Children's pork recipes. Children's meat dishes. Liver Puree

1. Steamed meat pudding

Pass the meat through a meat grinder, add butter, yolk, milk, salt. Mix everything, add the beaten egg white, and transfer to a small mug, pre-greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Cover the mug with a lid and place it on water bath and cook over low heat for 40-50 minutes.
You will need: meat - 50 g, butter - 3 g, eggs - 1/4 pcs, milk - 30 ml, salt

2.Puff cabbage rolls

Shred the cabbage leaves. Wash the meat, remove bones and tendons, cut into pieces, and pass through a meat grinder. Pour a little water onto the bottom of the pan, then, alternating, place the cabbage and minced meat, the first and last layer should be a layer of cabbage. Add butter and simmer until done. Before removing from heat, add sour cream and bring to a boil again.
You will need: butter - 10 g, minced meat - 30 g, cabbage - 100 g, sour cream - 10 g, salt

3. Omelet stuffed with meat

Grind the egg yolks with salt and butter, add the whipped whites. Grease a saucepan with oil, pour beaten eggs into it, immerse it in another vessel with water, cover with a lid and place in a very hot oven for 10 minutes. Flip the finished omelette onto a plate, place the ground meat and vegetables on it, roll it up and pour tomato juice over it.
You will need: 50 g of boiled ground meat, 1 egg, 1/2 coffee cup of milk, a piece of butter the size of a hazelnut, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of pureed boiled vegetables from the soup, parsley, 1 tbsp. spoon of tomato juice.

4.Meatballs with onions and carrots

200 g lean beef, 3 tbsp flour, Salt, 1 carrot, 1/2 onion
Scroll the meat through a meat grinder. Mix with flour, salt. Form into balls. Grate carrots and onions. Pour some water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add the meatballs and cook uncovered for five minutes. Add carrots and onions, cover and simmer for 10 minutes
For older kids, you can first fry the meatballs over low heat in butter, without adding water.

5.Octopus made from meatballs and spaghetti

chicken breast 0.5 pieces, onion 1 piece, egg 1 piece, flour 2 tbsp. spoons, vegetable oil 3 tbsp. spoons, spaghetti 100 grams
Make minced meat and onions minced in a meat grinder, adding egg, salt and pepper to taste.
Form small meatballs, roll in flour, fry in vegetable oil on both sides over high heat until golden brown.
take it out, pierce it with spaghetti... the thicker the pasta the better... the more beautiful..
Any amount of pasta... as much as anyone likes and wants to eat.
Gently lower the meatballs into boiling water one at a time so as not to break the pasta.
let simmer for 5 minutes, reduce heat to low
turn it off, I let it brew for another half an hour under the lid... the pasta will swell...
Bon appetit!

6.Rabbit meatballs.

600 g rabbit fillet 1 egg, 6 tbsp. boiled rice, 1 tbsp. herbs, salt
For the sauce:
0.5 liters of tomato juice, 2 tbsp. flour, juice of 1 lemon, 4 tbsp. sour cream, butter
Pass the meat through a meat grinder, add rice, egg, finely chopped herbs, and salt.
Mix the minced meat well, form into small balls, place in hot, lightly salted water (to which 1 tablespoon of oil has been added) and cook over low heat. Remove the finished balls from the broth with a slotted spoon.
IN tomato juice dilute the flour and combine with the water in which the meatballs were cooked. Boil the sauce, add lemon juice, sugar, sour cream, and salt to taste.
Pour the sauce over the finished meatballs

7.Vegetable stew with chicken

You will need:
Chicken 200 g, Zucchini 200 g, Pumpkin 100 g, Onion 20 g, Red sweet pepper 60 g, Garlic 1 g, Olive oil 15 ml
Boil chicken meat first.
Pour some into the pan olive oil. Wash the vegetables, cut into cubes. Place in a saucepan. Add chopped garlic. Place chicken meat cut into pieces there. Cover with a lid and cook for 15-20 minutes.

8. Steam cutlets with oatmeal and vegetables, From 1 year

You will need:
Oatmeal 50 g, Turkey 300 g, Carrots 50 g, Green onion (feather) 25 g, Leek 25 g, Chicken egg 30 g, Milk 50 g
Twist the meat, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onion.
Instead of bread, we will use oatmeal. Pour milk over the oatmeal and leave for 10 minutes.
Mix the meat with vegetables and oatmeal, add the egg. Steam for 15 minutes.
When serving, garnish with herbs

9. Carrot hedgehog croquettes

- Minced pork 500 gr. - Carrots 500 gr. - Eggs 2 pcs. - Salt, pepper to taste
To prepare this delicious dish we need to take a piece of meat (to make the cutlets juicier), maybe brisket or just lean pork and grind it in a meat grinder. Prepare the carrots - wash, peel and cut into pieces convenient for grinding them in a meat grinder. We also take two chicken eggs. Prepare the minced meat, mix the meat, carrots and add the eggs. Mix everything thoroughly, add salt and pepper to taste. We prepare our double boiler - pour about 1-1.5 liters of water into the bottom of the pan and put it on high heat until the water boils, now we form cutlets (you can do this with a teaspoon) and put them on the double boiler . Cover with a lid and cook for about 15-20 minutes. The cutlets are ready - you can invite everyone to try this dish!!! Children will especially like it, because... The shape of the cutlets resembles hedgehogs and koloboks. Bon appetit everyone!!!

10. Chicken meat balls with lemon, From 2 years

You will need:
Chicken 170 g, Lemon 10 g, Garlic 5 g, Sunflower oil 10 ml, Egg yolk 10 g, Basil 5 g
Wash and boil chicken fillet in salted water for 20 minutes. Cut into pieces.
Squeeze the garlic through a press.
Squeeze juice from lemon (1 teaspoon).
Combine chicken, garlic, yolk, basil and lemon juice, place in a blender bowl and grind.
Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry until golden brown.

11.Chicken fillet in sauce

Chicken fillet 400-500 g, carrots 1 pc, onion 1 pc, water 400 ml, sour cream 5 tbsp. l., mayonnaise 2-3 tbsp, khmeli-suneli 1 tsp, ground paprika 1 tsp, salt and sugar to taste, garlic 4 cloves, herbs, flour 1 tbsp. l. with a slide, oil for frying
1. Chop the meat not very coarsely. 2. Grate the carrots, cut the onion into cubes. 3. Fry the meat in oil, stirring, for 3-5 minutes. 4. Separately fry the onion until soft, add the carrots, simmer together a little. 5. In water add flour, sour cream, mayonnaise, all spices (except herbs and garlic), mix thoroughly. Bring to a boil, add roast and meat.6.Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.7.At the very end, add chopped garlic and herbs.8.Serve with any side dish.
Bon appetit!!!

12.Rice balls with chicken

For 1 serving(5pcs)
Boiled rice - 150g, Egg yolk (raw) - 1 pc., Boiled chicken fillet - 50g,
Place the rice and yolk in a blender bowl and beat until smooth and puree-like consistency. Chop the meat finely.
Divide the minced rice into 5 parts, form round balls, flatten them, put the chicken in the middle and pinch them like pies so that the filling is inside, roll the balls a little in your hands until they look nice and smooth (it’s better to work with minced rice with your hands moistened with water, so the minced meat will not will stick). Place the meatballs on a baking sheet, greased drain. butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees - 20-30 minutes until slightly golden, crispy (after 15 minutes the meatballs can be turned over for even baking). Cool the finished meatballs slightly and pour melted plums over them when serving. butter or sour cream.
Bon appetit!

In chapter « Beef dishes for children» presents recipes for children's beef dishes. Beef can be stewed or steamed with vegetables, or made into cutlets or cabbage rolls for children. It also turns out very tasty braised cabbage with beef.

AGE: 9 months

COMPOSITION: beef – 50g; carrots - 40g; onion— 15g; quail yolk - 1 pc. (chicken - 1/2 pcs.); dill

AGE: 3 years

COMPOSITION: beef - 0.5 kg; pitted prunes - 150 g; onions - 1 pc.; carrots - 1 pc.; tomato sauce (optional) - 2 tbsp. spoons; meat broth (water) - 3/4 cup; ghee - 3 tbsp. spoons; salt; ground black pepper

AGE: 2 years

COMPOSITION: beef (veal) - 500 g; onions - 1 pc.; garlic - 2 cloves; carrots - 1 pc.; tomato paste - 2-3 tbsp. spoons; sunflower oil

AGE: 1 year

COMPOSITION: potatoes - 100 g; beef - 40 g; butter

AGE: 2 years

COMPOSITION: potatoes - 1 kg; beef (veal) - 300 g; carrots - 1 pc.; onions (optional) - 1 pc.; tomato paste (optional) - 1 tbsp. spoon; pepper; salt; Bay leaf

AGE: 1.5 years

COMPOSITION: beef - 500 g; rice - 75 g; white cabbage - 1 head; chicken egg - 1 pc.; sour cream - 200 g; carrots - 1 pc.; onions - 1 pc.; salt

Minced meat is prepared from natural minced meat or from cutlet or dumpling mass. Fat, tendons, and films are cut off from meat intended for minced meat, cut into small pieces, passed through a meat grinder twice, water is added, salted, and kneaded thoroughly. Natural chopped cutlets, schnitzels, and steaks are prepared from this minced meat.

For cutlets add to ground meat White bread without the crust, previously soaked in water or milk and squeezed out, the mass is again passed through a meat grinder, salted, water is added and mixed thoroughly. Bread and water in the cutlet mass should constitute no more than 20-25 and 30% of the amount of meat, respectively.

Cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, rolls, zrazy, meatballs, which differ in shape and size, are prepared from the cutlet mass. Cutlets have an oblong oval shape with pointed ends, meatballs have a rounded, flattened shape, meatballs have a spherical shape, and meatballs have the shape of small balls.

For intestinal diseases, bread in the cutlet mass is replaced with viscous rice porridge, at diabetes mellitus, obesity - cottage cheese. Minced meat for quenelles differs from cutlet minced meat in that instead of bread, beaten egg whites, butter, and milk are added to it and, after mixing, beaten until a homogeneous fluffy mass is formed. Salt the minced meat for the quenelles at the end of beating.

Minced meat must be prepared immediately before cutting and preparing the dish. So that when cutting the minced meat does not stick to your hands, it is easier to give it the required form, hands should be moistened with water.


Pass the meat pulp through a meat grinder twice along with white bread soaked in milk, add butter, salt and mix thoroughly. Cut the minced meat into meatballs and steam them, placing them on a water bath rack moistened with water. Meat - 100 g, bread - 25 g, milk - 30 ml, butter - 5 g.


Flatten the well-beaten cutlet mass with a damp hand. cutting board, put boiled chopped eggs mixed with boiled, finely chopped carrots in the middle of the meat flatbread. Connect the edges of the flatbreads, giving them the shape of a pie, place on the grease of a steam pan, greased with oil, pour cold water into the pan (1/3 of the volume) and cook the zrazy under the lid until tender (20-25 minutes). Meat - 100 g, white bread - 20 g, water - 25 ml, eggs - 1/4 pcs., carrots - 15 g.


Roll small flat cakes about 1 cm thick from minced meat cutlets on a cutting board moistened with water, place boiled rice in the middle of each, mixed with onions sautéed in butter and chopped hard-boiled eggs, or buckwheat porridge with sautéed onions. Pinch the edges of the flatbreads, giving them an oval shape, lightly fry them in butter and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Meat - 100 g, white bread - 15 g, rice - 10 g, onion - 7 g, eggs - 1/4 pcs., butter - 7 g (buckwheat porridge - 20 g).


Pass beef or chicken meat cut into pieces twice: through a meat grinder, add milk, butter, beat everything well, then add, stirring gently, whipped egg white, salt. Cut the minced meat into dumplings weighing 20-25 g and steam it, placing it on a wire rack in a water bath. Meat - 100 g, milk - 30 ml, butter - 5 g, eggs (white) - 1/2 pcs.


Combine the meat, minced twice, with grated cottage cheese, mix, mince again, add egg, butter, beat, add salt. Form quenelles from the resulting mass and cook them in a water bath. Meat - 75 g. cottage cheese - 30 g, eggs - 1/2 pcs., butter - 3 g


Remove the skin from the breast and legs of the chicken, remove the tendons and films and prepare a cutlet mass from the chicken meat and soaked squeezed white bread, form into cutlets and steam. You can put them in a small saucepan greased with oil, add a little water and, tightly closing the lid, place it in a large saucepan with boiling water. Boil until done (15-20 minutes). Chicken meat - 100 g, white bread - 20 g, milk - 25 ml.


Pass the meat through a meat grinder, mix with white bread soaked in water and squeezed out, pass through the meat grinder again, beat gradually adding cold water, form cutlets. Place on the wire rack, pour water into the pan under the wire rack, close with a lid and | put on fire. When the water boils, reduce the heat - a low simmer will make the cutlets softer. Meat - 100 g, white bread - 20 g, water - 30 ml.


Pass the meat and the bread soaked in milk through a meat grinder twice, add salt, dilute with milk to a mushy consistency, add the yolk, mix, then carefully fold in the beaten egg white. Place everything in a generously greased butter and a baking dish sprinkled with breadcrumbs and steam (keep steamed for 40-45 minutes). Meat - 50 g, bun - 15 g, milk - 15 g, eggs - 1/2 pcs., butter - 5 g.


From minced meat, prepared as for cutlets, roll 2-3 round balls with a diameter of 3-3.5 cm, put them in a frying pan, add water so that it reaches half of the meatballs, cover with a lid and put in the oven for 30 minutes. Meat - 90 g, white bread - 20 g, water - 90 ml.


Prepare steamed meat cutlets as described above, transfer them to a portioned frying pan or a small pan greased with oil, pour milk sauce over them and bake in the oven. Meat - 100 g, bread - 20 g, water - 30 ml, milk sauce - 30 g.


Prepare the cutlet mass, place it on damp gauze in a 5 cm layer. Place hard-boiled finely chopped eggs in the middle. Lifting the gauze on one side, connect the edges of the cutlet mass, level the surface of the roll through the gauze, and give it round shape, place on the rack of a steam pan and cook for 30-40 minutes. Ready (take out the roll together with the wire rack, remove the gauze, cut into pieces. Meat 100 g, white bread - 20 g, milk - 20 ml, eggs - 1/4 pcs.


Add to cutlet mixture a raw egg, mix well. Minced meat is suitable for soaking cold water gauze, spread into a 1.5 cm layer, and top with a steamed omelette made from eggs and milk. Connect the edges of the gauze so that the edges of the roll overlap one after the other. Transfer the roll to the rack of a steam pan and cook until tender (about 30 minutes). For the roll: meat - 100 g, white bread - 20 g, milk - 30 ml, eggs - 1/4 pcs. For the omelet: eggs - 1 pc., milk - 25 ml.


From the cutlet mass, form meatballs weighing 20-30 g, lightly fry them in butter, transfer to a shallow pan and pour in milk (sour cream) sauce. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Cutlet mass - 100 g, butter - 5 g, sauce - 40 g.


They are prepared from cutlet mass. Place the formed meatballs on the rack of a steam pan with boiling water, close the lid and steam for about 15 minutes.


Form small balls from minced meat, prepared as for cutlets, place them in a frying pan with a small amount of water (no more than 1/2 the height of the meatball) and simmer under the lid for 10-15 minutes. Meat - 100 g, white bread - 20 g, water - 30 ml.


From the cutlet mass, to which a raw egg has been added, form meatballs slightly smaller in size walnut, place in a frying pan greased with butter, fill half the height with water and cook in a sealed container at low boil for 10-15 minutes. Pour the cooked meatballs with sour cream (milk) sauce and boil. Meat - 100 g, white bread - 15 g, eggs - 1D pcs., milk - 20 ml. sauce - 50 ml.


Add to cutlet mixture vegetable oil, egg, salt, beat, form meatballs, steam them. Dissolve pre-soaked gelatin in hot broth or vegetable broth and strain. Pour a little broth or vegetable broth with dissolved gelatin into a shallow form that has cooled to 30°C, add the cooled meatballs, add the rest of the broth or broth, and let it harden. Meat - 100 g, white bread - 25 g, milk - 30 ml, vegetable oil - 5 g, eggs - 1/3 pcs., vegetable broth or broth - 150 ml, gelatin - 3 g.


Boil the meat, pass through a meat grinder twice, combine with milk sauce, beat well. Stirring, bring to a boil, and add butter before serving. Meat - 100 g, milk - 15 ml, wheat flour - 5 g, butter - 5 g.


Pass the boiled chicken meat through a meat grinder twice, add milk, flour, egg yolk, mix everything, add the whipped white. Place the mixture in a greased pan and bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes. To prevent the soufflé from burning, it is better to place the form in a deep frying pan with water. Boiled chicken - 60 g, milk - 30 ml, flour - 3 g, eggs - !/2 pcs., butter - 3 g.


Cut the meat without films and tendons into pieces and simmer in a small amount of water until half cooked, then add stale white bread or crackers soaked in cold water, pass everything through a meat grinder with a fine grid, add broth, mashed yolks and stir, gradually adding whites whipped into foam. . Place this mass in a pan, greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and bake, covered, in the oven or in a water bath. Meat - 100 g, white bread - 20 g, milk - 30 ml, eggs - 1/4 pcs., butter - 3 g.


Pass the boiled meat through a meat grinder twice, combine with white bread soaked in milk, add salt, dilute with milk to a porridge-like consistency, add the egg yolk, mix, then carefully add the whipped white. Place the resulting mass in a pan greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs and steam until ready (keep in the steam pan for 20-25 minutes). Meat - 100 g, white bread - 15 g, milk - 30 ml, eggs - 1/2 pcs., butter - 3 g.


Cut the meat into small pieces, put in a pan with water and cook until done. Pass the boiled meat 2-3 times through a meat grinder with a fine grid, add the broth in which it was cooked, stir thoroughly, and boil for 1-2 minutes. Add butter to the finished puree. Meat - 100 g, water - 100 ml, butter - 5 g.


Boil the meat, cool, mince three times, combine with white (sour cream or milk) sauce. Mixing thoroughly, add the yolk of a raw egg, add salt, and gradually add the beaten white to the meat puree. Beat the mixture well, transfer to a frying pan greased with butter and, closing the lid, bring to readiness over low heat. Meat - 100 g, sauce - 35 g, eggs - 1/2 pcs, butter - 3 g.


It differs from the one described above in that the mass prepared for the soufflé should be placed in a greased form and steamed until tender in a water bath.


Pass boiled chicken meat 2-3 times through a meat grinder with a fine grid, combine with well-cooked rice porridge, stir, add yolks, melted butter and whipped whites. Stir the resulting mass, transfer it to a greased form and cook in a water bath. Pour the finished soufflé with butter. Boiled chicken - 100 g, rice - 10 g, milk - 30 ml, eggs - 1/4 pcs., butter - 8 g.


Simmer the liver in a frying pan under the lid along with onions and carrots in a small amount of water until soft. When it cools down, mince the carrots and onions several times, add salt and whipped butter. Form the liver mass into a roll and cool. Liver - 75 g, carrots - 15 g, onions - 10 g, butter - 7.5 g.


Pass the liver through a meat grinder, add grated boiled carrots, butter, raw egg yolk, ground crackers, salt, beat thoroughly, carefully add the beaten egg white. Place the mixture in a mold greased with butter and steam for 40 minutes. When serving, drizzle with melted butter. Liver - 60 g, carrots - 20 g, eggs - 1/2 pcs., ground crackers - 10 g, butter - 5 g.


1. Frozen meat is defrosted at a temperature of 18~20°C, slowly. At the same time, the released meat juice is absorbed back. 2. Beef will cook faster and taste better if you rub it with mustard powder in the evening.

3. To make stringy and tough meat loosen better, it is recommended to chop it across the grain with the blunt side of a knife. To avoid loss of juice when frying highly loosened meat, it is rolled in flour, egg laison (eggs mixed with water and milk) and breadcrumbs.

4. Schnitzels and chops become softer if you brush them with a mixture of vinegar and vegetable oil 1-2 hours before cooking.

5. Chopped cutlets are easier to cut if you add a little potato starch to the minced meat.

6. Before breading the cutlets in breadcrumbs, they are moistened in laisonné. This makes the cutlets taste better.

7. If the foam sinks to the bottom when cooking the broth, you should add a little cold water: The foam will rise to the surface and can be easily removed.

8. The boiled broth is topped up with boiling water only.

9. To have homemade noodle soup on meat broth was transparent, the noodles are first dipped in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, drained in a colander, and then boiled in broth until tender.

10. To better singe the bird carcass, it is cleaned of remaining feathers, dried and rubbed with flour or bran in the direction from the legs to the neck to raise the remaining hairs.

11. If during gutting the bird the gall bladder is crushed, then the areas stained with bile should be immediately rubbed with salt and then washed.

* -- for children over two years old

** - for children over one and a half years old.

Vladislav Gennadievich LIFLYANDSKY - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Viktor Veniaminovich ZAKREVSKY - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

People are constantly debating whether they should use meat dishes for normal human well-being. Some claim that it is extremely useful, others say that you can live without it, eating only plant foods. Adults decide for themselves whether to eat meat or not. But what about the child? Is meat good for children's bodies? Yes, for every child for the right...

People constantly debate whether it is necessary to eat meat dishes for a person’s normal well-being. Some claim that it is extremely useful, others say that you can live without it, eating only plant foods. Adults decide for themselves whether to eat meat or not. But what about the child? Is meat good for children's bodies? Yes, for every child correct height development requires not only vitamins and amino acids present only in meat, but also animal proteins, which are the “building blocks” for a young, growing organism.

But to Small child did not refuse to eat meat dishes, they must be tasty, and in order for them to truly be the material for the creation of his cells and tissues, meat must be able to cook correctly. Here at the House of Knowledge there are 7 great recipes meat dishes that are guaranteed to please a child under 1 year old.

To prepare delicious ground meat for your baby:

  1. Grind through a meat grinder or grind well in a blender boiled meat (50g), previously cleared of fat and all films.
  2. Melt 5g butter (0.5 tsp) in a small saucepan and let it boil.
  3. First simmer the onion (piece) in oil and then the meat.
  4. Sprinkle the ingredients with 0.5 tsp. flour and stir.
  5. Add some broth (low-fat) and salt.
  6. Simmer in the oven with the lid closed.
  7. Remove from the oven, then pass through a sieve (preferably a hair sieve).
  8. Add oil (3g).

Ready-made ground meat can be served to a child with a bun (sandwich), with porridge, or added to a low-fat broth.

To prepare a tasty liver for a child, you need to remove the blood from it. To do this, soak 200 g of liver in water (running or periodically draining old water). Then remove the film and tubules, cut into cubes (small), salt and sprinkle with a little flour. After this, dissolve the butter (10g) in a saucepan and let it brown. First fry the onion (15g) in oil, and then the liver, which must be quickly turned during frying so as not to overcook. After this, simmer in the oven (5 minutes) covered and cool. Then 2p. scroll through a meat grinder and pass through a sieve. This grated liver is used to feed a one-year-old child.

Read also: Vegetable purees for children.

To prepare liver puree for a child, 80g of veal or beef liver must be washed well, the films removed and all the tubules cut out. Then pour water (cold) into the bottom of the pan and place the liver in it. In this form, the liver must be simmered in a steam bath (insert a pan with the liver into a saucepan or other container with water (boiling)) or over low heat until soft.

Then the liver is passed through a meat grinder, and then rubbed through a sieve or crushed in a blender. The liquid in which the liver was cooked (stewed) must be filtered through cheesecloth and then added to the liver.

Before serving to the child, add 3g of plums to the puree for taste. oil (1/3-1/2 tsp) and salt.

Children love meatballs, so don't forget to cook them for your child.

To do this, you will need minced meat cutlets, but you need to mix 1 whipped egg white into it along with water.

Then the resulting mass must be placed on a wet board and divided into individual meatballs.

However, expect that one serving usually includes 3-4 meatballs. Then roll them into balls (wet your hands with water or lubricate them with protein) and boil them in the soup for 8-10 minutes.

(recipe for 2 servings)

To prepare cutlets for a child, 100g of veal meat (pulp) must be cleaned of fat and all films, and then passed through a meat grinder twice.

At the same time, do this a second time with a piece of stale bread soaked in milk.

Then you need to salt the minced meat, add cold milk (2 tbsp) and butter (1 tsp). After this, cutlets are formed from the minced meat, which are first fried in a frying pan in oil, and then for 5-10 minutes. - in the oven. Cutlets served to a child should be well cooked.

Nowadays chicken is very common. The meat of this bird is very healthy for adults and children. You can make very tasty cutlets from chicken, which are prepared similarly to veal cutlets.

Loin parts are suitable for this.

First, all skin, tendons and films are removed from the meat, and 1 tsp is added to the minced meat. oil, after which it is kneaded very well.

Child at 10 months. - For 1.5 years, it is customary to give meat in the form of cutlets (steamed), meat puree, and meatballs. Do this no more than once a day. At the same time, to prepare meat dishes for a child, you can only use meat best quality(best of all - young), without tendons and fat. A child aged 1.5-2 years can already be given meat in baked form (puddings and casseroles), as well as in the form of fried cutlets...

Child at 10 months. - For 1.5 years, it is customary to give meat in the form of cutlets (steamed), meat puree, meatballs. Do this no more than once a day. At the same time, to prepare meat dishes for your child, you can use only the best quality meat (young is best), without tendons and fat.

A child aged 1.5-2 years can already be given meat in baked form (puddings and casseroles), as well as in the form of fried cutlets. Fried pieces or stewed meat are given to children from 3 years old. Also, a variety of dishes prepared from liver and brains are very useful for a child.

Below are recipes for 7 recipes for meat dishes, as well as 2 recipes for sauces for meat that can be given to a child.


  1. Meat (pulp) - 50g
  2. Flour - 5g
  3. Oil - 6g
  4. Broth - 50ml
  5. Onion - 3g

Ingredients for mashed potatoes:

  1. Potatoes - 200g
  2. Oil - 3g
  3. Milk - 50g

To prepare ground meat for a child, remove all fat and films from the pulp (50g) and simmer it in a closed saucepan with simmered onions (3g).

After frying, you need to pour broth into the meat (a little) and put it in the oven. There the ingredients are stewed until they are soft, after which everything is passed through a meat grinder and ground through a sieve. Then add 1 tbsp to the meat. (white), stir, let it boil again and serve the child with mashed potatoes.


  1. Meat (pulp) - 70g
  2. Oil - 6g
  3. Roll - 20g
  4. Rice - 20g
  5. Egg - 1/6 pcs.
  6. Onion - 5g
  7. Oil - 3g

Ingredients for the sauce:

  1. Sugar - 2g
  2. Tomato - 5g
  3. Flour - 5g
  4. Sour cream - 10g
  5. Oil - 3g
  6. Broth - 30g

This roll is quite easy to prepare for your child. To do this, make minced meat and place it on a (wet) towel in a long strip. Place rice (cooked) on top of the center of the minced meat, which is pre-mixed with chopped boiled eggs and stewed onions. Then bring the edges of the towel together, thus pinching the edges of the roll. Place it on an oiled sheet, and grease the top with sour cream, grated with butter and egg. After this, to prevent the roll from cracking, pierce it with a fork several times and place it in the oven for 30 minutes. At this time, it must be periodically watered with drained fat.

Rice can be replaced with minced buckwheat or noodles.

It is customary to serve this roll to a child with tomato sauce. To prepare it, dissolve the oil and put tomato paste in it. Fry the ingredients until they darken a little, sprinkle with flour and fry a little more. Then put sugar, sour cream in the pan and dilute with broth. The sauce should boil for another 20-30 minutes, after which it must be strained. At this point the tomato sauce is ready. Pour it over the roll and you can serve it to your child.

Read also: Cutlets for a child.


  1. Rice - 40g
  2. Broth - 50g
  3. Oil - 10g
  4. Tomato puree - 5g
  5. Onion - 5
  6. Chicken or veal - 50g
  7. Flour - 3g

To prepare a stew for a child, you need to boil the chicken or fry the veal, after which the meat needs to be cut into cubes (smaller). After this, dissolve 1 tbsp. oil and in it fry a finely chopped onion (0.25 pcs.), and then rice (dry - 40g), which is pre-wiped with a towel. Fry rice until low yellow color, and not until it darkens. When the rice begins to emit a pleasant smell, pour broth (2 tablespoons) over it and, stirring constantly, boil. When the rice is cooked (becomes soft), add tomato paste (1 tsp) or tomato, meat (veal or chicken), then stir and heat thoroughly.

(for older children)


  1. Veal - 100g
  2. Oil - 6g
  3. Rutabaga - 50g
  4. Sugar - 5g
  5. Flour - 5g
  6. Potatoes - 100g
  7. Onion - 5g
  8. Carrot - 50g
  9. Milk - 30ml

To prepare a stew for a child, thoroughly rinse lean lamb (100g) or veal (100g) and dry with a napkin or towel. Then cut the meat into medium pieces, sprinkle with flour and salt. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the meat in it until golden brown.

Cut peeled and washed vegetables into cubes: potatoes (100g), carrots (50g), rutabaga or turnip (50g).

Place the fried meat in a saucepan and add chopped vegetables to it. Then add salt (0.5 tsp) and add enough water to lightly cover the ingredients. Cover the pan and let it simmer. Add flour (1 tsp) to half-cooked vegetables, which must first be mixed with milk (2 tbsp) and sugar (0.5 tsp). Simmer the stew until the vegetables are soft. At this time, make sure that it is constantly juicy (has moisture). If you notice that the stew is thickening too much, pour a little hot broth or water into it.

Read also: Fish dishes for children.

(for older children)


  1. Carrot - 20g
  2. Meat - 100g
  3. Oil - 5g
  4. Onion - 10
  5. Roots - 10g
  6. Tomato - 5g

To stew for a child, meat, rump, cut or top must be freed from fat, washed, dried with a napkin or towel and completely rubbed with salt. Then melt the butter and fry the onion, cut into thin rings, in it. Then put the meat there along with thinly sliced ​​carrots, celery and parsley. Once the meat is well fried, pour in water (2 full tablespoons) and cover. In this form, the meat must be stewed for about 3 hours, periodically turning over and pouring juice over it. To improve and enhance the taste, add 1 chopped tomato (fresh!). Only serve fresh stewed meat to your child.


  1. Oil - 5g
  2. Cabbage - 150g
  3. Meat (pulp) - 30g
  4. Rice - 20g
  5. Tomato - 5g
  6. Sugar - 2g
  7. Flour - 5g
  8. Onion - 5g
  9. Sour cream - 10g
  10. Oil - 8g
  11. Egg - 0.25 pcs.

In cabbage rolls, many children do not eat cabbage (healthy!), but if you prepare them correctly, your child will eat the whole cabbage rolls. First, select whole cabbage leaves and remove all their hard parts. Then put them in boiling water, boil once and remove the water using a sieve. Grind the meat in a meat grinder or blender and mix with well-cooked rice, fried onions (in oil) and a boiled egg (finely chopped). After this, place the minced meat in the center of the cabbage leaves, wrap them, roll them in breadcrumbs and flour, fry a little in oil, transfer to a saucepan, add tomato sauce and simmer in the oven for up to 40 minutes. One serving for a child usually consists of 2 cabbage rolls.

Tomato sauce for cabbage rolls.
Fry the tomato in melted butter, add sugar, flour, dilute with sour cream and broth, and then cook for another 10 minutes.


  1. Carrot - 10g
  2. Meat - 100g
  3. Butter - 8g
  4. Sour cream - 10g
  5. Onion - 5g
  6. Wheat flour - 3g
  7. Tomato - 5g

To prepare beef stroganoff for your child, rinse the meat thoroughly under running water and remove all films, tendons and fat from it. Then it must be cut into pieces (oblong) across the grain and fried in oil. Then pour a little broth into the pan, put the meat in it and, cover with a lid, simmer over low heat. Before the meat is ready, add carrots (chopped into small rings) and onions (rings).

Flour sauce for beef stroganoff.
To prepare such a sauce, you need to slowly dilute the dried flour with warm broth, then simmer over low heat until it thickens (like sour cream). Then stir it with tomato paste and pour into the meat. After this, put it in a bathhouse and boil it for 10-15 minutes.

The baby is usually served with either mashed potatoes or fried potatoes.

(module Banner-article-4)


  1. Milk - 50-100ml or broth - 50ml.
  2. Flour - 5g
  3. Oil - 5g

Dry the flour in a frying pan, cool, sift, transfer to a saucepan, dilute with milk and let sit for 30 minutes. stand. Then mix everything and boil, stirring constantly and adding milk (if it thickens too much), for 10-15 minutes. Just before serving to your child, stir in butter (butter) into the sauce.

You can diversify the sauce like this:

  1. Egg sauce. Finely chop the boiled egg and mix with the sauce before serving.
  2. Sauce for boiled fish, chicken, cabbage. Before serving to the child, add diluted with 1 tbsp to the sauce. cream and 1 tsp. lemon juice raw egg (1 pc.)


  1. Flour - 5g
  2. Oil - 5g
  3. Tomatoes - 20g
  4. Tomato paste - 5g
  5. Broth (or water) - 30-50ml
  6. Sugar - 2-3g
  7. Sour cream - 10-15g

Melt the butter (0.5 tsp) in a saucepan and add a ripe medium-sized tomato cut into slices. Then sprinkle it with flour (1 tsp), dilute the sauce with water or broth until thick and boil for 10 minutes. After this, to remove grains and film, press it through a sieve. Then add salt, add sugar (0.5 tsp), sour cream (1 tbsp) and boil until thickened.
