizers when growing pepper has several positive aspects: immunity and endurance increase, the growth of roots and the ground part accelerates. The plant receives all the necessary substances necessary for healthy development.

Single-celled bacteria, which begin to actively multiply in the soil, saturate it with phosphorus, potassium and other useful substances.

To prepare such top dressing, you need 10 g of dry yeast, pour 10 liters of warm water and add 2 teaspoons of sugar. The resulting mixture is allowed to brew a little and applied to the soil.

You can also use live yeast - 200 g per 1 liter of warm water. This concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 before feeding.


Not all ash will serve as a good fertilizer. The most valuable will be the one obtained as a result of burning fruit and deciduous trees, especially birch. Softwood ash will be less useful. In no case should it be used as a fertilizer, if newspapers and household garbage were burned along with wood, this will only harm the plant.

This is interesting: ash is a natural fungicide and insecticide. Adding it to the soil will protect the plant from many pests.

For seedlings of pepper and other nightshade, 100 g of wood ash is poured into 10 liters of cold water and allowed to brew for a day. Do not be surprised that after this time it will not dissolve, but will settle to the bottom. All important trace elements are already dissolved. To enhance efficiency, the mixture is mixed before being applied to the soil.

banana peel

The peel of a banana, like the pulp, contains a large amount of potassium. It is used both dry and fresh. Some people burn the skins and apply the ash thus obtained directly to the ground or dilute it in the same way as ordinary ash.

To feed pepper with this folk remedy, it is enough to take the peel from 3-4 bananas, pour 3 liters of water on it and let it stand for 3 days. With the resulting infusion, water the plants under the root.

Nettle infusion

One of the best dressings for tomato and pepper seedlings is considered by many to be nettle infusion. For cooking, you will need a large container, into which crushed leaves and stalks of nettle are poured (by ⅙ of the total volume). Then top up with warm water, close the lid and leave for about a week.
The fermented liquid is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and applied under the root.

As a basis, in addition to nettle, you can use dandelion, tomato tops, wormwood, yarrow.

Tip: it is better to cook this fertilizer away from living quarters, because when it is ready, it has an extremely unpleasant nauseating smell.

onion peel

Onion peel is a storehouse of trace elements useful for plants. Onion infusion has a beneficial effect on the root system, stimulating its active development. Phytoncides, which are part of the husk, are a good prevention against many diseases.

The broth is quite simple to prepare: pour 2 cups of chopped husks with 5 liters of water, bring to a boil and let it brew for several hours. The resulting concentrate is diluted 1:5 with water. The decoction diluted in this way can be applied directly to the soil, or you can spray the bushes.
This tool is also used for resuscitation of fading and yellowed plants.

bird droppings

Perhaps the best nitrogen fertilizer for seedlings of peppers is difficult to come up with. However, it should be remembered that it is necessary to make it only once before landing in open ground.

To prepare the fertilizer, it is necessary to mix bird droppings with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and leave to infuse for 2-3 days. The resulting mixture is added to water during irrigation at the rate of 1 liter of diluted litter per 10 liters of water. It is advisable to fertilize at the very root, without irrigating the leaves and stem.

Such top dressing stimulates the growth of the green mass of the plant, which is the most relevant and significant at the seedling stage.

Important: pepper seedlings do not tolerate fresh manure, in any form. Even in low concentrations, this remedy can burn young roots and cause irreparable harm to the plant as a whole.

Energy supplement

Weak seedlings growing in poor soil or with a lack of light will benefit from energy feeding. One option is a decoction of potatoes. The starch it contains stimulates the plant to grow.

Another way to "resurrect" such seedlings is to water them with sweetened water. 1.5-2 teaspoons of granulated sugar are dissolved in a glass of water and applied under the root.

Feeding weak seedlings of pepper with folk remedies helps in a gentle way to strengthen the plants and push for further development. It is not recommended to make stronger drugs.

foliar top dressing

In addition to nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, pepper seedlings will not be harmed by the introduction of manganese. This element has a beneficial effect on the number and size of future fruits, is a disinfectant.

In a bucket of water, 2 g of potassium permanganate is diluted and the ground part of the plants is sprayed with the resulting solution. It is important not to overdo it with the concentration: the water should have a pale pink tint, otherwise you can do harm to the pepper plantings.

Signs of a mineral deficiency

By the appearance of the plant, you can determine which microelements it currently lacks. So, with a lack of nitrogen, the pepper has pale leaves, their yellowing from the main veins to the edges, in an advanced case, the leaves fall off.

Potassium deficiency is externally manifested by yellowing and drying of the lower leaves, stiffness of the shoots and cessation of growth.

If there is a lack of calcium in the soil, gray-yellow dots appear on the leaves, vegetation slows down, and the growth point dies.

An insufficient amount of phosphorus will be indicated by a change in leaf color to bluish-green, eventually turning into purple-red. There is a stretching of the stems, twisting of the leaves, the plant blooms late and bears fruit reluctantly.

Having opted for folk fertilizers, one should not forget a simple thing: as in the case of industrial chemicals, it is still better to underfeed than overfeed.

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Pepper is a member of the Solanaceae family. This plant requires regular and high-quality feeding of the substrate with mineral elements, vitamins, and microelements. Therefore, many gardeners sooner or later face the question of how to feed pepper during flowering and fruiting, and how does top dressing in a greenhouse differ from the features of applying fertilizers and folk remedies to open ground?

chapter 1. How to feed peppers in the open field

After the seedlings are planted in open ground, top dressing continues throughout the entire growth of the plant until the first fruits appear on the bushes and ripen.

Top dressing of pepper on the open ground is carried out in several stages:

1. The first feeding of pepper is carried out 15-20 days after planting seedlings in open ground. During this time, the seedlings will have time to take root, get stronger and will be ready to accept fertilizers. For the first top dressing, it is necessary to dilute 5 g of superphosphate and 10 g of urea, add to a bucket of water. Then it is necessary to mix the solution thoroughly and pour 1 liter of water under each seedling. It is advisable to do this carefully so as not to get on the leaves of the bush.

2. The next top dressing is carried out during the period of setting and ripening of pepper buds. At this time, pepper most of all needs such an element as potassium. It is necessary to dilute 1 tsp. potassium in a bucket of water, add 1 tsp. carbamide and 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate. Mix everything well and pour 1 liter of solution under each bush. Superphosphate is recommended to be added if soils are deprived of phosphorus.

3. And finally, the third top dressing is carried out after the ripening of the first fruits on the bush. For her, 2 tsp is taken. superphosphate, 2 tsp. potassium salt and diluted in 10 liters of water. Everything is mixed and, just as in the first two dressings, 1 liter of solution is poured under each bush of the plant.

4. If you notice that the pepper bushes began to grow poorly, you need to fertilize them with urea. Take 30-35 g of urea per bucket of water, mix and spray the plants for 6-8 days.

5. An infusion of young nettles on water with the addition of minerals can be an excellent fertilizer for peppers. The bucket is filled with nettles to the very top and filled with water. After about a week, the tincture begins to ferment. After another 2-3 days, the nettle sinks to the bottom of the bucket, now the tincture can be filtered and mineral fertilizer added. The tincture is ready. If you do not add mineral fertilizers, you can water the pepper with it every 10 days, it is absolutely harmless.

chapter 2. Top dressing of peppers during flowering and fruiting in the greenhouse

Oddly enough, but pepper grown in greenhouses is fed with fertilizers according to a separate scheme. Organic fertilizers have a productive effect on the amount of crop, and mineral fertilizers are responsible for the growth of bushes:

1. The first top dressing is necessary 14 days after planting the seedlings in the ground. It is carried out with a mixture of bird droppings or mullein with water. Take 15 parts of water for 1 part of manure and 10 parts of water for 1 part of mullein. The resulting solution in the amount of 1 liter fertilize each bush of the plant. Additionally, you can feed the pepper with potassium and superphosphate.

2. After flowering itself, you can carry out a second top dressing of pepper. For her, they take a mixture of mullein with water, and in addition mineral fertilizers.

3. As soon as the first crop ripens, it must be harvested and the third feeding of vegetables should be carried out. For her, exactly the same scheme is used as for the second feeding.

4. If the soil in the greenhouse is very depleted, you can carry out the fourth dressing. For it, a mixture of superphosphate with mineral fertilizers is used.

chapter 3. Additional feeding of pepper

Sometimes, in addition to the main fertilizer application scheme, additional feeding is carried out. This is necessary if you see that the bushes stop their growth, bloom poorly.

Additional feeding is carried out in this way:

1. If the bushes grow well but bloom poorly, stop feeding the plants with nitrogen, but add superphosphates with water.

2. If the pepper leaves begin to curl, you need to add potash fertilizers to the soil.

3. The acquisition of dull gray leaves on the underside indicates a lack of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil.

4. During the growing season, peppers may need spraying bushes, because the plant absorbs fertilizer faster.

5. Don't overdo fertilizer. This is not the case when the more the better. Especially it is impossible to abuse slurry, this can lead to loss of fertility.

chapter 4. Feeding peppers with yeast

The introduction of yeast dressings stimulates the growth and development of pepper, they have a particularly positive effect on the development of the root system.

Peppers are fed with yeast top dressing several times a season. The first time they feed immediately after transplanting young seedlings into open ground. The second time is carried out top dressing during flowering. From one and a half to two and a half liters of yeast solution is applied to one plant. The last top dressing is carried out during the second wave of flowering of peppers, immediately after the removal of the first crop, adding one to two liters of solution for each plant.

Top dressing is applied in the evening or in cloudy weather to avoid daytime overheating of the yeast fungus.

Mineral and organic fertilizers should not be applied at the same time as yeast fertilization, as the concentrated chemicals in fertilizers slow down the growth of yeast.

Section 1. Yeast Fertilizer Recipes

To prepare the solution, both dry and ordinary baker's yeast are used.

1) Classic dressing recipe

100 grams of raw yeast is diluted in 0.5 liters of water and left for an hour in a warm place. The resulting solution is added to five liters of water. This composition is excellent for feeding seedlings, it is especially useful for young flowering plants of peppers.

2) Feeding recipe with chicken manure

To ten grams of dry yeast add 0.5 liters of bird droppings extract, 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar and 0.5 liters of ash. All this is poured with ten liters of water and left to ferment for two hours.

After the start of fermentation, 100 liters of water are added to the mixture and used for top dressing. If the solution gets on the trunk or leaves, burns can form, so you need to water the soil around the plant.

3) milk feed recipe

One kilogram of raw yeast is poured into five liters of milk and insisted in a warm place for two hours. The resulting mixture is diluted with 50 liters of water and used for top dressing.

Summing up, we can say that feeding pepper and its seedlings with fertilizers is of great importance for obtaining a rich harvest of vegetables. It is important to introduce fertilizers in a rationed and according to the scheme, without abusing or overfeeding the crop. A plant that was properly cared for, fertilized and fed on time, will surely thank you with good growth and useful juicy fruits.

Chapter 5. Video

To grow a good pepper crop, you need to properly fertilize. What to feed the plants? This question is asked by novice farmers. For normal growth, seedlings need mineral and organic substances, which are not enough in ordinary soil. They are introduced at different stages of pepper growth, both when leaves appear, and just before planting in the ground. If you apply the right fertilizers in the right rows, the seedlings will take root, and the harvest of peppers in the summer will be plentiful.

Basic rules for feeding peppers

If the pepper is poorly fertilized, you are unlikely to have to expect a generous harvest. Therefore, it is very important not only to choose high-quality mixtures, but also to do all these procedures correctly. What rules are recommended to be observed, first of all:

  • It is advisable to feed once every two weeks. At the same time, organic and mineral components must certainly be diluted in warm settled water;
  • it is noteworthy that at first the plants are watered and only after that it is possible to feed them with fertilizers;
  • at the end of the procedure for feeding the substrate, the soil must be slightly loosened;
  • it is very important to make different types of dressings, alternating them.

Remember, with nitrogen-type fertilizers, in no case should you overdo it. If the substrate is saturated with them excessively, the greenery will begin to develop too actively, but the ovaries on the stems of the plants will not form in time.

Diagnosis of pepper when fertilizing

Plants, like people, can suffer from a shortage or an overabundance of a particular substance. Timely diagnosis will help you grow healthy sweet peppers, providing the plant with excellent care.

  • Pepper does not bloom - exclude fertilizers containing nitrogen.
  • The leaves are curling - the pepper lacks potassium.
  • Leaves gray on the underside - lack of nitrogen.
  • Purple leaves on the underside - lack of phosphorus.

How and how to feed the pepper after landing in the ground

Before thinking about how to feed the pepper after planting in the ground, the seedlings need to be fertilized two more times before transplanting - this will harden the plants.

The best option for the second top dressing would be the mineral composition: ammonium nitrate (0.5 g), superphosphate (3 g), potassium (2 g), dissolve the ingredients in a liter of water. Top dressing is carried out two weeks after the first.

The third top dressing is carried out a week before transplanting into open ground, you can use the same composition, but increase the amount of potassium to 8 grams. After transplanting the seedlings to the beds, at least two weeks should pass before you can start feeding peppers in the open field.

Top dressing of pepper, during flowering

A sufficient amount of potassium in the soil is the key to good flowering of peppers and the formation of an ovary. Therefore, top dressing of pepper during flowering is carried out with potash fertilizers (dry potassium, urea): 1 teaspoon per bucket of water. Natural fertilizers, such as nettle infusion, also have a fruitful effect on peppers. Dear reader! To download all images and articles on this site, disable AdBlock. Top dressing of peppers during flowering It is possible to feed peppers in a greenhouse during flowering with organic mineral fertilizer Ecohuminate or Dachnik to stimulate the development of ovaries. Apply them in a dry form, pouring the amount indicated on the package under each bush. After such fertilizer, watering of pepper is mandatory. The introduction of organic matter improves soil structure, increases fertility, and helps fight pests. To prepare top dressing, a bucket of young leaves is collected and poured with cold water for a week and a half, until it begins to ferment and the leaves sink to the bottom. After that, filter, and water with tincture every 10 days. During flowering, it is popular to feed pepper in a greenhouse with mullein (diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2) and urea (25 g per 10 liters of cold water) or mineral fertilizers. In a bucket of water, dilute 1 tablespoon of superphosphate, and 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate.

Top dressing during the fruiting period of pepper

It is possible to determine whether the bushes need feeding during fruit ripening by the appearance of the peppers themselves. If the fruits are even and strong, and ripening is fast, then the plants most likely do not require feeding. Fertilizers should be applied in order to speed up the ripening process and make it more uniform. In this case, superphosphate and potassium salt are used. Such top dressing is carried out only after the first fruits have already ripened. You can also apply organic fertilizers, such as manure or chicken manure. Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers or solutions with urea are suitable as mineral supplements.

Feeding peppers with organic fertilizers

Since simple organic matter (in the form of manure, chicken manure) is not very useful for culture, and mineral fertilizers are likely to affect the health of a summer resident, and they are also not cheap, people have created a lot of recipes for more affordable and useful fertilizers for sweet peppers.

Among such folk remedies are:

  • brewing sleeping black tea. For the preparation of fertilizer, only large-leaf black tea is suitable for brewing, 200 grams of such tea leaves are poured with three liters of cold water and left to infuse for a week. Top dressing of this kind contains a lot of useful substances: magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium and sodium.
  • The shell of chicken eggs also contains a lot of useful trace elements, there is calcium, and phosphates, and magnesium. The shell must be ground into a fine powder, then it is filled with a three-liter jar by about half, the rest of the volume is supplemented with water. This composition is stored in a dark place until a characteristic sulfuric odor appears, after which the fertilizer is ready for use. Such a composition must be used during the period of fruit setting and development.
  • Chicken manure can be used to fertilize pepper only in dissolved form, dry manure can severely burn the stems and roots of plants. Dilute litter with water in a ratio of 1:20, the bushes are simply watered with this mixture.
  • Young nettles will also be an excellent source of trace elements. To prepare top dressing, cut greens should be poured with water and placed in a warm place. After a couple of days, the grass will begin to settle to the bottom of the container, which means that the fertilizer has already fermented and can be used. For greater efficiency, purchased microelements can be added to the nettle solution, the composition can be used every 10 days.

Fertilizing pepper with mineral fertilizers

For those who find it difficult to make the organic composition of fertilizers, you can use ready-made preparations, for example, complex fertilizer "Sudarushka". At 10 l. a tablespoon of the suspension is diluted with water, and the resulting solution is applied under the root of the plants at the rate of 1 liter. on a bush In order not to harm the root system, the soil is moistened before fertilizing, as is the case with organic matter. You can replace "sudarushka" with nitrophoska or urea by dissolving 40 g of fertilizer in 10 liters. water, and using this composition for 1 bed.

You can fertilize peppers by first fertilizing with organic matter, and the second with mineral fertilizers. Each time after fertilizing, the soil in the garden should be loosened as soon as it dries out a little. Peppers bloom almost all the time until autumn, but as soon as young peppers grow up to 5-8 cm, the feeding tactics need to be changed.

Additional feeding of pepper

Feeding is carried out in this way:

  • If the bushes grow well but bloom poorly, stop feeding the plants with nitrogen, but add superphosphates with water.
  • If the pepper leaves begin to curl, you need to add potash fertilizers to the soil. The acquisition of dull gray leaves on the underside indicates a lack of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil.
  • During the growing season, peppers may need spraying bushes, as the plant absorbs fertilizer faster. Don't overdo it with fertilizers. This is not the case when the more the better. Especially it is impossible to abuse slurry, this can lead to loss of fertility.

When feeding pepper, it is necessary to take into account which fertilizer is intended for what, what it affects and what can happen in case of an overdose:

Do not abuse organic fertilizers immediately before planting peppers. Most of them are included in the predecessors.

The full dose of phosphorus and potassium minerals is applied in the fall under plowing, then at the time of sowing and with top dressing during the growing season.

A part of nitrogen fertilizers is applied before sowing and with top dressing, or the entire norm during the growing season.

Nitrogen fertilizers have a productive effect on the number of ovaries and fruit size, and an excess of this fertilizer can lead to a delay in ripening and a decrease in plant immunity to diseases. A lack of nitrogen leads to a loss of pepper fertility and to the oppression of the plant itself.

If the soil contains the required amount of phosphorus, the rate of fruit ripening will increase, and the roots of the bushes will be strong. A lack of phosphorus causes the leaves to turn purple.

Potassium contributes to the balancing of vitamins and carotenes, and this, in turn, improves the cellular structure of the fruit and positively affects the brightness of the color. A lack of potassium leads to reddening of the edges of the leaves.

Magnesium deficiency leads to curling and yellowing of the foliage.

Before introducing fertilizers, it is advisable to conduct a special analysis of the soil in order to know for sure what additives the plant needs.

Summing up, we can say that feeding pepper and its seedlings with fertilizers is of great importance for obtaining a rich harvest of vegetables. It is important to introduce fertilizers in a rationed and according to the scheme, without abusing or overfeeding the crop. A plant that was properly cared for, fertilized and fed on time, will surely thank you with good growth and useful juicy fruits.

Related Articles From chemical - KemiraLux, it dissolves well. Another Barrel and 4 buckets - I use liquid fertilizer. In general, I try to do it less often. I pour ash when planting in the holes. This is after landing in the ground. Seedlings at home - occasionally - maybe once or twice for all the time bred by Kemira. And earlier, I had Malyshok fertilizer - for seedlings. But I haven't seen him for a long time. I grow it in purchased soil, can there be something useful there?

Practical advice on growing pepper is given by agronomist Elena Anatolyevna Smirnova:

An excellent organic fertilizer without the risk of disease can be the most ordinary wood ash. Make sure that the ash is clean, without impurities of inorganic origin, because this can negate all your previous efforts. The ash should simply be sprinkled on the soil around the plants, the soil, with rain or watering, will itself take it in the amount it requires, providing your peppers with quality nutrition.

Based on 1 liter of water:

Sowing seeds of pepper


- Urea;

The presence of a substance called "rutin" has a beneficial effect on the human blood vessel system.

The plant has been grown, but now, for the purpose of good pollination, it needs a slight shaking during flowering. When fruits are formed, flowering slows down. Pepper stalks should be tied up during fruiting - this way you can protect them from breakage.

The plant does not tolerate strong winds or drafts, you can not plant it in partial shade. Under such conditions, it will stretch in length, which will interfere with the normal development and fruiting of the plant.

The soil for pepper is chosen rich, with a high degree of fertility. To grow seedlings, it is important not to forget that the soil must be warm. So, the temperature of the soil should be at least 25 degrees Celsius. In addition, it must be kept moist until the seedlings emerge.

Seedling feeding

The birthplace of pepper is America - in areas where a tropical climate prevails, you can still find wild-growing individuals of pepper. ​

Sprinkle with melt water

How to care for onions and what to do with it ... Working in the garden gives many people an incomparable experience ...

How to plant seedlings and create favorable conditions for growth?

If you want to know how to feed pepper in a greenhouse, then be sure to contact experienced gardeners, they will tell you what to do.

Urea - 0.5 grams, potassium salt - 1.5 grams, superphosphate - 4 grams.

will especially need potassium. Plant growers usually feed the plant during its rapid flowering: a matchbox of superphosphate and a teaspoon of potassium sulfate are dissolved in a bucket of water. Treat the beds with this solution in the same way as for the first feeding. Keep in mind that superphosphate is only needed on soils that are poor in phosphorus!​

- potassium sulfate;

If you take sweet pepper with food every day, it will improve hair growth, vision, skin.

When the fruits are ripe, carefully pick them up, as they are very fragile. If, after harvesting the first crop, complex top dressing with mineral fertilizers is carried out, then a secondary crop awaits you ahead.

If you want to grow a bountiful crop of pepper, then you must also consider that this plant needs warm soil. To do this, treat the beds and raise them to a level of 40 to 70 cm. Timely weeding will help the pepper develop faster.

Pepper seeds are sown in a warm and moist soil substrate (a depth of 1-2 cm is enough). To prevent the topsoil from drying out, cover the crop with polyethylene film. And after the first shoots of pepper sprout, the film can be removed.

How and what to feed?

The plant is very thermophilic and at the same time moisture-loving. It represents the nightshade family and is distinguished by its capriciousness.

I water with Agricola

How to fertilize cucumbers How to fertilize cucumbers? A similar question is asked by many novice gardeners and ...

Greenhouse-grown peppers require even more care and attention to create a balance between light, moisture and nutrition in order for the plants to bear fruit well. Pepper is a very heat-loving plant, but also a lover of "eating". To get excellent results and harvest a good harvest, you will have to be patient and have a whole range of mineral fertilizers. Pepper gets along well with garlic and onions. How to care for onions and how to feed them, you can also read on the pages of our website.​


Ammonium nitrate - 0.6 grams, superphosphate - 4 grams, potassium sulfate - 2 grams.

Third feed. It is made after the fruits on the first branch of the bush are fully ripe. At this time, phosphorus and potassium are added again (two teaspoons of both per bucket).

- water;

Pepper's little enemies

Pepper has the property of pollination, in this regard, do not plant bitter and sweet peppers next to each other. This can lead to the fact that bitterness can be transmitted to sweet.

When pepper shoots appear, the weak ones are often removed and the stronger ones are left. During the next branching of the shoots, each of them is pinched again, leaving strong and strong shoots.

The seedlings are grown, now you need to think about feeding. Peppers are fed every ten days 2-3 times. The first time feeding is done when the seedlings have two leaves. And if a pick was previously carried out, then they are fed after two weeks, not earlier. To do this, use mineral fertilizers or compost, but the plant does not tolerate fresh manure. And if you want to protect the plant from diseases, then a phytosporin solution will be useful for this: 1.5 liters of water and 0.5 teaspoon of the solution. Protection is carried out along with the procedure for enriching the plant with mineral elements.

I feed Uniflor growth in the Seed House, they advised 1 cap per liter of settled water, but Kemira is also good

About the beneficial properties of pepper

  1. When to plant a radish If you have a desire to grow a radish in your garden, ...
  2. It must be remembered that in the greenhouse, various substances will act differently than in the open field.
  3. 1 teaspoon of ash.
  4. Experienced gardeners know that you can’t get a good harvest of peppers and tomatoes if you don’t invest your strength and soul in growing seedlings ahead of time. And so that the labor costs for growing seedlings of tomatoes and peppers are not wasted, one should not forget about such an important procedure as top dressing. When planning top dressing, it is important not only to correctly determine what fertilizers to feed tomatoes and peppers with, but also to choose the right time for this. Our article will be devoted to the main secrets of growing seedlings of pepper and tomatoes.
  5. - a matchbox, a teaspoon, scales and a 10-liter bucket for the correct dosing of fertilizers.


Pepper contains K, Na, Fe, Zn, Mg, I and is a necessary component for baldness, manifestations of osteoporosis, and a low level of the body's immune defense.

You will need

  1. Pepper pests: (1-aphid, 2-Colorado potato beetle, 3-mites, 4-scoop).
  2. Many gardeners recommend removing the first flower so that the plant grows better, develops and brings a good harvest.
  3. Pepper seedlings will please you with a bountiful harvest, if at times hardening is done by the sun's rays, as well as aeration of the soil (weeding). Therefore, periodic loosening will not interfere.
  4. ​If you are partial to the process of planting cultivated plants, then tips on growing peppers will be very useful information.
  5. Saltpeter -1 matchbox per 10 liters of water
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  7. Organic fertilizers form the yield, and mineral fertilizers are responsible for the growth of plants, and we will proceed from this with further feeding of pepper. It will be best a couple of weeks after your pepper has bloomed, to make a complex top dressing. It is not difficult to prepare it, it is enough to dissolve mullein and minerals in water, at the rate of one to fifteen, and occasionally one to ten. Sometimes chicken manure is used, but finding quality manure is more difficult than manure.​
  8. Good results are obtained by using an infusion of eggshells or banana peels. Any of these components fill a three-liter jar by 2/3, fill it with water and set aside for 72 hours. After the end of this time, the infusion is filtered and used for top dressing, previously diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1: 3.


  • Many inexperienced gardeners make the mistake of deciding for themselves that the more they feed the seedlings, the better the result will be in the end. In fact, this is not so - an excess of nutrients in this case can do more harm than their lack. Therefore, top dressing is necessary only when the seedlings look weak and stunted. Normally developing plants with strong stems and healthy green leaves simply do not need them. For example, an excess of nitrogen can lead to the fact that although the seedlings will look exemplary, they will follow the vegetative path of development, directing all their efforts to the formation of new shoots and leaves, but you will not be able to get a crop from such peppers and tomatoes.
  • Soil preparation for seedlings. Prepare the soil for growing sweet pepper seedlings in advance, as it needs top dressing. Most varieties of this plant are quite demanding on the composition of the planting soil. You can buy a ready-made special mixture in the store, but it is easy to prepare it yourself. As practice shows, mixing such components gives good results: garden soil (25-30%), peat or humus (30-50%) and the same amount of sand.
  • Many varieties of sweet peppers have long taken root in the middle lane. In its conditions, these plants reproduce only with the help of seedlings and subsequent planting in greenhouses or open ground. Experienced gardeners have learned to grow large crops of this healthy and tasty vegetable on their plots. In many ways, the success of dacha work depends on the proper feeding of peppers with various organic and mineral fertilizers. It is carried out in several stages.
  • Like any plant, pepper has its enemies. Representatives of flora harmful to pepper are aphids, mites, scoops, Colorado potato beetles, etc.
  • On the sixtieth day, seedlings can already be planted in the ground. The ideal time for planting pepper seedlings in open ground is the first half of June, because by this period the danger of frost is almost nil. So, we read about the secrets of growing sweet peppers.
  • not necessary to feed. because in good soil before planting in open ground there are all the necessary elements. It's enough. And when transplanted to the main place of residence, then feed every 7-10 days!​
  • KakProsto.ru

Feeding seedlings of tomatoes and peppers

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How to properly feed seedlings?

When your peppers in the greenhouse begin to bear fruit, and you harvest the first crop, experts in this matter advise feeding the pepper again. However, pay attention, if the plants went into rapid growth, but do not bear fruit, exclude nitrogen from top dressing by saturating it with superphosphate.

Fertilizers for pepper seedlings

Often, novice gardeners wonder how to feed the pepper and how many times a month to do it, because it is a demanding plant.

In order for pepper seedlings to turn out strong, develop well and later give an excellent harvest, all the features of this rather capricious plant should be taken into account. As you know, pepper came to us from the hot expanses of America, which means that it simply needs a sufficiently high temperature and humidity to grow. Without these two components, no top dressing will help to get viable seedlings. In addition, pepper needs light but fertile soils. With a lack of nutrients in the soil, it grows frail, sheds flowers and ovaries.

Fertilizing the soil during digging. Many successful gardeners, even during the autumn or early spring digging of beds, apply mineral fertilizers such as superphosphate and potassium sulfate. It is enough to take them at the rate of 30 g per square meter and add them to the soil to a depth of about 10 cm.

Fertilizer for seedlings of tomatoes

- A mixture of garden soil, peat (humus) and sand; The scoop is one of the most common pepper pests. It is difficult to fight with it, since there are a large number of its varieties and the period for the release of larvae is extended for a long time.

  1. It is necessary to feed the plants every seven days with mineral fertilizers or compost, having prepared a solution in advance with the addition of water and a small concentration of fertilizer. After 15 days after planting, the first top dressing is carried out. You can use mullein, diluted in ten parts of water, with the addition of 25 g of superphosphate.
  2. It is necessary to plant a plant in one row, keep the distance between plants - 30 - 40 cm, and between rows - 45 - 60 cm. It is undesirable to plant sweet pepper in hot weather, this will cause the leaves to dry out and the plant will wither.
  3. You can grow peppers by seedlings. And for this it is necessary to sow the seeds in advance, 50-60 days earlier than the seedlings begin. Choose only fresh seeds for seedlings.

I don't feed anything. And so it grows. Really tormented then. As it begins to grow, it is too early to plant. Here are the problems...


How to feed pepper in different periods of its growth

Don't feed ANYTHING. . Get tired later. Let them grow as they grow. . You will feed when you land in the ground. . Now push, stretch out ..

All of the above applies to adult plants, but how to feed the pepper after planting? There are corresponding answers to this question too.​

So it is, pepper is quite a tender and whimsical plant. It grows well in the open field, if the place is chosen correctly and the rules of care are followed. In many ways, the frequency of feeding pepper directly depends on what soil it grows on, the poorer it is, the more often the pepper will have to be fed. Sometimes you have to do this once a week, but mostly experienced gardeners advise feeding peppers only a few times per season.

You need to start feeding pepper seedlings when two true leaves are formed on it. As the first top dressing, mineral fertilizers or a solution of rotted manure are usually used. In no case should fresh manure be used for these purposes, as it will simply burn the tender roots of pepper seedlings. It is good to use such a nutrient solution for feeding sweet pepper seedlings: dissolve 3 grams of superphosphate, 1 gram of potassium and 0.5 grams of ammonium nitrate in 1 liter of settled water. In the future, the concentration of nutrients in the solution is doubled, and top dressing is carried out every 10-15 days.

Planting preparation. A couple of weeks before transplanting pepper seedlings into open ground, it is necessary to prepare garden beds in advance and fertilize them with rotted manure (about 5 kg per square meter). A couple of weeks before planting seedlings, it is also recommended to lightly feed the planting soil with nitrogen (ammonium nitrate), since the plant will need this mineral fertilizer even before it starts flowering. Calculate 10 g of funds per square meter of the site.

How to feed peppers in a greenhouse

- Superphosphate;

Aphids and the Colorado potato beetle can harm the plant less, however, a high degree of infestation with these pests leads to slower growth and deformation of the fruit. Moreover, affected plants become a place for the spread of fungal and viral diseases.

5 liters of solution can be used per 1 m². You can also feed peppers with Sudarushka, Ideal, Biomaster fertilizers, chicken droppings.

Pepper seeds are capricious, and therefore you need to take the process of growing seedlings with all responsibility. They can be sown in trays or pots, and then put in a warm place.

How to feed the pepper after disembarkation

I grow seedlings in purchased soil (for tomatoes and peppers) and never feed anything. When planting in the ground, such seedlings are not "lazy" and get food from the ground. The land in the garden and in the greenhouses is good, the seedlings are accepted and grow well.


The first time to feed the pepper after you have planted it in the ground should be about two weeks later, when the plant is already accustomed and rooted in the soil. The solution for feeding is made in the already indicated way, in addition, instead of organic fertilizers, the use of microelements is quite acceptable, applying them in accordance with the instructions.

Usually, peppers are fed with the same fertilizers as tomatoes, and the soil for these plants is advised to choose the same, planted in the neighborhood, peppers and tomatoes, they feel great. However, tomatoes can suffer from pests, read the corresponding article on our website for tips on how to deal with the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes and tomatoes.​

Fans of natural fertilizers can use the following recipe to feed pepper: pour nettle leaves with boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and insist for two days. Watering pepper seedlings with this solution every 10-15 days can achieve very good results at minimal cost.

  • First feed. After planting pepper seedlings in garden beds or in a greenhouse, let it take root and get stronger within 2-3 weeks. Only after that you can "feed" the plant with superphosphate and urea. Take the first fertilizer only 5 g, the second - twice as much, and mix the components well in a ten-liter bucket of water. Pour a liter of the prepared mixture under each pepper bush.​
  • - rotted manure;
  • In order to avoid infection of pepper with pests, you should not miss the time of their first appearance. Treat the plant immediately if you notice them. After all, only healthy seedlings of pepper guarantee a good harvest.
  • It is important during fruiting to feed the plant with fertilizer, which contains more N and Ca.
  • Sweet pepper is a plant that loves moisture, it is important to water it regularly. If you water the plant irregularly during the appearance of fruits, then cracks appear on the fruits.


Tell me how to feed the seedlings of peppers and tomatoes?

Tatiana Tsivilskaya

Before sowing, it is necessary to prepare the seeds of the plant, for this, treat the seeds in a 1% solution of manganese for 15 minutes, then rinse and place the seeds in a wet cloth for 2-3 days.


And why should they be fed with something now, the main thing is to dive them then they will stick without feeding, the main thing is that the soil is good in which you plant. Even when I plant it on the street, I don’t feed it with anything, only when I plant it, I always pour humus into each well. If you feed them, they only increase the tops, and there are few tomatoes on the bush. Yes, and extra nitrates are not needed.

Zhanna Ivanova

In no case should manure be a good guarantee for phytophthora in the future. There are special complex fertilizers for tomatoes and peppers. I feed "Kemira-Lux". The result is always good with a harvest.


You can also make a special "cocktail", which is perfect for the first feeding, both tomatoes and peppers. To do this, you need to dissolve two teaspoons (with a slide) of superphosphate and one (also with a slide) of urea in ten liters of water. Watering should be a liter for each pepper. The results will not keep you waiting. Before two weeks, top dressing is not advised, however, evening watering, of course, depending on the weather, is welcome.

The need to introduce certain substances can be judged by the condition and appearance of the bush. If the pepper leaves curl, then this makes itself felt lack of potassium in the soil. When the leaves on the reverse side become grayish, one can judge a lack of nitrogen. The purple color on the underside of the leaves indicates that the pepper needs phosphorus. But if the peppers do not bloom at the right time, then it is quite possible that they were overfed with nitrogen fertilizers.

Fertilizing during flowering

During this period, gardeners try to feed the peppers with potassium so that good ovaries form. To compensate for the lack of potassium in the soil, dry potassium or urea is used (1 teaspoon per 10-11 liters of warm settled water). Also during flowering, you can feed the peppers with a solution of urea (25 g per bucket of water). Top dressing with superphosphate is popular: dilute 1 tablespoon of this substance in 10 liters of water, add a teaspoon of potassium sulfate.

Important! Top dressing is carried out no more than 1 time in 2-3 weeks, otherwise the peppers will suffer from an excess of introduced substances.

Feeding during fruiting

During the ripening of peppers, natural dressings from improvised products are popular with summer residents. So, for example, tea leaves are often used for watering. It is necessary to pour 200 grams of used black tea with 3 liters of water and leave for 6-7 days. After that, pour the peppers with this infusion. This supplement contains potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium.

An infusion of young fresh nettles will perfectly feed peppers during fruit ripening with essential trace elements. For its preparation, tender young nettles are taken and poured with warm water. After a couple of days, after standing in a warm place, the nettle will settle to the bottom. So, the infusion is ready and they can be watered with peppers. The advantage of this top dressing is that it can be used once every 10-11 days.
