Phenazepam method of administration and dosage. Phenazepam for injection - instructions for use. Overdose symptoms and adverse reactions

The drug "Rinonorm", according to the instructions for use, copes well with infectious and inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity. If the recommended dosage and duration of treatment are followed, the medicine relieves swelling, reduces nasal discharge and prevents the spread of infection to neighboring areas. Be sure to take into account contraindications and the appearance side effects.

The drug "Rinonorm" is produced in the form of a clear, odorless solution for administration into the nasal cavity. The cardboard packaging contains a dark-colored bottle of 10 or 15 ml and detailed description on using the spray. The drops are easy to dose, as there is a convenient spray nozzle.

The active ingredient of the nasal drug is xylometazoline hydrochloride. Spray "Rinonorm" has two varieties that differ in dosage active substance: 5 mg or 10 mg. There are also auxiliary components, which enhance the therapeutic effect.

pharmachologic effect

When administered locally, the drug has the following effects:

  • constricts blood vessels, as a result, swelling of the mucous surface of the nose and paranasal sinuses is eliminated;
  • the area of ​​inflammation decreases;
  • the likelihood of developing complications is reduced, since fluid stagnation in the sinuses is eliminated.

The effect of the drug begins almost immediately after administration. The amount of mucus secreted in the nasopharynx decreases, nasal breathing becomes easier, and headaches disappear. The patency of the nasal and sinus cavities, as well as the Eustachian tube, is restored. The action lasts for 5-6 hours.

Indications for use

Spray "Rinonorm" is prescribed for diseases the main symptom of which is a runny nose and nasal congestion:

  • Drops help get rid of a runny nose caused by viruses, bacteria, and allergens.
  • Copes with otitis media.
  • Prescribed for chronic or acute inflammations, occurring in the paranasal sinuses.

The drug is instilled before various diagnostic procedures performed in the area of ​​the nasal passages.

Contraindications and side effects

Cases where Rinonorm spray is contraindicated include:

  • a spray with a dosage of 0.05% cannot be used by children under two years of age, a dosage of 0.1% is contraindicated in children under 11 years of age;
  • atrophic rhinitis or runny nose, accompanied by dryness in the nasal cavity;
  • severe diseases of the organs of vision;
  • intolerance to the components included in the solution.

The drug is prescribed with caution to patients who have hypertension, severe heart pathologies, diabetes mellitus or hyperthyroidism.

Adverse reactions most often occur with incorrect dosage or prolonged use of the drug. Negative responses include:

  • dryness and burning in the nasal passages;
  • nausea;
  • headaches;
  • insomnia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • itching and rash on the skin;
  • heart rhythm disturbance.

If one of these symptoms appears, stop treatment and report the condition to your doctor.

Instructions for use "Rinonorm"

  • before injecting the medicine, clear the nasal cavity of accumulated mucus;
  • It is useful to rinse the nose with saline solution;
  • only after these procedures the bottle nozzle is inserted alternately into each nostril and the sprayer is pressed;
  • It is recommended to take a shallow breath while spraying the solution into your nose.

Instructions for use suggest the following dosage of the medication:

  • for children over two years old and under 10 years old, choose a 0.05% spray, which is administered one injection into each nostril three times a day;
  • for patients over 10 years of age and adults, choose a 0.1% spray, which is also injected three times.

In one session, you need to make one injection into each nostril. Do not use the drug more than 6 times a day. The interval between administration of the solution should be more than 5 hours. The duration of treatment should not exceed a week.


Overdose develops extremely rarely. If the recommended dosage and duration of treatment are not followed, the following symptoms appear:

  • heart rate increases;
  • blood pressure increases;
  • nausea and headaches occur;
  • I am worried about dryness and tingling in the nose.

If doses are exceeded, you need to rinse your nose and stomach and take an antihistamine and laxative.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy is often accompanied by nasal congestion, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body. The permeability and functioning of blood vessels changes, and swelling occurs. The condition is dangerous due to the development of fetal hypoxia. In addition, immunity decreases, and a woman becomes more easily infected with viruses and bacteria.

The drug "Rinonorm" cannot be used in the first trimester of pregnancy, as the active ingredients increase the risk of miscarriage and negatively affect the development of the fetus. It's better to choose more safe drugs, for example, “Aquamaris”, “Marimer”, “Saline”.

In the second and third trimester, the drug is prescribed in extreme cases when the condition threatens the development of the fetus. As a rule, they write out children's version drug. It is best to use the spray once, before bed.

The drug is released along with breast milk, therefore, during the treatment period it is better to replace it with mixtures.

Interaction with other drugs

If necessary, the nasal solution "Rinonorm" can be used simultaneously with antihistamines and antibiotics.

You cannot combine this medication with tetracyclic antidepressants.

Terms of sale in pharmacies

The drug is supplied to all pharmacies and is dispensed without a special prescription from a doctor. average price for the drug is 100 rubles.

Storage conditions and periods

The shelf life of the "Rinonorm" spray is three years. The solution in an opened bottle retains its medicinal properties for one year.

The medicine should be stored in a dark place, out of reach of children, at an air temperature of no more than +25 degrees.


Analogues of the spray “Rinonorm” are: “Galazolin”, “Otrivin”, “Xilen”, “DlyaNos”, “Brizolin”, “Tizin xylo”, “Farmazolin”.

In this article you can find instructions for use medicinal product Rhinonorm. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Rinonorm in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Rinonorm in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use of a vasoconstrictor for the treatment of runny nose, sinusitis and otitis in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition of the drug.

Rhinonorm- alpha-adrenergic agonist for local use in ENT practice.

When applied topically, xylometazoline (the active ingredient of the drug Rinonorm) causes a narrowing of arterioles, leading to a decrease in hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and a decrease in secretion. A distinct local effect of the drug is detected within a few minutes and persists for several hours (up to 6-8 hours), manifesting itself in the restoration of patency of the nasal passages, sinus openings and Eustachian tubes. Restoring air patency of the nasopharynx improves the patient’s well-being and reduces the risk of possible complications caused by stagnation of mucous secretions.


Xylometazoline hydrochloride + excipients.


When applied topically, xylometazoline is practically not absorbed, so the concentrations in the blood plasma are very small (not analytically determined).


Rinonorm is used as symptomatic therapy for the following diseases and conditions:

  • acute viral or bacterial rhinitis;
  • acute allergic rhinitis;
  • acute sinusitis or exacerbation of chronic sinusitis;
  • acute otitis media (to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube);
  • preparing the patient for diagnostic procedures in the nasal passages.

Release forms

Dosed nasal spray (for children) 0.05%.

Nasal spray dosed 0.1%.

The form in the form of nasal drops did not exist at the time the drug was described in the reference book.

Instructions for use and method of use

The maximum possible use of the drug is no more than 7 times a day. The interval between drug administration should not be less than 6 hours.

The amount of liquid entering the patient’s nasal passage (1 dose) is 0.14 ml of solution.

To avoid complications in the form of resumption of symptoms of the disease, the duration of continuous use of the drug should not exceed 7 days.

Before using the drug, you should clear the nasal passages of secretions. During administration of the drug, you should take a light breath through the nose.

Side effect

  • burning sensation and dryness of the nasal mucosa;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the nose, mouth and larynx;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • increased excitability;
  • arrhythmia;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • skin reactions.


  • atrophic (dry) rhinitis;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • condition after hypophysectomy;
  • simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants;
  • children under 2 years of age (for spray for children);
  • children under 10 years of age (for adult spray);
  • hypersensitivity to xylometazoline or other components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug should not be taken during pregnancy.

The drug should be used with caution during breastfeeding.

Use in children

Children aged 2 to 10 years are prescribed Rinonorm nasal spray for children 0.05%, 1 dose (1 press on the piston device) in each nasal passage no more than 3 times a day.

Adults and children over 10 years of age are prescribed Rinonorm nasal spray 0.1%, 1 dose (1 press on the piston device) into each nasal passage no more than 3 times a day.

Contraindicated in children under 2 years of age (for spray for children), children under 10 years of age (for spray for adults).

special instructions

The drug should be used with caution in case of arterial hypertension, serious illnesses heart, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus and patients taking bromocriptine.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

There was no effect on the ability to drive vehicles or control machines and mechanisms.

Drug interactions

Concomitant use of tri- or tetracyclic antidepressants may increase the systemic exposure of Rinonorm.

When taking the drug simultaneously with MAO inhibitors, there may be a risk of increased blood pressure.

Analogues of the drug Rinonorm

Structural analogues according to active substance:

  • Brizolin;
  • Galazolin;
  • Grippostad Reno;
  • For nose;
  • Dr. Theiss Nazolin;
  • Dr. Theiss Rhinotheiss;
  • Asterisk NOZ;
  • Influrin;
  • Xylene;
  • Xylobene;
  • Xylometazoline;
  • Xymelin;
  • Xymelin Eco with menthol;
  • Nosolin;
  • Nosolin balm;
  • Olint;
  • Otrivin;
  • Rinomaris;
  • Rhinorus;
  • Rhinostop;
  • Sanorin Xylo;
  • Sialor;
  • Snoop;
  • Suprima NOZ;
  • Tizin Xylo;
  • Tizin Xylo Bio;
  • Farmazolin;
  • Eucazoline Aqua;
  • Espazolin.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

"Rinonorm" - medicine with a vasoconstrictor effect, the drug is applied topically.

What is the composition and release form of the drug Rinonorm?

The medicine is produced in a metered spray, it is presented as a clear solution without any odor, the drug comes in two concentrations: 0.05% and 0.1%, where the active compound is xylometazoline hydrochloride. Among the auxiliary ingredients the following substances can be noted: monohydrate citric acid, water for injection, sodium citrate dihydrate, and also contains glycerol 85%.

A medicinal spray with a vasoconstrictor effect is placed in dark glass bottles, which are equipped with a dosing device and a convenient nasal attachment. Rinonorm is available without a prescription. The shelf life of the medicine is three years from the date of pharmaceutical release.

What is the effect of Rinonorm spray?

The drug Rinonorm is an alpha-adrenergic agonist that is used topically in otorhinolaryngology. The active component of the drug, represented by xylometazoline, leads to a narrowing of the vessels of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, in addition, redness and some swelling of the mucous membranes decreases, and secretions are noticeably reduced.

The local effect of the Rinonorm spray is achieved within a few minutes after using the pharmaceutical; it lasts up to eight hours, resulting in the restoration of lost patency of the nasal passages, as well as the Eustachian tubes and the openings of some sinuses.

After using the drug Rinonorm, air patency is restored, breathing through the nose is normalized, the patient’s well-being improves, and the possible development of complications that may arise due to stagnation of mucous secretion is reduced.

Xylometazoline hydrochloride does not have a systemic effect if used in therapeutic doses, since its concentration in the bloodstream is minimal when used topically.

What are the indications for use of the drug Rinonorm?

Rinonorm spray instructions for use allow use for the following diseases:

The pharmaceutical is prescribed to the patient before upcoming diagnostic procedures that will be carried out in the nasal passages;
For rhinitis of viral or bacterial origin;
For allergic rhinitis;
For sinusitis.

In addition, Rinonorm spray is indicated for use in acute otitis media.

What are the contraindications for use of Rinonorm?

I will list when Rinonorm (spray) instructions for use do not allow use:

With atrophic rhinitis;
The spray is not prescribed for angle-closure glaucoma;
In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the spray;
Do not use the spray together with MAO inhibitors, and do not prescribe the drug simultaneously with tricyclic antidepressants.

Rinonorm is prescribed with caution for hypertension, severe heart disease, diabetes and hyperthyroidism, as well as for persons taking the drug bromocriptine.

What is the use and dosage of the drug Rinonorm?

For adults and children over ten years of age, Rinonorm spray 0.1% is prescribed one injection into the nasal passage. This procedure is carried out no more than three times a day.

Children from 2 to 10 years old are recommended to use Rinonorm spray 0.05% on the recommendation of a pediatrician, with one press on the so-called piston device in each nasal passage. Multiplicity per day – three times. The maximum dose per day is no more than seven times. The interval between administration of the pharmaceutical drug should not be less than six hours.

To prevent the development of complications, the drug Rinonorm should be used continuously for no more than a week. Before using the medicine, you must first clear the nasal passages of accumulated secretions. During administration of the medication, it is necessary to inhale lightly through the nose.

Overdose from Rinonorm

Symptoms of an overdose of Rinonorm: in rare situations, the patient may experience arrhythmia, an increase in blood pressure, and sometimes loss of consciousness. In such a case, the patient is given symptomatic therapy. Sometimes mechanical ventilation may be required.

What are the side effects of Rinonorm?

The use of Rinonorm spray, which we continue to talk about on this page, can cause some local reactions, in particular, a burning sensation in the nose, dryness of the nasal mucosa, and possible irritation.

In addition, sometimes the patient develops a headache, is characterized by increased excitability, insomnia is observed, extremely rarely the patient complains of arrhythmia, increased blood pressure, and may also experience nausea and skin reactions.

If side effects occur from the use of this spray, the patient should consult a specialist in a timely manner.

special instructions

The use of Rinonorm spray does not negatively affect the patient's ability to drive.

How to replace Rinonorm, what analogues should I use?

Remedy Xylene, Sanorin-Xylo, For the nose, in addition, Xylometazoline bufus, Nosolin-balm, Grippostad Rino, Xylometazoline, Tizin xylo, Snoop, in addition, Xylometazoline-Rusfar,

spray for nasal use, dosed


ratiopharm GmbH

International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)

H66 Suppurative and unspecified otitis media J00 Acute nasopharyngitis (runny nose) J01 Acute sinusitis J30.1 Allergic rhinitis caused by pollen J30.3 Other allergic rhinitis J32 Chronic sinusitis Z51.4 Preparatory procedures for subsequent treatment, not elsewhere classified

Pharmacological group

Vasoconstrictor drug for topical use in ENT practice

pharmachologic effect

Alpha adrenergic agonist for local use in ENT practice.

When applied topically, xylometazoline causes constriction of arterioles, leading to a decrease in hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and a decrease in secretion. A distinct local effect of the drug is detected within a few minutes and persists for several hours (up to 6-8 hours), manifesting itself in the restoration of patency of the nasal passages, sinus openings and Eustachian tubes. Restoring air patency of the nasopharynx improves the patient’s well-being and reduces the risk of possible complications caused by stagnation of mucous secretions.


When applied topically, xylometazoline is practically not absorbed, so the concentrations in the blood plasma are very small (not analytically determined).

Rinonorm is used as symptomatic therapy for the following diseases and conditions:

Acute viral or bacterial rhinitis;

Acute allergic rhinitis;

Acute sinusitis or exacerbation of chronic sinusitis;

Acute otitis media (to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube);

Preparing the patient for diagnostic procedures in the nasal passages.

Atrophic (dry) rhinitis;

Angle-closure glaucoma;

Condition after hypophysectomy;

Simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants;

Children under 2 years of age (for spray for children);

Children under 10 years of age (for adult spray);

Hypersensitivity to xylometazoline or other components of the drug.

WITH caution The drug should be used for arterial hypertension, severe heart disease, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus and in patients taking bromocriptine.

Local reactions: burning sensation and dryness of the nasal mucosa; rarely - irritation of the mucous membrane of the nose, mouth and larynx.

From the side of the central nervous system: rarely - headache; rarely (< 1/10 000) - бессонница, повышенная возбудимость.

From the cardiovascular system: rarely (< 1/10 000) - аритмия, увеличение АД.

Other: rarely - nausea; rarely (< 1/10 000) - кожные реакции.


Symptoms: in rare cases of overdose, occurring mainly in children, arrhythmia, increased blood pressure, and in some cases loss of consciousness may be observed.

Treatment: symptomatic therapy under supervision is indicated. In serious cases, non-selective alpha-blockers can be used to lower blood pressure, as well as intubation and mechanical ventilation. Vasoconstrictor drugs are contraindicated. In case of accidental ingestion of moderate or large quantity the drug should be taken orally Activated carbon and a laxative (for example, sodium sulfate), perform gastric lavage.

special instructions

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

There was no effect on the ability to drive vehicles or control machines and mechanisms.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug should not be taken during pregnancy.

The drug should be used with caution during breastfeeding.

Drug interactions

Concomitant use of tri- or tetracyclic antidepressants may increase the systemic exposure of xylometazoline.

When taking the drug simultaneously with MAO inhibitors, there may be a risk of increased blood pressure.

Adults and children over 10 years old Prescribe Rinonorm nasal spray 0.1%, 1 dose (1 press on the piston device) in each nasal passage no more than 3 times a day.

Children aged 2 to 10 years Prescribe Rinonorm nasal spray for children 0.05%, 1 dose (1 press on the piston device) in each nasal passage no more than 3 times a day.

The maximum possible use of the drug is no more than 7 times a day. The interval between drug administration should not be less than 6 hours.

The amount of liquid entering the patient’s nasal passage (1 dose) is 0.14 ml of solution.

To avoid complications in the form of resumption of symptoms of the disease, the duration of continuous use of the drug should not exceed 7 days.

Before using the drug, you should clear the nasal passages of secretions. During administration of the drug, you should take a light breath through the nose.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 years, after opening the bottle - 1 year.

Release from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.
