Glass dome house. This family lives beyond the Arctic Circle in a house under a glass dome. Life beyond the Arctic Circle

Spherical, domed dwellings have been known for a long time - yarangas, plagues, wigwams, etc. - built on this principle. They are distinguished by high stability and ease of construction, which earned the popularity of our ancestors. But domed houses in their pure form, as a phenomenon of modern construction, appeared not so long ago - approximately in the second half of the last century. When the American scientist Fuller decomposed the dome structure into simple figures - triangles, from which the entire structure is often assembled. It is on this principle that many spherical houses are built today.

Dome houses: technologies and their features

A domed or spherical house is the name of one building technology. Actually, the name reflects the peculiarity of this type of housing construction - the house is not rectangular, but is made in the form of a hemisphere. Or rather - in the form of a polyhedron, approaching in appearance to the sphere.

This form better withstands wind and snow loads, with an equal building spot with a rectangular one, it has more usable area. But in such a house there is hardly at least one rectangular or square room. At least one side will be uneven. This complicates the layout, decoration, selection and installation of furniture. Most likely, all or most of the furnishings will have to be made “to order”, according to your own sizes and sketches.

Domed houses are being built, mainly using frame technology, so that the construction is easy. The frame is assembled from timber or metal pipes, sheathed with sheet building material (plywood, OSB). Insulation is laid between the racks of the frame (polystyrene foam, mineral wool, foam glass, ecological materials such as jute, dried algae, etc.). That is, apart from an unusual shape, there is no news, the materials are selected as for an ordinary frame house.

There are domed houses made of monolithic reinforced concrete. But this technology is used infrequently, especially in our country, where lumber is sometimes cheaper. If we also take into account the need for good thermal insulation of a concrete dome, its unpopularity becomes clear.

With the frames of domed houses, not everything is so simple. There are two technologies by which they are collected: geodesic and stratodesic dome. They have their own characteristics that can influence your choice.

geodesic dome

The dome is divided into triangles, from which the polyhedron is assembled. A feature of this technology is that a large number of beams converge at one point. To ensure their reliable fixation, connectors are used - special steel devices that allow you to securely connect the elements of the supporting structure. Each of the connectors costs from 600 to 1500 rubles ($10-25).

A geodesic dome for a spherical house is built on the basis of triangles

Despite the fact that the number of connectors is in the tens or even hundreds, their presence greatly affects the cost of construction. Those who plan to build a domed house with their own hands try to do without connectors or make them on their own too. The reasons are clear, but with insufficient strength of the connection, the building may collapse under load. So with savings on this site, you must be very, very careful.

By the way, when using wooden beams, there is a connectorless technology, but the assembly of such units requires a high level of carpentry skill and precise execution. And one more thing: they are not as reliable as connections with metal connectors.

The advantage of this type of frame is its stable construction. With the destruction of 35% of the elements, the dome is not destroyed. This has been tested in seismically active regions, during hurricanes. This stability makes it easy to remove a certain number of jumpers. That is, an opening under the door, windows can be made anywhere, almost any size. The only thing to consider is that the windows will be triangular. In this design, there is no escape from this. For many, this is a critical shortcoming.

Another feature - when assembling the frame, without sheathing, it has good resistance to torsional loads, but does not perceive horizontal loads very well. Therefore, the frame is first assembled completely and only then it is sheathed.

Stratodesic dome

Dome houses of this design are assembled from sections of a trapezoidal shape. That is, its fragments are more like rectangles or squares. This structure allows the use of doors and windows of standard design. For many, this is a big plus.

The disadvantage of the statodesian dome is that it is possible to remove structural elements only after careful calculation and strengthening of adjacent structures. So the transfer of a door or window, resizing is possible only after the change in the bearing capacity of this section or even the dome as a whole is calculated.

This technology has its own assembly feature. The frame should be sheathed as the racks are installed. That is, the second row of racks is assembled only after the first is sheathed, the third row - after the second is sewn up with sheet material, etc. This is due to the fact that in the unfinished form - without sheathing - the frame has a high bearing capacity for vertical loads and is not very resistant to torsional loads. As soon as the edges are sheathed, it becomes very stable and reliable.

Unlike a geodesic dome, a stratodesic connector is not required to assemble. The vertical parts of the frame are connected using special-shaped locks. Horizontal jumpers are fastened with a plate, which is fixed with bolts, under which a metal plate is laid.

There is another nuance that affects the cost of a domed house. When cutting sheet material for a stratodesic dome, there are more scraps than with a geodesic dome. This somewhat increases the cost of materials. But they are offset by the fact that windows and doors are used in a standard design, they are cheaper than triangular ones. As a result, the cost of the dome of different technologies is not much different.

Advantages and disadvantages

No one will argue with the fact that domed houses look unusual. If you want to have a house or cottage "not like everyone else" and have nothing against frame housing construction, take a closer look at this technology. The solution is really non-standard. Plus, they say it's economical. The cost per square meter starts from $200. But as you know, this is the minimum price. Such an economical option.

Advantages of domed houses

In addition to the unusual appearance, the advantages of spherical houses are as follows:

By the combination of characteristics, domed houses look very attractive. In addition, many say that the construction requires much less money - due to the smaller surface of the walls, material is saved. According to mathematical calculations, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls is almost a third less. But the savings, if any, are not so big - the construction is specific, using specific components that increase the cost of construction. In fact, the cost per square meter is about the same as with the usual form.


There are also disadvantages and they are also quite serious. In any case, it is worth knowing about them and taking into account.

There is also an unusual layout, but it cannot be clearly attributed to the shortcomings. I like domed houses precisely for their originality. So the non-standard shape of the premises is rather a feature that must be taken into account when selecting / ordering furniture and choosing finishing materials.

Projects and planning features

It is far from easy to plan a round building in such a way that it is rational, beautiful, and even convenient. There are several basic techniques that most adhere to. The first thing that catches your eye is that there simply cannot be corridors in such a house. They just have nowhere to go. This is not bad, but the layout of the house becomes more difficult from this. Let's start with a simple one - how to arrange the entrance to the house.

Entry group

For our climate, it is desirable that the front doors open into a small room, and not into a large room. Saves in this case a small vestibule. About can be allocated from the total area or attached. Approximately the same tasks are performed by a covered veranda. This is a more "civilized" way to solve the problem.

Not everyone likes this approach. Today, there are other trends in the world - from the front door they get into a large spacious hall / living room. Such a layout is also possible, but additional measures are needed to cut off cold air - a thermal curtain near the entrance. It is made using convectors built into the floor or by installing several powerful radiators near the door. The first method is more efficient, the second is easier to implement. All these nuances are typical for domed houses. The only difference is that you have to rack your brains on how to fit the built-in vestibule. The other two methods are easier to solve.

Let's look at the input group device options with examples. In the picture above, the right project, the entrance doors lead to the living / dining room. This decision is typical for Europe and America. We are gradually gaining popularity, but due to the more severe climate it often brings inconvenience - each door opening in winter brings a significant portion of cold air, which reduces comfort.

The option on the left is with an attached vestibule. There are two exits from the vestibule - one to the winter garden, the other to the kitchen/dining room. The solution is no less modern, but the problem of cold air entering the living quarters has been solved. So this idea is worth adopting.

If it is decided to make the vestibule built-in, obviously, you will have to allocate some area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. The minimum is three squares (on the left project). It is logical if the living / dining room will be located further.

Another way is to allocate a large area and use it as a hallway. Place a wardrobe here, a hanger for things “for now” (draft law). If the area allows, you can install a small sofa. For a frequent home, the presence of an entrance hall is practically a necessity. Dirt and sand are less dragged into the house. And this is another argument in favor of a dedicated input group. Attached or fenced off - it's your choice. But the entrance area is convenient. At least in our realities.

Space organization

Most often, the central part of the space of the domed house is allocated for common use. From this central area you can get to all the other rooms, which are located in a circle. In general, the central room turns out to be uncomfortable, since it is “very passable”.

It will not be possible to relax in it if it is a living room, it is not very convenient to cook in it, if the idea comes to use this room as a kitchen, as a dining room it is also not the best option. Projects that use this space in this way are presented above. It looks great in the picture, but in real life you can’t count on a chamber atmosphere here. So the passage rooms are not the most inhabited.

Not the worst way to use this passage area is to install a ladder. After all, most of the domed houses have two floors, and the screw one just asks here. Just keep in mind that if you just twist it around the pole, it will be inconvenient to use - too sharp turns are obtained. If you design a staircase like a "well", it is difficult to build it yourself. So this part will have to be delegated to someone.

Otherwise, domed houses are planned in the same way as ordinary ones. The main rule to remember is that in order for engineering systems to be not very expensive, all “wet” premises are located close to each other. The location of bedrooms, offices and other "dry" rooms - to your taste.

Related videos

No matter how detailed the technology is described, its pros and cons, it is so difficult to get an accurate idea. We receive a significant part of information and impressions visually. Pictures and photos help only partially to give a general idea. It is much better to see everything with your own eyes in the video reviews.

Domed houses of an unusual shape are a bold idea. The original form stands out from the same faceless mass of the same type of buildings, attracts attention, fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape.

The technology for the construction of domed houses has been developed in the seventies of the last century. The idea of ​​a private house of an unusual shape, with a large interior space and free planning quickly spread to different countries.

The original appearance is emphasized by a wide variety of materials for exterior and interior decoration:

  • glass and wood;
  • metal, decorative stone, fiberglass;
  • and brick.

Dome houses are frame, insulation and cladding. In private individual construction, the frame is made of wood. An alternative to a frame house - monolithic concrete dome. According to Japanese technology, houses are built even with subsequent painting.

There is also a mystical element. Drawing parallels with temples and churches, esotericists argue that the domed arch of the building, which has no corners, attracts positive energy. Pure natural energy heals residents, gives peace, tranquility, harmonizes relationships.

According to the design features of the frame, there are:

  1. Geodesic dome;
  2. Stratodesic dome;
  3. Monolithic concrete dome.

geodesic dome

The principle of building a domed frame was developed by American architect Richard Fuller. based on the geometric shape of the earth.

A geodesic dome is an architectural structure in the form of a sphere, formed by connecting beams into triangles according to the honeycomb principle. System of interconnected rods has a high bearing capacity regardless of the strength characteristics of the material.

The greater the height of the dome, the more elements are used, triangles and polygons are formed. From the increase in the number of geometric shapes in the dome, the bearing capacity of the structure increases.

At the same time, there are few materials for the construction, the specific gravity of the structure is small. The triangles are connected to each other by a fastener of a special shape, a connector.

Important! The geodesic frame should only be assembled using connectors.

Connecting elements, regardless of the material of the beams, always metal or plastic. To protect against corrosion, metal connectors are painted.

Fuller's spherical dome has found application in buildings where it is necessary to obtain the maximum volume of the room with a minimum weight. Stadiums, industrial buildings, scientific laboratories, warehouses, exhibition centers are built on the basis of a honeycomb geodesic dome.


The stratodesic dome is axially symmetrical, formed by curved arched struts converging at one point. Horizontal lintels encircle the frame in a circle. Segments of a stratodesic dome are trapezoidal, not triangular.

In the first rows from the foundation, the cells are large. Approaching the dome, the size of the segments decreases.

The main difference between the design and the geodesic dome is that twisting deformation is compensated not by the frame, but by the skin.

After the construction of the lower row of jumpers, the structure is immediately sheathed with wall material. Without cladding, the frame will fold.

The connection of the beams of the stratodesic dome occurs without connectors, due to the insertion of beams into each other with the help of locks. The joints are additionally fixed with bolts and dowels.


Connectorless connection technology suitable only for wood stratodesic framework. The joints bear the greatest load, improper execution will lead to divergence of the joints, loss of rigidity and collapse of the structure.

Joints of curvilinear wooden posts at the point of convergence of the stratodesic frame are performed using cuts of various shapes.

The stratodesic shape of the frame forms large trapezoidal cells, which allows the use of window and door structures of a standard type.

After assembling the frame, sheathing is performed on both sides with intermediate insulation. Then window, door blocks, partitions are installed. Coming to the finishing touches.

Monolithic concrete

A monolithic dome does not apply to frame construction technology. Capital buildings. Raised in two ways:

  1. Shotcrete, layer-by-layer spraying under pressure.
  2. By pouring a concrete mixture of fixed formwork made of expanded polystyrene.


When choosing the method of construction by shotcrete, after the foundation has been erected, fabric pneumatic frame is inflated with waterproof impregnation. According to the pneumatic form, metal reinforcing meshes are laid and bent, passing window and door openings.

concrete mix, shotcrete, is applied under pressure several times until the planned wall thickness is reached. After the concrete has gained working strength, the fabric sphere is blown off, the influxes of the solution are cleaned off, they begin to insulate, install windows, install engineering equipment, and finish.

Fixed formwork

Styrofoam frame produced in the factory, is delivered to the construction site as a set of ready-to-install blocks. The formwork blocks are interconnected, the joints are sealed with mounting foam.

Reinforcement is installed in the formwork, concrete is poured. After curing, window and door fillings are installed and finishing begins.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any home is mix of positives and negatives. No technology is perfect, there are always disadvantages and advantages, sometimes arising from each other. A minus in one quality turns into a plus in another. The balance of good and bad produces amazing results.

Advantages of domed buildings

In addition to the obvious aesthetic qualities, the sphere has excellent performance properties for construction:

  • no corners reduces wind load. Air flows simply flow around the structure, precipitation rolls off the surface;
  • high seismic resistance thanks to the form. With complete destruction of up to 35% of the elements, the structure will not collapse. Such indicators are not given by any form, except for spherical;
  • natural light dome enhances. Rectangular structures absorb light;
  • uniform temperature throughout the room and free air circulation makes it unique microclimate;
  • high energy efficiency due to the smaller heat transfer surface area;
  • material savings compared with a rectangular house of the same area will be 20-25%.

The frame and other materials are delivered to the site in separate parts, ready for installation.

The light weight of the building saves foundation costs. The most common design schemes for foundations for domed houses are pile, tape, slab.


In addition to the complex calculation (in three dimensions), the disadvantages of spherical buildings also include:

  • a small selection of finishing materials. Not all finishing materials are able to repeat the curved surface. Due to the surface of the walls decreasing towards the ceiling, it is difficult to paste over the rooms with wallpaper. In bathrooms, bathrooms there are difficulties with the use of ceramic tiles;
  • rooms located in a circle will have irregular shape, expanding from the entrance;
  • natural lighting of the central room in a one-story house possible only through the roof. In a two-story building, it is extremely difficult to provide a natural light source;
  • lack of roofing materials. Soft tiles, roll materials that perfectly repeat the dome shape limit the choice. Often the roof is made of the same materials as the walls of the building;
  • at the moment no unified regulatory framework rules for the construction of domed houses in Russia;
  • constructive scheme basements are not provided, ground floors.

Projects and features of the layout of dome-type houses

Unusual, creative, non-standard - the first thoughts that arise in a person's head when they see a domed house. Nevertheless, absolutely all buildings are subject to architectural rules.

Entry group

The entrance group is an important architectural element of a private house. The front door invites guests and residents to enter, attracts attention, decorates the facade.

In a spherical house Installing a front door is not easy.. Removing the ties under the opening does not affect the rigidity of the geodesic frame; openings in the stratodesic dome are subject to reinforcement. The main problem is inscribing a rectangular shape into a curved surface.

There are three input group solutions:

  • the device of the vestibule at the entrance to the house;
  • removal of frame segments with a margin. After installing the door jamb, the voids are filled with shortened ribs, rigidly fixing the front door;
  • ordering the manufacture of an individual door that repeats the shape of the wall.

The canopy above the door not only protects from rain, sun, but also frames the door. Columns supporting the visor, give the entrance group a thoughtful, finished look.

Space organization

The layout of a spherical house will differ from the usual one, but it will allow you to realize the most non-standard design fantasies.

All partitions are made of lightweight materials: sheets, wood boards on metal profiles or wooden beams.

In the floor plan, the central place is occupied by a common passage room, the rest of the rooms are arranged segmentally in a circle.

In the center are:

  • living rooms, kitchens, dining rooms;
  • passage room without appointment;
  • the corridor.

The common room will be connected by doors to the rest of the rooms.

If the house has more than one floor, a spiral staircase looks good in the center, emphasizing the round shape of the building. On the second floor, bedrooms, individual rooms, offices, libraries are traditionally placed. Having arranged even a small section of glazing in the center of the dome, receive a light source during the day and a real starry sky at night.

If there is not enough space, two or three domes are connected by transitions. For summer holidays, open terraces are built in a circle. Glazed veranda will increase the area of ​​the house.

Entrance door separates vestibule to prevent heat loss in winter and maintain the microclimate in summer.

Opinions about the complexity of furnishing a domed house are incorrect. Each room has only one curvilinear wall, with one or more windows. On this wall you can easily place:

  • shelves for books and interior trinkets;
  • built-in wardrobes;
  • paintings;
  • lamps;
  • drapery.

Let this wall be just a decoration.

If the layout cannot do without using part of the wall, for example, for a desk or headboard, the desired section of the wall is brought to a plane using sheets of drywall or.

Interior decoration

From the inside, domed houses are trimmed:

  • wooden clapboard. The lining is attached vertically, horizontally, with patterns. The tree gives the space an ecological style and a subtle fragrance;
  • wallpaper. The strips narrow towards the ceiling, separated by bent wooden slats;
  • smooth and structured plasters and paints. A palette of textures and colors will add variety to the color scheme of the premises.

A good solution would be to place fireplace in the center of the living room. The symbol of the family hearth creates warmth, comfort, warms home on long winter evenings.


An important quality of the geodesic frame to keep its shape is used to increase the glazing area.

Glass will make the facade of the house light and airy, provide natural light at any time of the year. The glazed dome will turn the second floor into an observation deck. If the window blocks are at a height, they are equipped with automatic opening systems.

Watch the video below as the owners of an extraordinary round house talk about its design, construction stages, characteristics and materials:

With the right approach, the domed house will never disappoint residents, remaining for many years an unusual, beautiful home with excellent performance.

Photos of finished houses inside and out

The house offers breathtaking views of the Partington Ridge.

and the Pacific Ocean (photo:

Sometimes we get so caught up in new sustainable home designs in Japan or Scandinavia that we forget to pay tribute to the original eco-architecture masters of the past. For example, consider Mickey Muennig, who in 1976 designed a magnificent house with a glass "Greenhouse", which is located in California. The base of this small house is a circle, which was preferable even for distant ancestors, simple building materials were used. And most importantly, it offers breathtaking views of the Partington Ridge and the Pacific Ocean, according to

Mickey Moening notes on his website that "architecture is more than housing, it is a permanent and worldwide mystery to its inhabitants." This, of course, also applies to the building "Greenhouse", located in the less popular area of ​​Big Sur on the central coast of California.

Using stones, wood and other natural materials, the organic design master has designed a fantasy home that creates an instant connection between the occupant and the breathtaking landscape. The suspended bed under and around it is heated by a glass roof, and a hole in the dome serves as natural ventilation. Is it possible to dream of something more?

To begin with, let's go 30 years ago, to the small town of Winooski, in the American Northeast. Its population - only a little more than 6 thousand people - suffers from completely "Russian" weather. However, by Russian standards, this is not even a city, it should be inhabited by at least 12 thousand people.

In winter, the temperature here drops below 20 degrees, and, apparently, the cold, unusual for almost the rest of America, forced its inhabitants in 1979 to think about how to cover the entire settlement with a huge cap. A hood that will keep expensive heat in winter and will significantly save on energy. In those years, another fuel crisis gripped the world, oil prices were high, and the project did not look at all ridiculous.

As you might guess, it still has not been implemented. But today, when oil prices, even having collapsed, remain high, when the whole world is looking for ways to save expensive energy, the idea is becoming relevant again. After all, the heat stored under the hood is also an opportunity to grow useful crops all year round.

And if car trips inside the cap are prohibited (which is not at all a burden for a tiny town), there is no need to clear the snow, then the load that a small town creates on the surrounding nature will decrease even more noticeably. Sounds pretty attractive, right?

Back in 1979, even the corresponding calculations were carried out at the expense of the town of Winooski. They showed that the average household could cut heating costs tenfold. The project of that time was a transparent dome, which at its highest point would reach 76 m - for small Winooski houses, the highest of which has 11 floors, this is quite enough.

Inside the dome, any travel by transport with internal combustion engines was to be prohibited, and in extreme cases, public means of transport with electric motors were offered to replace them. Fresh air would be forced inside by huge fans, at the same time warming up or cooling down to the desired temperature.

Despite all the attractiveness, the support of the vast majority of the population and even the world-famous architect Buckminster Fuller, the dome was not erected - perhaps now it's time to turn to this fantastic and promising project again.
