If you dream about onions. Why do you dream about Onion in a dream, dream book to see Onion what does it mean

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Unfortunately, any onion brings tears to your dreams. Only a few dream books interpret such a dream as positive, while the rest unanimously talk about negative meaning such dreams. But since tears can be from anything, the interpretation of a dream will help you predict what you should be afraid of, so as not to worry in the future and not shed tears in vain. In this article we will talk specifically about onions and their meaning in the works of various dream interpreters.

So why might you dream about onions?

As mentioned above, onions do not bode well and promise unpleasant events that will cause tears. It could be anything - theft, the loss of a loved one, or health problems. The dreamer himself must feel and understand what troubles can happen to him.

Interpretation of a dream about onions from the point of view of various dream books

One of the most popular Miller’s Dream Books reports that if you dream about onions, this is a warning about anger and envy of the dreamer’s successes. In addition, he says: the more onions a person sees in his dream, the more enemies and envious people he will have.

By Chinese dream book, any onion, including onions, portends a fight.

According to Assyrian dream book, seeing this vegetable in a dream means hard work, which will be crowned with success and profit. Eating it in a dream means negative emotions and quarrels with loved ones.

Vanga's dream book promises the owner of such a dream a turning point, an event in life.

Dream book of noblewoman Grishina interprets several options for such a dream. Just seeing an onion in a dream is an unexpected, unpleasant encounter; peeling it is a deception. Eating this vegetable promises trouble at work.

Feng Shui dream book is one of the few that gives a positive interpretation of a dream with onions. So, if a sleeper sees it in a dream, then prosperity, luck and success await him; if he sells it, prosperity awaits him in all matters. However, a dream in which a person cooks onions marks the illness of a loved one.

Also, Tsvetkov’s dream book interprets the dream of onions positively. According to him, peeling an onion in a dream promises success in a difficult task that the dreamer is doing or will be doing. The culinary dream book says that boiled onions symbolize the improvement of the sleeper’s immunity; tears while peeling onions symbolize entertainment. However, in the same book fried onion promises the appearance of envious people and gossipers around the dreamer.

There is a rather interesting opinion that the appearance of onions in a dream indicates a lack of this vegetable in the human diet.

Onions seen in a dream predict the onset of an extremely difficult period in life. This is not surprising, because in reality, cleaning and cutting it in most cases causes profuse tearing. The dream book promises a series of disappointments and failures. But you shouldn’t explain your vision so literally. There are several options for explaining why this vegetable is dreamed of.

Universal interpreter

If you dreamed of onions, get ready for troubles at work or in your personal life. The universal dream book warns of black envy on the part of enemies and their spreading of false rumors. Take courage, it will be very difficult to survive all this.

Eating onions in a dream means health problems. You need to immediately start strengthening your immunity. This will avoid serious problems with the body and activate all your internal reserves.

Seeing in a dream how you cut onions into slices means that you will be able to overcome all the difficult trials that will befall you. Current problems will be resolved very successfully and you will be able to forget about your worries for a long period.

To dream about how you grow on your personal plot this plant is a bad sign. The universal dream book warns of a high probability of losing your personal property. Most likely, you will become a victim of experienced thieves and lose enough large sum money.

Modern dream book

If you dreamed that you were harvesting the harvest, it means that real life will be able to achieve the goal. But the path to it will not be easy, and victory will definitely come with a bitter taste.

Buying onions in a dream means acquiring very valuable property. Most likely, you will be able to become the owner good car or a fairly spacious apartment.

Modern dream book I am convinced that eating onions in night dreams is a sign of a difficult life event. This interpretation is only true if you felt bitterness while eating the aromatic rings. Moreover, the stronger it was, the greater grief awaits you.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book believes that seeing onions in a dream means that you will soon be faced with black anger and hatred in reality. If you dream about something like this, then some people around you have only negative feelings towards you, although at the moment you may not notice this. Beware of envious people and do not reveal your soul to them. Enemies with their actions can easily ruin your entire destiny.

Buying onions in a dream, according to Miller, is a sign of troubles that will arise for your loved ones and relatives. The dream book advises to be sensitive and help them solve the problems that arise. Although it will not be easy to bear what happened, you will still be able to gain valuable experience, which will provide invaluable assistance in the future.

Various interpretations

Fortune teller Lynn believes that seeing onions in night vision is a negative symbol. There is only pain and suffering ahead. The Children's Interpreter explains a little differently why such things happen in dreams. This source believes that seeing such a plot is frustrating.

The women's dream book is convinced that picking onions in a dream means crying in reality. Moreover, the dream predicts that tears will be caused by the hatred of others and the betrayal of those closest and loved one. If you dreamed that you were cutting it into rings or half rings, then ill-wishers will deal you a crushing blow and seriously ruin your life.

Grishina also has her own opinion about what onions mean in dreams. The soothsayer is sure that seeing this vegetable in a dream means an unexpected and at the same time very unpleasant meeting. Eating it means becoming a victim of deception; buying it means falling into the cleverly placed networks of a fraudster.

Peeling onions in a dream means success in a rather difficult task. The Feng Shui interpreter explains a little differently why a similar plot is dreamed of. Dream Interpretation Feng Shui is convinced that in the coming time only success in all endeavors and all kinds of prosperity awaits you.

The culinary interpreter believes that a dream about boiled onions is evidence of strengthening the immune system and improving well-being. If in a dream it was uncooked and fried, then haters will actively build all sorts of intrigues against you. Keep your ears open.

A bow in a dream is an embodiment negative emotions what the sleeper experiences. It could be hatred, envy or anger. In order to understand why you dream about onions, you should remember all the details of what you saw, your feelings and attitude towards this plant. All these components will help you build a logical image and find out its meaning from the dream book.

As a rule, dream books believe that onions cause tears both in the world of dreams and in reality. However, there are other predictions that explain why this vegetable was dreamed about. To accurately determine for yourself the interpretation of what you saw, analyze all the nuances of the dream. Eg, appearance vegetable, its condition and quantity, taste qualities plants and actions that you performed with them.

O. Smurov’s dream book explains why he dreamed about the bow. Such a dream foreshadows litigation in reality, litigation, quarrels over inheritance and other squabbles that can completely destroy relationships between loved ones and relatives.

According to Miller's dream book, a bow foretells a face-to-face meeting with human malice and duplicity. Sooner or later you will have to face all this on the way to your intended goal. If you happened to eat onions in a dream, then your enemies will not be able to stop you.

According to the English dream book, an onion seen in a dream promises a successful find. Perhaps in reality you will find a treasure or find a large sum of money. According to another version, in reality you will find an object that was hopelessly lost to you long ago.

An onion in a dream foreshadows a person’s manifestation of negative emotions, such as anger, envy and powerlessness. To understand what such a picture means in a dream, you need to carefully remember the dream, your actions and emotions, analyze and relate what you dreamed to real events, forming a full-fledged meaningful image and look at its meaning in the dream book.

Most dream books claim that this vegetable brings tears both in a dream and in reality, however, there are some exceptions that can only be found out after detailed analysis own dream. In order to find out what you dream about and what an onion means in a dream, you need to pay attention to such nuances in the dream as the appearance of the plant, its quantity, condition, quality, and also remember your own actions.

According to the Dream Book of O. Smurov, seeing a bow in a dream means litigation, dirty proceedings and dispute. Sometimes it foreshadows legal vicissitudes over an inheritance or the dreamer’s ignoble behavior, which will upset loved ones.

Miller's dream book interprets the onion as a meeting of a sleeping person with anger and envy, while moving towards a cherished goal. There is a plant - enemies will retreat or lose the opportunity to harm.

The interpretation of the dream – onion in the English dream book – suggests a successful discovery of a large sum of money or jewelry. Perhaps there will be an item that is very for a long time The dreamer was looking for him and had already lost all hope of finding him.

Appearance and characteristics of the plant

The quantity of the plant measures how much sorrow and disappointment a person will experience in reality. Or it determines how much the dreamer can hate others, blaming them for all his problems. Seeing a lot of onions in a dream symbolizes the onset of an unfavorable period for the development of one’s activities. For men doing business given time is unfavorable for expanding the enterprise, assortment or increasing the number of services.

Bad luck, difficulties on the path to acquiring wealth, the fight against prejudice, squabbles with ill-wishers - this is what you dream of about a sack of onions.

Seeing beds of onions in a garden in a dream is a sign that with his achievements and successes, the dreamer will cause a storm of indignation, anger and envy among those around him.

Most dream books interpret quite clearly what rotten onions mean in dreams. For men, Freud predicts problems with erection, possible impotence, for women - problems in relationships with their chosen one.

Why do you dream of onion heads collected in bundles? Vanga's dream book deciphers such an image as big life changes, and for people involved agriculturegood harvest in the fields, which will bring huge profits.

If you dreamed about green onions, it means you should work on yourself, as well as calm your own appetites, which can make a person “go over your head” in order to achieve your cherished goals. It is best to spend some time alone, in nature, and reassess your values, since the presence of anger and negativity prevents you from achieving success in your career.

Actions of a sleeping person in relation to a vegetable

Planting onions in a dream and watching how the vegetable grows is interpreted by the dream book as a struggle with rivals in real life, which will add some excitement, spice and desire to win this competition to life.

Why do you dream of cutting onions? Esoteric dream book explains such a dream as a quick, bitter retribution for thoughtless and serene entertainment. You should think carefully before taking any action, since the consequences will be very severe and the retribution will be bitter.

Young people had a chance to cut onions and feel their eyes burning and tears appearing, then, according to the dream book, a person will have to experience the bitterness of defeat at the hands of avid rivals. This is a sign of grief, tears, anxiety and failure.

For people who happened to buy onions in a dream, the dream book promises a speedy recovery of a friend from a serious illness. Selling a vegetable means that a person will succumb to the persuasion of ill-wishers, which can have negative consequences.

If you happen to plant onions, then, as O. Smurov’s Dream Book says, a sleeping person cannot come to terms with losses or his own defeats and in his soul cherishes the hope of taking revenge on his enemies. However, revenge will not bring peace, but will only add bitterness and dissatisfaction; you need to look for other methods of realizing your own potential.

It is useful to know why you dream of collecting onions. This vision indicates a good reward that the sleeping person did not expect to receive. Digging up onions in a dream promises a pleasant surprise or good news. For men who had to dig onions in a dream, the dream book foretells rivalry, and also that the implementation of plans is in danger of being disrupted; there is no need to relax and become unstuck, you should pull yourself together and try to positively influence the situation without any showdowns with your enemies.

According to the dream book, eating onions in a dream is good only for people who are overcome by illness in reality, which predicts a quick recovery and recovery, and the more you eat the plant, the better.

Frying onions, according to Miller’s dream book, means serenity, making a small profit in business, a successful financial investment, and luck in gambling.

Why do you dream of picking onions? Such a picture expresses a person’s doubts, his reluctance to believe that close people are involved in the intrigues.

To find out why you dream of peeling onions, you need to remember this process in detail. If your eyes become very watery during cleaning, it means that a huge quarrel with relatives or close friends is coming. If everything went off without tears, then conflict can be avoided. This picture also denotes success in a difficult and stressful task.

In a dream, stealing onions is a call to action and fight against people who are trying to poison life or prevent them from achieving success at work, building a career or promoting a business.

Dream Interpretation Bow Onion thickets in a dream foreshadow the anger and envy that you will encounter if you achieve success. Eating a bow means victory over your enemies. Cutting onions in a dream and crying while doing so is a sign that you will be defeated by your rivals. Seeing an onion growing in a dream means the appearance of rivals, the fight against which will add urgency to your experiences. Frying onions means serenity and small profits in business. Modern dream book

Interpretation of sleep Bow as a weapon If you dreamed of a bow and arrows: in the near future you will experience large profits, which you will receive due to the inability of others to fulfill their plans. Missing a bow: portends disappointment over failed business ventures.
Onion like a plant in a dream Seeing a lot of onions in a dream: foretells that, having achieved success, you will encounter anger and envy. There is a bow: a sign that you will defeat all your enemies. If you see onions growing in a garden bed in a dream: in real life your rivals will not bother you, but will only make your life more interesting. If you dream of cooked onions: your life will be calm and serene, it will not be overshadowed by even the small profitability of your commercial affairs. To dream that you are cutting onions and feel that the smell of onions caused a burning sensation in your eyes: it means that in reality your rivals will defeat you. Modern dream book

Dream Onion (plant) Onion (plant). Whoever sees it in a dream and does not eat it, then it is good, but if he eats it, it is not good. They also say: seeing an onion in a dream means acquiring some insignificant things. Peeling an onion means becoming the object of someone's flattery.
Bow (weapon) in a dream Bow weapon). If a bow has a string in a dream, it means greatness and power. If the bow is inside the quiver, then the wife will give birth to a boy. If anyone sees that the bow is broken, then one day glory and greatness will bring him disaster and trial. Islamic dream book

Why do you dream about Onion? Seeing an onion in a dream vegetable plant portends an unexpected illness or a dispute between relatives over an inheritance. Eating raw onions means that you will learn something that will cause you trouble and make you quarrel with your friends. Peeling an onion in a dream is a sign of deception or success in a difficult undertaking. Cutting onions with tears in your eyes means you will be defeated in the fight against your competitors. Frying onions or cooking in any other way portends a calm course of business and a small but stable profit. Eating dishes seasoned with onions means you will defeat your enemies and cope with difficulties, but at the cost of incredible effort and using all your savings. Seeing onions in the garden large quantities means that in reality you will cause envy and anger with your successes. Planting and growing onions foretells that you will only dream of peace, you will be so overwhelmed by business and worries. Trading onions in a dream means that you will succumb to the persuasion of ill-wishers and will be drawn into a bad story. Buying onions means trouble from your friends. If you dreamed of a bow as a type of weapon, it means that in real life you will have to hire a lawyer to protect your interests. An ancient combat bow means discord and enmity between close people; a sports bow portends that you will side with the one of the two arguing whom you sympathize with, even if he is wrong. A homemade bow with hazel arrows is a sign of public insult and a showdown of personal relationships. If in a dream you shoot from any kind of bow, this means that your prejudiced attitude will cause a sharply negative reaction from your friends. If you hit the target with a bow, your secret admirers will present you with a gorgeous gift; if you miss, consult a doctor if you feel unwell. A dream in which you see someone taking aim at you with a bow means the emergence of new enemies. Seeing Cupid or Cupid in a dream with a bow in his hands and a quiver of arrows on his shoulder means that the end of a love affair is approaching. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Bow GREEN ONION - a dispute over an inheritance, shame, sadness, tears, they will secretly be angry with you; cleaning - success in a difficult task // short-lived sadness; eat - get well (for the sick) // tears, quarrel; tear - tears, grief.
Drawing a BOW, shooting - anger, resentment; to break - death (to the patient), loss.
Maly Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Onion as a plant Onion, like a plant: a sign of hard work, which will ultimately lead to success. Peeling onions: success in a difficult task. Collecting bulbs: to receive a reward that you did not expect. Eating onions: to irritation, quarrel.
Bow as a weapon in a dream Stretched bow: represents secret desires. Bow without arrows: symbolizes life without a goal. Archery: love adventures, nice life. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Bow Onion. See a large number of a bow in a dream foretells you the anger and envy that you will encounter after achieving success. If you eat it, the enemies will retreat in front of you. If you see in a dream how it grows, there will be enough rivals in your affairs, the fight against which will add urgency to your experiences and a taste for life in general. Frying onions means serenity and small profits in business. To dream that you are cutting onions and feel that your eyes are moist is a sign that you will be defeated by your rivals. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Bow Onion dreams of anger and envy, which you will incur on yourself with your success. If you ate onions in a dream, then your enemies will retreat before you. If you see how it grows, you will be surrounded by rivals, the fight against which will give you a taste for life. If you fried onions, you will have a serene existence ahead and a small profit in business. Cut onions and shed tears - you will be defeated in the fight against your rivals. If in a dream you peeled onions and tears flowed at the same time, in reality you will go to have fun. Ate boiled onions - to health. If you ate fried onions, you made an enemy. If you planted flower bulbs in a dream - wait for the acquisition. If you admired the bulbs blooming in pots, you'll have to fork out some cash. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Bow Onion - plant - To dream that you are eating onions is a harbinger that you will find treasure or previously lost money (goods, things). If you are peeling onions and your eyes are very watery, the dream means quarrels with friends or relatives. Buying onions is a dream promising the recovery of your friend from a serious illness. Bow - weapon - If you dream that you are shooting from a bow and your arrow hits the target, it means that everything you have planned will come true. If you miss, it means that you will not be able to achieve your goal in life, and in addition, you will curse the one you recently loved. A girl’s dream in which her lover shoots a bow warns her of his inconstancy and instability. You cannot rely on this person; because of his carelessness, he will never learn to make money. Ancient English dream book

Dream Interpretation Bow as a weapon Bow to see: you have become someone's intended target. Archery: May cause heart disease.
Onion like a plant in a dream Green onion: to tears. Onion: to pleasure. Cutting onions: pleasure can end badly. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Bow as a weapon Onion: This is usually a bad omen. An arrow shot by someone that wounds you means that evil gossip is being spread about you. If you shoot an arrow in the air: your lover is unfaithful to you. Shooting in a dream: means that you are ready to act, to bring to life what you have been thinking about for so long. Hunt and shoot arrows with a bow: You will take a lot of risks, but the risk will pay off very well.
Onion like a plant in a dream Various gypsies give different interpretations Such dreams are usually onions: associated with fate, good or evil. Eating an onion in a dream, according to some gypsies, means that stolen property will be returned to you, and according to others, however, many gypsies believe that eating an onion in a dream means a complicated dispute, perhaps with one’s own family. Throwing away onions: to break off relations with your spouse or loved one. If you buy a bow: get an unexpected reward. Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation Onion (plant) Onion (plant). If in a dream you were peeling onions and your tears flowed, you might go to the circus or go somewhere else to have fun. Eating boiled onions is a sign of health, fried onions are a sign that you are making an enemy. Culinary dream book

Dream Interpretation Bow as a weapon Stretch the bow, shoot: anger, resentment; break: death (to the patient), loss.
Onion like a plant in a dream Green onion: dispute over an inheritance, shame, sadness, tears, secretly angry with you, peel: success in a difficult task / there is short-lived sadness: get well (for the sick) / tears, tear up a quarrel: tears, grief. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Bow Bow (weapon) - A drawn bow represents secret desires. A bow without arrows symbolizes life without a goal. Archery - love adventures, a pleasant life (see also Arrows). Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Onion as a plant Onion thickets in a dream: foreshadow the anger and envy that you will encounter after achieving success. There is a bow: to victory over enemies. Cutting onions in a dream and crying at the same time: a sign that you will be defeated by your rivals. Seeing an onion growing in a dream means the appearance of rivals, the fight against which will add urgency to your experiences. Frying onions: means serenity and small profits in business. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Bow Bow (weapon) A drawn bow represents secret desires. A bow without arrows symbolizes life without a goal. Archery - love adventures, a pleasant life (see also Arrows).
Onion (plant) A sign of hard work, which will ultimately lead to success. Peeling onions means success in a difficult task. Collecting bulbs means receiving a reward that you did not expect. Eating onions means irritation, quarrel.
Self-instruction manual for dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Onion as a plant Onions: dreams of anger and envy, which you will incur with your success. If you ate onions in a dream, your enemies will retreat before you. If you see how it grows, you will be surrounded by rivals, the fight against which will give you a taste for life. We fried onions: a serene existence and a small profit in business lie ahead. They cut onions and shed tears: you will be defeated in the fight against your rivals. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Bow For women: Both in reality and in a dream, it causes nothing but tears. True, you will have to cry from impotent anger, since your rivals in business or love will prevail over you and laugh cruelly. But this is only if you were cutting onions in a dream. If you eat it, then you will have to cry with joy, since none of the enemies will be able to overcome your strength, intelligence and beauty.
For men: Sadness, tears of people around you. A bitter loss awaits you or someone close to you. You need to control yourself. Cutting onions in a dream means trouble in the family, a quarrel with a loved one, which you will greatly regret.
For children: BOW - soon you will be very upset.
