Download minecraft pocket edition 14 version

Minecraft PE (Minecraft) 0.14.0 is becoming more and more popular around the world. The computer version of the game has been downloaded by more than 100,000,000 users, while the mobile version on Android has already been downloaded by more than 30 million people on their devices. Every day and every month, hundreds of thousands of people get acquainted with this square world of MCPE. And this is not at all surprising, because the game itself, the very essence of the game, is created in order to lure you into it up to your ears.

As the developers say in Minecraft 0.14.0, which you can download from our website, many very interesting innovations will appear, some of which were developed specifically for the PE version, and some were taken from the PC version. Most likely in this update we can see witches, witch huts and they will become the most powerful mobs in the pocket edition. A screenshot from one of the developers also appeared on the network, which shows that on the head Minecraft character PE 0.14.0 is wearing a mask, namely a pumpkin. What can this give us in the future? And this will give us the opportunity to calmly approach the Enderman and be afraid that he will attack you.

In addition to what we were able to find out and verify, we were able to find information that in Pocket Edition 0.14.0 edges may appear. True, this information is very contradictory, but one should not discard this possibility, since everything has been heading towards this for a long time.

What might be waiting for us in 0.14.0

  • Horses
  • Mob heads
  • Withers
  • Witches
  • Witch houses
  • End Boss
  • Slime block
  • Pistons
  • Comparator
  • Repeater
  • Ejector
  • Dispenser
  • Loading funnels
  • Trolleys with chest, dynamite and funnel

- Boilers
- New achievements
- Maps
- Loading funnels
- Distributors
- Ejectors
- Frames
- Slime block
- Survival interface in "Creative" mode
- Witches
- Repeater
- Comparator
- Red sandstone
- Edge Pearl
- Ability to put a pumpkin or mob heads on your head
- Chests with double trap
- Witch
- Pistons

- Cleaned up a lot of textures
- Changed the start screen of the main menu
- With the new UI, zombie children now have a 15% chance to turn into a rider and mount any mob
- Your screenshots are now saved in .png format
- Ghasts, Ifrits and Lava Cubes have brighter eyes
- Fixed build issues on iOS and Android
- Fixed door textures
- Fixed UI in the slider scale
- Improved slug spawning

- When switching from creative mode to survival, the inventory is no longer cleared - A 3-minute potion of weakness has been added to the creative mode inventory Bug fixes:
- The watermark now says “Build 6” :)
- Fixed a crash due to red stone in multiplayer mode
- Fixed frieze due to the clock design (the so-called Rapid Pulsar)
- Fixed a bug with the inability to pick up items when the inventory is incomplete
- Redstone Miner skin head does not disappear when equipping a helmet - Fixed performance degradation during loading - Items taken from the creative mode inventory will no longer be duplicated in slots
- The player's face no longer disappears when the pressure plate is placed after leaves and grass
- Players are now correctly displayed on the map in multiplayer mode as green arrows

Map scale returned to 1:1
Added “Redstone Specialists” skinpack

Bug fixes:
Fixed a crash with residents without a profession
Fixed a crash with a framed map in the Nether
Fixed a crash when a player broke the second part of a large chest while the chest itself was open
Minecarts with chests can be opened again
Boats will spawn correctly in front of you in multiplayer
Items in the chest from the minecart are no longer duplicated and disappear

Minecraft full version 0.14.0 / 0.14.1 is already out and can be downloaded for free on our website! What new things have the developers added to Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.14.0 you will find out in this article.

Friends, we want to congratulate you! After all, the cubic world of Minecraft for Android has become even better. The main thing that the developers pleased us with was new mobs, blocks, and opportunities.

Surely you remember that most of The mechanisms promised in MCPE 0.13.0 were never added? So, in MCP 0.14.0 they are finally added. The main ones that are worth noting are pistons, distributors, repeaters, but what does everything give us? Gives us a full-fledged redstone in minecraft 0.14.0 and 0.14.1, which can be downloaded at the bottom of the article.

A new cool dungeon has also been added - a temple in the wild jungle. In general, it could have been added to Minecraft version 0.13.0, but was not added only for the reason that it requires a distributor, which appeared only in Minecraft PE 0.14.0.

Next important update full version Minecraft 0.14.0 is an updated inventory. Now it will be much easier to use, because all objects and blocks will be where they should be. A new convenient search has also been added.

Watch the video with the developers, it’s very interesting what they themselves say about Minecraft PE 0.14.0 and 0.14.1 for Android:

Let's get back to the changes in the new Minecraft. one of the most important is new system world renderings. What does it give? It reduces the load and now you can get a much higher frame rate with the same power.

Support for texture packs will be enabled.

Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.14.0 – Hardcore mod

This new mod for real nerds! After all, with the hardcore mod in minecraft 0.14.0, when you die, all your buildings are destroyed. Everything will have to be built anew. This is a really good incentive not to die! After all, you will have to play again.

In the new Minecraft it will not be possible to change the difficulty level, the appearance of the health icon will change.

A controversial innovation - a left-handed menu has been added. I don’t know why, left-handers are already accustomed to the old one.

Support for Realms servers is planned.

And more great news - you can import maps from the computer version into Minecraft 0.14.0 for Android and iOS!

Fun and useful news - you can put a pumpkin on your head. This will protect you from the enderman and you will be able to look at him without annoying him. From the outside, a crafter with a pumpkin on his head looks very funny!

There is also a list of added blocks: these are prismarine, sponge, mucus block, cauldron, sea lantern, repeaters, pistons, funnels, ejectors, carts and some others.

Items added to minecraft 0.14.0/0.14.1

  • Diamond, iron and gold armor for horses
  • Delicious sheep meat - lamb - raw and fried
  • Ender's eyes
  • Maps that will help you not get lost in such a huge world
  • A fishing rod with a carrot is tinny, like from a cartoon)
  • Acorns - only in minecraft 0.14.0
  • Guardian Summon Eggs, Horses and Squirrels
  • Leash
  • Armor stand

Changes and improvements were also made to the generation of the world of mcpe 0.14.0, namely: a castle in the ocean, a temple in the jungle, changing dreams, a witch's house

New mods in Minecraft PE 0.14.0 and 0.14.1

It must be said that not all of them were added to Minecraft PE 0.14.0 at once, and some are expected only in versions 0.14.1 and 0.14.2.

Added mobs such as: horses, guards, squirrel, flying pig (what???), paradise sheep - only for Minecraft 0.14.0, witch, endermites, frog - possible.

By the way, now mobs will be able to mount different animals. Now they will be mob-riders!

Let's also note about new tweaks.

The developers have added a lot of new content to the game, and also fixed a bunch of bugs and errors from previous versions. Unfortunately, in 0.14.0 pistons have not been added, but the developers promise to add them in the next update - 0.15.0 !
The main menu has been slightly changed. Now the language change icon looks like it does on the PC version of the game. Now the menu has become more similar to the PC version of the game and perhaps in the next updates the developers will completely update the game interface!

Added in game settings new opportunity- changing the scale of the game. This is really useful, because on some devices the game interface is too small. Using the slider, you can now customize the interface.

In the game itself, and more specifically in the creative mode, the developers added a survival interface. This is very useful for map creators.

And now you can throw things away directly from creative mode. This is also useful in some cases.

New types of trolleys have been added - a trolley with a chest, with a funnel and dynamite. They can be used both in survival and in creating maps for passing. These are really useful things that will be useful to many players!

Many complained that 0.13.1 Not all redstone mechanisms were added, but the developers fixed this in the new update! Now the game has comparators, distributors and ejectors. It is also worth noting that other items were added - funnels and cauldrons.

Witch! Beware of her, because she can throw various potions at you that can kill you! Witches appear in the swamps near their huts, but finding them will not be so easy!

Full list of changes

  • Repeaters, comparators, dispensers, ejectors, loading hoppers, trap chests, minecart with chest/dynamite/hopper
  • Witches! Be careful when they throw potions at you. They can slow you down or even poison you.
  • Painting the armor. Tired of it normal look armor? Try over 10,000,000 other colors. Place the pants in the cauldron along with the dye and enjoy your new design!
  • Framework. Insert your loot or attach a map to remember your endless adventures.
  • Cards! Now you won't be able to get lost if you have a map with you!
  • Mob heads or pumpkins can be worn on the head.
  • Many bug fixes.

Now there is no doubt that the game Minecraft is popular all over the world. Various mods, textures, maps and much more are created for it. The versions of the game do not stand still either, since now the mobile version of the game is used more. Now it is possible to Download Minecraft 0.14.1, which is an update of the previous one, where you will find a lot of interesting things.

In the new version you will also be able to build structures from three-dimensional blocks, and now there will be no restrictions, since the new version allows absolutely everything. Your buildings will be built according to the construction kit type, which is very convenient. Distinctive feature Minecraft PE is its individuality. Each Minecrafter plays for himself, and is left to his own devices.

Downloading Minecraft 0.14.1, which is already ready for your attention, will not be difficult. In addition, everyone already knows that the pocket version of the game has five different difficulties, but the most original is still the attractive “Observation” mode.

That is, in this mode you will not need to play yourself, here you will watch what is happening in virtual world. Yes and without different worlds it didn't work out here. You are offered up to six worlds to choose from, a huge number of items and mobs.

It's worth downloading Minecraft 0.14.1 to your mobile device, as you will get all the most necessary advantages. Minecraft was created five years ago, but over time it gets better and better. Keep building, looking for a lot of new and unknown things.

In this section of the site you can download Minecraft 0.14.0 and 0.14.1 in which you will find new mobs, redstone, paintings, mob heads and much more. Now everyone can download Minecraft PE 0.14.0 and 0.14.1 to their phone and tablet, for Android (Andorid) and iOS.

Minecraft 0.14.0 - Minecraft PE

Minecraft 0.14.0 was released not long ago, but has already managed to conquer the minds of many players. In this version you will find a large number of new content, and most importantly, it fixes almost all the bugs that were found in Minecraft PE of previous versions. Now every Pocket Edition player will have the opportunity to collect mob heads and even put them on their heads. The most interesting thing that appeared in this version are new mobs, namely swamp witches, who instantly became the most dangerous opponents in the game Pocket Edition 0.14.0

In addition, the gameplay has become smoother, all thanks to competent optimization of textures and the core itself. Now for players, even on fairly old models of phones and tablets, the MCPE game will not freeze or stutter. If you have old version Android (Android) we recommend that you download Minecraft for 2.3. In addition to global changes, the new version also includes less significant ones, such as new skinpacks, the map scale has been changed and, of course, now when switching from creative mode to survival mode, the inventory is no longer cleared.

Minecraft 0.14.1 - Minecraft PE

Minecraft 0.14.1 will appear very soon and will delight you big amount fixed bugs and errors, as well as new content. In this version, the game will become even more stable, thanks to the fact that while playing the previous version, players send error reports and the developers try to fix them as soon as possible. Therefore, we can say with some confidence that there will be almost no serious bugs in Minecraft 0.14.1 and the game will not crash.

In addition to fixing detected bugs, new content will appear in the game. Of course, on at this stage development of Pocket Edition 0.14.1 it’s too early to talk about what will appear, but with some probability we can already talk about new skinpacks that will make appearance characters will be more diverse and you will have the opportunity to appear before your friends in a completely new look. We can also hope that the developers will improve the game interface, make the buttons more convenient, and the text more readable in some menus.
