The establishment of Soviet power in Russia. Formation of Soviet power

The victory of the October Revolution led to a sharp change in the balance of political forces in Russia. The proletariat has become the ruling class, Bolshevik Party - ruling. The opposition to the new government was made up of the overthrown classes and the representatives of their interests - monarchical, bourgeois and petty bourgeois parties. The entire spectrum of political forces opposing the Bolsheviks was divided into three camps.

First camp

First camp- openly anti-Soviet. It was composed monarchical and bourgeois parties. The party of the liberal bourgeoisie took a tough position - constitutional democrats. Its Central Committee already on October 26, 1917, having met for a meeting, decided on a merciless fight against the Bolsheviks. Armed uprisings against the power of the Soviets forced the Soviet government at the end of November 1917 to adopt the “Decree on the arrest of the leaders of the civil war against the revolution.”

Second camp

In second camp included right Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, who relied on the peasantry, middle strata of workers and other groups of the population. The political line of the Right Socialist Revolutionary Party, aimed at preparing an armed uprising with the aim of overthrowing Soviet power and replacing it with a Constituent Assembly, clearly emerged. The Mensheviks did not abandon the parliamentary republic, but they also did not reject violent methods of overthrowing Soviet power.

The Right SRs assigned the role of the main centers of the struggle against Soviet power to the Volga region and Siberia, where they had quite numerous organizations and significant influence among the bulk of the peasant population and part of the workers. It was there, as well as in the North, in the Trans-Caspian region and Turkestan, that the Socialist Revolutionaries, together with the Mensheviks, led the movement against Soviet power.

Third camp

Third camp were those who, together with the Bolsheviks, took part in the October Revolution. This left socialist revolutionaries and anarchists. At the same time, we note that the Left Socialist Revolutionaries went through a complex political evolution from supporting Soviet power to fighting against it.

The transfer of power in Russia into the hands of the Bolsheviks took place both peacefully and armedly. It is worth noting that it took a period from October 1917 to March 1918

IN Moscow Soviet power was established the 3rd of November after bloody battles. The sailors who arrived from Kronstadt fought with officers and cadets who occupied the Kremlin on the orders of the head of the City Duma, Socialist Revolutionary Rudnev, and Colonel Ryabtsev, commander of the Moscow Military District.

October 27 A.F. Kerensky and General P.N. Krasnov organized the attack of a Cossack detachment (700 people) on Petrograd. The offensive was stopped. The headquarters of the Supreme High Command in Mogilev was destroyed, and in order to block anti-Soviet actions on the fronts, the Council people's commissars appointed N.V. as Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Krylenko instead of the displaced N.N. Dukhonina.

The victory of the revolution in Petrograd and Moscow was decisive for the establishment of Soviet power throughout the country. It established itself relatively easily in industrial areas. As a result, only towards the end November 1917. Soviet power won in almost 30 provincial cities of European Russia.

A fierce armed struggle for the establishment of Soviet power took place in the areas where the Cossacks, a privileged military class, lived. To the Don, North Caucasus, the Southern Urals, white officers and generals, leaders of monarchical and bourgeois parties fled from the center of Russia.

For these and other reasons, the establishment of Soviet power in these areas occurred exclusively at the beginning of 1918. Under unusual conditions, Soviet power was established throughout Siberia and the Far East.

Earlier than in other national regions, the revolution won in the Baltic states and Belarus.

In more difficult conditions, the struggle for the Soviets took place in Ukraine, the Caucasus, Moldova, Central Asia, and Kazakhstan. The confrontation here dragged on for several months, until the spring of 1918.

Generally, from October 25, 1917 to February - March 1918 Soviet power was established throughout almost the entire territory of Russia.

Serious political crisis The Soviet government experienced in the very first days of its existence, when the All-Russian Executive Committee of the Railway Workers' Trade Union ( Vikzhel) supported by Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries demanded in an ultimatum that in order to avoid a civil war, it recognizes as legitimate a socialist government in which all socialist parties from the Bolsheviks to the People's Socialists (SRs) should take part. The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party was forced to negotiate with the Vikzhel. At the negotiations, the delegation of the Bolshevik Central Committee, contrary to the party decision, supported Vikzhel’s ideas on creating a government, in which the Bolsheviks were assigned a secondary role.

Disagreements arose among the leadership of the Bolshevik Party. L.B. Kamenev, G.Z. Zinoviev, A.I. Rykov and others left the Central Committee, and some of the people's commissars left the government. Ya.M. was appointed to the post of chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Sverdlov.

The Extraordinary All-Russian Congress of Railway Workers, held in December 1917, spoke out for support Soviet government. An agreement was reached on the inclusion of seven representatives of the left social revolutionaries (SRs) in the Soviet government (Sovnarkom), which accounted for a third of its composition.

constituent Assembly

About 50 Russian political parties took part in the elections to the Constituent Assembly, held in mid-November 1917; the Bolsheviks received 22.5% of the votes; moderate socialist parties - 60.5% (of which over 55% are socialist-revolutionaries); bourgeois parties - 17%. The election results were explained by the fact that they were held according to lists compiled by these parties even before the October events. Let us note that now the Left Socialist Revolutionaries have joined the coalition. Thus, it turned out that the bulk of voters voted for a party that no longer existed. This meant that the distribution of seats did not reflect the changes in the balance of political forces in the country that occurred on the eve of and during the October events. At the same time, the idea of ​​convening the Assembly remained popular among the broad masses.

First and only meeting Constituent Assembly elected Social Revolutionary leader V. Chernov as chairman; the candidacy of M. Spiridonova, chairman of the Central Committee of the Right Social Revolutionaries, supported by the Bolsheviks, was rejected by the meeting.

to the Constituent Assembly on the day of its opening - January 5, 1918- it was proposed to approve the approved All-Russian Central Executive Committee “ Declaration of the Rights of Working and Exploited People" It confirmed the most important legislative acts adopted after the victory of the revolution. At the same time, the majority of delegates not only refused to accept the Declaration, but also opposed Soviet power. Then the Bolshevik faction left the meeting. Following her, the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries, Muslim nationalists and Ukrainian Socialist-Revolutionaries left. On January 6, 1918, by decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the Constituent Assembly was dissolved.

At 4 o'clock in the morning the chief of guard, sailor A.G. Zheleznyakov, in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙi with the received instructions, demanded that Chernov close the meeting, saying the following famous phrase“The guard is tired.”

A week later, the All-Russian Congress of Workers, Soldiers and Peasants' Deputies was held, at which the “Declaration of the Rights of Working and Exploited People” was approved. The congress also approved the law on the socialization of the land and proclaimed the federal principle of government Russian Federative Socialist Republic.

Establishment Soviet power

October Revolution of 1917 in Russia

Great October Socialist Revolution took place October 25-26, 1917 ᴦ.(November 7-8, new style). This is one of the greatest events in the history of Russia, as a result of which dramatic changes occurred in the position of all classes of society.

The October Revolution began as a result of a number of significant reasons:

· In 1914-1918. Russia was involved in the first world war, the situation at the front was not the best, there was no intelligent leader, the army suffered heavy losses. In industry, the growth of military products prevailed over consumer products, which led to rising prices and caused discontent among the masses. The soldiers and peasants wanted peace, and the bourgeoisie, who profited from the supply of military equipment, longed for the continuation of hostilities.

· National conflicts.

· The intensity of the class struggle. The peasants, who for centuries dreamed of getting rid of the oppression of the landowners and kulaks and taking possession of the land, were ready for decisive action.

· Prevalence of socialist ideas in society.

The Bolshevik Party achieved enormous influence on the masses. In October there were already 400 thousand people on their side. October 16, 1917 ᴦ. The Military Revolutionary Committee was created, which began preparations for an armed uprising. During the revolution by October 25, 1917 ᴦ. all key points in the city were occupied by the Bolsheviks, led by V.I. Lenin. They seize the Winter Palace and arrest the provisional government.

On the evening of October 25, at the 2nd All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, it was announced that power would pass to the 2nd Congress of Soviets, and locally - to the Councils of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies.

On October 26, the Decree on Peace and Land was adopted. At the congress, a Soviet government was formed, called the “Council of People's Commissars,” which included: Lenin himself (chairman), L.D. Trotsky (People's Commissar for foreign affairs), I.V. Stalin (People's Commissar for National Affairs). The “Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia” was introduced, which stated that all people have equal rights to freedom and development, there is no longer a nation of masters and a nation of the oppressed.

As a result of the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks won a victory and the dictatorship of the proletariat was established. Class society was abolished, the land of the landowners was transferred into the hands of the peasants, and industrial structures: factories, factories, mines - into the hands of the workers.

As a result of the October revolution, Civil War, because of which millions of people died, and emigration to other countries began. Great October Revolution influenced the subsequent course of world history.

From October to February 1917 ᴦ. the establishment of Soviet power began on the territory of the former Russian Empire.

On October 25, the 2nd Congress of Soviets adopted a decree on power, according to which it transferred to the councils of workers, soldiers and peasants' deputies.

On October 27, a resolution was adopted on the creation of a temporary (until the convening of the Constituent Assembly) Soviet government - the Council of People's Commissars (SNK), which included the Bolsheviks (62) and the Left Socialist Revolutionaries (29). It was headed by Lenin. People's Commissariats (more than 20) were created in all areas (economy, culture, education, etc.).

The Congress of Soviets became the highest legislative body. In the intervals between congresses, its functions were performed by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK), which was headed by L.B. Kamenev, a. then Y.M.Sverdlov.

Elections to the Constituent Assembly held in November 1917. showed that 76% of voters do not support the Bolsheviks. They voted for the Socialist Revolutionaries, Mensheviks and Cadets, who were pursuing a course towards establishing bourgeois democracy. At the same time, the Bolsheviks were supported by large cities, industrial centers, and soldiers.

In January 1917 ᴦ. The Bolsheviks dispersed the Constituent Assembly, banned the Cadets Party and the publication of opposition newspapers.

In December 1918 ᴦ. The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK) is created to combat counter-revolution, profiteering and sabotage and its local departments in the regions.

The Cheka, headed by F.E. Dzerzhinsky, had unlimited powers (including execution) and played a huge role in establishing Soviet power and the dictatorship of the proletariat.

In January 1918 ᴦ. The Decree on the Organization of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and Navy was adopted. Created on a voluntary basis from representatives of the working people, the army was intended to defend the gains of the proletariat.

In May 1918 ᴦ. In connection with the danger of intervention, the “Decree on General Military Duty” was adopted. By November 1918 ᴦ. L. Trotsky managed to create a regular combat-ready army, and by 1921 ᴦ. its population reached 4 million people.

Using agitation and violent methods (the whole family was taken hostage for refusing to cooperate with the Red Army), the Bolsheviks managed to attract more military specialists from the old tsarist army to their side than the whites.

After the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly and the signing of the shameful Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty with Germany, the socio-political situation in the country worsened. Revolts against the Bolshevik power began: a revolt of cadets in Petrograd, the creation of the Volunteer Army on the Don, the beginning of the White Movement, peasant unrest in central Russia.

The most pressing problem facing new government, became a way out of the war. The first negotiations were disrupted by L. Trotsky. Taking advantage of this, German troops launched an offensive along the entire front line and, without meeting resistance, occupied Minsk, Polotsk, Orsha, Tallinn and many other territories. The front collapsed, and the army was unable to resist even the small German forces.

February 23, 1918 ᴦ. Lenin achieved the acceptance of the German ultimatum, and signed a “obscene” peace with Germany’s colossal territorial and material claims.

Having received a respite, having suffered huge losses in order to preserve the gains of the revolution, the Soviet Republic began economic transformations.

In December 1917 ᴦ. The Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNKh) was organized, the largest banks, enterprises, transport, trade, etc. were nationalized.
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State-owned enterprises became the basis of the socialist structure of the economy.

July 4, 1918 ᴦ. The 5th Congress of Soviets adopted the first soviet constitution, which proclaimed the creation of the state - the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic.

The establishment of Soviet power - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Establishment of Soviet power" 2017, 2018.

  • - Establishment of Soviet power on the outskirts of the state

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  • already in the spring of 1918 it set the task of creating a large, combat-ready Red Army, but it was not easy to do this quickly. January 15, 1918 Lenin signed a decree on... .

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    HODZ AFTER THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION At the end of October. In 1917, Soviet power was established in Russia. In the spring of 1918, the Kuban workers, under the leadership of the Bolsheviks, took power into their own hands. In uniting the revolutionary forces of the Adyghe people with the Russians, a decisive role... .

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    - Establishment of Soviet power in the country

  • Main dates and events: October 25 - armed uprising in Petrograd, beginning of the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets; October 26 - adoption of the Decree on Peace, Decree on Land, formation of the Council of People's Commissars headed by V.I. Lenin; October 25, 1917 - March 1918 - establishment of Soviet power... .

    - The establishment of Soviet power in Russia in 1917-1918: the first activities of the Soviet government in the political, social, economic fields. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

  • October events of 1917: overthrow of the Provisional Government, Second Congress of Soviets By the fall of 1917, a nationwide socio-political crisis had broken out in the country: a catastrophic drop in the standard of living of the population, widespread dissatisfaction with government policies, strengthening... .

    - Establishment of Soviet power in Russia

  • On the morning of October 24, 1917, in response to the destruction by cadets of the printing house where the Workers' Way was printed, the Bolshevik Central Committee and the Military Revolutionary Committee took measures for defense and to neutralize parts of the Provisional Government. Already in the afternoon of October 24, the troops of the Military Revolutionary Committee begin to push back the almost unresisting... .

    - October Revolution: establishment of Soviet power in Russia

  • a) The October armed uprising and the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets and its decrees After the rejection of the compromise proposed by the Bolsheviks in early September and the failure of the attempt to form a homogeneous socialist government during the Democratic... .

    - October Revolution of 1917 and the establishment of Soviet power in Belarus.

  • The inability of the Provisional Government to solve the problems of the democratic revolution and the inconsistent policies of the ruling parties led them to political bankruptcy. In this situation, on the night of October 24-25, 1917, an armed uprising of workers won in Petrograd and... .

    Action of anti-Soviet forces On October 24, the All-Russian Committee was formed in Petrograd “ saving the motherland and the revolution" It includes the city council and delegates who left the congress. 26.10 Kerensky gives the order to march on Petrograd. The troops are commanded by General Krasnov. At his disposal were several Cossack hundreds, cadets and small military units - about 5 thousand people. On 10/28 Krasnov occupied Tsarskoe Selo, and on 10/29 a cadet uprising broke out in Petrograd. Krasnov's offensive and the uprising of the cadets were suppressed. An attempt to peacefully liquidate the SNK with the help of the All-Russian Executive Committee of the Railway Workers' Trade Union (VIKZHEL). Under the threat of a strike, VIKZHEL demands the creation of a multi-party socialist government. The idea was supported by some Bolshevik leaders (Kamenev, Rykov). As a result of Lenin's victory over the opposition, a split occurred in the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b) and the Council of People's Commissars. 15 people announced their resignation. Sverdlov was elected chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (Kamenev resigns).

    Establishment of Soviet power in Moscow. The struggle in Moscow turned out to be more protracted and serious than in Petrograd. In Moscow, under the Soviets, the Military Revolutionary Committee is created (led by the Bolsheviks). There was no unity in the Military Revolutionary Committee (5 out of 13 members of the Military Revolutionary Committee were against armed action). In addition, the “Salvation Society” committee is vying for power. The Military Revolutionary Committee occupied the Kremlin. On 28.10, cadets and officers carried out reprisals against the Kremlin garrison. A general strike began in Moscow, which grew into an uprising. 2.11 The Soviets took power. 3.11 revolutionary troops captured the Kremlin.

    Establishment of Soviet power locally. There was also a third center of resistance - the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief in Mogilev. 9.11 Commander-in-Chief Dukhonin, who refused to obey the orders of the Council of People's Commissars, was removed, and Krylenko was appointed in his place. The headquarters was captured by the capital's troops, and Dukhonin was killed by soldiers.

    The process, called by Lenin " The triumphal march of Soviet power"(late October 1917 - March 1918), was neither simple nor brief, especially in peasant regions, primarily in the Central Black Earth, where the Socialist Revolutionaries enjoyed strong influence. Revolutionary power was established in the cities, and then in the surrounding villages.

    End of 1917 - beginning of 1918 - Cossack counter-revolution on the Don. Ataman Kaledin spoke out against Soviet power. Antonov-Ovseenko, at the head of the Red Guard and revolutionary regiments, suppressed Kaledin's speech. Kaledin shot himself. During the same period - the rebellion of Ataman Dutov in Orenburg. The rebellion is suppressed. In March, the Don Soviet Republic was proclaimed. Soviet power won relatively easily even in Siberia and Kazakhstan. This was explained by the lack of a single center among the enemy.

    Victory of the revolution in national areas. First, Soviet power was established in Belarus, then in the Baltic states. In Ukraine, power was seized by the Central Rada, which relied on German bayonets. The Germans then dispersed the Rada and replaced it with Hetman Skoropadsky. Later, Soviet power is established in Transcaucasia and Central Asia.

    Socio-economic and political transformations of Soviet power. Creation and strengthening of Soviet statehood. The demolition of the old state machine and the creation of a new one, based on the councils. The construction of a new state presupposed the use of old technical, accounting, economic and supply bodies. Creation of a local apparatus. Creation of organs for the protection of Soviet power. 12/7/1917 - the Cheka under the Council of People's Commissars is created (headed by Dzerzhinsky). The militia of the Provisional Government is liquidated and the Soviet militia is created. The demobilization of the old army takes place and a new Red Army is created. Creation of courts and revolutionary tribunals. Recovering the death penalty. Agreement between the Bolsheviks and the Socialist Revolutionaries. In early December, the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party held three-day negotiations with the Central Committee of the Socialist Revolutionaries. As a result of the negotiations, 7 Socialist Revolutionaries became commissars. The Social Revolutionaries are part of the leadership of the Red Army and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee.

    Social transformation. Elimination of the remnants of feudalism: Decree on equalizing the rights of women and men, on the separation of church from state and school from church. National question: Declaration of the rights of the peoples of Russia of November 2, 1917. (the equality of peoples and their right to self-determination is established). Social activities: eight-hour workday; labor protection system for women and adolescents; health and unemployment insurance; salary increase; free education and medical care; an attempt to solve the housing problem.

    Economic transformation. An important act was the formation of the Supreme Economic Council (12/2/1917) with broad powers in the field of economics. Main sectoral committees are created under the Supreme Economic Council. Economic councils operate locally. Introduction of workers' control over the production and distribution of products. Nationalization of banks. The beginning of the nationalization of industry. Nationalization railways and merchant fleet. In the spring of 1918, entire industries were nationalized - sugar, oil. 01/28/1918 - Decree on the annulment of external and internal loans concluded by the tsarist and provisional governments. Conclusion: by the end of 1917, a state of the dictatorship of the proletariat was emerging, taking the form of the Bolshevik dictatorship.

    Establishment of Soviet power in Petrograd and Moscow

    Having announced the transfer of all power in Russia to the Soviets, the Bolsheviks in the capital itself immediately encountered opposition from their opponents. On the night of October 28, the Committee for the Salvation of the Motherland and the Revolution was created in Petrograd, which included representatives of the City Duma, the Pre-Parliament, the Central Executive Committee of the first convocation, and a number of professional and military organizations. With the help of cadets from Petrograd schools, they tried to carry out a counter-coup on October 29, but on the same day the anti-government uprising was suppressed, and the Committee itself then disintegrated. On October 30, near Pulkovo, Red Guard units stopped the Cossack corps of General P.N. Krasnov; on November 1, the Cossacks capitulated in Gatchina.

    A political challenge to the Bolshevik Party was posed by the Socialist-Revolutionary-Menipevist leadership of the All-Russian Executive Committee of the Railway Workers' Trade Union (Vikzhel), demanding the creation of a government consisting of representatives of all socialist parties. During negotiations with Vikzhel, serious disagreements arose within the Bolshevik Central Committee. Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee L.B. Kamenev, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs A.I. Rykov, People's Commissar of Trade and Industry V.P. Nogin and several other prominent Bolsheviks resigned from the party's Central Committee as a sign of protest and abandoned their government posts. However, the crisis of Bolshevik power was quickly overcome. Ya.M. Sverdlov became the Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, and several successive Leninists joined the Council of People's Commissars. Then, admitting the error of their position, a group of confrontational Bolsheviks returned to leadership positions in the party and state apparatus.

    In the first post-October days, the ruling party faced another problem - civil disobedience of almost 50 thousand Petrograd officials. With the help of harsh measures including arrests, putting on trial, and confiscation of property, the sabotage of government officials was broken in the first months of 1918.

    Following Petrograd, Soviet power began to establish itself throughout the country. On October 25, upon receiving news from Petrograd, the Moscow Bolsheviks formed the Combat Center, and the city council - the Military Revolutionary Committee. Along with the Bolsheviks and left-radical socialists, the Mensheviks entered there. The Military Revolutionary Committee relied on detachments of Red Guards and a significant part of the garrison soldiers.

    The forces of the defenders of the Provisional Government also rallied. On October 25, the Moscow Duma elected a Committee of Public Safety, led by the city mayor, Socialist-Revolutionary V.V. Rudnev and the commander of the Moscow Military District, Colonel K.I. Ryabtsev. At their disposal were mainly garrison officers and cadets. On the evening of October 27, the first bloody clashes took place in Moscow. By November 3, the resistance of the officers and cadets was suppressed. Moscow came completely under Soviet control.

    Establishment of Soviet power locally and in the field army

    In the Central Industrial Region, Soviet power won in November-December 1917 - mostly peacefully. This was due to the high concentration of the industrial proletariat here, where the Bolshevik Party had a wide network of its organizations, the presence of extensive communication routes and proximity to the capitals, from where support quickly came if necessary.

    With the help of weapons, new power was established in the Cossack regions of the Don, Kuban, and Southern Urals. From November 1917 to February 1918, the Bolsheviks continued their struggle against anti-Soviet protests on the Don under the leadership of Ataman A.M. Kaledina. The new government managed to form a powerful military fist from the regular units of the Northern Front and the Petrograd garrison, loyal to the Soviets, and detachments of Red Guards. Starring local residents, dissatisfied with the Kaledin regime, Rostov and Novocherkassk were recaptured in February 1918. Kaledin shot himself. The remnants of Kaledin's troops went to the steppes.

    In the Urals, during November 1917 - April 1918, there were bloody battles between Soviet armed units and the troops of Ataman A.I. Dutov. Orenburg, Troitsk, Verkhneuralsk and other areas fell into his hands. As a result of serious defeats in the spring of 1918, Dutov was forced to retreat.

    In the North, in Siberia and Far East By March 1918, Soviet power had won mainly in major centers, close to communication routes with the central regions.

    At the beginning of November 1917, at Headquarters, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, General N.N. Dukhonin, gave the order to concentrate troops in the Luga area for an attack on Petrograd. But soon, by order of the Soviet government, he was removed and then killed by mutinous soldiers. The position of Supreme Commander-in-Chief was taken by warrant officer N.V. Krylenko, sent from Petrograd.

    In November 1917, the Bolsheviks asserted their power over the Northern and Western fronts. A little later, the Sovietization of the Southwestern, Romanian and Caucasian fronts took place. Even before October, the Central Committee of the Baltic Fleet (the highest elected body of the sailors) actually completely controlled the situation in the fleet, placing all its power at the disposal of the Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee. In November 1917, at the First All-Black Sea Congress in Sevastopol, the revolutionary sailors, overcoming the resistance of the Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, achieved the adoption of a Bolshevik resolution recognizing the Council of People's Commissars. The local Bolsheviks failed to Sovietize military flotillas in the North and Far East.

    Establishment of Soviet power in national regions

    In October-November 1917, Soviet power won in Estonia, the unoccupied part of Latvia, Belarus, and also in Baku (it remained there until August 1918.

    In the rest of the Transcaucasus, forces came to power that advocated separation from Russia: in Georgia - the Mensheviks, in Armenia and Azerbaijan - the Dashnaks and Musavatists. In May 1918, through their efforts, sovereign bourgeois-democratic republics were created there.

    In December 1917, the First All-Ukrainian Congress of Soviets took place in Kharkov. He proclaimed Ukraine “a republic of Soviets of workers’, soldiers’ and peasants’ deputies” and appointed a government headed by the Bolshevik F.A. Sergeev (Artem). In January 1918, revolutionary forces overthrew the power of the national-democratic Central Rada, which shortly before had declared Ukraine an independent “people's republic”. The Rada left Kyiv and found shelter in Zhitomir, where it was looked after by German troops. In March 1918, Crimea and Central Asia (with the exception of Khiva and Bukhara) came under Soviet control.

    So, in a short period of time, from the end of September 1917 to March 1918, Soviet power established itself in the main part of the territory of the former Russian Empire, and in the vast majority of provincial and other large cities (73 out of 91) - peacefully. V.I. Lenin called this process “the triumphal march of Soviet power.”

    The main reason for this was the mass support of the first Soviet decrees, which were of a general democratic nature. On the national outskirts, the victory of Soviet power was facilitated by the “Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia”, “Appeal to the Working Muslims of the East”, which promised the peoples sovereignty, equality, the right to self-determination, and the free development of national cultures and traditions. Together With it is important to emphasize that the broad masses of the people did not bind their future fate with the course of the Bolsheviks.

    This was shown by the free elections to the Constituent Assembly, which took place in November 1917. About 78% of voters cast their votes for the Socialist Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, Cadets and others political parties. The RSDLP(b) received 22.5% of the votes in the elections. But this relatively small number of active supporters was concentrated in the most advantageous way for the Bolsheviks, in the industrial provinces and on the fronts to the center (Northern and Western). Anti-Soviet forces were disunited and disorganized even in the pre-October period. They quickly lost control of the army and were forced to recruit their military units from volunteers.

    The largest of them is Volunteer Army in the South of Russia, created by two former Supreme Commanders, Generals M.V. Alekseev and L.G. Kornilov, numbered no more than 4 thousand people by March 1918, mostly officers, cadets, and students. The first attempts to use Cossack units in the fight against the Soviets failed, without meeting the strong support of the population.

    The sequence of establishment of Soviet power on the territory of the former Russian Empire
    October november December January February March
    1917 1917 1917 1918 1918 1918
    Petrograd Moscow, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Baku Southwestern, Romanian and Caucasian fronts Ukraine Don Kuban, Crimea
    Northern and Western fronts Southern Urals middle Asia

    October Revolution of 1917 in Russia

    Great October Socialist Revolution took place October 25-26, 1917(November 7-8, new style). This is one of the greatest events in the history of Russia, as a result of which dramatic changes occurred in the position of all classes of society.

    The October Revolution began as a result of a number of significant reasons:

    · In 1914-1918. Russia was involved in the First World War, the situation at the front was not the best, there was no intelligent leader, the army suffered heavy losses. In industry, the growth of military products prevailed over consumer products, which led to rising prices and caused discontent among the masses. The soldiers and peasants wanted peace, and the bourgeoisie, who profited from the supply of military equipment, longed for the continuation of hostilities.

    · National conflicts.

    · The intensity of the class struggle. The peasants, who for centuries dreamed of getting rid of the oppression of the landowners and kulaks and taking possession of the land, were ready for decisive action.

    · Prevalence of socialist ideas in society.

    The Bolshevik Party achieved enormous influence on the masses. In October there were already 400 thousand people on their side. On October 16, 1917, the Military Revolutionary Committee was created, which began preparations for an armed uprising. During the revolution, by October 25, 1917, all key points in the city were occupied by the Bolsheviks, led by V.I. Lenin. They seize the Winter Palace and arrest the provisional government.

    On the evening of October 25, at the 2nd All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, it was announced that power would pass to the 2nd Congress of Soviets, and locally - to the Councils of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies.

    On October 26, the Decree on Peace and Land was adopted. At the congress, a Soviet government was formed, called the “Council of People’s Commissars,” which included: Lenin himself (chairman), L.D. Trotsky (People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs), I.V. Stalin (People's Commissar for National Affairs). The “Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia” was introduced, which stated that all people have equal rights to freedom and development, there is no longer a nation of masters and a nation of the oppressed.

    As a result of the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks won a victory and the dictatorship of the proletariat was established. Class society was abolished, the land of the landowners was transferred into the hands of the peasants, and industrial structures: factories, factories, mines - into the hands of the workers.

    As a result of the October coup, the Civil War began, due to which millions of people died, and emigration to other countries began. The Great October Revolution influenced the subsequent course of world history.

    From October to February 1917, the establishment of Soviet power began on the territory of the former Russian Empire.

    On October 25, the 2nd Congress of Soviets adopted a decree on power, according to which it transferred to the councils of workers, soldiers and peasants' deputies.

    On October 27, a resolution was adopted on the creation of a temporary (until the convening of the Constituent Assembly) Soviet government - the Council of People's Commissars (SNK), which included the Bolsheviks (62) and the Left Socialist Revolutionaries (29). It was headed by Lenin. People's Commissariats (more than 20) were created in all areas (economy, culture, education, etc.).

    The Congress of Soviets became the highest legislative body. In the intervals between congresses, its functions were performed by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK), which was headed by L.B. Kamenev, a. then Y.M.Sverdlov.

    Elections to the Constituent Assembly held in November 1917 showed that 76% of voters did not support the Bolsheviks. They voted for the Socialist Revolutionaries, Mensheviks and Cadets, who were pursuing a course towards establishing bourgeois democracy. However, the Bolsheviks were supported by large cities, industrial centers, and soldiers.

    In January 1917, the Bolsheviks dispersed the Constituent Assembly and banned the Cadets Party and the publication of opposition newspapers.

    In December 1918, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK) to combat counter-revolution, profiteering and sabotage and its local departments in the regions were created.

    The Cheka, headed by F.E. Dzerzhinsky, had unlimited powers (including execution) and played a huge role in establishing Soviet power and the dictatorship of the proletariat.

    In January 1918, the “Decree on the organization of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army and Navy” was adopted. Created on a voluntary basis from representatives of the working people, the army was intended to defend the gains of the proletariat.

    In May 1918, in connection with the danger of intervention, the “Decree on General Military Duty” was adopted. By November 1918, L. Trotsky managed to create a regular combat-ready army, and by 1921 its number reached 4 million people.

    Using agitation and violent methods (the whole family was taken hostage for refusing to cooperate with the Red Army), the Bolsheviks managed to attract more military specialists from the old tsarist army to their side than the whites.

    After the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly and the signing of the shameful Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty with Germany, the socio-political situation in the country worsened. Actions against the Bolshevik power began: a revolt of cadets in Petrograd, the creation of the Volunteer Army on the Don, the beginning of the White movement, peasant unrest in middle lane Russia.

    The most pressing problem facing the new government was the exit from the war. The first negotiations were disrupted by L. Trotsky. Taking advantage of this, German troops launched an offensive along the entire front line and, without encountering resistance, occupied Minsk, Polotsk, Orsha, Tallinn and many other territories. The front collapsed, and the army was unable to resist even the small German forces.

    On February 23, 1918, Lenin achieved the acceptance of the German ultimatum, and signed a “obscene” peace with Germany’s colossal territorial and material claims.

    Having received a respite, having suffered huge losses in order to preserve the gains of the revolution, the Soviet Republic began economic transformations.

    In December 1917, the Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNKh) was organized, the largest banks, enterprises, transport, trade, etc. were nationalized. State enterprises became the basis of the socialist structure of the economy.

    On July 4, 1918, the 5th Congress of Soviets adopted the first Soviet constitution, which proclaimed the creation of the state - the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic.
