The last Friday before Easter is called Holy Friday. Good Friday - what not to do on the day of Christ's death

Good Friday 2018 falls on April 6th. What believers do on Good Friday, the traditions and prohibitions of this day are in our material.

Good Friday is the strictest and saddest day of Lent, on which one cannot eat food other than bread and water until church rite the removal of the shroud, which takes place at three o'clock in the afternoon. It is believed that it was at this time that Jesus Christ breathed his last on the cross. The Shroud is a piece of fabric on which the image of the Son of God is written or embroidered. full height, symbolic funeral shroud.

Due to the importance of this day in religious sense There are a number of other restrictions.

Good Friday - what not to do

In addition to strict restrictions on food, a believer must renounce other worldly concerns as much as possible.

Prohibited carry out agricultural work, because under no circumstances should you drive iron objects into the ground - apparently, by analogy with nailing to a cross.

You can't work around the house either. Because it is very important finish cleaning and washing in. Cooking is also not advisable. Do not touch sharp metal objects in the house: do not do sewing or embroidery, do not cut anything - you can only break bread.

By the way, about bread. They often ask whether it is possible to bake Easter cakes on Good Friday, because it seems that this involves both housework and holiday preparations, which it would be desirable to finish on Thursday. The answer is not so clear-cut, because in different parishes the priest may interpret spiritual texts in his own way and recommend different things. But in many regions of Ukraine it is still believed that this is an important exception. Moreover, there is a belief that Bread baked on Good Friday is especially healthy and will not deteriorate for a very long time. Before such work, it is necessary to say the prayer “Our Father” and ask the Lord for a blessing.

It is forbidden attend entertainment events. Good Friday is a day of mourning.

In 2018, Orthodox Christians will celebrate Easter on April 8. The entire week preceding this event (from April 2 to April 7) is called Holy Week, as believers remember the suffering (passion) of Christ. The climax comes at good friday, and many believers in this regard ask questions about what it is, and what can be done on this day and what cannot be done.

Passionate, or Great, Friday is the day when the trial of Christ took place, after which the Savior was crucified and died on the cross. It is believed that on the same day the body of Jesus was taken down from the cross and buried. The story is described in detail in all four Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The death of Christ was a very tragic event. The Bible reports that as soon as he died, the stones next to the cross split, and the day became dark as night. The crowd of people shuddered, and many of them sincerely believed that Jesus was truly the Son of God, and not a common fraudster, as his accusers believed.

However, the tragedy of history lies not so much in these shocks, but in the fact that, in fact, many people betrayed the Savior. Indeed, not even a week had passed before the crowd enthusiastically greeted his entry into Jerusalem on a donkey (today it is celebrated in honor of Palm Sunday). And on Friday, during the trial before Pontius Pilate, many of them, in a fit of anger, shouted: “Crucify him!”

That is why on Good Friday believers remember the feat of Christ with special reverence. On this day, services are held all over the world, and Orthodox Christians are even forbidden to eat any food. People want to show their respect and gratitude to the sacrifice of Christ, and besides, they strive, as it were, to come into contact with his suffering, pacifying the natural needs of the body.

Here short description events of that day, which happened about 2000 years ago: the trial of the Lord and his execution.

Services on Good Friday: removal of the shroud

On such a day there is no morning service. But during the day at the service at about 3 p.m., when, according to the biblical description, the Savior “gave up the spirit,” i.e. died on the cross, the ritual of removing the shroud is performed.

The Shroud is a rather unusual icon. We are all accustomed to the fact that an image is usually drawn on a hard surface. However, in the case of the shroud, the image is applied to thick fabric (plate, which is where the name comes from). It depicts Christ laid in a tomb. The icon is carried out by several clergy, dressed in dark-colored clothing as a sign of mourning.

Temples are usually darkened, the light comes only from flickering candles. In such an environment, a special mood is truly created, in which many contrasting emotions merge: grief for the deceased, resentment and annoyance for the betrayal of people who committed grave sin. And perhaps a person can experience the feeling of an approaching holiday, which marks the triumph of life over death, because two more days will pass and we will say: “Christ is risen! Truly risen!”

What to do on Good Friday before Easter

Believers often ask questions about what can and cannot be done on Good Friday before Easter. Indeed, this is a special day of the year, and many will find it useful to know how to behave appropriately in connection with the events that happened 2000 years ago.

The most important thing to do on Good Friday is not even visiting the temple, for which many busy people really may not have time. Moreover, the service with the removal of the shroud is held during the day, when many are still at work. However, everyone can pay tribute to the Lord.

On such a day, it is worth paying attention to reflecting on the feat of Christ and reading the corresponding biblical story (for example, chapter 23 of Luke).

It won’t be superfluous to give alms or do any good deed that will really bring joy to someone. You can visit loved one, with whom we have not spoken for a long time. Reconcile and forgive grievances that have accumulated for a long time and are making themselves felt. In a word, for modern people there is a certain freedom of choice, which is not denied by representatives of the church. The main thing is good aspirations, a sincere desire to pay tribute to the Lord.

What not to do on Good Friday

For a long time in Rus' on Red Friday they tried to follow very strict rules, for example:

  • do nothing around the house;
  • do not sew or cut fabric;
  • do not cook anything, do not light a fire;
  • do not work on the ground, do not dig, etc.

However, it is quite clear to what extent the lifestyle of modern man has changed. Sometimes we simply have no choice: we need to go to work, dress and feed our children, help our family, cook dinner, etc.

Therefore, everyone acts in accordance with the circumstances. The corresponding commentary is given by many representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, for example, Archpriest John Makarenko.

At the same time, it is intuitively clear what exactly cannot be done in Good Friday before Easter:

  • indulge in any carnal pleasures;
  • spend the day having fun;
  • drink alcohol;
  • watch entertainment programs, performances, etc.

Such behavior in itself is not reprehensible - every person strives for pleasure. But on such a mournful day, a believer cannot rejoice fully, because in these hours 2000 years ago one of the most tragic events in the history of mankind took place.

And having fun on Good Friday means almost the same as having a party on the day of a funeral or memorial.


Among the questions about what can be done on Good Friday, believers are interested in baking Easter cakes and dyeing boiled eggs. According to tradition, it is better to do this on Maundy Thursday or at least on Saturday. It is not advisable to do such things on Friday, except in situations of extreme necessity.

Fasting on Good Friday

Also one of the important questions is what you can’t eat on Good Friday before Easter. This time is considered the strictest during the entire Lent. Believers should not eat anything or even drink water until the end of the service and the removal of the shroud. And then, in the evening, you can drink water and eat bread. There is no need to prepare any dishes - all this time the mourning for the crucified Lord continues.

Quite strict rules continue to apply on Saturday. The better the holiday itself will be - Light Christ's Resurrection, when it is allowed to eat any food, and a few glasses of good red wine are also not forbidden.

At the same time, church representatives say that each person should act according to their feelings. For example, if someone has a stomach illness or we are talking about a pregnant or nursing mother, you should not refuse food and water, because we are talking about health.

Here is Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko’s commentary on this matter.

Folk traditions and signs on Good Friday

Of course, any significant event is reflected in many ways in the mirror of people's history. Several centuries later it turns out that memorable date begins to live its own life, acquires its own signs. Something similar happened with Good Friday.

For example, in Rus' on this day they often baked baked goods, for example, a bun in the shape of a cross. It was believed that such bread would never become moldy. And sailors took buns on long voyages and believed that they would be the ship’s talisman and protect them from maritime disasters.

Another interesting custom is that believers tried to bring 12 burning candles from the church, with which they stood at the service. These candles were carried lit and placed in any part of the house. They needed to burn out to the end. It was believed that throughout the year (12 months) there would be peace and prosperity in the house.

Thus, Good Friday is the tragic day before Holy Saturday, dedicated to the remembrance of the earthly death of Christ. However, the holiday will be very soon, because the Lord will certainly rise again. And when Easter comes, everyone can sincerely rejoice and enjoy this solemn moment, which occupies a central place in the entire Christian religion.

  • There are strict food restrictions on Good Friday - still in effect. You must refrain from eating until the Shroud is taken out, and after that you can only eat bread and drink only water.
  • It is prohibited to carry out agricultural work.
  • This prohibition also applies to housework. Need to finish cleaning and washing in. It is not advisable to cook, touch sharp metal objects, or engage in sewing and embroidery.
  • You can't cut bread: you can only break it.
  • You cannot have fun, because this is a day of sorrow.

What to do on the Friday before Easter

Since there are prohibitions, there must be norms that allow certain actions to be taken. Read about what you can do on the Friday before Easter. On Good Friday, it is recommended to attend services and pray. After the Friday service, you need to take home the 12 candles with which you stood in the temple. According to the ritual, you need to light them in the house, trying to cover all corners, and do not extinguish them until they burn out on their own. This is how they used to cleanse the atmosphere in the house, attracting prosperity. It is not recommended to carry out other rituals and conspiracies on this day.

Good Friday is the last Friday of Lent, which takes place for 48 days before Easter. This is the strictest and most mournful day, when it is necessary to fulfill many prohibitions.

Before we talk about what you should not do on Good Friday, you need to remember what you must do on this day. Good Friday is the last Friday of Lent, which lasted 48 days. On this day, believers remember the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. On this day it is necessary to observe strict fast and do not eat until the Shroud is taken out. After this, in the evening, you can only eat bread and water.

It is important! The Shroud is a large cloth depicting Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. The Shroud of Jesus Christ is subsequently used during services not only on Good Friday, but also on Holy Saturday. But the Shroud of the Virgin is used during the service of the Assumption.

Good Friday, what you can’t do is any housework, the day before this Friday was Maundy Thursday when it was necessary to spend time at home general cleaning and wash and wash everything thoroughly. After all, you can’t clean up after Maundy Thursday for at least six days.

If possible, you should try to work less on Good Friday. Of course, in modern world this, rather, concerns not the main hired work, but namely land work. It is considered a bad omen on this day to stick iron objects, such as rakes and shovels, into the ground. Because this can easily bring trouble to a person.

Sewing, washing, cutting – this is another list of things you can’t do on Good Friday. Especially great sin chopping wood is considered. On this mournful day, one must refrain from having fun, not singing, not walking or visiting. People believed that anyone who violates this prohibition will then cry throughout the year.

Note! You can't sing on Good Friday. Including singing divine songs.

Other signs and prohibitions on Good Friday:

* It is believed that a loaf of bread baked on this day has the ability to heal illnesses. It will never get moldy;

* Blacksmiths were forbidden to forge nails and hammers in memory of what these tools were used many centuries ago;

* Under no circumstances should you pierce the ground with iron on this day, because whoever does this will face great trouble;

* It is believed that if you wash your clothes on this day (which you cannot do), then during drying bloody spots will appear on it;

*Bees can be transported any day of the year except this one. Because if you transport on Good Friday, the bees will definitely die;

* If you do not endure thirst in memory of the torment and thirst of Jesus on the cross, then throughout the whole year not a single drink will allow you to get enough of it and be satisfied;

This is information about what not to do on Good Friday. But you should also remember that housewives can start cooking in the evening of this day, after taking out the Shroud (somewhere after 16.00). Easter cakes. When the dough begins to rise, ancient Ukrainian customs require that no one be in the kitchen. Then, during the cooking process, the hostess can speak to the cake for health, wealth and good luck.

From the moment the housewife bakes the first Easter cake, which is best done on Maundy Thursday or, if you don’t have time, then on the evening of Good Friday, until Easter you can no longer borrow anything from the house. The list is quite impressive, but this is the most mournful day of the year, when you must try to observe all the prohibitions.

On the Friday before Easter, Christians celebrate one of the most sad days V church calendar, since it was at this time that the suffering and death of Jesus Christ is remembered. Good Friday, like any other day of Holy Week, has many different prohibitions, as well as signs that must be observed in order for there to be peace and tranquility in the family.

Good Friday: What not to do

Absolutely all sincere believers do not eat anything at all until the removal of the shroud. And immediately returning from church, the friendly family sits down to dinner table eat food.
  • It is important to note the fact that dinner on Good Friday is a fast one; you should not even eat fish on this day. On Good Friday, fasting is extremely strict. Products that can be eaten on a given day are: vegetables, fruits, lean bread. All food must be eaten even without vegetable oil.
  • In order to protect yourself from poisons, you don’t need to drink anything throughout the day of Good Friday.
  • Any household chores should be postponed until another day, since it is on Good Friday that nothing can be done.
  • It is important to note that on Good Friday there is a special ban on sewing.
  • Also, you cannot wash clothes on Good Friday, even if you use washing machine. There is a special belief that if you wash something on Good Friday and hang it out to dry, it will in any case be covered with drops of blood.
  • Also, it is absolutely not worth chopping wood on Good Friday, as this is bad omen have a great day.
  • You cannot sing, dance, walk, have fun, laugh, drink alcohol, quarrel or swear on Good Friday. It has always been said that the person who amused himself on Good Friday next year He will grieve greatly, cry and suffer.
  • You cannot violate the integrity of the earth on Good Friday, because grief may happen. Anything planted on Good Friday will be lost.
  • Those who follow the strictest rules of the Great Pre-Easter Lent do not even wash themselves on this day. Violation of these prohibitions is considered a great sin.
  • You cannot stick iron objects, such as shovels and rakes, into the ground on Good Friday: this will bring trouble. Therefore, plants planted on this day will die. Only parsley sown on Good Friday will yield a double harvest.

    Good Friday: what you can do

  • All preparations for the Easter holiday must be completed on Maundy Thursday, so that on Good Friday nothing distracts from prayers and services.
  • Housewives were only allowed to bake Easter cakes and plant cabbage. On Good Friday you can and even need to bake Easter cakes. They say that Easter baked today will never spoil or become moldy. Easter cake baked in Holy Week, can heal from any disease, protect from bad weather and fire.
  • To obtain strong amulet, we need to consecrate the ring today.
  • People believe that parsley sown on Good Friday will give a rich harvest, unlike other plants that cannot be planted on Good Friday.

    Signs of Good (Great) Friday

  • A loaf of bread baked on Good Friday cures all illnesses and never goes moldy.
  • If bees are transported on any day other than Good Friday, they will certainly die.
  • If you are thirsty on Good Friday, no drink will harm you for a whole year.
  • If it is cloudy on this day, then the bread will be covered with weeds.
  • If the sky is starry on Good Friday, then the wheat will be grainy.
  • Rings blessed on Good Friday protect the wearer from all illnesses.
  • Easter bread saved from one Good Friday to the next prevents whooping cough.
  • The sign says that if you wean a baby on Good Friday, the child will be strong, healthy and will live happily.
  • On Good Friday it is also customary to determine whether there are spoken things in the house. From the church they bring an unburned candle that was in their hands during the service, light it and go through the rooms. Where it crackles, there is a damaged item.
  • In addition, after Friday service, it is customary to bring twelve burning candles with which they stood in church to the house. Candles should be placed in the house and allowed to burn out to the end - this will bring happiness and prosperity to the house for the next twelve months.
  • If, while sprucing up your house on Maundy Thursday, you didn’t have time to look into the kitchen and bake some Easter eggs, you’ll have this opportunity on Saturday. This cannot be done on Good Friday.
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