Without right to left: the most faithful signs of the zodiac. Loyalty rating of Zodiac signs: from the most loyal to the most unfaithful

Useful tips

In interpreting the signs of the Zodiac, we are accustomed to paying more attention to deceivers and cheaters than to faithful and devoted partners. This is understandable: you should always be on alert when it comes to those who can harm us.

However, paying so much attention exclusively to the negative, forgetting that there is much more in the world more positive people , just stupid.

Today I want to figure out what zodiac signs are in to a greater extent will turn out to be faithful partners and someone you can trust.

Capricorns are accustomed to taking responsibility themselves. If they serious relationship, they are most likely already started thinking about the future and plan it, but they really don’t like to deviate from their plans!

If Capricorns are unhappy in a relationship, they will most likely end it rather than cheat. Although Capricorn men are statistically less faithful, women outshine them third place. Capricorn women are so used to working hard that they are ready to work day and night to return their unfaithful husband. They are not in the mood to change themselves, much less be the first to change.

The most faithful women and men

Virgos are incredibly faithful, since they are not so much practical in life matters as they are incredibly afraid if they are caught in treason, which means they will understand how imperfect they are. Besides, Virgos usually have so many duties and affairs that they simply don’t have time to have someone on the side.

Taurus are more likely to catch their partners cheating than to go in search of adventure themselves. Like other earthly zodiac signs, Taurus are unusually loyal and usually... hold on tightly to that partner which seems suitable to them. Taurus will not cheat for another reason that he will simply be too lazy to do it, besides, cheating requires large expenses, both material and energy, and Taurus are quite stingy.

Leos can remain very faithful as long as they receive due attention from their partners. And they require a lot of attention! If Leo feels that their partner doesn’t care about them and is constantly being ignored, they are ready to cheat, which usually ends in a break in the relationship, but not because the betrayal is revealed to their partner, but because Leo understands that he will get much more elsewhere attention.

Rating of the most faithful

Pisces love flirting, but they don’t want to hurt those they love, and they certainly won’t immediately rush into something new. secret relationship. However, among them there are enough cheaters and cheaters, because they are sometimes so weak in front of a new feeling that they cannot resist.

The fish can stay physically correct to her partner, but at the same time emotionally she can cheat for a long time. For some, this may be complete nonsense, although in fact, emotional betrayal is a very big problem.

Libras are always looking for balance in life, so sometimes they need to find that balance in...treason. Representatives of this sign want to be faithful, but often, when they feel bored with an existing partner, they ask themselves: is this particular partner the only one for me?

Libra would rather get rid of unwanted relationships, but they definitely won’t have a long and tedious sort of relationship. This zodiac sign can usually find a clear explanation for his infidelity: he or she does not like tense and exhausting relationships, so he or she is trying to find someone with whom he or she will feel comfortable and at ease.

The Most Unfaithful Zodiac Signs

Aries are notorious cheaters. Especially if they get bored in the relationship or the partner cannot match their fiery temperament. Aries are victims of their impulses and may act before they think about the consequences of their actions.

If the other party suspects betrayal, Aries will zealously deny it. Representatives of this sign need constant stimulation from their partners, or they find someone who excites them more.

Geminis are not among the faithful signs of the Zodiac, but if a representative of this sign cheats, their partner will usually remains in the dark for a long time. Geminis know how to cover their tracks well and pretend to be a devoted partner, when in fact they live a double life.

Geminis often change their decisions, so at some point they may find themselves madly in love, but after a short time they will be bored in this relationship.

Sagittarians are in penultimate place on our list of fidelity, which suggests that they often go to the left. By and large, they are kind creatures and are ready to share their kindness with the whole world. They are cramped in one relationship, so they easily lead parallel lives. At the same time, they do everything possible to ensure that neither party finds out about the betrayal.

And finally, the last place in the list of faithful husbands and wives is Aquarius, according to the astrologer site. However, Aquarians cheat when they feel restrictions and limitations and betrayal is perceived as an attempt to gain freedom to do what you want.

They do not like to act according to traditions, including breaking the oath of allegiance easily and without remorse. They want to experiment, try new things and meet new people, that is, they love when events are dynamically developing around them, and life is in full swing.

If Aquarius is forbidden to do something, he wants to do it even more!

People who are interested in astrology are sure that the zodiac sign endows its representatives with certain character traits. Some signs are more relaxed, others - sensuality, and others - timidity. Many people are interested in the question of which zodiac sign is the most unfaithful. Some turn to fortune tellers and psychics for dubious help in order to make sure that their other halves are not cheating on them. In this article we will try to reveal the degree of fidelity of male and female representatives, guided by astrology.

The most unfaithful zodiac signs among men

Most males are fickle. Today they idolize their beloved, shower her with compliments, and tomorrow they may start looking at another woman. Which zodiac sign is the most unfaithful?

Gemini men, according to the horoscope, are more prone to cheating than others. They can easily betray their chosen one, and they don’t even try to keep it a secret. Geminis experience remorse extremely rarely. They may be pushed to cheat by accumulated fatigue and monotony in personal relationships.

Sagittarians are also distinguished by their inconsistency, attracted by love adventures. Basically they change due to their lungs and immediate character. Sagittarians do not consider going “to the left” a bad act. A beautiful representative of the fair sex can easily lure them into her network.

Independent and unpredictable, Aquarius men are also prone to infidelity. They require variety, so their women often differ from each other in appearance and character. If the other half of Aquarius begins to suspect them of cheating without reason, they will certainly bring her doubts to life.

The most unfaithful zodiac signs among women

Representatives of the fairer sex, born under the sign of Aries, are able to take a lover simply out of curiosity. In this way they try to add variety to their lives, and even marriage cannot keep the most unfaithful zodiac sign from having affairs. Aries women will not hide their feelings. They are able to be the first to confess their love.

Women born under the zodiac sign of Pisces enjoy success with men. We can say that these beauties were born under the most incorrect zodiac sign. They may interest representatives of the opposite sex not only appearance, but also a rich inner world. Pisces women in most cases are guided by the dictates of the heart, and not by the mind, and can immerse themselves in a fictional world. They are capable of treason.

Freedom-loving representatives of the Sagittarius sign give preference to entertainment typical of men. They choose their soulmate themselves. Whether they will have affairs on the side or not depends on the depth of their feelings for their chosen ones.

Infidelity rating: top three

The rating of the most unfaithful zodiac signs will evaluate the devotion of people born under their auspices. Who can be called the record holder for betrayal? We present to your attention the rating of infidelity:

  1. The first place and the status of the main traitor in the zodiac circle goes to Sagittarius. According to statistics, representatives of this sign get married more often than others. The reasons for their divorces lie in the inconstancy of these people, and not in the fact that the other halves of Sagittarius do not forgive them for going “to the left.”
  2. Second place rightfully belongs to Aries. Representatives of this sign are in constant search ideal partner, often destroying previous relationships for the sake of their dreams.
  3. Cancers, endowed with tenderness and shyness, round out the top three most unfaithful signs of the zodiac. They are capable of regularly cheating on their significant other. Sometimes you might think that in this way they are trying to restore balance in their lives.

4-6 places

  • The fourth place in our ranking is occupied by Gemini, about whom we can say that this is the most incorrect sign of the zodiac. They do not accept any restrictions on freedom, including in the sphere of personal relationships. These people may have regular lovers just to add a touch of variety to their lives.
  • Next come representatives of the zodiac sign Leo. They love to be admired and need praise, and this leads to representatives of this sign increasing the number of their admirers and having affairs on the side. At the same time, the moral component of the relationship, admiration and
  • In sixth place are Pisces. These people are unfaithful to their partners only in their dreams. IN real life they can decide to cheat only out of great love. It’s just impossible to predict how many times in the life of Pisces this feeling can visit.

7-9 places

  • Virgos, who occupy seventh place in this ranking, are sometimes capable of having fleeting affairs, but they always keep them secret from others. Representatives of this sign are able to skillfully hide their adventures from everyone. Among Virgos there are people who are distinguished by loyalty and constancy.
  • Libras cannot decide to cheat for a long time. While they think and weigh everything, doubt whether they need changes in their lives or not, they often lose the favor of their fans without feeling much regret.
  • Aquarius is in seventh place. If he is not satisfied with family relationships, then he is able to decide on a divorce. Aquarius can lie, but he considers betrayal to be an ugly and unseemly act. He tries not to have affairs on the side.

10-12 places

  • Taurus people simply do not dare to have an affair. They believe that if everything in their life is going well, then there is no need for change.
  • Capricorns are in eleventh place in the ranking. These people are distinguished by their loyalty because they do not see the logic in betrayal.
  • Scorpios, who are popular with the opposite sex, are in last place in the ranking. They do not cheat because they are good family men and do not see the point in going “to the left” if they are satisfied with the way their personal relationships are developing.

General conclusions

If a partner, be it a man or a woman, was born under the most incorrect zodiac sign, this does not mean that he will necessarily be a cheater. A person who is truly in love with his soulmate will never go “to the left,” contrary to all horoscope predictions. With the help of astrology, you can predict the likelihood of betrayal, but whether it will happen in real life depends on large quantity circumstances.

There is no clear distinction between which zodiac signs are the most unfaithful and which, on the contrary, are not prone to cheating. The degree of fidelity of each person is individual and depends on certain factors: date and time of birth, the qualities of her significant other, gender and age category. Even the most inveterate cheater can, over time, turn into a faithful person who is satisfied with his personal relationships.

A wife should not make her own friends; She had had enough of her husband’s friends, Plutarch argued. Since the time of Plutarch, a lot of water has passed under the bridge, but philosophers have never figured out exactly what is enough for a man (husband). Perhaps the degree of their (men's) fidelity will be determined by the signs of the Zodiac? ELLE has compiled a rating of faithful husbands, but warns that exceptions are possible.

Scorpion. 3 out of 10

Not a Gemini, but a dual nature. Scorpios have a soul and a body - like everyone else, however. But it is among men of this sign that the opposition between these two meanings reaches its peak. His soul has become attached to you, but his body asks for novelty. Scorpio is considered the most unfaithful sign, but, as always, there are exceptions. And the exception men are just gold.

Sagittarius. 3 out of 10

Everything is clear from the name. Sagittarius is a shooter, he needs a goal. And every time it’s new. “What is our life? “Game” is the motto of Sagittarius, which applies to all areas of life. Faster, bigger, brighter, more interesting - representatives of this sign are in a hurry to try everything, not at all because of immorality, but because they cannot do otherwise. And, besides, Sagittarius is looking for the only one, but cannot find it. If they do find it, then they tell themselves “stop” and leave the race.

Cancer. 5 out of 10

Magical at first, Cancer will gradually show its selfish nature. All he cares about is his comfort and pleasure. Try to catch him doing something, and he will give you a scandal, sincerely wondering why you are dissatisfied, because he feels good. However, among Cancers there are a lot of happy exceptions, and men over 35 are especially faithful.

Twins. 6 out of 10

He actively takes on relationships, invests himself completely, then withdraws into himself, and if he realizes that he is too comfortable, he can do his own thing. Stability for a number of Geminis is the same as boredom. They need new goals, and it’s not even about sex or women in general - Geminis, by their nature, are constantly looking for change. If you can accept this and work with this trait, you will get an excellent husband.

Aquarius. 6 out of 10

Do you want a relationship with an Aquarius? Be proactive. Do you want him to be faithful to you? First, keep your distance, and then try to be interesting to him. He will not control your life, but he will not allow you to follow his movements. And when it seems to you that others are getting more from him than you are, take a closer look - are there any beautiful women among these people around you? What should I do? Don't tie him and he will tie himself.

Aries. 7 out of 10

An insidious tempter, Aries will sincerely surround you with fantastic love, will also sincerely give himself entirely and will run on no less honestly. Well, or try to run away. If you can stop him, clap your hands - you have an almost ideal husband in front of you. Almost - because someday his former nature may make itself known again. Now it’s up to you to decide what to do with it.

Scales. 8 out of 10

Libra prefers games in life. Surprises, flirting, unexpected trips and meetings, changes in work and appearance - this is about Libra. Where they don't like surprises is in relationships. If you admire him, he is yours forever. Only admiration must be sincere, otherwise it’s a lost cause - Libra senses falsehood like no one else. For all their lightness, representatives of this sign value stability. And betrayal... betrayal for them is a way out of their comfort zone. So you are required to provide them with this zone, and everything will be tip top.

Virgo. 8 out of 10

Also an extremely practical sign. For poems under the moon and observations of the dawn - it's you to someone else, please. The Virgo man will analyze everything connected with you, draw conclusions without rushing, and make a decision. No, you shouldn’t yawn from boredom, this man truly loves you, but he uses his intellect even in matters of the heart. Accordingly, he will not cheat on you, simply because if he has already made a choice, why should he change this choice? Although... we still set the assumption percentage. For even Virgos are not machines, but men.

A lion. 8 out of 10

Leos love the world of things and specifics. They are reliable and do not really tolerate it when the woman next to them turns out to be taller than them. In every sense - from the literal to status in society and income level. If everything is in order with this, then you can be sure that Leos will not let you down. And they will be faithful to you. Until you start earning more than them. Joke.

Fish. 8 out of 10

Feeling and sensual men. They spend a long time gaining momentum in relation to the woman they like, but then invest completely. And singing under the window (if anyone else is interested in it at all), and flowers in huge buckets at the doorstep. All will be. At the same time, living together will change Pisces in an interesting way - they will not just forget about romance, but they will definitely prefer sex to it. But sex with you. Pisces needs one woman, but one who will accept his gentleness.

Capricorn. 9 out of 10

A conservative is what a Capricorn man is. He works hard for the benefit of the family, knows how to count money and manage it correctly. Can you be the same at least partly? Then a quiet, cozy family happiness without shocks and adultery. Why does Capricorn need to go to the left if everything is arranged for him? That's right, there's no need. This is also an extra expense.

Calf. 9 out of 10

Restrained in appearance, Taurus is very emotional in reality. And very, very persistent. He will make every effort to conquer you, and when he gets his, he will not let go. Taurus is ready to do anything for the sake of his beloved and in marriage he sees not a necessity, not a coincidence of circumstances, not an everyday advantage and not “because it is necessary”, no, the institution of marriage in the eyes of Taurus is sacred. Taurus marry consciously and do not change their decisions. Needless to say, in terms of loyalty, representatives of this sign (as usual, not everyone is an exception, they happen) will give everyone a head start.

Using the ranking of Zodiac signs, you can find out which sign is the smartest, which is the most faithful, and which is the most dangerous. Relying on statistical data and compiled ratings, it is possible to draw certain conclusions regarding various characteristics, which representatives of all constellations possess.

The smartest signs of the zodiac

In terms of leadership skills, Sagittarius, alas, gives way to the stupidest sign of the Zodiac, Aries, who, according to the rating, has the lowest IQ level. As for the leadership qualities and skills inherent in Aries, they are not always interconnected with the mind. As a rule, they are directly proportional to intuition and the sixth sense, which cannot be developed using logic alone.

Windy Zodiac Signs

Gemini and Scorpio are the leaders of this rating. Fickle signs include Pisces, who are so smart that almost no one ever suspects that they have an affair. Virgos are also flighty, but only until they meet true love.

The most faithful zodiac signs

The most faithful include representatives of the constellations Capricorn, Leo and Scorpio. According to the compiled rating of zodiac signs, these are the most faithful life partners. They will not have love affairs if there is a loved one nearby. However, unfortunately, for some representatives of the remaining signs, physical intimacy means more than spiritual intimacy. Therefore, before making a choice and settling on a specific chosen one, astrologers recommend familiarizing yourself with the rating of husbands by zodiac sign.

Best husbands

Rating of ideal wives

For both men and women, there is a rating of wives compiled by astrologers by zodiac sign.

The most jealous zodiac signs

Such a quality as jealousy is inherent in every person, however, there are zodiac signs that cannot cope with this trait of their character. These are Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn. Representatives of the Libra sign are also very jealous, but they, as a rule, keep all emotions to themselves.

The most dangerous sign

Scorpio is considered the worst sign of the Zodiac. It is the representatives of this zodiac constellation who are the most hot-tempered and dangerous people. Pushkin also argued that Scorpio combines such qualities as genius and villainy. However, among Scorpios there are also smart people However, they tend to rarely use their intelligence for intelligent purposes. Scorpios have a rich inner and emotional world.


After reading the ratings presented in this article, we can draw a conclusion as to who is the most faithful sign of the Zodiac and who is the most flighty. However, do not forget that every person cannot fully meet the above characteristics. Date of birth and, accordingly, zodiac sign are, of course, an important indicator, but the above information should not be taken too seriously.

Loyalty for a man is like a cage for a tiger. This statement applies to many modern women. But it turns out that many people are not afraid of being tamed.

Loyalty by zodiac sign - is fidelity an innate quality?

Is it easy to be faithful to your zodiac signs in marriage? And it depends on who. If we are talking about a passionate, ardent, gambling person, then no, it’s not easy. Can such a person be faithful? Theoretically, it can, but at the cost of colossal efforts, permanent job over oneself and, sad as it may be to say, at the cost of humility.

Loyalty is the most important, but not always achievable condition for maintaining stability traditional form marriage - monogamous. There are people who will never commit adultery, for whom a deviation from the oath of fidelity, a violation of the agreement on exclusivity intimate relationships unacceptable. What is the most faithful zodiac sign?

Aries man“He doesn’t even allow the thought of betrayal while he’s in love - the feeling takes over him completely, leaving no room for a new hobby, frivolous flirting.

As long as he carries you in his arms, showers you with gifts and signs of attention, promises stars from the sky and mountains of gold, you can’t doubt his loyalty. The easiest way to learn about Aries’s betrayal is from him himself: he doesn’t know how to deceive and doesn’t like to lie, but he pronounces the cruel truth easily, sometimes with some secret pleasure.

Aries Woman– can start affairs out of simple curiosity or for the sake of variety. Even marriage does not stop Aries women from having affairs. She will not hide her sympathy and can be the first to admit her feelings.

Taurus men- Casanovas who do not chase laurels and do not lose their heads so easily.

However, they are in no hurry to choose “the one.” If Taurus does not look at you under a microscope, diligently studying your shortcomings and advantages, does not ask about the smallest incidents, is not interested in family history and plans for the future, does not seek to give advice on any matter, it means that you have ceased to be an essential part of his life.

It should also be borne in mind that, unlike many other men, Taurus is not proud of his victories and, especially, betrayals.

Taurus Woman– beautiful, but conservative. She is jealous, treats her man as her property, does not forgive betrayals because she idealizes marriage and tries to live by all the rules. The Taurus woman herself, as a rule, does not cheat either.

Gemini Man— The surest sign of the inconstancy of men with this zodiac sign is their constancy. Yes, yes, there is nothing strange about this. Remember how just recently he surprised you every day, demonstrating new facets of character, radically changing his worldview, never tired of turning life upside down.

It was only then that he fully revealed himself to you, bringing his joys and sorrows to you. As soon as it seems that your eternal child Gemini has settled down, matured and come to his senses, this means that he is already someone else’s eternal child.

Gemini Woman– endowed with a feminine heart and a masculine mind, they make contact with men very easily. In the family, they are not just faithful wives, they are excellent housewives and mistresses.

Cancer Man- with this sign, betrayal is not easy, because he really wants to be an ideal family man, a faithful lover and a reliable partner. In addition, he realizes how painful it is to be deceived in best feelings, and does not want to make someone he cares about suffer.

If a new hobby suddenly appears, he doubts and looks for excuses, shares his worries with friends, looks for a way out that would suit all interested parties, and will willingly shift responsibility for what is happening onto someone else’s shoulders.

Cancer Woman- born for family life and knows a lot about it. She chooses a man for herself very carefully. The Cancer woman is a faithful wife and caring mother.

Leo Man- He doesn’t know how to hide betrayal, because he is used to being proud and boasting about each of his chosen ones. He is unable to resist appearing with the next lady of his heart at a social event, showing off her beauty like a medal for courage, and does not think about the fact that his former lover might find out about this.

Those to whom he once crossed the path will consider it their duty to tell you about Leo’s inconstancy, because representatives of this sign have no shortage of ill-wishers.

Leo Woman– loves social life, money and always strives for a high position. She perfectly understands the difference between marriage, love and just sex. With a man, she usually establishes a partnership and is faithful.

Virgo man— She is famous for her constancy, and not everyone can conquer a man born under this zodiac sign. But if it does come to betrayal, a woman deceived in her best feelings has a chance to never find out about it: Virgos are distinguished by caution, sometimes worthy of better use.

If a Virgo man has met someone for whom he could risk a time-tested and dear relationship, he is still unlikely to want to do this, and if he does, the secret will remain shrouded in darkness.

Virgo Woman– very calm, hardworking, excellent housewife and wife. Ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of her family. She can easily be called a role model.

Libra men- They are rarely caught in inconstancy, although sometimes they spend a lot of time between two or more fires. A man of this sign knows how, if not to manage his feelings, then to control them, allocating to his chosen ones the shares they deserve - and you may not notice what is happening for a long time.

He makes no effort to hide, but the truth still does not come out: a paradox that is only possible because Libra knows how to build relationships that suit everyone. The deceiver can only be exposed due to an incredibly unfortunate coincidence of circumstances.

Libra Woman- This attractive woman, which combines softness and femininity. The Libra woman is under the protection of the planet Venus - such a woman always attracts men with her sophistication and femininity, men always revolve around her. Marriage can be entered into repeatedly, but infidelity is a rare occurrence for Libra women.

Scorpio man- Even the most faithful and impeccably moral are often suspected of treason by their overly jealous or not very understanding chosen ones.

Indeed, you can’t help but think when either a rain of rose petals or a hail of reproaches rains down on your head. Scorpios are complex, and sometimes they themselves are unable to deal with their feelings.

Yes, sometimes there are those who want to help with this - naive, gullible people who do not suspect what kind of burden they are putting on their shoulders. After betrayal, Scorpio becomes so cunning that he falls into his own traps; he makes plans of extraordinary insidiousness, but at the moment of emotional intensity he may well blurt out

Scorpio Woman– sensual, emotional, mysterious, attractive. Such women are endowed with special flair and intuition and instinctively know who her chosen one is. Contrary to popular belief about their impulsive temperament, a Scorpio woman in love is faithful, sensual, and caring. Having chosen her partner, she is ready to go hand in hand with her beloved man.

Sagittarius man— Even the most serious Sagittarius is always a little fidgety. His thirst for adventure is completely insatiable, and adventures of a romantic nature are no exception.

In most cases, he doesn’t even think about cheating, and therefore doesn’t feel guilty - it just happened.

Long before victory is achieved, Sagittarius will probably tell someone about what he is going to do - well, just to be dissuaded. Having heard that there is nothing difficult in the task at hand, he will quickly lose interest in it.

The forbidden fruit attracts Sagittarius only because it hangs high - the taste of mystery is not to the liking of the representatives of this sign.

Sagittarius Woman- loves men's entertainment, feasts, dancing, sports, and freedom is a very important component for her. Not every man can be with such a freedom-loving woman. She chooses the man herself and, depending on the depth of feelings and affection, she can be either a faithful or unfaithful companion.

Capricorn man— He makes plans for a long time and thinks them over carefully: this applies to romantic relationships no less than any other area of ​​life. Long before she looks in his direction, Capricorn will weigh the pros and cons, form his own opinion about how their relationship will develop, and how exactly he will keep it secret.

Before making an appointment with another woman, he will accustom you to the fact that he is busy and cannot devote much time to you, he will outline walking routes and choose places where he will pass romantic dates, he will provide for everything... A Capricorn traitor is easy to expose, because he stubbornly makes ridiculous mistakes one after another, knowing in his heart what this will lead to, but secretly hoping that his mistakes will go unnoticed.

Capricorn Woman– can take a very long time to choose ideal man. She has an innate talent to influence a man and get everything she wants. In marriage, she is a faithful, hardworking and caring housewife.

Aquarius man“He doesn’t like to hide, and if he’s forced to do it, he feels uncomfortable.” Secret relationships do not give representatives of this sign much pleasure, because they have to make serious efforts to keep everyone in the dark, and the reward for their work sometimes turns out to be more modest than he expected.

But still, the craving for diversity sometimes takes over, and Aquarius becomes close to a woman only because she is completely different from the other one.

Aquarius Woman- a woman of mystery. Sometimes she herself does not understand her actions. Her men are also often extraordinary personalities. She is sociable, independent, and witty in nature, which cannot but arouse interest among men. The Aquarius woman is an idealist, she can marry more than once, but she is faithful in marriage.

Pisces Man— The representative of this zodiac sign is an insidious cheater. He knows well where such dreams lead, and acts secretly, using all his imagination to hide dubious exploits.

He admires his own infallibility, not suspecting that everyone he meets - and especially you - sees him as an adventurer and is unlikely to want to maintain a serious relationship with him.

Pisces Woman– very attractive to the opposite sex, regardless of external data. If you don’t take it with your appearance, then you take it with your inner world. Such women trust their hearts more than their minds. Being the most sensual sign of the Zodiac, they can go into the world of illusions and temptations. Pisces wives are not the most faithful.

But perhaps you have a different opinion about the ability to remain faithful to various zodiac representatives. (With. )

Now let's talk about which women according to their Zodiac Sign are the most faithful.

They will follow their men through fire and water. Representatives of these Zodiac Signs know how to be a support and loyal friend for their loved one. They are very loyal and loving.


The Taurus woman becomes an incredibly devoted friend, a faithful and reliable life partner for her husband. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign readily follow their men and experience with them both moments of joy and unhappy moments. The Taurus woman is extremely attentive, gentle and kind towards her significant other.


The Cancer woman becomes a devoted, faithful and sensitive wife. Many Cancers prefer to behave humbly in relationships, giving the reins of power to their chosen ones. Cancer can support her man not only in moments of joy, but also share with him all the unhappy moments. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign become unshakable support and support for their husbands, especially in moments of crisis. These are very devoted women, for whom family and husband always come first.


The Virgo woman loves her life partner faithfully and selflessly. She may seem too practical and reserved, but a calm and unshakable flame of love constantly burns inside her. A woman under the Virgo sign falls in love for a long time, but very strongly. Her feelings become eternal and indestructible, and she herself acquires a great meaning in life called love.


For Capricorn women, love is of great importance. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign become very faithful and reliable life partners. They are ready to share not only pleasant, but also difficult moments with their loved one. The Capricorn woman may seem cold and unapproachable, but she will always remain a devoted wife and a loving, reliable friend to her loved one.


A woman under the Sign of Aries loves very devotedly and strongly. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign become faithful life partners and loving, caring friends. The Aries woman knows how to not only take in a relationship, but also give. There is no more devoted and selfless woman than Aries. She gives herself completely in a relationship and wants to completely own her loved one.
